Chapter 1496TaoyuanSHEweakness
第1496章桃园SHE的弱点At this time, Fang Linyandiscovered that in the middle ofownpresentwater puddle, the bloody waterstarted, if the smoggeneraltransformingformation, turned intowriting:
这时候,方林岩发现自己的眼前水洼当中,血水开始若烟雾一般的幻化成型,变成了一个个的文字:„Breedshunting forCD8492116, Zwelcomeenters the three-countryworld.”
“殖猎者CD8492116号,Z欢迎进入三国世界。”„Yourstatusat presentis: Mercenaries who the smugglingenters.”
“你的身份目前为:偷渡进入的雇佣军。”„Thereforeyouare unable to obtainanymain lineduty.”
“因此你无法获得任何主线任务。”„Yourcontourhas crossed the camouflage, canintegrate intothisworldperfectly, youhas learnedthisworld's mainstreamcommon language, afterleavingthisworldforgets.”
“你的外形已经过伪装,能完美融入本世界,伱已习得本世界主流通用语言,在离开本世界后遗忘。”Note: Youobtained the ability: The detection, thisabilitywithyouin the consistency that in the middle of the jointtrialobtains, butdetachmentuselimit, butyouwill use the detectionto be deducted300universe pointseach time.
提示:你获得了能力:侦查,此能力与你在联合试炼当中获得的一致,不过移除了使用次数的限制,但你每次使用侦查都会被扣除300通用点。Time: Jianan in the winter of 24/ in 219 A. D.
时间:建安24年冬/公元219年Place: wheatcity
地点:麦城Scene: Feudal society/supernatural force
场景:封建社会/超自然力量强Thisscenein a big wayformsthree to the condition.
本场景形成有三大必须条件。1st, the beginningemperorsuccessall assembledweekemperornine tripods, have not gatheredworldgold/metaliron, casts12metal statuesto suppress the worlddestiny, therefore the worldvitalitywas fullinHan Dynastyas before.
一,始皇帝成功聚齐周天子九鼎,并未聚天下金铁,铸十二金人镇压天地气运,因此天地元气在汉代的时候依旧充盈。2nd, burning the books and burying the Confucian scholars alivehas not happened.
二,焚书坑儒事件未发生。3rd, when Emperor Wu of Han, reveres the Confucianist methodto rejecthundredeventsnot to happen alone, amongall of various schools of thought that the yin-yang school, refininggentlemanlineage/veincanfortunately survive, therefore the Three Kingdom era, inJi, the Southern Chinaimmortal, on the purpleemptyperson, leftCiand the otherscanappear.
三,汉武帝时,独尊儒术罢黜百家事件并未发生,诸子百家当中,阴阳家,炼气士一脉得以幸存,因此三国时期,于吉,南华仙人,紫虚上人,左慈等人得以出现。Difficulty: The Shuarmy( are almost impossibleto complete) the Slevel/WuCaoLianjun( youto be ableflow pointblood) the Blevel
难度:蜀军(几乎不可能完成)S级/吴曹联军(你会流点血)B级Sensation of painweakening: 30
痛觉削弱度:30Personal abilityextrasepcific rating: 100( havelimit), trigger conditiontoplacebattlefield( afteryouenterbattlefield, will obtainexplicitprompt), and side( in100meters) enemysoldiersare over30, at the appointed timeyouwill obtain the large scalereducingwoundeffect, the receivedanyinjuryreduces50, butthisdefensive powerimprovementeffectonlyaims at the injuryfromplotcharacter.
个人能力额外强化度:100(有限制),触发条件为身处战场(当你进入战场后,会获得明确提示),并且身边(一百米内)敌军士兵超过三十名,届时你将获得大幅度的减伤效果,受到的任何伤害降低50,但此防御力提升效果仅针对来自剧情人物的伤害。Thisworldis the PVPworld, allpromisors/amongtrialattack each other to yield the sum totalincome, 100fallingbloodykeys.
该世界为PVP世界,所有契约者/试炼者之间互相攻击都会获得全额收益,100掉落血腥钥匙。Thisworldfor the goldenmain linedutyworld, in the middle ofthisworld, youwill meetmassivesubordinations/to breedhunting forinotherspacespromisors.
该世界为黄金主线任务世界,在此世界当中,你将会遇到大量的隶属于其余空间的契约者/殖猎者。Inthisworld, anydisclosed the space, the promisor, bred the hunting forrelatednews, by the river crabsoftwareauto-acquireshield, is unable by the localcharactersensation.
在本世界当中,任何透露空间,契约者,殖猎者有关的消息,都会被河蟹软件自动捕捉屏蔽,无法被本土人物感知到。Warning: Thisworldsituationis special, iftriesto carry out the returninstructionto needto obtain the relatedfaith token, thengoes to the specialdesignated areato carry out the returnorder.
When returnneedsto continueto recite for oneminute, thisconditionwill only come from the attack of promisorto break, butis regarded aswill withdraw from the battlefield, confiscates all incomes in the middle ofthisworldyielding, and military rankreducesfirst-order.
After theseinformation11Fang Linyanread, the rainwater that the spacefallssplashed downonhisflesh, thisalsorepresentedFang Linyanformallyto enterthisworld.
这些信息一一都被方林岩阅读完毕了之后,天上掉落的雨水就溅落在了他的肌肤上,这也代表着方林岩正式进入到了本世界当中。„Hereiswheatcity, Wu has armybroken the cityevidently? Thentheseis to witnesstwomasters the dead end of lifetime?”
“这里原来是麦城啊,看样子吴军已经破城了?那么这一次是要见证二爷的人生的末路了?”Saidonewhile convenient, after Guan Yuwas killed, is less thanonemonth, Cao Caodied of illnessinLuoyang.
顺带说一句,关羽被杀后不到一个月,曹操病逝于洛阳。In the Fang Linyanhearthad a clear(ly)to become awareimmediately.方林岩心中顿时生出了一股明悟。Becauseis unable to obtain the main lineduty the reason, therefore, Fang Linyanliftedcorpseas scheduleddirectly, thenstood, preparesto seek for a safehigh place.
因为无法获得主线任务的缘故,所以按照原计划,方林岩直接掀开了身上的尸体,然后站了起来,准备寻找一个安全的高处。Baronat the beforehandbrief meetingsaidveryclearly, heafterbasingto be appropriatesends out a round of signal flareimmediately, theneveryonetoward the positioncentralism of signal flarein the past, becausetime press, therefore after entering the world , try not to stir up trouble.
After Fang Linyanstood, lookedowndressing up, indeedwasin the middle ofwheatcity the appearance of ordinarily resident, but the waistwears a blade, on the palmhas the callus, explainsthisbodybeforehandmastercertainlywrestlebackground.方林岩站起来了之后,看了看自己身上的装扮,的确就是麦城当中的普通居民的模样,不过腰间则是佩着一把刀,手掌上有着老茧,说明这个身体之前的主人还是会一定格斗底子的。Arrived atthesethree-countrytumultuous times, Fang Linyandeeplyattractedair that has the lightbloodyflavor, in the hearthad the intenseregret, at this timewas away from the timenode that oneselfenteredto pass the entiremore than tenyears, inChangbanpo, taught the relations that tiedalsoto discardwithfivefights of meter/rice.
重新来到了这三国乱世,方林岩深吸了一口带着淡淡血腥味道的空气,心里面还是生出了强烈的遗憾,此时距离自己进入的时间节点已经过去了整整十几年,在长坂坡的时候,与五斗米教结下来的关系也都废掉了。Most critically, converts an enemy into a friendwith, impressiongoodZhaoclouds,at this timealsoinHanzhong, most recentseveralmonthsresists with all one's strengthCao Cao, obtains„Zilongwas fearless”commending. Oneselfwantto see that hehas the possibilitytheoretically, but after seeing, howcan?
更关键的是,与自己化敌为友,观感不错的赵云,此时也是远在汉中,前几个月才力敌曹操,获得了“子龙浑身是胆”的褒扬。自己想要见到他在理论上是有可能的,但见到了以后又能如何呢?At this time the distant placeheard the hoofbeatsuddenly, Fang Linyanflashed into nearbyresidentsdirectly, a flavor of moistmildewheaded on, thenhepassednearbywallseamto steal a glanceto look,detectedoneteam of Shu'scavalryfastrunning quicklycame, on the pointed weapons on handhad the blooddropdropto fallespecially, the waistalsotied up the severed head.
这时候远处突然传来了马蹄声,方林岩直接就闪入到了旁边的民宅里面,一股潮霉的味道扑面而来,然后他通过旁边的墙缝偷眼看去,发觉一队蜀国的骑兵快速奔驰而来,手上的兵刃上尤有鲜血滴滴掉落,腰间还绑有首级。ThismadeFang Linyanstay, at onceunderstands, the presentwheatcityestimated that has brokensituated in the outer city, but the inner city, both sides was also at the condition of seesaw battleespecially.
这一幕让方林岩呆了呆,旋即明白了过来,现在的麦城估计是处于外城已破,但是内城尤在,双方还处于拉锯战的状态。According to the historical record, closestwomasters, whenretreatswheatcity, althoughsoldier the moraleis dispirited, but more than 10,000people, thenstillperseveredlayer on layer/heavily for about a month underWuarmysurrounding.
( In the Romance of the Three Kingdomsspoke of the wheatarea just outside the city gatetwomastersides, only then more than 300people, in every way after the research, was impossible, because of219 A. early December, Guan Yubaigot the bluesinslowHuangsubordinate, was killedis at the end of December, ifonly then300people, anddid not have the grain, wasnot possibleto insist for a month underbesieging of 20,000-30,000Eastern Wuarmy. ”
(三国演义里面说到麦城关二爷身边只有三百多人,多方考证后不可能,因为公元219年12月初,关羽败在了徐晃的手下败走麦城,被杀是12月末,若是只有三百人并且还没有粮食,是不可能在20,000-30,000的东吴军的围攻下坚持一个月时间的。”Closes the twomastersoldiers of hand/subordinateto recruitinJingzhou, Rumontthensends the personto comeunder the cityto lobbyevery day , the relatives of thesesoldiers, the countrymenwait/etctied upto comeunder the city, souses both persuasion and threats, the morale of thesesoldiersit can be said thatcrashquickly.
只是关二爷手下的士兵都是在荆州招募的,吕蒙便每天派遣人前来城下游说,又将这些士兵的亲属,乡亲等等绑来城下,如此软硬兼施,这些士兵的士气可以说是崩塌得很快。Meanwhile, Taoyuans.h.ehas the weaknessrespectively, Liu Beicanbe popular, the military forceis lowest, andoftenat crucial momentuses the wrongperson( Ma Su), does the wrong thing( becauseZhuge Jin'sreasonrecallsfromJingzhouZhuge Liang/launchesBattle of Xiaotingrashly).
同时,桃园s.h.e各有弱点,刘备能得人心,武力最低,并且往往在关键时候用错人(马谡),做错事(因为诸葛瑾的缘故将诸葛亮从荆州召回/贸然发动夷陵之战)。ButGuan YuandZhang Feipersonalityhas the issue, Guan Yuis obstinate, Liuto seal/confer, MiFangwait/etcsubordinatestoitsis deserted by friends and allies, evenwhenwas graspednearJu, the pro-soldiersorrun awayor the death ray, only theneldest sonGuan Pingfollows.
而关羽和张飞性格都有问题,关羽刚愎傲慢,刘封,糜芳等等下属都对其众叛亲离,甚至在临沮被抓的时候,亲兵都或逃走或死光,只有长子关平跟随。Zhang Feidid not say that treating the literary intelligentsiais friendly, treating the basic unitsoldieris cruel, finallyalsodiesinsoldierhand that inhelooked down upon.
张飞就更不说了,对待士大夫友善,对待基层士兵暴戾,最后也是死在了他看不起的小兵手中。This timeGuan Yu, it is estimated thatalsofeltRumontthistype of as ifdull knifeto shear the meatgeneraltactical rules, looksownstrengthweakday by day, day-by-daywas disintegrated, the feeling that typemarched into the dead end was very not certainly good.
此时的关羽,估计也感受到了吕蒙这种仿佛钝刀子割肉一般的战法,看着自己手下的力量一天比一天的虚弱,一天一天的被瓦解,那种步入末路的感觉当然很不好。Therefore, this should also besoon, Guan Yudisbands the subordinatedecisively, the westescapes the reason of Yizhou.
所以,这也应该是不久之后,关羽果断遣散部下,西逃益州的原因。Quick, the Shucavalriesrun quicklyto the fronttime, immediatelyheard the war cry, should be the soldiers in Wufacingon. In the middle ofthisstreet fightingbattle, is intenseandshort, both sideswill fight a battle to force a quick decision.
很快的,蜀国骑兵奔驰到前方的时候,立即就传来了喊杀声,应该是与吴国的士兵正面对上了。这种巷战当中的厮杀,激烈而短促,双方都会速战速决。Suddenly, on the retina of Fang Linyanjumped out of a news, came from the legendarysquadchannel:
忽然,方林岩的视网膜上跳出了一条消息,正是来自于传奇小队频道的:„Youwhere? InowinQiao Residencesituated incity, heream very famous, finds a personto ask that casuallyknows.”
说话的乃是麦斯。Quick, returned to the words:
很快的,欧米就回了话:„Qiao Residenceinouter city? Inowin the inner city, the statusam the daughter of doctor of Chinese medicine, the surroundingsare tightly guarded, mustfind the wayto mix, yougatherfirst.”
“乔宅是在外城吧?我现在是在内城,身份乃是个郎中的女儿,周围戒备森严,得想办法混出来,你们集合先。”Regardingdealing with changes abilityFang Linyanfelt relieved, butsheat this time the position is also the relative security.
对于欧米的应变能力方林岩还是放心的,而她此时所处的位置也是相对安全。ThereforeFang Linyansaidimmediately:
所以方林岩立即道:„Iin the outer city, IcomeandMaximmediatelyconverge, goatgoatyouhow? Pleaseanswer?”
After waiting for severalseconds, the goat still has not spoken, eitherexplainedheisin the critical juncture, eitheris not in the squadmessage area.
等了几秒钟之后,山羊依然没说话,要么就说明他乃是在危急关头,要么就根本不在小队通讯范围之内。ThereforeFang Linyantouched, hashe who sneaks the abilityinsuchenvironment, isgoes into actionmost freeone.
于是方林岩就摸了出去,拥有潜行能力的他在这样的环境下,乃是行动起来最为自由的一个。At this time the outer cityhas degenerated into the battlefield, among the residentshas desolated, almostcanescapehas run away.
此时外城已经沦为战场,民宅当中已是十室九空,几乎能逃的都已经逃走了。Fang Linyanlooked for56continuously, finallylooked for a silver-hairedold manin a cave, communicatedwithhim is really quitestrenuous, after the continued proportionbelt/bringdelimitedsome little time, Fang Linyanthenserved the purpose, knowsmustgoinposition.方林岩连续找了五六家,终于在一个地窖里面寻找到了一个白发苍苍的老头子,和他沟通真的是相当费力,连比带划好一会儿之后,方林岩这才达到了目的,知道了要去的所在位置。Whenheleavesto go toQiao Residence, temporarilyin the middle of the teamchannelactuallybroadcasts the seeking helpsound of shouting oneself hoarse, shouldbethorncrownteamhereperson:
就在他动身前往乔宅的时候,临时团队频道当中却传来了声嘶力竭的求助声音,应该是荆棘冠团队这边的人:„Weneedto help! Wesuffered the attack, the enemyis the army of Shu.”
“我们需要帮忙!我们遭受了攻击,敌人乃是蜀国的军队。”With the appearance of seeking helpsignal, fireworkssteepskyrocketing, labels the position that theywere attackedtogether.
Obviously, the people of thorncrownteamin the situationquitecriticalsituation, choserequested reinforcementswith the fireworks, althoughbecause the plotcharactercould not seethissignal, otherspacesoldieractuallyenergies, fireworksgadgetbrought inmaynot onlyonly have the reinforcements, similarlyalsohad the shark of harboring evil intentions.
很显然,荆棘冠团队的人是在情况比较危急的情况下,才选择了用烟花求援,因为虽然剧情人物看不到这信号,其余的空间战士却能,烟花这玩意儿引来的可不仅仅只有援军,同样也有不怀好意的鲨鱼。Hearssound that thissought help, thenlooked up the fireworks, Fang Linyanexposed to the sunhoweversmiles, whenhas not seenwalkeddirectly.
听到了这求助的声音,然后抬头看了看烟花,方林岩晒然一笑,就当没看见似的直接就走了。Healsodoes not have the sense of belongingregarding the temporaryteam, nothing butisdraws cashmanagement- whatoneselfreceivesis the money of Baron, thismoney is usedto helpdefendto assistitsuccessfullyto transfer the duty, had not said that must make a moveto doothermatter.
他对于临时团队又没有归属感,无非就是拿钱办事-自己收的是戴文男爵的钱,这钱是用来帮忙防守协助其成功转职的,可没有说要出手干别的事情。Quick, Fang LinyanenteredQiao Residence- hereis the control area of Shuarmy, then the knitting the browshead, originally, hereshouldsuffer a massacre1-2 days ago!
Some SergeantWu the body of soldierfromthisis not difficultto infer, Qiaoshouldbesaw that the situationis not wonderful, thereforeturns to be the planted agentin secret, was discoveredby the Shuarmy, must therefore certainlyuse the knifeto cut the person.
从这里面还有一些吴军士兵的尸体就不难推断出来,乔家应该是见到情况不妙,所以暗中投靠想要做内应,然后被蜀军这边发现了,于是肯定就要动刀子砍人了。Looks that infrontcorpsehas the early childhoodyoung girl, has the white hairold man, in the middle of the swaddling clothesbaby, in the Fang Linyanheart is also somewhatsigh with emotion, thisis the war!
看着面前的尸体里面有垂髫少女,有白发老翁,还有襁褓当中的婴儿,方林岩心里面也是有些感慨,这就是战争啊!Yousaid the Shuarmy that slaughter the women and childrenchilddo have the mistake? Theyineliminationrevoltingthief.
你说屠杀妇孺儿童的蜀军有错?他们只是在清除叛贼而已。Yousaid that turns to the Qiao of Eastern Wuto have the issue? The Shuarmysuffer a defeat and fleeat present are also these daysmatters, theyalsowantto preserve the family.
那你说投靠东吴的乔家有问题?蜀军眼下败亡也就是这几天的事了,他们也只是想要保全家族罢了。In the heartsighs with emotionturns over to the feeling, the Fang Linyanunder footactuallyto keep, quickseesMax. This timeheis stayingin the highest place of Qiao- in a threehighwaterside pavilion, thenlooks into the distant place, in the handtakesunexpectedly, unexpectedlywasoneseems likein the 17 th century about telescope.
心中感慨归感慨,方林岩脚下却不停,很快的就见到麦斯。此时的他正呆在了乔家的最高处-一栋三层高的水榭上,然后眺望着远处,手里面居然拿着的,居然是一个看起来像是十七世纪左右的单筒望远镜。„Whatis looking at?”
“在看什么?”Fang Linyansaid with a smile.方林岩笑道。Maxturns headstartled, surprisedsay/way:
麦斯愕然回头,吃惊的道:„Yougrown stronger! Touchedto be away fromIsuchnearplace, Ihad not detectedunexpectedly!”
“你又变强了啊!摸到了距离我这么近的地方,我居然都没有察觉!”Fang Linyanlaughs, displayedChino'spackagekerchiefattribute:方林岩哈哈一笑,将奇诺的包头巾属性展览了出来:„To be honest, was really luckythisgadget.”
After Maxlooked, thensaid:
麦斯看了看之后接着道:„Should youreceive the SOS? Ialsoworried that yousave others.”
“你应该收到求救讯号了吧?我还担心你去救人呢。”Fang Linyanheyhoweversaid with a smile:方林岩嘿然一笑道:„Imaynot havethatfree time.”
“我可没那闲工夫。”Maxsneered a sound said:
麦斯冷笑了一声道:„The person of thorncrown is not credible, theirtroubles, areblindseveralmess withcompletely!”
“荆棘冠的人可不怎么靠谱,他们身上的麻烦,完全是自己瞎几把弄出来的!”Fang Linyanstrangesay/way:方林岩奇道:„What's the matter?”
“怎么回事?”Max the head, is continue the say/way that in the middle of the telescopeis muttering:
麦斯偏着头,继续对着望远镜当中喃喃的道:„According tomyspeculation, probably our typeswas dragged into the middle of the worldpersonforcefully, shouldcome out is completely the neutralstatus, youshould is also right?”
“根据我的推测,像是我们这种被强行拉入世界当中的人,应该一出来全部都是中立身份,你应该也是对吧?”Fang Linyansaid:方林岩道:„Right, mystatusis one of the localwealthy and powerful familyXieprotects the institute, pitifully the strength of thisboyis only limited, not onlyhas not protected the main family, evencannotprotectincludingoneself.”
麦斯道:„Thatwas right, thorncrowngroup of fellows, threepeopleonegatheredonesincelater. Theirstatusareknight-errant, originally the Shuarmyare battlingwithWuarmy, finally the Shuarmy the hard victory, resultthesethreepeoplesee the military officersevere wound of Shuarmy, wantsto rushto pick up a bargain.”
“那就对了,荆棘冠这群家伙当中,有三个人一进入之后就聚到了一起。他们的身份是游侠儿,本来有一支蜀军在和吴军交战,最后蜀军这边惨胜,结果这三个人见到蜀军的将领重伤,就想冲上去捡便宜。”Hearshere, Fang Linyanhas sentenced the result of matterin advance, thereforeaccess road/simply said:
听到这里,方林岩就已经预判到事情的结局了,于是便道:„Resultthesethreefellowvegetables/dishesmustdig out the foot, not only the small advantagehas not picked, insteadalsoannoyed a show.”
麦斯点点头:„Yes, thesethreeidiotswantto stick out suddenly the murder, actuallyunderestimatedradically the difficulty of thisworld, onlystartswith a personunexpectedly, anothertwopeopleinterceptedanothertwowounded soldiers.”
“是的,这三个蠢货想要暴起杀人,却根本低估了这世界的难度,居然只用一个人下手,另外两个人去拦截另外两名伤兵了。”„Finally? The military officer of thatsevere woundhas not died, ran awayby the wounded soldier who theyintercept, hehe, thisis the typicalchickensecretlyinsteadeclipses a meter/rice. Nowgoodto be besieged!”
“结果呢?那名重伤的将领没死,被他们拦截的伤兵也跑掉了,呵呵,这就是典型的偷鸡不着反而蚀一把米。现在好了被围攻了!”Fang Linyansaid:方林岩道:„Considers as finishedto pay no attention tothem, statusis special- Now the everybody lose in war, the doctor of Chinese medicineis the goods in great demand, bydeal with changes and ability, does not needusto aid, whenshemixes.”
“算了不理他们,欧米的身份特殊--现在兵凶战危的,郎中乃是抢手货,以欧米的应变和能力,是不需要我们接应的,等她混出来吧。”„Myconcealmentabilityconvenientin the chaoticlocalaction, Maxyoucontinuesto remainhere, Ifirstmixed and goathave the contactto sayagain,heshouldnot be distributed is too far.”
麦斯点点头:„Ok, Iarrangesomefortification and trapswhile convenienthere, thisplaceestimated that the shorttimealsono onecame.”
“可以,我顺便在这里布置一些防御工事和陷阱,这地方估计短时间也没人来了。”Fang Linyantouchedagain, thentakes the point that oneselfpresentfor the center of circle, onekilometeris the radiusstartsto go around, separated for severalminutesto speaka few wordsin the squadgroup, in this case, so long as the goatappeareddoes not run all over the place, oneselfcanfindhimsooner or later.方林岩再次摸了出去,然后以自己出现的点为圆心,一公里为半径开始绕圈儿,隔几分钟就在小队群里面说一句话,这样的话,只要山羊一出现不乱跑,自己迟早能找到他。BecauseFang Linyanhad inquiredMobiusmark, in this case, spacedeliverytimewill abide by a biggestprinciple, thatis the team membermostlong-distance rangenotovertwokilometers between entiresquads, mostlong-distance rangenotoverthreekilometers between entireteammembers.
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