Chapter 1495enters
第1495章进入At this time, was drivingto look forFang Linyanto chat the matter, after two peoplespokeseveral, Fang Linyandetected that inactuallyheartalsolacks self-confidence, she was coming andFang Linyaninquires the employment of thisthree countries'to actinsidequestionable point, after alldid not feel relievedtoarctic circlepersonvery much.
After two peoplediscusseda while, thought that the issueis not eventually big, after all after deciding the goingworld, a lot ofmaterialshave been suspendednowin public, hired the details and reputation of theirgroup of peoplealsoinquires, was extremely strong, andbasicallyhad no misdeeds.
两人商议了一会儿之后,觉得终究还是问题不大,毕竟敲定了前往的世界以后,很多资料现在都已经被摆到了明处,雇佣他们的这帮人的底细和口碑也都打听出来了,实力很强,并且基本上还是没有什么劣迹的。Naturally, a possibility, did not have the meansto come out the speechcomplaintby the people of theirpit.
当然,还有一种可能,被他们坑的人都没办法出来说话控诉了.Roughly after one -and-a-half hours, the materialcollection that Maxwill needwas uneven, successfullyend of missionresentmentto91.2.
约莫一个半小时之后,麦斯将自己需要的材料搜集齐了,成功将任务完成度怼到了91.2。Undersuchcompletion, Maxdetected that duringownpromotiontask listhad come out a Aleveldifficulty.
在这样的完成度之下,麦斯发觉自己的晋升任务列表当中已经多出来了一个A级难度的。To him, thisdifficulty not only can guarantee that bigprobability a time, andcanguaranteeonecanattain the goodincome, thereforechoseentrydecisively.
对他来说,这个难度既能确保大概率的一次过,又能确保自身能拿到不错的收益,于是果断选择了进入。Is entering, Fang Linyanand the othersalso the bestequipmentcollects, losttoMaxcompletely- If by some chancecan apply?
在进入之间,方林岩等人还将身上最好的装备凑了凑,全部丢给了麦斯--万一派得上用场呢?Hence, the peoplehave handledallthings that oneselfhave been ableto achieve , under can only the selective wait, to be honest, haveMaxthistendencyto join the words of the world inPVEMT, everyone'ssurvival rateat leastcanpromote over 20, thereafter all is the goldenbranchdifficultyworld.
至此,众人已经做了自己能做到的所有事情,也只能选择等待了,说实话,有了麦斯这个倾向于PVE的MT加入下个世界的话,大家的生存率都至少能提升20以上,那里毕竟是黄金支线难度的世界啊。Do not saysincelater, but must and othersmanipulate strategicallywith an important goodschildperson, at this timeneeded a powerfulcore memberto take the pivot, person who obviously, Maxcanundertakesuchheavy responsibility.
The resultthreepeoplehave not been worried is too long, onlyused for a halfhour, Maxreturned, sawtheymade the OKhand signal, thismade the peoplerelaxsimultaneously, after all such shorttimeendedwas very easyto let the personrelatesassuming the postservicefailure.
结果三人并没有担心太久,只用了半个多小时,麦斯就重新返回了,一见到了他们就打了个OK的手势,这让众人同时都松了一口气,毕竟这么短的时间就结束了很容易让人联想到任务失败。This timeMaxseems likealso very wearyappearance, as ifseveraldayshad not slept, and triathlons of movementswere ordinary. AfterFang Linyantheychattedseveral, thendirectlygoes right to sleep, shortlyonsnoring soundlikethunder.
只是此时的麦斯看起来也很疲劳的样子,仿佛几天都没有睡觉了,并且还来了个铁人三项运动一般.和方林岩他们聊了几句之后,便直接倒头就睡,顷刻之间就鼾声如雷。Saw his exhaustedappearance, Fang Linyanand the othershad not goneto awakenhim, untiljust before leaving the first halfhourawakenedMax.
看到了他那疲惫的样子,方林岩等人也没有去叫醒他,直到临行前半个小时的时间才将麦斯叫醒。Maxrubbed the awakesongsleepy eyes, thenate a thingcarelessly, fourpeopleeats the thingwalkstoward the setsquare.
麦斯揉了揉惺忪的睡眼,然后草草吃了点东西,四人一面吃东西一面朝着集合广场走去。On the roadMaxstartsto tellsimilar that excitedlyoneselfpromotionduty, itscontentnatureand said that ispoliticalimportant person who protects a retirement.
路上麦斯才开始兴奋的讲述自己的晋升任务,其内容性质和欧米说的类似,乃是保护一位退休的政治要员。In the normal condition, Maxlifted the shieldto prepareto the goalkeeps off the attackto be good.
正常情况下来说,麦斯就举着盾准备给目标挡攻击就好了。However, afterMaxdetectedgoaldefense strength is quite abundant, will then try to find the solution an eye of indexto the bank vaultindirectly, will then lock on the other side, butMaxwill go outto look for the assassinon own initiative.
不过,当麦斯发觉目标身边的防御力量还是比较雄厚之后,便直接想办法将目标引到了银行金库里面去,然后反锁住,而麦斯则是主动外出寻找刺客。Like thisturns the passive situation into initiative the behavior, testedindividualstrengthwithout a doubtvery much! Fortunately, Maxinthisduty, equipsunexpectedlyis limited.
The luxuriousdispositions of enoughfourlegendrankequipment, makeMaxbe ableto killdirectlygreatlykillespecially, evenfollows the clueto pursuefinally, the secretevil behind-the-scenes manipulator who will send out the assassinclutched, unexpectedlyis the wife of thisstatesman!
足足四件传说级别装备的豪华配置,直接让麦斯得以大杀特杀,甚至最后循着线索一路追击,将派出刺客的幕后黑手揪了出来,竟然是这名政治家的老婆!ThereforefinallyMaxsuccessfullyattained95completions, the smoothpromotionbreedshunting, completedownwish.
于是最后麦斯成功拿到了95的完成度,顺利晋升殖猎者,完成了自己的心愿。ButMaxsuchexhaustedreason, is becauseherubbed for two days and two nightsin the middle of the dutyworld, is goodinthat sidetimespeed of flow and spacedifferent, otherwisethisdutyreallycould not catch up.
Some peoplechat while walking, had not actually found the personin the setsquare, was goodhad soughtbecause ofthis timearctic circle, said that was notwaits forhere, makingthemfollow.
一干人边走边聊,却在集合广场上没找到人,好在这时候北极圈已经寻了过来,说并不是在这里等待,让他们跟随着自己来。Therefore the people of legendaryteamthenwith the arctic circletogether, arrived in Exchange Square, thengot to an entrance of firm.
After arriving here , Fang Linyanlooks up, immediatelynarrowed an eye, thencan not helplookedto the goat, at this time the goatalsolookedunexpectedlytoFang Linyan, after two peoplelooked at each otherunderstood, shows a faint smile.
来到了这里以后方林岩抬头一看,顿时眯缝了一下眼睛,然后情不自禁的看向了山羊,这时候山羊居然也是看向了方林岩,两人对视后心领神会,微微一笑。Originally, the name of thisfirmwritesfourcharactersimpressively: Starry skyfinancial group!
原来,这商行的名字赫然写着四个字:星空财团!Yes, Fang Linyan the large-scaletransactionorganizationstray cat of firstmeeting, Sean, coverQiushanand the others the namesflowedfrom the Fang Linyanmemoryin the pastimmediately, at that time the qualifications that the goatevenattended the auctiondo not have!
是的,正是方林岩当年第一次遇到的大型交易组织野猫,肖恩,盖丘山等人的名字顿时从方林岩的记忆当中流淌而过,山羊当时甚至连参加拍卖会的资格都没有呢!Moreover, Fang Linyan is very clear the reputationin the middle ofstarry skyfinancial group should verybig, becausein the middle of the interstellarworld, oneselfstoodin the side of capsulescience and technology, at that timerelations of both sideswere solidifiedas the hatred.
不仅如此,方林岩很清楚自己在星空财团当中的名声应该非常之大,因为在星际世界当中,自己站在了胶囊科技的一方,那时候双方的关系就被固化为仇恨了。This , the keywasFang Linyan was also in conspiracy with the scarletshuttlestarto robgroupregimental commanderblack inkearveryafterward, looted a spaceship that directlywas under the starry skyfinancial group/black market/ No. 37sold! Suchhatredestimatemustgrade, thathated to the marrow of the bonesmostly.
这倒也罢了,关键是后来方林岩还伙同赤梭星盗团团长墨耳忒斯,直接洗劫了一艘隶属于星空财团的飞船/黑市/第三十七号售卖点!这样的仇恨估计要分级,那多半是恨之入骨了。If nothing else, loots the luckycardsign that came from inside: littleking, nowalsoongoat.
别的不说,从里面洗劫而来的幸运卡牌:小王,现在都还在山羊身上呢。Is gooddies and is rebornbecause ofpresentFang Linyan, andtraded a status of monsterbladenewly, otherwisethis does not dareto go inabsolutely.
After stepping into the front door of starry skyfinancial group, the under foot of everyone presented a lightgroupimpressively, holdstheirrapidvanguarddirectly, the surroundingrepairis primarilydrawing close tonaturally:
The fireflyinin the airis dancing in the airelatedly, has the boston ivygracefulextension of goldentendril the branches and leaves, in the airalsohas the lightplantto be fragrant.
萤火虫在空中欢畅飞舞着,有着金色卷须的爬山虎优雅的伸展着枝叶,空气里面还有着淡淡的植物芬芳。Quick, some peoplewent to the middle of a hall, the frontpresented a longplatoonto wear the coattails, lined up in formation the manpower of welcome, shouldbe the starry skyfinancial group'sinternalstaffevidently, theydeeplybowedto saysimultaneously:
很快的,一干人就来到了一处大厅当中,前方出现了一长排身穿燕尾服,列队欢迎的人手,看样子应该是星空财团内部的工作人员,他们同时深深鞠躬道:„Welcomefellowdistinguished gueststo visit the starry skyfinancial group No. Sbranch!”
“欢迎各位贵宾光临星空财团S号分部!”In the central location of hall, has a as ifgiantelevatorgeneralentrance, inthisentrance, is standingof all forms20has comeindividual,
在大厅的中央位置,有着一个仿佛巨型电梯一般的入口,在这入口处,已经站着形形色色的二十来个人了,Thesepeople, is headed by a man who impressivelywearswhole bodystandardgothic styleboardarmor, becauseexistence of heavyboardarmorhelmet, does not see clearlyhisfacial features, butitfrom the maskarmorbackhole, unexpectedlyistwogroups of profoundbrightflame, the personis felt the domineeringoppressionstrengthbyitis staring.
这些人当中,赫然是以一名身穿全身制式哥特式板甲的男子为首,因为重型板甲头盔的存在,根本看不清楚他的面容,而其从护面甲背后的孔洞里当中,居然是两团幽深的碧色火焰,被其凝视着的人都会感觉到强势的压迫力。Sideman, thenstandsto wearsevenpoints of trousers, is gripping the youngfemale student of butterfly knot, the winning smileis sweet, seeming like the youthis lively, a loli’sappearance.
在男子身边,则是站着一个身穿七分裤,扎着蝴蝶结的小女生,巧笑嫣然,看起来青春活泼无敌,一副萝莉的模样。Naturally, the vision of thesepeople, wasmajorityfallsonMax'sbody- backin a big wayhadoneto the exaggeratingheavyshield, the modelingas ifancient times the mammothalikeskull, twodark greenwhiteboneteethstood tall and erecthigh, oneselfwere the appearance of primitivewildbarbarian, the MTstatusis also vivid.
Obviously, at leastfrom the appearance, Maxwas the leader of thisteam.
很显然,至少从卖相上来说,麦斯就是这支团队的首领了。Thatboardarmormanis noddingto the arctic circle, thenwalks up, armorwithwalkingto exude„dang” the impact noise, is putting out a handtoMax:
那板甲男子对着北极圈点了点头,然后走上前来,身上的铠甲随着行走发出了“咣当咣当”的撞击声,接着对着麦斯伸出了手:„IamBaron, welcometo joinourteams.”
The sound that unexpectedlythisboardarmormanspokeverysomewhatwas delightfully low and deep, sounded likethatveryvigorousbaritone, Maxnods saying:
出人意料的是这板甲男子说话的声音很是有些低沉悦耳,听起来就像是那种很浑厚的男中音似的,麦斯点点头道:„Knowsyouvery muchhappily, IamBIG-M, callingmeMto be good.”
“很高兴认识您,我是BIG-M,叫我M好了。”ThisBIG-M( bigM) is the nickname of Max Middle Schooltime, thereforeat this timetocover their ears and eyesbroughtwith.
After one said that Baronalsointroduced the regimental commander of thorncrownteam: The oldoak tree, the assistant regimental commanderviper, thenalsoinvited certainlyMaxto join the temporaryteam.
Some peoplealsono longerrubbish, mounted the centralgiantelevatorentrancedirectly, then the rise, thisarrived in the middle of the arkslowly.
一干人也不再废话,直接登上了中央的巨型电梯入口,然后徐徐上升,这才来到了方舟当中。At this timecansee, the arkinteriorlooked likethatrevolving restaurantto be the same, lookedveryluxurious. HoweverafterFang Linyansits down, will immediately feelfrom the chairopenedseveralmechanical armsstubbornlyfixed.
After severalseconds, Fang Linyanat presentpresents the prompt:
几秒钟之后,方林岩的眼前就出现了提示:„Breedshunting forCD8492116, yourcurrentsquadswere affected bymysteriousstrength, you world that will go to the temporaryteamsoonto go toat present.”
“殖猎者CD8492116号,你们目前的小队遭受到了神秘力量的影响,你们将会前往目前临时团队即将前往的世界。”„Warning! The difficulty of thisworldis big, youin is very possible to face the extradanger!”
“警告!此世界的难度非常大,你们在其中很可能要面对额外的危险!”„Warning! youenter the words of thisworldrashly, likely suffers the suppressions of otherspaces, tododgethis point, youare unable to gain the main linedutyin the middle ofthisworld!”
“警告!伱们贸然进入此世界的话,很可能遭受到其余空间的压制,为了规避这一点,你们将无法在本世界当中获取主线任务!”„Whetheryoudo wantto continue?”
“请问你们是否要继续?”Fang Linyansawonownretinaspread the newsin abundance:
“.”Sinceisthis, Fang Linyanalso can only chooseto continue, thenstartedto have the top-heavyexperience, thenat presentstartsto present the promptagain:
既然是这样,方林岩也只能选择继续,然后就开始产生了头重脚轻的体验,接着眼前再次开始出现提示:Startsto enter the adventurousworld......
开始进入冒险世界……Starts the allocated proportiondata......
开始配比数据……Starts the random distributionworld
世界选定!Startsto assimilatewiththisworld the character......
开始将人物与本世界同化……Startsto enter the world......
The destiny of dynastydeclinesinBeimangthoroughly,
The worldthreepoints, the situationhas become!
The stubborngeneralsroaredloudly,
偏偏有一个倔强的将军大声咆哮,Had the idealto wield the bladetoward the north!
The entireCentral Plainshiversunderthatscarletredhorse's hoof,
整个中原在那赤红色的马蹄下颤抖,Onhorizontalbladeimmediatelysteep slope,
指点江山,Sevenhundredfighteliteis utterly routedin the middle of the flood!!
The prime ministeris shocked to move the capital,
The name of honorific title of guanyuoverawesHuaxia
武圣之名威震华夏However, holdJibifades,
但是,盛极必衰,Behind the magnificentvictory, has the shadowto raidquietly.
在辉煌的胜利背后,已经有阴影悄然袭来。Thispowerfulgeneral, will soon move toward the life the dead end.
这位强大的将军,即将走向人生的末路。Piercingice-coldtransmitsfrom the body,
刺骨的冰冷从身上传来,Fang Linyanopened the eye, in the mouthtransmitted the muddy waterfishy smell, but alsohas the lightrustflavor,方林岩睁开了眼睛,嘴巴里面就传来了泥水的腥味,还有着淡淡的铁锈味道,
The heavy downpour, the groundpresented the water, above the long street the bloody battlewas still being on the rise, massivecorpselying this way and thatlying downon the avenue, Fang Linyanwere pressedundercorpsepilethatunluckyfellow.
大雨滂沱,地上出现了积水,长街之上血战还在方兴未艾,大量的尸体都横七竖八的躺卧在大街上,方林岩就是被压在了尸堆下方的那个倒霉家伙。In the middle ofthesecorpsesthere are both men and women, hasalwayshasfew, the womanmostlyis even in rags, the revealis nakedandpale outside flesh, is mixing the muddy water and bloody water, is seemingly alarmed!
这些尸体当中有男有女,有老有少,妇女甚至大多衣不蔽体,露在外面的肌肤赤裸而惨白,混合着泥水和血水,看起来触目惊心!Hisfacelay on one's sidetowardbelowin the muddy water, thereforethatlightrustflavorwasin the watermixes the bloodto bring.
他脸朝下侧卧在了泥水里面,因此那淡淡的铁锈味道就是水中混合了血液带来的。Somewar criesfrom far to near, canseein an alley, the soldier who onecrowdis hitting„Wu”flag the stridewas chasing down, the water of stepping ontread, seeming like the moraleis just prosperous.
有喊杀声由远及近,可以见到一条小巷里面,一群打着“吴”旗帜的士兵正大步追杀了过来,啪嗒啪嗒的踩着地面的积水,看起来士气正旺。Chased downis the Shusoldier, is very distressed, the heartdoes not have the fighting spirit, the desire of continuallyhitting backdoes not have.
A clear to seeShusoldierhas run the Fang Linyanside, thenWusentry post a twentymeters away longbent the bow the nocking, passed the throaton an arrowdirectly!
眼见得一名蜀国士兵跑过方林岩的身边,然后二十几米外的一名吴国哨长弯弓搭箭,直接就一箭透喉!Thissoldier seems drunk, before crookedcontinuation, flushedseveralsteps, onefell downon the ground, fromFang Linyan, only then56stepsdistances, hishands and feetalsoinslightis twitching, the eyeopened the eyesin a big way, could look is not unwillingvery much.
这士兵仿佛喝醉了酒似的,歪歪斜斜的继续前冲了几步,就一头栽倒在了地上,距离方林岩只有五六步的距离,他的手脚还在轻微的抽搐着,眼睛睁得大大的,看得出来很不甘心。Fang Linyanevencansee that the arrow of belt/bringbloodinjectsfromhisneck, bravesfrom the throat, is seemingly alarmed.方林岩甚至能见到带血的箭头从他的脖子后方射入,从咽喉里面冒出来,看起来触目惊心。At this timeFang Linyanin the protective condition, is still integrating intothisworld, thereforecannotmovecannotsay,stillfeelsquiteshocks, the tumultuous timeshuman life is really cheap, ifdog!
此时方林岩还在保护状态,正在融入这世界,所以不能动也不能说,却依然觉得颇为震撼,乱世人命真是贱若狗啊!ThatWusentry postlongstridewalked, holds the arrowto be end, pulled out the arrowvarietydirectly, placed this arrowconvenientlyalsoin the Shusoldierchest of twitching, thenindifferentcleans the bloodstainonhim, is sneeringto saytobehindsubordinate:
那名吴国哨长大步走了过来,一把抓住箭尾后,将箭簇直接拔了出来,顺手将箭头放在了这名还在抽搐的蜀国士兵胸口,然后冷漠的在他身上擦拭掉血迹,对着身后的部下冷笑道:„ThisShucleverleg and foot is also agile, unexpectedlycompelsme to use the throatarrow!”
“这蜀贼腿脚还算是灵便,居然逼得我要动用断喉箭!”Breaking the throatarrowis the artisans in armybuildswith the wrought ironcarefully, the arrowpresents the shovelshape, andon the arrowwas produced the crossshapebalancing planebyin addition, thereforeaccurateis very high, naturally the construction cost is also veryexpensive, rations the archeryexperts in armyto be usedto kill the important goalspecially.
断喉箭乃是军中的工匠精心用镔铁打造的,箭头呈现出铲子形,并且箭身上被加造了十字形状的平衡翼,所以精准度很高,当然造价也是很昂贵的,专门配给军中的箭术高手用来射杀重要目标。Thereforeunder normal conditions, so long asthere is a condition, the shooterwill think the meansto take backarrow.
A Wusentry postlongsuchsaying, nearbypersonalsoechoed, nothing butregardless ofin other words the enemywere how flamboyant, could not escape the godarrow of senior officialwait/etcand so on.
吴国哨长这么一说,旁边的人也是纷纷附和,无非就是说无论敌人怎么牛逼,也逃不过长官的神箭等等之类的话。Atthis time, the Wusentry postlongactuallylookeddirectlytoFang Linyanherecorpsepile, thensighsslightly:
就在这时候,吴国哨长却直接看向了方林岩这边的尸堆,然后微微叹了一口气道:„Thiswaralsohitisextremelyfrigid, youhad a look, thesepeopleshouldbe onlywheatChengnei the protectinginstitutewithknight-errant, samewas also killed.”
“这一战打得也是太过惨烈了些,你们看看,这些人应该只是麦城内的护院和游侠儿,一样也是被杀了。”„Awe-inspiring prowessgeneral( Rumont )repeatedlywarnedus, mustbybenevolencetraining troops! Butour militarykindly treat the Shuarmyfamily member, therefore the Shuarmyact as lookoutto fall, soslaughtersfrigidly, in the future after our militarywill occupy the wheatcity, perhapswill leave behind the future trouble.”
Here, thissentry postlongtook out a commandsymbolfrom the bosomunexpectedly, thengavenearbysoldier:
说到了这里,这名哨长居然从怀中取出了一张令符,然后交给了旁边的小兵:„YougiveGeneralHuo who thiscommandsymbol the managementattacks, said that isaskshimto kindly treat the common people, do not slaughter innocents, otherwise, somepeoplewill naturally askhimto speakin the future.”
“你将这张令符交给主持进攻的霍将军,就说是请他善待百姓,不要滥杀无辜,否则的话,日后自然有人来找他说话。”Thatsoldierreceives an orderto goimmediately.
那名小兵立即领命而去。Thatsentry postlongalsoleads the personto depart.
After hewalks away, abovethisalleyrestored the deathly stillness, onlyleft behind the cold windicy rain, eclipsesinto the chill in the air of marrow.
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