FE :: Volume #13

#1489: Dealing

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Chapter 1487 deals 第1487章应对 With the encirclements of these security personnel, then used the compulsory method, two people of causing trouble is controlled rapidly, a clear to see turmoil ended. 随着这些安保人员的合围,然后使用了强制性手段,闹事的两人迅速就被控制了起来,眼见得一场动乱就此结束。 Fang Linyan was to also look for a female priest at this time asked about the situation details: 方林岩这时候也是找上了一名女祭司询问事态的详情: „The nearby of church belongs is the forbidden area existed generally, the words that the average person wants to enter must have certain qualifications, how to make these two people mix?” “礼拜堂的附近已经属于是禁区一般的存在了,普通人想要进入的话必须拥有一定资格,怎么会让这两个人混进来?” Female priest somewhat terrified say/way: 女祭司有些惶恐的道: Knight growing up person, is this, C Mr. Mei as the distinguished guest, can invite 2-3 friends to come to visit together, the result has not thought that the issue left here.” “骑士长大人,是这样的,C梅先生作为贵宾,是可以邀请2-3位朋友一起进来参观的,结果没想到问题出在了这里。” The eye of Fang Linyan narrowed, then suddenly turned the head to look to! 方林岩的眼睛眯缝了一下,然后突然转头看向了场中! Originally, was pressed in the two of ground erupts suddenly! The entire 45 security personnel not only cannot hold down they, instead threw off instantaneously in the place, this , can only explain that but actually these two are skilled in body assaulting. 原来,被压在地上的那两人突然爆发了!整整四五名安保人员非但按不住他们,反而被瞬间掀翻在地,这倒也罢了,只能说明这两人精通近身搏击。 However, a security personnel dash, unexpectedly was striked to fly by an opposite party fist in the middle of the midair!! After underground tumbled several, very simple on the stupor in the past, the strength, had so made the movie such to make one stare dumbfounded completely probably. 但是紧接着,一名安保人员直扑上去,居然在半空当中就被对方一拳打飞!!在地下翻滚了几圈之后,很干脆的就昏迷了过去,如此力量,完全已经像是拍电影那样令人瞠目结舌。 The key is these two people have not used the supernatural power the sign, obviously, the behavior of this surpassing human limit definitely has the issue very much, the opposite party is very possible to come prepared. 关键是这两个人还没有动用神力的迹象,很显然,这种超出人类极限的行为绝对是有问题的,对方很可能是有备而来。 After seeing this, Fang Linyan closed the eye immediately, communicated the supernatural power of goddess, then connected in the telephone conversation channel of security personnel- This inside this time somewhat is chaotic, several people are giving orders. 见到了这一幕之后,方林岩立即闭上了眼睛,沟通了女神的神力,然后接入到了安保人员的通话频道中--这里面此时都有些混乱,有好几个人都在发号施令。 I am the scepter, repeats one time, I am the scepter, now takes over control of on -the-spot direction work by me.” “我是权杖,重复一次,我是权杖,现在由我来接管现场指挥工作。” The scepter is network code name of Fang Linyan in the middle of entire church, the had jurisdiction is to also be next to the big priest , like Eve Lenah, he spoke, immediately other sounds vanished. 权杖是方林岩在整个教会当中的网络代号,拥有的权限也是仅次于大祭司,与伊夫琳娜相同,他一发话,立即其余的声音都消失了。 This is not the chance occurrence, this is a long-premeditated probe, therefore does not allow to use the guns, the security personnel near church tie the human wall to detain these two, delays.” “这不是偶发事件,这是一次蓄谋已久的试探,所以不允许动用枪支,礼拜堂附近的安保人员结人墙对这两人进行拦阻,拖延。” When giving orders, Fang Linyan the stride had moved toward nearby confessionary, found Eve Lenah there, then very simple say/way: 在一面发号施令的时候,方林岩已经大步走向了旁边的忏悔室,在那里找到了伊夫琳娜,然后很干脆的道: Immediately chooses three to five crazy followers in the church! So long as the woman, the old person also has the youngster, making them stop these two heathens, simultaneously from multiple perspectives photography corresponding process, bloody violent best.” “马上在礼拜堂当中挑选三到五名狂信徒!只要女人,老人还有少年,让他们去制止这两名异教徒,同时从多角度拍摄相应的过程,越血腥越暴力最好。” If I guess well, now online will have presented some not to favor our related opinions, but the secret influence should also in the waiting picture, outflow of video type of solid stuff, therefore something of making groundless accusations.” “如果我猜得不错的话,现在网上已经会出现一些不利于我们的相关言论了,但幕后的势力应该还在等待图片,视频这种干货的流出,所以还是一些捕风捉影的东西。” We must utilize the resources to issue the news immediately, pointed out directly our here suffered the terrorist to attack, the scene was very frigid! Then emits the related video and picture.” “我们要立即动用资源来发出新闻,直接指出咱们这里遭受到了恐怖分子袭击,现场十分惨烈!然后放出相关的视频和图片。” Regarding emergency plan that Fang Linyan gives, Eve Lenah has not opened the mouth, the female priest of nearby new generation became flushed the face to say immediately: 对于方林岩给出的紧急方案,伊夫琳娜还没有开口,旁边一名新生代的女祭司立即涨红了脸道: Knight growing up person! Please forgive, however your opinion I am inexecutable, each crazy follower is the goddess most reverent lamb, should protect to them, rather than lays aside it in the middle of the danger.” “骑士长大人!请原谅,但是您的意见我不能执行,每一位狂信徒都是女神最虔诚的羔羊,应该对他们呵护,而不是将其放置于危险当中。” Fang Linyan knits the brows, has not spoken, Eve Lenah actually visits her immediately, the complexion sinks to scold: 方林岩皱了皱眉,还没有说话,伊夫琳娜却立即看着她,脸色一沉呵斥道: Goes out! Immediately, immediately!” “出去!立刻,马上!” This female priest nods, fearless say/way: 这名女祭司点了点头,毫无畏惧的道: I walk immediately, but I reiterated: I to goddess loyally unspotted, I still thought that must protect these pitiful lambs! I can replace these crazy followers to act.” “我立即就走,但是我重申一点:我对女神的忠诚毫无瑕疵,我依然觉得要保护这些可怜的羔羊!我可以代替那些狂信徒出面。” Eve Lenah looked all around around one, detected the subordinate who the surroundings show the approval look are many, say/way that the rookie but who without exception, recruits in the middle of this world completely, therefore coldly: 伊夫琳娜环顾了一下四周,发觉周围露出赞同神色的部下还不少,不过无一例外,全部都是在本世界当中才吸收的新人,于是冷冷的道: Everyone, this is not the ordinary event, the knight long approach of right, this is the holy war! This was the heathen has started to initiate the most serious provocation to the goddess!” “各位,这不是普通的事件,骑士长的做法一点儿都没错,这是圣战!这是异教徒已经开始对女神发起了最严重的挑衅!” Fang Linyan light added: 方林岩淡淡的补充道: Why can't you act? Then is because the opposite party is very likely comes prepared, held the thought of self-sacrifice to weigh goddess here strength. Once were discovered us to use the supernatural power by the opposite party the sign, that cannot do well will welcome the domineering counter-attack of opposite party! Once the opposite party finds out our details, cannot do well is the comprehensive holy war that must face!” “为什么你们不能出面?便是因为对方很有可能是有备而来,抱着自我牺牲的念头来衡量女神这边的实力。一旦被对方发现了我们这边使用神力的迹象,那搞不好就会迎来对方的强势反击!一旦对方将我们的底细摸清,搞不好要面对的就是全面圣战!” Fang Linyan speaking of comprehensive holy war four characters time, Eve Lenah complexion changes to say immediately: 方林岩说到“全面圣战”四个字的时候,伊夫琳娜脸色顿时大变道: „It is not good, now cannot trigger this matter absolutely!” “不行,现在绝对不能引发这种事!” Fang Linyan continues saying: 方林岩继续道: Do not think that I am saying things just to frighten people, before the goddess arrives at this world, has many religious rules this world several thousand years, the Spiritual God of these religions because of unknown reason deep sleep, but this does not represent them not to initiate the ability of attack absolutely, in this world, the withered away religion are few?” “不要以为我是在危言耸听,在女神降临这个世界之前,已经有多个宗教统治了这个世界几千年,这些宗教的神灵因为未知的原因沉睡了,但是这绝对就不代表它们没有发起攻击的能力,在这个世界上,已经消亡的宗教还少吗?” God king is Aoding of Northern Europe silently? The middle ages tied up stake burn where that several hundred thousand were called the sorceress heathen to come, how was the Manichaeism of Persia called the demon to teach? Does god of Kukur who feather snake the Maya people of Americas consecrate how annihilate? I told you, was in the middle of the holy war falls from the sky!” “北欧的神王奥丁是怎么悄然无声的?中世纪被绑上火刑架烧死的那几十万被称为女巫异教徒是哪里来的,波斯的摩尼教是怎么被称为魔教?美洲的玛雅人供奉的羽蛇之神库库尔坎是如何湮灭的?我告诉你们,都是圣战当中陨落的!” This is I lets the reason that among the average person crazy follower acts, since the opposite party has not used the supernatural power to come to provoke, then we cannot certainly use the supernatural power to counterattack, the range of conflicting limits in the level of common custom. The opposite party threaten to want by the violence to draw out our flaws, then we wear away the rock with water in turn! Enable the schemes and tricks of opposite party only to suppress.” “这就是我让普通人当中的狂信徒出面的原因,对方既然没有动用神力前来挑衅,那么我们就一定也不能动用神力进行还击,将冲突的范围限制在世俗的层面上。对方气势汹汹想要以暴力来引出我们的破绽,那么我们就反过来以柔克刚!让对方的阴谋诡计只能憋回去。” After Fang Linyan said these words, had a huge and gentle strength in the middle of the church suddenly arrived, all priests knelt down including Eve Lenah completely, near their ears resounded goddess sound simultaneously- was also the tora. 就在方林岩说完了这句话之后,陡然之间在礼拜堂当中有一股庞大而柔和的力量降临了,所有的祭司包括伊夫琳娜都全部跪下,她们的耳边同时响起了女神的声音-也就是神谕。 This matter gives the knight long plenary powers processing!” “这件事交给骑士长全权处理!” The goddess spoke, immediately suppressed all unharmonious sounds, Fang Linyan started to give orders, then arrived on nearby flat roof. 女神一发话,立即就压制住了所有不和谐的声音,方林岩开始发号施令,然后来到了旁边的露台上。 At this time his look had not looked that to that two fellows who run amuck unscrupulously, this dispatch board game piece and person ready dead , once were seen through the status, that did not have the threat. 此时他的眼神并没有看向正在肆无忌惮横行的那两个家伙,这种派遣出来的棋子和死士一旦被识破了身份,那就毫无威胁了。 But the Fang Linyan vision stayed on side that whole face vacant fellow at this time, he was not others, was regarded as the C plum of distinguished guest. 方林岩的目光此时则是停留在了旁边那个满脸茫然的家伙身上,他不是别人,正是被视为贵宾的C梅。 This time C plum seems like involved in completely innocently, but, risked one's life too many Fang Linyan to have the suspicion in the middle of the adventure world to him- The family background of this fellow, the personal history, the life experience, how saw that seems like the perfect board game piece that was deliberately built! 此时的C梅看起来完全是被无辜卷入的,但是,在冒险世界当中出生入死太多的方林岩已经对他产生了怀疑--这家伙的出身,履历,人生经历,怎么看都像是一颗被刻意打造出来的完美棋子! Is good the goddess is also enough careful, after crossing the initial expansion period, already very discrete only used the god technique in the small scopes and some people. 好在女神这边也是足够小心,渡过了最初的扩张期之后,已经很谨慎的只在小范围和个别人身上使用神术了。 Even if the C plum has the person of big help to the promoted belief like this, is cautious only used the secret system grease, in he understands in the situation of deep sleep. 哪怕是C梅这样对推广信仰有大帮助的人身上,也是小心翼翼的只使用了秘制油膏,还是在他进入深度睡眠的情况下。 After hesitating, Fang Linyan said to Eve Lenah: 沉吟了一番之后,方林岩对伊夫琳娜道: „Had the C plum present belief been investigated?” “C梅现在的信仰被探查过吗?” Eve Lenah said: 伊夫琳娜道: Was close to the sincere follower very much.” “很接近虔信徒了。” All female priests were solidified devout regarding by the goddess this god technique, quite therefore passive skill, therefore was not worried that was surveyed the trace of use god technique. 所有的女祭司都被女神固化了“虔诚之视”这个神术,相当于是被动技能,所以并不担心被人探测到使用神术的痕迹。 But the eye of full-time employment can see belief of front follower directly, the black is hostile, the red was the crazy follower, Eve Lenah such saying words, on representative C plum present belief is the pink. 而全职之眼可以直接看到面前信徒的信仰度,黑色是仇视,红色则是狂信徒,伊夫琳娜这么一说的话,就代表C梅现在的信仰度是浅红色。 Fang Linyan feels on the C plum to have the issue, after hesitating one next, very simple was saying to Mobius mark: 方林岩还是觉得C梅身上有问题,沉吟了一下之后,很干脆的对着莫比乌斯印记道: Helps me have a look on this boy to have the issue.” “帮我看看这小子身上有没有问题。” Mobius mark is unambiguous: 莫比乌斯印记也不含糊: 20 Biska data streams.” “20点比斯卡数据流。” Fang Linyan listened to the later response is very direct: 方林岩听了之后反应也很直接: Good, I knew, does not use, thanks.” “好的,我知道了,不用了,谢谢。” Mobius mark: 莫比乌斯印记: „.” “.” Fang Linyan shows a faint smile, didn't this save 20 Biska data streams? Oneself do not need to know on the C plum to have what issue, only needs to know that the opposite party had the issue on the line. 方林岩微微一笑,这不是就省下了20点比斯卡数据流了吗?自己根本就不需要知道C梅身上有什么问题,只需要知道对方是有问题就行了。 …… …… Without the words of issue, by prestige of energy Mobius mark, why such a average person must consume 20 Biska data streams. 没问题的话,以莫比乌斯印记之威能,这么一个普通人为什么要耗费20点比斯卡数据流啊。 Therefore Fang Linyan said to Eve Lenah directly: 于是方林岩直接对伊夫琳娜道: You are staring here, I ask the big priest to have the matter.” “你在这里盯着,我去找大祭司有事。” Eve Lenah nods. 伊夫琳娜点点头。 If others want to see one side the big priest, that is needs first to make an appointment lines up again, but Fang Linyan went to say, quick met with it again. 若是其余的人想要见大祭司一面,那是需要先预约再排队的,但方林岩进去说了一声之后,很快就再次与之相见了。 The big priest looked at Fang Linyan one saying: 大祭司看了方林岩一眼道: Matter about C plum?” “是关于C梅的事情吗?” Fang Linyan nods: 方林岩点点头: Although seems like his belief to be normal, but I thought that has the issue.” “虽然看起来他的信仰正常,但是我觉得是有问题的。” The big priest sighs slightly: 大祭司微微叹了一口气道: If so, then can hoodwink devotionally regards this god technique, corresponding domain divine tool.” “如果是这样的话,那么能够蒙蔽虔诚之视这个神术的,就只有相应领域的神器了。” Hears divine tool brightly two characters, Fang Linyan at present immediately one! Immediately pursues asks: 听到“神器”两个字,方林岩眼前顿时一亮!立即追问道: Determination?” “确定吗?” The big priest nods: 大祭司点点头: I am very definite! And this divine tool was consecrated inevitably over millenniums, the role that it plays may not only be shields, the fraud, can camouflage the actual belief of C plum close to the degree of sincere follower.” “我很确定!并且这件神器必然是被供奉了超过千年的,要知道,它起的作用可不仅仅是屏蔽哦,还有欺诈,可以将C梅的实际信仰伪装到接近虔信徒的程度。” Fang Linyan looking pensive, then the corners of the mouth revealed wiped the smile: 方林岩若有所思,然后嘴角露出了一抹微笑: Very good, very good! I has several, I changed the clothes.” “很好,很好!那我就有数了,我去换衣服了。” At this time outside the church, several old, weak, sick, and disabled had flushed, that two hoodlums at this time eyes blood red, erupted the astonishing battle efficiency, hit badly beaten the surrounding security personnel, fled like a scared rat, saw that unexpectedly also some people dare to mind others' business unexpectedly hehe, a foot trampled to fly an old man, little girl and so on did not let off similarly. 这时候在礼拜堂之外,已经有好几名“老弱病残”冲了上来,那两名暴徒这时候双眼血红,爆发出了惊人的战斗力,将周围的安保人员打得头破血流,抱头鼠窜,见到居然还有人居然敢来多管闲事呵呵,一脚就将一个老头踹飞了出去,小女孩之类的也同样不放过。 The instruction that they receive in any case disturbs, destruction, if the person in temple has made the turtle, in urine bubble the idol, did not fear that directly the opposite party does not have a fit of bad temper. 反正他们接到的指令就是捣乱,破坏,若是神殿的人一直做乌龟的话,就直接将神像上尿一泡,不怕对方不炸毛。 So long as opposite party once cannot bear the use god technique, then can hold fox tail of opposite party, then sets out the inquisition! 只要对方一旦忍不住动用神术的话,那么就能抓住对方的狐狸尾巴,然后出动宗教裁判所! Hehe, these vegetable/dish chicken average people also want to prevent me and others the footsteps, that is really is having a dream. 呵呵,这些菜鸡普通人也想要阻挡我等的脚步,那真是在做梦。 However, after their neatly and quickly old, weak, sick, and disabled processing, then saw a person of tourist appearance kept off in their front, what was funniest, this person also wears the young pig Petch's headgear unexpectedly. 不过,就在他们两人三下五除二的将老弱病残给处理掉了之后,便见到了一个游客模样的人挡在了他们的面前,最好笑的是,这个人居然还戴着小猪佩奇的头套。 Then these two people rush then they to be beaten savagely young pig Petch. 然后这两个人冲了上去然后他们就被暴打成了小猪佩奇。 Most critically, among nearby bystander had the complexions of several people immediately changes: 更关键的是,旁边的围观者当中有几个人的脸色顿时就变了: How can like this!” “怎么会这样!” No samples to the trace that any god technique fluctuates!” “没有采样到任何神术波动的痕迹啊!” Damn, Kevin and Gassot are the biochemical soldiers who in the middle of the A country the secret develops, they lost the battle efficiency unexpectedly in three seconds directly, the opposite party had not used the god technique, this was how possible!” “见鬼,凯文和加索乃是A国当中秘密开发出来的生化战士,他们居然在三秒钟内直接失去了战斗力,对方还没有使用神术,这怎么可能!” „That group of old stick-in-the-mud of court are really damn, must defend the regulation not to put, the judgement balance is not willing to send out motionless, otherwise, how to have a need for us going through the complications greatly?” “裁判所的那帮老顽固真是该死,非要守着规条不放,裁决天平不动就不肯出动,否则的话,怎么用得着我们大费周折?” Do not say, the judgement balance had not responded, the inquisition cannot send out to be the tora.” “不要这么说,裁决天平没有反应,宗教裁判所就不能出动乃是神谕。” Yes, now the international and domestic situation is very complex, no longer was the king coronates the time that needed the Pope to approve, we must carefully handle affairs.” “是的,现在国际国内的形势都很复杂,不再是国王加冕都需要教宗来认可的时代了,我们也要谨慎行事。” „The signal of my cell phone did not have, damn, the video transmission does not go out, the opposite party has early the preparation comes, should start the powerful disturbance!” “我手机的信号没了,见鬼,视频传送不出去了,对方是早有准备而来的啊,应该是开启了强力干扰!” „.” “.” It is no doubt that wears Fang Linyan of young pig Petch headgear, so long as he does not use the word spirit technique, Athena Yukita, the exclamation of Athena- That definitely will not have any supernatural power fluctuation, what because he uses is the space gives own strength, then naturally also not possible to be caught any painful foot. 不用说,戴着小猪佩奇头套的正是方林岩,他只要不使用言灵术,雅典娜之佑,雅典娜之惊叹--那肯定就不会有任何的神力波动啊,因为他动用的是空间赋予自己的力量,那么当然也就不可能被抓到任何的痛脚。 But among bystander these two planted agents were also photographed by nearby monitoring camera directly, then gave to the expert of National Security Agency, locking from its words and deeds, with lip language technique its conversation content analyzing. 而围观者当中的这两个内应也是直接被旁边的监控摄像头拍摄了下来,然后送给国家安全局的专家,从其言行举止当中将之锁定,紧接着用唇语术将其交谈内容给解析了出来。 *** *** After ten minutes, many pictures and videos start to brush the screen on Twitter, the topic is the standard shocking party, is prone making exaggerated , sensationalistic statements, so long as were pushed to have 90 possible points to go. 十分钟之后,多张图片和视频都开始在推特上面刷屏,题目都是标准的震惊党,语不惊人死不休,只要被推送到了就有90的可能点进去。 Shock, the Greek famous tourist area is hit by the terror attack, rivers of blood! Has the chart to have the truth.” “震惊,希腊著名旅游区遭受恐怖袭击,血流成河!有图有真相。” Frigid, the hoodlum displays the savage violence to the young girl unexpectedly, the young girl is in rags, can only weep bitterly no use, the high-definition video is the card.” “惨烈,暴徒竟对少女施展凶残暴力,少女衣不蔽体,只能无助痛哭,高清视频为证。” Old person does not let off, the hoodlum is crazed!” “老人也不放过,暴徒丧心病狂!” „The famous star C plum accompanies the journey with the terrorist unexpectedly, is on intimate terms “著名球星C梅居然与恐怖分子结伴出行,称兄道弟” „.” “.” The words saying that these really to click not to have the lower limit from the media! Shameless, if the person at scene did not see these carefully choose, the video of tailoring, the sincerity will think the second 9 / 11 erupted Greece. 话说这些自媒体真的是为了点击毫无下限!无耻至极,若是不在现场的人看到了这些精心挑选,剪裁出来的视频,真心会觉得第二起911事件在希腊这边爆发了。 What is not concerned about face, some are grasps opening a chart from the media, remaining depends entirely on the pattern that arranges, but also brings to use the bloody violent clashes pictures and videos of other places directly. Really is the bottom line and moral integrity of no media!! 更不要脸的是,有的自媒体更是秉持开局一张图,剩下全靠编的模式,还将其余地方的血腥暴力冲突图片和视频直接拿过来用。真的是毫无媒体人的底线和节操!! However Fang Linyan expressed oneself are good this, is the vigor that likes their not being concerned about face, must add money!! 不过方林岩表示自己就是好这口,就是喜欢他们这股不要脸的劲儿,必须得加钱!!
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