FE :: Volume #13

#1488: Request from God of Love

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Request of Chapter 1486 from God of Love 第1486章来自爱神的请求 At this time, Fang Linyan understood, originally these met with does not meet by chance eventually, but was long-premeditated meeting. 这时候,方林岩才明白了过来,原来这一场邂逅终究不是偶遇,而是蓄谋已久的见面。 However, Fang Linyan, engages in introspection, oneself and interest relations between Athena have penetrated the situation that interlocked unable to replace, Athena Yukita, was the exclamation of Athena, became one of the oneself most important cards in a hand. 不过,方林岩,扪心自问,自己与雅典娜之间的利益关系已经深入交错到了无法取代的地步,无论是雅典娜之佑,还是雅典娜之惊叹,都成了自己最重要的底牌之一。 Since is this, oneself naturally must display to the goddess loyal and regards as important. 既然是这样的话,自己当然就要表现出对女神的忠诚和看重。 Through the ages, wanting the foot to step on the fellows of two ships is wasted effort, Fang Linyan will often not violate this mistake finally. 古往今来,想要脚踩两只船的家伙最后往往都是竹篮打水一场空,方林岩自不会犯这种错。 Therefore, he slightly hesitates, then very simple say/way: 所以,他略一沉吟,然后便很干脆的道: Here is not the speech place.” “这里不是说话的地方。” Then Fang Linyan then led Hynaux to arrive under the big olive tree of distant place to say directly: 然后方林岩便直接带着伊诺来到了远处的一株大橄榄树下面道: Please say.” “请讲。” The owl, the olive tree, snake these three types of things are Athena's symbols, by goddess this time supernatural power, attention to Fang Linyan, therefore wants the matter of near these three types of things, the goddess must be able to be clear. 猫头鹰,橄榄树,蛇这三样东西乃是雅典娜的象征,以女神此时的神力,还有对方林岩的关注度,所以只要是在这三样东西附近发生的事情,女神必能一清二楚。 The meaning that Fang Linyan does, yes expressed oneself are selfless, must put under the monitoring of goddess all. 方林岩这么干的意思,就是表示自己毫无私心,要将一切都置于女神的监控之下。 Obviously, intention of Hynaux also very clear Fang Linyan, some hidden bitterness white his eyes, then said: 很显然,伊诺也很清楚方林岩的用意,有些幽怨的白了他一眼,然后道: I heard that the knight is long your excellency to think secret medicine of god of plant is very easy-to-use?” “我听说骑士长阁下觉得植物之神的秘药很好用?” Fang Linyan hesitant, at once thinks, oneself have truly chatted this matter with Yassin Tos, the reason was he found that the bottle of Olympus will have a mysterious and strong attraction to the indigenous people unexpectedly. 方林岩犹豫了一下,旋即就想了起来,自己确实和雅辛托斯聊过这件事,原因就是他发现奥林匹斯之瓶居然会对原住民有一种神奇而强大的吸引力。 Naturally, afterward knows, this is because Yassin Tos when mixes the medicament, joins the reason that wisp of Shentou sent toward. 当然,后来才知道,这是因为雅辛托斯在调配药剂的时候,往里面加入了一缕美神头发的缘故。 This is the powerful place of beautiful god, defeating the enemy without fighting! Even can convert an enemy into a friend directly, this very cow X. 这就是美神的强大之处,不战而屈人之兵!甚至能直接化敌为友,这就非常之牛X了。 Therefore, Fang Linyan very simple say/way: 所以,方林岩很干脆的道: Yes.” “是的。” Hynaux very simple say/way: 伊诺很干脆的道: My god has been determined in this world to develop, at present the urgently needed event expands the number of follower, but Yassin Tos that two crazy follower from dystopia surface, is very outstanding talent, my god also hopes that can develop some, therefore needs your excellency help.” “吾神已经决意要在此世发展了,目前急需的事件就是扩充信徒的数量,而雅辛托斯阁下的那两位来自异位面的狂信徒,也是非常优秀的人才,吾神也希望可以多发展一些,因此需要阁下的帮助。” Fang Linyan listened to the back of the body to move, at once sighs in the heart, what a pity oneself were not the service beast master, the charm demon and so on occupation, had the help of beautiful god otherwise, handles matters twice the result with half the effort that really it can be said that. 方林岩听了之后心中一动,旋即就在心中叹了一口气,可惜自己不是役兽师,魅魔之类的职业,否则的话有了美神的帮助,办起事来那真的可以说是事半功倍啊。 However now, Fang Linyan thinks Athena takes to oneself addition more, therefore is conscientious in discharging official duties 但是现在呢,方林岩还是觉得雅典娜带给自己的加成更多一些,所以还是公事公办吧 Therefore, he very simple say/way: 所以,他很干脆的道: I am the goddess knight am long, will only follow the direction charge that the goddess the victory scepter refers, these things that therefore you said please look for big priest Litaud song Nija.” “我是女神的骑士长,只会遵循女神的胜利权杖所指的方向冲锋,因此您所说的这些东西请去找大祭司特利托歌尼娅阁下吧。” Hynaux's complexion immediately changes, she is loves god Aphrodite's the big priest with beautiful, inborn has the Spiritual God corresponding authority, any high rank charm demon in her front, that is directly by second to become dregs. 伊诺的脸色顿时一变,她乃是爱与美之神阿芙洛狄忒的大祭司,天生就拥有神灵的相应权柄,什么高阶魅魔在她的面前,那是直接被秒成渣的。 Therefore, in Hynaux's memory, but also does not have the man to reject own request! 因此,在伊诺的记忆里面,还没有男人可以拒绝自己的要求呢! However according to the Hynaux acquired material demonstrated that the new world that the beautiful god regains consciousness at this time the population is extremely numerous, even can with being hard the imagination described, a resident in city-state, even can catch up with past the sum total of entire Greek population. 但是根据伊诺收集到的资料显示,美神此时苏醒的这个新世界当中人口极多,甚至可以用难以想象来形容,一座城邦的居民,甚至就能赶上昔日整个希腊人口的总和。 What is more exaggerating, heard that in the remote East, the state of the worship cow and rivers, the population of there casual city-state even exceeded the army sum total of past Trojan War. This is what kind of terrifying matter. 更夸张的是,听说在遥远的东方,有一个崇拜牛和河流的国度,那里随便一个城邦的人数甚至都超过了当年特洛伊战争的军队总和。这是何等恐怖的事情。 Therefore, here is completely the fertile soil that a piece has not developed! Athena can obtain the new life here, is really care of mother of land. 所以,这里完全就是一片未开发的沃土啊!雅典娜能够在这里获得新生,真的是大地之母的眷顾。 Hynaux looks is also clear, Athena obviously also meets dyspepsia now issue, the hoping strength that the follower provides has gone far beyond the speed that she has digested! 伊诺看得也很清楚,雅典娜现在明显也遇到了“消化不良”的问题,信徒提供的愿力已经远远超过了她消化的速度! This situation looks like western rainbow city richest family's inside king many fish such, turned into the billionaire from a poor skirt silk suddenly, the flash does not know how spent. 这种情况就像是西虹市首富里面的王多鱼那样,从一个穷屌丝陡然变成了亿万富翁,一瞬间都不知道怎么花钱了。 This happy worry, before their in the primary world was almost the unlikely matter. 这种幸福的烦恼,在之前她们的原生世界里面几乎是不可能发生的事情。 Naturally, must solve this matter is anxiously. 当然,要解决这种事情是急不来的。 It looks like Jordan Kobe's such basketball expert, the rebirth to a rich child on, experience and skill money every kind did not lack, the VS adult in the basketball court must be hung to hit, this was constrained by hardware typically, can only take your time with patient and persistent work. 就像是乔丹科比这样的篮球牛人,重生到了一个富人小孩身上,经验技巧金钱样样不缺,在篮球场中VS成年人依然要被吊打,这就是典型的受到了硬件限制,只能用水磨工夫慢慢来了。 Therefore now Hynaux is really burning with impatience, after all in this Athena eats in the full situation, how she will not care from the god competes for the follower. 所以现在伊诺真的是心急如焚啊,毕竟在这种雅典娜自身都吃到饱的情况下,她是不会怎么在乎从神来争夺信徒的。 Now but Hynaux must face is actually poor and blank, the aspect of one-man army, because of the reason of external pressure, the goddess does not dare to demonstrate massively the miracle came the info clerk follower, she did not certainly dare, therefore the urgently needed elite backbone assisted itself to do missionary work. 可是伊诺现在要面对的却是一穷二白,光杆司令的局面,并且因为外在压力的缘故,连女神都不敢大规模展示神迹来收纳信徒了,她当然也不敢,所以急需精锐骨干来协助自己传教。 All these wanted the whereabouts on Fang Linyan, but front fellow slid unexpectedly does not keep the rejection of hand own proposition! 这一切就要着落在方林岩身上了,可是面前这家伙居然滑不留手的拒绝了自己的提议! In a flash, shamed angry above Hynaux to Fang Linyan to display to attract the god technique directly to snatch to say directly again. 一瞬间,羞恼上头的伊诺都直接想要对方林岩施展魅惑神术了直接将之抢过来再说。 But this thought also thinks that cracks a joke, at this time the Fang Linyan status is Athena's care, the goddess knight group regimental commander, once Hynaux really did, meaning is the god war. 但这个念头也就只是想一想而已,开玩笑,此时方林岩的身份乃是雅典娜的眷顾者,女神的骑士团团长,一旦伊诺真这么干了,意味的就是神战。 Hynaux can only sigh: 伊诺只能叹了一口气道: Actually is very simple, probably do you help Yassin Tos such not be good?” “其实很简单的,像是你帮助雅辛托斯阁下那样不行吗?” Was good because of this time, fell gently a leaf from nearby olive tree, fell on the shoulder of Fang Linyan, in the middle of the Fang Linyan mind also presented big priest Litaud song Nija's immediately the voice: 好在这时候,从旁边的橄榄树上飘落下来一片叶子,落在了方林岩的肩头上,方林岩的脑海当中顿时也出现了大祭司特利托歌尼娅的声音: Beautiful god is very weak, promises her. She can the help that you provide also be big, at crucial moment even can maintain life.” “美神现在还十分虚弱,答应她吧。她能给你提供的帮助也是不小,在关键的时候甚至能够保命呢。” Since the big priest has to speak, then Fang Linyan naturally had the energy, was saying to Hynaux: 既然大祭司有发话出来,那么方林岩自然就有了底气,对着伊诺道: Since is this, then concrete chats, you hope how I help, I am a man, this when disseminates the doctrine of beautiful god. Not is convenient!” “既然是这样的话,那么具体聊聊吧,你希望我怎么帮忙,还有我是个男人,这个在传播美神的教义的时候.咳咳,不大方便啊!” Moreover to be honest, the previous time can help Yassin Tos is also the action of chance accomplished what art had failed, I do not know that he gives my Olympus medicament to have the strength of attracting unexpectedly, had no intention to use this medicine, this help/gang of mistake arising out of chance circumstances they “而且说实话,上一次能帮到雅辛托斯阁下也是无心插柳柳成荫的举动,我根本就不知道他给我的奥林匹斯药剂当中居然拥有魅惑之力,无意将这药物给人用了,这才阴差阳错的帮到了他们” Hynaux heard Fang Linyan to relent suddenly, immediately at present one bright, say/way of being delighted beyond measure: 伊诺听到了方林岩忽然松口,顿时眼前一亮,喜不自胜的道: Actually nothing is not convenient, since knew you to make the powerful follower be converted, I and Farrand have discussed the detailed plan, so long as after you nodded, can conduct the corresponding research, at most 2-3 days can complete the end product.” “其实没有什么不方便的,既然知道了伱这边能够让强大的信徒皈依,我和法兰德已经商量过了详细的计划,只要你点头之后就能进行相应的研究,顶多2-3天就能完成成品。” In addition, we also heard the knight growing up person will go to the dystopia surface exploration the matter, it can be said that is quite dangerous, therefore also completely due efforts.” “除此之外,我们也听说了骑士长大人会去异位面探索的事情,可以说是相当危险,因此也会尽一点微薄之力的。” After saying, Hynaux was executing a ritual to Fang Linyan, then turned around to depart. 说完了之后,伊诺就对着方林岩施了一个礼,然后转身离去了。 Fang Linyan was very curious at this time, due efforts in her mouth are completely? However now asks that as if a little not big politeness, was good because of this time, Mobius mark gives promptly explained: 方林岩这时候就很好奇了,她口中的微薄之力是怎么尽的呢?不过现在问出来似乎有点儿不大礼貌,好在这时候,莫比乌斯印记及时给出了说明: You are receiving god of Yassin Tos's plant the strength influence “你正受到植物之神雅辛托斯的力量影响” Henceforth, you use the word spirit technique time, can obtain the extra option, assigns to use the timely rain technique, after this god technique can absorbs the vitality of surroundings plant, is used to supplement that assigns the life value of goal.” “从此,你施展言灵术的时候,将可以获得额外的选项,指定施展甘霖术,此神术可以将周围植物的生命力吸收之后,用来补充指定目标的生命值。” Timely rain technique restores the data specifically is: 50 points( restore value fixedly) +( 0 ~ 200 points)”, the fluctuation restores the data to have much to do with your surrounding plant situation, the plant cover, the vitality is stronger, restoring the quality are more. ” “甘霖术的具体恢复数据为:50点(固定恢复数值)+(0~200点)”,浮动恢复数据与你周围的植物情况有很大关系,植物越茂密,生命力越强,恢复素质就越多。” When the surrounding plant density surpasses certain amount, for example under the forest environment, the timely rain technique will promote as the community effect automatically.” “当周围的植物密度超过一定数量的时候,比如森林环境下,甘霖术就会自动升级为群体效果。” Each adventurous world can only use twice this magic arts.” “你每个冒险世界只能施展两次这个法术。” Saw this prompt, Fang Linyan at present one brightly, this is the good supplement skill! Although must be affected by the environment, but also is the reliable restoration method 看到了这提示,方林岩眼前一亮,这可是个好的补充技能啊!虽然要受到环境的影响,但是也是可靠的恢复手段呢 What is more important, according to the above explanation, if oneself in the forest environment, this became a group therapy method, this was more commendable. 更重要的是,根据上面的说明,若是自己在森林环境下,这就成了一个群体治疗手段,这就更是难能可贵了。 When Fang Linyan carefully is studying this skill, prompts appears again: 就在方林岩仔细研究着这个技能的时候,提示再次出现: You are receiving liked god Aphrodite strength influence with beautiful “你正受到了爱与美之神阿芙洛狄忒力量影响” Henceforth, you use the word spirit technique time, can obtain the extra option, assigns to display staring of Cupid, this god technique can make the goal in increase to your favorable impression instantaneously, the duration is 1 minute ~ infinite.” “从此,你施展言灵术的时候,将可以获得额外的选项,指定施展丘比特之凝视,此神术可以让目标在瞬间对你好感大增,持续时间为一分钟~无限。” Staring of Cupid regarding has been during the battle enemy effect on cut in half, cuts in half to the female lifeform effect, cuts in half to the female effect. Is invalid to the goal of immunity energetic magic, installs the lifeform to be invalid to the puppet or the construction.” “丘比特之凝视对于已经处于交战当中的敌人效果减半,对雌性生物效果减半,对女性效果减半。对免疫精神魔法的目标无效,对傀儡或者构装生物无效。” Prompt, staring of Cupid is unsatisfactory to the space soldier effect.” “提示,丘比特之凝视对空间战士效果不佳。” This prompt initial time makes Fang Linyan express very happily, but then makes him have a big shock! 这提示最初的时候让方林岩表示很开心,但接下来就让他大惊失色! Why does this gadget cut in half to the female lifeform and female effect? Cupid obviously is the god of love, is not the god of base man!” “为什么这玩意儿会对雌性生物和女性效果减半啊?丘比特明明是爱情之神,不是基佬之神啊!” The reply of Mobius mark arrives immediately: 莫比乌斯印记的回复随即来到: Loving god Aphrodite with beautiful is the woman or the man?” “爱与美之神阿芙洛狄忒是女人还是男人?” Woman.” Fang Linyan honest returning covered passageway. “女人。”方林岩老老实实的回复道。 Mobius mark reply: 莫比乌斯印记回复: She is in sinks the dormancy stage, can only send out own big priest going out, therefore in this case, its supernatural power is weaker, therefore the influence on the man is definitely stronger.” “她目前还是处于沉眠阶段,只能派出自己的大祭司外出活动,所以在这种情况下,其神力就微弱一些,所以肯定就对男人的影响力更强啊。” Fang Linyan: „. Your this explanation is really impregnable, I had nothing to say in reply unexpectedly!” 方林岩:“.你这解释真是无懈可击,我竟无言以对!” Such a was interrupted by Hynaux, Fang Linyan remembered a matter suddenly, how that was Okinawa prince who led from Japan does not know to to congratulate true. 被伊诺这么一打岔,方林岩突然就又想起了一件事,那就是自己从日本带回来的冲绳王子向贺真不知道怎么样了。 The sword technique of this fellow may be really sharp, before with it fought the time, can feel that his strength has not displayed completely. 这家伙的剑术可真的是犀利呢,之前自己与之战斗的时候,能感觉到他的实力还没有全部发挥出来。 At this time entered the goddess god country, after changing into the hero soul, the shackles on physical body should vanish completely, therefore its strength should be stronger! If oneself then can use the word spirit technique to summon to help him, that even more powerful. 此时进入了女神的神国,化为了英灵之后,肉体上的桎梏应该全部都消失了,因此其实力应该更强了吧!如果自己接下来能使用言灵术将他召唤出来帮忙的话,那就更加如虎添翼了。 As the saying goes thinks that must do, Fang Linyan goes to goddess idol there immediately, he as the knight group regimental commander, after arriving here , prayed, after obtaining the approval of goddess, can directly enter the god country. 有道是想到就要去做,方林岩立即就前往女神神像那里,他身为骑士团团长,到达这里之后进行祈祷,获得了女神的准许后就能够直接进入神国。 Quick, Fang Linyan arrived in the middle of the goddess church, here is out-and-out sacred place. 很快的,方林岩就来到了女神的礼拜堂当中,这里已经是不折不扣的圣地了。 Can come here person it can be said of all forms, everybody combined in one, you can see the wealthy man and beggar in together devout bowing politely, you can see that the beautiful woman and old person also prayed 能够来到这里的人可以说是形形色色,男女老少都混杂在了一起,你可以见到富翁和乞丐在一起虔诚的叩拜,你可以见到美女与老人同时祈祷 Now to enter the threshold to church again changed, removes beside these krypton gold/metal big shot, most people need first to prove oneself irreverence, that confession indoor dull foot eight hours outside church. 现在要想进入到礼拜堂当中的门槛再次变了,除掉那些氪金大佬之外,大部分的人需要先证明自己的虔诚,那就是在礼拜堂外的忏悔室内呆足八个小时。 During this, cannot carry any electronic products to enter, the thing that can read only then had been compiled Homeric Hymns, the matter that then can handle is prayed to the Spiritual God. 这期间不能携带任何电子产品进入,能阅读的东西只有一本被重新编写过的荷马史诗,然后能做的事情就是对神灵祈祷。 This step basically eliminated over 90% flood followers, and also dodged the goddess use supernatural power to screen the possibility of follower, reduced the risk. 这个步骤基本上就淘汰掉了九成以上的泛信徒了,并且还规避掉了女神动用神力筛选信徒的可能,降低了风险。 When the Fang Linyan preparation prayed, suddenly heard outside broadcast the sound of clamoring, then the situation then started rapidly to expand. 就在方林岩准备祈祷的时候,突然听到了外面传来了喧哗的声音,然后事态便开始迅速扩大了。 Fang Linyan looks immediately, then saw outside has two men spiritedly in the facial expression is yelling anything, although listens unclear that they are saying anything, on T-shirt front and back that but two people put on, writes cults to injure someone dying with injustice unredressed and so on languages of blaspheming. 方林岩顿时看去,便见到了外面有两个男子正在神情激昂的喊叫着什么,虽然听不清楚他们在说什么,可是两人穿着的T恤正反面上,都写着“邪教害人”“死不瞑目”等等亵渎之语。 But the surroundings have encircled a large crowd, the tourist is photographing and so on, but side that two male several companions are dumbfounded, starts to console. 而周围已经围了一大群人,还有游客在纷纷拍照之类的,而那两个男子身边的几名同伴则是目瞪口呆,开始纷纷劝解。 After seeing this, Fang Linyan stood immediately, then walked toward there. He deeply inspires at this time, directly used the word spirit technique, the index finger toward a not far away point, the word spirit technique immediately became effective slightly! 见到了这一幕之后,方林岩立即站了起来,然后朝着那里走了过去。他此时深吸了一口气,直接就使用了言灵术,食指朝着不远处微微一点,言灵术立即生效! This word spirit technique function, is actually in the middle of a 200 meters away building switch! After the switch closes, a high-power jammer immediately becomes effective, the cell phone is at the net condition immediately completely. 这一次言灵术作用的,却是200米之外一处建筑物当中的开关!开关一合上之后,一台大功率干扰器立即生效,手机顿时全部处于断网状态。 This move is the behavior of typical removing firewood from under the pot, Fang Linyan calculates that these two people caused trouble here definitely have the subsequent hand, and is long-premeditated. 这一招乃是典型的釜底抽薪的行为,方林岩算准了这两个人在这里闹事绝对是有后手的,并且蓄谋已久。 In the middle of the crowd also has the partner mostly in the record current scene, then after film editing, puts on the network, the back water army add fuel to the flames, buy several heat to search, words as the matter stands, let your reputation smelly avenue absolutely! 人群当中多半还有同伙在记录当前的场景,然后将之剪接之后放到网络上面去,再用水军推波助澜,买几个热搜上去,这样一来的话,绝对让你名声臭大街! Therefore, first broke the net to remove firewood from under the pot directly, whatever you were restless, how many people can affect? 100 people? 1000 people? 所以,先断网就直接釜底抽薪了,任凭你怎么闹腾,能影响到多少人?一百人?一千人? Has not waited for Fang Linyan to act, the temple security personnel also send out rapidly, came to conduct to interfere directly, sincere follower number that the goddess had at this time already over 300,000, this inside what talent? 还不等方林岩出面,神殿这边的安保人员也是迅速出动,直接前来进行干涉了,女神此时拥有的虔信徒数量已经超过三十万,这里面什么人才没有? Therefore, the dealing methods of these security personnel are also quite standard, and is impregnable, belongs strongly middle has not lost the formality that. 所以,这些安保人员的应对手段也都是相当标准,并且无懈可击,属于强硬当中还不失礼节的那种。 Mister, here is the private territory, you had been included in not in the middle of the welcome list, according to its law's 37 th, the 44 th stipulation, please leave here immediately.” “先生,这里是私人领地,您已经被列入了不被欢迎的名单当中,根据本国法律第三十七条,第四十四条的规定,请您立即离开这里。” If you refuse to leave, we will adopt all legitimate methods, to you are under the charge in all consequences that in the middle of this process has!” “如果您拒绝离开,我们将会采取一切合法的手段,在此过程当中产生的一切后果都由你负责!”
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