Chapter 1481scarletflagtown/subduesTokyo!
( Friendshipprompt: This chaptercoordinatesBGM: Dislocationspace and timereadingexperiencesis better, someshakes, somecanobtain by search)
(友情提示:本章配合BGM:错位时空阅读体验更佳,某抖,某度都能搜到)However, the Shintoismteaches the principlethis timecomplexion is quite dignified, heraised the right handhigh, thenmakes the movement that emptygrasped, will startin the future the draw off, seemed likein the middle of the midairto have anything to pull outbyhimstrenuouslycame outto resemble.
The nextsecond, an elementsuddenopens the mouth, spoutedonegroup of bloodfog, rapidadherency of thisbloodfog in the middle ofmidair anything, changed to a blood redlonglong bonewhip!!
下一秒,素盏突然一张口,喷出了一团血雾,这血雾在半空当中迅速粘附上了什么东西,化作了一条血红色的长长骨鞭!!At this timepeopleknow,originallyelementtowedfromvoid, impressivelywasthistransparentlongwhip, at this time after the bloodstained, detecteditsconcreteshape, butseemed likefrom the contourknows that the lethalitywas quite intrepid.
The others of Shintoismsawtaughtprincipleto take out the divine toolto be ready in full battle arraydirectly, knows that heinduced certainlyanything, thereforewas ready in full battle array, thereforealsomade the appearance of being critical situation.
The mountaindistrictactuallyknits the browsat this time, disdainedwas sayingtonearbyadjutantin a low voice:
山县此时却皱了皱眉,不屑的对着旁边的副官低声道:„Reallyplays tricks, Ido not believe that whatghostevil spirit can also livefrom the rugbombardment of cannon.”
After saying, hedirectlytonearbypersoncoldsound said:
说完了之后,他直接对着旁边的人冷声道:„Sends, searches for the corpse, unearthsherewhile convenient, having a look atthisgroup of bastardsto be up to mischiefhere!”
The adjutantstands at attentionimmediately, riding bootheel„”hits the sound, lowers the headto bend the waistsaidloudly:
副官立即立正,将马靴后跟“啪”的一声撞响,低头弯腰大声道:„Depends on! Under the dutyleads the personto dothismatterimmediately!”
The mountaindistrictlikesisthisefficiency, machinery, mechanicalstyle, satisfactionwielded itselfto wear the hand of white gloves.
山县喜欢的就是这种效率,机械,刻板的风格,满意的挥了挥自己戴着白手套的手。In the nextsecond, the mountaindistrictfrownssuddenly, hewas listening, the say/way of being astonished:
只是在下一秒,山县忽然皱起了眉头,他偏着头听了一下,讶异的道:„Whatsound is this?”
“这是什么声音?”Afterhesaid the words, hissurroundingpersonalsoheard the earto seem the vaguesoundto transmitindistinctly.
A Japanesestaff officeris frowningto hear the sound that in the middle ofthisnight windis broadcastingindistinctly, cannot bear the scruplesay/way:
一名日本参谋皱着眉头听着这夜风当中隐约传来的声音,忍不住迟疑的道:„Thisis. Are somepeopleplaying the trumpet?”
Other personechoesto sayimmediately:
另外的一个人立即就附和道:„Yes, but the sound of thistrumpetis very monotonous, is playing a melodyrepeatedly, butsounds likequitefervent.”
“是的,不过这小号的声音很单调啊,反反复复就吹奏着一个调子,但听起来还是颇为慷慨激昂。”Anotherstaff officersaidsuddenly:
另外一名参谋突然道:„It is not right, thisshouldbe the charge sound!!”
“不对,这应该是冲锋号!!”Whenhisvoicefalls, in the middle of the bugle callactuallybroadcastsomeextramixedsounds, probablysound of river waterenormous and powerfulgalloping, singing sound that alsoas ifhearsfrom the extremelyremoteplace, off and on, is with overpowering momentum, intense. Spirited!!!
The windis roaring,
风在吼,horseis calling,
The Yellow Riveris roaring!!!!
黄河在咆哮!!!!Inthissound, there is a sound of charge sound, hassound that the Yellow Riverroared, had the sound of ferventbattle song,
这声音中,有冲锋号的声音,有黄河咆哮的声音,有慷慨激昂的战歌的声音,Thissoundfrom far to near, byfuzzilybecomesclear, approachesfast!!
这声音由远及近,由模糊变得清晰,快速逼近!!Indistant placein confusion, whenthatdesperatedeathly stillnessdarkness, suddenlypresented a rayeverywhere, beginningthisray the dim, shines the raygreatly, onesuch asleaps the horizonmorning sun!
在远处的满地狼藉里,在那令人绝望的死寂黑暗当中,突然出现了一丝光芒,这光芒初时熹微,紧接着就大放光芒,一如跃出地平线的朝阳!Carefullylooked,thisunexpectedlyis the scarletredflag that onefluttersagainst the wind!
仔细一看,这竟是一面迎风飘扬的赤红色旗帜!Thisflagwas raisedby a personhigh, butthispersonhas not seen clearly the facial features, even the body, the clothesbecome fuzzycompletely, because ofhisfrom top to bottom, was coveredby the flamingroaring flame!
这旗帜被一个人高高擎起,但是这个人已经根本看不清楚面容了,连身体,衣服都完全模糊化,因为他的浑身上下,都被熊熊烈焰所覆盖!Butthissidescarletredflag, thencomprised of the roaring flame.
而这一面赤红色的旗帜,则是由烈焰组成的。Carefullylooked the words that canfind, theseflamingroaring flameeruptfromthispersonbody, hiswhole personturned into the fuel, is doing utmostto supportthisflutteringscarletredwar flag!!
仔细看去的话就能发现,这些熊熊烈焰就是从这个人身体内部喷发出来的,他整个人都变成了燃料,在竭尽全力支持着这面飘扬的赤红色战旗!!Thiswas the secondshape of Ming Dynastydragon flag.
The spark, canset the prairie afire!!!
After Ming Dynastydragon flaglegenditemsentto attachninebrocade uniformed guardhero souls that is defeatedthoroughly, thisequipmentwill evolve the finalshape, oncethisshapesuccessfullyappeared, the quality was a divine tool.
当大明龙旗这件传说道具中寄附的九名锦衣卫英灵被彻底击破之后,这件装备将会进化成最终形态,此形态一旦成功出现,品质便为神器。Mustmakeitsuccessfullyevolve, the holdermustgrip tightlyto hold the Ming Dynastydragon flag, thenoffers sacrificesoneself, combustion that the lifevalue of holderwill continueto keep, consumption, evolutionforthisitem.
要使其成功进化,持有者必须紧握持住大明龙旗,然后献祭自己,持有者的生命值将会持续不停的燃烧,消耗,用于此道具的进化。Thisinjuryispermanent, will cause the irreversiblenegative effect.
此伤害为永久性的,将会造成不可逆的负面后果。Duringthisprocess, the holderwill receive the protection of Ming Dynastydragon flag, aroundhisbodywill form a 3 x 3 x 3meterlarge-scalesafety mask, anyattackis unable to penetrate.
在此过程当中,持有者将会受到大明龙旗的保护,其身体周围将形成一个3x3x3米的大型防护罩,任何攻击都无法穿透。Once the holdercannot bear the painto let goduring the process of offering sacrifices, the evolution is also then defeated, buthas consumed, the lifevalue of combustionwill losepermanently.
After offering sacrificesto be successful, the Ming Dynastydragon flagwill be evolvedthoroughly, becomesat the same time the brand-newflag.
献祭成功之后,大明龙旗将会被彻底进化,成为一面全新的旗帜。So long aswerein the past, powerfulwar flag that in the futurehas, andhad the bigcommon groundwithit, inevolutionlist- for exampleflagmostareawere the red, and so on hero soul in flagfor the China.
只要是过去,未来存在的强大的战旗,并且与之有较大共同点的,都会在进化列表当中-比如旗帜大部分面积均为红色,旗帜中的英灵为华族等等。Saw after fiery-redwar flag that thisfluttersproudly, the soldier, the military officer, was the believer of Shintoism, the founder, in the hearthad a being faced with imminent disasterfeelingas if by prior agreement, onceas ifthisflagexisted, will suppresstheirdestiny, the soul, evenin the future!!
看到了这面骄傲飘扬的火红色战旗之后,无论是士兵,将领,还是神道教的教徒,教主,心中都不约而同的产生了一股大难临头的感觉,仿佛这面旗帜一旦存在,就会镇压住他们的气运,灵魂,甚至未来!!Thissidescarletflag, burnsoneselfinFang Linyan, paidinallsituations, passed throughhundredyears of space and time, arrived in this stretch of familiarandstrangelanddirectly, fluttershigh!!
Such desperatepressure, madethemyellimmediatelycrazily, thendid utmostto send out the comprehensiveattack!!!
这样令人绝望的压力,顿时就让他们疯狂大叫了起来,然后竭尽全力发出了全面的攻击!!!Intensity that theseattackstime, the duration, the attackfrequencyis completely unprecedented,
这一次攻击的烈度,持续时间,攻击频率完全都是空前的,Whenthisattackis still continuing, sent out the scarletcolored lightglowsoldierto clashfrom the gunsmokefrom top to bottom, then the standingbody, held up the headto sound the charge sound.
但是当这攻击还在持续的时候,一名浑身上下散发着赤红色光芒战士就从硝烟当中冲了出来,然后站直身体,昂首吹响了冲锋号。Inthisspiritedchargebugle call, lots ofsoldiersare shouting loudlyloudly, as if the tide the rayfromwar flaggushes outgenerally, theninitiated the charge, some of themgrasp the rifle, somegrasp the Mauser pistol, somegrasp the broadsword!!
在这激昂的冲锋号声当中,大量的战士大声高呼着,仿佛潮水一般从战旗中的光芒涌出,然后发起了冲锋,他们有的手持步枪,有的手持驳壳枪,有的手持大刀!!Underthisscarletredflagshines, the hero soulis immortal, exists foreverwith the country!!
This armyappearance, showedtheirspecial characteristics,
这支军队一出现,就展现出了他们的特质,Powerful, humble, tenacious, fearless, unprecedented!!!
When birth600,
When stepsJinggangshan6000,
When Siduchishui60,000,
四渡赤水时的六万,FromBeiping , Tianjingto600,000 of Huai-Hai Campaign,
从平津到淮海战役的六十万,FromChosin ReservoirtoMt. Shanggan, Panmunjeom, is6 million!
The person who forunderthisflagsacrificed, the bloodfills up the seasufficiently, the skeletonevencanpileto become the mountain!
A persondropped down, the person who 100are flowing the samebloodlineswells up, is inheritinghiswill and faithcontinuesto charge.
一个人倒下了,一百个流着同样血脉的人涌上来,继承着他的意志和信念继续冲锋。Thissidescarletredflag, sinceit was born, someinnumerableheroesinitsundertake place of the fallen, laugh in the face of death!! Alsodoes not know that manymartyrssang loudlygenerously, unprecedented,
这一面赤红色的旗帜,自从它诞生以来,就有无数英雄豪杰在其下前仆后继,舍生忘死!!也不知道多少烈士慷慨高歌,一往无前,Abovethisflag, condensed the countlessfaith, is hardto describe the hero's soul of quantityloyal and heroic, since itstartsto flutter, forit the hero's soul of sacrifice, hadnumerousten million/countless!
这面旗帜之上,凝聚了不计其数的信念,还有难以形容数量的英魂忠烈,自它开始飘扬起,为它而牺牲的英魂,都有千万之众!Canwantto standin the opposite of thisflag? Ok, youmustfirsthaveloyal that ten million/countlessis willingto sacrificeforyou, thishad the most basicadmissionqualifications!
要想站在这面旗帜的对立面?可以,你得先拥有肯为你牺牲的千万忠魂,这才有了最基本的入场资格!Thisflag, is the miracle, is the milestone!!
这面旗帜,已经是奇迹,是丰碑!!Allenemieson the scene, underthisas iftidegeneralimpact, vanished in a puff of smokeinstantaneously, eventeachingprinciple of Shintoism, cannotinsist for onesecond.
在场的所有敌人,在这一次仿佛潮水一般的冲击之下,瞬间灰飞烟灭,甚至就连神道教的教主素盏,也没能多坚持一秒钟。At this time, that human form of holding high the scarletflag, is almost the combustioncompletely, the soastonishinglethality, naturally must payastonishingprice- looked like, forthisflagsacrificed the life, sprinkled the hot bloodedmartyrsto be the same.
这时候,高举赤旗的那个人形,已经几乎是燃烧殆尽了,如此惊人的杀伤力,当然也要付出惊人的代价-就像是为了这面旗帜抛头颅,洒热血的先烈一样。Awakening of self-sacrifice, has not had the selfless and fearlesssacrificing spirit, does not matchto touchthisfiercewar flag!
没有自我牺牲的觉醒,没有无私无畏的奉献精神,也根本不配触碰这面烈烈战旗!This timehe, alreadyonlysurplus that grips tightly the scarletflag is only broken the palm.
此时的他,已经只剩余下来了紧握赤旗的那只残破手掌而已。Whenthispalmburnsthoroughlycompletely, thisscarletredflagas ifinducedanythingto resemble, suddenlyininstantaneoussuddenly risingnumberhundred zhang (333 m), andon the straightvault of heaven, flutteredfearlessly!!
当这一只手掌都彻底燃烧殆尽的时候,这面赤红色的旗帜仿佛感应到了什么似的,陡然在瞬间暴涨数百丈,并且直上苍穹,昂然飘扬!!Inthisflash, lights of entireTokyounderthisgiantscarletflag. Is overshadowed!!!!
In 1894 A. D., thisshouldbemakesChinaperish, year of Yan and Huangdescendantgrieveddecline.
西元1894年,这本应该是一个让中华沉沦,炎黄后裔惨然没落的年份。However, fromfutureyoung peoplebyone's effort, changedall these.
但是,一个来自未来的年轻人以一己之力,改变了这一切。Helaughed in the face of death, burntoneselfblood, ownyouth, ownlife, doing utmostwrestledat risk of life, thensucceeded.
他舍生忘死,燃烧了自己的鲜血,自己的青春,自己的生命,竭尽全力的拼死一搏,然后成功了。Achievedso the cause- Scarletflagtown/subduesTokyo!!!
达成了如此伟业--赤旗镇东京!!!Thisiswhat kind ofastonishingmarvelous sight, iswhat kind ofgreatmagnificent feat!!!!
这是何等的惊人奇观,也是何等的伟岸壮举!!!!Anywith the person who recklessZhiyunhas the intimateconnection, is the heart, in the hearthad the ominousandsolemn and stirringpremonition.
凡是与胡芝云有所亲密关联的人,也是心有所动,心中生出了不祥而悲壮的预感。National destiny of entireJapan, received the correspondingstimulation, crazyandunwillingboiled,
整个日本的国运,也是受到了相应的刺激,疯狂而不甘的沸腾了起来,In the middle ofMount Fujigorgeously, evenpresented the angryandterrifyingstrangeroar, the snow whitewhite snow of summit is also the rapidmelting, evenin the mountainalsohas the red lightto show.
巍然的富士山当中,甚至出现了愤怒而恐怖的怪吼声,山顶的皑皑白雪也是迅速融化,甚至山中还有红光透出。However, all theseare unproductive,
但是,这一切都是徒劳的,Thisshould notin the scarletflag that this time presented that magnificentandproudis flutteringsky over the entireJapan.
这面本不应该在这时候出现的赤旗,辉煌而骄傲的在整个日本上空飘扬着。In the middle oflegend8 millionvariousGodundershining of thisflag, sad and shrillis whooshing, eitherruns away, eitherdesperatekneels down, sends outa lot ofblacksmogfrom top to bottom, sad and shrillpitiful yell!!!!
On September 15 , 1932, the Japanese forcesslaughtered more than 3000peopleinFushunPingdingshan.
On December 13 , 1937, the Japanese forces conducted the Nanjing Massacre, the number of victimssurpassed300,000.
On January 25 , 1941, the Japanese forcesslaughtered4000peopleinPanjiayu
公元1941年1月25日,日军在潘家峪屠杀了四千人Butat that time, the Kuomintanggovernment can only protestweakly.
而当时,国民党政府只能软弱的抗议。Butinthisworld, thistime, Fang Linyandiscardedownlife, ahead of timesummonedthisfrom more than 100years later scarletcolors, flutteredsky over the Chinese hibiscus, conducted the suppressiontoitsnational destinyruthlessly.
而在这个世界,这个时代,方林岩舍弃了自己的生命,提前召唤出了这面来自一百多年之后的赤红军旗,飘扬在了扶桑上空,狠狠对其国运进行了镇压。This timeChinese hibiscus, is noteastthat a Pearl Harbor, the westresists the axis powersbackbone of Soviet, itsnational destiny, justhad the potential, as ifnewbornshoot.
The resultmetthismatter, savedseveral thousandyears of destinyto be suppresseddirectlyconsumes, the destinydropped the valleyagain!
结果遇上了这档子事情,积蓄了数千年的气运直接被压制消耗,气运再次跌落到了谷底!In the time line of thisworld, thesemassacresthenno longer happen,
在这个世界的时间线上,这些惨案便不再发生,Fang Linyanbyone's effort, subvertedthesefrigidmarksto achievethese wordstruly!方林岩以一己之力,颠覆了这些惨烈的印记真正的做到了这句话!Irecommendbymyblood, porch, shaft!!!!
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