FE :: Volume #13

#1482: Brocade uniformed guard hero soul

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Chapter 1480 brocade uniformed guard hero soul 第1480章锦衣卫英灵 Bang a loud sound transmits, on the channel that although caves in again tumbled a big stone, however under the different functions of earth tooth, this stone presented many cracks impressively silently, then collapsed toward side. “轰”的一声巨响传来,尽管再次塌陷的通道上滚落了一块大石头,但是在土牙的异能之下,这块石头赫然悄然无声的出现了诸多的裂纹,然后朝着旁边坍塌了下去。 This was stopped up the stair hall channel stubbornly, in just three minutes, by two fierce earth teeth making a connection with, these two monsters sent out hissing the strange sound, was rapid to pounce upon suddenly toward the front. 这条被堵塞得死死的楼梯间通道,在短短的三分钟内,就被两条狰狞的土牙给打通了,这两头怪物发出了“嘶嘶”的怪异声音,然后迅速朝着前方猛扑了上去。 After they just flushed, the front surface shoots an sharp incomparable lance, this lance presents the golden red, and in the surface has flame indistinctly, shoots all of a sudden on whirlwind, an earth tooth nail ruthlessly on wall. 只是,在它们刚刚冲出去之后,迎面就射来了一支尖锐无比的长矛,这支长矛呈现出金红色,并且表面上隐约有一层火焰,一下子就飚射过来,将一头土牙狠狠的钉在了墙壁上。 After hitting a target, this earth tooth looks extremely painful, the entire body started to shiver to twist, actually rapid was covered by the flame, at this time carefully looked that detected, this lance was seemingly incisive, actually actually comprised of the brilliance, resembled unsubstantial, because of this, can cause the so huge damage to the earth tooth evil thing like this! 被射中以后,这头土牙看起来极其痛苦,整个身体都开始颤抖扭曲了起来,却迅速的被火焰覆盖住,这时候仔细看去才发觉,这长矛看似尖锐非常,其实却是由光焰组成的,似无实体,不过正因为这样,才对土牙这样的邪物能造成如此巨大的伤害! Walked from the rear area slowly came out a man, he wore the reddish brown red flying fish clothing/taking, the design of chest front dragon first fish was lifelike, the waist wore one to embroider spring the blade, the head wears a Jinxian No.1, appeared the heroic spirit sharp qi, outstanding! 紧接着,从后方徐徐走了出来一名男子,他身穿赭红色的飞鱼服,胸前龙首鱼身的图案栩栩如生,腰间佩戴着一把绣春刀,头上戴着一顶进贤冠,显得英风锐气,卓尔不群! This was the Ming Dynasty dynasty makes the brocade uniformed guard who one was panic at the news! 这就是大明朝令人闻风丧胆的锦衣卫! The emperor personal guard that this was usually most was trusted the merit relative who holds the post to command by the emperor- 这就是素来都由皇帝最为信任的勋戚担任统领的天子亲军-- Had to be aloof beyond the Ming Dynasty law, took action first and explained later, powerful armed forces of imperial authority special permission! 拥有超脱于大明律之外,先斩后奏,皇权特许的强大武装力量! This brocade uniformed guard bent the waist on the illness/quick charges into this earth tooth, the blade light/only sparkled, will divide directly sad and shrill neighs, fell several meters away. 紧接着,这名锦衣卫一弯腰就疾冲向了这头土牙,刀光闪耀之间,直接就将之劈得凄厉嘶鸣,直摔出了好几米远。 Another earth tooth sees that immediately goes forward to throw with raw hate strikes, wants to save the companion, finally the distant place flies distantly a arrow, direct hit its head. 另外一头土牙见状,立即上前凶狠扑击,想要拯救同伴,结果远处又遥遥飞来一箭,直接命中其头部. Is a brocade uniformed guard illness/quick to/clashes, embroiders spring the blade blade light/only to flash continually, two earth teeth will be slaughtered shortly completely. 紧接着又是一名锦衣卫疾冲而出,绣春刀刀光连闪,两头土牙在顷刻之间就被屠杀殆尽。 But since the gap has broken open, below Japanese also yells board to carry( day yellow to long live), as if the lunatic flushed generally, these fellows as surrounding and protecting elite of national capital, had been brainwashed very thoroughly! That may really not fear death. 但缺口既然已经破开,下方的日本人也是大声喊叫着“板载”(天黄万岁),仿佛疯子一般的冲了进来,这些家伙作为拱卫京畿的精锐,早就被洗脑得十分彻底!那可真的是不怕死。 In a flash, in the middle of this underground hall is the sound of gunfire chaotic sound, the bullet shoots crazily! After this brocade uniformed guard the bullet hit, injured is bled, the bullet will penetrate the past directly, but many after several spears/guns, its speed and strength obvious reduction, the body appears will not have gloomily up. 一瞬间,这地下的大厅当中就是枪声乱响,子弹狂射!这锦衣卫被子弹击中了之后并不会受伤流血,子弹会直接穿透过去,但是多挨几枪之后,其速度和力量都会明显的降低,身体也会显得暗淡无光。 As floods into to the Japanese soldier of below channel are getting more and more, the movements of two brocade uniformed guards are also even more slow, heard the hoofbeat from nearby corridor suddenly! These to/clashes time impressively is three brocade uniformed guard cavalries, or grasps to hold the long spear/gun, either use saber, combative! 随着涌入到下面通道的日本士兵越来越多,两名锦衣卫的动作也是越发缓慢,从旁边的走廊当中突然传来了马蹄声!这一次冲出来的赫然是三名锦衣卫骑兵,或握持长枪,或使用马刀,杀气腾腾! The warhorse of his crotch was very powerful, in the eye is sparkling as if the flame common blazing ray, the place that the hoof palm oversteps, formed completely the appearance that has the combustion ash fire, the flame drags to rock in the hoofprint, seeming like full on the power and influence. 其胯下的战马就十分强悍了,眼中闪耀着仿佛火焰一般的炽烈光芒,蹄掌踏过的地方,全部都形成了有着燃烧余烬的模样,火苗在蹄印当中摇曳晃动,看起来就威势十足。 These three cavalries to charge high-speed, under the Japanese soldiers are hard to face directly its point radically, the spear/gun blade develop simultaneously, is conducting completely effortlessly slaughters general. 这三名骑兵以高速冲锋进来,日本士兵根本就难以直面其锋芒,枪刀并举之下,完全在进行毫不费力的屠戮一般。 What is more impressive, the mounts of these three brocade uniformed guard cavalry crotches should be has does not have apparent gravity the characteristics, they in nearby wall, on the ceiling same can initiate running quickly charge at will, is really makes one praise to the heavens. 更令人惊叹的是,这三名锦衣卫骑兵胯下的坐骑应该是拥有“无视重力”的特性,他们在旁边的墙壁,天花板上一样可以随意发起奔驰冲锋,真的是令人叹为观止。 However at this time, nearby wall collapsed loudly , the earth teeth successfully made the underground walk, the Japanese forces started two groups to advance troops, but Fang Linyan also came at this time, his distant standing in the end of corridor, in the hand grasped holds the magnificent Xuan Ming Dynasty dragon flag! 不过这时候,旁边的墙壁轰然垮塌,又有一头土牙成功打出了地下通道,日军开始两路进兵,只是这时候方林岩也是现身了,他远远的站在了走廊的尽头,手中握持着的正是华丽煊赫的大明龙旗! Naturally, this side Ming Dynasty dragon flag, is the beforehand updated version, the quality for the out-and-out legend! 当然,这一面大明龙旗,已经是之前的升级版,品质为不折不扣的传奇! The scarlet red dragon flag is fluttering recklessly, the flame on dragon flag was also spreads on the right arm of Fang Linyan! The war flag of this command hero soul, only then had the person of Ming Dynasty imperial family direct descendant bloodlines, or has the powerhouse who the great general assigned/life the standard to use. 赤红色的龙旗正在肆意飘扬着,龙旗上的火焰也是蔓延到了方林岩的右臂上!这面号令英灵的战旗,只有拥有明朝皇室嫡系血脉的人,或者是拥有大将命格的强者才能使用。 Others want forcefully the use words, that must endure flag the ignition on flame of big open fire virtue, its negative effect has two points: 其余的人想要强行使用的话,那就要忍受旗帜上的大明火德之焰的灼烧,其负面效果有两点: First , to continue the falling life value, but the falling speed is very slow, too will not affect the general situation. 第一,持续掉落生命值,不过掉落速度很慢,并不会太影响大局。 Second, is the biggest negative effect, that is the severe pain!! The raging fire commits suicide by fire, originally on one of suffering the trouble-maker can withstand, the flame of this big open fire virtue has to eclipse the strength of flesh eclipse bone eclipse heart let alone, the brought pain far more than is ten times of ordinary flame, direct role in people spiritual, simple, taking the anesthetic is useless. 第二,也是最大的负面效果,那就是剧痛!!烈火焚身,本来就是非人能承受的折磨之一,更何况这大明火德之焰拥有蚀肌蚀骨蚀心之力,带来的巨痛何止是普通火焰的十倍,会直接作用于人的精神上,简单的来说,打麻药都没用。 However Fang Linyan this time nerve as if iron general, superficial must withstand, the body that but shivers from him slightly, can see that was far less than the surface seems like that relaxedness. 但是方林岩此时的神经仿佛铁打的一般,轻描淡写的就要承受了下来,只是从他微微颤抖的身体,就能看出远不如表面上看起来那种轻松。 Clash/To the Japanese, only used for more than ten seconds on the hero soul by Ming Dynasty dragon flag to be cut to kill completely. 冲上来的日本人,只用了十几秒钟就被大明龙旗上的英灵斩杀殆尽。 Moreover, because triggered on the Ming Dynasty war flag new old enemy attribute, therefore the body ray is gloomy, the injured hero soul went through around the Japanese corpse of dying at this time, often made the deep breath the appearance, this was the soul of Japanese soldier swallowed dead, was used to restore own life value. 不仅如此,因为触发了大明战旗上的新增的“宿敌”属性,所以身上光芒暗淡,受伤的英灵此时就在死掉的日本人尸体周围穿行,不时做出深呼吸的样子,这就是它们在吞食死掉的日本士兵的灵魂,用来恢复自身的生命值。 But before all these are only storm gathers tranquil, near the ear of Fang Linyan, has transmitted one at this time buzz humming sound sound, this sound sounds is not big, actually shake will of the people the huge strength of bottom of one's heart! 但这一切只是暴风雨来临之前的宁静而已,方林岩的耳边,此时已经传来了一阵“嗡嗡嗡”的声音,这声音听起来并不算大,却有一种震荡人心的肺腑的庞大力量! After this is transmits the gate can arrive at 90 sufficiently, the appeared extra sound, very much obviously, such shake sound energy listens respectfully is not only Fang Linyan, even periphery everyone within nearby 34 kilometers can hear. 这是传送门充能来到了90之后,出现的额外响动,很显然,这样的震荡声能聆听到的不仅仅是方林岩,甚至连周围附近三四公里内的所有人都能听到。 To Japanese, was not difficult to calculate under this to hold some ceremony, and will soon be near the successful end, even if they do not know that this ceremony concrete use was anything, is actually certain after this ceremony succeeded, to its all harm and no benefit. 对于日本人来说,并不难推算出这下面应该正在举行某种仪式了,并且即将接近成功的尾声,就算是他们不知道这仪式具体的用处是什么,却可以肯定这仪式成功后对其有损无益。 Therefore, Japanese's following attack, inevitably is earth-shaking!! 因此,日本人接下来的这一次攻击,必然就是石破天惊!! This time Fang Linyan was unemotional, in the heart was actually one piece spatial bright clear, looked up to the above, as if the vision can penetrate above basement mud level, then the corners of the mouth revealed wiped the smile, light say/way: 这时候的方林岩面无表情,心中却是一片空明澄澈,抬头看向了上方,仿佛目光能穿透地下室上方的泥层似的,然后嘴角露出了一抹微笑,淡淡的道: Come.” “来吧。” *** *** After one minute/share 13 seconds, 一分十三秒之后, The darkness arrives in the flash! 黑暗在一瞬间降临! Eight minutes that Abe declares Chang pledged have passed by, and even have not passed by, that did not affect the situation as a whole, 安倍宣长承诺的八分钟已经过去,并且就算是没有过去,那也无碍大局, Because in the middle of this Capital presents the event that hundred ghosts travel by night is too big, and situation is also bad, that usually was the Shintoism founder of hard to get hold can barely catch a glimpse of came, appeared with it together, other two implemented the founder( vice- founder) also to arrive together. 因为这一次京都当中出现百鬼夜行的事件太大,并且情况也是过于恶劣,那一位素来都是神龙见首不见尾的神道教教主现身了,与之一起出现的,还有其余两名实行教主(副教主)也是一起来到。 Naturally, follows this group of people to appear, the core and elite in Shintoism, for example big lawsuit rank also came seven people. 当然,伴随这帮人出现的,还有神道教内的核心和精锐,比如大官司级别的也来了七人。 Naturally, this is because Japanese to become God threshold was too low, therefore is known as the reasons of 8 million gods, if according to the standard of Japan, the strange lead of tall tale inside casual story, in Japan at least were a Spiritual God. 当然,这是因为日本成神的门槛太低了,所以号称八百万众神的缘故,若是按照日本的标准,聊斋里面随便一篇故事的灵异主角,在日本都至少是个神灵了呢。 Therefore these elites in Shintoism are also often known as have the divine tool, can summon the supernatural power and so on. 所以神道教内的这些精英动不动也都号称拥有神器,能召唤神力之类的。 The founder of Shintoism is called element, after each founder takes a seat, will give up own old name, conducts this name, it was bound from top to bottom in the middle of a black robe, tall and powerfully built, over two meters, stand among one group of diminutive Japanese as if like a crane among chickens. 神道教的教主叫做素盏,每一任教主即位以后,都会放弃自己的原名,承袭这个名字,其浑身上下被裹在了一席黑袍当中,身材魁梧,超过两米,站在一群矮小的日本人当中仿佛鹤立鸡群。 His appearance can be said as very unique, the long hair long eyebrow, the beard also flutters in the chest front, after seeming like seemed a birth, has never pruned the beard pili and so on, and shut tightly the eyes momentarily. 他的形貌可以说是十分独特的,长发长眉,胡须也是飘扬在胸前,看起来就仿佛是一出生之后就从未修剪过胡须体毛之类的,并且随时都紧闭双眼。 Must become the founder of mysterious and powerful Shintoism, does not need family background anything, does not need what backstage, only need is the luck. 要成为神秘而强大的神道教的教主,并不需要家世什么的,也不需要什么后台,唯一需要的就是运气。 Each Shintoism founder development process is very mysterious, after the previous Shintoism founder died, in the middle of Shintoism most precious object: In the middle of the deep thunderclap bottle, will start out woman Luo the flower named long-drawn-out cloud. 每一任神道教教主诞生的过程都十分神秘,在上一任神道教教主死去以后,神道教当中的至宝:冥霆瓶当中,就会开出一朵叫做悠云婆罗的花。 Legend flowers will only open in forgetting in the middle of Sichuan an island, is to deep to the imaginary thing. 传说这花朵只会开放在忘川当中的一个小岛上,乃是至冥至幻的东西。 Then Shintoism across the country search orphan, and must in seven days after the birth, parental grandfather grandmother grandparent the orphan of this type of directly-related family member completely death ray, making them come 11 to grasp to hold. 接下来神道教就会在全国各地搜寻孤儿,并且必须是在出生之后七天内,父母外公外婆爷爷奶奶这种直系亲属全部都死光的孤儿,让他们来一一握持。 The destinies of most orphans, are this peanut are lived to attract the adult to do by long-drawn-out cloud woman Luo directly, buries to the flowering cherry tree under directly makes the flower to be fat. 大多数孤儿的命运,都是直接被悠云婆罗这朵花生生吸成人干,直接埋到樱花树下面去做花肥。 The orphan who 1% do not arrive, can live to barely manage to maintain a feeble existence, but their following lives often not over ten years, and quality of life as if 80-year- old woman. 只有百分之一不到的孤儿,能够活下来苟延残喘,但他们接下来的人生往往都不会超过十年,并且生活质量仿佛80岁的老妪。 Only has the fluctuation of body to be able with the lucky fellow who this long-drawn-out cloud woman Luo Chansheng resonates, can grasp to hold its over ten minutes. 唯有身体的波动能够与这朵悠云婆罗产生共振的幸运儿,可以握持它超过十分钟。 But after ten minutes, long-drawn-out cloud woman Luo will ruminate to transform the body of this lucky fellow the life essence that before absorbed, most personalities will actually eliminate while convenient, making it will only maintain the weak vegetable shape of basic physiological and psychological activity. 而十分钟之后,悠云婆罗就会将之前吸收到的生命精华反刍出来改造这个幸运儿的身体,却又会顺便将之大部分人格进行剥夺,使其成为只会维系基本生理和心理活动的弱植物人形态。 In this case, the Shintoism back Spiritual God can conduct the god to fall at any time! The time that so long as the god falls does not last is too long, or does not use too many supernatural powers, then this body can be used by the Spiritual God, therefore the effective tool is quite common for a long time. 这样的话,神道教背后的神灵就可以随时进行神降!只要神降的时间不持续太长,或者是不使用太多的神力,那么这具身体就可以一直被神灵所使用,相当于是长时间都有效的工具一般。 Therefore, the life span of each Shintoism founder will not be long, usually will die before age 49, but will not be short, because trains such a body is also costly. 所以,每一任神道教教主的寿命都不会很长,通常都会在49岁之前死亡,不过也不会太短,因为培养这么一具身体也是代价巨大的。 What is worth mentioning is, the goal that the Japanese Spiritual God god falls also has all kinds, did not mean that met any critical life or death moment to meet, the goal that Japanese these evil god gods fell, the larger part to draw support from this body enjoyed the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures of the world. 值得一提的是,日本神灵神降下来的目的也是有各种各样的,并不是说遇到了什么危急存亡的关头才会下来,日本这些邪神神降的目的,一大半都是为了借助这个身体来享受人间的七情六欲的。 However, this time Shintoism founder , has overlooked full power toward under from the sky, can see that periphery has formed one huge six glow star law, but the law central area, is the basement that Fang Linyan and the others are. 不过,此时的神道教教主,已经是在全力施法了,从天空朝着下方俯瞰下去,可以见到周围已经形成了一个巨大的六芒星法阵,而法阵的中心区域,就是方林岩等人所在的地下室。 In six glow star law each corners/horns, stands an implementation founder of Shintoism or is being the big lawsuit! 六芒星法阵的每一个角上,都站着一名神道教的实行教主或者说是大官司! But the Shintoism taught principle to float the midair directly, in the hand pinched a strange law to decide, with lightening of six glow star corners, this law started in the flash directly, directly absorbed the ray of law central location completely. 而神道教教主素盏则是直接漂浮到了半空当中,手中捏出了一个诡异的法决,随着六芒星边角的点亮,这法阵在一瞬间就直接发动,直接将法阵中央位置的光芒都吸收殆尽。 Moreover, by the places of these six glow star locking, was made the life have the feeling of absolutely terrified big terrifying immediately, near the ear also transmitted the ghost sound chirp chirp, as if there is not the world, but is the ghostdom arrives! 不仅如此,被这六芒星锁定的地方,立即就让人生出了毛骨悚然大恐怖的感觉,耳边还传来了鬼声啾啾,仿佛那里已经不是人间,而是冥界降临! This is the pressure bottom move of Shintoism: Yowl hell incantation!!” 这就是神道教的压箱底招数:“恸哭地狱咒!!” Can internalize the region for deep prison general existence, in these six glow star, the plant is becoming dark instantaneously, withers, is reduced to ashes, the insect died rapidly, some direct variations, become violently poisonous, and has the extremely strong aggressivity. 能将区域内化为冥狱一般的存在,在这六芒星阵当中,植物在瞬间发黑,枯萎,然后化为灰烬,昆虫则是迅速死掉,只有少部分直接变异,变得剧毒并且拥有极强的攻击性。 If this move releases in China, then in the middle of the hero soul regarding Ming Dynasty dragon flag was almost does not have any effect, but here was actually Japan! The belief had had the enormous change. 倘若这一招是在中国国内释放的,那么对于大明龙旗当中的英灵是几乎没有什么效果的,但是这里却是日本!信仰已经发生了极大的变化。 Therefore, Fang Linyan, is the hero soul, was suppressed in the flash stubbornly, even vitality during unceasing withering away. 所以,无论是方林岩,还是英灵,都在一瞬间被压制得死死的,甚至连生命力都在不断的消亡当中。 But at this time, the angry mountain district major generals also rushed to the scene to direct, draw out the officer's sword to raise high, loudly exclaimed: 而这时候,愤怒的山县少将也是赶到了现场进行指挥,拔出了指挥刀高高扬起,大吼道: Jordan , Israel. Dies for!”( Ready!) “约以.死给!”(预备放!) Immediately, twenty artilleries that were transported urgently exuded the bellow simultaneously, the crowded shell flew fast to Fang Linyan and the others the position, and what they used was the newest high explosive shell!!! 顿时,被紧急调运过来的二十几门火炮同时发出了轰鸣声,密集的炮弹快速飞向了方林岩等人所处的位置,并且他们使用的是最新的开花弹!!! Rumbling rumbling!!” “轰轰轰轰轰!!” A series of fierce explosion sounds, were it can be said that continuous, so long as the mountain district major generals have not stopped, nearby artillery also can only helpless continued to shell, became red until the muzzle, till could not withstand. 一连串的剧烈爆炸声响了起来,可以说是连绵不绝,山县少将只要没有喊停,旁边的炮兵也就只能无奈的继续轰击下去,直到炮口变红,承受不了为止。 After separating the smog diverged some little time, the people discovered that piece by shell plow the region, is sending out the strong gunsmoke, living person near terrifying aura have not actually circled in inside, under violent bombing, the land of its core region was even bevelled almost more than one meter!! 隔了好一会儿烟雾散去之后,众人才发现那片被炮弹犁地过的区域,散发着浓烈的硝烟,却还有一丝一丝生人勿近的恐怖气息盘旋在里面,在猛烈的炮击下,其核心区域的土地甚至都被削平了差不多一米多!! When beginning the fire, the person of Shintoism also remove the strategy, because maintained existence of this big law incantation is too difficultly is too strenuous- Such short several seconds, two big lawsuit direct failures die. 在炮火初起的时候,神道教的人也是随之撤掉了阵法,因为维系这大型法咒的存在实在是太艰难太吃力了--就这么短短的几秒钟,就有两名大官司直接衰竭而死。 fa shoots!”( Fires flare!) “発射!”(发射照明弹!) The after scream of messenger resounds, immediately 78 rounds of flares fly the sky. 传令兵的喊叫声响起之后,立即就有七八发照明弹飞上天空。 With raising of flare, some people dumbfounded looks at the present scene, originally part of scenery elegant prime minister official mansion, has changed to as if the avici general region now, seems like makes one feel afraid. 随着照明弹的升起,一干人都目瞪口呆的看着眼前的景象,本来风光秀美的首相官邸的一部分,现在已经化作了仿佛阿鼻地狱一般的区域,看起来就令人觉得不寒而栗。 „Should this inside person go to hell completely?” “这里面的人应该已经全部下地狱了吧?” A Japanese military officer muttered unrestrainedly. 一名日本军官情不自禁的喃喃道。 Another military officer immediately affirmative say/way: 另外一名军官立即肯定的道: Your this stupid red deer! Possibly how do some people still live under such attack?” “你这头愚蠢的马鹿!怎么可能有人还在这样的攻击下活下来?”
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