FE :: Volume #13

#1465: Hanging curtain

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Chapter 1463 hanging curtain 第1463章垂帘 However, the Imperial House of Japan will definitely not give up, before Saneichi said Naniwa-kyo is not willing to let off him, referred to was side the emperor the dark health/guard organization that was responsible for cleaning up. 但是,日本皇室肯定不会善罢甘休的,之前根实一郎所说的“难波京不肯放过他”,指的就是天皇身边负责清理的暗卫组织。 Therefore he from infancy to maturity, undergoes many tribulations to live the present. 因此他从小到大,也经历了不少磨难才活到了现在。 10,9,8,6 “10,9,8,6” At this time facing the oppression of Fang Linyan, root Saneichi actually does not have to choose, can only heave a deep sigh in the sound from the bottom, submits saying: 此时面对方林岩的压迫,根实一郎其实是没得选择的,只能在倒数声中长叹一声,屈服道: Good, I write!” “好,我写!” Then he pulled out a knife, sheared in the skinny wrist/skill. Then when the blood flows, after meeting a small cup blood, is moistening the writing brush with the blood, writes down in rune/symbol paper who Fang Linyan assigns ascended to heaven to reach, leaves enters eight characters quiet deeply, therefore has the grief and indignation mood to hug the daughter to close eyes to treat. 接下来他就掏出了一把小刀,在枯瘦的手腕上割了一下。然后等到鲜血流淌而出,接了一小盅鲜血之后,用鲜血沾着毛笔,在方林岩指定的符纸写下了“升天达地,出幽入冥”八个字,于是带着悲愤的心情抱着女儿闭目待死。 Fang Linyan actually put that 100 Japanese Yen directly, took that rune/symbol paper to swagger away. 方林岩却直接将那一百日元放了下来,拿过了那张符纸就扬长而去。 Root Saneichi had resigned oneself to extinction, crossed for several minutes to open the eye to be astonished however said: 根实一郎本来已经束手待毙,足足过了好几分钟才睁开眼睛讶然道: „Isn't he kills my?” “他不是来杀我的吗?” The branch was takes that bill to look: 枝子却是拿过了那张钞票一看: Really is 100 Japanese Yen!! The father Sir your wrong intent, I will think this person really asks you to write these eight characters, really wants to kill your words, why also to take these medicines to you?” “真的是一百日元呢!!父亲大人你是不是会错意了,我看这个人就是真的来找你写这八个字的,真想杀你的话,又何必给您吃这些药呢?” Root Saneichi silent a while, the forced smile said: 根实一郎默然了一会儿,苦笑道: Seeming like was really I makes a mistake.” “看来好像真的是我弄错了。” Finally at this time, outside heard the rapid sound of footsteps, Fang Linyan goes to return, when the root Saneichi father and daughter exceptionally, Fang Linyan direct said disturbedly angrily: 结果这时候,外面又传来了急促的脚步声,正是方林岩去而复返,就在根实一郎父女忐忑异常的时候,方林岩却直接恼怒道: Has a look at these eight characters that you writes! Crooked, even the radical does not see clearly, whom are you perfunctory?” “看看伱写的这八个字!歪歪斜斜,甚至连笔画都看不清楚,你在敷衍谁呢?” He thinks, then pulled out a repeat bill, probably several thousand, threw on nearby bed directly, indignant say/way: 他想了想,然后又掏出了一迭钞票,大概有几千块吧,直接扔到了旁边的床上,气愤的道: I rush to time, quickly continues to write to me! Till writes about me to satisfy! I told you, root solid old man! If wine glass inside blood used up, I will shear your wrist/skill again, but your blood drained off, shears your daughter!” “我赶时间,赶快给我继续写!写到我满意为止!我告诉你,根实老头儿!要是酒杯里面的血用完了,我就会再割你的手腕儿,而你的血流干了,就割你女儿的!” Root Saneichi stared at Fang Linyan one again, said scruple: 根实一郎再次凝视了方林岩一眼,迟疑道: „Aren't you really the person in Naniwa-kyo?” “你真不是难波京的人?” Fang Linyan tore off the wearing a mask mask simply: 方林岩索性扯掉了蒙面面罩: You have not to end, I am a Chinese!! In Naniwa-kyo that you said that has the Chinese? Quickly writes, a character gives you to reward 1000 Japanese Yen!” “你有完没完,我是中国人!!你说的难波京里面有中国人吗?赶快写,一个字给你奖励一千日元!” Saw this, root Saneichi felt relieved immediately, wasn't punctures the blood to write eight characters? This I excel, if not set up a prize to urge the upper limit, the labor can write about to buy the entire Tokyo! 见到了这一幕,根实一郎顿时如释重负,不就是刺血写八个字吗?这个我擅长,如果不设奖励上限的话,劳资能写到把整个东京都买下来啊! Therefore he trampled the daughter to hint her to receive money, then nodded to say again and again: 于是他踹了女儿一脚示意她将钱收起来,然后连连点头道: Good, I write immediately!” “好,我马上就写!” The result said needlessly, Fang Linyan successfully handled this old man finally, successfully attained wealthy and powerful family's blood. 结果不消说,方林岩总算是成功搞定了这个老头儿,成功拿到了豪族之血。 *** *** National capital, 京师, Summer Palace 颐和园 Yangxindian. 养心殿. Originally Qing emperors were routine have an audience with the emperor in Palace of Heavenly Purity, since Cixi hanging curtain, this decayed, the administrative order of ancient, huge empire, started from Yangxindian here round. 本来清朝皇帝都是习惯性在乾清宫上朝,但是自从慈禧垂帘之后,这个腐朽,古老,庞大的帝国的行政命令,就开始从养心殿这里发出去了。 Here is still the heavy downpour, sky over entire BJ seems covering a dusky low atmospheric pressure now, that seems the Chinese nation in the resentment that in these several hundred years are pent-up, here ferments, the precipitation, lingered sky over the center of this empire. 这里依然是大雨滂沱,整个BJ上空现在都仿佛覆盖着一层灰蒙蒙的低气压,那仿佛是中华民族在这几百年内郁积的怨气,在这里发酵,沉淀,萦绕在了这个帝国的中枢上空。 In the Summer Palace entrance, many people have been gathering, the complexion with deep veneration, did not say a word. 在颐和园大门口,已经有很多人聚集着,脸色肃然,一言不发。 Is waiting on many officials outside the palace wet many, is the complexion with deep veneration, the look is actually floating scattered in disorder, 在殿外候着的诸多官员身上都湿了不少,一个个都是脸色肃然,眼神却都是散乱漂浮着的, This group mingled among the too long slippery customer on the government, had been ground to the smooth colored glaze ball, heart inside is reading the only six character true words are kowtow much, few speeches. 这帮在官场上混迹了太久的老油子,都已经被磨成了光溜溜的琉璃弹,心里面念着的唯一六字真言就是“多磕头,少说话”。 In some will of the people somewhat takes pleasure in others' misfortunes: Hehe, Aisin Gioro's landscape, Yehenala defeats, is really serves right, the lords do not love dearly, our how many with 839 money blind worries?( Note: Five official employed in the capital at that time the salary was each month 839 money, naturally, but the salary was not the extra income.) 有的人心里面更是有些幸灾乐祸:呵呵,爱新觉罗的江山,叶赫那拉来败,真是一报还一报,主子都不心疼,咱们几个拿十八两九钱的瞎操什么心?(注:五品京官当时俸禄就是每个月十八两九钱,当然,只是俸禄不算外快。) Quick, an officer palanquin was lifted to walk from outside slowly, on this sedan chair hoodwinked green wool fabric, is seemingly neither new nor old, resembling is ordinary, but can have directly rides the person who the sedan chair is arriving at the Yangxindian entrance privilege, even if in the middle of this empire is also few!! 很快的,一顶官轿被抬着从外面徐徐走了进来,这轿子上蒙了一层绿色呢绒,看起来半新不旧的,似是普普通通,但能拥有直接乘着轿子来到养心殿门口特权的人,哪怕是在这个帝国当中也是屈指可数!! After falling the palanquin, then walked an old person from inside slowly, 等到落轿之后,从里面便慢慢走出来了一个老人, One is the last years of life, walks the somewhat trembling old person. 一个已是风烛残年,走起路来都很是有些颤巍巍的老人。 However, such a old person, his every action and every movement, even a cough, can curl up the wind and thunder in the Chinese even entire Asia!! 但是,就这么一个老人,他的一举一动,甚至一声咳嗽,都能在中国甚至整个亚洲都卷起风雷!! This old person thick eyebrows deep lock, he naturally is Li Gongzhang! 这个老人浓眉深锁,他当然就是李宫彰! If Fang Linyan will discover here, this time Li Gong Changming wanted to be thin more than before obviously, even can describe with emaciated, obviously this period of time the matter has been since very big to his attack. 若是方林岩在这里的话就会发现,此时的李宫彰明显比之前要瘦削很多了,甚至可以用形销骨立来形容,很显然这段时间以来发生的事情给他的打击非常大。 However this also no wonder, the Beiyang here clear to see has victory in the hand, Li Ji will realize „a person of enemy country the peak achievement, the name shakes Asia, turns into true Eastern Bismark time, the pig teammate does the matter in side! 不过这也难怪,北洋这边眼见得已经是胜券在握,老李即将实现“一人敌一国”的巅峰成就,名震亚洲,变成真正的东方卑斯麦的时候,猪队友在旁边搞事! And this pig teammate oneself blood brother, violated the imperial biggest taboo directly. 并且这个猪队友还是自己的亲兄弟,直接就犯了皇家最大的忌讳。 This lets Li Gongzhang, only then face upwards the deep sigh, the disciple shouted does, that flash was really the tears. 这让李宫彰只有仰天长叹,徒呼奈何,那一瞬间真的是老泪纵横。 Stands in Li Gongzhang standpoint, he actually only then two choices, goes to the capital to carry a rod and ask for punishment either, either will steel one's heart gets angry thoroughly. 站在李宫彰的立场上,他其实只有两个选择,要么就上京负荆请罪,要么就将心一横彻底翻脸。 But, regarding Li Gongzhang, he is Zeng Guofan's student, he had served the country to brainwash by loyal Monarch since the childhood, he has the psychology of being the powerful minister planned, has not actually thought must be the disloyal statesman. 可是,对于李宫彰而言,他是曾国藩的学生,他从幼年起就已经被忠君报国洗脑了,他有做权臣的心理打算,却根本就没想到过要做贰臣。 Let alone Li Gongzhang is very clearer the last years of life, a Beiyang department really has the words that anything changes, the big powers will involve inevitably, in addition Cixi had said that peaceful and ally not with house slave famous saying, oneself cannot live that day that successfully usurps the throne to ascend the throne. 更何况李宫彰现在都很清楚自己风烛残年,北洋一系真的有什么异动的话,列强势必介入,加上慈禧早就说出了那句“宁与友邦不与家奴”的名言,自己根本就活不到成功篡位登基的那一天。 But oneself sons are mediocre and incompetent, oneself die, that cannot do well is the entire families must be towed to be buried along with the dead. 而自己的儿子都是庸碌无能,自己一死,那搞不好就是整个家族都要被拖下去陪葬啊。 Therefore, this time Li Gong can do clear only, is continues to kneel, in once knelt in front of dozens years of emperor and Laofoye, putting pride in pocket seeks perfection! 因此,此时的李宫彰唯一能做的,就是继续跪在了曾经跪了几十年的皇上和老佛爷面前,忍辱求全! As if signal, after Li Gongzhang comes, other fellow ministers also came in abundance, for example headwaiter grand master exemplar, ritual own Wang Shiduo, for example is called devil six Prince Gong Yi to be joyful, naturally core figure Weng Tonghe of emperor party, censor Yang Sen xiu and the others 仿佛一个信号似的,李宫彰一现身之后,其余的各位大臣也是纷纷现身了,比如领班军机大臣,礼亲王世铎,又比如被称为鬼子六的恭亲王奕訢,当然还有帝党的核心人物翁同龢,御史杨森秀等人 What is worth mentioning is, Tan Sitong is also at this time impressively, is only he now the position somewhat is very awkward, stands among emperor party one group of people obviously, but surroundings actually clear emptied a great-circle, looked like on him to carry plague, was pushed aside by colleague and the others completely. 值得一提的是,谭嗣同此时赫然也是位列其中的,只是他现在所处的位置很是有些尴尬,明明是站在帝党一群人当中,可是周围却明明白白的空出来了一大圈,就像是他身上携带着瘟疫似的,完全被同僚等人排挤了。 Reason, is since Li Gongzhang brothers made that brain remnant opinion, the emperor party is almost wild with joy looking, because after Li Gongzhang is, party( a Cixi school) the mainstay, the central hall Sir and Cixi collaborate, formed to the comprehensive steamroll of emperor party, will suppress being mad unable to breathe. 这其中的原因,就是自从李宫彰的兄弟发出了那脑残言论之后,帝党这边几乎是狂喜过望,因为李宫彰本身就是后党(慈禧一派)的中流砥柱,中堂大人与慈禧联手,就形成了对帝党的全面碾压,将之压制得连气都喘不过来。 Once two people quarrel, that was the typical internal friction, regardless of who won finally who lost, was the emperor party the matter that was worth the revelry being drunk crazily. Therefore they do not hesitate to add fuel to the flames in side. 两人一旦反目的话,那就是典型的内耗了,无论最后谁赢谁输,都是帝党这边值得狂欢狂醉的事情。为此他们也是不惜在旁边推波助澜。 The North Korean defense line why as if paper sticks general collapsing at the first encounter, in lacking the Japanese forces of provisions and in front of ammunition collapses at the first blow, that is because rises flatter to take the lead to travel abundantly, the important position will let directly. 朝鲜防线为什么仿佛纸糊一般的一触即溃,在缺少给养和弹药的日军面前不堪一击,那就是因为丰升阿带头跑路,直接将险要的阵地让了出来。 But abundantly reason that rises flatter to dare to do that naturally also has the emperor party one is in the rear area adds fuel to the flames, reason that impedes crazily. 而丰升阿敢这么做的原因,当然也是有帝党一系在后方推波助澜,疯狂掣肘的缘故。 Facing all these, Tan Sitong is certainly unable to continue watching, particularly also reaches the opinion the emperor party, starts to promote after Japan to negotiate peace consistently!! 面对这一切,谭嗣同当然看不下去,尤其是在帝党这边也达成意见,一致开始推动与日本议和之后!! Regarding the emperor party, negotiates peace with Japan at this time, loses dignity and has the country insulted, brings disgrace on ancestor's big hat, can the solid buckle on Cixi and Li Gongzhang, in this case, a latter party school of influence and prestige damages greatly, naturally is the emperor party is self-satisfied. 对于帝党来说,此时与日本议和,丧权辱国,辱没祖宗的大帽子,就能结结实实的扣在慈禧和李宫彰身上,这样的话,后党一派势力和声望大损,当然就是帝党得意。 The issue is, their behaviors, dominate the factional strife above the country! Did not consider is the precarious Qing dynasty can also be able to withstand such turbulence. 问题是,他们的行为,是将党争凌驾于国家之上!根本就不考虑本来就是风雨飘摇的大清朝还能不能承受得起这样的动荡。 Tan Sitong as the stubborn Hunan barbarian, naturally must stand to open spurts, and does not recognize instigated. His liking a crane among chickens, the approach of establishing a new school with crisp was certainly appreciated by the kind teacher old man, then expressed oneself could not have taught him. 谭嗣同作为倔强的湖南蛮子,当然就要站出来开喷,并且坚决不认怂.他这种鹤立鸡群,独树一帜的做法当然被恩师翁同酥非常欣赏,然后表示自己已经教不了他了。 Therefore, this time Tan Sitong is lonely, but he is also painful. 所以,此时的谭嗣同是孤独的,而他又是痛苦的。 He knows that oneself came fundamentally on the change anything, but in the chest that type was unwilling, guilty, angry actually in unceasing is surging, making him feel oneself must in this China, this nationality made anything to the dark time, even if killed the blood on nearby pillar splashes five steps, otherwise eventually was. intent difficult draw!! 他知道自己前来根本就改变不了什么,但是胸中那种不甘,愧疚,愤怒却是在不断的涌动着,让他觉得自己必须要在这中国,这民族的至暗时刻做些什么,哪怕是撞死在旁边的柱子上血溅五步,否则终究是.意难平!! As the related person and others arrived one after another, then nearby court eunuch then sang loudly: 随着相关人等陆续到场,然后旁边的太监便高声唱道: „The emperor harnesses!!” “皇上驾到!!” The feudal officials worship certainly on bended knees. 众臣当然跪拜。 Auspicious is thin and tall young people, twenty years old, the complexion somewhat is pale, on the cheekbones the also some not normal deep red, the old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine understood at a glance this should be the malnutrition in addition kidney empty cannot do well also the problems of some premature ejaculation spermatorrheas. 祺祥是一个高高瘦瘦的年轻人,二十几岁,脸色还有些青白,偏偏颧上还有些不正常的绛红,老中医一看就知道这应该是营养不良外加肾虚搞不好还有一些早泄滑精的毛病。 His look some vacillations, some illusory feelings, as if are very difficult to be centralized the spirit. 他的眼神有些游移,却还有一些虚无缥缈的感觉,仿佛很难集中精神。 If such a person except the imperial robe and royal crown, puts on a lined jacket to him again, immediately can remind national capital street these sleeves to begin the dissolute black sheep of the family, was all right to steal 1-2 valuable goods to go to from the family/home the small-scale pawnshop the nature money, then went to the opium hall to muddle along. 这样的一个人若是除去龙袍和冠冕的话,再给他套上一件夹袄,立即就能让人联想到京师街头那些袖着手浪荡的败家子,没事就从家里面偷出1-2值钱货去押铺里面质了钱,然后就去大烟馆里面胡混. Quick, the auspicious look finally with Weng Tonghe to one, the old man old man not for slightly nodded of the person observed, in the auspicious eye also showed the wild with joy look. 很快的,祺祥的眼神终于和翁同龢对在了一起,翁老头子不为人察的微微点了点头,祺祥眼里面也是随之露出了狂喜的神色。 At this time, another court eunuch had shouted loudly: 就在这时候,另外一个太监已经高声呼喊了出来: Laofoye!!” “老佛爷到!!” Therefore, Cixi leads oneself intimate person Sister Li, but also has the right to lean temporary big court eunuch Li Lianying from outside long walked, sat in the emperor back position of directly, put down the bead curtain again- This is attending to state affairs of popular name! 于是,慈禧带着自己的贴己人儿李大姐,还有权倾一时的大太监李莲英就从外面悠悠的走了进来,直接坐到了皇帝背后的位置上,再放下珠帘--这就是俗称的垂帘听政!
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