FE :: Volume #13

#1464: The wealthy and powerful family blood symbol( thanked the hegemon to be oily but not greasy

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Chapter 1462 wealthy and powerful family blood symbol( thanked hegemon oily but not greasy support) 第1462章豪族血符(感谢盟主油而不腻的支持) This has almost one foot the length of weapon, most unique was its material quality and modeling, seemed like a monster snake only surplus the skeleton, was centered on the skeleton, the ice layer was a cutting edge, a monster blade that forged! 这把武器的长度差不多只有一尺长,最独特的就是它的材质和造型了,看起来就像是一头妖蛇只剩余下来了骨骼,然后以骨骼为核心,冰层为锋刃,锻造出来的一把妖刀! Snake bone ice blade! Is this smelling the biggest characteristics of dead tooth. 蛇骨冰刃!就是这把嗅死牙的最大特征。 But this is not Xinjing forges the weapon, is he obtains under the accident of sorts, usually when the deficient inspiration will come to see it putting out, felt that had the new mentality, because of this, Xinjing before to having this categorically denied the weapon, by Fang Linyan domineering incomparable compelling to this degree, that will not take to come out. 而这把武器也不是新井锻造出来的,是他在机缘巧合之下获得,平时在缺乏灵感的时候就会将之拿出来看一看,感觉就有了新的思路,也正是因为这样,新井之前才对拥有这把武器矢口否认,不是被方林岩强势无比的逼到这种程度,那是坚决不会拿出来的。 After this weapon succeeds in obtaining, Fang Linyan lightly caressed a cutting edge, detected that very obtusely, the bluntness was right, because this in the middle of another famous blade weapon and legend: The inborn tooth is the same, its use did not cut the person! 这把武器到手之后,方林岩轻抚了一下刃口,发觉很钝是的,钝就对了,因为这把武器和传说当中的另外一把名刀:天生牙一样,其用处本来就不是砍人的! After Fang Linyan received this weapon, then swaggered away directly, Xinjing three ghosts hand/subordinate quickly pursued, actually detected that had completely lost the trace of opposite party, can only see the sound of the wind in the trees to be intermittent, the wind crossed the hills. 方林岩收起了这把武器之后,直接便扬长而去,新井手下的三鬼急忙追了出去,却发觉已经完全失去了对方的踪影,只能看到林涛阵阵,风过群山。 *** *** Four after hours, 四个小时以后, Fang Linyan had arrived at outside a mansion, 方林岩已经来到了一处府邸之外, This mansion occupying land area is very broad, however the worn-out front door, in the discoloration paper lantern that under the eave sways, the dirty ground, was explaining that here master thorough is panting. 这一处府邸占地很广,但是破旧的大门,在房檐下摇晃的褪色纸灯笼,肮脏的地面,都在说明这里的主人已经彻底过气了。 The heavy downpour, the strong winds sway, bringing Fang Linyan of rain-hat to look rainwater continuously falls from the coolie hat, spitting slowly exhales, dignified say/way: 大雨滂沱,狂风吹拂,带着蓑笠的方林岩看着雨水连绵不断的从笠边落下,徐徐的吐出了一口气,凝重的道: Smells the dead tooth to succeed in obtaining, here should be able to get so far as the wealthy and powerful family blood symbol. Then only remained last.” “嗅死牙已经到手,这里应该能弄到豪族血符.那么就只剩最后一步了。” Fang Linyan vanished in the rain, only surplus in nearby fence had a light footprint rapid to go under the washout of rainwater pale. 紧接着,方林岩就消失在了雨中,只剩余下来了旁边的围墙上有一个淡淡的脚印在雨水的冲刷下迅速淡去。 In the deep place of this mansion, only then a room is still turning on a light, nearby window by the gale blows „” making noise, on the room tatami is lying down a old person. 就在这一处府邸的深处,只有一个房间还在亮着灯,旁边的窗户被大风吹得“啪啪啪”的作响,房间里面的榻榻米上躺着一个老人。 He slantingly by cushion, two eyes, although is opens, actually as if covered haze not to have the appearance, in the throat also had young lady the phlegm whining noise, looked had come to the end of life. 他斜靠在垫子上,两只眼睛虽然是睁开的,却仿佛蒙上了一层霾根本毫无神采,喉咙中还有“格格”的痰鸣声,一看就已经是走到了生命的尽头。 In his side, the expression stereotypical middle-aged woman is packing the thing silently, but the look passed over gently and swiftly on occasionally this old person time, will reveal color of the mourning. 在他的身边,有一个表情呆板的中年妇女正在默默的收拾着东西,只是眼神偶尔掠过这老人身上的时候,会露出一丝哀悼之色。 At this time, Fang Linyan shoved open the tattered paneled door then to walk, very simple say/way: 这时候,方林岩推开了破烂的格子门然后走了进去,很干脆的道: I look for root Mr. Saneichi.” “我找根实一郎先生。” Obviously, the woman or the old person, have not thought that will have the visitor to come at this time unexpectedly, only listened to old person hears sound to stretch out the skinny palm, wanted to sit strongly, in the mouth was actually the sound of sword makes noise, obviously wanted to speak actually ambiguously. 很显然,无论是妇女还是老人,都没想到在这时候居然会有访客进来,只听老人闻声伸出了枯瘦的手掌,竭力想要坐起来,口中却是霍霍作响,显然想要说话却含混不清。 This middle-aged woman said in a soft voice: 还是这中年妇女轻声道: My father who guest hello, you must look , he serious illness in the bed, the disrespectful place have please excused me now much.” “客人您好,您要找的正是家父,他现在已经重病在床,失礼之处请多见谅。” Fang Linyan nods, walks up to look at carefully, pulled out the injector, very simple on root Saneichi to hospital bed came one, then gave a medicine to him. 方林岩点点头,走上前去端详了一下,掏出了注射器,很干脆的给病床上的根实一郎来了一针,然后又给他喂了一颗药。 The middle-aged woman one startled under has not prevented with enough time, Fang Linyan had actually fired off the needle, this said with a smile to her: 中年妇女一惊之下还没来得及阻止,方林岩却已经将针都打完了,这才对她笑道: This is the medicine that the Westerner ship comes, can make the venerable feel better.” “这是西洋人舶来的药物,能让老先生好过一些。” The gadget that Fang Linyan hits is not other, is the military medicine of Russian: Maffey needle, this gadget not goings to the roots of the problem, but the analgetic effect is actually really strong. 方林岩打的这玩意儿不是别的,正是俄国人的军用药物:马菲针,这玩意儿治标不治本,但止痛效果却是真强。 But gives that medicine is protecting heart pill of Tong Ren Tang that side manufacture, this thing with the old ginseng/partake, the velvet, the placenta and so on thing of manufactures big making up, can say that was equivalent to the effect of shot and adrenalin of later generation. 而喂那颗药则是同仁堂那边制做的护心丹,这东西用老参,鹿茸,胎盘等等大补之物制作的,可以说相当于后世的强心针和肾上腺素的效果了。 Eating later Saneichi is almost in several minutes naked eye obvious improvement, first after is a fierce cough, coughed several big tea black phlegm blocks, then panted for breath is wanting some daughter branch end things to eat. 吃下去之后根实一郎几乎是在几分钟内肉眼可见的好转,先是一番剧烈咳嗽之后,咳出了几大团黄黑色的痰块,然后就喘息着要女儿枝子端些东西来吃。 Visits him at this time the utterly destitute appearance, what good thing can have? The branch also only carried one bowl of rice gruel to come out finally, Fang Linyan thinks, added some white granulated sugar toward the rice gruel. 看他此时家徒四壁的模样,能有什么好东西呢?枝子最后也只端了一碗米粥出来,方林岩想了想,往米粥里面加了些白砂糖。 After root Saneichi carries this bowl of rice gruel, directly gurgle gurgle greedy pouring into, as if starved ghost reincarnation same terrifying, several seconds will drink up, then immediately is scolding to the daughter: 根实一郎端起来这碗米粥之后,直接就咕嘟咕嘟的贪婪灌入,就仿佛饿死鬼投胎一样恐怖,几秒钟的时间内就将之喝光了,然后立即对着女儿呵斥道: Gives me to carry one bowl again!” “再给我端一碗来!” The branch revealed the color of feeling embarrassed, looked at Fang Linyan one, then speaks haltingly saying: 枝子露出了为难之色,看了方林岩一眼,然后才嗫嚅道: Did not have, the father Sir, this bowl of rice gruel are I take secretly from the husband's household!” “没有了,父亲大人,这一碗米粥都是我从夫家里面偷偷拿出来的!” Finally root Saneichi was pounding to her the bowl directly, the anger shouted: 结果根实一郎直接就将碗对着她砸了过去,怒喝道: Go away! Rolls to me!” “滚!给我滚!” The branch was pounded the severe pain evidently, but should also be used to the cruel father, the eyes walked with tears. 枝子看样子被砸得剧痛,但应该也习惯了暴戾的父亲,双眼含泪走了出去。 At this time root Saneichi looked to Fang Linyan, say/way that coldly: 这时候根实一郎才看向了方林岩,冷冷的道: Who are you? What asks me to make?” “你是谁?来找我做什么?” Fang Linyan pulled out 100 Japanese Yen, placed on nearby table, then light say/way: 方林岩掏出了一百日元,放在了旁边的桌子上,然后淡淡的道: Whose I am you do not need to manage, I want to make a transaction with you.” “我是谁你不用管,我只是想和你做个交易。” Root Saneichi's tilting the head slightly, looks like an old fox to stare at Fang Linyan generally, suddenly said with a smile: 根实一郎微微的歪着头,就像是一头老狐狸一般盯着方林岩,突然笑道: What trades.” “什么交易。” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: you puncture the blood to come out, then writes eight characters on the yellow joss paper that I bring on the line.” “伱自己刺血出来,然后在我带来的黄表纸上写八个字就行。” Root Saneichi hehe said with a smile: 根实一郎嘿嘿一笑道: Ok, without issue! Do you come to trade with me with what?” “可以,没问题!那你拿什么来和我交易呢?” Fang Linyan did not speak, shot 100 Japanese Yen on hand. 方林岩不说话,弹了弹手边的一百日元。 Root Saneichi suddenly is cloudy sad says with a smile: 根实一郎突然阴恻恻一笑道: 100 Japanese Yen? Hehe, you were really naive.” “一百日元?呵呵,你真是太天真了。” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: What condition do you want?” “那你要什么条件?” In the root Saneichi eyes flashes through together none: 根实一郎眼中闪过一道精光: Fixes my house, then takes 1 million Japanese Yen to come out!!” “修好我的房子,然后再拿一百万日元出来!!” Fang Linyan hears word smiled, stood the body saying: 方林岩闻言微笑了起来,站直了身体道: „, I forgot to tell you probably, I did not come to discuss that with you, was wants to inform your matter.” “哦,我好像忘记告诉你了,我并不是来和你商量的,就是想要告知你这件事而已。” You , if willing, then 100 Japanese Yen take, if not willing. Next year today, is you and daughter's gala!” “你若是肯的话,那么还有一百日元拿,如果不肯的话.明年的今天,就是你和女儿的祭日!” Fang Linyan coldly smiles, walked with stride, quick heard heard the squeal and wail sound all the way, then the branch was clutched the hair to grasp by Fang Linyan. 方林岩冷冷一笑,大步走了出去,很快就听到了一路上传来了尖叫声和哭嚎声,然后枝子被方林岩揪着头发抓了回来。 Sees this, the root Saneichi complexion changes suddenly, Fang Linyan sneers saying: 见到这一幕,根实一郎脸色骤变,方林岩冷笑道: Root Mr. Saneichi, your method was really shoddy, the behavior of daughter opening thinks intentionally I couldn't look?” “根实一郎先生,你的手段真是太拙劣了,故意把女儿支开的行为以为我看不出来吗?” Gives you ten seconds to consider, is draws cash the management, do the father and daughter start off together?” “给你十秒钟考虑,是拿钱办事,还是父女两人一起上路?” The muscle on root Saneichi face shivers, sweeps beforehand cruel, the deceitful color, lifted the quilt to stand difficultly, is pointing at the Fang Linyan grief and indignation every single word or phrase say/way on the wall slantingly: 根实一郎脸上的肌肉颤抖,一扫之前的暴戾,奸诈之色,掀开被子艰难的站了起来,斜靠在墙上指着方林岩一字一句的悲愤的道: I, haven't the people in Naniwa-kyo been willing to let off me now like this?” “我都现在这样子了,难波京的人还不肯放过我吗?” The Fang Linyan vision fell on Saneichi's left leg, then light say/way: 方林岩的目光落到了根实一郎的左腿上,然后淡淡的道: I know that your life experience is unique, but truly could not understand you to say anything, six seconds.” “我知道你身世独特,但确实听不懂你说什么,还有六秒钟。” Why Fang Linyan wanted the thousand li (500 km) to rush about to find root Saneichi, was because his goal was to need wealthy and powerful family's blood time writes rune/symbol Lu, a blood nobler person was better, moreover was very a little important, needing this person write personally. 方林岩为什么要千里奔波来找到根实一郎,便是因为他这一次的目的就是需要豪族之血来书写符箓,血液越高贵的人越好,而且还有一点很重要,必须要这个人亲手书写。 Therefore Fang Linyan is trying to find the solution with opposite equal transaction, makes its voluntary as far as possible. The news that because Mobius mark feeds back said very clearly, is willing rune/symbol Lu who dips the blood to write, the effect is to force to write. 所以方林岩都是在想办法与对面平等交易,尽可能让其自愿。因为莫比乌斯印记反馈过来的消息说得很清楚,心甘情愿蘸血写出来的符箓,效果是要强迫写出来的强很多。 But this root Saneichi, was Fang Linyan found the bloodline noblest wealthy and powerful family in a nearby 300 li (0.5 km) internal energy, surplus the candidate object must miss many, if wants and convinces with it meeting also to be a major problem. 而这个根实一郎,是方林岩在附近三百里内能找到血统最高贵的豪族了,剩余下来的候补对象则是要差很多,并且要想与之见面并且说服也是一个大问题。 Because of the root Saneichi's bloodline, is the out-and-out emperor closely related lineage/vein bloodline! 因为根实一郎的血统,乃是不折不扣的天皇嫡脉血统! This fellow will go down in the world to this time paddies, is related with the emperor family's abnormal behavior. 这家伙之所以会落魄到此时的田地,却是和天皇这个家族的变态行为有关。 Emperor of Japan was known as that is ten thousand world a department, it is said is the descendant of day photo, inheriting the present is 126 generations, to guarantee pure of family bloodlines, in the surface will be perfunctory, actually conducts the interior to be related through marriage. 日本天皇号称是万世一系,据说乃是天照的后裔,传承到现在已经是126代,所以为了保证家族血脉的纯净性,表面上会敷衍一下,其实都是进行内部通婚的。 Words as the matter stands, will produce lots of oafs, mental handicap wait/etc, but also has the small probability birth talent, certain probability birth normal person, if the luck is not good, not being able to do well is completely the oafs, but there are has the heaviness lightly. 这样一来的话,就会产生大量的畸形儿,智障等等,不过也有小概率诞生天才,一定概率诞生正常人,若是运气不好的话,搞不好全部都是畸形儿,只是有轻有重。 For example takes Emperor Meiji who now myriad Japanese pay homage, he in fact is an oaf, the both feet adds altogether to only have seven -and-a-half toes. 比如就拿现在万千日本人膜拜的明治天皇来说,他实际上就是一个畸形儿,双脚加起来一共只有七根半的脚趾。 That why he can also mount the throne. 那为什么他还能登上皇位呢. Because compared with other brothers and sisters, he is most looks like the human dignified that the foreign official material is said other five brothers of Emperor Meiji died before three years old. 因为比起其余的兄弟姐妹来说,他已经是最体面最像人类的那个了,对外的官方资料则是称明治天皇的其余五个兄弟都在三岁之前夭折了。 But Emperor Meiji is continues the close relative to get married, altogether puts in order 15 children with the empress, finally also only then a Jia kind emperor who has the spiritual problem lives. This person reigns for nine years because the spiritual problem laughingstock is full, is directly deposed, by the crown prince Hirohito regent, reign title Showa. 而明治天皇则是继续近亲结婚,与后妃一共整出来十五个子女,最后也只有一个拥有精神问题的嘉仁天皇活下来.此人在位九年就因为精神问题笑料百出,直接被赶下台,由皇太子裕仁监国,年号昭和。 Here had an issue, these oafs who Emperor of Japan and empress lived, what to do was mental handicap? 这里就有个问题了,日本天皇和后妃生下来的这些畸形儿,智障怎么办呢? The emperor family will not definitely acknowledge that their existences, god's bloodlines are so great, how possibly to produce this type of inferior? Once were spread the folk, that to the Weiguang conformation likely big damage of emperor? 天皇家族肯定是不会承认他们的存在,神之血脉如此伟大,怎么可能产生这种劣等品?一旦被流传到了民间,那岂不是对天皇的伟光正形象大大的损毁? Therefore in the emperor nearby the governing institute, has a place that is called the breath furnace, here is used to kill to burn down these pitiful babies. 所以就在天皇所住的御所附近,都有一处叫做息炉的地方,这里就是用来杀死焚烧这些可怜婴孩的。 But root Saneichi's real status, is honored incomparable, because he is not others, is the blood brother of Emperor Meiji!! 而根实一郎的真实身份,则是尊贵无比,因为他不是别人,正是明治天皇的亲兄弟!! His life time, the left leg is completely abnormal, looking like only grew for three months to be the same, then after undergoing some time treatment, detected unfruitful. 他一生下来的时候,左腿就是完全畸形的,就像是只发育了三个月一样,然后经过了一段时间的治疗之后发觉毫无效果。 Obviously, the emperor possibly is not one walks the difficult cripple, therefore he had/left by direct PASS inherited the list. 很显然,天皇不可能是一个走路都困难的瘸子,所以他被直接PASS出了继承名单。 However, will soon face the brutal destiny in root Saneichi, enters to the breath furnace time, his mother- the imperial concubine of Emperor Koumei is not cruel enough to look at the son tragic death, therefore implored urgently to rescue it, then concealing identity will deliver. 不过,就在根实一郎即将面对残酷的命运,进入到息炉当中的时候,他的母亲-孝明天皇的妃子不忍心看着儿子惨死,于是就苦苦哀求将其救了下来,然后将之隐姓埋名送了出去。 Suddenly detected many hegemons, then 11 thanks. 突然发觉多了好多盟主,那么就一一的感谢吧。
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