FE :: Volume #13

#1459: Dead end?

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Chapter 1457 dead end? 第1457章末路? Fang Linyan wooden standing in same place, this flash was almost the sincere feeling past Yue martial Mu was high-spirited, wants to destroy Yellow Dragon, actually received the dismal moods of 12 drawing back troops gold medals continuously 方林岩木然的站在了原地,这一瞬间几乎是深切的感觉到了当年岳武穆意气风发,想要直捣黄龙,却连续收到十二道退兵金牌的悲凉心情 He stood in same place slow, only thought that the left eye jumped, deeply after inspiring, received the code telegram, detected that was Song Yuren sends unexpectedly, this time telegram text unexpectedly was one big, several hundred characters: 他站在原地缓了缓,只觉得左眼直跳,深吸了一口气之后,将密电接过来,发觉竟是宋育人发过来的,这次的电文竟是一大篇,洋洋数百字: „After Japanese people broken boundary, the central hall deep in the night enters( Yihe) garden, kneels three double-hour, the royal government takes German minister to China Kimmich to sum to day as the medium. The peace talks provision that Japan lists is: Header / reduces toward / Beiyang Fleet completely / compensates 32,000 silver.” “日人破境后,中堂夤夜入(颐和)园,长跪三个时辰,朝廷以德国驻华公使基米希为媒介对日求和。日本列出的和谈条款为:割台/朝/北洋水师全部裁汰/赔偿两万万两白银。” Royal government Zhu plans to accept overall, but the worry people discussed turbulently, during the discussion, some strongly opposed, eventually the dream bubble, at this time is white body. Some does not have the face countenance to the younger brother, returning to native place countryside, younger brother good from treasuring.” “朝廷诸公拟全盘接受,但顾虑民议汹涌,尚在商榷之中,某极力反对,终究梦幻泡影,此时已是白身。某已无颜面对弟,将归隐乡下,弟善自珍重。” After seeing this telegram text, Fang Linyan stands erect long time, really feels filled with resentfully, in chest vitality surges, lip fierce is speaking haltingly, could not say including half character. 看到了这一份电文之后,方林岩矗立良久,真是觉得满腔愤懑,胸中气血翻腾,嘴唇剧烈的嗫嚅着,却连半个字都说不出来。 In front of him has been through repeatedly difficultly, risks one's life, racking brains, but seems like laughs now unexpectedly to the letter! 他前面历经艰辛,为之出生入死,绞尽脑汁,但现在看起来竟是个不折不扣笑话! In order to defeat Japanese this threatening wicked neighbor, to save the Chinese nation that is on the decline incomparable destiny so many heroes and heroines to bleed, so many poverty-stricken common people give money generously, so many real man heroes go to resolutely, the difficult incomparable talent draws such aspect this war. 为了击败日本这个气势汹汹的恶邻,为了拯救中华民族那衰微无比的气运那么多英雄儿女为之流血,那么多穷苦百姓慷慨解囊,那么多好汉豪杰为之毅然赴死,艰难无比的才将这战局扳回到这样的局面。 But all these are arrive above the light several characters unexpectedly, 可是这一切竟是抵不过上面轻飘飘的几个字, But, all these will soon come to naught in internal power and influence struggle for power! 可是,这一切就即将在内部的权势政争当中化为泡影! Should this Qing dynasty, how can not perish, how not perish?? 这大清,怎能不亡,怎该不亡?? In this flash, the Fang Linyan surging emotions surge, cannot bear both hands make a fist, hold up the head to loudly call out to the day! Only thought that depressed Qi, vented filled with nowhere, oneself as if suffocated in a dusky despair, submersion bit by bit, struggled in any event does not help matters. 在这一瞬间,方林岩心潮激荡,忍不住双手握拳,昂头向天大叫一声!只觉得满腔郁气,无处发泄,自己仿佛窒息在了一片灰蒙蒙的绝望中,一点一点的沉没下去,无论如何挣扎都是无济于事。 The kings five and the others heard the cry, quickly flushed, saw the Fang Linyan appearance is all amazed, but actually really look at each other in blank dismay, the words that comforts do not know that from where mentioned. 王五等人听到叫声,急忙冲了出去,看到了方林岩的模样无不惊诧,但一个个却真的是面面相觑,连安慰的话都不知道从何说起。 Crossed for several minutes, Fang Linyan looks at the surrounding these concerned eyes, the long sigh, only felt the interest is waning suddenly, does not know oneself can say anything, does not know oneself should say anything. 过了好几分钟,方林岩看着周围这些关切的眼睛,长长的叹息了一声,一时间却只觉得意兴阑珊,不知道自己能说什么,更是不知道自己该说什么。 Gradually, Fang Linyan was calm, he to was urging the person who oneself went on board beckoned with the hand, then smelled the flavor of plot. 渐渐的,方林岩则是冷静了下来,他对着催促自己登船的人摆摆手,然后就从中嗅到了阴谋的味道。 The Chinese-Japanese war has so the startled huge reversal suddenly, if said that does not have the promoter, Fang Linyan not to believe secretly absolutely. 中日战局陡然出现如此的惊天大逆转,若说幕后没有推手,方林岩是绝对不信的。 The root in surface, is blinded by greed in younger brother Li Liangzhang of old central hall, lets success go to the head on, but Fang Linyan actually did not believe this to be evil, how not to explode this matter early, late did not explode this matter, exploded in this crucial point? 表面上的根源,是在老中堂的弟弟李良彰利令智昏,得意忘形上,但方林岩却不信这个邪了,怎么早不爆出来这事儿,晚不爆出来这事儿,偏偏在这个节骨眼上就爆出来了? If other space soldiers, could not do well can only recognize, after all where there is a will there is a way, what means others did plan fine that to have compared with you? 若是其余的空间战士,搞不好就只能认了,毕竟道高一尺魔高一丈,别人比你算计得精那有什么办法呢? However, Fang Linyan is unwilling! He arrived this step, even spares nothing, even braved death even oriental cherry front king to kill, how possibly to endure this tone in this at crucial moment? 但是,方林岩却不甘心啊!他走到了这一步,甚至不惜一切代价,甚至冒死连樱花这个锋王都杀了,怎么可能在这关键时候忍下这口气? Most critically, here, although is not the Fang Linyan primary potential surface, but he same is a Chinese, same is the descendants of Yan & Yellow Emperors, to this, he will not give up!! 更关键的是,这里虽然不是方林岩的原生位面,但他一样是中国人,一样是炎黄子孙,就冲着这个,他也不会就此罢休!! Deeply after inspiring, Fang Linyan very simple related Mobius mark: 深吸了一口气之后,方林岩很干脆的就联系了莫比乌斯印记: I must know Li Liangzhang this matter secret truth.” “我要知道李良彰这件事幕后的真相。” Mobius mark separated some little time, the off and on feedback said: 莫比乌斯印记隔了好一会儿,才断断续续的反馈道: Waits for world disturbances are intense.” “等这个世界干扰强烈。” Crossed some little time, on the retina of Fang Linyan sprang the full information: 过了好一会儿,方林岩的视网膜上才弹出了完整的信息: I, when investigates, discovered trace that the space will stays behind, therefore to avoid exposing to consume Biska data stream, quantity unknown.” “我在进行调查的时候,发现了空间意志留下的痕迹,因此为了避免暴露必须耗费比斯卡数据流,数量未知。” The Fang Linyan Biska data stream is also hard-won, saved so many with great difficulty, mainly this gadget along with the reason, did not seem like the universe point completely, the potential point, the fixed armament and so on, had fixedly gained the channel. 方林岩的比斯卡数据流也是来之不易,好不容易才积攒起来了这么多,主要这玩意儿完全随缘,不像是通用点,潜能点,固定装备之类的,有固定的获取渠道。 Conversion is other matter, perhaps he clenched teeth on the past, but Jiawu's matter operates now this situation, can Fang Linyan also give up? 换成是别的事情,他说不定咬咬牙就过去了,但现在甲午的事情都运作到了这个地步,方林岩还能放弃吗? Therefore, he very simple say/way: 所以,他很干脆的道: With!” “用!” On the retina of Fang Linyan started to present some additive devices and wave lines rapidly, started to pop up the prompt: 方林岩的视网膜上迅速开始出现了一些乱码和波浪线,紧接着就开始弹出了提示: „After this is a space intervenes , Li Liangzhang as the secondary time node, oneself has the extra protection capability, is the destiny of popular name.” “这是一起空间干预后发生的事件,李良彰作为次要时间节点,自身是拥有额外的防护能力的,就是俗称的气运。” But, under the intervention of space external strength, Li Liangzhang destiny was eliminated, for this reason this/should space needs to pay the double prices! Then Li Liangzhang was affected by a fan soul incantation, the desire in his heart was enlarged directly, turned into the controlled puppet eventually.” “但是,在空间外来力量的干预下,李良彰身上的气运被清除了,为此该空间需要付出双倍代价!然后李良彰就被一张迷魂咒所影响,其心中的欲望被直接放大,终究变成了被操控的傀儡。” Saw the long and short of the story of this sequences of events, in the Fang Linyan heart has the preliminary estimate. 看到了这一系列事件的来龙去脉,方林岩心中已经有了初步的估计。 Controls all these people in behind in secret is not a commonplace! 在背后暗中操控这一切的人绝非等闲! Its status inevitably is quite first important, otherwise, is impossible to convince own space to eliminate Li Liangzhang destiny at the double prices. 首先其身份必然相当重要,否则的话,也不可能说服自身的空间以双倍的代价来消除李良彰身上的气运。 Next, this person to current international, the internal stability studies fine say/way inevitably the extremely, can grasp core contradiction between Qing government and man (Han) feudal officials, overturns in the so crucial time certainly! 其次,这个人对当下的国际,国内局势必然研究得极其精道,才能把握住清廷与汉臣之间的核心矛盾,于如此关键的时刻绝地翻盘! Finally, this person is the city mansion is extremely inevitably deep, experienced and careful, will endure the character to display the pinnacle definitely. 最后,这个人必然是城府极深,老谋深算,将忍字决发挥到了极致。 Because this move estranges the idea , to become effective, the crucial moment must act bashful very importantly, with too, Qing government could not feel early the Li Gongzhang intense threat, cannot decide eventually. 因为这一招离间计要想生效的话,火候必须拿捏得十分重要,用太早了,清廷这边感觉不到李宫彰的强烈威胁,终究下不了决心。 If with were too late, Japan was hit to fall face down directly, with this move is also late, being hard great power! 若是用太晚了,日本直接被打趴下了,用出来这一招也是为时晚矣,难以回天! Is you?” Fang Linyan at present, appeared directly form that senior steward Art who hunted for the king. “是你吗?”方林岩的眼前,直接浮现出了猎王的老管家阿尔特巴的身影。 This old fox, is Fang Linyan thought that has the person of biggest suspicion, does not have one. 这个老狐狸,是方林岩觉得拥有最大嫌疑的人,没有之一。 Although Art this group of people seemingly were Fang Linyan stand before in the middle of the same camp, but this cannot explain anything. 虽然阿尔特巴这群人在之前貌似是和方林岩站在同一阵营当中,但这并不能说明什么啊。 The camp can jump instead, in the middle of the adventurous world, is the bubble, only then the benefit is eternal! 阵营是可以跳反的,在冒险世界当中,一切都是泡沫,只有利益永恒! In ravelling general enemy, after the conduct method of opposite party, in the Fang Linyan mind has transferred the complicated thought that the aspect, do oneself have the opportunity of overturn? 在弄明白了大概的敌人,还有对方的行事方法之后,方林岩的脑海里面转过了千丝万缕的念头,如此局面,自己还有翻盘的机会吗? At this time the center has Cixi to suppress, how is again the dilatory scruples, delays for 2-3 days to give the reply at most, then indicated clearly the world. 此时中枢有着慈禧压制,便是再怎么拖沓顾忌,也是顶多拖延2-3天就要给出回复,然后明示天下。 Once after indicating clearly, on the war progress bar, the progress of China also enulled very much obviously. 一旦明示之后,很显然战争进度条上,中国的进度也就归零了。 2-3 days. Only 2-3 days of mapping out strategic plans in an army tent time, the key is also in Japan, is beyond control completely, this. Just like the hopeless situation!! 2-3天.区区2-3天运筹帷幄的时间,关键是自己还在日本,完全鞭长莫及,这.已经俨然是绝境了啊!! *** *** Ten after minutes, 十分钟之后, Fang Linyan went on board, then came to the captains cabin directly, to has been somewhat waiting for the distressed captain saying: 方林岩登船了,然后径直来到了船长室,对着已经等得有些心焦的船长道: Very sorry, the Vire root mister, delayed you such long time.” “非常抱歉,韦尔根先生,耽搁了你这么久的时间。” The Vire root long spits to exhale, trading to do is others, he has roared now loudly, spurted own spittle while convenient on front the face of this yellow skin fellow, made him know that while convenient the dignity of captain was inviolable. 韦尔根长长吐出了一口气,换做是其余的人,他现在已经大声吼叫了起来,顺带将自己的唾沫星子喷在了面前这个黄皮肤家伙的脸上,顺带让他知道船长的威严不可侵犯。 However front man who is young can be his son, is actually not the object who can let the dissolute personality these hot tempered unruly Russian guys, is also docile in his front with kitten. 但是面前这个年轻得可以做他儿子的男子,却并不是一个可以让自己放肆性格的对象啊那些暴躁桀骜的俄国大汉,在他的面前也温顺得和小猫似的。 The Vire root can only use the hometown slang to curse one in the heart, then the booth lets go: 韦尔根只能在心中用家乡俚语咒骂了一句,然后摊摊手: All right, words that we embark now, but can also pass through Tsushima Strait before the darkness.” “没事,我们现在出发的话,还能在天黑之前穿过对马海峡。” Fang Linyan light say/way: 方林岩淡淡的道: That wished you bon voyage, I take the baggage now, then you.” “那就祝伱们一路顺风,我现在去拿行李,然后你们就出发吧。” After the Vire root listened, said: 韦尔根听了之后道: Then I ordered to hoist sails. What! God, you must take the baggage, didn't you leave this damn country with us?” “那么我就下令升帆.什么!上帝啊,你要去拿行李,你不和我们一起离开这个该死的国家了?” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Yes, I think suddenly some of some of my also things must be done here.” “是的,我突然想到我还有一些事情在这里要做。” At this point, he smiled, then supplemented one earnestly: 说到这里,他微笑了起来,然后认真的补充了一句: Very important matter.” “非常重要的事情。” The Vire root spreads out the hand, then in the forehead, the chest selected three: 韦尔根摊开手,然后在眉心,胸口点了三下: Since is this, I respect your choice, is willing to advocate to bless you.” “既然是这样的话,我尊重您的选择,愿主保佑您。” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Right, my these left time is for individual private affair, this matter please help me keep secret, must do not disclose that knows to others, this was my final request, is willing to advocate to bless you.” “对了,我这一次离开乃是为了个人的私事,这件事请帮我保密,务必不要透露给其余的人知道,这是我最后的请求,愿主保佑您。” The Vire root nods saying: 韦尔根点点头道: I smelled a firm aura in your words, goes! Your leaves me to help you conceal.” “我在你的话语里面嗅到了一种坚决的气息,去吧!你的离开我会帮你隐瞒的。” Fang Linyan then turned around to leave directly, looks back that he departed, Vire root person felt solemn and stirring aura sincerely, if he knew the Chinese history, then should remember a poem immediately: 方林岩便直接转身离开了,看着他离去的背影,韦尔根这个人都深切的感觉到了一股悲壮的气息,若他知道中国历史的话,那么就应该立即想起一句诗: Wind whinny Yi Shuihan, the brave soldier goes not to return!” “风萧萧兮易水寒,壮士一去兮不复返!” Described with two some languages that is: 或者用更加中二一些的语言来形容,那便是: This goes , if gone, 此去若一去不回, That is then gone! 那便一去不回! *** *** After one -and-a-half hours, returned to Fang Linyan of Nagasaki to appear in Zheng front of light/only again, then smiled saying: 一个半小时之后,重返长崎的方林岩再次出现在了郑家光的面前,然后微笑道: Friend of mine, we met.” “我的朋友,我们又见面了。” This time Zheng light/only looked very exhausted, but the whole person was actually in the middle of not normal stimulated, after he saw Fang Linyan, laughed saying: 这时候的郑家光看起来很是疲惫,但是整个人却处于一种不正常的亢奋当中,他看到了方林岩之后哈哈大笑道: „! This may really make me pleasantly surprised! Are you plan witness by Nagasaki that the raging flame covers?” “哇!这可真是让我惊喜!你是打算来见证一下被熊熊烈火所覆盖的长崎吗?” This time Zheng the director worker is only unearthing the trench, his side has certainly massive manpower protections, so long as some people have anything to change, will immediately make into the honeycomb by the crowded bullet. 此时的郑家光正在指挥工人挖掘着壕沟,他的身边当然有大量的人手保护,只要有人有什么异动,立即就会被密集的枪弹打成蜂窝。 Only draws close to guard Zheng Jia is not others, is that is vigorous and healthy seems like the woman of man: Lyubushin. 贴近护卫郑家光的不是别人,却是那个健壮得像是男人的女人:柳德米拉。 This group crosses the unpleasant Cossacks in Vladivostok, the treatment that was opened by the Japanese Chinese businessmen pounds directly is confused, muddleheaded signed the contract, and palm according to contract, devout pledged by Eastern Orthodox Church most grand shearing hand ritual. 这帮在海参崴过得并不如意的哥萨克人,直接就被日本华商开出来的待遇砸得晕了头,稀里糊涂就签了合约,并且将手掌按在了合约上,虔诚的以东正教最隆重的割手礼发了誓。 However after several days they discovered, the living condition on that contract is truly good, however the good salary actually does not issue immediately, but provides in the way of yearly salary, naturally, that is an attractive number. 不过过了几天他们才发现,那一份合约上的生活待遇确实不错,但是丰厚的薪金却并不是即时下发的,而是以年薪的方式发放,当然,那是一个诱人的数字。 However, in this year, Zheng if light/only died, this sum of money they could not attain. 不过,在这一年当中,郑家光要是死了,这笔钱他们就拿不到了。 If Zheng light/only received lacked the arm to break the serious injury of leg, this sum of money must cut in half. 若是郑家光受到了缺胳膊断腿的严重伤害,这笔钱就要减半。 Because if protects receives the minor wound inconsiderately, same must deduct money! 若是因为保护不周受到轻伤,一样要扣钱! Therefore, now this world's most does not hope Zheng light/only has an accident is not his parents, but is this group of mercenaries. 所以,现在这个世界上最不希望郑家光出事的不是他的父母,而是这群雇佣兵。 What is funnier, Zheng light/only aesthetic unexpectedly different in average man, yes, he had a liking for Lyubushin. But this has never received the Russian woman obviously regarding this very surprise of pursue, then on acceptance of being overjoyed. 更搞笑的是,郑家光的审美居然迥异于常人,是的,他看上柳德米拉了.而这个从未受到过追求的俄国女人显然对此很是诧异,然后就大喜过望的接受了。 Therefore, Zheng light/only seems like the pouch somewhat to be heavy now, both legs a little become tender. 所以,郑家光现在看起来眼袋都有些重,两腿都有点儿发软。 At this time in Zheng light/only hand also takes a blueprint, this above is outlining the simple schematic diagram of Nagasaki. 此时郑家光手上还拿着一张图纸,这上面勾划着长崎的简易草图。 On this schematic diagram, the entire Nagasaki will be divided into armor by a horizontal three vertical long trench, B, C, Ding, the fifth heavenly stem, the six regions, once the Japanese government is not willing to obey, Zheng will light a region gives him demonstration of authority. 在这张草图上,整个长崎将会被一横三纵的长长壕沟分成甲,乙,丙,丁,戊,己六个区域,一旦日本政府不肯就范,郑家就会点燃其中一个区域给他个下马威。 This time trench then for the fire protection, after avoiding lights a region, the fire intensity further spreads to another region. 此时的壕沟便是用于防火,避免点燃一个区域之后,火势进一步扩散到另外一个区域的。 Fang Linyan has taken the blueprint on his hand, after sweeping one, said with a smile: 方林岩拿过他手上的图纸,扫了一眼之后就笑道: What's wrong, discussed not smoothly with the Japanese?” “怎么,和日本人谈得不顺利吗?” Zheng light/only looked at Fang Linyan one, the say/way of irrelevantly replying: 郑家光看了方林岩一眼,答非所问的道: Two telegrams that before Qiao sent, did you look?” “之前乔家送来的两份电报,你都看了?” Fang Linyan nods. 方林岩点点头。 Zheng ecliptic: 郑家光道: „The Qing government spiritless behavior, makes the Japanese government sporty without a doubt, the reply that they give is, must hang our people in the harbor wharf.” “清政府这边的懦弱行为,毫无疑问让日本政府这边底气十足,他们给出的回复是,要将我们的人吊死在港口的码头上。” Although Zheng Jia light/only said very superficially, but the anger in his eye actually cannot cover, then his light then said: 虽然郑家光说得很是轻描淡写,但是他眼中的愤怒却是掩盖不去的,然后他淡淡的接着道: Is good because of my ancestors has with this group seems like experience that the civilized actually barbaric domestic animal has to do- Very rich experience! Therefore after tonight sunset, the decision makes that group of idiots of cabinet experience our determination.” “好在我的祖先们就拥有和这帮看似文明其实野蛮的畜生打交道的经验--非常丰富的经验!所以今天晚上日落之后,就决定让内阁的那群蠢货见识一下我们的决心。” Then Zheng finger of light/only poked on Zone C: 然后郑家光的手指戳在了丙区上: Here, will become the first sacrificial offering that the Chinese room spreads!!” “这里,就将成为唐人屋敷的第一件祭品!!” The pupil of Fang Linyan shrank shrinking immediately, in the middle of the Zone C two streets, but included Nagasaki most business districts, if said that the Nagasaki maximum value lies in its advantageous harbor position, the value of then next wanting, was here business district. 方林岩的瞳孔顿时缩了缩,丙区当中的两条街道,可是囊括了长崎大部分的商业区啊,若说长崎最大的价值就在于它得天独厚的海港位置,那么其次要的价值,就是这边的商业区了。 Direct-viewing a little, Zone C here looks like the Ciqikou of Chongqing, Chunxi Road in entirely succeed, BJ Wangfujing here, once were ruined, the pressure that Zheng must face may originate from the Japanese government incessantly, because this inside shop even has one less than half is under the foreign personal name. 直观一点儿来说,丙区这里就像是重庆的磁器口,成都的春熙路,BJ的王府井这里一旦被毁掉,郑家要面对的压力可不止来源于日本政府了,因为这里面的店铺甚至都有一小半是外国人名下的。 However, Fang Linyan actually understood quickly, looks that Zheng light/only shows a faint smile saying: 但是,方林岩却很快就明白了过来,看着郑家光微微一笑道: Does attractively, facing the mad dog, does not hit the pain it, how also possibly to let its honest wagging the tail close to?” “干得漂亮,面对疯狗,不将它打痛,又怎么可能让它老老实实的摇尾巴呢?” Zheng ecliptic: 郑家光道: Right, I also think that like this, and father had sent the telegram to the cabinet that side, once there is Japanese forces of organization system to appear in the Nagasaki range 50 kilometers, we will light a region.” “没错,我也是这样想的,并且父亲已经给内阁那边发去了电报,一旦有成建制的日军出现在长崎范围内五十公里,我们就会点燃一个区域。” After that every half hour, or the Japanese forces advance ten kilometers, our ignition next region.” “此后每隔半个小时,或者日军推进十公里,我们就点燃下一个区域。” If our some people were assassinated, similarly will light a region.” “如果我们有人遭受到刺杀,同样会点燃一个区域。”
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