FE :: Volume #13

#1453: Using

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Chapter 1451 uses 第1451章利用 Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: That was natural, these people who this Europeans make actually are also contradictory layer on layer/heavily, before was because had Nicolas and Shoigu these two domineering powerful characters is pressing, and our weaponry also played conveniently, therefore seemingly did not have the issue.” “那当然了,这一次老毛子弄来的这些人其实也是矛盾重重的,之前是因为有尼古拉斯和绍伊古这两个强势有力的人物压着,并且咱们的仗也打得顺手,所以看起来没问题。” Actually according to me knows, hunts for contradictions between army corps group of regular armies and these mercenaries is very big, as long as is the supplies, rewards, is first tightening the person who hunts for the army corps comes, the mercenary also can only pick to remain, does not contract the poor trouble to be uneven, this is the taboo!” “其实据我所知道,猎兵团这批正规军和那些雇佣兵之间的矛盾就挺大的,但凡是补给,赏赐,都是先紧着猎兵团的人来,雇佣兵也只能捡剩下来的,不患贫患不均,这就是大忌啊!” Zheng Xianren hesitates saying: 郑先仁沉吟道: I see today makes war, is the mercenary of Europeans first rushes, indeed they are the dirty job tiring work danger exactly on first, drawing cash time actually fell behind?” “我今天见到开战的时候,也是老毛子的雇佣兵先冲上去的,敢情他们是脏活累活危险活都先上,拿钱的时候却落到了后面?” The tree nods saying: 乔木点点头道: I listened to storekeeper hand/subordinate saying that group of mercenaries after looking for them exchanged the silver ruble, but must hunt for the senior officials of army corps to turn in part to come up, Europeans that hot tempered personality, several Vodka got down that to pierce the day, the behavior of this group of Russian military officers was dares the greatest danger, the mouth seized the food, the assistant who I also looked for that Shoigu said twice, but he is perfunctory.” “我听手下的掌柜说,那帮雇佣兵在找他们兑换了银卢布以后,还要给猎兵团的长官上缴一部分上去,老毛子那暴躁性格,几口伏特加下去那能捅破天,这帮俄国人军官的行为乃是虎口拔牙,嘴里夺食啊,我也找那个绍伊古的副手说了两次,但他都在敷衍。” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Besides hunting for the contradiction between army corps group of regular army and mercenary, I also know the Europeans who this time come were actually divided into four ethnic groups, respectively is the Cossacks, Chukchi people, the Tartar and Hezhe person.” “除了猎兵团这帮正规军和雇佣兵之间的矛盾之外,我还知道这次来的老毛子其实是分成了四个族群的,分别是哥萨克人,楚科奇人,鞑靼人和赫哲人。” These four ethnic groups, is mainly the Cossacks and Chukchi people have very big contradiction, according to information that I understand, because both sides the issue in race the size had fought 67 times.” “这四个族群当中,主要是哥萨克人与楚科奇人拥有很大的矛盾,根据我了解到的情报,双方因为种族方面的问题已经大小殴斗了六七次。” After knowing special details, Zheng Xianren laughed to say on own initiative: 在了解到具体情况之后,郑先仁主动大笑了起来道: Knew, since Europeans interior not as steady as this degree, unexpectedly also plans reckless brother, really overreaches oneself.” “知道了,老毛子既然内部都不稳到了这种程度,居然还来算计胡兄,真的是不自量力。” Happen to our group of Chinese businessman in lacks the manpower now, before did not raise, is for fear that makes the complete force of expeditionary force be damaged, since reckless brothers said that then this matter gives us to manage, guarantees makes certainly appropriately.” “正好我们这帮华商现在手里面缺少人手,之前一直不提,是唯恐让远征军的整体战斗力受损,既然胡兄都这么说了,那么这件事儿就交给我们来办吧,保准弄得妥妥帖帖的。” Heard Zheng Xianren to take responsibility on oneself directly, the tree also relaxes, although he is representing Qiao, however paramount interest of Qiao in China, in a short time not plan related to overseas, therefore Zheng Xianren can handle this matter to be best. 听到了郑先仁直接大包大揽了下来,乔木也是松了一口气,他虽然代表着乔家,但是乔家的核心利益在中国,短期内没有涉及海外的打算,因此郑先仁能搞定这件事最好。 Fang Linyan also felt relieved, after all in the Japanese Chinese businessman hand is short of manpower is only his inference, has not passed with Zheng Jia meeting ditch, how specifically the will of the people separates the belly, Zheng thinks only knows fishily. 方林岩同样也是放下心来,毕竟日本华商手中缺人只是他的推断,并没有和郑家碰头沟通过,人心隔肚皮,郑家具体是怎么想的只有鬼知道。 The key is to listen to Zheng light/only that superficial tone, probably is very unexpectedly relaxed opens a scattered about appearance the expeditionary force, this was really makes him somewhat surprised. 关键是听郑家光那轻描淡写的口气,竟然像是很轻松就将远征军拆个七零八落的样子,这就真的是让他有些惊奇了。 However this time Japanese Chinese businessmen without exception, were the descendants of past big pirate, in the sea of law of the jungle, must have own armed forces to be good, otherwise, even if were you wants to do business well, others will not give you opportunity. 不过此时的日本华商无一例外,都是当年的大海盗的后代,在弱肉强食的大海上,必然要拥有自己的武装力量才行,否则的话,哪怕是你想要好好做生意,别人也不会给你机会。 Therefore Zheng light/only this group of people are propping up, the buy, trains armed forces, should be solid educational foundation received from family elders, adept, even estimated that is richer than the experience that they do business. 因此郑家光这帮人在扶植,收买,培养武装力量方面,应该都是家学渊源,娴熟至极的,甚至估计比他们做生意的经验还丰富。 After wants to understand these things, Fang Linyan anticipated to the matter that then must have suddenly very much. 在想明白了这些事情以后,方林岩忽然对接下来要发生的事情都很是期待了起来。 Roman Satsuo this fellow wants to dismantle the bridge after crossing is the way things should be, changes into oneself also to want first to pull down to wrestle, but he, since first starts to remove own stage, that do not blame to counter-attack too ruthlessly. 罗曼萨夫这家伙想要过河拆桥乃是人之常情,换成自己也想要将第一名拉下来搏一搏呢,不过他既然先下手来拆自己的台,那就不要怪自己反击得太狠了。 *** *** Two after hours, 两个小时之后, The place atmosphere that the Russians occupy is quite dignified, 俄国人所居住的地方气氛相当凝重, The flavor that in the eyes of almost everyone reveals is cruel, crazy, 几乎每个人的眼里面流露出来的味道都是暴戾,疯狂的, Sorrow that the ally casualty brings, usually facing the anger of unfair treatment, to future floods at a loss in their mind, lets in this group of boorish and hot tempered fellow hearts seems like one group of fires in flaming to burn. 战友死伤带来的悲哀,平时面对不公待遇的愤怒,还有对未来的茫然充斥在他们的心里面,让这帮粗野而暴躁的家伙心里面似乎有一团火在熊熊燃烧着。 They urgently needed many divulging channels! They all pressures will vent urgently needed! 他们急需多个宣泄的渠道!他们急需将身上所有的压力都发泄出来! These floor soldiers gathered at outside one after another, unscrupulous looks at anybody with the provocative look, is transmitting the insipid tasteless clear wine mutually, spurted the liquor air/Qi to curse the damn weather and these greedy clothes eating insects. 这些底层士兵一群一群的聚集在了外面,肆无忌惮的用挑衅的眼神看着任何人,彼此之间相互传递着寡淡无味的清酒,喷着酒气大骂着该死的天气和那些贪婪的蛀虫。 Some people will fight every several minutes mutually, after hitting the dripping with blood, are pulled open by the companion. 每隔几分钟就会有人互相殴斗,打得鲜血淋漓之后被同伴拉开。 Obviously, military compound inside this time had turned into a giant powder keg, so long as a sparks/Mars can cause its explosion! 很显然,军营里面此时已经变成了一个巨大的火药桶,只要一颗火星就能使其爆炸! The soldier will mutiny directly, the incarnation devil, what military officer anything discipline and so on, throws into the brain , after entirely. 紧接着士兵就会直接哗变,化身魔鬼,什么军官什么纪律之类的,统统抛到脑后去。 But, the military officers actually disregarded the demand of this group of people, Shoigu still remains unconscious obviously, Nicolas's behavior rashly is to let a large numbers of military officer altogether goes to the Yellow Springs with it. 可是,军官们却无视了这帮人的需求,绍伊古显然依然昏迷不醒,尼古拉斯的贸然行为更是让一大批军官与之共赴黄泉。 Therefore, at this time surplus the military officers are busy the power that competes for the vacancy to come out, naturally the following rich benefit, whose his mother does go to under manages the idea of the group of big end of soldiers? 因此,这时候剩余下来的军官们正忙着争夺空缺出来的权力,当然还有随之而来的丰厚利益,谁他妈去管下面的这帮大头兵的想法? In the hearts of these military officers, these usually only idle can gnaw the louse the poor devil, the reward of now fishing usually does for 2-3 years in Vladivostok, what this also has not satisfied? What problem can also have to select? 在这些军官的心里面,这些平时闲得只能啃虱子的穷鬼,现在捞到的报酬已经是平时在海参崴干2-3年的了,这还有什么不满意的呢?还能有什么毛病挑呢? They should feel grateful, should kneel thanks that sheds bitter tears we to bring getting rich! Even should bring the gratitude, the lovable silver that these dingdong will make noise on own initiative slightly hands over half lovably! 他们应该感恩,应该跪下来痛哭流涕的感谢我们带着发财!甚至应该带着感恩之心,主动将身上那些叮当作响的可爱的银色小可爱交出一半来! Otherwise, even if most broadminded benevolent Eastern Orthodox Church patriarch, should not forgive these to send out ozone greedy of idiot. 否则的话,哪怕是最为宽宏大量仁慈的东正教大牧首,都应该不会原谅这些散发着臭气的蠢货的贪婪。 Naturally, Roman Satsuo is an exception, he has noticed the anxiety and angry of floor soldier, this ambitious fellow had smelled opportunity keenly, therefore then adds fuel to the flames. 当然,罗曼萨夫是个例外,他早就注意到了底层士兵的焦躁和愤怒,这个野心勃勃的家伙已经敏锐的嗅到了其中的机会,于是便在其中推波助澜。 Roman Satsuo is very clear oneself weakness, that enters the beginning of this world to be not very high, directly causes the present status prestige to be insufficient, could not achieve the effect of having hundred responses to a single call, cannot seem like Fang Linyan such, treated as an equal to the high-level several big giants. 罗曼萨夫很清楚自己的弱点,那就进入本世界的起点不够高,直接导致了现在的身份威望不足,根本就达不到一呼百应的效果,更不能像是方林岩那样,与高层的几大巨头平起平坐了。 Therefore, he knows, only then in turmoil, own ambition has the opportunity of realization. 所以,他知道只有在动乱当中,自己的野心才有实现的机会。 On this time Roman Satsuo face showed the angry expression, mixed with the soldiers in one, is giving scolding loudly these damn clothes eating insects, strongly wanted to strive for their favorable impressions, did to the charm value of this boy is not high, the result was not good. 此时的罗曼萨夫脸上露出了愤怒的表情,和士兵们混在了一起,大声痛骂着那些该死的蛀虫,竭力的想要争取他们的好感,奈何这厮的魅力值不高,收效并不好。 Roman Satsuo actually also can only keep praying in the heart: 罗曼萨夫却也只能在心中不停祈祷: Come, making the storm come more violent!!” “来吧,让暴风雨来得更猛烈一些吧!!” At this time, did the mood of soldier to be fermented 7788, was at this time, a large crowd is driving almost 78 horse-drawn vehicles, drove from outside directly slowly. 这时候,一干士兵的情绪已经被酝酿得七七八八了,可是就在这个时候,一大群人赶着差不多七八辆马车,直接从外面慢慢的驶了进来。 Originally at this time this group of hot tempered soldiers definitely are refuse to acknowledge family, wanting the violent to walk the mood that to ferment 7788, regardless of what stranger came, it is estimated that will be encircled then to beat the devastation by them directly, vented the extremist sentiment. 本来此时这帮暴躁的士兵肯定是六亲不认的,想要暴走的情绪酝酿得七七八八了,无论什么陌生人进来,估计都会被他们直接围上去然后殴打蹂躏,发泄极端情绪。 However, that takes the lead to overrun is strong seems like the big fellow of brown bear to be just about to raise the fist, actually dumbfounded suddenly the say/way: 但是,率先冲过去的一个壮得像是棕熊的大块头正要扬起拳头,却忽然呆住了道: „?( Father)” “?(父亲)” Originally, takes the lead from the carriage, unexpectedly is tall and powerfully built, the beard and hair all white old person! On this old person puts on, impressively is a father robe! 原来,从马车上率先走下来的,竟然是一个身材魁梧,须发皆白的老人!这个老人身上穿着的,赫然乃是一袭神父袍! This old person is not others, these accompanying the armed forces member who accompanies the expeditionary force to come time, Eastern Orthodox Church Father Morgan. 这名老人不是别人,正是这一次随同远征军前来的随军修士,东正教神父叶尔摩根。 In the middle of Russian, the pronunciation of father and father is similar, therefore the big fellow called the father directly. 俄语当中,父亲与神父的读音类似,因此那大块头就直接叫爹了。 This old person has the prestige in Vladivostok very much, set up an orphanage, because the governors in Vladivostok were born is also he baptism, can therefore get so far as some extra resources, usually also provided relieft to many poor people. 这个老人在海参崴的时候就很有威望,开办了一所孤儿院,因为海参崴的总督出生的时候也是他进行的洗礼,所以能弄到一些额外的资源,平时也救济了很多穷人。 Therefore, he prestige in the middle of the entire expeditionary force is very high, but Morgan after embarking because of the seasick reason, fell ill probably directly, therefore is almost at the transparent condition, Fang Linyan or Roman Satsuo almost disregarded his existence. 因此,他在整个远征军当中威望都很高,只不过叶尔摩根在上船以后大概是因为晕船的缘故,直接就病倒了,所以几乎就处于透明的状态,无论是方林岩还是罗曼萨夫都几乎无视了他的存在。 But, Japanese Chinese businessman group of people will not actually violate such mistake absolutely, and they are planning the human nature, won over will of the people also to achieve the pinnacle, otherwise has not possibly based. In fact, even if Fang Linyan does not look for Zheng light/only, they will definitely still do everything possible to recruit manpower of a number of expeditionary forces in the future. 可是,日本华商这群人却绝对不会犯这样的错,并且他们在算计人性,拉拢人心方面也是做到了极致,不然也没可能立足。实际上,就算是方林岩不去找郑家光,他们在日后肯定也会想方设法招募一批远征军的人手。 After all this group of people the battle efficiency or loyalty, are quite reliable, before during they when the Chinese room spread is staying, eats enough in the hand lacking strength owing, only did can waiting for death helplessly, at this time learned from a painful experience, now detects the tumultuous times to arrive, certainly wanted first to make up own weak area. 毕竟这帮人无论是战斗力还是忠诚度方面,都是相当可靠的,之前他们在唐人屋敷当中呆着的时候,就吃够了手中力量不足的亏,搞得只能眼睁睁的等死,此时痛定思痛,现在发觉乱世降临,肯定要第一时间补足自身的短板。 Therefore, a Morgan appearance, blew the gathering place immediately, these soldiers on the scene, the mercenary majority know him, even many people in childhood in the charitable institution that in his church sets up has drunk gruel that hangs the life- naturally, Eastern Orthodox Church manages gadget is called the holy communion. 所以,叶尔摩根一出现,立即就镇住了场子,在场的这些士兵,雇佣兵大多数都认识他,甚至不少人在小时候都在他的教堂开办的善堂里面喝过吊命的粥-当然,东正教管这玩意儿叫做圣餐。 If some people really dare to disrespect to Morgan, it is estimated that will immediately emit dozens over a hundred to beat severely that fellow personally, then loses to nearby sea water in sobers. 倘若有人真的敢于对叶尔摩根不敬的话,估计立即就会冒出几十上百个人将那家伙痛打一顿,然后丢到旁边的海水里面去清醒清醒。 After Morgan blew the gathering place, stood directly on nearby carriage, then said with the loud and clear sound: 叶尔摩根镇住了场子之后,直接就站到了旁边的马车上面,然后用洪亮的声音道: Children! You do very good!! I see with one's own eyes, these stupid small dwarves in the you front, look like the hare on plain easily to take down equally, you are the thunder, you are the advantage axes, you from the Siberia craziest storm!!” “孩子们!你们干得非常棒!!我亲眼看到,这些愚蠢的小矮子在伱们的面前,就像是平原上的野兔一样被轻易放倒,你们是雷霆,你们是利斧,你们是来自西伯利亚最疯狂的风暴!!” You , since Vladivostok these several hundred years the biggest glory, I will take you as the honor, Heaven's blessing czar, Wula!!” “你们,也是海参崴这数百年以来最大的荣耀,我将以你们为荣,天佑沙皇,乌拉!!” After hearing these words of extremely rich instigation strength, there are lots of people also to stand, raised the arm to shout loudly: 听到了这几句极富煽动力的话以后,有大量的人也是站了起来,举起手臂高喊: Heaven's blessing czar, Wula!!” “天佑沙皇,乌拉!!” Several thousand people of that uncouthly cheers, made the surrounding Japanese resident tremble instantaneously, shrank in own small house the feeling of very in constant anxiety. 数千人那粗鲁的欢呼声,瞬间就让周围的日本居民都战栗了起来,缩在了自己的小房子里面很有一种惶惶不可终日的感觉。 When Morgan gives the speech, the person on carriage deft jumping down, then adept took down several spacious linearity tables from the carriage, a lot of rums, Vodka wait/etc will place on the table. 就在叶尔摩根发表演说的时候,马车上的人已经麻利的跳了下来,然后娴熟的从马车上取下了好几张宽大的条形桌,将大量的朗姆酒,伏特加等等摆放在了桌子上面。
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