FE :: Volume #13

#1444: Commits hara-kiri with the stream of people

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Chapter 1442 commits hara-kiri with the stream of people 第1442章切腹与人流 Suddenly, adding lustre to show blood started to burn, spread from top to bottom, the flaming flame will wrap thoroughly, but he cherished that samisen to exude the sad and shrill pitiful yell sound unexpectedly, was grasped by the adding lustre to show stubbornly, the mouth is still muttering talks over is comforting. 忽然之间,增光秀身上的鲜血就开始燃烧了起来,紧接着蔓延到了浑身上下,熊熊火焰将之彻底包裹住,而他怀中的那一把三味线居然发出了凄厉的惨叫声,却被增光秀死死抱住,嘴里还在喃喃念叨着进行安抚。 Blazing, the two quick are reduced to ashes. 烈火熊熊,二者很快就化为灰烬。 Saw this, Fang Linyan sighed slightly, will depart, actually detected that suddenly the adding lustre to show death the place presented a ray, then flew to the blade health/guard death place, but the blade health/guard died here, also presented a ray to gather with it in one, finally changed to a key. 见到了这一幕,方林岩微微叹息了一声,正要离去,却突然发觉增光秀死亡的地方出现了点点光芒,然后飞向了刃卫死亡的地方,而刃卫死亡这里,也是同样出现了点点光芒与之汇聚在了一起,最后化作了一把钥匙。 Fang Linyan takes to look, this key unexpectedly is the silver plot rank. 方林岩拿起来一看,这钥匙居然是银色剧情级别的。 Hesitated, Fang Linyan awakened, the adding lustre to show or the blade health/guard, had been injured by oneself, in other words, their deaths have the relations of considerable degree with. 只是沉吟了一下,方林岩就醒悟了过来,无论是增光秀还是刃卫,都还是被自己打伤过的,也就是说,他们的死还是与自己有着相当程度的关系。 Therefore, space to guarantee the fair fairness, gave itself to come such a key. 所以,空间这边为了保证公平公正性,就给自己来了这么一把钥匙。 Fang Linyan opens looked, detected inside thing is not valuable, in addition also on 2,000-3,000 universe points, the thing made him have the interest. 方林岩打开一看,发觉里面的东西都不怎么值钱,加起来也就2,000-3,000通用点,却有一件东西让他产生了兴趣。 The name of this thing called: Stave war flag. 这件东西的名称叫:破碎的战旗。 The contour seemed like a broken flag, inside wooden rod somewhat was even decayed, and because of the age remote reason, the flag surface had probably many tattered, the becoming dark place, can only see its main body indistinctly is the red, the center as if had a solar shape mark. 其外形看起来就是一面残破的旗帜了,里面的木杆甚至都有些腐朽,并且大概是因为年岁久远的缘故,旗帜表面有很多破烂,发黑的地方,只能隐约看出其本体是红色的,中央似乎有一个太阳形状的印记。 Showing is: Please find to recognize the person understanding information of this flag. 说明是:请找到能辨识出这面旗帜的人了解其中的信息。 Fang Linyan recognized, thought that the flag center has a Sun, and also somewhat red, should seem like the national flag of Japan, will therefore first receive. 方林岩辨识了一下,觉得旗帜中央有个太阳,并且还有些红红的,应该很像是日本的国旗呢,因此就先将之收了起来。 *** *** Is reorganizing the spoils of war of taking, Fang Linyan hurries along, quick returned navel Mao Village. 一面整理着拿到手的战利品,方林岩一面赶路,很快就重新回到了脐毛村这边。 Obviously, here fight has settled down, therefore wrote the paper in the important information that Fang Linyan first will obtain, then makes Li three send back. 很显然,这边的战斗早已是尘埃落定,于是在方林岩第一时间内将得到的重要信息写成了纸条,然后让李三送了回去。 According to his foot journey and ability, at most one hour can return to Nicolas hand the information. 依照他的脚程和能耐,顶多一个小时就能将情报送回尼古拉斯手里面。 Then Fang Linyan saw a severely wounded Buriusz, detected that his luck is good. 接着方林岩去看望了一下重伤的布留斯,发觉他的运气不错。 Under blade health/guard that blade originally to heart, the reason of orderly because throws, the blade first punctured thoroughly the chest of orderly, then dug in Buriusz's back, therefore the blade almost scratched the heart to puncture. 刃卫那下扎的那一刀本来是冲着心脏去的,只是因为扑上来的勤务兵的缘故,刀刃先刺透了勤务兵的胸膛,再扎入了布留斯的背后,因此刀刃几乎是擦着心脏刺了过去。 Therefore, Buriusz's injury is also heavy and not danger, so long as after crossing infected this to close, that can smoothly live. 因此,布留斯的伤势还算是重而不危,只要过了感染这一关之后,那就能顺利活下来。 After entering the navel Mao Village interior, Fang Linyan detected, navel Mao Village was also hit miserably, at least half of houses is burnt down very much, on the avenue even can see the bare corpses of several women, what was more miserable was the critical part is cut the dripping with blood, obviously these women before being humiliated, had experienced the brutal maltreatment! 进入到了脐毛村内部之后,方林岩才发觉,脐毛村这边也是被打得很惨,至少有一半的房舍被烧毁了,大街上甚至能看到了好几具女人的裸尸,更惨的是要害部位都被砍得鲜血淋漓,显然这些女人在被凌辱之前,就已经经历了惨无人道的虐待! Sees this, Fang Linyan detected that the personality of Japanese really has the obvious contradiction and flaw: 见到这一幕,方林岩就发觉日本人的性格真是有着明显的矛盾性和缺陷型的: In the discrete back is extremely arrogant, what hidden in the humble back is arrogant, seems like way one treats people well-mannered, once in fact has the opportunity to vent becomes extremely cruel! Even if no exception to the person on one's own side. 在谨慎的背后是狂妄,在谦卑的背后隐藏的是傲慢,看似待人接物彬彬有礼,实际上一旦有机会发泄就变得极其暴戾!哪怕是对自己人也不例外。 In front Dawuli surface, Fang Linyan saw the Dongxiang well again, but he is one has the corpse of residual heat especially. 在前方的一间大屋里面,方林岩再次见到了东乡井,不过他已经是一具尤有余温的尸体了。 This fellow after detecting oneself cannot escape, under the help of wrong person , conducted planned abdomen. 这家伙在发觉自己逃不掉之后,在手下的介错人的帮忙下,进行了“拟腹”。 This is actually simplifies the edition that commits hara-kiri, because most the people of committing hara-kiri after the below first blade transverse cutting, were suffered the pitiful yell to wail by the severe pain, the body waste crossflow, is hard to maintain the deportment, do not say that delimited one ten character to come out on the belly. 这其实就是切腹的最简化版本,因为大部分切腹的人都在下第一刀横切之后,就被剧痛折磨得惨叫哀嚎,屎尿横流,难以保持仪态,更不要说是在肚子上划一个“十”字出来了。 Therefore, introduced in nearby wrong, after the first blade holds , helping wrong is direct a blade to behead. 所以,就引入了在旁边的“介错”者,第一刀捅进去之后,帮忙介错的就直接一刀砍头。 But plans the abdomen is takes up to commit hara-kiri the knife that gesticulates on the belly, does not need to puncture, is beheaded by a side wrong blade, the basic entire journey indolence, the effect was known as that endures compared with the stream of people. 而拟腹则是拿起切腹的刀子,在肚子上比划一下,根本不用刺,然后就由旁边介错的一刀断头,基本全程无痛,效果号称堪比人流。 Speaking of that the stream of people and wrong two also really have many something in common, is known as the indolence, similarly wants the deceased person, similarly is unable to complete to need the person alone to help. 你还别说,人流和介错二者还真的有很多共同之处,都是号称无痛,同样都要死人,同样也都是独自无法完成需要人帮忙。 Looks at the head of Dongxiang well, Fang Linyan light waving, then made one send to bury. This fellow mentioned also to help own busy strictly, therefore the person died, if the lamp extinguished, the gratitude and grudges settled, making him be laid to rest. 看着东乡井的脑袋,方林岩淡淡的挥了挥手,然后让人将之送去埋掉了。这家伙严格的说起起来也是帮了自己的大忙,所以人死若灯灭,恩怨就此了结,让他入土为安吧。 However, Dongxiang well the subordinate of bring did not have good luck that the evil that they made before was too ruthless, even if surrendered, directly killed with the stone and wooden club by the angry navel Mao Village villagers while still alive. 不过,东乡井的带来的手下就没那么好命了,他们之前造的孽太狠,哪怕是投降了,也被愤怒的脐毛村村民直接用石头和木棍活活打死。 Regarding this Fang Linyan has not stopped, has no intention to stop, the contradictions between both sides are deeper, to him is advantageous. 对此方林岩没有阻拦,也无意阻拦,双方之间的矛盾越深,对他来说越是有利。 After he arrives the ghost hatched to collapse( cave) here, Zheng current head of household Zheng Xianli of leads Zheng light/only to welcome, in also more than 20 that it greets together the Chinese businessmen that spread to escape from the Chinese room. 等到他来到了鬼孵塌(山洞)这边之后,郑家的现任家主郑先礼已经带着郑家光远迎了出来,与之一起迎接过来的还有二十多名从唐人屋敷里面逃出来的华商。 This group of people looked one, partly knelt directly, say/way with one voice: 这帮人对望了一眼,直接就半跪了下来,异口同声的道: Many thanks reckless Young Master righteousness thin Yuntian, saves me to be equal to abyss of suffering.” “多谢胡公子义薄云天,拯救我等于水深火热之中。” This group of people these do obeisance time actually wholeheartedly, they were stranded in the middle of the cave, although the enemy cannot attack suddenly, oneself this group of people actually cannot run away, seemed like stopped up in bellower inside mouse. 这群人这一次倒是拜得真心实意,他们被困在了山洞当中,虽然敌人一时间攻不进来,自己这帮人却也是逃不了,就像是被堵在了风箱里面的老鼠似的。 The key is, in their hearts will be will not have the reinforcements to come very much clearly mostly, the enemy opening one, this inside will not have the water not to have the grain, how many days can support? Therefore many people gave birth must die the heart. 关键是,他们心里面也是很清楚多半不会有援军来的,敌人把口子一堵,这里面没有水没有粮食,能撑几天?所以很多人都生出了必死之心。 In this type under the desperate mentality, the Fang Linyan belt/bring person has come to rescue most can harvest the good sensitivity without doubt, might be considered as gives opportune help. 在这种已经绝望的心态之下,方林岩带人前来援救无疑是最能收割好感度的,堪称是雪中送炭了。 Let alone status of Fang Linyan in this world is not the commonplace, is the Hu juniors. The merchant who this reckless( snow rock) Duke famous, this group of Chinese rooms spread has also listened, in the subconscious thought that this is a person on one's own side. 更何况方林岩在本世界上的身份也非等闲,乃是胡家子弟。这胡(雪岩)公的鼎鼎大名,这帮唐人屋敷的商人也是听过的,潜意识里面就觉得这是自己人。 Therefore, the harvest that Fang Linyan this time helps can say that imagines him is richer. 因此,方林岩这一次来援的收获可以说比他想象的还要丰厚。 Exchanged greetings one, Fang Linyan was also impatient this group of person core members welcome to nearby tree , some people can only sit, Fang Linyan then directly entered the subject saying: 寒暄一番过后,方林岩也是迫不及待的将这帮人当中的核心成员请到了旁边的树下,一干人只能席地而坐,方林岩便直接进入正题道: Fellow seniors, the little nephew be please offensive, is the situation somewhat is really urgent, is related to everyone's life and death, everyone takes root Japan for a long time, therefore is consulting anxiously.” “各位前辈,请恕小侄唐突了,实在是事态有些紧急,事关大家的生死存亡,各位在日本这边扎根已久,所以急着请教一下。” Then before Fang Linyan, obtained the information that to say from adding lustre to show there, then also briefed a here military situation simply. 然后方林岩就将之前从增光秀那里得到的情报说了说,接着又简单的介绍了一下自己这边的兵力情况。 After hearing Fang Linyan here introduction, a middle-aged person said immediately: 听到了方林岩这边的介绍以后,一名中年人立即道: „The martial male that side I am very familiar! Baishi United that there is stationed in I have also had to do with them, is Class C regiment, the position in the military system is not high.” “武雄那边我很熟悉的!那里驻扎的白石联队我也和他们打过交道,是属于丙级联队,在军队系统当中地位不高。” I transported the cargo at that time time had seen they train, the weapon lacks seriously, when the firing practice training even is three people shares firearms, and everyone twice fire opportunities.” “我当时运送货物的时候就见到过他们训练,军械严重缺乏,在实弹射击训练的时候甚至是三个人共用一把枪械,并且每个人只有两次的射击机会。” This middle-aged person is called Li Jian, the information that without a doubt, he provides is very helpful, Fang Linyan nods to express gratitude to him with a smile. 这名中年人叫做李建,毫无疑问,他提供的情报是很有帮助的,方林岩含笑对他点点头表示感谢。 Another big grain road named Chen Shengfu: 另外一名叫做陈圣夫的大粮商道: I in the martial male that side altogether two grain and fodder pavilions( grain shop), on the surface, these two grain and fodder pavilions have very deep contradiction, both bosses are even facing the street have fought mutually, but also runs on frequently mutually, but is I am actually controlling in the back.” “我在武雄那边一共有两家粮料亭(粮店),在表面上,这两家粮料亭有着很深的矛盾,双方老板甚至当街相互殴斗过,还经常互相挤兑,但其实背地里都是我在操控着。” Three years ago, a commander in Baishi United found my grain shop, requests in large numbers buys the inferior grain. But is quick, he appeared in the middle of another grain shop, the request sold the qualified new grain in large numbers.” “三年之前,白石联队的一名少佐就找到了我其中的一家粮店,要求大批的购入劣等粮。而很快的,他又出现在了另外一家粮店当中,要求大批出售合格的新粮。” I discovered after this matter, knows water is very deep, the benefit dispute can be said as is more complex, therefore instructed that the shop owner who I imagine purchases the grain not to have the issue, but the purchase grain actually cannot be involved.” “我发现了这件事之后,知道其中的水很深,利益纠葛可以说是比我想象的还要复杂,因此指示店东购买粮食没问题,但是收购粮食却不能介入其中。” „What is funny, because martial hero large amount of grain transaction was almost monopolized by me, therefore other small shops cannot get their business. Therefore, after that commander come visiting several times was rejected, finally shows very robust stand, and suggested that behind has the great person, making the shop owner feel relieved.” “但好笑的是,因为武雄这边的大宗粮食交易几乎都被我垄断了,所以其余的中小店铺都接不下来他们的这一宗生意。所以,那名少佐几次来访被拒绝了之后,最后表现出了很强硬的态度,并且暗示背后有着大人物,让店主放心。” Heard Chen Shengfu words, the people smile, obviously, this type of embezzlement military provisions, take substandard products as fine products the behavior that very much earns the price difference, this time Japan is not the unusual matter. 听到了陈圣夫的话,众人都是会心一笑,很显然,这种克扣军粮,以次充好赚取差价的行为,在此时的日本这边并不是什么稀奇的事情。 But the information that Li Jian and Chen Shengfu transmits although is indirect, but had in fact disclosed the general situation in Baishi United 7788. 而李建和陈圣夫传递过来的情报虽然都是间接的,可实际上已经将白石联队的大致情况透露了个七七八八。 Obviously, such usually trains is passing petty, the soldier is eating the army of inferior old grain, is absolutely impossible to have high battle efficiency. 很显然,这么一支平时训练都透着小家子气,士兵吃着劣等陈粮的军队,绝对不可能有很高的战斗力的。 Fang Linyan hesitated a while to pursue asks: 方林岩沉吟了一会儿又追问道: Then martial hero does arrive at Nagasaki path condition?” “那么武雄到长崎这边的道路状况呢?” This issue Zheng can only reply: 这个问题郑家光就能回答了: This nearby topography mountainous, had the rain in addition last night, if the person are few, dares to take risk to ride a horse, that can arrive in 67 hours.” “这附近的地势多山,加上昨夜还有雨,若是人少的话,敢于冒险骑马的话,那就能在67个小时内到达。” But, if conducts marches massively, after arriving, must maintain the battle efficiency, at least takes ten hours.” “但是,如果是进行大规模行军的话,抵达之后还要保持战斗力,至少需要十个小时。” Zheng reply of light/only makes Fang Linyan relax without doubt, this and his judgment is close consistently. 郑家光的回答无疑让方林岩松了一口气,这和他的判断接近一致。 Meanwhile, fast sending out of Baishi United, made Fang Linyan smell a flavor of plot, was what makes one poor and waste edge regiment, became the execution all of a sudden strong? 同时,白石联队的快速出动,也让方林岩嗅到了一股阴谋的味道,是什么让一个又穷又废的边缘联队,一下子变得执行力超强? Obviously, this back has adding fuel to the flames of space soldier! Like this all conformed to the reason. 很显然,这背后有着空间战士的推波助澜!这样的话一切都符合情理了。 From this Fang Linyan stood in Japanese space soldier side pondered, detected on oneself at present acquired information, words that the opposite party wanted to win, actually the selective sincerity were not many, because Baishi United obviously occupied the disadvantage in hard strength. 由此方林岩站在日本空间战士这一方思考了一下,发觉就自己目前收集到的情报来看,对方想要赢的话,其实选择性真心不多,因为白石联队在硬实力方面明显占据劣势。 Therefore their tactics were very in fact obvious, first is by the space the elite surprise attack of soldier and Shintoism, the assassination paralyzes mostly here command system, then Baishi United while the population advantage and to the familiar advantage that the place benefits, the sudden comprehensive surprise attack! 所以他们的战术实际上就很明显了,多半是先以空间战士和神道教的精锐突袭,暗杀瘫痪掉这边的指挥系统,然后白石联队趁着人数优势和对地利的熟悉优势,一拥而上全面突袭! After wants to understand pass/test hole, Fang Linyan planned to return to Nagasaki, since the Japanese liked the adventure, was the time makes them know consequence that the adventure failed. 在想明白了其中的关窍以后,方林岩就打算返回长崎了,日本人既然喜欢冒险的话,那么就是时候让他们知道冒险失败的后果了。 At this time, the Chinese businessman of this group of survivals saw that Fang Linyan hesitated does not speak, then looked one then to give Zheng Xianli to signal with the eyes, Zheng Xianli then coughed a sound said: 这时候,这帮幸存的华商见到方林岩沉吟不语,便对望一眼然后给郑先礼使了个眼色,郑先礼便咳嗽一声道: Young Master reckless has no fear of great distances, comes to save me to be equal to the danger, drags in lots of people, is extravagant squander inevitably enormously, this sum of money definitely should I and others return a favor.” “胡公子不远万里,前来拯救我等于危难之中,兴师动众,靡费必然极大,这笔钱肯定是应该我等来报效。” After saying, then both hands offered a gift list. 说完了之后,便双手奉上一张礼单。 Fang Linyan somewhat surprised say/way: 方林岩有些吃惊的道: What Mr. Zheng is this must make?” “郑先生这是要做什么?” Then he received the gift list to look, immediately is startled, originally the thing on this gift list is really rich, feared that does not have several million two money! 然后他接过礼单一看,顿时大吃一惊,原来这张礼单上的东西真的是丰厚至极,怕不是有数百万两银子! This group of Chinese businessmen are meeting with the great misfortune at this time, after the family property almost unravelled the larger part . 要知道,这帮华商此时可是在遭逢大劫,家产几乎都是灰飞烟灭了一大半之后啊。 However on the other hand, if not for just ate big of Japanese to owe, realized that behind oneself did not have deep sorrow of strength, this group of Chinese businessmen will not so give up. 不过话又说回来,若不是刚刚吃了日本人的大亏,体会到了自身背后没有力量的切肤之痛,这帮华商也不会如此舍得。 However, Fang Linyan is useless with this money sincerity, he read two this gift lists, smiles will then push went back saying: 但是,方林岩拿这银子却真心没有用,他看了两眼这礼单,笑了笑然后将之推了回去道: Zheng uncle, said words that pulls out the pit of the stomach, if I for money, well internally doesn't get rich well? Is worthwhile organizes such a expeditionary force, contends by a person of strength and a Japanese such big country?” “郑世伯,说一句掏心窝子的话,我若是为了钱,好好的在国内发财不好吗?犯得着组织这么一支远征军,以一人之力和日本这么大的一个国家抗衡?” This matter is really does a thankless job, the errand handled, there are countless people to catch up with a minute/share of merit, will climb the friendship, if this errand office pounded, that was definitely lost to regard the scapegoat, can like the forest of burning opium at Humeng( then slow) Duke, was removed from office degenerates into the crime to imprison to send out XJ to defend the border to preserve the life to be good, so long as will have the mistake slightly, that will meet a cruel death!” “这件事委实是吃力不讨好的,差使办好了,有无数的人会赶着来分功劳,攀交情,倘若这差使办砸了,那肯定是被丢出来当成替罪羊,能像虎门销烟的林(则徐)公那样,被革职沦为罪囚发往XJ戍边保住命就不错了,只要稍有差池,那就是粉身碎骨!” Heard Fang Linyan saying that did originally the somewhat stunned person, the facial expression immediately some with deep veneration, they were the thoughts exquisite merchant princes, has not been short on the person with government to do, therefore fully realized that Fang Linyan said that not only did not have least bit to be exaggerating, even also said inside bad risk little, said shallowly! 听到了方林岩这么说,一干本来有些愕然的人,脸容顿时都有些肃然了起来,他们一个个都是心思玲珑的豪商,也没少与官场上的人打交道,因此深知方林岩这么讲不但没有半点儿夸张,甚至还将里面的凶险说少了,说浅了! Talked about here, a Fang Linyan sigh, then leisurely and firm say/way: 讲到这里,方林岩一声叹息,然后徐缓而坚决的道: But, the national affairs so, we can, because difficult doesn't do? The Japanese so rampant clamour is crazy, at present Jiawu has not been divided the victory and defeat, has regarded as the pig sheep everyone, the humiliation butchers recklessly! Everyone please think, if Japan won, even storms into the national capital, I and other do the people have the means of livelihood?” “可是,国事如此,我们能因为艰难就不去做吗?日本人如此猖獗嚣狂,眼下甲午还未分胜负,就已经将各位视为猪羊,肆意凌辱宰割!各位请想一想,若是日本打赢了,甚至攻入京师,我等国人还有活路吗?” That is even/including the ancestor tomb estimated terrifying great misfortune that must unable to preserve!” “那是连祖宗坟茔估计都要保不住的恐怖大劫啊!” By a Fang Linyan saying, the people were shocked, they have possibly thought Jiawu fights China to lose, is actually holding the thoughts of hoeing one's own row, simply does not have a deeper distant place to think! 方林岩一说,众人惊呆了,他们可能想过甲午一战中国会输,却还是抱着各人自扫门前雪的心思,根本没有更深远处想啊! At this time thinks toward the deep place, is really absolutely terrified. 此时往深处多想一想,真的是毛骨悚然。 Saw the expressions of these Chinese businessmen, Fang Linyan knew the crucial moment to be mature, deeply is doing obeisance to them, simultaneously with sincerest language gas channel/angrily said: 见到了这些华商的表情,方林岩知道火候成熟,对着他们深深一拜,同时用最诚恳的语气道: Therefore, fellow uncles, the little nephew are not short of money now, what lacks is assisting of person on one's own side!” “所以,各位世伯,小侄现在并不缺钱,缺的是自己人的帮扶啊!” Clear to see our China, when the destiny is on the decline, but must face the catastrophe that the Japanese is raising, the little nephew is really wants to make anything, even if meets a cruel death does not refuse under any circumstances, but my strength is eventually insufficient, as the saying goes many hands make worklight, but must hope that fellow uncles start oneself strength and personal connection , helping one another.” “眼见得咱们中国在气运衰微的时候,还要面临着日本人掀起来的这场浩劫,小侄真的是想要做些什么,哪怕是粉身碎骨也是在所不辞,但我一人之力终究是不够的,有道是众人拾柴火焰高,还要希望各位世伯发动自己的力量和人脉,鼎力相助。”
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