FE :: Volume #13

#1443: Truth and despair

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Chapter 1441 truth and despair 第1441章真相和绝望 The adding lustre to show eye of zi wanted to crack at this time, one held the neck of blade health/guard, stares exclaims crazily: 增光秀这时候目眦欲裂,一把就抓住了刃卫的脖子,瞠目狂吼道: Told me, where flatter more went to! Where he went to!!!” “告诉我,阿弥去了哪里!他去了哪里!!!” The blade health/guard corners of the mouth revealed wiped the strange happy expression, actually bit the jaw not to speak stubbornly. 刃卫嘴角露出了一抹诡异的笑意,却死死的咬住了牙关坚决不说话。 However at this time, side actually broadcast a very unharmonious sound suddenly, Fang Linyan sends out: 不过这时候,旁边却突然传来了一个很不和谐的声音,正是方林岩发出的: Edge Mr. health/guard is really loyal and devoted, at the point of death still the arrange/cloth got down such bureau before unexpectedly, wants to seek a slim chance of survival for own head of household , truly is to make one admire.” “刃卫先生真是忠心耿耿,临死之前居然依然布下了如此之局,想要为自己的家主谋求一线生机,啧啧,确实是令人敬佩啊。” When originally does not know, Fang Linyan had arrived here the distances of ten meter/rice, but after hearing his words, the complexion of blade health/guard changes suddenly, is clenching teeth saying: 原来不知道什么时候,方林岩已经来到了这边十来米的距离,不过听到了他的话以后,刃卫的脸色骤然大变,咬着牙道: What are you talking nonsense?” “你在胡说什么?” Fang Linyan contemptuously said with a smile: 方林岩轻蔑一笑道: If I have not guessed wrong, you now east XZ one on own body, after you die, searched for the corpse is very easy to be discovered, this thing finally the clue direction you master: Dongxiang well!” “若我没有猜错的话,你现在正将一件东XZ在了自己的身上,等到你死以后被搜尸就很容易被发现,这件东西最后会将线索指向伱的主人:东乡井!” „The Dongxiang well cannot do well also that flatter more faith token and so on thing belt/bring on the body, then he and many a loyal and devoted goon worked oneself to death for it.” “东乡井搞不好还将那位阿弥身上的信物之类的东西带在了身上,然后他就又多了一个忠心耿耿的打手为其卖命了。” Heard the Fang Linyan words, originally the dying blade health/guard took a seat all of a sudden, the pair of eyes circle opens the eyes suddenly, after referring to Fang Linyan, in throat giggle making noise, could not say half character, spouted a big blood to be then mad at the scene certainly. 听到了方林岩的话,本来垂死的刃卫一下子就坐了起来,双眼陡然圆睁,指住了方林岩之后,喉咙里面“咯咯咯”的作响,却说不出半个字,当场喷出了一大口鲜血然后气绝了。 Fang Linyan in the eye had the happy expression to look at this time to the adding lustre to show: 方林岩这时候眼中带着笑意看向了增光秀: Adding lustre to mister, your nephew flatter more missing, is big?” “增光先生,你的侄子阿弥失踪的时候,是多大?” Adding lustre to show silent some little time, then wooden say/way: 增光秀默然了好一会儿,然后才木然的道: Five months.” “五个月。” Fang Linyan shrugs saying: 方林岩耸耸肩道: Was you first killed entire family of blade health/guard, the blade health/guard first began to kill your younger sister, stole flatter more?” “是你先杀了刃卫的全家,还是刃卫先动手杀了你的妹妹,劫走了阿弥?” The breath of adding lustre to show started loudly, dozens years ago the scar of remembering with eternal gratitude was opened, the effect of instantaneous impact on the spirit was beyond description! He gets angry suddenly rude exclaims: 增光秀的呼吸开始粗重了起来,几十年前刻骨铭心的疮疤被揭开,瞬间的冲击对精神的影响是难以形容的!他陡然失态的怒吼道: I do not know the circumstances of the matter! Is prisoner who the general makes me execute, in execution, all criminals wears the black headgear completely, how I know that in mixes his family member!” “我根本就不知情!是将军让我去处决的囚犯,在处决的时候,所有的犯人全部都戴着黑色的头套,我怎么会知道里面混有他的家人啊!” Said again, at that time my side was also standing three executioners, if I have anything to change, they will certainly kill me at the scene!” “再说了,当时我的身边还站着三名刽子手,我若是有什么异动的话,他们一定会当场杀了我!” Heard the words of adding lustre to show silently, Fang Linyan a while, light say/way: 听到了增光秀的话,方林岩默然了一会儿,才淡淡的道: Although said was sorry very much, but, actually yourself should very be clear, flatter more should die.” “虽然这么说很抱歉,但是,其实你自己应该都很清楚,阿弥应该已经死了。” General person clarified to feel your threat, therefore made the bureau to want you to have the intense and deep-seated hatred, mutual hatred! Therefore, under his arrangement, you killed entire family of blade health/guard, the blade health/guard had not possibly kept the hand at that time.” “将军这个人摆明了感觉到你们两人的威胁,所以做局要你们结下血海深仇,相互憎恨!所以,在他的安排下,你杀了刃卫的全家,刃卫当时也没可能留手的。” Is only, blade health/guard person estimated that the thoughts are quite complex, holds back one trick directly, destroyed the corpse and leave no trace this child, then he can come to suffer you with this point endlessly.” “只是,刃卫这个人估计心思比较复杂,直接留了一手,将这孩子毁尸灭迹了,然后他就可以用这一点来无休止的折磨你.” Sufficed!!!” “够了!!!” The adding lustre to show sudden rave, this time he was shivering from top to bottom unceasingly, could look at that mood to be accumulated the pinnacle, he drew a sword suddenly, aimed at front blade health/guard corpse to cut crazily. 增光秀突然狂吼了一声,这时候的他浑身上下都在不断颤抖着,看得出来那情绪已经被累计到了极致,他骤然抽刀,疯狂的对准了面前的刃卫尸体斩了上去。 This is completely the vent -type cutting law, even several blades cut on below rock, sparks/Mars scattered, after the pitiful blade health/guard died, suffered to dismember, such was extremely frigid. 这是完全发泄式的砍法,甚至有好几刀都斩到了下方的山石上,火星四溅,可怜刃卫死后还惨遭分尸,那样子极其惨烈。 Vent -type after cutting air/Qi crazily, the blade health/guard suffers to dismember, the adding lustre to show stops suddenly, both eyes soulless treating in same place, separated a while to restore the beforehand tranquility, then aimed here to walk. 发泄式的狂斩一气之后,刃卫惨遭分尸,增光秀则突然停住,双目无神的待在了原地,隔了一会儿才恢复了之前的平静,然后对准了这边走了过来。 Fang Linyan side has the expert protections of four big grandmaster ranks at this time, naturally does not fear him, but looking at steadily looks at the movement of adding lustre to show. 方林岩此时身边有四大宗师级别的高手保护,当然也不惧他,只是目不转睛的看着增光秀的动作。 This life experience unusual rough Japan swordsmen deeply are bowing to Fang Linyan, is that direct 90 degrees depth bows, then wooden say/way: 这个身世奇特坎坷的日本剑客对着方林岩深深鞠躬,是那种直接九十度的深鞠躬,然后才木然的道: Reality that if not for reckless Sang severe warning, it is estimated that I am still not able dead facing Yataro today, but also vicissitude in pain.” “若不是今天胡桑的当头棒喝,估计我依然无法面对弥太郎死去的现实,还在痛苦当中浮沉着。” Fang Linyan light say/way: 方林岩淡淡的道: I do not think the lie of blade health/guard fellow works, you do not need to care.” “我只是不想刃卫这家伙的谎言得逞而已,你不用在意。” The adding lustre to show ignores to the Fang Linyan words, then continues saying: 增光秀对方林岩的话置若罔闻,然后继续道: In return, I told you again a news, after Nagasaki was attacked, its news transmitted quickly!” “作为回报,我再告诉你一个消息,长崎被进攻以后,其消息很快就传递了出去!” Then, Baishi United in the middle of Takeo after receiving order of Tokyo that side contraction, is very angry, thinks that this is the chaotic life, therefore started the mutiny directly, after conducting one fitted out, aims at Nagasaki to dash to come.” “然后,驻扎于武雄市当中的白石联队在接到了东京那边收缩的命令之后,十分愤怒,认为这是乱命,因此直接发动了兵变,进行了一番整备之后,对准了长崎直扑而来。” martial hero from the straight distance of Nagasaki, only then 80 kilometers, even if rains the later walk mountain road, crosses for 2-3 hours to Nagasaki to launch the attack at most again!” “武雄距离长崎的直线距离只有八十公里,哪怕是下雨之后行走山路,也顶多再过2-3个小时就能对长崎发起攻击!” After Fang Linyan heard this news, is not accidental/surprised, according to the military system of Japan, the population of regiment is 2500 ~ 3500 people, that simultaneously the brigade and regiment basis are valued is different, but must be divided into the A , B , C , D four. 方林岩听到了这个消息之后并不意外,根据日本的军制,联队的人数是2500~3500人,同时旅团和联队根据受到的重视不同,还要分成甲乙丙丁四等。 This Baishi United stationed in the place that the martial male this bird does not defecate, is unvalued that kind mostly, its complete force will certainly be limited. 这个白石联队驻扎在武雄这种鸟不拉屎的地方,多半是属于不受重视的那一类,其整体战斗力一定会受到限制。 After obtaining warning of adding lustre to show, their expeditionary forces were prepared, then dealt with not to have the too major problem. 在得到了增光秀的示警之后,他们这支远征军有了准备,那么应付起来就不会有太大问题了。 After speaking these words, the adding lustre to show relaxes slowly, in the eye flowed two lines of tears suddenly, he raised the head, looks at the sky sigh with emotion say/way: 在说完了这句话之后,增光秀徐徐直起了腰,眼中突然流淌出了两行泪水,他抬起头,看着天空感慨的道: I will not be puzzled by Yataro's life and death, after the heart locks goes, suddenly feels completely relaxed, this is «Ceases Doubts, that type that Arsenal Recording» in said discarded all shackles, unrestrained big comfortable?? Also is the legend boundary of giving up the idea?” “我再也不会被弥太郎的生死困扰了,心锁一去之后,忽然觉得心旷神怡,这就是《阕疑兵库记》里面所说的,那种抛掉了所有的桎梏,无拘无束的大自在吗??也就是传说中的断念之境?” Then, in the mouth of adding lustre to show put out white clouds slowly, seems like steam, then looks at Fang Linyan saying: 然后,增光秀的口中徐徐吐出了一道白气,看起来就像是蒸汽似的,然后看着方林岩道: words, were I raise a compensation to you, but then, I must kill you to console the soul of old friend.” “刚才的话,算是我对你提点的报偿,而接下来,我就要杀死你来告慰老友的灵魂了。” Heard his words, Fang Linyan was least bit is not accidental/surprised, smiled saying with a smile: 听到了他的话,方林岩却是半点儿也不意外,笑了笑道: „, Wasn't the blade health/guard is dismembered by you? How also to turn into your old friend?” “哦,刃卫不是都被你分尸了吗?怎么还变成你的老友了?” Adding lustre to show light say/way: 增光秀淡淡的道: Person dies to hate to disappear, since among us the hate has vanished into thin air, then surplus only had the benevolence. But lives in the lucky thoughts I to be very clear, the commander of that group of Russians the severe wound, has massacred your words again, in the chaos his your majesty Dongxiang well in the probability that escaped will be bigger.” “人死恨消,既然我们之间的怨恨都已经烟消云散,那么剩余下来的都只有恩情了。而住吉的心思我很明白,那群俄国人的指挥官已经重伤,再杀掉你的话,在纷乱之中他的主公东乡井逃生的几率就会更大。” The Fang Linyan smile said: 方林岩微笑道: By the present, wanted to kill my Japanese far more than a lot, does not miss your one.” “到了现在,想要杀我的日本人何止千百,不差你一个。” After he said that drew back toward the rear area directly. 他说完了之后,直接就朝着后方退了开去。 King five first stood, then sinking sound said: 王五第一个站了出来,然后沉声道: „The Cangzhou kings five, will ask for advice your excellency flame spirit sword technique.” “沧州王五,正要领教一下阁下的炎灵剑术。” Master Huo is also raising a long stick say/way: 霍师傅也是提着一根长棍道: Must kill Young Master reckless, must tread from my Jinmen Huo two bodies.” “要杀胡公子,得从我津门霍二的尸体上踏过去。” Li Ju is stands by far, both hands lost/carrying after behind, the say/way that coldly: 李沮则是站得远远的,双手负在身后,冷冷的道: Fragrance teaches Li big.” “香教李大。” Li three were to link half character had not said, direct body one short in tree, then the dense leaf covered its figure densely, he most had the lethality, was goes into hiding to fire the unexpected blow suddenly, then taught the opposite party to cultivate the behavior with the hidden weapon. 李三则是连半个字都没有说,直接身子一矮就上了树,然后稠密的树叶就将其身形掩盖得密密实实的,他最具备杀伤力的,就是隐匿起来突施冷箭,然后用暗器教对方做人。 After these four big experts experienced yesterday evening bloody battle, does not speak what rivers and lakes custom, will not at least speak the custom with the Japanese. 这四大高手经历了昨天晚上的血战之后,早就不讲什么江湖规矩了,至少不会和日本人讲规矩。 Looked like Fang Linyan saying that this was the country war, this was the bloody battle! This is the Chinese nation and Japanese nationality struggle between of destiny, custom anything, that is uses on the person on one's own side. 就像是方林岩说的,这是国战,这是血战!这是中华民族和大和民族之间的气运之争,规矩什么的,那是用在自己人身上的。 The adding lustre to show then put out that weird samisen at this time, eyah eyah drew, that sound can be said as being puzzled person heartstrings, is in broad daylight, thought obviously unexpectedly cold air seeping person, the ghost air/Qi densely! 增光秀此时便拿出了那一支邪门至极的三味线,咿咿呀呀的拉了起来,那声音可以说是惑人心弦,明明是大白天,居然觉得身边寒气沁人,鬼气森森! Suddenly, the form of adding lustre to show flashes, is almost in the middle of fast, he crossed one move with three people unexpectedly, Fang Linyan had not even seen clearly its detailed movement. 忽然之间,增光秀的身影一闪,几乎是电光石火当中,他竟然就和三个人过了一招,方林岩甚至都没有看清楚其详细的动作。 Only knows that he first plunged the king five, but king five horizontal blade standards, the adding lustre to show can also change unexpectedly approaches in midway, direct and Master Huo right a palm, 只知道他先扑向了王五,但是王五横刀一格,增光秀居然还能中途变向,直接与霍师傅对了一掌, Finally rebounded with the strength of this palm, trampled to Li Ju! 最后借着这一掌之力反弹了开去,一脚踹向了李沮! Li Ju seems like proud very much proudly, the conduct actually will be careful very much, will draw back half step to dodge in the future, the adding lustre to show will unable to hit, actually returned same place, will continue to play the samisen. 李沮看起来很是自负骄傲,行事却小心得很,往后退了半步闪避了开去,增光秀一击不中,却又回到了原地,继续拉奏着三味线。 This probing attack, the adding lustre to show the strengths of these people on the scene will have traced 7788, suddenly, this old man raised the head, was direct alignment on nearby big tree rushed over unexpectedly. 这一次试探性攻击,增光秀已经将在场的这几个人的实力摸了个七七八八,骤然之间,这老头子一抬头,竟是直接对准了旁边的大树上冲了过去。 The first target that he locks on unexpectedly is Li three! 他锁定的第一个攻击目标竟然是李三! In the heart of adding lustre to show, had judged that front three people were not affable, cannot easily send. 在增光秀的心里面,已经判断出了面前的三个人都不好惹,不是能轻易打发的。 Only then first three is similar on hidden figure Li to the archer, the hackbuteer attacking tall Xueshao fellow, apparently his self-defence ability to does not have the information very much. 只有一来就隐藏身形李三就类似于弓箭手,火枪手这种攻高血少的家伙,很显然他对自身的防御能力没有信息。 The persimmon naturally must pick soft pinching. 柿子当然要捡着软的捏。 Moreover, the adding lustre to show also draws a sword from the waist suddenly, but his weapon is entirely different from other Japanese warriors, unexpectedly is an out-and-out Western sword! 不仅如此,增光秀还从腰间陡然拔剑,而他的武器则与其余的日本武士截然不同,竟是一把不折不扣的西洋剑! This sword punctures, is really rapid incomparable, as if together imaginary light sparkle, and burnt unexpectedly the flaming flame on the sword blade. 这一剑刺出,真的是迅疾无比,仿佛一道幻光闪耀而过,并且在剑身上居然燃烧出来了熊熊火焰。 What the adding lustre to show does not know, the enemy who he faces is not because does not have the confidence to hide to the self-defence ability, because Li three did more than 20 years of cat burglars, the clever professional instinct is all right to hide 可是增光秀不知道的是,他面对的这个敌人并不是因为对自己的防御能力没有信心才藏起来的,而是因为李三干了二十多年的飞贼,贼的职业本能就是没事就躲起来 Therefore, this after if suddenly a meteor common sword comes out of the sheath, unexpectedly has not hit, crash-bang a sound, Li three as if startled swallows the illness/quick from nearby tree's shadow plundered generally, the adding lustre to show expelled in behind pursued it less unexpectedly suddenly. 所以,这突然若流星一般的一剑居然出鞘之后并没有命中,“哗啦”一声响,李三就仿佛一只惊慌的燕子一般从旁边的树影里面疾掠了出来,增光秀撵在了后面竟是一时间追之不及。 If selects only, then Li three definitely are more unfortunate than fortunate, then because braving the Western sword and his distance of flame also in the middle of speedy approach. 倘若是单挑的话,那么李三肯定是凶多吉少,因为那把冒着火焰的西洋剑与他的距离也是在迅速接近当中的。 However at this time was actually out-and-out ganging up on, Li three needed to strive for oneself, even if was a half second, the reinforcements can arrive in the battlefield promptly. 然而这时候却是不折不扣的群殴,李三只需要为自己争取到哪怕是半秒钟的时间,援军就能及时抵达战场。 First attacks, is the king five blades! It looks like his person is so reliable, forever when you will most need first will catch up, will then be the stick of Master Huo destroys Yellow Dragon. 最先来袭的,就是王五的刀!就像是他的人那样可靠,永远都会在你最需要的时候第一时间赶来,然后就是霍师傅的棍直捣黄龙。 The adding lustre to show wields a sword suddenly, only listens to dingdong a resounding, that careful Western thin sword unexpectedly forcefully opens the blade stick standard, but its speed is also half beat behind eventually. 增光秀猛然挥剑,只听“叮当”一声脆响,那细细的西洋细剑居然硬生生的将刀棍格开,可是其速度终究也是慢了半拍下来。 Li three looked like digging of swallow to other tree shade, the form disappeared directly. 李三就像是一只燕子似的扎入到了另外的树荫当中,身影直接消失了。 Sees this, the adding lustre to show unexpectedly mouth one, spouted one group of flame, directly king five and Master Huo driving back, but its behind does not know that at this time were when many a thin and tall form, is Li Ju. 见到这一幕,增光秀居然将口一张,喷出了一团火焰来,直接将王五和霍师傅给逼退了开去,可是这时候其背后已经不知道什么时候多了一个高高瘦瘦的身影,正是李沮。 Is a series of „” sound, two people are blinking at least fought 17-18, then Li Ju withdraws on own initiative floating, when backhanded a palm to pat after a tree above. 紧接着就是一连串“噼里啪啦”的声音,两人在眨眼之间就至少交手了17-18下,然后李沮主动飘然退后,在经过一棵树的时候反手一掌拍在了上面。 Initial time, in the place by this palm racket seemingly had no unusual condition, but separated for several seconds, above presented the obvious scorch unexpectedly, then emitted the smoke, obviously had been lit. 最初的时候,被这一掌拍中的地方看起来没有什么异状,但是隔了几秒钟,上面居然出现了明显的焦痕,接着冒出了烟来,显然已经被点燃了。 Obviously, Li Ju used this way to compel burning that invaded within the body, but the adding lustre to show fell to the ground later to stagger, the quarrel/corners of the mouth had overflowed the blood, after his blood fell to the ground, unexpectedly also burnt 很显然,李沮就用这种方式逼出了侵入自己体内的火毒,而增光秀落地之后一个踉跄,口角已是溢出了鲜血,他的血液落地之后,居然也燃烧了起来 Saw this, in the Fang Linyan heart has haggling over, adding lustre to show fellow strength was truly strong, is selecting the aspect to enter only swiftly draws back swiftly, as if ghosts and demons, it is estimated that strength with king 51 scales. 见到了这一幕,方林岩心中已经有了计较,增光秀这家伙实力确实非常强,在单挑方面倏进倏退,仿佛鬼魅,估计实力都和王五一个档次。 If he must walk wholeheartedly, those present cannot retain him, he many years of expectation is only exposed by oneself pitifully now, is not willing to drag out an ignoble existence in the society, will only die to fight. 他若是一心要走的话,在场的人都留不住他,只可惜他现在多年的期望被自己揭破,已经不愿意在人世间偷生下去,只会死战到底。 At this time even if the king five and the others is the body is also wounded, can only display 70-80% strengths, therefore, if one-to-one, not being able to do well to be fought tooth and nail to trade one by him by the life, if two pairs one, possibly some people of severe wounds. 此时哪怕是王五等人也是身上带伤,只能发挥出七八成实力,因此,若是一对一的话,搞不好能被他以命搏命换走一个,若是二对一的话,可能会有人重伤。 However, at this time four big experts make a move to cope with him together, and has supplementary respectively, that adding lustre to show certainly was eaten stubbornly does not have the opportunity of overturn certainly! 但是,此时四大高手一起出手对付他,并且还是各有互补,那增光秀一定是被吃得死死的绝无翻盘的机会! Why does not know, Fang Linyan thought that the life of this person is extremely sorrowful pitifully, and he gave back to the urgently needed information before, therefore thinks that must look helplessly he died in battle some not to endure, then turned around to leave. 不知道为什么,方林岩觉得这个人的一生太过悲哀凄惨,并且他之前还给出了自己急需的情报,所以想到要眼睁睁看他战死有些不忍,便转身离开了。 Went out of 50-60 meters probably, heard the big laughter on hearing behind: 大概走出了50-60米,就听到后方传来了大笑声: „The wind of the world, is not worth yearning. I was anticipating meets again in the hell with the gentlemen.” “人间的风,已经不值得留恋了.我期待着与诸君在地狱再会。” Fang Linyan then looks, at this time he is on the hillside, but the battlefield had arrived in the middle of below river valley, is occupies a commanding position, can therefore see on together the huge white rock, the adding lustre to show is sitting cross-legged, in bosom tight is holding that monster different samisen, the body is the blood dyes the heavy clothes, at least received three mortal wounds. 方林岩回头看去,此时他乃是在山坡上,而战场已经来到了下方的河谷当中,算是居高临下,因此可以见到在一块庞大的白色岩石上,增光秀盘坐着,怀中紧紧的抱着那一把妖异的三味线,身上已是血染重衣,至少受到了三处致命伤。 Under four big expert converging attack, the adding lustre to show is the typical assassin type, and also the heart moe the dead will, definitely could not insist that was too long. 四大高手夹击之下,增光秀又是典型刺客类型的,并且还心萌死志,肯定是坚持不了太久的。 However the look of adding lustre to show, the expression is actually feels relaxed, will look like leaves a hometown dozens years of traveller far from home soon to go home to be the same, perhaps went dead the country to destiny erroneous him, has been weary was living in this society. 但是增光秀的眼神,还有表情却是释然的,就像是离开了故乡几十年的游子即将回家一样,或许前往死之国对命运多舛的他来说,早就厌倦了在这人世间生活着吧。
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