FE :: Volume #13

#1422: Digging a pit

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Chapter 1420 digs a pit 第1420章挖坑 silent number/count of Fang Linyan in the heart 1,2,3,4, has been counting 8, detected oneself restored the ability of speech, this should set a limit to oneself, once at this time entered in old central hall many meters not to have the means to say some keywords. 方林岩在心中默数着1,2,3,4,一直数到了八,才发觉自己重新恢复了说话的能力,这应该是给自己设置了一个限制,此时自己一旦进入老中堂多少米内就没办法说一些关键词了。 You think that this can limit me?” Fang Linyan sneers to say in the heart. “你以为这样就可以限制我吗?”方林岩在心中冷笑道。 His sensation is several times of average person, had heard in the middle of this study room besides the old central hall, several slight breathing, but hides quite well. 他的感知乃是普通人的好几倍,早就听到了这书房当中除了老中堂之外,还有好几个轻微的呼吸声,只是隐蔽得比较好而已。 However this is also very normal, probably old central hall such character, sees a oneself such stranger, inevitably not possible person. 不过这也很正常,像是老中堂这样的人物,见自己这么一个陌生人,必然不可能一个人的。 If oneself have anything to change, does not need to fall the cup is the number, some people jumped to dismember the chaotic blade directly. 若自己有什么异动,根本不用摔杯为号,直接就有人跳出来将自己乱刀分尸了。 Acts in a play to make the complete set, at this time in the middle of study room seemingly only then a Fang Linyan person, he is then frowning first squats down to come to see the teacup that the ground destroys, then stretched out the finger to dip the tea, put on own tip of the nose to smell, then looked before Li Gongzhang, sputamentum that coughed. 正所谓做戏做全套,这时候书房当中貌似只有方林岩一个人了,他便皱着眉头先蹲下来看了看地上打碎的茶杯,然后伸出手指蘸了蘸茶水,放到自己的鼻尖上闻了闻,接着又去看李宫彰之前咳出来的痰液。 When makes these movements, Fang Linyan can be said as quite careful careful, and movement is to also do very slowly, the complexion is also ten segregates heavily. 在做这些动作的时候,方林岩可以说是相当的小心仔细,并且动作也是做得很慢,脸色也是十分凝重。 Then Fang Linyan sighs, shakes the head, turned around directly, and footsteps were extremely quick, seemed like evading anything to resemble intentionally. 然后方林岩叹了一口气,摇了摇头,直接就转身走了,并且脚步极快,看起来就像是在故意逃避什么似的。 This move releases in order to catch, although is the old repertoire, but the condition for in this time, actually it can be said that just right. 这一招欲擒故纵虽然是老套路,但用于此时的这状况上,却可以说是恰到好处。 Obviously, his conduct, that must certainly the guard who was hidden by the study room in return immediately above, because they cannot take on this responsibility. 很显然,他的这一番做派,那肯定是要被书房里面隐藏的护卫立即回报到上面去的,因为他们根本担不起这个责任。 Really, after Fang Linyan turns around to go out, finally has not arrived at two, behind a series of footsteps sounds on hearing, was several servants pursued, say/way out of breath: 果然,方林岩转身出门之后,结果还没有到二门,就听到后面一连串的脚步声响,然后就是几个下人追了出来,上气不接下气的道: Hold your steps. The young master please hold your steps!!” “留步.公子请留步!!” When Fang Linyan only does not know, the step of under foot even more was quick, really did these servants to put out the strength of nursing to rush on ahead to dash about wildly directly, blocked Fang Linyan with great difficulty, the talent that tried every means to persuade invited him, said that was Sir wants to see him. 方林岩只当不知,脚下的步伐却越发快了,搞得这几个下人真的是拿出了吃奶的劲头直接夺路狂奔,好不容易才将方林岩拦了下来,好说歹说的才将他重新请了回去,说是大爷想要见他。 Old central hall your family place Sir, that naturally was Li Gongzhang eldest son Li Jingshu, after both guests and hosts sat well, even did not wait to serve tea, Li Jingshu on unbearably anxious say/way: 老中堂府上的“大爷”,那当然就是李宫彰的大儿子李经述了,双方宾主坐定了以后,甚至不等上茶,李经述就急不可耐的道: This my father can be out of danger, thanks to Brother Hu's help.” “这一次家父能转危为安,多亏胡大哥的帮忙了。” At this time in the middle of the national capital came under the influence of entire clan culture, many names are different from the modern age. 此时京师当中受到了满族文化的影响,很多的称呼都与现代不同。 For example this time emperor is the polite name of Cixi is a biological father, master / the meaning of rabbit was in the middle of GAY slightly received, but big brother the meaning, was similar Mr. in, Brothers and so on title. 比如此时的皇帝叫慈禧的尊称就是亲爸爸,相公/兔子的意思是GAY当中的小受,而“大哥”的意思,就是类似于先生,兄弟之类的称谓。 Naturally, this time young lady is the real young lady, rather than with chewing the spot of food attempts to work and study the pitiful young girl. 当然,这时候的“小姐”就是真的小姐,而不是用嘴嚼食物的部位来尝试勤工俭学的可怜少女. Fang Linyan beckons with the hand to say again and again: 方林岩连连摆手道: „It is not at all, this is the old central hall heaven protects the good, what relations has with me?” “不敢当不敢当,这是老中堂吉人天相,和我有什么关系?” Li Jing stated is also the posture of person, if must appraise him: 李经述本来也就是中人之姿,如果要评价他的话: Emotional quotient high: Upright honest. 情商高:忠厚老实。 Emotional quotient lowly: Defends a household of dog. 情商低:守户之犬。 Therefore after listening to the Fang Linyan words, then smiles bitterly saying: 因此听了方林岩的话以后便苦笑道: Brother Hu do not speak the joke, be honest with you, at that time my father very direct was said by the foreigner doctor is terminally ill, under the court physician does not dare the medicine that actually active can speak after having a dream unexpectedly!” “胡大哥不要说笑话了,不瞒您说,当时家父很直接的都被洋人大夫说是病入膏肓,御医连药都不敢下的那种,却在做了个梦以后居然能动能说话!” At that time my father supported directly, said that is to eat the duck oil sesame seed cake!! Our heart this is returns to consciousness just before dying, cannot manage his stomach is to subdue|grams results, only works as this last, entire old gentleman's wish, finally after eating the pancake, entered two bowls of pumpkin gruel, next day can under!” “当时家父直接就撑了起来,说是想要吃鸭油烧饼!!我们心道这是回光返照呢,也不能管他老人家肠胃是不是克化得动,只当这最后一顿嘛,怎么也得全了老爷子的心愿,结果吃了饼子以后又进了两碗南瓜粥,第二天就能下地了!” „The variable, described with the heaven protects the good, in any event said does not pass! Really does not dare to conceal Brother Hu, my father now somewhat is weak, therefore I prepared to take care in behind before, if not for Brother Hu spoke pass/test key/opening passes, that cannot think in any event unexpectedly was the Japanese got down the technique of having a nightmare town/subdues.” “如此变数,用吉人天相来形容,无论如何都是讲不通的!实在不敢隐瞒胡大哥,家父现在身体还有些虚弱,所以之前我就在后面准备服侍,若不是胡大哥将这其中的关窍讲通,那无论如何都是想不到居然是日本人下了魇镇之术。” Li Gongzhang is a native of Hefei, but the duck oil sesame seed cake is the Hefei special foods, he from snack to big, therefore sobers to eat. 李宫彰乃是合肥人,而鸭油烧饼乃是合肥当地的特色小吃,他自小吃到大的,所以一清醒过来就要吃。 But heard Li Jingshu to say like this, Fang Linyan also said: 而听到李经述这样说,方林岩也是道: Old central hall now is the world destiny the department, the Japanese resorts to all means that acting out of desperation is also natural.” “老中堂现在乃是天下气运所系,那日本人不择手段,狗急跳墙也是理所当然的.” At this point, Fang Linyan said suddenly: 说到这里,方林岩忽然道: Right, remembered other people's business below suddenly, on your home the stolen that eye rescued mother map to find continually?” “对了,在下忽然想起了一件闲事,贵府上失窃的那一副目连救母图找到了吗?” Li Jingshu said startled: 李经述愕然道: What eye rescues mother map continually?”( Here please refer to preamble.) “什么目连救母图?”(此处请参看前文。) Fang Linyan stayed, then a sound said: 方林岩呆了呆,然后哦了一声道: „Before the south, heard that in your home has important picture to rescue mother map continually stolen, is thing that the old madame attaches great importance to extremely, that wants to come to incorrectly relay an erroneous message.” “之前在南方的时候,听说贵府中有一副很重要的画目连救母图失窃,乃是老夫人极重视的东西,那想来是以讹传讹了。” Li Jingshu shakes the head saying: 李经述摇摇头道: Not this matter.” “并无此事。” Fang Linyan slight nod, then looking pensive. 方林岩微微点头,然后若有所思。 At this time sees Fang Linyan to talk at random, did not say the subject, Li Jingshu is also an honest and good-natured person, can only say on own initiative: 此时见到方林岩东拉西扯,却就是不说正题,李经述也是个老实人,只能主动道: „After before the father walked, Brother Hu observed my father that cup of tea in the study room repeatedly, looked at the sputamentum that he coughed long time, improper what was this has?” “之前父亲走后,胡大哥在书房里面反复观察家父那杯茶,又去看他老人家咳出来的痰液良久,这是有什么不妥吗?” A Fang Linyan heart father is so mysterious long, you swallowed the bait finally! However in his surface actually beckons with the hand again and again, the line start denied three chain blows: 方林岩心道老子故弄玄虚那么久,你终于上钩了!但是他表面上却连连摆手,直接启动了否定三连击: I am not, I do not have, do not talk nonsense “我不是,我没有,别瞎说” Now but Fang Linyan more denies, Li Jingshu is more hurried! At this time on Li an honor or disgrace riches and honor collection in Li person, old Li in a day, Li Jingshu is Capital City's largest palace guard of being worthy of the reputation, famous expert juniors who everyone thinks highly. 可是现在方林岩越是否认,李经述就越慌啊!此时李家的荣辱富贵都集于老李一个人身上,老李在一天,李经述就是名副其实的京城第一大衙内,人人恭维的名家子弟。 old Li dies, immediately fickleness of life, whose his mother knew that you are who? Moreover, when the old Li Jiexia enemy must come to criticize slowly. 老李一死,马上人走茶凉,谁他妈认识你是谁?不仅如此,当年老李结下的仇家就要来慢慢清算了。 Li Jing stated compared with his father comes, was one defends a household of dog completely, therefore was really acted bashful by Fang Linyan is stubbornly, over and over after requirement, Fang Linyan tightened the wrinkle frown say/way: 李经述比起他老子来,完全就是一头守户犬,所以被方林岩拿捏得真的是死死的,再三请求之后,方林岩才紧皱双眉道: „The tribulation of old central hall Sir actually passed properly speaking, but also a little time of conclusion not appropriate.” “老中堂大人的这个劫其实按理说是过去了,不过还有点收尾的功夫没有妥当。” Li Jingshu listens, immediately revealed father to know was such expression, hurried anxious say/way: 李经述一听,立即就露出了“老子就知道是这样的”表情,急忙焦躁的道: Will consult!” “正要请教!” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Old central hall extremely official, famous, even English, the foreigners in French these places, must give the thumbs-up a to praise East Bismark, I said that the words of lese majeste, old central hall life standard compared with what prince and so on, is much more honored.” “老中堂位极人臣,声名远播,甚至连英吉利,法兰西那些地方的洋人,都要竖起大拇指赞一声东方卑斯麦,我说句大不敬的话,老中堂这命格比起什么王爷之类的,都要尊贵得多。” Li Jingshu coughed, although this issue is extremely sensitive, he said inconveniently, but the look clearly said right in suggestion you, came several me to collect the subscription monthly ticket to hit again to enjoy fourth even/including. 李经述咳嗽了一声,虽然这个问题太过敏感,他不便多说,但眼神就分明在暗示伱说得对,再来几句我就收藏订阅月票打赏四连了。 Therefore Fang Linyan then said: 于是方林岩接着道: Must meet the great person who the history left a good name regarding old central hall this, commonplace the technique of having a nightmare town/subdues, that was not possible to succeed, uses/gives technique must directly by the scourge! When that must several years of layout, from the day, benefit ahead of time, planted agent, even is the lodging pattern wait/etc various aspects arrives at the pinnacle to be complete, can start!” “对于老中堂这样必会青史留名的大人物来说,等闲的魇镇之术,那是不可能成功的,施术者直接就要被天谴!那必须提前好几年布局,从天时,地利,内应,甚至是住宿格局等等各方面都到极致周全,才能够发动!” Also only then Japan by the strength of whole nation, is emotionally entwined ahead of time, the arrange/cloth got down the killing bureau of this nail head seven arrow books, in addition the old central hall does not observe for a while, the snare of enemy.” “也就只有日本以举国之力,提前绸缪,布下了这个钉头七箭书的杀局,加上老中堂这边一时不察,才中了敌人的圈套。” Although now the prime culprit had been killed, but this kills the bureau also to have the hand tail not to eliminate, may I ask one below, is the old central hall a night of urine is many, the Yang spirit is feeble, the urination is difficult, coughs year to year, has a poor appetite?” “现在虽然元凶已经被杀,但是这个杀局却还有手尾没有消除掉,在下敢问一句,老中堂是不是夜尿甚多,阳气衰弱,小便艰难,是不是常年咳嗽,食欲不振?” Fang Linyan asked one, Li Jingshu under 0.1, actually does not know oneself had fallen into the middle of the Fang Linyan rivers and lakes words technique! 方林岩问一句,李经述就点一下头,却不知道自己已经落入了方林岩的江湖话术当中! At this time Li old man is almost 70 years old, his riches and honor almost 30 years, woman definitely will not be few, that affirmation prostate gland large proliferation cannot escape, this is are not many to the last night urine, the Yang spirit is feeble, was the urination difficult? 咳咳,此时李老头子已经差不多七十岁了,他富贵至极差不多三十年了,身边的女人肯定不会少,那肯定前列腺肥大增生跑不了,这不就是对上夜尿多,阳气衰弱,小便艰难了? As for coughs year to year, has a poor appetite, that not to mention, just the old man do not cough to spit, said this to recover from a serious illness again, where can the appetite good to go? 至于常年咳嗽,食欲不振,那就更不用说了,刚刚老头子不是都要咳吐了,再说这大病初愈,胃口能好到哪里去? Naturally, Fang Linyan the saying technique is based before that him has truly saved others, trades tries personally? It is estimated that has to try drove out. 当然,方林岩的这话术是建立在他之前确实救过人的基础上,换个人试试?估计早就有试过的被赶出去了。 Listened to the Fang Linyan ghost to pull, Li Jingshu patted the thigh to say immediately: 听了方林岩的鬼扯,李经述立即就一拍大腿道: Yes! A little right, no wonder my concubine added that yesterday evening hears out of the window to have the different sound! Will ask Brother Hu to advise, went to this hidden danger!” “是了!一点儿没错,难怪我小妾昨天晚上还说听到窗外有异声呢!正要请胡大哥指教,去了这隐患!” Fang Linyan beckons with the hand saying: 方林岩摆摆手道: These minor matters, the casual please Daoist priest eminent monk come was good, does not use that troublesome.” “这些小事,随便请个道长高僧来的就行了,不用那么麻烦。” The bureau that this Japanese builds, skillful ingenious the litigants does not know the circumstances of the matter were used! The central hall Sir at this time is an extremely official, the body has the air/Qi of dragon tiger to protect the body.” “这日本人布设的局,巧就巧妙在连被利用了的当事人都不知情!中堂大人此时已是位极人臣,身上自有龙虎之气护体。” „If not find the way to flow swiftly the air/Qi of this dragon tiger, their plots are unable to go well! It directs dragon Qi the method, was sacrificed the younger brother of Emperor of Japan to understand to be able the institute crown prince, tempted it by his blood!” “若是不想办法泻掉这龙虎之气,他们的阴谋就无法得手!其引走龙气的方法,乃是牺牲了日本天皇的弟弟晓能院亲王,以其血诱之!” However flows swiftly the method of awe-inspiring prowess, then chose two Huai army military officers born in the year of the hare, props up their high-rank quietly, enabling the old culmination frequently with it meeting, simultaneously strategy under place of arrange/cloth its housing, under diet inside by secret medicine.” “而泻掉虎威的方法,则是选择了两名属兔的淮军将领,悄然扶植他们上位,让老中天经常能与之见面,同时在其居住之处布下阵法,饮食里面下以秘药。” Words as the matter stands, the fierce tiger wrestles the rabbit, is not only the hobby, to hunt , old central hall awe-inspiring prowess was also worn down the larger part year after year.” “这样一来的话,猛虎搏兔,既是爱好,也是为了猎食,长年累月之下,老中堂身上的虎威也是被消磨了一大半。” The Fang Linyan words saying, Li Jingshu also opened the mouth, felt unthinkable, but pondered under felt a little truth, then could not bear pursue asks: 方林岩的话一说出来,李经述也是张大了口,觉得匪夷所思,但偏偏细想之下还是觉得有点儿道理,便忍不住追问道: How should that process?” “那应该如何处理?” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: Was had no evil intent using military officer, but was used by the Japanese, therefore does not need many anything, the transfer, keeping it from meeting with the central hall Sir is good.” “被利用将领自身本无任何歹意,只是被日本人所利用了,所以根本不必多什么,将之调走,让其无法与中堂大人见面就好了。” Then can ask them to come to your family place to sit, then must remember, received their halls to hang up three pictures. The content of picture must have the mountain, the jungle, the pig, sheep such essential factor, hangs marks in the middle of hall that must have a descending the mountain tiger!” “接下来可以请他们来府上坐一坐,然后要记住,接待他们的厅中一定要挂上三幅画。画的内容必须要带有高山,密林,猪,羊这样的要素,挂在正堂当中的那副画上,要有一头下山虎!” Words as the matter stands, these two people of lingering awe-inspiring prowess in the descending the mountain tiger by picture will be provoked, then stayed in your family place, finally drew to hang in the old central hall room this third mate, then can collapse smoothly.” “这样一来的话,这两人身上萦绕的虎威就会被画中的下山虎挑动,然后留在府上了,最后将这三副画挂到了老中堂的房间内,便可以顺利破局。” But, two points must pay attention, the time of meeting the quicker the better, the time drags to be long, these two people of awe-inspiring prowess diverged. Also is a little, before they have not been transferred to another post, cannot enter Li Residence. All these if the matter becomes, the old central hall can also prolong life for ten years.” “不过,有两点务必要注意,见面的时机越快越好,时间拖得一长,这两人身上的虎威就自行散去了。还有一点是,他们未调职以前,不可以入李府。这一切若是事成的话,老中堂还能延寿十年。” After saying, Fang Linyan heaved a deep sigh, the forced smile said: 说完以后,方林岩长叹一声,苦笑道: My these words point out frankly the secret, it is estimated that at least die sooner die sooner 30 years, if not for respects the old central hall by a own body, resists with all one's strength Japan, that will be will not say absolutely, said goodbye!” “我这一番话道破天机,估计至少折寿三十年,若不是敬仰老中堂以一己之身,力敌日本,那是绝对不会说出来的,告辞了!” Said that does not attend to detaining, turns head to walk. 说完不顾挽留,扭头就走。 Li Jingshu when Fang Linyan told, had to get suspicious, but he listened to the Fang Linyan words the meaning do not give people a hard time to injure someone, instead had the meaning of getting free, without feeling this fellow can seek what interests, then feels relieved thoroughly, immediately took steps to investigate. 李经述在方林岩讲述的时候,也不是没有起过疑心的,但他听方林岩话中之意都并不是要整人害人,反而多有开脱之意,也没觉得这家伙能从中谋取什么利益,便彻底放下了心来,立即就着手进行调查了。 Fang Linyan said that the Japanese only placed two military officers born in the year of the hare, Li Jingshu brought rather to kill wrong, thoughts of no letting off, so long as were born in the year of the hare, can see the old man frequently, that drove out said again! 方林岩所说日本人只安插了两名属兔的将领,李经述却是带着宁杀错,无放过的心思,只要是属兔的,能经常见到老头子的,那就统统都撵走再说! After making up mind, Li Jingshu contacts with Sheng Xuanhuai and Liu Tingcheng immediately, these two people might be considered as the two big props of Huai Department. 拿定了主意之后,李经述立即就去联系盛宣怀和刘亭成,这两个人堪称是淮系的两大支柱。 Sheng Xuanhuai entered in the middle of Li Gongzhang staff group in Tongzhi 9, then skyrockets, assumes sole responsibility for an important task. The westernization movement of later generation is handled by him single-handedly, the present is Chihli Customs governor, might be considered as the purse of Huai Department, God of Wealth. 盛宣怀在同治九年的时候就入了李宫彰幕僚团当中,然后扶摇直上,独当一面。后世的洋务运动由他一手操办,现在乃是直隶海关总督,堪称是淮系的钱袋子,财神爷。 Liu Tingcheng historically reputation does not reveal, but after the Li Gongzhang two younger brothers passed away, is by him assists Li Gongzhang to handle various odd jobs, is equivalent to the combination of majordomo + Shaoxing adviser, has miscellaneous matters that what Li Gongzhang does not facilitate to act, trivial matters, is he handles single-handedly, said simply, he is board of personnel Shangshu of Huai Department. 刘亭成在历史上名声不显,可是在李宫彰的两名弟弟去世以后,就是由他协助李宫彰打理各项杂务,相当于大管家+绍兴师爷的综合体,有什么李宫彰不方便出面的杂事,琐事,都是他一手操办,简单说起来,他就是淮系的吏部尚书。 These two people collaborate, in addition Li Jing stated justifiable of this big palace guard, must conduct under personnel change that Cixi the aim to be much quicker in Huai army! 这两个人联手起来,再加上李经述这位大衙内的名正言顺,在淮军里面要进行人事调动那比慈禧下旨还快得多! After Sheng Xuanhuai and Liu Tingcheng Li Jingshu called, listens to this big palace guard a long and short of the story saying, two people looked at each other in blank dismay, in the heart definitely did not believe. But these two discuss a request high, is very clear, this saying surely does not have the means to say directly. 盛宣怀和刘亭成被李经述叫来之后,听这位大衙内将来龙去脉一说,两人都是面面相觑,心里面肯定是不信的。但这两人情商极高,也是很明白,这话肯定没办法直接说出来。 The eternity dies difficultly only, the Kuangyin is the wise person, similarly must ask not the dead medicine! 千古艰难唯一死啊,秦皇汉武是何等英明的人,同样要去求不死药! Oneself at this matter, if displays to think otherwise, then Li Jingshu went to and an old central hall saying, how did the Chinese church meeting think that also with saying? 自己在这件事上若是表现得不以为然,回头李经述去和老中堂一说,老中堂会怎么想那还用说吗? Definitely feels fickleness of life, the fathers have not breathed, some people are hoping I died earlier. 肯定觉得人走茶凉,老子都还没咽气,有人就盼着我早点死了。 Was good because of this matter said that simple was not simple, but said that difficult office also not necessarily, nothing but transfers several people, three people collaborated, justifiable. This matter Li Jing stated this eldest son to stare very tightens, therefore cannot be negligent decisively. 好在这件事说简单也不简单,不过说难办也未必,无非就是调动几个人而已,三人联手,名正言顺。这事儿李经述这大公子盯得可是贼紧,所以断然不能大意。 But Liu Tingcheng this majordomo goes back, then detected that can see the medium high-level military officer who frequently old central hall are many, but born in the year of the hare only then four people, it is no doubt that these four people transferred. 而刘亭成这位大管家回去一查,便发觉能够经常见到老中堂的中高层将领蛮多的,不过属兔的就只有四个人,不用说,这四个人都调动一下吧。 On the lists of these four people: Uncle Fang qian name impressively in row! Yes, Fang Linyan the pit, digs specially to him. 这四个人的名单上面:方伯谦的名字赫然在列!是的,方林岩的这个坑,就是专门挖给他的。
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