FE :: Volume #13

#1421: Sees old Li

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Chapter 1419 sees old Li 第1419章见老李 However, Li Ju behavior is to also do the Li three pressures is very big, always thought that Li Ju this bastard wants to compete for the position of majordomo Hu with. 不过,李沮的行为也是搞得李三的压力很大,总觉得李沮这个王八蛋想要和自己争夺胡家大管家的位置。 Jinan is actually not far from the national capital, the later generation sits the High Speed Rail also two hours, drives for five hours, during the end of Qing, even if travelled day and night to hurry along or want for one day and one night. 济南距离京师其实并不远,后世坐高铁也就两个多小时,开车五个小时,不过在清末的时候,哪怕是日夜兼程赶路还是要一天一夜的。 After arriving the national capital slightly took a rest, Fang Linyan holds pays respects Tie to go to Li Residence in national capital to visit. It is no doubt that since Li Gongzhang is also in good health, then Li Residence inevitably is a bustling place, many people are waiting ten days of half a month here, is not necessarily able a day when went in circular. 来到了京师略作休息以后,方林岩就持着拜帖去京师的李府上门。不用说,既然李宫彰还健在,那么李府必然是门庭若市,有不少人在这里候着十天半个月的,都未必能等到被通传进去的一天。 The anxious person is also idle extremely bored, saw Fang Linyan such young people / youth such big thorn threw the post, the Uncle even/including Menfang gate package had not prepared, in the heart is then scoffing the young people is really young people are too careless, came and quickly together slowly! 这些等得焦躁的人也是闲极无聊,见到了方林岩这么一个年轻人/愣头青就这么大刺刺的投了帖子,连门房大爷的门包都没有预备,心里面便在耻笑年轻人真是嘴上无毛,办事不牢,快来和自己一块儿慢慢的等吧! What the result made them shock, pays respects Tiesong went was less than half quarter, inside heard a series of sound of voices and noise: 结果令他们大跌眼镜的是,那拜帖送进去了不到半刻钟,里面就传来了一连串的吆喝声: „In invited Young Master reckless enters “有请胡公子入内” So the treatment, lets this group of people are dumbfounded, even guessed secretly Fang Linyan is which young mister young marquis is inadequate? 如此待遇,让这帮人都是目瞪口呆,甚至暗自猜测方林岩难道是哪家的小公爷小侯爷不成? Under the influence of gatekeeper, Fang Linyan quick arrived at the position of quadrangle, at this time has a steward to wait here, puts out a hand to say directly: 在门房的引领下,方林岩很快的就来到了中庭的位置,这时候已经有一名管家在这里等着了,直接伸手道: Young Master reckless, here invited, master in study room you.” “胡公子,这边请,老爷在书房等您。” Fang Linyan nods to follow the past, quick, he saw Li Gongzhang again. 方林岩点点头跟随着走了过去,很快的,他就再次见到了李宫彰。 Naturally, this time Li Gongzhang already before lies down being barely alive appearance on bed is entirely different, probably his such a powerful minister who grasps the life to kill the power ten million/countless, among the speech and behaviors, natural power and influence complete(ly) present. 当然,此时的李宫彰已经与之前躺在床上的弥留模样截然不同,像是他这样一手掌握千万人生杀大权的权臣,言谈举止之间,自然威棱毕现。 Li Gongzhang is to make certainly some in the study room and book related matter- does not seem like the present completely, hotel inside dry/does matter basically and liquor has no relations, only if Seafood Restaurant. 李宫彰在书房里面当然是做一些和书有关的事情-就完全不像是现在,酒店里面干的事儿基本上都和酒没什么关系,除非是海鲜大酒店。 This old present is writing Cao Cao turtle, although longevity, was writing about martyr later years, courageous these two. 此老现在正在写着曹操的“龟虽寿”,正写到了“烈士暮年,壮心不已”这两句。 Then Li Gongzhang shakes the head, as if very unsatisfied stopping writing, is then staring at a while to say to Fang Linyan: 然后李宫彰摇了摇头,似乎很不满意的搁笔,然后对着方林岩凝视了一会儿道: We have seen?” “我们是见过的吧?” Fang Linyan smiled saying with a smile: 方林岩笑了笑道: Central scroll Sir bright mirror, five days ago, our truly state of mind overlap.” “中堂大人明鉴,在五天之前,咱们确实神魂交迭过。” The Fang Linyan words say, Li Gongzhang surface maintains composure, in the heart is actually thump jumps, a thought appeared in its mind suddenly: 方林岩的话一说出口,李宫彰表面不动声色,心中却已是“咯噔”一跳,一个念头陡然在其脑海里面浮现了出来: He really knows the truth!” “他果然知道真相!” Five days ago, Li Gongzhang feel to suffocate, be at being barely alive condition time, actually went to a place in absent-minded indistinctly, saw young people are fighting with a decoration strange old person, later induced the life condition fragment of this young people one after another. 在五天之前,李宫彰自己都感觉到奄奄一息,处于弥留状态的时候,在恍惚当中却隐约来到了一个地方,见到了一个年轻人正在与一名装饰古怪的老人大战一场,之后又陆陆续续感应到了这年轻人的生活状态片段。 Later, Li Gongzhang unexpectedly miracle general restored from the sickness , his son even imported in the middle of the mansion to come the coffin at that time! 之后,李宫彰居然奇迹一般的从病中恢复了过来,要知道,当时他儿子甚至连棺材都运进府邸当中来了! Because the court physicians said very clearly, if can drag the two days, that has the favorable turn- Naturally, the words of court physician slippery customer, you listen to the front half, then the reading comprehension one was OK, its meaning was old Li has arrived on the two days limit 因为御医都说得很清楚,若是能拖过这两天的话,那就有转机--当然,御医这种老油条的话,你听前面一半,然后阅读理解一下就可以了,其意思就是老李就这两天大限已到 After resumes the sober consciousness, Li Gongzhang never forgets certainly to that scene at that time seeing! 等到重新恢复清醒的意识之后,李宫彰当然就对当时看到的那一幕幕情景念念不忘! Initial time, he thought that oneself has a dream, but recalled carefully, in the dream will have the so clear detail, can the logic of self consistent method? 最初的时候,他觉得自己只是做了个梦而已,但细细回想,梦中怎么会有如此清楚的细节,能够自洽的逻辑? Li Gongzhang is remembers oneself saw the name of that young people in later life fragment: reckless Zhiyun, and also with apprentice Tan Sitong of old man old man, a bodyguard king five has the friendship. 李宫彰更是记得自己在随后的生活片段里面看到了那个年轻人的名字:胡芝云,并且还和翁老头子的徒弟谭嗣同,还有一个镖师王五有交情。 Therefore, he told that immediately the person checks in a next world to have this person! By his time power and influence, has certainly hundred responses to a single call. 所以,他就立即吩咐人去查一下世上到底有没有这个人!以他此时的权势,当然是一呼百应。 Only used less than half double-hour, reckless Zhiyun all materials put the front of Sir Li, naturally, efficiency such high another reason, was because Fang Linyan recently was really national capital business man of the hour. 只用了半个时辰不到,胡芝云的所有资料都摆到了李大人的面前,当然,效率这么高的另外一个原因,也是因为方林岩最近真的是京师商界当中的风云人物。 Using the Chinese-Japanese war, the agitation imported goods market wind and cloud, Qiao esteems single-handedly vigorously, after was the past prestigious family ! So the business rising star, naturally is famous! 利用中日战争,一手搅动洋货市场风云,还有乔家大力推崇,更是当年名门之后!如此商界新秀,当然是名闻遐迩! At this time this young people, peaceful standing in own front. 此时这个年轻人,就安静的站在了自己的面前。 To be honest, from seeing the first eyes of this young people, experiences countless people Li Gongzhang to think that this person is unique! The one who most made Li Gongzhang care, this reckless Zhiyun looked that oneself vision was tranquil, not, because own power and influence and status had what difference. 说实话,从看到这个年轻人的第一眼起,阅人无数的李宫彰就觉得这个人非常独特!最为令李宫彰在意的是,这个胡芝云看自己的目光非常平静,并没有因为自己的权势和身份有什么不同。 But his sees similar look previous time, when study sees from the schoolfellow good friend eyes, that actually already at least 50 years ago! 而他上一次见到类似的眼神,还是在自己求学的时候从同窗好友眼中见到的,那却已经至少都在五十年前了! Hesitated a while, Li Gongzhang said: 沉吟了一会儿,李宫彰道: What is the state of mind overlap?” “何为神魂交迭?” Fang Linyan then the Japanese role models walked the long and short of the story of plan 1510 told, then took out the core of that puppet baby: From Li Gongzhang hair, from the say/way of bottom of one's heart: 方林岩便将日本人师走计划的来龙去脉一五一十的讲述了出来,然后又取出了那只傀儡娃娃的核心:源自李宫彰的头发,发自肺腑的道: Li by one's effort, the army of enemy Japan country, almost can say that now victory or defeat collection in one, the opposite party stops at nothing is also the routine matter.” “李公现在以一己之力,敌日本一国之军,几乎可以说胜败集于一身,对方无所不用其极也是常事。” Japanese people many plot tricks, virtually impossible to guard against, in the future Li must add carefully.” “日人诸多阴谋伎俩,令人防不胜防,日后李公要多加小心了啊。” Heard the Fang Linyan words, Li Gongzhang surface sinks like the water, then took up that wisp of hair carefully to look saying: 听到了方林岩的话,李宫彰面沉如水,然后拿起了那一缕头发仔细看了看道: You had a mind.” “你有心了。” Li Gongzhang looks very tranquil, but understood that his trusted subordinate knows, what this old central hall is tasteful is a cultivating vital energy time. 李宫彰看起来很是平静,但了解他的亲信都知道,这位老中堂讲究的是一个养气的功夫。 The calm back, actually in the heart is the difficult situation, nearby case that at this time the clear to see old central hall elbow depends on on several tea spilled over ripples, the sentiment he is the anger extremely, the air/Qi results in the whole body to tremble!! 不动声色的背后,其实心中已经是惊涛骇浪,此时眼见得老中堂胳膊肘靠着的旁边案几上的茶水都泛出了一圈圈的涟漪,感情他老人家已经都是怒极,气得浑身发抖!! Then Fang Linyan is just about to speak, saw that the old man carried nearby teacup very much simply, actually hears the cup to cover with the cups hits works as ding-dong the sound, then a hand slippery teacup fell the ground to fall a smashing on „” one, then old Li coughed fiercely. 然后方林岩正要说话,就见到老头子很干脆的端起了旁边的茶杯,却听得杯盖和杯子之间撞得“当当当”的响,然后手一滑茶杯就“啪啦”一声落到了地上摔了个粉碎,然后老李就剧烈的咳嗽了起来。 Heard this sound, outside has the period of five days immediately the person flushed several to come, is looking at Fang Linyan with the wicked look. 听到了这声音,外面立即就有候着的人冲了好几个进来,都用恶狠狠的眼神望着方林岩 Fang Linyan shrugs, spread out to place on the knees both hands , indicating oneself were well-meant. 方林岩耸耸肩,将双手摊开放在了双膝上,表示自己没有恶意。 At this time the old central hall had taken two pills under taking care of others, panted for breath slightly decides, then beckoned with the hand saying: 这时候老中堂已经在旁人的服侍下吃了两丸药,喘息略定,然后便摆摆手道: Has nothing to do with him, is I suffers a relapse.” “和他无关,是我自己犯了病。” Fang Linyan saw some old central hall spirit dispiriteds, seemingly possibly serves tea to see a visitor out momentarily, then very simple before , SS level item that attains: The scarf took, including saying with a smile: 方林岩见到了老中堂精神有些萎靡,貌似随时都可能端茶送客,便很干脆的将之前拿到的SS级道具:围巾拿了出来,含笑道: „Can old central hall know this scarf?” “老中堂可认识这条围巾?” Li Gongzhang seemed like had talked unintentionally, but after seeing this seemingly ordinary scarf, hit the spirit unexpectedly all of a sudden, one taking on, unbelievable is holding appreciatively. 李宫彰本来看起来已经无心交谈了,可是在看到了这条看似普通的围巾之后,竟是一下子就打起了精神来,一把就将之拿到了手上,难以置信的把玩着。 To be honest, by Li central hall present position, does not know that has experienced many China-foreign wonderful thing treasure, and oneself also walked one time in the life and death, anything looked pale, but was the scarf in his time, was makes him directly rude unexpectedly, both hands shivered slightly. 说实话,以李老中堂眼下的身份地位,也不知道见识过多少中外的奇物珍品,并且自身也是在生死之间走了一遭,什么东西都看淡了,可偏偏就是他此时手里的这条围巾,竟是让他直接失态了,两只手都微微的颤抖了起来. Originally, this seemingly coarse ordinary scarf, is actually the first present that during Li Gongzhang this life receives. 原来,这条看似粗陋普通的围巾,却是李宫彰这一生当中收到的第一件礼品。 Li Gongzhang childhood time, in the family/home has the brother and sister eight people, although the father is a scholar, but also is only a scholar, therefore the family circumstances are quite embarrassed, after this situation must to his father Li Wen in the successful candidate, has the obvious new face. 李宫彰幼年的时候,家里足足有兄妹八人,父亲虽然是个读书人,但也只是个秀才,所以家境还是颇为窘迫的,这种情况一直要到其父李文安中了进士之后才有明显改观。 In Li Gongzhang at age 16, the youngster man admired the young girl the time, therefore met a little elder sister who worked in the shop in next door two people to pass a period of joyful time. 在李宫彰16岁的时候,正是少年男子爱慕少女的时候,于是就遇到了一个在隔壁的铺子上做事的小姐姐两人渡过了一段快乐的时光。 But Li then family was not well-off, being equivalent situated was the daybreak ago darkness, took away all savings to Mr. Li takes the method, even also borrowed debt, Li Gongzhang was the second child in family/home, the eldest son of being worthy of the reputation( eldest child is elder sister), therefore was frozen in the winter uncomfortably. 而李家当时的家境非常不好,相当处于是黎明前的黑暗,将所有的积蓄都拿去给李父走门路,甚至还借了一屁股的债,李宫彰又是家中的老二,名副其实的长子(老大是姐姐),所以冬天被冻得难受。 Saw this, the neighbor little elder sisters loved dearly very much, stole some bits and pieces in shop, wove this scarf to him, warmed his mind with the body and action, the little elder sister actually therefore suffered one to beat mercilessly, but also hurried back to the native place of countryside by the general store boss. 见到了这一幕,邻家小姐姐很是心疼,就偷了铺子上的一些边角料,给他织了这条围巾,用身体和行动温暖了他的心灵,小姐姐却因此挨了一顿毒打,还被杂货铺老板赶回了乡下的老家。 This matter continuously by Li Gongzhang engraving on mind inside, after when he was 17 years old scholar, immediately inquired the little elder sister's whereabout. However, returned to her in countryside, had actually been married by the father. 此事一直被李宫彰铭记在心里面,当他17岁中了秀才以后,立即就去打听小姐姐的下落。但是,回到了乡下的她,却已经被父亲嫁了出去。 The key is, the husband who she marries is very good to it, two people easy lives have happily. 关键是,她嫁的丈夫对其很好,两人的小日子过得很幸福。 After knowing this news, young Li Gongzhang estimated that comprehended that grateful disconsolateness for the first time, naturally helplessness. 知道这消息之后,年少的李宫彰估计第一次领会到了那种刻骨铭心的惆怅,当然还有无奈。 Therefore after he is stewed to the gills one, wrote 30 this sentiment to wait continuously to recall, was is only frustrated at that time these two poems. 于是他大醉一场之后,连续写了三十遍“此情可待成追忆,只是当时已惘然”这两句诗。 Without a doubt, this named big the little elder sister, became the red birthmark in Li Gongzhang heart henceforth- unique red birthmark! Even if he has seen the vicissitudes at this time, reads the beauty, even can easily mix the wind and cloud of Asia. 毫无疑问,这位叫做“大妮”的小姐姐,从此就成了李宫彰心中的朱砂痣-独一无二的朱砂痣!哪怕此时他已经见惯沧桑,阅遍美色,甚至能轻易搅动亚洲的风云。 However he wants is a person, so long as the sentiment, could not have forgotten this once to take to his warm scarf. 但是他只要是人,只要还有感情,就忘不了这条曾经带给他温暖的围巾啊。 This is not a scarf, but is the memory of first love. 这已经不是围巾,而是初恋的记忆。 This scarf appears the entire 61 years ago, Li Gongzhang when 21 years old goes to the capital to take an exam, will place in the native place, when wants to look, heard that has lost in floods. 只是这条围巾出现整整六十一年前,李宫彰在二十一岁进京应试的时候,就将之放在了老家里面,等到想要找的时候,听说已经在一次水灾里面遗失了。 Therefore, Li Gongzhang also having a fit of temper of ruthlessly, the steward native place hit 20 whips directly, then expels the main house gate. 为此,李宫彰还狠狠的发了脾气,直接将老家的管家打了二十鞭子,然后逐出家门。 But, what Li Gongzhang has not thought that at this time that person has passed, this scarf in fifty years later, reappeared unexpectedly in own front!!! 可是,李宫彰万万没有想到的是,此时伊人已逝,这条围巾居然在时隔五十几年之后,重新出现在了自己的面前!!! Fang Linyan looks at Li Gongzhang, then smiled saying with a smile: 方林岩看着李宫彰,然后笑了笑道: This cargo, can the central hall Sir also satisfy?” “这件货物,中堂大人可还满意?” Who Li Gongzhang is? In the government swayed back and forth dozens years of character, what in one hear of Fang Linyan words saying is cargo rather than gift, then sighed slightly a sound said: 李宫彰是什么人?官场里面都打滚了几十年的人物,一听方林岩话中说的是“货物”而不是“礼物”,便微微叹息了一声道: What do you want? Money or officer?” “你要什么?钱还是官?” Money I can leave to 500,000 silver, the words of officer, can guarantee a governor of prefecture in you Huguang, at least can sit firmly for three years!” “钱我可以出到五十万白银,官的话,可以保伱湖广的一个知府,至少能坐稳三年!” Obviously, the gift is to give in vain, the cargo must buy, Li Gongzhang knows that front Young Master Hu can snatch unexpectedly in Japanese's hands oneself life, must therefore have the excellent energy, therefore pledged the condition very much simply. 很显然,礼物是白送的,货物是要买的,李宫彰知道面前的这位胡家少爷竟然能在日本人手里面将自己的命抢回来,因此必有过人之能,因此很干脆的开出了条件。 Fang Linyan smiles to say with a smile: 方林岩笑笑道: „It is not, but wants to ask a central hall Sir matter.” “都不是,只是想要拜托中堂大人一件事。” Li Gongzhang said: 李宫彰道: You said.” “你说。” Fang Linyan said: 方林岩道: So long as the central hall Sir ordered from this day, making the Beiyang fleet make the action of deceptive attack Okinawa, this scarf was an Sir.” “只要中堂大人即日起下令,让北洋舰队做出佯攻日本冲绳的举动,这条围巾就是大人的了。” Li Gongzhang knits the brows slightly, cold snort/hum, but is familiar with his person is very clear, this is the old central hall mood uncomfortable characteristics: 李宫彰微微皱眉,冷哼了一声,但熟悉他的人都很清楚,这是老中堂心情不爽的特征: Old man never takes the national affairs and person makes the transaction.” “老夫从来不拿国事和人做交易。” Fang Linyan snorts contemptuously in the heart: 方林岩在心中嗤之以鼻: Old fogy also very spoke righteously, that is who promised a governor of prefecture to me a moment ago directly?” “老家伙还挺义正辞严的,那又是谁刚才直接给我许诺一个知府呢?” However, this saying, if said that has not definitely resulted in discussed that Fang Linyan also can only smile bitterly saying: 但是,这话若是说出来肯定就没得谈了,方林岩也只能苦笑道: Actually, this matter involved below and Sir Tan, a plan of Sir Song.” “其实,这件事涉及到了在下与谭大人,还有宋大人的一个计划.” Then Fang Linyan 1510 will then say, but in his heart is also very clear, Li Gongzhang and Tan Sitong this is although is a political opponent, but in beating Japanese aspect both sides has states same asks, particularly is the present the upfront anti- has lived in the situation of Japanese in Huai. 接着方林岩便将之一五一十的说了出来,而他心里面也很清楚,李宫彰与谭嗣同这一系虽然是政敌,但在击败日本人这方面双方还是有着相同述求的,尤其是在淮系现在已经正面抗住日本人的情况下。 After Li Gongzhang listened to Fang Linyan their plan, actually showed neither approval nor disapproval, old fox that probably his such person always became a ghost, at this time can have the response is not possible. 李宫彰听完了方林岩他们的计划之后,却是不置可否,像是他这样人老成精的老狐狸,此时能有反应是不可能的。 Fang Linyan is very clear, at this time Li Gongzhang has not refused to be equivalent directly complied, then made up one: 方林岩却很清楚,此时李宫彰没有直接拒绝就已经相当于答应了,便又补上了一句: Late lives also serves the country wholeheartedly, will not crack a joke with the national affairs. Was also more realistic, to Hu big or small whole families 86, I cannot act unreasonably was right?” “晚生也是一心报国,不会拿国事来开玩笑。再说一句更现实的,冲着胡家大小满门八十六口,我也不能乱来对不对?” Li Gongzhang heard Fang Linyan saying that instead the suspicion in heart reduced, his such old fox, it is estimated that filled the chicken soup to fill to others to feel nauseated, therefore Fang Linyan the matter with the own interests, instead made the old central hall think that directly this saying heard. 李宫彰听到了方林岩这么说,反而心中的猜疑减少了些,他这样的老狐狸,估计给别人灌鸡汤灌得自己都要吐了,所以方林岩直接拿切身利益来说事,反而让老中堂觉得这话更入耳. However, Li Gongzhang is just about to speak, actually choked to cough again fiercely, in this room was one tosses about fiercely. 不过,李宫彰正要说话,却又再次剧烈呛咳了起来,这房间里面又是一阵剧烈折腾。 When Li Gongzhang eased a little, it is estimated that really could not withstand, then shifted to Fang Linyan saying: 等李宫彰稍稍缓解了些,估计是实在顶不住了,便转向了方林岩道: Originally should with your Bing Zhu discuss, is the obsolete this body. Only can say in the future.” “本来应该和你秉烛一谈的,可是老朽这身子.咳咳,只能日后再说了。” Then nods, left under supporting by the arm of maidservant. 然后点点头,就在丫鬟的搀扶下离开了。 Fang Linyan in the heart actually somewhat becomes anxious at this time, old Li also walked quickly! Oneself have many words that wanted to speak not saying that will make noise greeting, detected unexpectedly oneself opened mouth the speech unable to make the sound unexpectedly! 方林岩此时心里面却有些发急,老李也走得太快了吧!自己却还有很多想要说的话没讲呢,正要出声招呼,竟发觉自己张开嘴说话居然发不出声音! Those images and scenes, Fang Linyan knows immediately oneself were banned the word by the space, after all a front old person's idea has the change, may cause the entire Jiawu to have huge uncertainties! 此情此景,方林岩立即知道自己被空间禁言了,毕竟面前的这个老人的一个想法出现变化,都有可能导致整个甲午出现巨大的变数! Oneself killed the reward of big lawsuit to provide, can see this old master at the same time is the extra opportunity, will therefore not give the opportunity that oneself spoke again. 自己杀了大官司的奖励已经发放,能见到这位老大人一面已经是额外的机遇,所以不会再给自己说话的机会了。
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