Chapter 1413combined threats with inducements
After saying, godwomanverysimpleclosed one's eyesdirectly, the whole personfell to the groundwearily, the stuporin the past, she was inthattypeobviouslybefore„byupper body”condition.
说完了之后,神婆很干脆的就直接一闭眼,整个人就委顿倒地,昏迷了过去,显然她之前是处于那种“被上身”的状态。Fang Linyanhesitateda while, thenwaves, hintsto receive the team.方林岩沉吟了一会儿,然后挥挥手,示意收队。Several after hours, Fang Linyanhad arrived atoutsidethisLongwang Templeagain,
十几个小时以后,方林岩已经再次来到了这龙王庙外面,At this timejustpassed the midnight, is almost about 0:15, three of Chinadefiningareleast bit11pointsto1points, conforms to the beforehandagreementtime.
此时刚过午夜,差不多乃是0点15分左右,中国这边定义的三更则是半点11点到一点,符合之前的约定时间。But the goal that peoplebuildLongwang Temple, thenmustsuppress the flood, implored the good crop weatherwhile convenient, thereforemostselected locations of Longwang Temple, toriversorlake, expectationinPrincedragonidol the dignitywithtemplesuppressed the flood.
而人们修筑龙王庙的目的,便是要压制水患,顺带祈求风调雨顺,所以绝大多数龙王庙的选址,都是正对河流或者湖泊,期望的就是用庙中的龙王爷神像的威严来镇压水患。At this timenightcoollikewater, withoutmoon, butspacestars, therefore the visibility, is onlyonperipheryallsceneries, covereddimstar light.
此时夜凉如水,没有月亮,但是天上繁星点点,因此能见度也还可以,只是周围的一切景物上,都蒙上了一层朦胧的星光。AlthoughLithreeandLiJuopposes to the utmost, butFang Linyancomesalone, after allherushes to timenowvery much, initiativeat leasttemporarilyalsoin the hand of opposite party.
虽然李三和李沮两人竭力反对,但是方林岩还是单独前来,毕竟他现在很赶时间,偏偏主动权至少暂时还在对方的手里。Whatis more important, the opposite partywasapproximatelymetin the wharf outside Longwang Temple, in additionitthatwholesalematter that didin the middle ofunder watersinkingcity, thenmost likelywas the demon in water. Determined the after status of opposite party, Fang Linyanfeltoneselfshouldhave a card in a hand to be ableto be useful.
After Fang Linyanarrived in the wharf, distantsaw a whiteform, is the godwoman there stand, saw after Fang Linyancame, innearbyboat, thenhintedhimto sitdirectly.方林岩来到了码头上之后,远远的就见到了一个白色的身影,正是神婆在那里站着,见到了方林岩来了之后,直接就上了旁边的小船,然后示意他坐上去。Seesthis, in the Fang Linyanheartmovesimmediately, thisdamn the secretevil behind-the-scenes manipulator seems somewhat harbors evil intentions.
见到这一幕,方林岩心中顿时一动,这狗日的幕后黑手看起来有些不怀好意啊。Thismeetsalsoinsufficientlyin the shore, but can also put in orderoneselfto the waterinthoroughly?
这在岸边见面还不够,还要彻底把自己整到水里面去?Hehesitated, was sayingto the godwoman:
The godwomancoldlysaid:
神婆冷冷道:„Youare willingto cometo come, is not willingto cometo walk.”
After saying, verysimplewithoarat a shorepoint, boatlonghad heart palpitationstoward the lake.
说完了之后,很干脆的拿桨在岸边一点,小船已经悠悠的朝着湖心荡了过去。Sawthis, Fang Linyancould not bear the air/Qismile:
见到了这一幕,方林岩忍不住都气笑了:„Yo? Youalsoacted bashful! It seems likeyouhave not understoodanycondition, the concave tilesaltogethereightpieces that youdistributes, believe tomorrowmethisgadgetinsidegatewaywill raisecompletely, will letyourreputationsmellyavenue!”
“哟呵?你还拿捏上了啊!看来你还没明白啥状况,伱分发出去的阴瓦一共八片,信不信明天我就将这玩意儿里面的门门道道的全部掀出来,让你名声臭大街!”„Saidagain, the temple attendant in charge of incense and ceremonies and godwoman who youmustguaranteecannotstayin the lakefor a lifetime, theydareto come ashore, Ibackhandedcantidy upthem, makingthemnot seek livehoodto ask unable!”
After saying, Fang Linyanturned aroundto walk.
Obviously, the oppositehas not expectedFang Linyanto respondunexpectedlysointensely, went out of more than 20metersuntilFang Linyan, godwomanthenindifferentsay/way:
很显然,对面也没料到方林岩居然反应如此激烈,直到方林岩走出了二十多米,神婆这才冷漠的道:„Thisgodgenerates the concave tiles , because sees the livelihood of the peopledifficult, bypainpainstakingly, thereforetorescueitin the middle ofwater and fire, thatis the bigphilanthropic undertaking that benefits the common people, youtalked nonsenseanything!”
The Fang LinyansupineTianchangsaid with a smile:方林岩仰天长笑道:„Hahahaha, yourtrickis usedto deceive these simple-mindedwomanilliterates in countrysidecan, wantsto installbeforeme?”
“哈哈哈哈,你的这伎俩用来骗一骗乡下的这些愚妇愚民可以,在我面前还想装?”Was sayingFang Linyantook a paper, discussedloudly:
说着方林岩就拿出了一张纸,大声念道:„According tomyacquiredmaterial, altogetherfound82 the person who usesyourconcave tilesto decoct medicinal herbs, the medicines of 11peopledo not have the effect, butperson who does not have the effectwithout exception, bedriddens with a lingering diseasecompletely, person of suffocation.”
The godwomansneers saying:
神婆冷笑道:„Medicinemedicinebeing predestined friendsperson, thesepeopledoes not believetothisgod, is not very reverent, thatgets what one deserves dead! Isn't this71 people are also directedto rescueby the medicine of thisgod?”
“药医有缘人,这些人对本神不信,不够虔诚,那就活该去死!这不是还有七十一个人被本神的药引所救吗?”Fang Linyansighed:方林岩叹了口气道:„Breaksothersto speakcasuallyis very not politematter, hasn't my said?”
“随便打断别人说话是很不礼貌的事,我这不是还没说完吗?”„In71people who medicinebecomes effective, in the following year, will havereaches53peopleto suffer a relapse, and after thissicknesssends , is very serious, directdeath.”
“药物生效的七十一个人里面,在接下来的一年当中,有多达五十三人旧病复发,并且这一次病发以后十分严重,直接死亡。”„Even if no conditionsurplus18people, isbecomesveryweak, is obviously senile.”
The godwomansaid:
神婆道:„What can thisexplain? Theywere sickin the person of body, suffering a relapsethatisn'tverynormal?”
“这能说明什么?他们本来就是有病在身的人了,旧病复发那不是很正常吗?”Fang Linyancoldlysaid:方林岩冷冷道:„Wantsmeto sayyourtrickcompletely? Thisconcave tilesshouldbemonster that yourefine, afterdecocts medicinal herbs, canlarge scaletemporarilystimulate the vitality of patient, the vitality that thesewere stimulatedhas a smallpartto be usedto resist the disease, therefore after thisuses the concave tilesto decoct medicinal herbs, most peoplereason that can the conditionchange for the betterevenrecovers, however the upper limit of theirlife spanhad in fact been reducedsignificantly.”
“非要我将你的伎俩全部说出来吗?这阴瓦应该是你炼制的妖器,拿进去煎药以后,可以大幅度临时激发病人的生命力,这些被激发出来的生命力有一小部分用来对抗疾病,所以这就是用了阴瓦煎药之后,大部分人都会病情好转甚至痊愈的原因,然而实际上他们寿命的上限已经被大幅度削减了。”„Howevervitality that thesestimulate, actuallymajoritybyconcave tilesabsorbing, therefore after the concave tilesdecoct medicinal herbs, will presentmostpeopleto suffer a relapse, evenno, thesepeople are still obviouslysenileweak, originallyonly then40 years old, the bodyhas owedempty the probably70-80 years old person.”
“而这些激发出来的生命力,却又大部分都是被阴瓦给吸收了,所以阴瓦煎药之后,会出现大部分的人都会旧病复发,即便没有,这些人也是明显衰老虚弱,本来只有四十来岁,身体就已经亏虚得像是七八十岁的老人。”„Decocts medicinal herbsinvalidas fortheseconcave tiles, thatnaturallywas the vitality of theirwithin the body, absolutelydid not haveto stimulatefeebly.”
“至于那些阴瓦煎药无效的,那当然就是他们体内的生命力本来就衰弱至极,根本就没得激发了。”„Finally, theseconcave tiles the temple attendant in charge of incense and ceremoniesbyLongwang Templewill be taken backonce in a while, the blood sacrificegivesyou, youseize the chanceto absorbstores up the vitality that collects, enjoys the bloodfood that consecratesto comewhile convenient, meanwhileresulted in a goodreputationin the place!”
The godwoman'svoicesuddenlybecomesYinsad:
神婆的声音忽然变得阴恻恻的:„It seems like, youare much more astute than yourfather!”
, The water sprayscatterssuddenly! Fang Linyanfelt that a hugesuctiontransmitted, mustruthlesslywill entrainto the water.
猛然之间,水浪四溅!方林岩就感觉到了一股巨大的吸力传来,要狠狠的将自己拽向水中。Heis carefullooked, the beforehandgodwomansits„boat”unexpectedlyimpressivelyis a giantredbranchtongue, beforeshoulduse the camouflageand so onthing.
他再仔细一看,之前的神婆所坐的“小船”竟赫然是一根巨大的红色分岔舌头,之前应该是用了障眼法之类的东西。Butin the end of tongue, is a hugebig mouth, seems likeprofoundcave, insidesent out the endlesssuctionanddisgustingozonebeyond description, mustentrainruthlesslyFang Linyan.
而在舌头的尽头,则是一张庞大的血盆大口,看起来就像是个深邃的山洞似的,里面散发出了无尽的吸力和难以形容的恶心臭气,要将方林岩狠狠拽过去。Andthatattractionis still continue increase, Fang Linyanhurriedheld onnearbytreesstands firm the pile of under foottemporarily.
并且那吸引力还在持续加大,方林岩急忙一手拉住了旁边的树木才算是临时稳住了脚下的桩子。Sawthis, a Fang Linyanheartgoodfatherhad not embarked, otherwise was that the personto prey?
见到了这一幕,方林岩心道还好老子没上船,否则的话那岂不是任人鱼肉了?At this time after looked attwo, Fang Linyandeterminedthissecretevil behind-the-scenes manipulatorshouldbe a hugewater monster, however the concretevarietyactuallyjudgmentdoes not come out, somewhatseems like the snake, somewhatseems like the murrel, looked that mouthsomewhatseems like the toad.
此时多看了两眼之后,方林岩确定了这幕后黑手应该是一头庞大的水怪,但是具体的品种却判断不出来了,有些像是蛇,又有些像是黑鱼,看那嘴巴又有些像是蟾蜍。Felt that huge mouthattractionwas getting stronger and stronger, Fang Linyanpulled out a thingunhurriedly, thenplacedownfront:
感觉到了那张巨口当中的吸引力越来越强,方林岩不慌不忙的掏出了一件东西,然后放在了自己的面前:„Youmayreally bebold! Has a look atthisisanything!”
After thisthingtook, has not hadwhatlandslidecracks in the earth, strange matter of thunder, inbystanderopinion, was an ordinaryboxis loston the ground.
这东西拿出来了之后,并没有发生什么山崩地裂,电闪雷鸣的怪事,在外人看来,也就是一口普普通通的箱子被丢在了地上。„Hehe, the idiot, is this brokenbox?.”
“呵呵,蠢货,这就是一口破箱子?.”Thenthissoundstops suddenlyimmediately! Aftersilentseveralseconds, verysimpleshuts upto turn aroundto run! Crash-bangsplashed the giantwater spray, the godwoman is also directlywearyin the place, the stuporin the wharf.
然后这声音顿时戛然而止!在沉默了几秒钟之后,很干脆的闭上了嘴转身就跑!哗啦一声飞溅出了巨大的水浪,神婆也是直接委顿在地,昏迷在了码头上。Fang Linyanfacesthissituationsuddenly, feelssomewhatdoes not know whether to laugh or cry, has not expectedthecard in a hand that oneselfpreparesoto get quick resultsunexpectedly.方林岩一时间面对这种情况,都觉得有些哭笑不得,没料到自己准备的这张底牌居然如此立竿见影。Whatgadget is thisbox? Naturallyissacrificial offering of Fang Linyanafter the Yellow Riverends the river God, toattireironpleasantbox that hesends!
这口箱子是什么玩意儿?当然就是方林岩在黄河边祭祀完河神之后,给他送来的装铁如意的箱子了!Thisboxisby the steward of spirit of Yellow Riverdragon vein- comesthatYellow Rivergreatflood dragonto the ashore, in additioninboxthesepleasantdefinitelyalsoholding appreciativelyto have appreciatedby the Yellow Riverriver God, thereforeonthisbox, has the aura of greatflood dragonanddragon veininevitably.
The frontdoesmatter the sensation of themonsterinevitablyisverypowerful, Fang Linyanpulled out the person of skinbookmarkitto have the induction, therefore, itdefinitelywill normally detect the boxaboveaura.
面前搞事的这头怪物的感知必然是非常强大,方林岩一掏出人皮书签它就有了感应,所以正常情况下,它肯定会察觉到箱子上面的气息。Naturally, Fang Linyanalsomadeboth kinds of preparation, what to doif the opposite partyis a rash fellowdoes not admit being in the wrong?
当然,方林岩也做了两手准备,万一对方是个二愣子不卖帐怎么办?That are not related, in the middle ofnearbyhaystack30 meters away, tied handsstops up the temple attendant in charge of incense and ceremonies of mouthto be hiddenininsidein addition.
那也没关系的,就在旁边30米外的草垛当中,被五花大绑外加堵住了嘴巴的庙祝就被藏在里面呢。In, Fang Linyancan a round of bladesoaringaim athimto displaywhen necessary, thentakesthisto make a getawayas the springboardsmoothlywill dohas no way outthismatter, Fang Linyaniswill not doabsolutely.
在有必要的时候,方林岩就能一发刃飞翔对准了他施展过去,然后以此为跳板顺利逃之夭夭将自己搞得无路可走这种事情,方林岩是绝对不会做的。However the factshowed,Yellow Rivergreatflood dragonauraisverypowerful, the monster in thislakereallyescapesin a panic, even the aggressive statementhas not putoneto come out!
不过事实证明,黄河巨蛟身上的气息还是非常给力的,这湖中的怪物真的是仓皇而逃,连狠话都没放一句出来!Howso does the behaviorappraise?
如此行为怎么评价呢?Emotional quotientlowly: Bullying the weak and fearing the strong
低情商:欺软怕硬Emotional quotienthigh: Calmreason
高情商:冷静理智Regarding thisFang Linyanthought that aerobicandfunny, before thisfellow, gave back to the tremendouspressure, butnowseems likeactually is really the meanings of someoutwardly strong but inwardly weaks.
对此方林岩觉得又好气又好笑,这家伙之前还给了自己蛮大压力的,但现在看起来却真是有些外强中干的意思.Naturally, presentssuchsteamrollafter effect, explainedthatseniorsteward- The Yellow Rivergreatflood dragonis flamboyantin the middle ofthesewater monsters, itspositionis very high.
当然,出现这样的碾压效果之后,也说明那头老管家--黄河巨蛟在这些水怪当中非常牛逼,其地位很高。In a flash, in the lake surfacecannot seethatgreatstrangetrace, onlyleft behind the wave that non-stopswaying, andalsoin„whish”tohitting the stoneshore in wharf, Fang Linyanwas arriving in the wharfvery muchsimply, verysimpleis shoutingto the lake surfacegreatly:
一瞬间,湖面上就看不到那头巨怪的踪影,只留下了不停晃荡的波浪,并且还在“哗哗哗”的冲打着码头上的石岸,方林岩很干脆的走到了码头上,很干脆的对着湖面大喊道:„Iknow that youhave not walked away, come out, wecontinueto chat.”
A peace, only thenparticularlynoisyfrogsoundis especially resounding, seems tauntingFang Linyanto thinkcompletely the farteats.
The Fang Linyancorners of the mouthtwitched, thencontinuesto shout propaganda:方林岩嘴角抽动了一下,然后继续喊话道:„Iknowinyourheartto thinkanything- Howhasthatoldflood dragonto support, the old thinghere, don't youjump down the waterto nipme?”
“我知道你心里面在想什么--有那头老蛟撑腰又怎样,老东西又不在这里,你跳下水来咬我?”„But, youthink that Ireallydo takeyounot to have the means?”
Here, Fang Linyantookonepiece„concave tiles”:
说到了这里,方林岩拿出来了一片“阴瓦”:„Ihave inquiredcarefully, the legend of thisconcave tiles came from 11years ago, andconsideringitsfunction is quite actually complex, mustbe responsible forabsorbing the vitality of person, and must the storage, meanwhileprobablygive the patientpart of vitalityfeedbackpartstemporarily.”
“我已经仔细打听过,这阴瓦的传说来自于十一年前,并且考虑到它的功能其实相当复杂,要负责汲取人的生命力,并且还要临时将之储存,同时还要将一部分生命力回馈一部分给病人。”„Therefore, itsrefinement is quite not actually easy, yourentire11years, altogetheralsorefined67pieces of concave tiles.”
“所以,它的炼制其实是相当不容易的,你整整十一年,一共也就炼制出了六七片阴瓦而已。”Fang Linyan said that has held upthepiece of concave tiles in handhigh, this convenience makes one seeclearly, thenmakes an effortto pinch, immediatelyheard„” a resounding.方林岩一面说,一面已经将手中的这片阴瓦高高举起,这样的话方便让人看得更清楚,然后用力一捏,立即就听到了“咔嚓”的一声脆响。
Obviously, thispiece of concave tileshave splitdirectly, ifFang Linyantries harder, thenmustbreakturns intoseveral.
很显然,这片阴瓦已经直接裂开,方林岩若是加一把劲的话,那么就要破掉变成好几块了。Moreover, Fang Linyanthenpulled outthreepieces of concave tilesfrom the bosomunexpectedly:
不仅如此,方林岩接下来从怀中居然又掏出了三片阴瓦:„Yes, Ido not have the meansto jump down the waterto tidy upyou, butyoucannot come ashoreto cope withmesimilarly! Withinoneday, mypersoncanbe uneven all your concave tilescollections, thenruinsentirely, yourtenyears of painstaking care, Icanruininstantaneously.”
The clear to seedid not have the sound, onFang Linyanto catch up, „”pinched the fragmentthatpiece of concave tiles, thenalsoheldanotherconcave tilesto make the potential to pinch.
眼见得还没有动静,方林岩手上发力,“咔嚓”一声就将那片阴瓦捏成了碎块,然后又抓住了另外一块阴瓦做势欲捏。At this time, the distant placetransmittedonesuddenlydepressedandhas the sound of being inwardly angry:
“住手!!”In the Fang Linyaneyeflashed through a self-satisfiedcolor, thensaid:方林岩眼中闪过了一丝得意之色,然后道:„What's wrong? Finallyis willingto discusswithme?”
“怎么?终于肯和我谈了?”Quick, in the Fang Linyanfrontwaterpresentedonegroup of hugeshadows, at nightdoes not see clearlyitsoutline, can only feel that has the oppressionstrengthextremely.
很快的,方林岩前方的水中就出现了一团庞大的黑影,黑夜当中也看不清楚其轮廓,只能感觉到极有压迫力。Naturally, withbeforehandthatgreatflood dragon of Fang Linyancompared withnear the Yellow River, thatpaled by comparisoncompletely.
当然,与之前方林岩在黄河边遇到的那头巨蛟相比,那就是完全相形见绌了。Othersthatcallednot to get angry, but the prestige, restrained the constrictionto arise spontaneously, but after frontfellowwas more like the globefishran into an enemy, the violentinspirationturns into the ballintentionallyto increase the showoperation of volume, the outwardly strong but inwardly weakdescribed that it was very appropriate.
人家那叫不怒而威,收敛着压迫感都油然而生,而面前这家伙更像是河豚遇到敌人以后,猛烈吸气变成球故意增大体积的骚操作,外强中干形容它就很贴切。Thisshadowgave the responsequickly, bringsto sayangrily:
这黑影很快就给出了回应,带着恼怒道:„How do youwant?”
“你到底想要怎么样?”Fang Linyanlightsay/way:方林岩淡淡的道:„Ionlywantto askyourtwoquestions. Ourwell water not interfering with river water, youdo the matter, althoughis slightly dirty, has not actually stirred up a day of resentfulpersonto get angry, Ido not wantto enforce justice on behalf of Heaven.”
The shadowsaid:
“你问吧。”Fang Linyanshows a faint smile, thatbox that has the Yellow Rivergreatflood dragonauraplaced the ground, thenoneselfsat above.方林岩微微一笑,将那口带着黄河巨蛟气息的箱子放在了地上,然后自己一屁股坐在了上面。Henoticesthisboxto approach, underthatshadowbacked upimmediatelyseveralmeterstoward the rear area, evidentlythisYellow Rivergreatflood dragontoitis the bloodlinessuppression of instinct, andthissuppressedstrengthis strong, but the aura on boxcanmakeitdread.
After discoveringthis point, inFang Linyanheartcalm, thenaccess road/simply said:
发现这一点之后,方林岩心中大定,然后便道:„IamrecklessZhiyun, does not know how to callreveres the god?”
The say/way of shadowjarsoundjarair/Qi:
黑影瓮声瓮气的道:„Youcancallme the laketo revere.”
“你可以叫我湖尊。”Fang Linyansaid:方林岩道:„Lakeyour father, Ialmostcandeterminenow,youare not the owner of thishuman skinbookmark, but do you have very deeporiginwithit?”
The lakereveres saying:
湖尊道:„Yes, thisabovesmellIknew certainly. However, iswhotells you bookmarkis the personskindoes?”
“是,这上面的气味我当然认识。不过,是谁告诉你书签是人皮做的?”Fang Linyansurprisedsay/way:方林岩吃惊的道:„Not? IinquiredChinaseveraltanningGrandmasters, cannot recognize the origin of thisthing, untilItravelled to distant landsJapan, thenknewin a remote mountainseniorartisanpopulation,thiswas the personleatherdoes, and technique of monster.”
The lakereveres the say/way that disdains:
湖尊不屑的道:„Whatworld has the person in Japanesethatsmallplaceseen? Hewas only half right that thisbookmarkis the techniquerefinement of monster, but how can the materialbe the personskin? Asksa littlecultivatesfor the taoist priest to lookcasually, thisis the Saintexuviate!”
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