Chapter 1412comes
The keyisherlookhas the characteristicsvery much, a pair of eyesbeadwhite/in vainis few black, as iflost the focus, the eyeballlooksobviouslytohere, but the focal distancehas not actually fallenonyourbody, butgatheredin some illusorypoint, with the medicineterminology, thatwas the seriousschizophrenia.
关键是她的眼神很有特色,一双眼珠子白多黑少,似乎失去了焦点,明明眼珠子是看向这边的,但是焦距却并没有落在你的身上,而是聚集在了虚无缥缈的某一个点上,用医学术语来说,那就是严重的精神分裂症.Sawthiswomanapproaches, Li who the majordomoposes asthreeveryvigilantwalkedto go forward, blockedher, butthiswomansaid:
见到了这女人靠近,以大管家自居的李三很警惕的走上前,挡住了她,而这女人却道:„Youputhim, wantsto know that whatItoldyou.”
“你放了他,想知道什么我都告诉你。”Shespoke, twoeyeswerestrangetoward the spacelooked that thereforeFang Linyan can only seeherwhite of the eye, therefore can only knit the brows:
她说话的时候,两只眼睛是诡异的朝着天上看的,所以方林岩都只能看到她的眼白,因此只能皱眉道:„Sorry? Are youspeakingwithme?”
“抱歉?你是在和我说话?”Nod of thiswomandelay.
这女人呆滞的点了点头。Fang Linyansaid:方林岩道:„Who are you?”
“你是谁?”Thiswomanis wooden, did not speak.
这女人木然,不说话。Howeverwithout the relations, now the popularity of Longwang Templeis full, quickinquired, thiswomanis the godwoman.
不过没关系,现在龙王庙的人气非常足,很快就打听了出来,这女人就是神婆。Originally the temple attendant in charge of incense and ceremonies in Longwang Templeis a hoodlum, butseveral years agoFengyangthat sidedrawing the famine, fledmanypeople, the temple attendant in charge of incense and ceremoniesseized the chanceto pick a woman, two peoplesuchinexplicablein the same place.
本来龙王庙的庙祝是一个光棍儿,不过前几年凤阳那边拉了饥荒,逃荒过来不少人,庙祝就趁机捡了个女人,两人就这么不明不白的在一起了。Butthiswomanhassuchgodgodto talk on endlesslyfrom the beginning, justcametimenightwill also wander about aimlesslynearLongwang Temple, herconduct, has not nearly walked a night of passer-byto scare to deathseveral.
而这女人从一开始起就这么神神叨叨的,刚来的时候夜里还会在龙王庙附近乱走,就她的这做派,差点儿没把几个走夜路人吓死。Fang Linyandeeplylooked atheroneeyes, thenmadepeopledraw the temple attendant in charge of incense and ceremonies, naturally, at this timetoavoid the temple attendant in charge of incense and ceremoniesmade the sound, hismouthbystops up.方林岩深深看了她一眼,然后就让人将庙祝拉了出来,当然,此时为了避免庙祝发出声音,其嘴巴是被塞着的。Finally after the temple attendant in charge of incense and ceremoniessaw the godwoman, immediatelybecamemore excited, 2-3guyscould not hold downhe. But where thisis, LiJupoints atgently a point, thispersontwitchedon the groundon the directparalysis.
结果庙祝一看到了神婆之后,立即变得更激动了,2-3个大汉都按不住他。但这是什么地方,李沮手指轻轻一点,这人就直接瘫在地上抽搐了。Fang Linyanlooks that the godwomansaid:方林岩看着神婆道:„Ihave let loosehimnow, yousaid that howto process the concave tiles.”
This womanwoodensay/way of:
这女人木然的道:„Do youreallywantto know? Somethings, knowmany, thendiesquickly!”
“你真想知道?有的事情,知道得越多,那么死得越快!”Fang Linyansmiles:方林岩笑笑:„Rubbish, Icanlet loosehim, canmakehimsuffer a hardshipagain.”
This womanindifferentsay/way of:
这女人漠然的道:„After concave tilessendconsecrates, needs the bloodto roast! Puts a basinbloodto soakit, cannotbe the chickenblood, cannotbe the dogblood, the person the bloodis best, thendue east ofunderputting behindthatlocust tree, will taketo be goodnext morning.”
After Fang Linyanlistenednods, hethought that beforethistemple attendant in charge of incense and ceremoniessaidsome is not groundless, nowseems likereallyso, thereforehepursuesasks:方林岩听了以后点了点头,他之前就觉得这庙祝说得有些不尽不实,现在看起来果然如此,于是他就追问道:„Iswhoaskedyouto do that?”
这女人道:„Is the elder sister.”
“是阿姐。”Fang Linyannarrowed an eye saying:方林岩眯缝了一下眼睛道:„Who is elder sister?”
“阿姐是谁?”Thiswoman'sreply is still an elder sister , like the reread machine.
这女人的回答依然是阿姐,就和复读机一样。Fang Linyanarrived atside the temple attendant in charge of incense and ceremoniesat this time, this timeheslightlyslowhad been mad, the look that butlooks atactuallyfullis the hatred, regarding thisFang Linyanverysimpledisregardingwill falldirectly, thentonearbyaltar/jarmain road:方林岩这时候走到了庙祝身边,此时的他已经略微缓过了气来,但看过来的眼神却满是怨毒,对此方林岩很干脆的直接将之无视掉,然后对着旁边的坛主道:„Looks fortwonimble and agile, goes tohisdwellingto search, whatwealthand so onIdo not care, butsomestrangethingactuallymustremain.”
The altar/jarLordonelistensto know that thisis the cushy job, thenvolunteeringledtwotrusted aidesto pass.
坛主一听就知道这是美差,然后自告奋勇带着两名心腹过去了。But after hearing the Fang Linyanwords, the temple attendant in charge of incense and ceremoniesstaredin a big way the eyeimmediatelyseemed like heldblade, shootingsuddenly.
而听到了方林岩的话以后,庙祝立即瞪大了眼睛却像是被人捅了一刀似的,陡然的弹了起来。Howeverhewantedto revolt againstthatin the front of thisgroup of people are toonaive, a footwas trampledon the belly, the painrolled uphalfcharacter unable saying that can only open the mouthto tryretching
不过他想要在这帮人的面前反抗那是太天真了,一脚就被踹在了肚子上面,痛苦蜷缩着半个字都说不出,只能张大了嘴巴不停的尝试着干呕Quick, the altar/jarLordonfoundFang Linyandirectly, seems like the somewhatflurriedsay/way:
很快的,坛主就直接来找到了方林岩,看起来有些慌乱的道:„Wediscoveredin the place that thisfellowlived in something, seemed likeveryweird”
The Fang Linyanhearswordspiritinspires:方林岩闻言精神一振:„Walks, leadingmeto go.”
“走走走,带我去。”Quick, theyarrived in the room in temple attendant in charge of incense and ceremonies, after walking, smelled a not being able to sayflavor, looks likeboils the smell that the toolongstarchfellrancidly, makingonethink that somewhatwas very disgusting.
The room of thisfellowwas divided intoinside and outsidetwo, the outsideiseats meal+to pile up the junks the place, the keyis the junks that herepiles upispaperpersonpaper with deitiestypeseems likemakespeoplethink not auspiciousthing.
这家伙的房间分为了里外两间,外间是吃饭+堆放杂物的地方,关键是这里堆放的杂物都是纸人纸马这种看起来就让人觉得不大吉利的东西。Moreover, the craftsmanship of thistemple attendant in charge of incense and ceremoniesis good, particularlynearbytwofinishedpaperpeople, on the faceare hanging the strangeforced smile, whereas ifyouarrive at its eye to followto arrive atwhere, if the independentpersoninthis, is really somewhatappalling.
The altar/jarlordbringsFang Linyanto walktowardinside, butFang Linyanactuallystopped the footsteps, hisvisionfellonnearbypaperpile, thenpartlykneltgentlywith the handis stroking gentlythispile of paper.
坛主带着方林岩朝着里面走,可是方林岩却停住了脚步,他的目光落在了旁边的扎纸堆上,然后半跪下去用手轻轻的摩挲着这一堆纸张。Hestartedto turnto look, finallylockedoneto pull out, placedin the handgentlyis stroking gently:
紧接着他开始在这其中翻找了起来,最后锁定了其中的一张将之抽了出来,放在手里面轻轻的摩挲着:„Thisfeeling. Somewhatseems to have met before, but is not completely right.”
“这种感觉.有些似曾相识,但是又不完全对。”Fang Linyanis frowning the handput to the bosom, took out a thing, thathuman skinbookmark that the devilfatherkeeps, firstcontrasted a feel, thencontrasted an outward appearance, thereforenods:方林岩皱着眉头将手伸进了到怀中,取出了一件东西,正是死鬼老爹留下来的那一张人皮书签,先对比了一下手感,然后又对比了一下外观,于是点了点头:„Un, the truthwas closemore and more, the skin that althoughthisfellowusesis not the personskin, but the production process is almost exactly the same.”
“嗯,真相越来越接近了,虽然这家伙使用的皮并非是人皮,但是制作工艺几乎是一模一样。”Fang Linyanfollowed the altar/jarlordto arrive in the middle ofinsidebedroom, cansmellinthisthatdisgustingaurabeyond descriptioneven morestrong, thensaw that altar/jarlordis pointing at a nearbybigvatsay/way:
“就是这里。”Fang Linyanlooked,has not nearly spatdirectly, originallyinthismugis soaking the white and shinything, seemed likesoaked78days of ricein the summer, is sending outill-smellingbeyond description.方林岩一看,差点儿没直接吐出来,原来这缸子里面浸泡着白花花的东西,看起来就像是夏天浸泡了七八天大米似的,散发着难以形容的酸臭。
The keyisin the mugbesides the rice, cat, dogand so on corpse, alsosoakedwas very long, evenhas soakedrises.
关键是缸子里面除了大米之外,还有猫,狗之类的尸体,同样也是浸泡了很久,甚至都已经泡涨了。Alsocansee that a bellyballooningmustseem like the dogcorpse of balloonto be placedside, filthyturbid waterbit by bitfell, the sidealsoscissors, the wool on dogcorpsebellywas blowncleanly
还能见到有一只肚皮鼓胀得像是个气球的狗尸被放在了旁边,污浊的浑水一点一点的落了下来,旁边还有一把剪刀,狗尸肚皮上的毛被刮得干干净净Thatunusualpaper that veryobviously, Fang Linyandiscoveredbefore, manufactureswiththisdog skin! Now, Fang Linyanthencanbasicallydetermine, that fellow of manufactureinsidethishuman skinbookmark, shouldbe the secretevil behind-the-scenes manipulator in temple attendant in charge of incense and ceremonies.
很显然,方林岩之前发现的那张奇特的扎纸,就是用这狗皮制作的!现在,方林岩便可以基本确定,制作手里面这张人皮书签的那家伙,应该就是庙祝的幕后黑手了。Also the altar/jarlordshowedthatnauseaincomparableexpressionno wonder, doessuchtrickinownbedroom, thistemple attendant in charge of incense and ceremoniesreallydoes not take the commonroad! So the environment, does not know that in the airhasmanygerms, owesheto be ableinthisinsideto livenow.
也难怪得坛主露出了那种恶心无比的表情,在自家卧室里面搞出这样的幺蛾子来,这个庙祝真的是不走寻常路!如此环境,不知道空气里面有多少病菌,也亏他能在这里面活到现在。Howeveratthis time, Fang Linyansuddenlythought that thisbedroomentrancerayonedark, somepeoplehave kept off there, becausealthough the relations of back lightdo not see clearly the facial expression, butcanrecognizeby the stature, thispersonis the godwoman.
不过就在这时候,方林岩突然觉得这卧室门口光线一暗,已经是有人挡在了那里,虽然因为背光的关系看不清楚脸容,但凭借身材就能辨识出来,这个人就是神婆。However, at this timeFang Linyan can actually very clearfeeling, this timegodwoman and beforehandgodwomandifferent the direct-viewingpoint, before a thatgodwomancontactcanknow that the spirit of thispersonhas the issue, evenpresented the obviousunusualityin the aspect of brain development.
但是,这时候方林岩却能很清楚的感觉到,此时的神婆和之前的神婆不一样了直观一点来说,之前那个神婆一接触就能知道这个人的精神有问题,甚至在大脑发育的方面出现了明显的异常。However, nowthisgodwoman, the bodyactuallysends out a evil aura and gloombeyond description, thismadeFang Linyanback uphalfstep, thenpreparedbattledirectly.
但是,现在这个神婆,身上却散发出了一种难以形容的邪气和阴气,这让方林岩都倒退了半步,然后直接做好了开战的准备。Whatis accidental/surprised, the godwomansaidwith the low and deepsoundunexpectedly:
令人意外的是,神婆居然用低沉的声音道:„Ifelt the familiaraura! Who are you?!”
“我感觉到了熟悉的气息!你是谁?!”Fang Linyanis stunned:方林岩愕然:„Whatfamiliaraura?”
Before herecalled , the matter that immediatelyhandles, nothing butput out the devilold manto leaveownthathuman skinbookmarkfrom the private, wasthisgadget?
After hesitantonenext, Fang Linyanpulled outthisbookmarksay/wayvery muchsimply:
The godwomandumbfoundeda while, thensay/wayslowly:
神婆呆住了一会儿,然后慢慢的道:„Yes, wherethisthing do youfromobtain?”
After herwordssay, Fang Linyanthoughtlentdangerousaurasuddenlyfromthiswoman, hemaintained composure, made the alertvery muchsimply, not only that LiJuandLithreealsocaught upinstantaneously.
A threepeople of convergence, the godwomandoes not dareto act rashlyobviously, no matter whatyouarewhatdreadfulominousthing, facingsocombines must yield, outsidealsoto havehundreds and thousands ofpeoplelet alone!
三人一汇合,很显然神婆这边也是不敢轻举妄动了,任你是什么滔天凶物,面对如此组合也是要退让三分,更何况外面还有成百上千人呢!So long as the altar/jarlordshouted loudlyoneto grasp the mouseessence, the peoplewill have pounced upon suddenlyby the copper coinandmoneyfevergot angryimmediatelyon, makingitunderstand the might of people's warseawell
After preparingallpreventionthunderbolts, Fang Linyanlooks atgodwoman'ssay/wayslowly:
等到做好了一切预防突发事件的准备以后,方林岩才看着神婆徐徐的道:„Thisbookmark, isIfrommy deceased father'spoetry anthologydiscovered that itwas clampedin the middle of poetry anthology.”
“这张书签,是我从先父的一份诗集当中发现的,它被夹在了诗集的中间。”Fang Linyanrecited a poemunexpectedly:
紧接着,方林岩居然背起了一首诗:Inthat personpink clouds, wantsto present as a giftdifferentfar.
伊人彩云中,欲赠隔路远。Missingmissesto see, before bearing a grievance the cool breeze .
思念无缘见,怨望凉风前。Beforehad said that Fang Linyanthepoetry anthology of possessionishischeapfatherandonegroup of schoolfellowsdoes, thereforeinsideversequality, hehe, such.
之前就说过,方林岩的拿到的这一份诗集乃是他便宜老子和一群同窗搞出来的,所以里面的诗句质量嘛,呵呵,也就那样。Althoughthispoemis seemingly not much, inthatcollectionchild was the excellent work.
After hearingthispoem, Fang Linyandetected that godwoman'svicious tendenciesvanishedrapidly, separateda while she lightsay/way:
听到了这首诗之后,方林岩发觉神婆身上的戾气迅速的消失了,隔了一会儿她才淡淡的道:„Originally. Whatmatter do youcome tohereto have?”
“原来.你来这里有什么事情吗?”Sheafter„original”thesetwocharacters, the sound of talkingbecameblurredsuddenly, Fang Linyanalsolistenedclearly, actuallyonlynot to understand what is heard the followingthose words.
她说到“原来”这两个字之后,语声陡然变得模糊了起来,方林岩也听不清楚,却也只将后面的那句话听了个明白。Fang Linyangawkedstaring, thensaid:方林岩愣了愣,然后道:„My deceased fatherhas the last words, said after Iam20, bringsthisthingto come toChenzhouto openWang villageto walkonetime, because the family fortunedeclines, Ihave wantedto come unable to make the trip, thereforedragsto comenow.”
神婆很干脆的道:„Depending onyourpresentability, turns overeventhisHorse Hoof Lake, could not findChenzhouto openWang village, ifyouwantto go tothere, tonightthreeLongwang Temple to thewharf, Iam not willingto see the living person, can only your one personcome.”
“凭你现在的能力,就算是将这马踏湖翻转过来,也是找不到郴州张王庄的,你若是想要去那里的话,今晚三更时分来龙王庙正对着的这个码头上,我不愿见生人,只能你一个人来。”„Also, thistemple attendant in charge of incense and ceremoniesandhis wifealsousetome, do not askthemto trouble.”
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