EDAH :: Volume #5 魔印

#406: Please kindly accept

Said goodbye to Blacksmith, went out of the Blacksmith shop, Ye Tianxie arrived at Heavenly Sun City directly. 告别了铁匠,走出了铁匠铺,叶天邪直接来到了天日城 Hiding cannot hide, will otherwise perhaps compel that temperament poor Heavenly Sun City City Lord makes anything to exaggerate the matter that. Furthermore, by his disposition, is impossible to make to avoid this kind of matter. 躲是躲不掉的,否则说不定会把那脾气不怎么好的天日城城主逼的做出什么夸张的事来。再者,以他的性格,怎么也不可能做出躲避这类事来。 The Heavenly Sun City still sultry letting person wishes one could to throw into the icehouse. The Ye Tianxie step is lazy, very much does not prefer moved toward City Lord Palace. He looked at his nape of the neck...... Two chains, is hanging Seven-colored Twilight, is hanging Moment of Destiny of diminished version. 天日城依然闷热的让人恨不得一头扎进冰窖里。叶天邪步伐慵懒,很不情愿的走向了城主府。他看了看自己的脖颈……两条链子,一个挂着七色的黄昏,一个挂着缩小版的命运之刻 Receives Seven-colored Twilight, Ye Tianxie has knocked Moment of Destiny, said: Hello, Guo Guo, should get out of bed.” 七色的黄昏收起,叶天邪敲了敲命运之刻,说道:“喂,果果,该起床了。” „...... Cannot quarrel, I must sleep.” Crossed was very long, in Moment of Destiny spread Guo Guo that sluggish gentle sound. “……不许吵,我要睡觉。”过了很久,命运之刻里才传出果果那懒散细柔的声音。 Ye Tianxie takes up Moment of Destiny, somewhat depressed saying: Guo Guo, do you have to think, some that you rested recently were too many...... Daytime rests, in the evening rests, now probably also season of hibernation.” 叶天邪拿起命运之刻,有些郁闷的说道:“果果,你有没有觉得,你最近睡的有些太多了……白天睡,晚上睡,现在好像还不到冬眠的季节。” ...... I must rest. Because Elder Sister has said that if Master, when accepts the Seven Deadly Sins baptism, will turn into villain! If...... If I come out, what to do Master does play a dirty trick to me? Others Guo Guo or the child, a resistivity does not have.” Little Guo Guo was saying anxiously. “唔……我就是要睡。因为姐姐说过,如果主人在接受七宗罪洗礼的时候,就会变成坏人!万一……万一我出来,主人对我使坏怎么办?人家果果还是小孩子,一点抵抗力都没有的。”小果果惴惴不安的说着。 Ye Tianxie: „...... I am not good person.” 叶天邪:“……我本来就不是什么好人。” That Master is worse villain, must go to play a dirty trick to that full beard uncle...... Arrogant Master does not want to see Guo Guo, sloth Master is not willing to manage Guo Guo intelligently, envy Master will envy Guo Guo adorable, wrath Master by the Guo Guo vitality, present Master is greedy Master, if I will come out, Master will certainly rob Guo Guo lollipop, chocolate and sandwich biscuit.” “那主人已经是更坏的坏人了,现在又要去对那个大胡子叔叔使坏……傲慢的主人不想看到果果,懒惰主人不愿意理果果,妒忌的主人会嫉妒果果的聪明可爱,暴怒主人会被果果生气,现在的主人是贪婪的主人,如果我出来,主人一定会把果果身上的棒棒糖、巧克力、夹心饼干都抢走的。” Ye Tianxie: „......” 叶天邪:“……” Ok.” The Ye Tianxie forehead blue vein braves. I am again greedy...... Also is insufficient to snatch your between-meal snack!! How not to think that who these thing are for Aaaaah that you buy!! “算了。”叶天邪额头青筋直冒。我就是再贪婪……也不至于抢你的零食!!怎么就不想想那些东西都是谁给你买的啊啊啊!! Olala...... Master, do you want to go to play a dirty trick to that full beard uncle? villain Master does not certainly want to give back to him that good attractive necklace.” Saw Ye Tianxie not to have the sound, after being awakened by noise, very bored Guo Guo was also initiative said low voice. 哦啦啦……主人,你要怎么去对那个大胡子叔叔使坏呢?坏人主人一定不想把那个好漂亮的项链还给他了。”见叶天邪没有了动静,被吵醒后很无聊的果果又主动小声说道。 Why must give back to him...... Is that my thing was good?” Ye Tianxie very puzzled saying. “为什么要还给他……那本来就是我的东西好不好?”叶天邪很纠结的说道。 Eya! It is not, that obviously is others thing!! Is you brings from full beard uncle there...... It is not right, is the full beard uncle gives to you, naturally must give back others.” Guo Guo immediately argued. 咿呀!才不是,那明明就是人家的东西!!是你从大胡子叔叔那里拿来的……不对,是大胡子叔叔送给你的,当然要还给人家的。”果果马上争辩着说道 Un......” Ye Tianxie has selected the chin, said with a chuckle: Guo Guo, your this saying said was too right...... Then, you should me for lollipop and that the sandwich biscuit, chocolate, toffee and strange taste bean you buy...... Gives back to me......” “嗯……”叶天邪点了点下巴,嘿嘿笑道:“果果,你这话说的真的太对了……那么,你是不是应该把我给你买的棒棒糖、夹心饼干、巧克力、牛奶糖、怪味豆……都还给我呢……” plop...... Any thing hit sound that as if broadcasts. Then, Guo Guo again did not have the sound. 噗通……似乎传来的什么东西被撞到的声音。然后,果果就再也没有了动静。 Guo Guo?” Ye Tianxie probed? 果果?”叶天邪试探着问道 Aaaaaaah! Since has given me Guo Guo, is my thing, no one can rob!! Cannot not...... Guo Guo has fallen asleep, bastard Master cannot disturb me again!!” 啊啊啊啊!既然给了我果果,就是我的东西,谁都不可以抢走!!不可以不可以……果果已经睡着了,坏蛋主人不许再打搅我!!” Ye Tianxie: „......” 叶天邪:“……” Precisely, said good, since has given me Ye Tianxie, was my thing...... To take, no way.” “就是嘛,说的多好,既然给了我叶天邪,就是我的东西了……想拿回去,门都没有。” Ye Tianxie chuckled, stepped into the City Lord Palace front door. 叶天邪嘿嘿一笑,踏进了城主府的大门。 Heavenly Sun City City Lord at this time the ant on anxious likely hot pot, there back and forth is walking slowly and aimlessly the step, sees Ye Tianxie to come, immediately and saw the separate many years of brothers to be equally excited incomparable moving forward to meet somebody, that rough voice downward shook the dust of roof to brush to fall: Hahahaha!! Hahahaha...... Boys, from seeing your first start, I thought that our very perforated reason, the present was really more looks is more pleasing to the eyes! These days does not see, I think you think tight...... come, come, come, sits down first, drinks the cup tea, we come well chatted.” 天日城城主此时正焦急的像热锅上的蚂蚁,在那里来回的踱着步子,一看到叶天邪进来,立即跟见了失散多年的兄弟一样激动无比的迎了上去,那粗犷的嗓门震得房顶的灰尘刷刷往下掉:“哈哈哈哈!!哈哈哈哈……小子,从见到你的第一眼开始,我就觉得咱很有眼缘,现在真是越看越顺眼了!这段时间不见,我可是想你想的紧啊……来来来,先坐下,喝杯茶,咱来好好的聊一聊。” Ye Tianxie has not sat down, but reveals feeling extremely flattered of face condition: Sir City Lord, you are side City Lord, such polite words, my which withstanding, you sit, you sit.” 叶天邪没有坐下,而是露出一脸的受宠若惊之态:“城主大人,您老可是一方城主,这么客气的话,我哪承受的起,还是您坐,您坐。” Not not! Your boy...... cough cough, the little brother you guest from Heavenly Stellar City, naturally are you first sit. Heavenly Stellar City is good. Heavenly Stellar City that old...... That City Lord is I many years of brothers, in the past our good has not worn the same pants on the difference, rests the same woman, um...... Such trusts you including him, you come to here, naturally is the honored guest in honored guest, come, come, come, first sits down.” Heavenly Sun City Lord incomparably polite saying. That beat a drum the common giant voice to shake the Ye Tianxie eardrum to buzz, making him several times have continuously turned around on the impulsion of running. “不不!你小子……咳咳,小兄弟你是来自天辰城的客人,当然是你先坐。天辰城好啊。天辰城那老……那城主可是我多年的兄弟,当年我们好的就差没穿同一条裤子,睡同一个女人,嗯……连他都对你这么信任,你到我这里来,当然是贵客中的贵客,来来来,先坐下。”天日城主无比客气的说道。那擂鼓一般的巨大嗓门震得叶天邪耳膜嗡嗡作响,让他连续数次有了掉头就跑的冲动。 This, Sir City Lord you sits.” “这个,还是城主大人你来坐。” No, you is a guest, naturally is you sits.” “不,你是客人,当然是你坐。” Un, I am impolite.” Ye Tianxie immediately sitting of unceremoniously on that spacious City Lord chair that in Heavenly Sun City Lord usually sat, but also took advantage of opportunity to turn upwards one leg on the other, has assumed a languid lying crooked posture, again in semi-closure eye, comfortable breathing a sigh of relief. “嗯,那我就不客气了。”叶天邪立即大马金刀的坐在了天日城主平时所坐的那张宽大的城主椅上,还顺势翘起了二郎腿,摆了一个懒洋洋的斜躺姿势,再半闭上眼睛,舒舒服服的舒了一口气。 Heavenly Sun City City Lord: „......” 天日城城主:“……” Does not know that Sir City Lord this summon, does do.” Ye Tianxie maintains that is making Heavenly Sun City Lord almost unable to bear the violent punch a he sluggish posture, the sound moderately, but also vague saying. “不知城主大人今次召唤,有何贵干。”叶天邪保持着那让天日城主差点忍不住暴揍他一顿的懒散姿势,声音不轻不重,还不阴不阳的说道。 Haha, Hahahaha......” Heavenly Sun City City Lord the hollow laugh like the mental illness several, that smiled called a vacation once again, this said: Is this, the little brother, were you definitely impossible to forget our previous transactions? Un...... I borrowed your sheepskin, good to seek to repair the Seven-colored Twilight method. Now, Hehe, we had finally found, therefore, this sheepskin gave back to you...... The little brother, you my previous time gives your Seven-colored Twilight also to give back to me. Then, I can take away immediately the repair, when the time comes, that * Fire Element is a ball, Seven-colored Twilight arrives, must give the turning water of my little darling completely.” “哈哈,哈哈哈哈……”天日城城主又一次像个神经病一样干笑了几声,笑的那叫一个假,这才说道:“是这样的,小兄弟,你肯定不可能忘了我们上次的交易吧?嗯……我借用了你的一张羊皮,好去寻找修复七色的黄昏的方法。现在呢,嘿嘿,我们终于已经找到了,所以,这张羊皮就还给你了……小兄弟,你把我上次给你的七色的黄昏也还给我吧。然后,我就可以马上拿去修复,到时候,那*的火元素算个球,七色的黄昏一到,全部都要给我乖乖的变成水。” Then, Heavenly Sun City City Lord takes the Gray Extreme Sheep sheepskin, has put in front of Ye Tianxie, then reached out him...... 说完,天日城城主灰太羊的羊皮拿出来,放到了叶天邪面前,然后向他伸出了手…… In the Ye Tianxie heart criticizes, your despicable and shameless old fox, did you find have repaired the Seven-colored Twilight method? You can find the P method, you look the rotten cannot the rotten excuse might as well say that I induced Seven-colored Twilight to repair to come back! 叶天邪心中暗骂,你个卑鄙无耻的老狐狸,你找到了修复七色的黄昏的方法?你能找到个P的方法,你找的这烂的不能再烂的借口还不如说我感应到了七色的黄昏已经修复必须要回来! The Ye Tianxie look is invariable, the movement is invariable, has not gone with that Gray Extreme Sheep sheepskin, but flipped the eye saying: Sir City Lord, does not know that what you did find to repair the destruction the Seven-colored Twilight method? Caught Red Extreme Sheep?” 叶天邪神色不变,动作不变,也没去拿那灰太羊的羊皮,而是翻了翻眼睛说道:“城主大人,不知您老找到了什么修复毁坏的七色黄昏的方法?是抓到了红太羊吗?” Heavenly Sun City City Lord eyes brightened, immediately said with a nod: Right. With the help of this sheepskin, our day and night seeking, had finally found Red Extreme Sheep, then takes it. Its body is having Seven Star Bottle Gourd, inside puts one to repair world Wan Qi Seven Star Lotus Flower, so long as there is Seven Star Lotus Flower, Seven-colored Twilight that certainly can shattering gives the repair.” 天日城城主眼睛一亮,立马点头道:“没错。在这张羊皮的帮助下,我们没日没夜的寻找,终于找到了红太羊,然后将它拿下。它的身上藏有着七星葫芦,里面放着一株能修复天下万器的七星莲花,只要有七星莲花在,就一定可以将坏掉的七色黄昏给修复。” Is this......” Ye Tianxie sluggish sets out from the chair, then long sigh said: Oh, humans affair difficult material, Destiny variable...... Sir City Lord, this matter, is I am unfair to you.” “是这样啊……”叶天邪慢吞吞的从座椅上直起身来,然后长长的叹息一声说道:“唉,世事难料,命运无常……城主大人,这件事,是我对不起你。” Un? What had?” Heavenly Sun City City Lord stares the big eye to say. “嗯?发生什么了?”天日城城主瞪大眼睛说道。 You give my shatter Seven-colored Twilight, could not take carry back.” Shaking the head of Ye Tianxie face apology said. “你给我的那个破碎的七色黄昏,已经拿不回来了。”叶天邪一脸歉意的摇头说道。 What? What cannot take carry back!!” Heavenly Sun City City Lord directly has almost called out...... Your younger sister!! When you father do not know that Seven-colored Twilight had been repaired, moreover on you!! Cannot get rid without reason to you, I dig up now to you. “什么?什么叫拿不回来了!!”天日城城主差点直接暴吼了出来……你妹啊!!你当老子不知道那七色的黄昏已经被修复了,而且就在你身上!!要不是不能对你无理由出手,我现在就给你扒下来。 Because of it, vanished!” Ye Tianxie cautiously, saying of apology. “因为它,消失了!”叶天邪小心翼翼,更加歉意的说道。 Vanished? How it will vanish!!” “消失了?它怎么会消失了!!” Vanished...... Could not look again, therefore, Sir City Lord, that destruction Seven-colored Twilight, I have not been able to give back to you...... cough cough, this is my mistake, I will certainly give the compensation.” Ye Tianxie nervous saying. “就是消失了啊……再也找不回来了,所以,城主大人,那个破坏的‘七色的黄昏’,我已经无法还给你了……咳咳,这是我的错,我一定会给予补偿的。”叶天邪紧张兮兮的说道。 y-y-yo-you...... You talk nonsense!” Heavenly Sun City City Lord bellows finally, big spittle whiz whiz departure, entire City Lord Palace by this trembling that bellows to shake: You become the father is a fool!! Seven-colored Twilight is Goddess Xi Yao grants to the Heavenly Sun City supernatural object! The father can momentarily induce its Strength intensity! Now it on your body...... Moreover restored Strength!! Your boy have the ambition to eat the leopard's guts has dared to deceive including the fathers!!” 你你你你……你放屁!”天日城城主终于大吼出来,一大片唾沫星子“嗖嗖”的飞出,整个城主府被这声大吼震的瑟瑟发抖:“你当老子是蠢蛋啊!!七色的黄昏希耀女神赐予给们天日城的神物!老子能随时感应它的力量强度!现在它就在你的身上……而且还已经恢复了力量!!你小子吃了雄心豹子胆了连老子都敢骗!!” I have not deceived you......” Ye Tianxie to turn the head, am opening an innocent eye: Stave Seven-colored Twilight vanished really...... Now, is complete Seven-colored Twilight. Un? Does Sir City Lord, you know? You did not say, because found to repair its method to prepare to go back it?” “我没有骗你啊……”叶天邪转过头,睁着一双无辜的眼睛:“破碎的七色黄昏真的已经消失了……现在的,是完好的‘七色的黄昏’。嗯?城主大人,你是怎么知道的?你不是说因为找到修复它的方法才准备把它要回去的么?” Heavenly Sun City City Lord is at a loss for words for a while, then violent exclaimed: Father had certainly found the method of repair, but if your boy repairing, that naturally is better, but, other ji ji is askew!! Immediately takes to father, initially father gave you time, but reached an agreement to receive at any time!!” 天日城城主一时语塞,然后暴吼道:“老子当然是找到了修复的方法,但如果你小子给修复好的话,那当然是更好不过,别唧唧歪歪!!马上给老子拿出来,当初老子给你的时候,可是说好了可以随时收回来!!” Un, Sir City Lord said right.” Nod that Ye Tianxie deep to be so, then sluggish saying: Is only...... Sir City Lord, you initially gave me, is shatter Seven-colored Twilight, right?” “嗯,城主大人说的没错。”叶天邪深以为然的点头,然后慢吞吞的说道:“只是……城主大人,你当初给我的,是破碎的‘七色的黄昏’,对吧?” Right! How does your boy is repair it?” Heavenly Sun City City Lord wants not to want directly to shout. “对!你小子到底是怎么把它修复的?”天日城城主想也没想就直接喊道。 un un...... Right, you initially gave me are shatter Seven-colored Twilight, but now......” Ye Tianxie Seven-colored Twilight will put out from Inventory, releases gorgeous seven color brilliance: However this, is complete Seven-colored Twilight, was not you initially gave my, I should...... Does not need to return you ............ oh oh! Regarding losing that shatter Seven-colored Twilight, I know the blunder, Sir City Lord you could rest assured that I will certainly give the compensation of same level value...... Un! That shatter Seven-colored Twilight, although does not have any ability, but is very attractive, is a good accessory, the current price on market should good...... Like this,” Ye Tianxie in a big way pulled out one to put in front of Heavenly Sun City City Lord shining gold coin immediately: This is 100 gold coin, is counted is to losing shatter Seven-colored Twilight the compensation, please kindly accept.” 嗯嗯……没错,你当初给我的是破碎的‘七色的黄昏’,而现在……”叶天邪将“七色的黄昏”从背包里拿出,释放出绚丽的七彩光华:“而这个,是完好的‘七色的黄昏’,也就不是你当初给我的那个,我应该就……没必要还你了吧…………哦哦!对于丢失了那破碎的‘七色的黄昏’,我自知大错,城主大人你放心,我一定会给予同等价值的补偿的……嗯!那破碎的‘七色的黄昏’虽然没什么能力,但还是很漂亮的,是一件不错的饰品,市场价应该不错……这样吧,”叶天邪马上掏出一大把金灿灿的金币放到了天日城城主面前:“这是100个金币,就算作是对丢失破碎的‘七色的黄昏’的补偿了,您老请笑纳。” Heavenly Sun City City Lord:! @#¥%#¥( &\; ............ 天日城城主:!@#¥%#¥(&\;…………
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