EDAH :: Volume #11 命运之门

#1034: Strongest challenge (First Part)

Destiny World, Egyptian War Zone. 命运世界,埃及战区 This is a sand of dried egg yolk, the yellow sand is billowing, the above hot sun is releasing the burning ray, the ignition of heartless (Wuqing) below land. Looks, except for spread to the horizon yellow sand, could not find existence of any vegetation. Bleak region, form that is taking a step slowly. This has the young man of scarlet black hair, a easy attire, but again normal attire, is unable to conceal this man is extraordinary. Even if existences of here any other people, his facial expression has not had the stance, is a seedling source from the haughtiness of soul, is gazing at the front eye pupil fainily, seems not willing to place in the eye any thing of this world. His hair color originally strange, but his appearance and look, are make people almost unable to face up. 这是一片干黄的沙地,黄沙滚滚,上空的烈日释放着火辣辣的光芒,无情的灼烧着下方的土地。一眼望去,除了蔓延至天际的黄沙,根本找不到任何植被的存在。荒凉的区域,只有一个正在缓缓迈步的身影。这是个有着赤黑色头发的青年男子,一身简单的装束,但再普通的装束,也无法掩饰这个男子的不平凡。纵然这里没有任何其他人的存在,他的神情还有姿态,都是一种源自灵魂的狂傲,淡漠注视着前方的眼眸,仿佛不愿将这个世界的任何事物放在眼中。他的发色本就奇异,而他的容颜和眼神,更是让人几乎无法去正视。 Accompanies with him, only then above his right hand, then twining blue thunder and lightning long spear...... 与他相伴的,只有他的右手之上,那把缠绕着蓝色雷电的长枪…… Blue Sky Underworld! 碧落黄泉 The hawk of desert he such as in this boundless desert acts alone, is lonely and arrogant. Here is any Player and NPC not the death region that is willing to step into, his walk in, above the facial expression does not have any to dread with ill, completely did not place in this death region the eye. 他就如这无边沙漠里独行的沙漠之鹰,孤单而孤傲。这里是任何玩家NPC都不愿踏入的死亡区域,他行走其中,神情之上却没有任何忌惮和不适,全然不将这死亡区域放在眼中。 In this Egyptian Mainland biggest desert, deep sleep strongest beast Erges of Egyptian country's. It, is his trip of goals. Goal that before then, anybody does not dare to challenge. Erges, Egyptian Mainland for several thousand years only Saint Destroyer Beast, is Egyptian Mainland has presented is True God Supreme Spiritual God, who dares to fight. 在这片埃及大陆最大的沙漠之中,沉睡着埃及国的最强之兽厄尔格斯。它,就是他此行的目标。一个在这之前,没有任何人敢挑战的目标。厄尔格斯,埃及大陆数万年来的唯一圣灭之兽,也是埃及大陆一直奉为真神至高神灵,谁人敢战。 The footsteps of advance stop suddenly, Zang Tian raised the head slowly, looked to the remote East. In eye pupil, scarlet black light flashed, this is can make the Nightmare vision together. 前进的脚步忽然停止,葬天缓缓的抬起头,看向了遥远的东方。眼眸之中,赤黑色的光芒一闪而过,这是一道能让人做噩梦的目光。 You...... Really in this world.” “你……果然就在这个世界。” Although that aura extraordinary weak, weak lets him to have a feeling, but its exact location is unable to determine continually, but, this aura is Chaos Space is unique, he such as will not know wrong, is impossible to know wrong. He believes. The weak degree of this aura has not made him surprisedly with puzzled, moreover he knows, this aura gradual is getting stronger and stronger, he only needs to know that he truly existed in the goal of seeking in this world suffices. He needs to do, in dissociation in this world...... One day, he will seek. 虽然那股气息出奇的微弱,微弱的让他能有所感,但连其确切位置都无法判定,但,这股气息是混沌空间独一无二的,他不会如识错,也不可能识错。他相信。这股气息的微弱程度并没有让他惊讶和不解,而且他知道,这道气息会逐渐的越来越强,他只需要知道他在寻找的目标的确存在于这个世界就够了。他需要做的,就是在游离在这个世界……总有一天,他会寻到。 raised the head looks up to the heaven, glitters the eye pupil of red Thunder Light to emit to penetrate the vision of vault of heaven: Creation God Clan, when I retrieve Saint Child, you will be the same with past Desolate God Clan, forever disappearance! Hate of pursuit, once will never forget, ten thousand times of repayments!!” 抬头仰望苍天,闪烁着赤色雷光的眼眸放射出似要穿透苍穹的目光:“创世神族,待我找回圣子,你们会和当年的荒神族一样,永远的消失!驱逐之恨,永不曾忘,万倍偿还!!” Tower of Destiny 89 th. 命运之塔第89层。 Xiao Bei, looked your!!” 小贝,看你的了!!” Kaka, on!!” 卡卡,上!!” Alone war three Fairy, Heaven's End, moreover is the Max Level greatly strengthened beasts, Ye Tianxie also has to concentrate all Spirit/Mind, after the long-term fierce combat, three Fairy completely extinguishes, final enemy also by the Xiao Bei Paradise Brake again bang to upper air, is greeted it, is Ye Tianxie and wild pursuit under Xiao Bei union...... 独战三仙灵,一天绝,而且还都是满级的极强之兽,叶天邪也不得不集中起所有的精神,在长时间的激战之后,三仙灵尽灭,最后的敌人也被小贝天堂之刹再一次轰向了高空,所迎接它的,是叶天邪小贝联合之下的狂暴追击…… Dragon Soul Rend Slash!” 龙魂裂斩!” Triple Dawn!” 三重黎明!” Death...... Dragon Soul Explosive Thrust!” “死吧……龙魂爆刺!” Under final Dragon Soul Explosive Thrust, Heavenly Beast HP was emptied finally completely, the huge impulse lets it from airborne pounding down maliciously, almost will be hard the incomparable ground to pound the crack. When falls to the ground, turns into a corpse, along with its death, big pile of item equipment of fell from its body, the full shop sprinkled in the surroundings. 在最后的龙魂爆刺之下,天兽生命值终于被完全清空,巨大的冲击力让它从空中狠狠的砸下,几乎将坚硬无比的地面都砸裂。落地之时,已是变成一具尸体,随着它的死亡,一大堆的道具装备从它的身上掉落,满满的铺洒在了周围。 Shouted......” from airborne falls, Ye Tianxie took back Moment of Destiny, let out a long relaxed breath. Three Max Level Fairy Beast with Max Level Heaven's End Beast, such lineup , he even if combustion Sacred Flame, wins is not relaxed. “呼……”从空中落下,叶天邪收回命运之刻,长长的舒了一口气。三个满级仙灵之兽与一个满级天绝之兽,这样的阵容,他纵然燃烧神圣之炎,也胜的一点都不轻松。 Finally overthrew completely...... Aya! Has dropped out many thing. Big Brother looks quickly.” “终于全部打倒了……啊呀!掉出了好多东西大哥哥快看。” Looks that the final enemy was defeated finally, Guo Guo and Ya Ya also relaxed. Starts the attention strongly above below spoils of war. 看着最后的敌人终于被打败,果果丫丫也都跟着松了一口气。开始把注意力集中在下方的战利品之上。 Three Fairy Beast blew out 6 100 levels of Fairy Equipment and Attributes attaches Scroll, other item and Low Level equipped Ye Tianxie to look at one also to receive at will. The final this only Bi Linshen armor beast came quite magnificent big to explode. When takes inventory these spoils of war, Ye Tianxie discovered that this only Max Level Heaven's End Beast unexpectedly one time blew out two Heaven's End Equipment, two are surrounding mysterious ray Scroll. 三只仙灵之兽爆出了6件100级的仙灵之器和一张属性附加卷轴,其他的道具低级装备叶天邪随意看了一眼也就收了起来。最后的这只碧鳞神甲兽则是来了一个相当华丽的大爆。清点这些战利品时,叶天邪发现,这只满级天绝之兽竟一次爆出了两件天绝之器,还有两张环绕着神秘光芒的卷轴 Blue Scale Helmet: Heaven's End Equipment, uses requirements: 100 levels of entire Profession, Unidentified, is unable to use. 碧鳞之盔:天绝之器,使用要求:100级全职业,未鉴定,无法使用。 Blessed Earring: Heaven's End Equipment, uses requirements: Over 80 levels entire Profession, Unidentified, is unable to use. 祝福耳环:天绝之器,使用要求:80级以上全职业,未鉴定,无法使用。 100 levels of Heaven's End hard helmets, by Ye Tianxie present Level, should not count on six months can equip on, but this Blessed Earring, should compared with Red Abyss Earring that in he equips now many. The precious degree of High Level accessory, he most has the feelings. Since initially attained Red Abyss Earring, is so long, he had not started unexpectedly again Combined Chance strongly its earring...... After all, Red Abyss Earring came from the Mysterious God Beast earring. 100级的天绝头盔,以叶天邪现在的等级,半年之内应该是没有指望能装备上,而这个祝福耳环,应该要比他现在所装备的赤渊之环强上很多。高级饰品的珍贵程度,他最有感触。自当初拿到赤渊之环后,这么久以来,他竟再没入手过综合属性强过它的耳环……毕竟,赤渊之环可是来自神玄之兽的耳环。 Master looked quickly that these two Scroll look like very fierce.” Guo Guo attains Ye Tianxie two Scroll impatiently at present, excited shouting. Two Scroll appearance are consistent, is twining the weak blue light, is twining the weak green light. 主人快看,这两张卷轴看起来很厉害呢。”果果迫不及待把两张卷轴拿到叶天邪眼前,兴奋的喊道。两张卷轴外形一致,一个缠绕着微弱的蓝光,一个缠绕着微弱绿光。 Blessed Scroll( green): Heaven's End Scroll, is containing Scroll of strength of mysterious blessing, after the use , the right hand can wear a any/random Level ring, effect cannot superimpose. 祝福卷轴(绿):天绝之卷,蕴藏着神秘祝福之力的卷轴,使用后右手可以多佩戴一枚任意等级的指环,效果不可叠加。 Blessed Scroll( blue): Heaven's End Scroll, is containing Scroll of strength of mysterious blessing, after the use , the left hand can wear a any/random Level ring, effect cannot superimpose. 祝福卷轴(蓝):天绝之卷,蕴藏着神秘祝福之力的卷轴,使用后左手可以多佩戴一枚任意等级的指环,效果不可叠加。 Ye Tianxie: „!!” 叶天邪:“!!” Scroll drop rate without doubt compared with the High Level equipment, even the High Level accessory class equipment wants small many, but Scroll, is in the market condition the value is often oddest, and thing of valuable non- city. These two Blessed Scroll the great strength of function, making Ye Tianxie obvious was out of sorts...... This can equip an equipment unexpectedly Scroll! Also one time blew out two! 卷轴爆率无疑要比高级装备,甚至高级饰品类装备更要小的多,而卷轴,也往往是市面上价值最离谱,且有价无市的东西。这两张祝福卷轴的作用之强大,让叶天邪明显的失神了一下……这竟是能让人多装备一件装备的卷轴!还一次爆出了两张! Player may equip two rings, the right-hand man respectively, has used these two Scroll, means that he can equip two rings! 玩家本可装备两枚戒指,左右手各一枚,使用了这两张卷轴,意味着他可以多装备两枚戒指! This compared with pure obtains two High Level Heaven's End Equipment, on effect does not know that stronger leaves many times! 这比单纯的获得两件高级天绝之器,效果上不知要强出多少倍! Unexpectedly is Blessed Scroll...... Ya Ya remembers that this is Scroll that earliest that Holy Word Sage makes, after she died, they did not have the whereabouts, how to appear here.” Looks that two are releasing blessing Scroll, Ya Ya said in a low voice. However immediately, these doubts were given to put aside by her, then shouts: Big Brother, these two Scroll effect real, uses up them quickly, in this case, Big Brother can equip four rings!” “竟然是祝福卷轴……丫丫记得,这是最早的那位圣言贤者所制造出来的卷轴,她死去之后,它们也都跟着没有了下落,怎么会出现在这里呢。”看着那两张释放着祝福之的卷轴,丫丫小声的说道。不过马上,这些疑惑就被她给丢开,转而喊道:“大哥哥,这两张卷轴效果是真的呢,快把它们用掉吧,这样的话,大哥哥就可以装备四枚戒指了!” Un!” Ye Tianxie nodded , after watching this Scroll meeting, no longer hesitant anything, two Scroll one by one crumbs. “嗯!”叶天邪点了点头,又看了这卷轴一会后,不再犹豫什么,将两张卷轴一一捏碎。 Ding...... You have used Blessed Scroll( green), the right hand may equip a ring.” “叮……你使用了祝福卷轴(绿),右手可多装备一枚指环。” Ding...... You have used Blessed Scroll( blue), the left hand may equip a ring.” “叮……你使用了祝福卷轴(蓝),左手可多装备一枚指环。” The body of Ye Tianxie has two Mysterious God Level ring Lost Dawn and Azure Dragon Ring. These two, is two rings that he has usually worn. The limit that because wears, another has Phantom Ring of greatly strengthened auxiliary ability to be refrigerated. Attaches 50 Attack Speed, is equal to letting Ye Tianxie output capacity suddenly increases 50%, cannot wear, to him is an extremely puzzled matter. 叶天邪的身上有着两枚神玄级的戒指失落的黎明青龙之戒。这两枚,也是他平时一直佩戴的两枚戒指。但因为佩戴的限制,另一枚有着极强辅助能力的幻影戒指不得不被冷藏。附加50的攻击速度,相当于让叶天邪的输出能力暴增50%之多,不能佩戴,对他而言一直都是一件极其纠结的事。 But now, already obtained the perfect solution. 而现在,已然得到了完美解决。 Lifts both hands, the index finger of left hand and above right hand, respectively were many ring Phantom Ring and Space Ring. Exists with Lost Dawn and Azure Dragon Ring of middle finger abreast in row, respectively is releasing the different Strength rays, seems the quite turbulent will of the people. 抬起双手,左手和右手的食指之上,已分别多了一枚戒指幻影戒指空幻戒。和中指的失落的黎明青龙之戒并排存在,分别释放着不同的力量光芒,看上去颇动荡人心。 Hee, effect Guo Guo however real, in this case, Big Brother can become is fiercer...... Right, Big Brother, is afternoon, today can also continue upwardly?” Ya Ya blinked, asks. Is this space central area, appeared to the next space there. “嘻,效果果然是真的呢,这样的话,大哥哥就可以变得更厉害一些了……对了,大哥哥,已经是下午了,今天还要继续向上吗?”丫丫眨了眨眼睛,问道。就是这个空间的中心区域,通往下一层的空间已经出现在了那里。 Does not know is the misconception, Ye Tianxie as if saw that in the eye of Ya Ya has any strange thing to glitter. 不知是不是错觉,叶天邪仿佛看到丫丫的眼睛里有什么怪异的东西在闪烁。 Looked at time, Ye Tianxie nodded slightly: Continue...... 90 th, should be 100 levels of Mysterious God Beast. Present I, have to defeat the Max Level Mysterious God ability reluctantly. In one vigorous effort rushed.” 看了一眼时间,叶天邪微微点头:“继续吧……第90层,应该是一只100级的神玄之兽吧。现在的我,勉强有战胜满级神玄的能力。一鼓作气的冲上去好了。” ...... But, 90 th is not Mysterious God Beast.” Ya Ya said. “唔……可是,第90层并不是神玄之兽哦。”丫丫说道。 „?” Ye Tianxie is astonished however raised the head: What is that?” “哦?”叶天邪讶然抬头:“那是什么?” Yes...... Is......” Ya Ya suddenly becomes afraid to say a word, the clear vision in double pupil also obviously glitters: „, Can Big Brother also come up really? Tomorrow will come up to be good again...... Ya Ya currently has little tired, wants to sleep.” “是……是……”丫丫忽然变得吞吞吐吐起来,双眸中的晶莹目光也明显闪闪烁烁的:“呜,大哥哥真的还要上去吗?明天再上去好不好……丫丫现在有一点点累,想睡觉。” Ya Ya said that instead has evoked the Ye Tianxie curiosity, his doubt looked at Ya Ya strange stance one, probes was saying: could it be compared with Max Level Mysterious God Beast also fierce...... could it be...... Saint Beast!?” 丫丫这么说,反而更勾起了叶天邪的好奇心,他狐疑的看了丫丫的古怪姿态一眼,试探着说道:“难道满级神玄之兽还厉害……难道是……圣兽!?” Not, yes...... Yes...... Aaah! Big Brother, will come up to be good tomorrow again, Ya Ya is quite sleepy, wants to sleep!” Some Ya Ya driven mad shook the head, agree did not tell the Ye Tianxie answer. “也不是啦,是……是……啊啊大哥哥,明天再上去好不好,丫丫好困,想睡觉了!”丫丫有些抓狂的晃了晃头,却不肯告诉叶天邪答案。 Ye Tianxie has selected the tip of the nose, said: Sleepy words return to Hope Badge to sleep. Actually I very much want to take a look in 90 th to have anything now. Kaka, we walk.” 叶天邪点了点鼻尖,说道:“困的话就回希望徽章里睡觉去。我现在很想看看第90层里究竟有什么。卡卡,我们走。” „......” Ya Ya opening mouth lip, very diligently wants to say anything, but has tried hard for a long time, has not said anything to come, but has covered with both hands own small face, sits the clouds to follow in behind. “呜……”丫丫张了张嘴唇,很努力的想说出什么,但努力了好久,还是没有说出什么来,而是用双手捂了一下自己的小脸,坐着云朵跟在了后面。 Steps into the transmission gate, the space is cutting instantaneously. Near the ear prompt sound told him, he arrived at Tower of Destiny 90 th. 踏入传送门,空间在瞬间切换。耳边的提示音告诉他,他已经来到了命运之塔的第90层。 This is a new space, all around the vision glance, in the heart of Ye Tianxie ascended thick surprised and doubts...... If not near the ear prompt sound, he was even suspecting that he was transmitted Tower of Destiny. 这是一个新的空间,目光扫视四周,叶天邪的心中升腾起了浓浓的惊讶和疑惑……如果不是耳边的提示音,他甚至在怀疑,自己是不是已经被传送出了命运之塔
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