ESG :: Volume #8

#744: I go!

Commandant Hong present Blade Technique, Chu Huoluo is even well aware to be not as good. Otherwise she does not need to entangle Shen Zhenyi study blade-- to do to the talent in her not this aspect, can only , helpless gives up. 洪都尉现在的刀法,连楚火萝都心知肚明略逊一筹。不然的话她也不用缠着沈振衣学刀——奈何她并没有这方面的天分,只能无奈作罢。 Shen Zhenyi has not cared about his denial, only smiles saying: You , if determined to go, that goes.” 沈振衣没在意他的否认,只微笑道:“你若执意要去,那就去吧。” Your great fortune simultaneous/uniform heaven, might as well matter.” “你洪福齐天,不妨事的。” Commandant Hong did not die easily, now Blade Technique has, does not die easily. 洪都尉原本就不容易死,现在刀法有成,就更不容易死。 Shen Zhenyi can put out a hand to help, is not parsimonious, but everyone has own road, has own life and death, his impossible to take care of-- unable everyone to take care of everything. 沈振衣能够伸手帮忙的,并不吝啬,但每个人都有自己的路,有自己的生与死,他不可能一切包办——或者说,不能每个人都一切包办。 After Commandant Hong and Wife Hong walk, Chu Huoluo cannot bear the good deed ask: Master, you no matter really they?” 洪都尉洪娘子走后,楚火萝忍不住好事问道:“师父,你真不管他们?” Looked that has not had free time.” “看有没有空吧。” Shen Zhenyi light smile: Our terrible business may be also many, Beast Heart Person and senior statesman faction has acted, Life Extinguishing Hall also raised requested us not to comply, Ancient Warrior Lineage can make peace with us probably, but the Imperial Clan faction may not make an appearance.” 沈振衣淡淡微笑:“我们自己的麻烦事可也不少,兽心人与元老派都已经出手了,灭生堂也提了要求咱们没答应,古武一脉大概会与我们言和,但皇族派可还没有露面呢。” Wife Hong conveyed the meaning of Land God, Shen Zhenyi had no particular preference, nothing but waited for Ancient Warrior Lineage to send people to visit. 洪娘子转达了土地爷的意思,沈振衣无可无不可,无非是等着古武一脉派人登门而已。 The Imperial Clan faction does not have the sound, makes people feel strangely. 皇族派迟迟没有动静,却让人感觉到奇怪。 After all, is Azure Key the thing that they most want? After succeeding in obtaining, Shen Zhenyi knows, then does not have the peaceful day, only compared with the patience of admiring Imperial Clan sending. 毕竟,天青之钥是他们最想要的东西吧?到手之后,沈振衣知道之后便无宁日,只比较佩服皇族派的耐心。 Imperial Clan faction?” 皇族派?” Dragon Princess asked scruple: Master you Profound Heaven City all influences, offended......” 龙郡主迟疑问道:“师父你是把玄天城所有势力,都得罪了一个遍啊……” Said that Shen Zhenyi comes back Profound Heaven City, is because kills Profound Heaven City Personal Guard, does not cope with the senior statesman faction from the beginning. Although that what nine provincial commanders said that was this matter passed, but the attitude may not good. 说起来沈振衣之所以回来玄天城,便是因为杀死玄天城亲卫,与元老派一开始就不对付。那个什么九门提督虽然说是这件事过了,但态度可也没多好。 Beast Heart Person was the enemy is needless saying that the Imperial Clan faction was because for Myriad Sages Office raised one's head, but annoying trouble. Life Extinguishing Hall will also fail to agree unexpectedly, stems from unexpected of Dragon Princess, Ancient Warrior Lineage has striven for luckily, has not had the robust stand, is insufficient the world-wide all enemy. 兽心人是对头自不用说,皇族派是因为替万贤局出头而惹上的麻烦。灭生堂居然也会话不投机,出乎龙郡主的意料之外,幸好古武一脉有所求,没有采取强硬的态度,才不至于举世皆敌。 Here, killed the Prince Yuan murderer facing the street.” “我们这儿,还有一个当街杀了元王爷的凶手呢。” Shen Zhenyi then looked at A'Hui. 沈振衣回头看了看阿秽 A'Hui is unemotional. 阿秽面无表情。 Regarding killing people this matter, she is numb. What as for killing is, after that person died, is also like her is unimportant. 对于杀人这件事,她早就麻木了。至于杀的是什么人,当那人死了之后,对她也一样不重要。 The deceased people have no difference, no matter Emperor or first under heaven Expert, died, then anything is not. 死人都没什么区别,不管是皇帝还是天下第一高手,死了,便什么都不是。 These damage control measures, usually have others to process, does not need her to worry. 这些善后事宜,平日自有他人来处理,不需要她来操心。 The issue that now she worries about is only Shen Zhenyi. 现在她唯一操心的问题是沈振衣 This not being able to kill object. 这个杀不死的对象。 Said is also......” “说的也是……” Chu Huoluo remembers this, stared A'Hui one, the doubts said: Said that is also, Imperial Clan sends, no matter must seize the thing in Master, must revenge for Prince Yuan, should walk in early. How other influences walked one round, haven't they appeared?” 楚火萝想起这茬,瞪了阿秽一眼,疑惑道:“说起来也是,皇族派不管是要夺师父手里的东西,还是要为元王爷报仇,早该找上门来了。怎么其他势力都走了一轮,他们还没出现?” Her sword technique enters greatly, is ready to fight, wishing one could to hit sooner, pours to hope the people of Imperial Clan faction attack on own initiative. 剑法大进,摩拳擦掌,恨不得能早些打一场,倒盼着皇族派之人主动来进攻。 They have not acted, probably is because had not found the right candidate.” “他们还没出面,大概是因为还没找到合适的人选。” Shen Zhenyi has not felt anything. 沈振衣倒没觉得什么。 At this time was trying to find the solution probably.” “这时候大概在想办法。” Pitifully, they could not find one to win my person with the boundary forever.” “可惜,他们永远也找不到一个可以在同境界胜我之人。” The Shen Zhenyi spooky opens the mouth, this sounds somewhat proud, so long as stems from his mouth, as if all are natural. 沈振衣幽幽开口,这样的话听起来有些骄傲,但只要是出自他口,仿佛一切都理所当然。 The person who Imperial Clan sends, is truly finding the person. 皇族派的人,确实在找人。 Looks for one to kill the Shen Zhenyi person. 找一个能够杀死沈振衣的人。 In Profound Heaven City a desolate desert, the strong winds volume yellow sand, each grain of fine sand brings the light bloody air/Qi, records passing of life. Also therefore existence of murderous qi, the insignificant sand, turned into the sharp blade, without Divine Light protects the body, even is unable to enter the dust storm the outflow boundary, even if the average person approaches, was possibly claimed the life by grain of blown sand. 玄天城中一处荒僻大漠,狂风卷黄沙,每一粒细沙都带着淡淡都血腥气,记录着一条生命的流逝。也正是因此杀气的存在,原本微不足道的沙子,变成了锋利的刃,如果没有神光护体,甚至无法走进沙暴的外缘,普通人哪怕只是靠近,都可能被一粒飞沙夺去了性命。 In the dust storm center, there is a wooden hut. 在沙暴的中央,有一座木制小屋。 In front of the hut is kneeling a person. 小屋面前跪着一个人。 The graying at the temples, the appearance is also beautifully unkind, wears five dragon Huangpao, the facial color is imposing. 两鬓斑白,容貌姣好却又刻薄,身着五龙黄袍,面色凛然。 Bright Moon From The Heavenly Mountain Nineteenth Prince. 明月出天山十九王爷 He could have been in the Imperial Clan faction can count Expert, the status is not low, but after seeing Shen Zhenyi has acted, he knows that oneself is not an opponent. 他已经算得上是皇族派中数得着的高手,身份也不低,但见过沈振衣出手之后,他知道自己万万不是对手。 To kill Shen Zhenyi, only then please stronger Expert leave the mountain. 想要杀死沈振衣,只有请更强的高手出山。 In Imperial Clan, even beside Obelisk, does not have Expert. 皇族之中,即使是在方尖塔之外,也并不是没有高手 For example, the master in front log cabin. 比如,面前这木屋的主人。 Golden Clothes Group Lord kneels in the distant place, he is not under Nineteenth Prince by martial arts, but by the status, he does not have the qualifications close to here. 金衣会主跪在远处,论武学他不在十九王爷之下,但是论身份,他没有资格靠近这里。 Sovereign tomb. 皇冢。 It is not an imperial tomb, is not all previous Emperor mausoleum, but was person of all previous imperial family die young burial ground. 并不是皇陵,不是历代皇帝的陵墓,而是历代皇家夭折之人葬身之地。 But this log cabin, what lived is one defends the grave person. 而这座木屋,住的是一个守墓人。 Golden Clothes Group Lord does not know the status of opposite party, but he knows, such person, he kneels must beyond hundred li (0.5 km). 金衣会主并不知道对方的身份,但他知道,这样的人,他连跪都得在百里之外。 Nineteenth Prince is one of chancellors Imperial Clan sends, after Prince Yuan dies, even some people want to push his high-rank, restores Dynasty. But he, nothing but can kneel about on. 十九王爷算是皇族派的主事之一,在元王爷死后,甚至有人想要推他上位,复辟皇朝。但他,无非就比自己可以跪得近一点而已。 Does not know because of anything, Imperial Clan sends the urgent motion, must please have this to defend the grave person. 不知道因为什么,皇族派紧急动议,要请出这位守墓人。 Eradicates Shen Zhenyi. 铲除沈振衣 Seizes Xuan Yan. 夺来宣演 , Is most important, then must gain Azure Key in Shen Zhenyi hand. 还有一个,却最重要,便是要获取沈振衣手中的天青之钥 What thing is this? 这是个什么东西? Golden Clothes Group Lord knows oneself is a running dog, many secret matters he simply does not have the opportunity to understand. For example this Azure Key is useful, will the world why also in Shen Zhenyi, as well as who will pass on this news all know? 金衣会主知道自己不过是一条走狗,很多机密事他根本没机会了解。比如这天青之钥有什么用,又为什么会在沈振衣手里,以及谁又把这个消息传的天下皆知? At least the big influence in city knew. 至少城中的大势力都知道了。 Otherwise Beast Heart Person and can the senior statesman that flustered making a move, hear that Life Extinguishing Hall and Ancient Warrior Lineage have also consulted with Shen Zhenyi. Attitude that Imperial Clan sends, becomes firmer. 否则兽心人与元老会不会那么急吼吼的出手,听说灭生堂古武一脉也已经与沈振衣接洽。皇族派的态度,也变得更为坚决。 Please the old ancestor leave the mountain.” “请老祖出山。” A double-hour passes by, Nineteenth Prince kowtows, the astringent sound opens the mouth, the sound is hoarse. 一个时辰过去,十九王爷又磕了一个头,涩声开口,声音沙哑。 He several days water and rice has not entered, in this place waiting response. 他已经数日水米不进,就在此地等待回应。 If some people can please leave defend the grave person, in that probably entire Imperial Clan faction, only then he. 如果说有人能够请出守墓人,那大概整个皇族派中,也只有他了。 He since childhood then along with defending the grave person grows up, almost it can be said that half son, martial arts , came from most probably defending the grave person, this half th division half father's friendship, after he is grown, seems nothing left. 他从小便随守墓人长大,几乎可以说是半个儿子,一身武学,也大半来自于守墓人,这种半师半父的情分,在他成年之后,却仿佛荡然无存。 Defended the grave person to expel the sovereign tomb him, this was for dozens years, he visited this place for the first time. 守墓人将他赶出了皇冢,这还是数十年来,他第一次踏足此地。 In the log cabin, hears the long sigh. 木屋之中,传来长长的叹息声。
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