ESG :: Volume #8

#743: One Fist Reaching Heaven

Shen Zhenyi beckons with the hand, is disinclined to open the mouth again. 沈振衣摆了摆手,懒得再开口。 If the help, he is not necessarily able to reject on the way, but wastes the time for others' senseless plan charge, he may have no interest this. 如果顺路帮忙,他未必会拒绝,但浪费时间替别人的无谓计划冲锋,他可没有这种兴趣。 I must close up, in the future will say.” “我还要闭关,日后再说。” Still was the direct rejection. 仍然是直接拒绝。 He not casually the face, the pomposity of particularly in this surface saying, in fact actually pushes the person who others are bringing death. 他不会随便给人面子,尤其是这种表面上说的冠冕堂皇,实际上却是推着别人去送死的人。 -- and his what does/works? ——与他何干? The Fan Tongtian facial color sinks, he thinks that Shen Zhenyi and Beast Heart Person had the so fierce conflict, even if in any event were forced that can still be in the person of same belief the person. The never expected that opposite party unexpectedly face does not give, can only say cold: Such being the case, that was Fan is offensive.” 范通天面色微沉,他以为沈振衣兽心人起了如此剧烈的冲突,无论如何就算是被逼无奈那也会是同道中人。没想到对方竟然一点儿面子都不给,只能冷然道:“既然如此,那就是范某唐突了。” Failing to agree half a word are many, Fan Tongtian on the bad expression, chatted several after awkwardly, then said goodbye. 话不投机半句多,范通天本来就不善言辞,尴尬聊了几句之后,便即告辞。 Commandant Hong can only deliver him, wants to console, Fan Tongtian first complains: Thinks that this Third Young Master Shen is the heroes, has not thought that is also the generation of coveting life and fearing death!” 洪都尉只能去送他,本想劝解一番,范通天却先抱怨起来:“原以为这沈三公子是个英雄豪杰,没想到也是贪生怕死之辈!” Commandant Hong speechless. 洪都尉哑然。 He knows certainly the idea of Life Extinguishing Hall, but...... Shen Zhenyi is not in Life Extinguishing Hall the person, this cannot compel others to go all out...... 他当然知道灭生堂的理念,可是……沈振衣也并非灭生堂中人,这总不能逼着人家去拼命吧…… Let alone, Life Extinguishing Hall may process, must draw in Shen Zhenyi, really cannot a little be justified. 何况,灭生堂本可自己去处理,非要拉上沈振衣,实在有点说不过去。 Because others and Beast Heart Person have a grudge, can listen your? 就因为人家与兽心人有仇,就非得听你的么? If in the past, Commandant Hong does not think that so many-- he is the enthusiastic youth, after joining Life Extinguishing Hall, only knows fights with all might courageously, never retrocedes, but Shen Zhenyi has the obligation to him, the manner is not the spiritless generation, the Life Extinguishing Hall behavior as if unreasonable. 若是以往,洪都尉不会想那么多——他本是热血青年,加入灭生堂之后,只知奋勇拼杀,从不后退,但沈振衣对他有大恩,为人也绝非懦弱之辈,灭生堂的行为似乎并没有道理。 He goes home dispiritedly, mentioned this matter with the wife. Wife Hong sighed: Before I have thought urged you, Life Extinguishing Hall no doubt was a gallantry, resisted the Ominous Beast faction firmly, but they handled affairs extremely, all makes the present whole world enemy, the brain of leader was not quite rather clear.” 他怏怏回家,与妻子说起此事。洪娘子子叹道:“之前我就想过劝你,灭生堂固然是一番忠勇,也是最坚决对抗凶兽的派系,但是他们行事偏激,闹得现在举世皆敌,领头人的脑子未免不太清楚。” Resists Ominous Beast, should be Profound Heaven City now the only subject. No doubt many people cling to the authority to muddle along, but in the floor, the warm-blooded wise person is also actually many, they know how can there be under the compound nest to end the egg, only then resists Ominous Beast at risk of life, can have the present auspicious day. Has the basically simple cognition, Life Extinguishing Hall actually relates stiffly with other factions, is regarded as the vilent group in many common people eyes, is really because the style is extremely the result extremely. 抵抗凶兽,原本应该是玄天城如今唯一的主题。固然有许多人贪恋权位得过且过,但其实底层之中,热血明智之人也甚多,他们知道覆巢之下焉有完卵,只有拼死抵挡凶兽,才能有现在的好日子过。有这么基本朴素的认知,灭生堂却与其他派系关系僵硬,在许多普通百姓眼中也被视为暴力组织,实在是因为行事风格太过偏激所致。 So long as others do not handle affairs according to oneself custom, that is covets life and fears death is as for colluding with Ominous Beast, who looks down upon. 只要别人不按照自己的规矩来行事,那便是贪生怕死乃至于勾结凶兽,谁都看不起。 Also does not know that became enemies many. 明里暗里,也不知结仇了多少。 To put it baldly selected, Life Extinguishing Hall in Profound Heaven City was disliked the degree, perhaps also surpassed Beast Heart Person. 说得不好听点,在玄天城灭生堂的受讨厌程度,也许还超过了兽心人 We could not think so many.” “我们也想不了那么多。” Commandant Hong shakes the head: In brief the Ominous Beast attack, I then resist at risk of life, the Life Extinguishing Hall matter, has my Life Extinguishing Hall juniors to work as it. Third Young Master Shen has the graciousness to us, he has the plan, how even if Elder Fan again, I will not go to ask him to leave the mountain brazenly.” 洪都尉摇头:“总之凶兽来袭,我便拼死抵抗,灭生堂的事,自有我灭生堂子弟当之。沈三公子对我们有恩,他自有打算,哪怕是范长老再怎样,我也不会去厚着脸皮请他出山。” His facial expression is firm and resolute, as if there is decision. 他神情坚毅,似乎已经有了决定。 Wife Hong in great surprise: „Do you want to go?” 洪娘子大惊:“你要自己去?” She and husband is constantly together so many years, the Commandant Hong anything temper she knows from A to Z. He is ingenuous and straightforward, recognized the matter must do, is only this matter may very be dangerous! 她与丈夫朝夕相处这么多年,洪都尉什么性子她了如指掌。他为人憨直,认定了的事非做不可,只是此事可危险得很! Elder Fan do not go! Although your present cultivation base promoted a boundary, who knows Beast Heart Person and Ominous Beast have what plot, you cannot go!” 范长老自己都不去!你现在的修为虽然提升了一个境界,但安知兽心人凶兽有什么阴谋,你万万不能去!” Fan Tongtian almost spoke, if Life Extinguishing Hall processes this matter, will have the enormous buckle and sacrifice. Commandant Hong is responsible for guarding city gate Commandant, in the fight to wilderness did not understand, if he goes, to bring death? 范通天几乎是明言了若是灭生堂去处理此事,会有极大的折损和牺牲。洪都尉是负责守卫城门的都尉,对荒野之中的战斗不甚了解,他若是去,岂不是送死? Commandant Hong said silently for a long time: I, if incompetent but actually, since cultivation base to this step, naturally must for oneself say that now is responsible. Initially joined Life Extinguishing Hall, how I did not know others, I only hope that can eliminate Ominous Beast, but also human ringing the universe, making the next generation person not need to hide after the city wall again survives.” 洪都尉默然许久才道:“我若是无能倒也罢了,既然如今修为到了这一步,当然要为自己所说的话负责。当初加入灭生堂,我不知道别人如何,我只希望能消灭凶兽,还人类一个朗朗乾坤,让下一代人不必再躲在城墙之后生存。” This is the Life Extinguishing Hall catchphrase, Commandant Hong sincerely believes. 这是灭生堂的宣传口号,洪都尉笃信。 The Hong Family father ancestor, is when the Ominous Beast invasion died in battle. His father dies, he still young, now recalls, was still the profound heart. 洪家父祖,都是在凶兽入侵的时候阵亡。他父亲死的时候,他尚年幼,如今回忆起来,仍旧是痛彻心扉。 I do not go, he does not go, that who prevents the plot of Ominous Beast? Only can look at the situation deterioration helplessly.” “我也不去,他也不去,那又有谁来阻止凶兽的阴谋?只能眼睁睁看着局势恶化。” He is not the person of plausibility, at this time is from the heart, spoke with confidence. 他并非善辩之人,此时发自内心,却侃侃而谈。 Wife Hong contains the lacrimal: If we had known, should not hope that you break through.” 洪娘子含泪道:“早知道如此,不该盼你突破。” If Commandant Hong or Divine Person Boundary Sixth Layer, he knows the ability to be limited, will not bring death. Present to Divine Person Boundary Seventh Layer, resulted in the Blade Technique inheritance, can be called is side Expert. He will then shoulder not own responsibility on the shoulder. 如果洪都尉还是神人境第六重,那他自知能力有限,绝不会去送死。如今到了神人境第七重,又得了刀法传承,称得上是一方高手。他便会把本不属于自己的责任扛在肩上。 Commandant Hong hugs the wife in the bosom, sighed: Only painstakingly you. This matter, ten thousand cannot inform Third Young Master Shen.” 洪都尉将妻子搂在怀中,叹息道:“只苦了你了。这事,万不可告知沈三公子。” He does not want to make the friend therefore feel the pressure. 他不想让朋友因此感到压力。 He must go, is his choice. 他要去,是他自己的选择。 Wife Hong can only , helpless complies. 洪娘子只能无奈答应。 She knows that she could not block the husband, in the heart had decided secretly, if the husband on the frontline, she must tag along after quietly, the couple was the same life bird, at the worst then lived and died together. 她知道自己拦不住丈夫,心中早就暗暗决定,丈夫若上前线,她必悄悄尾随,夫妻本是同命鸟,大不了便同生共死。 -- Ancient Warrior Lineage soon then can visit Third Young Master Shen, she has also made contact with this line, does right by sect, other, she really had no time to take into consideration. ——古武一脉不久便会来拜访沈三公子,她也已经搭上这条线,算是对得起师门,其他的,她真无暇顾及了。 The 2nd day early morning, Commandant Hong then looked for Third Young Master Shen to say goodbye, said oneself had a duty, must leave goes far from home, asking him to live at home safely, and looked after Wife Hong. 第二日一早,洪都尉便找沈三公子告辞,说自己有个任务,要出趟远门,请他在家安心住着,并照顾一下洪娘子 „?” “哦?” Shen Zhenyi selected the eyebrow, the smile said: You just broke through the boundary, cannot be consolidated, then goes out slaughters, will be disadvantageous to the future foundation.” 沈振衣挑了挑眉毛,微笑道:“你刚刚突破境界,不须多巩固,便出门厮杀,对未来的根基不利。” If own disciple, Shen Zhenyi recuperates probably at fingertips, or to the medicinal bath, solved the hidden danger. But Commandant Hong may not have this treatment, he just significantly promoted, at this time most what needed is the digestion absorbs obtained, particularly the blade soul sword mortal form, he knows probably its, however does not know its reason why, wanted to play the might of that night that sword again very much, went out really the non- wisdom rarely at this time. 如果是自己的弟子,沈振衣大概信手调理,或者给个药浴,也就解决了隐患。但洪都尉可没这个待遇,他刚刚大幅度提升,这时候最需要的是消化吸纳所得,尤其是刀魂剑魄,他大概只是知其然而不知其所以然,想要再发挥出当夜那一剑的威力都难得很,这时候出门着实不智。 Commandant Hong said ambiguously: Now the circumstance is not good, I am also helpless.” 洪都尉含糊道:“如今情势不大好,我也是无奈。” Shen Zhenyi deeply looked at his one eyes, asked: Can it be that did that person of institute say the matter yesterday?” 沈振衣深深地看了他一眼,问道:“莫不是昨日那人所说之事吧?” He cannot remember the Fan Tongtian name. 他记不得范通天的名字。 However sharply points out the Commandant Hong goal keenly. 不过还是敏锐地一针见血指出洪都尉的目的。 Commandant Hong categorically denies hastily: Not! This grade of important matter, can my Life Extinguishing Hall private mix can it be that? Has in the hall high-level to solve, Third Young Master does not need to be worried.” 洪都尉连忙矢口否认:“不是不是!这等大事,岂是我灭生堂一个小卒可以掺和的?自有堂中高层来解决,三公子不必担心。” He feared that Shen Zhenyi discovered own true goal, somewhat was when the time comes awkward. 他怕沈振衣发现自己的真正目的,到时候就有些尴尬了。 The Shen Zhenyi smile did not speak, has not exposed. 沈振衣微笑不语,并未揭破。 Chu Huoluo whispered in a soft voice: You before perhaps were a private, now cultivation base promotes so many, how possibly the private, that was their have eyes but can't recognise Mount Tai!” 楚火萝轻声嘀咕:“你以前或许是小卒,现在修为提升那么多,怎么可能还是小卒,那便是他们有眼不识泰山了!”
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