ESG :: Volume #7

#700: Plans too ruthlessly

You can searchten thousand ancient sword gods in hundred degrees celsius 您可以在百度里搜索“万古剑 Searches for the novel( ” to search the latest chapter! 搜小说(”查找最新章节! Big universe night, dark falling from the sky!” “大乾坤夜,暗之陨灭!” The Young Lady Yuan complexion brushes becomes pale like the deceased person. 袁小姐的脸色刷一下变得如死人般惨白。 Unexpectedly...... is he? 竟然……是他? The Golden Garments Group origin was usually mystical, the people only knowledge is an powerful military force, even their back backstage no one can clarify. Now sees this big universe night, dark falling from the sky a type, determined status that this can lord. 金衫会的来历素来神秘,众人只知乃是强悍的一支武力,甚至连他们背后的后台都无人搞得清。如今见到这“大乾坤夜,暗之陨灭”一式,才确定这会主的身份。 -- this clearly is Imperial Clan imperial guards Vice Commander Hu Hanye! ——这分明是皇族身边的羽林军副统领呼韩邪 Besides him, who can practice so the situation this move of big universe night, attracts completely the ray, only keeps the darkness? 除了他以外,谁能将这一招大乾坤夜练到如此地步,吸尽光芒,只留黑暗? In other words, Golden Garments Group is the Imperial Clan dark child. 也就是说,金衫会乃是皇族的暗子。 -- they hid so many years, at this time exposed this point without hesitation, in other words, did not plan that makes the person of presence live! ——他们藏了这么多年,这时候毫不犹豫地暴露这一点,也就是说,绝不打算让在场之人活着回去! Young Lady Yuan heart thump thump jumps, is the doubts is more difficult to be bright. 袁小姐心儿怦怦直跳,更是疑惑难明。 The Golden Garments Group person also once prevented her to take Wise Soul Nine Linked Rings in Heavenly Capital Stupa, can they to arch the Prince Yuan high-rank? 金衫会的人还曾经在天京浮屠阻止她取智魂九连环,他们是为了非要拱元王爷上位么? Miserable......” “惨了……” Xuan Yan does not know what Golden Garments Group, does not know what Imperial Clan faction, but he can feel killing intent in this person of style. 宣演不知道什么金衫会,也不知道什么皇族派,但他能够感觉到这人招式之中的杀意 This move, Yuan Shan just poked head in sword light of flood dragon to be embezzled together, in darkness, silent, only makes people nervous. 这一招下来,渊山刚刚探头化蛟的剑光一起被吞没,黑暗之中,无声无息,只让人提心吊胆。 The fellow...... sword technique is good, cannot support this great dark one move. 那家伙……剑法再好,也撑不住这宏大黑暗的一招吧。 Eventually, cannot escape...... 终究,还是逃不过的…… Double fist difficult enemy four, the real man also to be many shy. 双拳难敌四手,好汉也怕人多。 Xuan Yan eyes closed treats. 宣演闭目待死。 Master!” 师父!” Dragon Princess calls out in alarm, transfers then seeks help looks at Shen Zhenyi. 龙郡主惊呼,转回头求助地看着沈振衣 Shen Zhenyi shakes the head slightly, the smile does not change. 沈振衣微微摇头,笑容不改。 Heaven and Earth, although is dark, has the flood dragon becomes.” 天地虽暗,自有蛟龙成焉。” This move with the strength of darkness, wipes to extinguish Divine Light, originally is the unreasonable move, what a pity do not need...... to be wrong to this sword hidden dragon.” “这一招借黑暗之力,抹灭神光,本是不讲道理的强招,可惜对上这一剑潜龙勿用……却是错了。” The Heaven and Earth darkness, can hoodwink the will of the people. 天地的黑暗,能够蒙蔽人心。 But if heart like dragon, how can also be crushed frightened? 但若心如龙,又怎能被恐惧压倒? The sound of dragon recitation, suddenly however gets up! 龙吟之声,陡然而起! A pair glittering and translucent carving, is moistening the corner of blood, is ordinary like sword blade, cuts the darkness! 一对晶莹剔透、沾着鲜血的犄角,如同剑锋一般,划开黑暗! The Golden Garments Group killer called out pitifully again and again, great flood dragon mistake, infertile! 金衫会的杀手惨叫连连,巨蛟过处,寸草不生! Golden Garments Group Lord bravely steps forward, such as on the cheek of deceased person shows the dark color faintly, the double pupil is fine. 金衫会主挺身而出,如死人的面皮上隐隐透出暗色,双眸精亮。 -- Hu Hanye. ——呼韩邪 Imperial imperial guards Vice Commander, is ordered to establish Golden Garments Group in secret, in private for restoration activity. 皇家羽林军副统领,受命暗中创立金衫会,私下为复辟活动。 The cleanness that wants the person of Xuan Family dead time, is Imperial Clan sends after Prince Yuan dies the action of vertical prestige, Golden Garments Group turns out in full strength, naturally does not allow the failure. 这一次要宣家之人死的干干净净,是皇族派在元王爷死后的立威之举,金衫会倾巢而出,当然绝不容许失败。 -- he making a move without hesitation, is for this reason. ——他之所以毫不犹豫的出手,也是因为这个原因。 But what he has not expected, remains the unique skill that copes with Third Young Master Shen, has not been solved including a peon unexpectedly. 但他没料到的是,留着对付沈三公子的绝招,竟然连一个无名小卒都没有解决。 Not......, not only has not solved. 不……不但是没有解决。 He narrows the eye, looks the blood in the crowd splashes three chi (0.33 m), Yuan Shan that actually stands one's ground steadfastly as before. 他眯起眼睛,看着在人群之中血溅三尺,却依旧岿然不动的渊山 Starts to attack from Golden Garments Group now, Yuan Shan has not retroceded one step. 金衫会开始攻击到现在,渊山就没有后退过一步。 He seems like, the meaning of simply not having retreated. 他似乎,根本没有退走的意思。 The Golden Garments Group killer advances uninterruptedly, changes to his body week the corpse, leaves behind scars on him, but actually cannot escape by the great flood dragon is swallowed, result of dying a violent death. 金衫会的杀手前赴后继,化作他身周的尸体,在他身上留下一道道的伤痕,但却也逃不过被巨蛟吞噬,死于非命的结局。 Is the great flood dragon! 是巨蛟! Python that does not start the time! 不是开始时候的巨蟒了! Xuan Family that old fox, is really somewhat the skill.” 宣家那老狐狸,果然还是有几分本事。” Does not know how he found Third Young Master Shen this big fish-- this, this nameless Swordsman skill, stems from unexpected of Hu Hanye. 不知道他是怎么找到沈三公子这条大鱼——这也就罢了,这位无名剑客的本事,也出乎呼韩邪的意料之外。 „......” “不过……” Some of your also many blood can flow!” “你还有多少血可以流啊!” A move, Hu Hanye did not restore the patience. 一招不中,呼韩邪重新恢复了耐心。 He can acknowledge that the opposite party is Expert, even independent combat, oneself are not necessarily able to take below this person. 他可以承认对方是高手,甚至单打独斗,自己未必能够拿的下此人。 However today this, is not the martial arts contest compares notes, independent combat. 但是今日来此,不是比武切磋,不是单打独斗。 He has Golden Garments Group innumerable Expert to take the energy. 他有着金衫会的无数高手作为底气。 Must settle, incessantly is this nameless Swordsman, moreover Third Young Master Shen that including his behind Xuan Family boy, has not acted that to the present. 要了结的,不止是这个无名剑客,而且还包括他身后的宣家小子,还有那位到现在还没出手的沈三公子 Enough. 足够了。 Spares nothing! 不惜一切代价! He without hesitation, the finger presses down firmly, the big universe night continues to act. 他毫不犹豫,手指一捺,大乾坤夜继续出手。 Yuan Shan has almost not stood. 渊山已经几乎站不直了。 His over the face bleeds, the intelligence nearly is unclear. 他满面流血,神智也近乎不清。 The consumption of python flood dragon, a hard anti- big universe night injury, in addition Golden Garments Group killer of these at risk of life attack. 巨蟒化蛟的消耗,硬抗大乾坤夜一式的伤害,加上这些拼死攻击的金衫会杀手。 This has exceeded his limit. 这本已超出了他的极限。 If not for in the final moment, a python new actor, melts the flood dragon finally, he perhaps is also more unfortunate than fortunate. 若不是在最后关头,蟒头生角,终于化蛟而出,他恐怕也是凶多吉少。 Also was...... reported old gentleman's kindness......” “也算是……报了老爷子的恩德……” The Yuan Shan forced smile, wields a sword to keep. 渊山苦笑,挥剑不停。 Scoff! 嗤! Scoff! 嗤! sword light sound of sword, sword qi vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered. 剑光霍霍,剑气纵横。 This fierce combat, becoming is silent and strange. 这一场激战,变得沉默而诡异。 Whom nothing but is puts together first unable to withstand.” “无非是拼谁先承受不住。” Shen Zhenyi looking pensive. 沈振衣若有所思。 Chu Huoluo also somewhat changes countenance: This boy likes boasting, but the skill really does not miss...... Master but actually, how again is also he, that side Golden Garments Group actually does not know how many people have, can he be able to support?” 楚火萝也不禁有些动容:“这小子爱吹牛,不过本事倒真的不差……师父,再怎么样也是他一个人,金衫会那边却不知道有多少人,他能撑得住么?” She can understand why Shen Zhenyi did not act a moment ago, really has to train the meaning of this boy. 她能理解刚才沈振衣为什么不出手,确实有培养这个小子之意。 Yuan Shan sword technique , has been reborn, compared with the initial might. 渊山剑法,已经脱胎换骨,比之起初的威力强了许多。 If given time, must become everyone. 假以时日,必成大家。 However......, if Master does not act, he also does have the opportunity of going on living? 但是……如果师父不出手,他还有活下去的机会么? You look.” “你看。” Shen Zhenyi does not worry, but referred to forward. 沈振衣却不着急,只是向前指了指。 Chu Huoluo raises eyes to look, carefully looked, was also startled was startled. 楚火萝举目望去,仔细一看,不由也是怔了一怔。 -- that is together the blood line. ——那是一道血线。 Is orthogonal with the body of Yuan Shan, extends to the both sides, is extreme to the path. 渊山的身体平齐,向两侧延伸,一直到道路极处。 Until now, no corpse, the stump residual limb and a drop of blood cross this route together. 到现在为止,没有一具尸体,一块残肢、一滴血越过这一道线。 From the ground, is from in the air. 无论是从地面,还是从空中。 As if-- this is the wall of extinction! 仿佛——这就是绝灭之壁! sword light besides changing to flood dragon of direct engagement, two conditions hugest, defends before this together movie screen, makes threatening gestures, plug up the leaks! 剑光除了化作正面交战的蛟龙,还有两条体型最为庞大的,守在这一道障壁之前,张牙舞爪,查漏补缺! Therefore , does he have the ways and means?” “所以说,他还行有余力?” Chu Huoluo surprise. 楚火萝诧异。 Really underestimated this Yuan Shan, it seems like he gets sick to turn over to the sickness, under the hand time, is actually not weak. 真是小看了这个渊山,看来他病归病,手底下的功夫,却是一点儿都不弱。 Person all has the affinity.” “人皆有缘法。” Shen Zhenyi sighed, that Xuan Tianwei I did not know, but he, since were acquainted with Great Mister Yuan, for several hundred years fortified at every step, clarity that to leave behind Bloodline, naturally calculated.” 沈振衣叹了口气,“那位宣天威我不认识,不过他既然与袁大先生相识,数百年来步步为营,为了留下自己一条血脉,自然算的清清楚楚。” This Sick Sword Immortal, perhaps is his final killing move.” “这一位病剑仙,恐怕便是他最后的杀招。” He not only need deliver own direct descendant Bloodline returning to home village, but who must to Xuan Family disadvantageous, pays the suitable price.” “他不但要送自己的嫡系血脉回乡,还要让对宣家不利的人,付出相当的代价。” Before then, this Yuan Shan, should not defeat, will not die. 在此之前,这位渊山,应该是不会败,不会死的吧。 Shen Zhenyi sighed in a soft voice. 沈振衣轻声叹息。 Being considered as is too ruthless, fears without the reward for good works. 算得太狠,恐无善报。 Snort......” “哼……” As if matching his sigh stuffily, Yuan Shan snort/hum, knees down. 仿佛配着他的叹息,渊山闷哼一声,单膝跪地。 On his leg a sword. 他腿上中了一剑。 Meanwhile, in Profound Heaven City Heavenly Prison, a beard and hair all white old person, seems the induction, looks up out of the window. 与此同时,在玄天城天牢之中,一个须发皆白的老人,似有感应,抬头望窗外。 The place of mind/square inch, obviously star-studded sky. 方寸之处,也可见满天星斗。 Among his features, seems tragic, there does not endure, even in thin and pale wrinkle, as if obvious tear stains. 他眉目之间,似有凄楚,也有不忍,甚至在憔悴的皱纹中,宛然可见泪痕。 -- are but more, is the vicious tendencies and anger. ——但更多的,是戾气与愤怒。
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