ESG :: Volume #7

#699: Melting the dragon is not easy

What this is damn sword technique ?” “这是什么见鬼的剑法?” The meaning of gloomy terrifying, covers four wildly, startles in back Chu Huoluo and the others shivers with fright spirit. 阴森恐怖之意,笼罩四野,就连在背后的楚火萝等人都不由激灵灵打了个冷战。 Yuan Shan this person usually a face emaciated appearance, sword move acts now, really has the big might? 渊山这人平时一脸孱弱的样子,如今剑招出手,竟然有偌大威力? -- Master said no wonder does not need to help! ——怪不得师父说不用去帮忙! Good...... fierce!” “好……厉害!” Dragon Princess also exclaimed in surprise: Is only......” 龙郡主也不由惊叹:“只是……” She always thought where has is not right. 她总觉得有什么地方不对劲。 The person of Golden Garments Group breaks in the Yuan Shan sword potential range, immediately tied down by the python, swallows, suddenly the remnant hand breaks the arm to fly randomly, the blood light soars to the heavens, an Armageddon scenario. 金衫会之人冲入渊山的剑势范围之内,登时被巨蟒缠住,吞噬,一时间残手断臂乱飞,血光冲天,一片末日景象。 Such character?” “还有这样的人物?” The Golden Garments Group Lord facial color is cold and gloomy, he has not acted, waits to cope with Shen Zhenyi. 金衫会主面色森冷,他并未出手,是等着要对付沈振衣 Never expected that this ordinary boy, unexpectedly is also a thorny character. 没想到这个貌不惊人的小子,竟然也是个棘手人物。 Kills!” “杀!” He does not attend to subordinate casualties, coldly underground executed the command. 他不顾属下的伤亡,冷冷地下了格杀令。 Yuan Shan lowers the head, the severe pain that the chest transmits makes him almost grasp does not stop the sword, the throat surging smell of blood, gradually the spread to the oronasals, the present scene also becomes fuzzy, as if can only see some blood-color person's shadows. 渊山低头,胸口传来的剧痛让他几乎握不住手中的剑,喉头涌起血腥味,渐渐蔓延到口鼻之间,眼前的景象也变得模糊,仿佛只能看到一些血色的人影。 But he was still wielding a sword meticulously. 但他仍然在一丝不苟地挥剑。 If not know how should do, should exhaust the full power, wields acts the sword. 如果不知道该怎么做,就应该用尽全力,挥出手中的剑。 This is Yuan Shan so many years, an attainment deepest matter. 这是渊山这么多年,心得最深的一件事。 The python overturns the heavens. 巨蟒翻天。 sword blade, every moves calmly must injure one person. 冷静地剑锋,每一动必伤一人。 However...... offends somebody is also wound oneself. 但是……伤人也是伤己。 The python gnawed the person, backlashed oneself, by scar that opponent Divine Light sword qi invaded, one-to-one mappings on the body of Yuan Shan. 巨蟒啮人,也反噬自身,被对手神光剑气所侵的伤痕,也都一一映射在渊山的身上。 His strong back, seeps out the bloodstain gradually. 他坚挺的脊背,渐渐渗出血痕。 You look!” “你看!” Young Lady Yuan cannot bear call out in alarm makes noise. 袁小姐忍不住惊呼出声。 She is shivering back that aims at Yuan Shan. 她颤抖着指向渊山的后背。 That blood like the snake, seems like the spring flower, the spread launches, the corona dyes one piece. 那血如蛇,又像是春天的花,蔓延展开,晕染一片。 Damn......” “见鬼……” The Xuan Yan whole body shakes, was being clutched the same pain at heart probably. 宣演浑身一震,心里像是被揪着一样痛。 He as if saw that night, did not hesitate dead the family member who for his survival. 他仿佛见到了那天晚上,为了他的生存而不惜死去的亲人。 Because of one stupid pre-. 因为一句愚蠢的预。 These people why so stupid! 为什么这些人都这么蠢! He will not die!” Xuan Yan is clenching teeth, wants to pretend diligently unfeelingly: We may be miserable.” “他不会死吧!”宣演咬着牙,努力想装作冷酷无情:“那我们可就惨了。” I asked Third Young Master Shen to help!” “我去请沈三公子帮忙!” Young Lady Yuan is unable to continue watching, spins anxiously side Shen Zhenyi, entreated: Young Master, can Yuan Shan could not withstand probably...... invite you......” 袁小姐看不下去,急急奔到沈振衣身边,哀求道:“公子,渊山好像顶不住了……能不能请您……” Although the opposite party promised the protection peer, but Young Lady Yuan also knows that this is forces someone to do something against his will, particularly the killer is threatening, Yuan Shan sword technique so cannot withstand, even if Shen Zhenyi acts, is still not necessarily able to change the course of events. 虽说对方答应了守护同行,但袁小姐也知道这是强人所难,尤其是杀手来势汹汹,渊山这般的剑法顶不住,就算是沈振衣出手,也未必就能够扭转乾坤。 At this time made one make a move, she felt sorry. 这时候让人出手,她自己心里都过意不去。 Shen Zhenyi was still indifferent. 沈振衣却仍淡然。 He sighed gently: I am not am not willing to help, but this python but melts the flood dragon, when is the key, at this time no one could help him. If I make a move, does not help him, but harms him.” 他轻轻叹息:“我不是不愿帮忙,只是这蟒而化蛟,乃是关键之时,这时候谁也帮不了他。若我出手,不是帮他,而是害他。” But does the python melt the flood dragon? 蟒而化蛟? Young Lady Yuan is startled, perplexed. 袁小姐一怔,不明所以。 Nearby Dragon Princess heart has a feeling, the vision goes to Yuan Shan sword light above the python. 一旁的龙郡主却心有所感,目光投向渊山剑光所化的巨蟒之上。 The python sways from side to side, both eyes blood red, is very painful. 巨蟒扭动,双目血红,痛苦不堪。 But the fissure on python top of the head, is getting deeper and deeper, more and more obviously, the dirty blood crossflow, has the exquisite small corner/horn, must accumulate to live from the body! 而蟒头顶上的裂痕,越来越深,越来越明显,污血横流,却有玲珑小角,要从皮肉之中攒生出来! You truly should have a look.” “你确实该看看。” Shen Zhenyi looked at Dragon Princess, if there is a profound meaning: „The myriad things dragon is not easy, by the python body flood dragon, when the fee/spent completely flesh, separates oneself body, by long line corner/horn.” 沈振衣看了一眼龙郡主,若有深意:“万物化龙不易,以蟒身化蛟,当费尽血肉,割裂己身,以长龙角。” This pain, compared with having a child also wants pain over a hundred times of thousand times. 这种痛苦,比生孩子还要痛上百倍千倍。 Because this does not breed the heir, but breeds itself. 因为这不是孕育子嗣,而是孕育自身。 The dragon body is hard-won. 龙身得来不易。 -- Dragon Princess Bloodline, the itself is also the endless buried treasure. ——龙郡主血脉,本也是无尽的宝藏。 She does not need to pass through again this time. 她不必再经这一遭。 But this melts the process of dragon, still had many to refer to her to raise the place of point, is lost in thought. 但这化龙的过程,对她仍然有许多可以参考提点之处,不禁陷入沉思。 Chu Huoluo is actually surprised the different way: What sword technique his is, unexpectedly sword qi python, but can also again the biochemical dragon? This was fierce!” 楚火萝却诧异道:“那他这是什么剑法,居然剑气所化的巨蟒,还能再生化龙?这可是厉害了!” cultivation base enters Divine Person Boundary, air/Qi of union oneself mighty force and Heaven and Earth, changes into Divine Light, among the graces, has Divine Light along, incurs intent become visible, such as having mystical powers light, countless changes. 修为进入神人境,自身伟力与天地之气结合,化为神光,举手投足之间,都有神光随身,招意现形,如有灵光,变化无穷。 However this regeneration qualitative changes, but the python melts the flood dragon, is really extremely rare. 但是这种再生质的变化,蟒而化蛟龙的,实在是凤毛麟角。 Shen Zhenyi smiles: Mentioning was also skillful.” 沈振衣笑了笑:“说来也巧了。” He counts on the fingers to calculate: We came this Profound Heaven City also short date and time, Nine Great Secret Swords to see actually much.” 他屈指而算:“我们来这玄天城也不过短短时日,九大秘剑倒是见了不少。” What?” “啥?” On Chu Huoluo braves the question mark: „Is this also one of the Nine Great Secret Swords?” 楚火萝头上冒问号:“这也是九大秘剑之一?” Yuan Shan sword technique , the official Nine Great Secret Swords hidden dragon do not use! 渊山剑法,正式九大秘剑的潜龙勿用! Carp Leap Over the Dragon Gate, by carp, but snake, by snake but python, by python but flood dragon, by flood dragon but dragon! 鲤鱼跃龙门,由鲤而蛇,由蛇而蟒,由蟒而蛟,由蛟而龙! This sword technique practices is not quite easy, from the beginning is emaciated incomparable, sword light getting up place, is bright red koi-- this is to smile the broken enemy belly to win? 这一门剑法修行极为不易,一开始更是孱弱无比,剑光起处,乃是鲜红锦鲤——这难道是想要笑破敌人肚皮而获胜么? After that Leap Over the Dragon Gate, the carp changes into the snake, this sword technique is a little striking power. 此后一跃龙门,鲤鱼化为蛇,这剑法才算是有点攻击力。 When the snake changes into the python, the hidden dragon do not use, then had the opportunity, but is powerful sword move. 等到蛇化为蟒,潜龙勿用,便有了用武之地,可算是强悍的剑招 If the python changes into the flood dragon, that this sword technique also arrived at the boundary of great accomplishment, murder invisible, the power and influence is extremely fierce. 若是蟒化为蛟,那这剑法也就到了大成之境,杀人无形,威势极猛。 -- Yuan Shan sword technique , just arrived at this important pass. ——渊山剑法,刚好就到了这关口儿。 Each Leap Over the Dragon Gate, the burden of body is also enormous, each important pass is the bad risk. 只是每一跃龙门,身体的负担也是极大,每一个关口都是凶险之极。 This young people can by the broken body, practice this boundary, the middle does not know that suffered many hardships. 这年轻人能够以残破之身,练到这个境界,中间不知吃了多少苦头。 His will, really fearful respectable. 他的意志,也着实可怕可敬。 Shen Zhenyi looks at his back, slight nod. 沈振衣看着他的背影,微微点头。 No matter which world, no matter how emaciated crowd, some association/will people are dodging the dazzling brilliance, why this is not willing the reason that gives up hoping. 不管是哪个世界,不管是多么孱弱的人群,总会有些人闪着耀眼的光辉,这也是为什么不愿意放弃希望的原因。 Some people, are always worth striving. 总有些人,值得去争取。 Always some people, the blooming ray in the darkness, making one not give up this world. 总有些人,在黑暗中绽放光芒,让人不舍得这个世界。 Yuan Shan facial color tranquil like water. 渊山的面色平静如水。 Usually he moves slightly, must keep coughing, but at this time, he actually such as rock general-- does not know that used the strong willpower, can stop the chest surges fierce cough **! 平时他稍微一动,就要咳嗽个不停,但这时候,他却如一块磐石一般——不知道是用了多强的意志力,才能止住胸口翻腾剧烈的咳嗽**! Cannot let him by the python flood dragon!” “不能让他以蟒化蛟!” Golden Garments Group Lord does not see right. 金衫会主看出不对。 If this person from the beginning is only small troublesome, if lets him by the python flood dragon, that slightly troubled to turn into the big trouble! 如果说此人一开始只是个小麻烦,如果让他以蟒化蛟,那小麻烦可就变成了大麻烦! Although he does not recognize this sword technique , but does not need to suspect the mystery and great strength of this sword technique . 虽然他不认得这剑法,但不用怀疑这剑法的神奇与强大。 It seems like that must make a move. 看来,必须要出手了。 He deeply looked at Shen Zhenyi one of the not far away. 他深深地看了不远处的沈振衣一眼。 This Third Young Master Shen, was still calm and composed even in press of work sits above the crystal throne, as if life of not caring a whoop peer. 这位沈三公子,仍旧好整以暇地坐在水晶王座之上,似乎丝毫不在意同行者的性命。 Big can Swordsman of-- this year, wholesale? ——这年头的大剑客,难道可以批发么? Golden Garments Group Lord criticizes one, slowly however before . 金衫会主暗骂一声,缓缓而前。 This peon, one's effort, blocked the impact of Golden Garments Group. 这个无名小卒,一己之力,挡住了金衫会的冲击。 -- that Third Young Master Shen, truly can be leisurely. ——那位沈三公子,确实可以悠哉悠哉。 Cannot make him again so relaxed. 不能让他再这么轻松下去了。 Falls!” “落!” He stretches out a finger, Heaven and Earth gets dark suddenly. 他伸出一根手指,天地陡然黑了下来。 As if was the dark cloud camouflaged the sky suddenly, probably without expected solar eclipse. 仿佛是乌云突然遮蔽了天空,也像是未经预期的日食。 the darkness like the huge pillar, Yuan Shan and Golden Garments Group numerous, coerces! 黑暗如同庞大的柱子,将渊山金衫会众,裹挟在内! To chat «Ten thousand ancient sword Gods» with the person who has a common goal together, WeChat pays attentionreads the literature superiorly 想和更多志同道合的人一起聊《万古剑神》,微信关注“优读文学 Reads the novel, chatted the life, sought the friend ~ ”看小说,聊人生,寻知己~
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