ESK :: Volume #34

#3373: Taishi

When sees Earth Book the moment, many doubts of related Fengdu, Su Zimo had the answer finally. 当看到‘地书’的一刻,有关酆都的诸多疑惑,苏子墨终于有了答案。 At his present eyesight, naturally can look, Fengdu is not the true life. 以他如今的眼力,自然看得出来,酆都并非是真正的生灵。 Accurate, Fengdu is Earth Book tool spirit! 准确来说,酆都地书器灵 Takes Saint Lord of Reincarnation remnant soul as tool spirit, Kingdom of the Underworld can be joined to the name of Earth Book! 轮回圣主残魂器灵,阴曹地府才配得上地书之名! Therefore, Fengdu not own fleshly body. 所以,酆都没有自己的肉身 In the Medium Thousandfold World endless years, Fengdu does everything possible, several epoch cultivation, are wants the casting to have Great Emperor fleshly body! 中千世界的无尽岁月,酆都想尽办法,数个纪元修行,就是想要铸造出一具大帝肉身 Fengdu once talked wildly, oneself undying and inextinguishable, is not because he is Saint. 酆都曾放言,自己不死不灭,并非因为他是圣人 Because, he is Earth Book tool spirit! 正是因为,他是地书器灵 So long as Earth Book does not extinguish, regardless of he dies many to return, can come with the aid of the Earth Book rebirth! 只要地书不灭,不论他死上多少回,都可以借助地书重生过来! With the aid of Earth Book, Fengdu achieved eternal life in another significance. 借助地书,酆都达到了另一种意义上的永生 Initially, Su Zimo flying upwards to Great Thousandfold World, once assumed the Underworld several tens of thousands of years, wanted to seek for the Fengdu trail, actually had achieved nothing. 当初,苏子墨飞升大千世界,曾坐镇地府数万年,想要寻找出酆都的踪迹,却一无所获。 Because Fengdu is Kingdom of the Underworld tool spirit, can therefore hide perfectly, has hidden the truth from his sensation! 正是因为酆都阴曹地府器灵,所以才可以完美的隐藏起来,瞒过他的感知! A more important matter. 还有更重要的一件事。 Originally, Su Zimo thinks, Fengdu in the Medium Thousandfold World actions, the countless blood debt that violates, but wants proved the Dao Great Emperor. 原本,苏子墨以为,酆都中千世界的所作所为,犯下的累累血债,只是想要证道大帝 But at this moment, he thought of another reason. 但此刻,他想到了另一个原因。 Kingdom of the Underworld is Earth Book, its strength root, came from after myriad clans all living things falls from the sky soul. 阴曹地府就是地书,其力量根源,就来自于万族众生陨落之后的魂魄 In other words, the chaos caused by war are more, slaughters, the life of falling from the sky will be more, but Earth Book will also be more powerful! 也就是说,战乱越多,杀戮越多,陨落的生灵就会越多,而地书也就会越强大! Earth Book, complete control in the hand of Saint King of Reincarnation...... 地书,完全掌控在轮回圣王的手中…… Fengdu raises endless bloody rain and foul winds in Medium Thousandfold World, perhaps originally in connivance of Saint King of Reincarnation! 酆都中千世界掀起无尽的血雨腥风,或许本就在轮回圣王的默许之中! Even, may is inciting of Saint King of Reincarnation! 甚至,很有可能就是轮回圣王的授意! Therefore, although Evil Emperor hates the wicked as if they were personal enemies, entrains into Beasts Path countless evil people, has not actually moved chief culprit Fengdu. 所以,邪帝虽然嫉恶如仇,将无数恶人拽入畜生道,却始终没动过首恶酆都 Even in her heart to the Fengdu dislike, still had scruples. 即便她心中对酆都厌恶至极,却仍是有所顾忌。 Perhaps, Fengdu back Saint King of Reincarnation, is the main reason! 恐怕,酆都背后的轮回圣王,才是最主要的原因! Naturally, this is only the Su Zimo's speculation. 当然,这只是苏子墨的推测。 These thoughts, flash past in his mind. 这些念头,在他的脑海中一闪而过。 Another side, the Saint King of Reincarnation took out Heaven, Earth and Human three books, shoulder five Highest Commencement's Origin Spirit hardly, five Heavenly Path sacred tool! 另一边,轮回圣王祭出天地人三书,硬扛五位太始元灵,五尊天道圣器 Saint King of Reincarnation stages a comeback, has truly prepared completely safe. 轮回圣王卷土重来,确实已经做好了万全准备。 Although Saint King of Reincarnation one's effort, is hard to suppress five Highest Commencement's Origin Spirit. 虽然轮回圣王一己之力,难以将五位太始元灵镇压。 But five Highest Commencement's Origin Spirit want to beat him, in a short time is impossible to achieve! 可五位太始元灵想要将他击败,短时间内也不可能做到! This was Su Zimo won lots of time! 这就为苏子墨争取了大量的时间! Martial Dao main body detonates Primal Chaos Universe again, starts to trace the origin of universe strength , to continue to deduce, counter pushes Martial Dao, the tracing beginning. 武道本尊再度引爆混沌宇宙,开始追溯宇宙万般力量的起源,继续推演,逆推武道,溯源起点。 But Su Zimo also taking this opportunity, comprehends world's mysteries, universe Profound Principle. 苏子墨也借此机会,来参悟天地奥秘,宇宙玄机 After Primal Chaos Universe explosion, the terrifying strength sweeps across the four directions, over time, Primal Chaos Universe vanished unexpectedly! 混沌宇宙爆炸之后,恐怖的力量席卷四方,随着时间推移,混沌宇宙竟然消失了! Accurate, was primal chaos (hun dun) vanishes. 准确来说,是混沌消失了。 That piece of universe also. 那片宇宙还在。 That piece of universe non- sense can see. 只是,那片宇宙非感官所能见。 Because, the two great true bodies intention is interlinked. 因为,两大真身心意相通。 Martial Dao main body is that piece of universe. 武道本尊就是那片宇宙。 Su Zimo can the sensation to Martial Dao main body exist(ence), therefore, can the indistinct sensation to piece of vast universe exist(ence). 苏子墨能感知到武道本尊存在,所以,才能隐约感知到一片浩瀚宇宙的存在 In this piece of vast universe, does not have any material, does not have any life, does not have any Grand Dao. 这片浩瀚宇宙中,没有任何物质,没有任何生命,没有任何大道 Not having is not only dark, without beginning or end, Qi of Primal Chaos does not have. 无光无暗,无始无终,就连混沌之气都没有。 But this piece of universe, can actually distinguish a general embryonic form faintly. 但这片宇宙,却隐隐能辨别出一个大概的雏形。 This is the thing that Su Zimo can the sensation arrive at only. 这是苏子墨唯一能感知到的东西。 This is a more ancient primitive universe, visible does not have the nature. 这是一个更加古老原始的宇宙,有形无质。 , In this piece of empty universe, first nurturing has four groups of luminous spots gradually, flutters, closes up toward the space center. 渐渐的,这片空荡荡的宇宙中,最先孕育出四团光点,飘飘荡荡,朝着宇宙中心靠拢。 This is......” “这是……” Su Zimo sees these four groups of luminous spots, in the heart raises a seemingly familiar feeling. 苏子墨看到这四团光点,心中升起一种似曾相识之感。 Where he seems to have seen...... 他似乎在哪里见到过…… Saint King of Reincarnation with five Highest Commencement's Origin Spirit wars, was still continuing. 轮回圣王与五位太始元灵的大战,仍在持续。 The strength complementary waves spread four directions that both sides erupt, attack Su Zimo, causes Primal Chaos Bell to shiver unceasingly, sends out bell sound. 双方爆发出来的力量余波蔓延四方,冲击到苏子墨这边,引得混沌钟不断颤抖,发出一道道钟声 Hears this bell sound, Su Zimo awakens suddenly! 听到这道钟声,苏子墨猛然醒悟! On Primal Chaos Bell, portrays the mountains land, sun, moon, and stars, majestic. 混沌钟上,刻画着山川大地,日月星辰,大气磅礴。 In addition, above bell body, but also stays behind four strange strength traces, not any Grand Dao, actually eternal does not extinguish! 除此之外,钟身之上,还留下四道奇异的力量痕迹,并非任何一种大道,却万古不灭! But the aura of these four strength traces, with Martial Dao main body incarnation four groups of luminous spots in the universe, are almost same! 而这四道力量痕迹的气息,与武道本尊化身的这片宇宙中的四团光点,几乎相同! How long also has not known. 也不知过了多久。 Four groups of luminous spots gather the space center. 四团光点汇聚到宇宙中心。 This time, Su Zimo feels clearly. 这一次,苏子墨感受得更加清晰。 These four groups of luminous spots, are not the lives, does not have any life aura. 这四团光点,并非是生命,也没有任何生命气息。 They are only the pure four ancient strengths! 他们只是单纯的四种古老力量! And one type, is similar to Grand Dao of Earth, is more inclusive broadly. 其中一种,与土之大道相似,却更加包容广阔。 One type is close to Grand Dao of Fire, is more ancient primitively. 一种与火之大道相近,却更加古老原始。 One type is similar to Grand Dao of Water, another type is similar to Grand Dao of Wind. 一种与水之大道相似,另一种与风之大道相似。 Two groups of luminous spots as if collide in together, blend mutually...... 两团光点仿佛是无意间碰撞在一起,相互交融…… Marvelous happened! 奇妙的一幕发生了! Two the collisions of strengths blend, burst out the life the aura! 两种力量的碰撞交融,迸发出生命的气息! The first life in this universe was born! 这个宇宙中的第一个生命诞生了! This life somewhat is immature, is section of inch permits Chang tender shoots, looks extremely delicate, takes root in the universe, drags gently. 这个生命还有些稚嫩,就是一截寸许长的嫩苗,看上去极为柔弱,扎根于宇宙之中,轻轻摇曳。 This is...... Primal Chaos' Azure Lotus! 这是……混沌青莲 Four groups of strengths, under the hauling of Martial Dao main body, 22 collisions, five lives are born one after another! 四团力量,在武道本尊的牵引之下,两两碰撞,又相继有五个生命诞生! On the bodies of these five lives, distinguishes appears to have Yin-Yang, heavenly punishment, extinction, space-time and power of flame! 在这五个生命的身上,分别显化阴阳天罚寂灭时空火焰之力 After six lives are born completely, that four groups of strengths also consume completely completely. 当六个生命全部诞生之后,那四团力量也全部消耗殆尽。 So that's how it is. 原来如此。 Looks at this, in the Su Zimo heart suddenly. 看着这一幕,苏子墨心中恍然。 This is six Highest Commencement's Origin Spirit origins! 这便是六位太始元灵的由来! Su Zimo the strength of these four groups of Taishi, called it earth, water, wind, fire. 苏子墨将这四团太始之力,称之为地、水、风、火 Because mutual blending of earth, water, wind, fire, is born six Highest Commencement's Origin Spirit, is in this piece of universe the initial six lives! 由于地、水、风、火的相互交融,才诞生出六位太始元灵,也是这片宇宙中最初的六个生命! Six big Heavenly Path in this piece of universe also arrive! 这片宇宙中的六大天道随之降临! Visible does not have the qualitative regarding this piece, was born six Highest Commencement's Origin Spirit universes, Su Zimo calls it the Taishi universe. 对于这片有形无质的,诞生六位太始元灵的宇宙,苏子墨称之为太始宇宙。 In Great Thousandfold World, after five Highest Commencement's Origin Spirit make a move, Martial Dao main body on their bodies, discovered four types of the aura and trace of strength of Taishi, inferred the Taishi universe from this exist(ence). 大千世界中,五位太始元灵出手之后,武道本尊在他们的身上,发现了四种太始之力的气息和痕迹,由此推断出太始宇宙的存在 The Taishi universe has not stabilized thoroughly, was still continue evolve. 只是,太始宇宙还没有彻底稳定下来,仍在继续演化。 Another side, the Su Zimo's mind, has returned to Primal Chaos Sacred Body. 另一边,苏子墨的心神,已经回归混沌圣体 Watched the formation of Taishi universe, births of six Highest Commencement's Origin Spirit, even felt the four strength of Taishi, this to his help was really big! 观看太始宇宙的形成,六位太始元灵的诞生,甚至感受到四种太始之力,这对他的帮助实在是太大了! Does not need comprehension, does not need to cultivate, the secret of universe most deep place, entire process, complete presents in his at present. 不需要感悟,不需要修炼,宇宙最深处的秘密,整个过程,完完全全的呈现在他的眼前。 Nothing is more direct than this. 没有什么比这更加直接。 Is enlightened no more than so also! 醍醐灌顶也不过如此! It may be said that a direct access to the highest authorities! 可谓一步通天! Keeps off in all barrier bottlenecks of Su Zimo Grand Dao front, all vanishes does not see! 挡在苏子墨大道前方的所有壁垒瓶颈,全都消失不见! Bang! 轰! Su Zimo treads forward one step, within the body spreads a loud sound! 苏子墨向前踏出一步,体内传出一声巨响! Thump! 咚! Primal Chaos Bell has a feeling, also erupts together bell sound! 混沌钟似有所感,也随之爆发出一道钟声 Heaven and Earth shivers, Grand Dao sounds together! 天地颤动,大道齐鸣! The Su Zimo aura rises suddenly, breaks open the barrier in a flash, as if arrives above the summit, occupies a commanding position, overlooks Heaven and Earth. 苏子墨气息暴涨,转瞬间破开屏障,仿佛来到山巅之上,居高临下,俯瞰天地 Heavenly Dao's Saint King! 天道圣王 He has truly stood in Three Thousand Worlds most peak! 他确实已经站在三千世界的最巅峰! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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