ESK :: Volume #34

#3372: ‚Three books’

Bang! 轰! Three Heavenly Path sacred tool collide in together, erupts a tremendous strength to fluctuate, almost destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, tears Yin-Yang instantaneously, punishes to Potian (splitting heaven), Saint King of Reincarnation holds Humans Book, appears comes out again. 三尊天道圣器碰撞在一起,爆发出一股巨大的力量波动,几乎毁天灭地,瞬间撕裂阴阳,冲破天罚,轮回圣王手托人书,重新显化出来。 Un?” “嗯?” Yin-Yang and heavenly punishment two Highest Commencement's Origin Spirit heart trembled. 阴阳天罚两位太始元灵心中一凛 Their offensive, were reduced and solved by Saint King of Reincarnation unexpectedly all, resist! 他们的攻势,竟然被轮回圣王尽数化解,抵挡下来! Two Heavenly Path sacred tool, in front of Humans Book, have not taken what advantage! 两尊天道圣器,在人书面前,都没占到什么便宜! In your hand that is not Humans Book!” “你手中那本不是人书!” Yin-Yang Yuan spirit eyes one black one white, is staring at Humans Book, the tone is dignified. 阴阳元灵双眼一黑一白,盯着人书,语气凝重。 Humans Book is Saint King of Life Heavenly Path sacred tool. 人书本是生命圣王天道圣器 6 billion years ago, in that great turbulence, Humans Book damages, might no longer. 六十亿年前,那次大动荡中,人书破损,威力不再。 Now, Humans Book falls in the Saint King of Reincarnation hand, not only changes beyond all recognition, but also the might won the past! 如今,人书落在轮回圣王手中,不但面目全非,而且威力更胜从前! Saint King of Reincarnation shows a faint smile, said: Accurate, this is true Humans Book!” 轮回圣王微微一笑,道:“准确来说,这才是真正的人书!” Original Humans Book, the pattern is too small, inside only has many records of myriad Human Race. But present Humans Book, contains creatures of myriad clans all information!” “原本的人书,格局太小,里面只有万千人族的众多记录。而如今的人书,包含万族生灵的所有信息!” All living creatures in Three Thousand Worlds, no matter you are birds and beasts, is plant creatures, is in Humans Book!” 三千世界中的一切活物,不管你是飞禽走兽,还是草木生灵,都位列人书之内!” The Su Zimo mind shakes. 苏子墨心神一震。 Big writing skill! 好大的手笔! The information of all lives, in Humans Book. 所有生命的信息,都在人书之中。 all living creatures, in front of Humans Book, does not have any secret, the strength of also not having resisted. 万物生灵,在人书面前,没有任何秘密,也没有丝毫抵抗的力量。 This means that so long as Saint King of Reincarnation thinks, he can definitely draw support from Humans Book, controls myriad things life and death, organizes the common people destiny! 这意味着,只要轮回圣王想,他完全可以借助人书,来掌控万物生死,摆布苍生命运! A space-time Yuan spirit, a ancestral flame Yuan spirit and extinction Yuan spirit three people have not spoken, looks at each other one mutually, heart consanance, acts! 时空元灵、祖火元灵、寂灭元灵三人并未说话,相互对视一眼,心有灵犀,同时出手! Three people look, the light is Yin-Yang and heavenly punishment two Highest Commencement's Origin Spirit, cannot do to Saint King of Reincarnation. 三人都看出来,光是阴阳天罚两位太始元灵,根本奈何不了轮回圣王 But Su Zimo in one side, is a serious hidden trouble, cannot let his achievement Saint King. 苏子墨在一旁,又是一个心腹大患,绝不能让他成就圣王 Therefore, a ancestral flame Yuan spirit, a extinction Yuan spirit and Yin-Yang and heavenly punishment two Highest Commencement's Origin Spirit collaborate, kills to Saint King of Reincarnation! 所以,祖火元灵、寂灭元灵与阴阳天罚两位太始元灵联手,杀向轮回圣王 But a space-time Yuan spirit choice acts to Su Zimo, the potential must strangle it! 时空元灵选择对苏子墨出手,势要将其扼杀! A stove of flaming combustion appears in the Saint King of Reincarnation surroundings, all over the body scarlet, spout the steam, sends out is cremating the prestige of Heaven and Earth! 一尊熊熊燃烧的火炉在轮回圣王的周围浮现,・通体赤红,喷涌着热气,散发着焚化天地之威! Heavenly Path sacred tool, Burning Heaven furnace! 天道圣器,焚天炉! A long spear pierces, exudes a grating sharp sound air-splitting, killing intent bone-chilling cold! 一杆长枪刺来,发出一阵刺耳尖锐的破空之声,杀意凛冽! Heavenly Path sacred tool, Murdering Saint Spear! 天道圣器,弑圣枪 Four Highest Commencement's Origin Spirit also make a move, although on them has the wound, but in their hands, after all four Heavenly Path sacred tool. 四位太始元灵同时出手,虽然他们身上有伤,但他们的手中,毕竟有四尊天道圣器 Humans Book is strong, cannot block attacking of four Heavenly Path sacred tool absolutely! 人书再强,也绝对挡不住四尊天道圣器的攻伐! Saint King of Reincarnation is unhurriedly, the look is calm, cuts toward the body under gently. 轮回圣王不慌不忙,神色从容,朝着身下轻轻一斩。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Next quarter, Heaven collapses and Earth sinks! 下一刻,天塌地陷 This is not any described, but is a Great Thousandfold World day, really collapsed! 这并非是任何形容,而是大千世界的一片天,真的塌了下来! This......” “这……” Su Zimo sees this, stares the big eyes. 苏子墨看到这一幕,不禁瞪大双眼。 If, Great Thousandfold World seems like cloth, then just Saint King of Reincarnation waved, tore down the northwest corner/horn of this cloth! 如果说,大千世界像是一匹布帛,那么刚刚轮回圣王挥手,撕下了这匹布帛的西北一角! That corner/horn, Thirty-Three Heavens is. 那一角,正是三十三天的所在。 Saint King of Reincarnation strips unexpectedly from Great Thousandfold World entire Thirty-Three Heavens, before moving to the body ! 轮回圣王竟将整个三十三天大千世界中剥离出来,搬到身前! Bang! 轰! Murdering Saint Spear and Burning Heaven furnace hits on Thirty-Three Heavens, erupts a deafening loud sound! 弑圣枪焚天炉撞在三十三天上,爆发出一声震耳欲聋的巨响! In this loud sound, Su Zimo hears one to wail faintly intermittently. 在这巨响之中,苏子墨隐隐听到一阵阵哀嚎。 In that Thirty-Three Heavens, is living the innumerable lives. 三十三天中,生活着无数生灵。 In just resisted Murdering Saint Spear and instance of Burning Heaven furnace, the huge impact backlashes in Thirty-Three Heavens, does not know that many lives will be killed shortly, the soul flies away and scatters! 在刚刚对抗弑圣枪焚天炉的瞬间,巨大的冲击反噬三十三天之中,不知道有多少生灵顷刻间丧命,魂飞魄散 Many lives do not even know that had anything, then passed away. 许多生灵甚至根本不知道发生了什么,便一命呜呼。 Regarding the life in Thirty-Three Heavens, just, looking like the disaster end was ordinary. 对于三十三天中的生灵而言,刚刚的一幕,就像是天灾末日一般。 How they can know, so terrifying disaster end, but one between three Saint King time fight! 他们又怎能知晓,如此恐怖的天灾末日,只是三位圣王间的一次交手! Su Zimo had once suspected, in Thirty-Three Heavens, Heavenly Path sacred tool. 苏子墨曾猜想过,三十三天中,有一尊天道圣器 But his how didn’t expect, this Heavenly Path sacred tool, is Thirty-Three Heavens! 但他怎么都没想到,这尊天道圣器,就是三十三天 Do not say is Su Zimo, five Highest Commencement's Origin Spirit see this, for it look changes. 不要说是苏子墨,就连五位太始元灵看到这一幕,都为之色变。 „Was this...... you in the past that Heavenly Path sacred tool?” “这是……你当年那尊天道圣器?” In a ancestral flame Yuan spirit tone, has a shock, a suspicion, unbelievable. 祖火元灵的语气中,带着一丝震惊,一丝怀疑,一丝难以置信。 Good.” “不错。” Saint King of Reincarnation nods, said: „After the past that Heavenly Path sacred tool you discarded jointly, I then its keep Great Thousandfold World, fused with Thirty-Three Heavens, records 3,000 Grand Daos.” 轮回圣王点点头,道:“当年那尊天道圣器被伱们联手废掉之后,我便将其留在大千世界,与三十三天融合,记载三千大道。” I its refine again, transforms into new Heavenly Path sacred tool, for heavenly book!” “我再将其炼化,蜕变为新的天道圣器,是为天书!” Su Zimo hearing this shakes. 苏子墨闻言一震。 Refining up to change into a Great Thousandfold World corner/horn, big boldness! 大千世界一角炼化为器,好大的魄力! Who can think, heavenly book non- book, but is a Great Thousandfold World corner/horn! 谁又能想到,天书非书,而是大千世界一角! In the past, Saint King of Reincarnation kept Great Thousandfold World a celestial lord, perhaps for the fusion of heavenly book and Thirty-Three Heavens, then transformed. 当年,轮回圣王天人道主留在大千世界,恐怕就是为了天书与三十三天的融合,进而蜕变。 This method, is extremely cruel regarding the life in Thirty-Three Heavens. 只是,这种手段,对于三十三天中的生灵而言太过残忍。 They will become the great person to fight momentarily the sacrificial victim in gambling! 他们随时都会成为大人物交手博弈中的牺牲品! Meanwhile, the strength of space-time Heavenly Path, arrives in the Su Zimo's direction. 与此同时,时空天道之力,朝着苏子墨的方向降临下来。 Hence, five Highest Commencement's Origin Spirit have acted completely! 至此,五位太始元灵全部都已出手! Martial Dao main body with the aid of the eyes of Azure Lotus True Body, in instant that five Highest Commencement's Origin Spirit make a move, finally seeks for that strength trace from ancient universe! 武道本尊借助青莲真身的双眼,在五位太始元灵出手的刹那,终于寻找到那种来自古老宇宙的力量痕迹! Unexpectedly is this?” “竟是这样吗?” Saint Ruins Land, Martial Dao main body looking pensive, muttered. 圣墟之地,武道本尊若有所思,喃喃自语。 Although he guessed probably, Primal Chaos Universe following evolution direction, but must transform truly finished, but also needed some time. 他虽然大概猜测出,混沌宇宙接下来的演化方向,但真正要蜕变结束,还需要一段时间。 But a space-time Yuan spirit has acted, Azure Lotus True Body cannot resist, will soon perish! 时空元灵已经出手,青莲真身根本抵挡不住,即将殒命! Suddenly! 陡然! phantom of gloomy terrifying, suddenly appears before the Su Zimo body together, the strength of this space-time Heavenly Path hits above, vanishes quickly disappears without a trace! 一道阴森恐怖的虚影,突然出现在苏子墨身前,这道时空天道之力撞在上面,很快消失得无影无踪 Bang! 轰! Heaven and Earth Profound Yellow Tower arrives, wants to break this piece of phantom, both sides collide. 天地玄黄塔降临下来,想要将这片虚影砸碎,双方碰撞。 This phantom sways, inside appears indistinctly strange frightened constructions, lifeless! 这片虚影一阵摇晃,里面隐约浮现出一座座诡异惊悚的建筑,死气沉沉 Heaven and Earth Profound Yellow Tower, cannot break this piece of phantom! 天地玄黄塔,都没能将这片虚影震碎! Un?” “嗯?” The Su Zimo look moves. 苏子墨神色一动。 This phantom gives him a seemingly familiar feeling! 这道虚影给他一种似曾相识之感! This is......” “这是……” Su Zimo softly muttered. 苏子墨轻喃一声。 Jie Jie Jie......” “桀桀桀……” Strange gloomy and cold laughter, resounds in the Su Zimo's ear suddenly: What's wrong, forgot me quickly?” 一阵怪异阴冷的笑声,突然在苏子墨的耳边响起:“怎么,这么快就忘记我了?” Fengdu! 酆都 Su Zimo heart suddenly. 苏子墨心头恍然。 This piece of phantom, unexpectedly is Kingdom of the Underworld! 这片虚影,竟是阴曹地府 Kingdom of the Underworld can anti- under Heaven and Earth Profound Yellow Tower strike, don’t tell me said...... 阴曹地府能抗下天地玄黄塔一击,难道说…… A space-time Yuan spirit look is dignified, is staring at Kingdom of the Underworld, said slowly: Another Heavenly Path sacred tool!” 时空元灵神色凝重,盯着阴曹地府,缓缓说道:“又一尊天道圣器!” Saint King of Reincarnation smiles lightly, said: Good, ‚the Heaven and Earth person three books performs in my hand, the heavenly book and Humans Book already presently, this is the book.” 轮回圣王淡淡一笑,道:“不错,‘天地人’三书尽在我手,天书、人书已现,这便是地书。” Book? 地书? Su Zimo is startled slightly, at once suddenly. 苏子墨微微一怔,旋即恍然。 The heavenly book non- book, is a Great Thousandfold World corner/horn refining up. 天书非书,乃是大千世界一角炼化。 The book naturally also not necessarily is one volume of books. 地书自然也未必是一卷书册。 The so-called place book, is Kingdom of the Underworld! 所谓的地书,便是阴曹地府 The heavenly book records 3,000 Grand Daos, Humans Book records creatures of myriad clans, but the book, holds is soul that the life died! 天书记载三千大道,人书记录万族生灵,而地书,容纳的都是生灵死去的魂魄 Why does not know, Su Zimo suddenly feels frightened, is afraid! 不知为何,苏子墨突然感到一丝惊悚,不寒而栗! ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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