The groupwolfphenomenontear and bite, was routedbySu Zimoall.
群狼异象撕咬,被苏子墨尽数击溃。leopardYaocanshadownumerous, the speedis astonishing, is hardto escape fromSu Zimo'sdharma eye!
The three dao (path)format the Myriad Beasts Ridgeskywar, the Su Zimoimposing manneris dreadful, twoHeavenly Venerablewere suppressedjointlystubbornly, the defeatrevealed.三道身影在万兽岭上空大战,苏子墨气势滔天,两位天尊联手都被死死压制住,败相显露。Thisis truly more than everyone expected.
这确实超出所有人的意料。AlthoughSu Zimohas not usedspiritual treasure, buthefrom top to bottom, as if is divine weapon, andrefers tolike the sword, makes a fist the hammer, an elbowlike the spear/gun, the long legwhip, hitstwoHeavenly Venerableunceasinglyto retrocede.苏子墨虽然没有动用灵宝,但他浑身上下,似乎全都是神兵利器,并指如剑,握拳似锤,支肘如枪,长腿似鞭,打得两位天尊不断后退。Continuesto slaughter, perhapstwoHeavenly Venerablemustby the Su Zimodomineeringsuppression!
“唉。”Seesthis, in the Xu Ruiheartsighslightly, said: „fellow daoist Su is so no wonder self-confident, daresto come upthisplaceto see right in front of one Myriad Beasts Ridgefourleaders, originallyhereallyhassuchbattle strength, onlypitifully......”
看到这一幕,徐瑞心中轻叹,道:“怪不得苏道友如此自信,敢上来此地面见万兽岭的四位头领,原来他竟然有如此战力,只可惜……”Chen Qianhe, Meng Shiand the otherswere silent.陈千禾、孟石等人默然。AlthoughXu Ruihas not continued, but the peoplecanguess correctly,Xu Ruiis regrettinganything.
虽然徐瑞没有继续说下去,但众人都能猜到,徐瑞在惋惜什么。Nowadays, Su Zimoseeminglyoccupiescompletely the winning side, maypresentthreeGreat Heavenly Venerablenot to act!
现如今,苏子墨看似占尽上风,可在场还有三位大天尊没有出手!So long asanyGreat Heavenly Venerableacts, thiswar, canendahead of time.
只要任何一位大天尊出手,这场大战,都可以提前终结。Tiger ClanHeavenly Venerablewas just killedbySu Zimo, Jackal ClanGreat Heavenly Venerableis impossibleto let offhim.虎族天尊刚刚被苏子墨所杀,豺族大天尊不可能放过他。Ifsees the situation is not wonderful, Jackal ClanGreat Heavenly Venerablewill definitely actahead of time, cutsto killSu Zimo!
若见形势不妙,豺族大天尊肯定会提前出手,将苏子墨斩杀!„The matter of today, truly not strangefellow daoist Su.”
“今日之事,确实不怪苏道友。”Chen Qianhesaid: „Whocanthink,Profound Goat RidgetwoGreat Heavenly Venerablearrive atthisplace, butMyriad Beasts Ridgebigleader, breaks throughrealm, achievementGreat Heavenly Venerable.”陈千禾道:“谁能想到,玄羊岭的两位大天尊降临此地,而万兽岭的大头领,又突破境界,成就大天尊。”
The warwas still continuing.
大战仍在持续。Wolf ClanandLeopard ClantwoHeavenly Venerable, althoughfallsleeward, does not have the least bitto be startled.狼族、豹族两位天尊虽然落入下风,却没有半点惊慌。Two peopleknow, so long astheygreetedone, Jackal ClanGreat Heavenly Venerablewill definitely act.
两人知道,只要他们招呼一声,豺族大天尊肯定会出手。ButSu Zimo, in the heartiscalm.
而苏子墨这边,心中更是淡定。Hehas not resorted toothermethods, butis the choiceshakeswithtwoHeavenly Venerablebyfleshly bodyhardly, the main reason, is to test, after Azure Lotus True BodyfusesKarmic Fire Red Lotus, power of fleshly body is actually whatlevel.
The warhence, inhishearthas known how things stand.
大战至此,他心中已经有数。Continuesto hit, bypower of fleshly body, cancutto killtwoHeavenly Venerable.
继续打下去,凭借肉身之力,也能将两位天尊斩杀。Buthedoes not wantto continueto consume.
但他不想继续耗下去了。SidealsothreeGreat Heavenly Venerableeye covetously, hejustnoticed,Jackal ClanGreat Heavenly Venerableis obviously eager to try, will actmomentarily.
旁边还有三位大天尊虎视眈眈,他刚刚留意到,豺族大天尊明显跃跃欲试,随时都会出手。OnceJackal ClanGreat Heavenly Venerableacts, wantsto massacreWolf ClanandLeopard ClantwoHeavenly Venerableagain, thenondifficultmany.
一旦豺族大天尊出手,再想要杀掉狼族、豹族两位天尊,便难上许多。Mustby the potential of thunder, cutto killWolf ClanandLeopard ClanHeavenly Venerable, does not give the opportunity of Jackal ClanGreat Heavenly Venerableresponse!
必须要以雷霆之势,将狼族、豹族天尊斩杀,不给豺族大天尊反应的机会!Changes mindhence, the Su Zimoaurasuddenlychanges, suddenlyholding upa side world, insideduskypiece, slurred.
转念至此,苏子墨气息陡然一变,突然撑起一方世界,里面灰蒙蒙一片,模糊不清。Primal Chaos World!混沌世界!Primal Chaos Worldarrives, coversinWolf Clan and bodies of Leopard ClantwoHeavenly Venerableinstantaneously.混沌世界降临,瞬间笼罩在狼族、豹族两位天尊的身上。Inthisworldseems likeordinary, does not have anyphenomenonappears, nostrength, without the lightis dark, withoutspace and time.
这座世界中看似平平无奇,没有任何异象显化,也没有什么力量,没有光暗,没有时空。But after arriving, Wolf ClanandLeopard ClantwoHeavenly Venerablephenomenon of Grand Dao, exudeoneto call out in grief, instantaneouscollapse!
但降临下来之后,狼族、豹族两位天尊的大道异象,纷纷发出一声悲鸣,瞬间崩溃!TwoHeavenly Venerablea side world, was includedbySu Zimo'sPrimal Chaos World, changes intoprimal chaos (hun dun).
两位天尊的一方世界,也被苏子墨的混沌世界纳入其中,化为混沌。InthisPrimal Chaos World, fusingwere too many.
The Su Zimopassingcultivationresults indao and law, phenomenon, dharma idol, paradise, divine abilityandsecret technique...... is completely one of them!苏子墨过往修炼得道与法,异象、法相、洞天、神通、秘术……尽在其中!
The myriad thingsultimatehome to return , is primal chaos (hun dun)!
万物终极的归宿,便是混沌!Twoworldvanish, means that Wolf ClanandLeopard ClantwoHeavenly VenerableexposeunderSu Zimo'sPrimal Chaos World.
两座世界消失,就意味着狼族、豹族两位天尊暴露在苏子墨的混沌世界之下。„Beforeme, but also is wild!”
“在我面前,还敢猖狂!”Jackal ClanGreat Heavenly Venerableseesthis, the lookbig change, angrily shouted.豺族大天尊看到这一幕,神色大变,怒喝一声。
The warsituationdevelops rapidly after a sudden turn, hewantsto rushagain the life-saving, has been less.
战局的形势急转直下,他再想要冲上去救人,已然不及。Saw that Wolf ClanandLeopard ClantwoHeavenly Venerablehang in the balance, Jackal ClanGreat Heavenly Venerable can only firsterupttogetherprimordial spiritdao imprint, attackstowardSu Zimo.
眼看着狼族、豹族两位天尊命悬一线,豺族大天尊只能先爆发出一道元神道印,朝着苏子墨攻去。Thisis the quickestmurderingmethod, the twinkling.
这是最快的杀伐手段,瞬息即至。In view of the attack of primordial spirit, Venerable that alsosufficientlythreechangesDao Congealing Realmwrites offinstantaneously!
“结束了。”Seesthis, in the mind of Primal Chaos Palacepeople, flashes throughsuchthought.
看到这一幕,混沌宫众人的脑海中,都闪过这样的念头。Somepeopledo not even endureto witness, lower the head.
有些人甚至不忍目睹,低下头去。Facingmaking a move of wolfGreat Heavenly Venerable, the Su Zimolookis invariable, alsoreleasesprimordial spiritdao imprint!
面对豺狼大天尊的出手,苏子墨神色不变,也同样释放出一记元神道印!Su Zimowas once controllingseveralprimordial spiritsecret technique.苏子墨曾经掌控着好几种元神秘术。Butcultivatesthisrealm, theseprimordial spiritsecret techniqueare hardto touch the "Dao"level, cannot display the toobiguse.
但修炼到这个境界,这些元神秘术难以触及‘道’的层次,发挥不出太大的用处。Only thenintegratesprimal chaos (hun dun)theseprimordial spiritsecret technique, formsprimal chaos (hun dun)primordial spiritdao imprint, canplay the enormous power.
“嗯?”Jackal ClanGreat Heavenly Venerablelookbig change!豺族大天尊神色大变!primordial spirit of thisperson......
此人的元神……„Great Heavenly Venerablelevel!”
“大天尊的层次!”Profound Goat Great Heavenly Venerablealsofeels the Su Zimothisprimordial spiritdao imprintterrifying, the lookis dignified, softly muttered.玄羊大天尊也感受到苏子墨这道元神道印的恐怖,神色凝重,轻喃一声。„Venerable that Dao Congealing Realmthreechange, cultivatesGreat Heavenly Venerableprimordial spiritunexpectedly?”
“凝道境三变的尊者,竟修炼出大天尊的元神?”Golden Armour Great Heavenly Venerablesucks in an cold air/Qi.金甲大天尊倒抽一口冷气。Twological expressionhave not said,twoprimordial spiritdao imprinthave then collidedintogether, quiet, butletssurroundingtransmitsoneto rockvoid!
The Great Thousandfold Worldspace, is firm.大千世界的空间,何等坚固。ButSu Zimo and primordial spiritcollision of Jackal ClanGreat Heavenly Venerable, actuallymayshakevoid!
“嗯!”Jackal ClanGreat Heavenly Venerableis just aboutto go forward, actuallylookbig change, stuffysnort/hum!豺族大天尊正要上前,却神色大变,闷哼一声!Profound Goat Great Heavenly VenerableandGolden Armour Great Heavenly Venerableareheart trembled.玄羊大天尊、金甲大天尊都是心中一凛。
The collision of thisprimordial spiritdao imprint, was actually Jackal ClanGreat Heavenly Venerablefellleeward!
这道元神道印的碰撞,却是豺族大天尊落了下风!„Washejustbroke through, realmwas not steady, is hardto display the Great Heavenly Venerabletruestrength.”
“想必是他刚刚突破,境界不稳,难以发挥出大天尊真正的力量。”Golden Armour Great Heavenly Venerablesaidin a low voice.金甲大天尊低声说道。Profound Goat Great Heavenly Venerablewas silent.玄羊大天尊闭口不言。Hefeelsindistinctly,perhaps the matter is not so simple!
他隐约感觉到,恐怕事情没这么简单!In fact, indeed so.
事实上,也正是如此。Jackal ClanGreat Heavenly Venerableobviouslycanfeel, ownprimordial spirit, by a flamestrengthignition, is quite been as if painful!豺族大天尊明显能感受到,自己的元神,仿佛正在被一种火焰力量灼烧,极为痛苦!Althoughhas not injured and basis, is actually so shocked they broke out in a cold sweathim.
虽然没有伤及根本,却也将他惊出一身冷汗。„Person who Imustkill, youcould not rescue!”
“我要杀的人,你救不了!”Su Zimolooked atJackal ClanGreat Heavenly Venerable, whilethisopportunity, Primal Chaos Worldarrivesloudly, coversWolf ClanandLeopard ClantwoHeavenly Venerable!苏子墨看了一眼豺族大天尊,趁此机会,混沌世界轰然降临,将狼族、豹族两位天尊笼罩进去!„!”
“啊!”Inprimal chaos (hun dun), twoHeavenly Venerablespread a pitiful yell, laterthendid not have the sound, fleshchanges intoprimal chaos (hun dun).混沌之中,两位天尊传出一声惨叫,随后便没了声息,一身血肉化为混沌。Myriad Beasts Ridgehigh and low, countshundred thousandmonster beastto witnessthisfrigidscene.万兽岭上下,数十万妖兽都目睹着这一幕惨烈的场景。That two aloof and remoteleader, byoutsider, in front ofJackal ClanGreat Heavenly Venerable, was once suppresseddirectly, the skeletonnotsaves!
那两位曾经高高在上的头领,被一个外来者,在豺族大天尊面前,被直接镇压,尸骨无存!Thisiswhat kind ofdomineering!
The Primal Chaos Palacepeopleseethis , at the scene, the whole faceis startledto accommodate.混沌宫众人看到这一幕,也都愣在当场,满脸惊容。EvenGreat Heavenly VenerablecannotpreventSu Zimo!
“好手段!”Meng Shicannot bearloudly shouted, the lookglitters a excitement, the whole bodyblood seems moving restlessly.孟石忍不住大喝一声,眼神闪烁着一丝兴奋,浑身血液仿佛都躁动起来。Thiscrowd of monster beastsavagebloodthirsty, do not know that many plant creatureswere slaughteredbyit, Meng Shihas hated to the marrow of the bonesaboutthiscrowd of monster beast.
这群妖兽凶残嗜血,不知有多少草木生灵被其屠戮,孟石早就对这群妖兽恨之入骨。Seesthis, hewill only feelincomparablyhappily!
看到这一幕,他只会感到无比痛快!Xu Ruialsosubconsciousgets hold of the doublefist, suppresses the innermost feelingsas far as possible the excitement, the sinkingsound said: „fellow daoist Sumurdersresolute, leaves no ground, is intendingto protectus.”徐瑞也下意识的握紧双拳,尽可能压制住内心的激动,沉声道:“苏道友杀伐果决,不留余地,也是在有意保护咱们。”„Ifhetied downbyJackal ClanGreat Heavenly Venerable, butWolf ClanandLeopard ClantwoHeavenly Venerablewithdraw, perhapsmeetsfirstmassacresto give vent to indignationus.”
The Primal Chaos Palacepeoplenod.混沌宫众人都点了点头。Butnow, Su ZimocutsMyriad Beasts RidgethreeHeavenly Venerablecontinually, Jackal ClanGreat Heavenly Venerableallanger, will fall in torrentscompletelyonSu Zimo's!
( This chapterends)
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