InEmperornumber, Heavenly Desolate Worldherefar inferiorHell Realm.
帝君数量上,天荒界这边远不及地狱界。Was goodoncecaused heavy lossesbecause ofHell Realm, numeroushell creaturesrealmwere suppressed.
好在地狱界曾遭到重创,众多地狱生灵的境界遭到压制。Twothousand yearscome, althoughHell Realmcanrestoreto improve, topEmperorexpert in hell creaturesare not many.
The Emperorexpertmethodis in addition powerful, only ifbattle strengthsteamroll, otherwiseis hardto branch out the life and death.
再加上帝君强者手段强大,除非战力碾压,否则难以分出生死。Although the Emperor Realmwaris intense, suddenlyis close, Heavenly Desolate Worldcanfight the impact of Hell Armytemporarily.帝境大战虽然激烈,一时间却难分胜负,天荒界可以暂时抵御住地狱大军的冲击。Most frigidmustbe the Kingbattlefield!
最为惨烈的要属王者战场!Thisrealmhell creaturesare most, continuousrushes aheadfrom the Hellabyss, proliferatesacrossHeavenly World.
这个境界的地狱生灵最多,源源不断的从地狱深渊中冲杀出来,遍布天界各地。Heavenly Desolate WorldKingmustdeal, oftenisseveral timesinHellKing of one's own side!天荒界王者要应对的,往往是数倍于己方的地狱王者!Ye Ling, Hou Zi (monkey)andOld Tiger, only thenYe LingandHou Zi (monkey), cultivationParadise Realmgreat accomplishment, otherjuststepped intoParadise Realm.夜灵、猴子、老虎这边,只有夜灵和猴子,修炼到洞天境大成,其余都刚刚踏入洞天境。Even so, hasYe LingandHou Zi (monkey)assumes personal command, facingbesieging of dozensHellKing, thesebigMonster Kingcankill the opposite partyas beforeis off their feet!
但即便如此,有夜灵和猴子坐镇,面对数十位地狱王者的围攻,这几大妖王依旧能将对方杀得人仰马翻!Even ifPinnacle King to Ye Ling and Ye Ling liangs bigMonster King, ismore unfortunate than fortunate!
哪怕巅峰王者对上夜灵大妖王,都是凶多吉少!Ye Lingtransforms the main body, like the ghosts and demons, was more unpredictable than a Void Yakshaclan, movementspeed, evenfarultraRakshasa Clan!夜灵幻化出本体,如同鬼魅,比虚空夜叉一族还捉摸不定,身法速度,甚至远超罗刹一族!to travel of Ye Lingin the battlefield, anybad riskhas not arrivedinOld Tiger, Qingqing, Little FoxandGolden Lion the bodies of fourMonster King, had been reduced and solvedbyhim.夜灵在战场中穿梭,任何凶险还没有降临在老虎、青青、小狐狸、黄金狮子的四位妖王的身上,就已经被他化解。Heas iftoslaughterto live, walks randomlyto travelin the darkness, all, canchange intoslaughter the weapon!
他仿佛为杀戮而生,在黑暗中游走穿梭,身上的一切,都可以化为杀戮兵器!But the Hou Zi (monkey)fightstyle, is entirely different from Ye Ling.
而猴子的战斗风格,与夜灵截然不同。Hou Zi (monkey)graspsfightingemperor armament, is condensingten thousandzhang (3.33 m)war soul, bloody-red eyes, the aurais wild, makes a long-range raidin the battlefield, the both armsbrandish the longstick, opensgreatlygathersgreatly, advances freely and quickly, unsurpassed!猴子手持斗战帝兵,身后凝聚着万丈战魂,双眼血红,气息狂暴,在战场中奔袭,双臂抡起长棍,大开大合,纵横驰骋,无可匹敌!HasHell RealmPseudo Emperorexpertto detect that thisbattlefieldsituationis not right, to the support, was blockedby the Hou Zi (monkey)front surface.
有地狱界的准帝强者察觉到这处战场形势不对,冲过来支援,被猴子迎面拦住。Both sidesoutbreak of battle!
双方爆发大战!Hou Zi (monkey)releasesfight within the past and present, combustionlife origin, facingPseudo Emperorexpert, does not drop the wind, fiercely competes and successfully competes.猴子释放出斗战古今,燃烧寿元,面对准帝强者,也不落下风,越战越勇。ThisPseudo Emperorexpertsecretheartstartled, butthreebreath, hisbehind, appearto wipe the ghosts and demonsform!
A jet blackspur, piercesthisPseudo Emperorexpertback of the head!
一根漆黑的骨刺,将这位准帝强者后脑刺穿!HasHou Zi (monkey)to divertdirectly, Ye Lingkillsin secret, evenPseudo Emperorexpert, inthem, how longcould not supportjointly.
有猴子正面牵制,夜灵暗中袭杀,即便是准帝强者,在他们联手之下,也撑不了多久。Concubine YuleadsHeavenly Desolate Worldhell creatures, slaughterswithHell Realmhell creaturesin the same place.玉妃率领天荒界的地狱生灵,与地狱界的地狱生灵厮杀在一起。Althoughis the consanguineousbloodlines, both sideshave actually gone separate ways, nowmeets, particularlyeyes are red, regards as the rebel the opposite party!
虽是同族血脉,双方却已分道扬镳,如今相见,分外眼红,都将对方视为叛逆!Jade Rakshasais leadingRakshasa Clanin the Heavenly Worldbattlefieldskysoaring, waits for an opportunityto support.玉罗刹带领着罗刹一族在天界战场上空飞翔,伺机支援。Lin LeiandLin LuoleadWar Countryexpert, arrivesinAzure Firmament Immortal Territory......林磊、林落带领战国强者,降临在青霄仙域……hell creatures were too after all many, dense and numerous, boundlessendless, continuousdrillsfrom the Hellabyss, as ifforeverkillsnot!地狱生灵毕竟太多了,密密麻麻,茫茫无尽,源源不断的从地狱深渊中钻出来,似乎永远杀不尽!Heavenly Desolate Worldnumerousexpert, scatteracrossHeavenly World, operates independently.天荒界的众多强者,散落在天界各地,各自为战。Except thatYe LingandHou Zi (monkey)severalbigMonster King, in additioncanstabilize the aspect, nodanger.
除了夜灵、猴子几大妖王这边,尚且能稳住局面,没有什么危险。In other battlefields, somewhatis in imminent danger!
其他的一些战场上,都有些岌岌可危!By the Heavenly Desolate Worldstrength, is not enoughto contendwithentireHell Realm!
铮铮铮!In the meantime, the distant placetransmitssounds of the spiritedswordcries, pierce metals and crack stones, shocks the will of the people!
The nextquarter, onecrowd of sword cultivatorkillfromspace tunnel, arrivessky overHeavenly World, is the lord of person of Sword Worldhead, Elder Ironcrown!
下一刻,一群剑修从空间隧道中杀出来,降临在天界上空,为首之人正是剑界之主,铁冠老者!Sword Worldarrives!剑界抵达!Elder IroncrownisPinnacle Emperor . Moreover, in recent years, battle strengthstrivesunceasingly, is close toGreat Emperorinfinitely, isthis, mosthas the person of opportunityproved the DaoGreat Emperor!铁冠老者乃是巅峰帝君,而且,这些年来,战力不断精进,无限接近大帝,也是这一世,最有机会证道大帝之人!Elder Ironcrownholds the sword the line, entersin the Emperor Realmbattlefield, the swordglowair-splitting, the flamingwhite lightsparkle, as ifwill cuttwo halvesHeaven and Earthtogether!铁冠老者持剑而行,杀入帝境战场中,剑芒破空,一道炽盛白光闪耀,将仿佛将天地斩成两半!Prison Lord of the Capital Springsa side world, was cutbrokenby a Elder Ironcrownsword, the chest frontappearsis together deepandsees the swordmark of bone, bloody.酆泉狱主的一方世界,被铁冠老者一剑斩碎,胸前出现一道深及见骨的剑痕,血流如注。„Pū!”
The Prison Lord of the Capital Springslookstartlesgreatly, leavingsuddenly/violentlyto retreat.酆泉狱主神色大骇,抽身暴退。Hewas almost cutto fallby a Elder Ironcrownsword!
他差点被铁冠老者一剑斩落!HasElder Ironcrownoneperson, thenstands firm the Emperor Realmbattlefieldsufficiently!
有铁冠老者一人,便足以稳住帝境战场!Another side.
另一边。WitheverywhereHua Luo, Beiming Xuecomes, the white clothinglike the snow, the lookis indifferent, A Frozen Sword, crossesNine Firmaments!
A giantswordmark, stretches acrossNine Firmaments Immortal Territories, as iflandcrack.
一道巨大的剑痕,横跨九霄仙域,仿佛大地龟裂。Under a sword, does not know that many hell creaturesperish!
“昂!”dragon's roarsoundresounded through Heaven and Earth!龙吟声响彻天地!
The space outside Heavenly Worldsplits, Dragon Clangives support!天界外的空间裂开,龙族前来支援!
The Dragon Clanquantitywere not many, after the dragon and phoenixgreat misfortune, Dragon Clanisorigin qidamages severely, Dragon Clan that thistimegives supportare not many.龙族数量本就不多,经过龙凤大劫之后,龙族更是元气大伤,这次前来支援的龙族也不多。ButtheseDragon Clanjustcame, thenincarnationdivine dragon, entersin the battlefield, has the huge impact on thiscrowd of hell creatures!
The dragon's roarsoundhas not fallen, the phoenix crysoundgets up!龙吟声还未落下,凤鸣声响起!Parasol Tree Worldgives support!梧桐界前来支援!„Roar!”
The Blood Ape Clanroaringsoundgets up.血猿一族的咆哮声响起。Blood Ape Worldarrives!血猿界抵达!Follows, Great Desolation Worldarrives, Myriad Monstersshouts, butlong-range raidto!
紧随其后,大荒界降临,万妖嘶吼,奔袭而至!Sky overHeavenly World, sea tide the sound of thunderingtransmits, deafening.天界上空,海潮的轰鸣之声传来,震耳欲聋。
A leaderbodyhugelifeappears, ups and downsinstar sea.
一头头身躯庞大的生灵浮现,在星海中沉浮。Great Pengextendshangs a day of wing, obstructs the cloudto block out the sun!
大鹏伸展垂天之翼,遮云蔽日!Kunpeng Worldarrives!鲲鹏界抵达!Subdebutantesbreak openvoid, arrives around Heavenly World, the whole bodyis sending out the lightdelicate fragrance, graspsdivine weapon, the visionis firm.
一位位妙龄少女破开虚空,来到天界附近,浑身散发着淡淡幽香,手持神兵,目光坚定。Flower Worldgives support!花界前来支援!Seesthis, the Heavenly Worldnumerouscultivatorspiritinspiresgreatly!
看到这一幕,天界的众多修士精神大振!Theyknow, so long asthere aretheseplanesto collaborate, has the opportunityto killhell creatures, makingthemhurry back to the Hellabyss!
他们知道,只要有这些界面联手,就有机会将地狱生灵杀回去,让它们赶回地狱深渊!Has the support of theseplanes, the situation in battlefield, immediatelychanges.
有这些界面的支援,战场上的局势,立即发生转变。hell creaturesfalls from the skyare getting more and more, the offensiveis blocked, evenstartsto have the sign of being repulsed!地狱生灵陨落的越来越多,攻势受阻,甚至开始有败退的迹象!Numerouscultivatorare even more inspired.
众多修士越发振奋。Thiswar, as ifpeopleimagination is easier.
这一战,似乎比众人想象中的要容易。So long ascanhurry back to the Hellabyssthiscrowd of hell creatures, Emperorexpertfrom all walks of lifecanattemptto collaborate, prohibitsthisHellabyss!
只要能将这群地狱生灵赶回地狱深渊,各界的帝君强者就可以尝试联手,将这道地狱深渊封禁起来!Elder IroncrownandLinglong (exquisite)Immortal Emperorand other emperors, in the heartdo not have a pointto relax, was still the lookis dignified.铁冠老者、玲珑仙帝等众位帝君,心中却没有一点放松,仍是神色凝重。Theyknow, sinceHell Realmis launching the offensiveat this moment, sowill not be simple.
他们知道,既然地狱界在此刻发动攻势,就不会这么简单。Moreover, Hell Realmcandecide that truly the wartrendexpert, has not come!
而且,地狱界这边真正能决定战局走势的强者,还并未现身!Elder Ironcrownbecoming aware, looks up the vault of heaven that dark cloudscovered.铁冠老者似有所觉,抬头看了一眼黑云笼罩的苍穹。Originally, that sideis the Heavenly Courtruinsis.
原本,那边是天庭废墟所在。Butat this moment, had been camouflagedby the dark cloudsall, byhisdivine consciousness, is unable itspenetration.
而此刻,已经尽数被黑云遮蔽,以他的神识,都无法将其穿透。In the back of thisnumerousdark clouds, seems innurturinganything!
在这重重黑云的背后,似乎正在孕育着什么!„It is not right!”
“不对劲!”Elder Ironcrownknits the browssecretly.铁冠老者暗自皱眉。In the meantime, aboveHeavenly Worldvoidsplitsagain.
就在此时,天界上方的虚空再度裂开。Onecrowd of expertone after another, murderous-looking!
一群强者鱼贯而出,杀气腾腾!Elder Ironcrown, Immortal King Linglongand the otherslooked as far as the eye can seeto look, mindonecold!铁冠老者、玲珑仙王等人纵目看去,不禁心神一凛!Blood World, Tomb World, Bone World, Lifeless World and Poison Worldarmy, comes!血界、墓界、白骨界、无生界、毒界的大军,同时现身!In the pastSu Zimohad once said that fivemajor plane, includingWitch World, areLord of the Underworldcreates.
In the past War of Slaying the Heavens, becauseLord of the Underworldfell from the skyearly, fivemajor planehave not participated, naturallyexempted the calamity of bladesoldier.
After War of Slaying the Heavens, from all walks of lifechases downHeavenly Courtremnants, thenrests and builds up strength, pays attention tofiveplanesonno oneagain.伐天之战后,各界追杀天庭余孽,而后休养生息,也就没人再去理会五个界面。Butinthis, fivemajor planealsocomes, thisalsomeans,Lord of the Underworldhas not died!
而在这一世,五大界面同时现身,这也意味着,地府之主没死!Because, besideshim, no onecantransferthesefivemajor planeexpertsimultaneously!
因为,除他之外,没有人能同时调动这五大界面的强者!ThisbyHeavenly World, but the war, continuallyescalates, involvesvariousmajor plane, spreadsallinfluence, has lost controlthoroughly!
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