ESK :: Volume #33

#3213: outbreak of battle

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In Heavenly Court, seems to be also having some change! 天庭中,似乎也在发生着某种变化! Linglong (exquisite) Immortal Emperor took a deep breath, makes several communication talisman, escorts to Sword World, Great Desolation World, Dragon World, Blood Ape World and other numerous every large or small planes. 玲珑仙帝深吸一口气,打出几道传讯符箓,送往剑界大荒界龙界血猿界等一众大大小小的界面 After War of Slaying the Heavens, these planes have been ready, the common onset and retreat, deals with the disaster that possibly arrives at momentarily. 伐天之战后,这些界面就已经做好准备,共同进退,应对随时可能降临的灾难。 Heavenly Desolate World is being led the army who comprised of the emperors and King by Linglong (exquisite) Immortal Emperor, enters space tunnel, hurries to toward Heavenly World. 天荒界玲珑仙帝带领着由众位帝君、王者组成的大军,进入空间隧道,朝着天界赶去。 Probably Old Xuan and the others, remain in Heavenly Desolate World. 像是玄老等人,留守在天荒界 If sees the situation is not wonderful, they will be escorting Heavenly Desolate World creatures of myriad clans, draws back to the place of that inheritance Nine Nethers Great Emperor keeps, retains the bloodlines. 若见形势不妙,他们将会护送着天荒界万族生灵,退向九幽大帝留下来的那片传承之地,保留血脉。 Naturally, this also means that entire Medium Thousandfold World is at the boundary of critical life or death! 当然,这也意味着整个中千世界都处在危急存亡之境! This is the Heavenly Desolate World final escape route. 这是天荒界最后的退路。 In space tunnel. 空间隧道中。 The Heavenly Desolate World people look serious, the complexion is serious. 天荒界众人神情严肃,脸色沉重。 The people had realized, their goes, possibly many people do not come back forever. 众人都已经意识到,他们此去,可能有很多人永远都回不来。 Has the Zimo news?” “有子墨的消息吗?” Feng Cantian asked. 风残天问道。 The people look at each other one, shakes the head. 众人对视一眼,都摇了摇头。 In recent years, Su Zimo evaporated in Medium Thousandfold World probably generally, has not heard from, even does not have a trace to remain. 这些年来,苏子墨好像在中千世界蒸发了一般,杳无音信,甚至都没有一点痕迹留下来。 Even Linglong (exquisite) Immortal Emperor and Lin Xuanji two people deduce jointly, is unable to calculate any information. 即便玲珑仙帝林玄机两人联手推演,都无法推算出任何信息。 Mo Qing said in a soft voice: I hope that he do not appear.” 墨倾轻声道:“我倒希望他不要出现。” The people understand the Mo Qing's implication. 众人都明白墨倾的言外之意。 War of Slaying the Heavens was for more than 2000 years, regarding Paradise Realm King, the time was too short. 伐天之战距今不过两千余年,对于洞天境王者而言,时间太短了。 The Su Zimo talent is strong, the chance is big, is impossible to step into Emperor Realm. 苏子墨天赋再强,机缘再大,也不可能踏入帝境 ...... …… Heavenly World. 天界 Less than day of time, the flames of war have then burnt Heavenly World, rivers of blood, the skeleton is vast! 不到一天时间,战火便已经烧遍天界,血流成河,尸骸遍野! Inexhaustible hell creatures, to/clashes from the abyss, transits like the locust, everywhere one visit, infertile! 无穷无尽的地狱生灵,从深渊中冲出来,如同蝗虫过境,所到之处,寸草不生! Pure Land of Bliss first falls to the enemy. 极乐净土最先沦陷。 The offensive of this crowd of hell creatures to Pure Land of Bliss is fiercest, although Pure Land of Bliss numerous buddha sect(s) expert gather, cannot resist like surging tides the terrifying offensive! 这群地狱生灵极乐净土的攻势最为凶猛,极乐净土虽然众多佛门强者聚集在一起,也抵挡不住如潮水般恐怖的攻势! After several buddha sect(s) Great Emperor bodies fall, buddha sect(s) defense line unceasing rout, innumerable buddha sect(s) monk body dies and Dao disappears. 几位佛门大帝身陨之后,佛门的防线不断溃败,无数佛门僧人身死道消 The pure land of big piece, degenerates into the ruins! 大片的净土,沦为废墟! How long Demon Territory and Nine Firmaments Immortal Territories could not insist. 魔域九霄仙域也坚持不了多久。 The Heavenly Desolate World people arrive in nearby Heavenly World, just came out from space tunnel, then has strong bloody qi assaults the senses, is almost suffocating! 天荒界众人抵达天界附近,刚刚从空间隧道中出来,便有一股浓烈的血腥气扑面而来,几乎令人窒息! Looking into the distance, in boundless starry sky is floating big piece bloody mist, the innumerable stump residual limbs break the arm, the shatter skeleton ups and downs in bloody mist, shocking! 放眼望去,茫茫星空中漂浮着大片血雾,无数残肢断臂,破碎尸骨在血雾中沉浮,触目惊心! Some cultivator stare the big eyes, on the face emerges the deep fear, dies with injustice unredressed. 有的修士瞪大双眼,脸庞上涌现出深深的恐惧,死不瞑目。 Some cultivator, the body of break is still flowing the warm blood, obviously just fell from the sky shortly. 有的修士,断裂的身躯还在流淌着温热的鲜血,明显刚刚陨落没多久。 The bonus was the Heavenly Desolate World people had once experienced War of Slaying the Heavens, saw the life and death, saw this, should still feel an intermittent heart startled! 饶是天荒界众人曾经历过伐天之战,见惯生死,看到这一幕,仍会感到一阵阵心惊! The people break open bloody mist, leads the way. 众人破开血雾,一路前行。 In a while, then sees Heavenly World that stretch of huge land. 没过多久,便看到天界那一片庞大的陆地。 Full of vitality planes, had degenerated into a side purgatory at this time! 原本生机勃勃的界面,此时已经沦为一方炼狱! Big Heavenly World, is occupied by dense and numerous hell creatures, slaughters everywhere, all living things wail the sound of sorrowful cry, the Heavenly World sky are reverberating! 偌大的天界,已经被密密麻麻的地狱生灵占据,杀戮无处不在,众生哀嚎恸哭之声,天界上空回荡着! That Tree of Foundation divine tree, has withered. 就连那株建木神树,都已经枯萎。 Heavenly World falls to the enemy! 天界沦陷! The complexion of Heavenly Desolate World people are ugly. 天荒界众人的脸色难看。 The Hell Realm offensive is extremely fierce, less than day of time, has captured Heavenly World, the place visited, the chicken dog does not remain! 地狱界的攻势太过凶猛,不到一天时间,就已经将天界攻陷,所过之处,鸡犬不留! Amitabha.” “阿弥陀佛。” Ming Zhen holds their palms together, lowers the head to chant in a low voice, look grief. 明真双手合十,垂首低吟,神色悲悯。 Purple Pavilion Immortal King sees this, in the heart a lingering fear. 紫轩仙王看到这一幕,心中一阵后怕。 After War of Slaying the Heavens, under the persuasion of Yun Zhu, he then moved to Heavenly Desolate World Purple Pavilion Immortal Country, has most cultivator to choose to follow him to come. 伐天之战后,在云竹的劝说之下,他便将紫轩仙国搬到了天荒界,有大半修士都选择跟随他过来。 But some people are not willing to be forced to leave native place, far away from the native land, the choice keeps Divine Firmament Immortal Territory. 但仍有一些人不愿背井离乡,远离故土,选择留在神霄仙域 But at this time, these people have degenerated into nameless skeletons in Divine Firmament Immortal Territory. 而此时,这些人已经沦为神霄仙域中的一具具无名尸骨。 If he has not obeyed the advice of Yun Zhu, at this time with his Purple Pavilion Immortal Country, has buried together in Divine Firmament Immortal Territory! 若是他没有听从云竹的建议,此时已经和他的紫轩仙国,一起埋葬在神霄仙域之中! Linglong (exquisite) Immortal Emperor, Mo Qing, Yun Zhu and the others saw Heavenly World at this moment, the look is complex. 玲珑仙帝墨倾云竹等人看到此刻的天界,神色复杂。 They come from Heavenly World after all, sees Heavenly World to reduce hence, felt that regretted distressed. 她们毕竟出身于天界,看到天界沦落至此,不免感到痛心惋惜。 In the eye pupil of Linglong (exquisite) Immortal Emperor, that wipes sadly deeper. 玲珑仙帝的眼眸中,那一抹哀伤更深。 She and Lin Zhan many recollections, the several hundred thousand years intravenous drip, kept Heavenly World. 她和林战许许多多的回忆,数十万年的点滴,都留在了天界 But at this moment, all change into the ruins. 而此刻,一切都化为废墟。 The past person is not , the present thing, vanishes into thin air. 当年的人已经不在,眼前的物,也烟消云散。 Life-saving!” “救人!” Feng Cantian loudly shouted, first toward below Hell Army rush in the past. 风残天大喝一声,第一时间朝着下方的地狱大军冲杀过去。 Kills!” “杀!” The Heavenly Desolate World people also follow! 天荒界众人也紧随其后! Bang! 轰! The sturdy radiant thunder and lightning drops from the clouds together, pounds to fall in numerous hell creatures, blasts out a stretch of blank region! 一道粗壮璀璨的雷电从天而降,砸落在众多地狱生灵中间,炸开一片空白地带! Among instant, several hundred hell creatures bodies fall at least at the scene! 刹那间,最少有数百位地狱生灵当场身陨! Glitters the electric light, great spear that the thunder twines deeply is going into the ground, the huge strength proliferation spreads, the breech of rifle was still shaking unceasingly! 一根闪烁着电光,雷霆缠绕的大枪深深扎进地面中,巨大的力量扩散蔓延,枪尾仍在不断震荡! Startling Evil Spear!” 惊邪枪!” Was Heaven’s Wrath Demon King comes!” “是天怒魔王来了!” In Demon Territory the person exudes one to shout, in completely discouraged eye pupil, renews a ray of hope. 魔域中人发出一声呼喊,万念俱灰的眼眸中,又重新燃起一丝希望。 Feng Cantian drops from the clouds. 风残天从天而降。 Just making a move, has not made other hell creatures dread, instead aroused the attention of Hell expert, two Pseudo Emperor arrived instantaneously, eight Nether King surrounded toward Feng Cantian! 刚刚的出手,并未让其余的地狱生灵畏惧,反而激起更多地狱强者的注意,有两位准帝瞬间降临,八位冥王朝着风残天包围过来! Snort!” “哼!” The Feng Cantian vision like the electricity, Hell Pseudo Emperor looks at each other one with it, in the eye pupil feels a stabbing pain, stuffy snort/hum! 风残天目光如电,一位地狱准帝与其对视一眼,眼眸中感受到一阵刺痛,闷哼一声! forehead "Nether(冥)" character runes, is glittering luckily the dim light, making him restore instantaneously soberly. 幸好眉心处的‘冥’符文,闪烁着幽光,让他瞬间恢复清醒。 But is absent-minded between this instant, wanted his life sufficiently! 但就是这刹那间的失神,就足以要了他的命! When he responded, spear head that is glittering the dazzling eye-catching electric light, rapid enlargement in his pupil, has arrived at the near! 当他反应过来的时候,一个闪烁着刺眼夺目电光的枪头,在他的瞳孔中迅速放大,已经来到近前! Side paradise could not holding up, this Hell Pseudo Emperor be pierced the forehead by a Feng Cantian spear/gun, is killed violently at the scene! 一方洞天还没能撑起,这位地狱准帝就被风残天一枪洞穿眉心,当场毙命! Another Hell Pseudo Emperor and eight Nether King have surrounded, holding up respective paradise, the release the bloodlines, erupt the fierce attack, slaughters with Feng Cantian, fights to one. 另一位地狱准帝和八位冥王已经包围上来,撑起各自洞天,释放出血脉,爆发出猛烈攻势,与风残天厮杀起来,战到一处。 Ming Zhen just came, has not waited for him to act, numerous hell creatures saw that he suddenly becomes extremely excited, rushes ahead in his direction! 明真刚刚现身,还没等他出手,众多地狱生灵看到他突然变得极为兴奋,朝着他的方向冲杀过来! Extinguishes Buddha! 灭佛! Cancels all with the buddha sect(s) related trace, including cultivating the buddhist technique life! 抹去一切与佛门有关的痕迹,包括修炼佛法的生灵! This is the order of Lord of Hell. 这是地狱之主的命令。 hell creatures that first to/clashes, was resisted all by Ming Zhen. 最先冲上来的地狱生灵,尽数被明真抵挡下来。 Although he just stepped into Paradise Realm, but obtains the ksitigarbha and Ananda two big buddha sect(s) expert dao and dharma inheritance, buddhist technique is profound, battle strength far ultra same step. 他虽然刚刚踏入洞天境,但得到地藏、阿难两大佛门强者道法传承,佛法精深,战力远超同阶。 Even if to Peer­less King, strength of the war. 纵然对上绝世王者,也有一战之力。 But more and more hell creatures, clash toward Ming Zhen, Ming Zhen buddhist technique is high, battle strength is strong, is one person alone cannot save the situation. 但越来越多的地狱生灵,朝着明真这边冲过来,明真佛法再高,战力再强,也是独木难支。 Notices Ming Zhen here bad risk, in seven big Demon General, besides Yaksha Fear King, Heaven’s Wrath Immortal King, Yan Beichen, Ji Yaojing and zither and xiao double demon catches up completely, protects side Ming Zhen. 注意到明真这边的凶险,七大魔将中,除了夜叉惧王,天怒仙王之外,燕北辰姬妖精琴萧双魔全部赶过来,守护在明真身边。 Yun Zhu, Mo Qing and the others arrived in the Nine Firmaments Immortal Territories battlefield, rescuing next Immortal Territory cultivator as far as possible, innocent life. 云竹墨倾等人降临在九霄仙域的战场上,尽可能的救下一位位仙域修士,无辜生灵。 Hou Zi (monkey), Ye Ling, Old Tiger, Qingqing, Little Fox and Golden Lion six big monster beast, collaborate shoulder to shoulder, advances freely and quickly in Hell Army, great killing in four directions! 猴子夜灵老虎青青小狐狸黄金狮子六大妖兽,并肩联手,在地狱大军中纵横驰骋,大杀四方 But Yaksha Fear King and Immortal King Linglong and other Heavenly Desolate World emperors, with Hell Realm Emperor expert outbreak of battle! 夜叉惧王玲珑仙王天荒界的帝君,则与地狱界的帝君强者爆发大战 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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