ESK :: Volume #32

#3177: Army building up

While Martial Dao main body preach the Dao, Dié Yue also improves dao law in the deduction. 武道本尊传道的同时,蝶月也在推演完善道法 She has condensed dao imprint, proved the Dao Great Emperor. 她已经凝聚道印,证道大帝 She must the proved the Dao moment, all attainment comprehension, integrate in cultivation technique that oneself establish all. 她要将证道一刻,所有的心得感悟,尽数融入自己创立的功法之中。 But this cultivation technique, will become taboo secret scripture of this! 而这部功法,将成为这一世的禁忌秘典 Dié Yue calls it «Great Desolation Scripture». 蝶月称之为《大荒经》。 During the deduction improves «Great Desolation Scripture», to her cultivation until now summary, making realm stable, battle strength will also promote again! 在推演完善《大荒经》的同时,也是对她修行至今的总结,使得境界稳固,战力还会再度提升! Martial Dao main body above the vault of heaven, stays behind is the Martial Dao dao law trace. 武道本尊在苍穹之上,留下属于武道的一个个道法痕迹。 Just, Medium Thousandfold World of this, has Dié Yue proved the Dao in first, these dao law trace exist(ence) how long. 只不过,这一世的中千世界,有蝶月证道在先,这些道法痕迹存在不了多久。 Actually all living things can from comprehension many, looked at individual good fortune. 众生究竟能从其中感悟多少,就看个人造化了。 Three Thousand Worlds expert raises head to look at this, in the heart shocks at the same time, feels faintly, that unprecedentedness that Desolate Martial Great Emperor and Blood Butterfly Great Emperor reveals, even is gone the breadth of spirit! 三千界强者仰头望着这一幕,心中震撼的同时,也隐隐感受到,荒武大帝血蝶大帝流露出的那种一往无前,甚至一去不回的气魄! This fights, if victory, two Great Emperor from, when flying upwards to Great Thousandfold World. 这一战若胜,两位大帝自当飞升大千世界 If defeats, they have not planned to come back! 若败,他们也没打算回来! In the meantime, above the vault of heaven, transmits a boundless vigorous pressure! 就在此时,苍穹之上,传来一股磅礴雄浑的威压! As if the vault of heaven must tilt, making myriad clans all living things feel that suffocated, has not gasped for breath! 仿佛苍穹要倾覆而下,令万族众生感到一阵窒息,喘不过气来! Thump thump thump! 咚咚咚! Some as if deities are striking the battle drum, the surging bloodlines, fills people with enthusiasm. 仿佛有天神在擂动战鼓,激荡血脉,振奋人心。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Some as if innumerable combat tanks roll by Heavenly Court, falls like thunder sound rolling, more and more nearly! 似乎有无数战车驶过天庭,如同雷音滚滚而落,越来越近! Under the gaze of myriad clans all living things, in the top of the head that length and breadth boundless sky, splits nine giant slits unexpectedly, is sending out the flaming eye-catching ray! 万族众生的注视之下,头顶上那片广袤无边的天空,竟裂开九道巨大的缝隙,散发着炽盛夺目的光芒! Only then King and Emperor expert can penetrate nine fissures, in sees the fierce flags that flutters faintly, dense and numerous person's shadows! 只有王者、帝君强者才能透过九道裂痕,隐隐看到里面飘动的烈烈旌旗,密密麻麻的人影! The Heavenly Court building up army, will arrive momentarily in Medium Thousandfold World! 天庭集结大军,随时都会降临在中千世界 Just like Martial Dao main body expects, Heavenly Court will not give him again any time of growth, must his huge threat, strangle as soon as possible! 正如武道本尊所料,天庭不会再给他任何成长的时间,要将他这个巨大的威胁,尽早扼杀! To Heavenly Court, this choice right. 天庭而言,这个选择没错。 If Heavenly Court takes the passive defensive as before, will wait for Martial Dao main body to continue to cultivate, grows to Emperor Realm great perfection, Heavenly Court is very likely in this epoch destruction! 若是天庭依旧采取被动守势,等武道本尊继续修炼,成长到帝境大圆满,天庭极有可能会在这个纪元覆灭! in all fairness, the Heavenly Court so terrifying battle formation, has not arrived truly, then has made myriad clans all living things feel the pressure that is unbearable. 平心而论,天庭如此恐怖的阵势,还未真正降临下来,便已经让万族众生感受到难以承受的压力。 Even if in Three Thousand Worlds, many expert are willing to believe that Martial Dao main body and Dié Yue, may under such pressure, not dare to stand and Heavenly Court upfront become enemy. 就算三千界中,有很多强者愿意相信武道本尊蝶月,可在这样的压力下,也不敢站出来与天庭正面为敌 Probably Sword World and Heavenly Desolate World, the nature does not have the escape route. 像是剑界天荒界,自然早已没了退路。 Even if adds on Blood Ape World, Dragon World, Kunpeng World, Flower World, Great Desolation World and other numerous planes to put together again, regardless of the population or the imposing manner, were worse than vast distance the Heavenly Court army. 就算再加上血猿界龙界鲲鹏界花界大荒界等一众界面加在一起,不论人数还是气势,都比天庭大军差了十万八千里 Medium Thousandfold World can take advantage only, only has Desolate Martial Great Emperor and Blood Butterfly Great Emperor. 中千世界这边唯一能够依仗的,就只有荒武大帝血蝶大帝 But in two Great Emperor behind strengths, seemed extremely frail. 但在两位大帝身后的力量,就显得太过单薄了。 Prepares to stand, goes on a punitive expedition against Heavenly Court planes with Martial Dao main body and Dié Yue together, at this moment also starts, to flinch hesitant. 就连一些准备站出来,与武道本尊蝶月一起征伐天庭界面,此刻也开始犹豫、退缩。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The Heavenly Court Emperor arrives, the Dongfang (east) Vault Heaven army is neat, the rigid discipline, puts on azure battle armor, grasps the big sword long dagger-axe, the waist is hanging is the "Azure" character token, blocks from the Dongfang (east) vault of heaven! 天庭帝君降临下来,东方苍天的大军整整齐齐,纪律严明,都穿着青色战甲,手持大剑长戈,腰间悬挂着属于‘苍’字令牌,遮住东方苍穹! Frontline, is standing over hundred Emperor expert from Vault Heaven. 最前方,站着超过百位来自苍天的帝君强者 Each Emperor expert, is controlling ancient chariot, above blood-stained, has the Nine Divine Dragons hauling obligation unexpectedly! 每一尊帝君强者,都驾驭着一辆古老战车,上面血迹斑斑,竟有九条神龙牵引驱使! This Nine Divine Dragons, similarly is Emperor Realm cultivation base! 九条神龙,也同样都是帝境修为 Just, bloodlines of these divine dragon heterogeneous, on Dragon Clan with Dragon Island is close, is not considered as that a saint beast Azure Dragon clan, can only degenerate into the mount that pulls a cart in Heavenly Court! 只不过,这些神龙的血脉驳杂,与龙岛上的龙族相近,不算是圣兽青龙一族,在天庭只能沦为拉车的坐骑! Frost Dragon Emperor sees this, is pale. 冰霜龙帝看到这一幕,脸色苍白。 In other words, by her fleshly body and bloodline, if enters Heavenly Court, mount that most also degenerates into others! 也就是说,以她的肉身血脉,若是进入天庭,最多也只是沦为旁人的坐骑! Roar! „ “吼!“ Group dragon roared, shocked four wildly! 群龙咆哮,震惊四野! The Emperor expert of numerous positions from Vault Heaven, occupy a commanding position, are overlooking Medium Thousandfold World myriad clans all living things, the look is arrogant, seems looking at numerous ants, the look is faint. 众位来自苍天的帝君强者,居高临下,俯视着中千世界万族众生,神色倨傲,仿佛在看一众蝼蚁,神色淡漠。 In these Emperor expert behind, King from Vault Heaven and True Spirit army, is countless! 在这些帝君强者的身后,来自苍天王者真灵大军,更是不计其数! Of Vault Heaven this Nine Heavens! 九天之一的苍天 Only is strength of the Vault Heaven, makes the Three Thousand Worlds mind tremble sufficiently! 光是一个苍天之力,就足以让三千界心神战栗! Crash-bang! 哗啦啦! In the meantime, the sea tide sound resounds in the northern sky end, the sound even covers Vault Heaven group dragon to roar faintly! 就在此时,海潮声在北方的天空尽头响起,声音甚至隐隐盖过苍天的群龙咆哮! The people go following the prestige, see only in the crack of northern vault of heaven, there is a torrential sea water to come, is star sea comprised of the innumerable stars! 众人循声望去,只见北方苍穹的裂缝中,有滔滔海水汹涌而至,均是由无数星辰组成的星海! In that vast star sea, numerous spirit tortoise drown oneself in the sea to come, to raise the raging waves wild waves. 在那片一望无际的星海中,众多灵龟踏海而来,掀起惊涛骇浪。 In that just like on mountain peak huge tortoise shell, is standing Emperor expert, wears the black profound robe, over hundred! 在那一座座犹如山峰般巨大的龟甲上,站着一位位帝君强者,都是身着黑色玄袍,也超过百位! One of Nine Heavens, the Mysterious Heaven army arrives! 九天之一,玄天大军降临! Vault Heaven and Mysterious Heaven army arrives, then has forestalled opponent by a show of strength, making myriad clans all living things feel the intermittent palpitation! 只是苍天玄天的大军抵达,便已先声夺人,让万族众生感到阵阵心悸! The disparity was too big! 差距太大了! Not is only in the strength, is this terrifying imposing manner and qi field, then has suppressed thoroughly Medium Thousandfold World! 不光是实力上,便是这种恐怖的气势、气场,便已将中千世界彻底压制住! Stands in Desolate Martial Great Emperor and Blood Butterfly Great Emperor behind Heavenly Desolate World and Sword World, under Vault Heaven and battle formation of Mysterious Heaven army, seems extremely tiny. 站在荒武大帝血蝶大帝身后的天荒界剑界,在苍天玄天大军的阵势之下,显得极为渺小。 Bang! 轰隆! In this place, in Medium Thousandfold World starry sky, transmits a huge vibration, as if Mountains collapse, Earth splits, shaking the heavens and earth! 就在此地,中千世界星空中,传来一阵巨大的震动,仿佛山崩地裂,惊天动地 Under the gaze of innumerable say/way vision, in boundless starry sky, splits together the dark giant abyss suddenly. 在无数道目光的注视下,茫茫星空中,突然裂开一道幽暗巨大的深渊。 In this abyss, is filling intermittent wild terrifying aura! 这道深渊之中,弥漫着一阵阵狂暴恐怖的气息! Suddenly! 陡然! From this abyss, flies suddenly an incomparably big shadow, numerous expert are startled, subconscious follows this shadow to raise head to look! 从这道深渊之中,突然飞出来一尊无比高大的黑影,众多强者都是大吃一惊,下意识的追随这道黑影仰头望去! This shadow treads by the abyss, stands erect in starry sky. 这道黑影踏在深渊两侧,屹立在星空中。 Hiss! 嘶! After the people see clearly this shadow, suck in a breath of cold air! 等众人看清这道黑影之后,不禁倒吸一口冷气 How this is a terrifying life! 这是怎样一个恐怖的生灵! This life actually lives nine Thousand Eyes, 990, eight feet, in the mouth of each head, spout together the dao fire flame! 这尊生灵竟然生有九头千眼,九百九十手,八足,每个头颅的口中,都在喷涌着一道道火焰! The figure, unexpectedly high Heavenly World Mt. Xumi! 其身形,竟然高过天界须弥山 all heavens' stars even compares his nail! 诸天星辰甚至都比不过他一个指甲! This terrifying life stands in starry sky, the whole body is burning raging flames, is lending the wild aura, looks up to the vault of heaven! 这尊恐怖生灵站在星空之中,浑身都在燃烧着烈焰,散发着狂暴的气息,仰望苍穹! Kills! Kill! Kill! “杀!杀!杀! In that said in dark abyss, innumerable life follower form swarmed, like multitude of people moving to and fro, dense and numerous. 在那道黑暗深渊之中,无数生灵跟随者这道身影蜂拥而出,如同过江之鲫,密密麻麻。 These life some reach as high as the hundred zhang (333 m), some as high as thousand ten feets. 这些生灵有的高达百丈,有的高达千丈。 Even also some over ten thousand zhang (3.33 m)! 甚至还有的超过万丈! But a these over ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) life, lives Three heads and six arms! 而这些超过万丈的生灵,都生有三头六臂 Life of this crowd from starry sky abyss, is completely Asura! 这群来自星空深渊中的生灵,全部都是阿修罗 The Shura Path army of Demonic Path arrives! 魔道的修罗道大军降临! Is that nine Thousand Eyes terrifying life, is Asura Clan one of the four Great Commander, adjoins Moroccan nature Dollot! 为首那位九头千眼的恐怖生灵,乃是阿修罗一族的四大统领之一,毗摩质多罗! Roar! “吼! In the meantime, in the abyss, transmits one to roar again, compared with the sound of group dragon, the sound of sea tide is terrifying! 就在此时,深渊之中,再度传来一身咆哮,比群龙之音,海潮之声还要恐怖! Asura second Commander arrives, arrives at Medium Thousandfold World! 阿修罗第二位统领抵达,降临中千世界
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