soul lanternreturnsin the hand of Lord of the Underworld.魂灯重新回到地府之主的手中。Sincehas had no consideration for face, Lord of the Underworlddoes not needto keep the hand!
既然已经撕破脸,地府之主也也就没必要留手!„Youdareto suppressme, IabandonedyourAzure Lotus True Body!”
The Lord of the Underworldleft handgraspssoul lantern, the right handholdsonepage of blackpapers, wickedsaying.地府之主左手握着魂灯,右手托着一页黑纸,恶狠狠的说道。Evenis dragging the severely woundedbrokencorpse, reveresbesieging of Great EmperorfacingMartial Dao main body and Martial Dao main body liangs alone, Lord of the Underworlddoes not reveal the scared look, looks the ominouslight!
即便拖着重伤残破的尸身,独自面对武道本尊尊大帝的围攻,地府之主不露惧色,面露凶光!Martial Dao main bodywearsMoluo Mask, hecannot completely understand the lookchange under mask.武道本尊戴着摩罗面具,他看不透面具下的神色变化。Buthe can actually see, in the eyepupil of Martial Dao main body, passed over gently and swiftlyto ridicule.
但他却能看到,武道本尊的眼眸中,掠过一丝讥讽。„Yourtrue body......”
“你那具真身……”Lord of the Underworldas ifrealizedanything.地府之主似乎意识到了什么。Heavenly Desolate World.天荒界。Numerouscultivatorstare the bigeyes, the whole faceis surprised, is notbecausesoul lantern‚Su Zimo’will fire the nihility.
众多修士瞪大双眼,满脸惊讶,不是因为魂灯将‘苏子墨’烧成虚无。Butbecause, stoodSu ZimounderTree of Foundationdivine treeis safe and sound, returns safe and sound, butjustfiredonegroup of flame, is actually another‚Su Zimo’!
而是因为,原本站在建木神树下的苏子墨安然无恙,毫发无损,而刚刚烧成一团火焰的,却是另一个‘苏子墨’!Goldenlight of fireextinguishesquickly, inmidairfloatonevolume of Jade Book that is sending outazure sunlight.
金色火光很快熄灭,半空中悬浮着一卷散发着青色霞光的玉册。Jade Purity Jade Book!玉清玉册!Was just fired the nihility‚Su Zimo’, Genesis Body that butJade Purity Jade Bookcondensed!
刚刚被烧成虚无的‘苏子墨’,只是玉清玉册凝聚出来的元始之身!In the pastinDragon Island, the two great true bodiesmeeting, Martial Dao main bodydao lawgreat accomplishment, thenleft his whitejade pendantto hand overin the hand of Azure Lotus True Bodysoul lanternandEvil Emperor.
当年在龙岛,两大真身会面,武道本尊道法大成,便将魂灯和邪帝留给他的那枚白色玉佩交到了青莲真身的手里。At that time, relations between Martial Dao main bodyalso not clearHeaven Burying Great EmperorandLord of the Underworld.
当时,武道本尊还不清楚葬天大帝与地府之主之间的关系。Afterward, Martial Dao main bodyinHeavenly Worldand a Nine Firmaments Immortal Emperorconversation, both sidesislays cards on the tablethoroughly.
后来,武道本尊在天界与九霄仙帝一番交谈,双方算是彻底摊牌。Althoughtwo peoplehad not foughtat that time, butsomeSu Zimopremonitions, amongtwo people the futuremusthave a war.
虽然两人当时并未交手,但苏子墨有种预感,两人之间将来必有一战。Butsoul lanternis the Lord of the Underworldweapon, although, alwayshas nothingin recent yearsunusually, as ifhas usedforhim.
而魂灯乃是地府之主的兵器,虽说这些年来,始终没有任何异常,似乎早已为他所用。ButSu Zimowas somewhat worried,soul lanternwill become a hidden danger.
The soul lanternmightis enormous, causes the damagein view ofprimordial spiritspecially, has the effect, was somewhat a pityitsrejection.魂灯威力极大,专门针对元神造成伤害,拥有奇效,将其舍弃又有些可惜。Therefore, Su Zimoplacesinsoul lanternstorage bagalone, lets the Genesis Bodybelt/bringin the side, will not unless it is absolutely essential use.
所以,苏子墨将魂灯单独放在一个储物袋中,让元始之身带在身边,不到万不得已,不会动用。Thisis notanythingto have foresight, buttoprovide against contingencies.
这算不上什么未卜先知,只是为了以防万一。Today, really!
今日,果然!Quiettranquilsoul lantern, has launched an attacksuddenly, works loosestorage bag, burns a cleannessGenesis Body, laterescapesintovoid, returns to the hand of Lord of the Underworld.
一直沉寂平静的魂灯,突然发难,挣脱储物袋,将元始之身烧个干干净净,随后遁入虚空,回到地府之主的手中。This pointmighty waves, regardingsituation, almostdoes not have anyinfluence.
这一点波澜,对于局势,几乎没有任何影响。Even ifLord of the Underworldgrasps the soul lanternblackpaper, cannot blockMartial Dao main body and Martial Dao main body liangs to revereattacking of Great Emperorexpertto kill!
呼!Lord of the UnderworldbyGreat Emperorprimordial spirit, stimulates to movementsoul lantern, the releaseonegroup of terrifyinggolden flame, directly soarsMartial Dao main bodyto take away as many things as possible!地府之主以大帝元神,催动魂灯,释放出一团恐怖的金色火焰,直奔武道本尊席卷而去!Thisaims atprimordial spiritkilling move!
这是针对元神的杀招!Iftradesto makeGreat Desolationonepre-war, will cause the hugedamagetoMartial Dao main bodysurely.
若是换做大荒一战前,必定会对武道本尊造成巨大的伤害。ButMartial Dao main bodyonceinNetherworld River, refinegolden flame in soul lantern, integratesFire of Martial Soul, makingprimordial spirit's powerrise suddenly.
但武道本尊曾在冥河中,将魂灯中的金色火焰炼化,融入武魂之火,使得元神之力暴涨。sacrificial refiningMoluo Mask, insidefuses the water of Netherworld Riveragain, the defensive powerrisestoanotheraltitude!
重新祭炼的摩罗面具,里面融合冥河之水,防御力更是上升到另一个高度!Martial Dao main bodyalsoreleasesFire of Martial Soul.武道本尊同样释放出武魂之火。Fire of Martial Soul, has shedturns intopurple-gold.武魂之火,已经蜕变成紫金色。Twogroups of flamecollidein the midair!
两团火焰在半空中碰撞!primordial spiritcomplementary waves that derives, was reduced and solvedbyMoluo Maskall, resists.
与此同时。Dié Yuealsoreleasestogetherprimordial spiritsecret technique!蝶月也释放出一道元神秘术!
The strong windshowl, blows outsoul lanterngolden flameinstantaneously, eveninLord of the Underworldsea of consciousness, startsstorm!
“啊!”Lord of the Underworldboth handshold the head, the lookpain, sends out a pitiful yell.地府之主双手抱头,神色痛苦,发出一声惨叫。Even ifhissea of consciousnesswere swept acrossby the Dié YueYuanDivine Windviolent, has not fallen from the sky, controls the soul lanternblackpaper, whilebreaking the void, wantsto return toUnderworld.
即便他的识海被蝶月的元神风暴席卷,都没陨落,一边操控魂灯黑纸,一边打破虚空,想要逃回地府。Martial Dao main bodywill not givehimthisopportunity!武道本尊根本不会给他这个机会!IfletsLord of the Underworldescape alive, canno end of trouble for the future!
轰!Hell Suppressing Cauldronarrives, Four Great Saint Soulssurrounds, the brahman soundreverberation, the rayis radiant, thatpage of blackpapersuppressioninmidair!镇狱鼎降临,四大圣魂环绕,梵音回荡,光芒璀璨,将那页黑纸镇压在半空中!Dié Yue also acts, wields the spaciousrobesleeve, is involved in whichsoul lantern, detains.蝶月也同时出手,挥动宽大袍袖,将魂灯卷入其中,拘禁起来。Two peoplealsomake a move.
A Martial Dao main bodyfistrumbles!武道本尊一拳轰出!
A Dié Yuepalmpats!蝶月一掌拍下!
The powerfuldao lawvortex, constrainsLord of the Underworld, does not makehimescapeintoKingdom of the Underworld.
强大的道法旋涡,拖住地府之主,不让他遁入阴曹地府。In addition the storm in Dié Yuepalm, Lord of the Underworldwas strandedinstarry sky, difficult, movescannotmove, bodybloody mistspews out!
再加上蝶月掌心中的风暴,地府之主被困在星空中,寸步难行,一动不能动,身上血雾喷涌而出!Even ifLord of the UnderworldoncecreatedWitch WorldBlood WorldTomb Worldtheseplanes, saysten thousandancestors, creates«Heaven Burying Scripture», Three Corpses Great Technique, buthecannoteventuallyproved the DaoGreat Emperor.
纵然地府之主曾创造巫界血界墓界这些界面,自称万界之祖,创造《葬天经》,三尸大法,但他终究没能证道大帝。Let aloneishe, evenHeavenly CourtGreat Emperor, orDemon LordEvil Emperorsuchexpert, alonefacingmurdering of Martial Dao main bodyandDié Yue, cannot resist.
A starry skycorner/horn.星空的一角。
The old womantreadsonestep, from the darkness, the bodywas throwing over the blacklong gown, the complexionis gloomy, as to make a moveto rescueLord of the Underworld.
Before the little girlsarrive atherbodyinstantaneously, toneice-cold.
小女孩瞬间来到她的身前,语气冰冷。Meanwhile, the white eyebrowsold manfigurevanishes, appearsinold woman'sanother side, blocksherway!
“你们!”Old womanvisiongloomy and cold, drinksonelowly.
The white eyebrowsold manlookis gentle, lightsaying: „Whyyoulose one's temper, Fengducannot die.”
轰!In the meantime, in the battlefieldtransmits a loud sound, shaking the heavens and earth!
就在此时,战场上传来一声巨响,惊天动地!Su Zimo'sfights with the fistson the Lord of the Underworldcorpse.苏子墨的一拳打在地府之主的尸身上。Heaven and Earthtrembles, lateras ifsuddenlystatic, space and timesolidification!天地一颤,随后仿佛突然静止,时空凝固!
The nextquarter, the Lord of the Underworldcorpseblasts outsuddenly, is split up.
下一刻,地府之主的尸身突然炸开,四分五裂。Ineachcorpseblock, contains the powerfullifefluctuation!
每一个尸块中,都蕴藏着强大的生命波动!Even so, Lord of the Underworldhas not died, primordial spiritscattersinthesecorpseblocks, wantsescape alive.
即便如此,地府之主都没死,元神散落在这些尸块中,想要逃出生天。Butat this time, the Dié Yuepalmracketfalls.
而此时,蝶月的手掌拍落下来。bloody stormemerges!血色风暴涌现!Allcorpseblocks, were involved by thisgroup of bloody storm, unceasingtearing, stripsa lot offlesh, finallychanges intobunch of bloody mist!
“啊!”Lord of the Underworld the sound of roaring, resoundsin the storm.地府之主的咆哮之声,在风暴中响起。Martial Dao main bodyvisiongreatly rises, directtook outGate of Hell, wantsLord of the Underworldprimordial spirit, graspsinAvici Great Hell, imprisons.武道本尊目光大盛,直接祭出地狱之门,想要将地府之主的元神,抓紧阿鼻大地狱中,囚禁起来。Lord of the Underworldhad once said that no onecankillhim.地府之主曾说过,没有人能杀死他。If,Lord of the Underworld is also Lord of Hell, perhapsLord of the Flaming Heavensuchexist(ence), is strandeditinAvici Great Hellis the bestway.
如果说,地府之主也是地狱之主,炎天之主那样的存在,或许将其困在阿鼻大地狱中才是最好的办法。„Huang Wu (Desolate Martial), youdare!”
“荒武,尔敢!”Lord of the Underworldas ifdetectsanything, suddenlydrinksoneseverely.地府之主似乎察觉到什么,突然厉喝一声。Martial Dao main bodyremains unmoved, opens wideGate of Hell, coverstowardLord of the Underworld!武道本尊不为所动,敞开地狱之门,朝着地府之主笼罩下去!„Huang Wu (Desolate Martial), Blood Butterfly!”
“荒武,血蝶!”Lord of the Underworldscreamedone, in the soundis full of the unwillinganger.地府之主尖叫一声,声音中充满着不甘愤怒。Does not have the least bitto fear!
却没有半点恐惧!Bang, beforeGate of Hellarrives, Lord of the Underworldprimordial spiritundergaze of Martial Dao main bodyandDié Yue, suddenlyblasting open, the soul flies away and scatters, body dies and Dao disappears!
砰的一声,在地狱之门降临下来之前,地府之主的元神就在武道本尊和蝶月的注视下,突然炸裂,魂飞魄散,身死道消!Fromexplodingprimordial spirit?
自爆元神?Martial Dao main bodyknits the browsslightly.武道本尊微微皱眉。
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