ESK :: Volume #28

#2726: Chapter 2726 returns to Emperor Tomb

Chapter 2726 第2726章 Returns to Emperor Tomb 返回帝坟 Un?” “嗯?” The Ghost Emperor Yang Yun look changes! 扬云鬼帝神色一变! This change, not because of the Martial Dao main body offensive, but is for different reasons! 这种变化,并非是因为武道本尊的攻势,而是另有原因! Ghost Emperor Yang Yun stares at the step that Martial Dao main body was just releasing, is suddenly lost, saw that the Martial Dao main body offensive arrives, he figure twinkle, vanishes in in the original place. 扬云鬼帝盯着武道本尊刚刚释放出来的步法,恍然出神,眼看着武道本尊的攻势降临,他才身形闪烁,消失在原地 Facing the Martial Dao main body offensive, Ghost Emperor Yang Yun reduces and solves easily. 面对武道本尊的攻势,扬云鬼帝化解得轻而易举。 The both sides disparity is too big. 双方差距太大。 Martial Dao main body returns the distant place hastily. 武道本尊连忙退回远处。 After Ghost Emperor Yang Yun comes, hangs the liquor bottle gourd in hand in the waist, the look is dignified, in the eye pupil also restores the pure brightness, looking at steadily is staring at Martial Dao main body, asked slowly: What person Medium Thousandfold World that is Blood Butterfly your?” 扬云鬼帝重新现身之后,将手中的酒葫芦挂在腰间,神色凝重,眼眸中也恢复清明,目不转睛的盯着武道本尊,缓缓问道:“中千世界的那位血蝶是你什么人?” Blood Butterfly these two characters blurted out, Martial Dao main body has not responded, besieges his four big Ghost Emperor first to have a scare, offensive for it. 血蝶这两个字脱口而出,武道本尊还没反应过来,围攻他的四大鬼帝先吓了一跳,攻势为之一顿。 Un?” “嗯?” Martial Dao main body surprised, unbelievable looks at Ghost Emperor Yang Yun, knits the brows to ask: „Do you know her?” 武道本尊大为惊讶,难以置信的看着扬云鬼帝,皱眉问道:“你认识她?” Blood Butterfly in Ghost Emperor Yang Yun mouth, inevitably is Dié Yue! 扬云鬼帝口中的血蝶,必然是蝶月 Just, Martial Dao main body didn’t expect, the Dié Yue given name, can pass to Underworld unexpectedly! 只不过,武道本尊没想到,蝶月的名号,竟然能传到地府之中! Looks at other four big Ghost Emperor looks, has obviously also listened to the name of Blood Butterfly. 看其余四大鬼帝的神色,明显也听过血蝶之名。 Not only understanding.” “岂止认识。” The Ghost Emperor Yang Yun look is complex, self-ridiculed smiling, said: She had once come Underworld.” 扬云鬼帝神色复杂,自嘲的笑了笑,道:“她曾来过地府。” Stop little, Ghost Emperor Yang Yun also said: Moreover, she is Medium Thousandfold World only one, can live is entering Underworld, is living the person of departure.” 停顿少许,扬云鬼帝又道:“而且,她是中千世界唯一一位,能活着进入地府,又活着离开的人。” Martial Dao main body is silent. 武道本尊默然。 As his cultivation base continually promotes, is getting more and more near from Dié Yue, more can feel the great strength and terrifying of Dié Yue! 随着他的修为不断提升,距离蝶月越来越近,就越能感受到蝶月的强大和恐怖! Just, he is somewhat curious, past Dié Yue, how arrived in Underworld, why also arrived at this place. 只不过,他有些好奇,当年的蝶月,是如何来到地府之中,又是为何来到此地。 Normal, between Medium Thousandfold World and Underworld exist(ence) the regular barrier, in the Dié Yue method, should unable to break. 正常来说,中千世界地府之间存在着规则壁垒,以蝶月的手段,应该无法打破。 Void Yaksha hears suck in a cold breath in the one side. 虚空夜叉在一旁听得倒吸冷气 Some Medium Thousandfold World also people can live unexpectedly are entering Underworld, is living departure? 中千世界居然还有人能活着进入地府,又活着离开? Snort!” “哼!” The Ghost Emperor Zhou Qi complexion is gloomy, cold snort/hum, clenches teeth saying: That is her luck is good, if Sir Mansion Lord acts, how to accommodate her in Underworld open slaughter!” 周乞鬼帝脸色阴沉,冷哼一声,咬牙道:“那是她运气好,若是府主大人出手,岂容她在地府大开杀戒!” Martial Dao main body hears in the heart to be startled. 武道本尊听得心中一惊。 Dié Yue not only has come, but also in Underworld open slaughter? 蝶月不但来过,还在地府大开杀戒 Void Yaksha is grinning, the complexion is pallid. 虚空夜叉更是咧着嘴,脸色煞白。 Ghost Emperor Yang Yun as if sees confusing in Martial Dao main body heart, said: At that time the situation was complex, is a long story. She is not long in the time of Underworld stay, but actually killed more than ten Underworld emperors, Five Directions Ghost Emperors in her hands, folded half!” 扬云鬼帝似乎看出武道本尊心中的迷惑,道:“当时情况复杂,一言难尽。她在地府逗留的时间不长,但却杀了十几位地府帝君,五方鬼帝在她手中,都折了一半!” Five Directions Ghost Emperors ten, that war, five died in the past in her hands, these five positions cannot make up.” 五方鬼帝原本有十位,当年那一战,五位死在她的手里,至今这五个位置都没能补上。” Martial Dao main body looks all around. 武道本尊环顾四周。 No wonder after four big Ghost Emperor hear the Blood Butterfly two characters, is bigger to his hostility! 怪不得四大鬼帝听到血蝶两个字之后,对他的敌意更大! Is somewhat strange, this Ghost Emperor Yang Yun, to his attitude, as if somewhat is at present moderate. 只是有些奇怪,眼前这位扬云鬼帝,对他的态度,似乎有些缓和。 Ghost Emperor Yang Yun continues saying: I also once intended to stop at that time, caused heavy losses by her, but, she has not actually killed me, but forgives my life.” 扬云鬼帝继续说道:“我当时也曾出手阻拦,被她重创,不过,她却没有杀我,而是饶过我一命。” Oh?” ?” Martial Dao main body is somewhat surprised. 武道本尊有些意外。 „Before she just before leaving, leaves behind a few words.” “她临走前,留下一句话。” Ghost Emperor Yang Yun as if recalled that said: Can maintain a livelihood in my hands, is your life biggest glory.” 扬云鬼帝似乎又回想起那一幕,道:“能在我手中活命,是你此生最大的荣耀。” In fact, indeed so. 事实上,也正是如此 Initially a war, only then Ghost Emperor Yang Yun encountered Dié Yue, but lived, causing reputation of Ghost Emperor Yang Yun in Underworld to rise sharply, even has pressed a Central Ghost Emperor Zhou Qi head! 当初一战,只有扬云鬼帝遭遇蝶月,而活了下来,导致扬云鬼帝地府中名声大涨,甚至压过中央鬼帝周乞一头! Martial Dao main body but is actually not accidental/surprised. 武道本尊对此倒并不意外。 These words, only then Dié Yue could say. 这句话,也只有蝶月说得出来。 Because Yang Yun mentioned this past events, that side Azure Lotus True Body from the enlightenment condition, has sobered gradually. 因为扬云提及这一段往事,青莲真身那边已经从顿悟的状态中,渐渐清醒过来。 Zhou Qi and other big Ghost Emperor as if also discover unusually, Ghost Emperor Zi Ren knits the brows: Yang Yun, this person, since is only related with that Blood Butterfly, cannot make him leave!” 周乞等四大鬼帝似乎也发现异常,子仁鬼帝皱眉道:“扬云,此人既然与那只血蝶有关,就更不能让他离开!” Ghost Emperor Yang Yun shakes the head, suddenly receives the hand. 扬云鬼帝摇了摇头,突然收手。 Covered that mist on soul lantern diverges suddenly, soul lantern flame greatly rises, restores the ray, golden halo fills the air rapidly, drives back four big Ghost Emperor! 原本笼罩在魂灯上的那一片雾气突然散去,魂灯的火焰大盛,重新恢复光芒,金色光晕迅速弥漫,将四大鬼帝逼退! Yang Yun, you make anything!” 扬云,你做什么!” Ghost Emperor Zhou Qi drinks one severely. 周乞鬼帝厉喝一声。 Ghost Emperor Yang Yun is looking at Martial Dao main body, the look is complex, said: Initially, she gave my way out, I also put your horse today.” 扬云鬼帝望着武道本尊,神色复杂,道:“当初,她放我一条生路,我今日也放你一马。” Although Ghost Emperor Yang Yun is not clear, between Martial Dao main body and Dié Yue have what relations. 扬云鬼帝虽然不清楚,武道本尊蝶月之间有什么关系。 But he believes, can use Plowing Heavens Step that imposing manner, that dao law person, obtains certainly the dao law essence inheritance of Dié Yue, surely is the Dié Yue most intimate person. 但他相信,能用出犁天步那种气势,那种道法的人,肯定是得到蝶月道法精髓传承,必定是蝶月最为亲近之人。 Many thanks.” “多谢。” Martial Dao main body cups one hand in the other across the chest slightly. 武道本尊微微拱手。 Yang Yun, you may know that you are making anything!” 扬云,你可知道你在做什么!” Ghost Emperor Wen He sinking sound said: This person is not only only related with that Blood Butterfly, but also came from Medium Thousandfold World, the body also brings Mansion Lord emperor armament, no matter what if the person leaves from this, you will commit the unforgivable grave offense!” 文和鬼帝沉声道:“此人不但与那只血蝶有关,而且还来自中千世界,身上还带着府主帝兵,若是任由此人离开,你将犯下不可饶恕的重罪!” Facing scolding of four big Ghost Emperor, Ghost Emperor Yang Yun does not care muddily, picks again the liquor bottle gourd, drinks strong liquor, shrugs saying: At will, I do not care.” 面对四大鬼帝的呵斥,扬云鬼帝浑不在意,重新将酒葫芦摘下来,饮一口烈酒,耸肩道:“随意,我不在乎。” Quickly walks, is at this time!” “赶快走,就是此时!” Void Yaksha passes message to Martial Dao main body divine consciousness hastily, urges one. 虚空夜叉连忙对武道本尊神识传音,催促一声。 Martial Dao main body is also just about to bring Azure Lotus True Body to flee Hell, following the six paths entrance, leaps forward in Ghost Realm. 武道本尊也正要带着青莲真身逃离地狱,顺着六道入口,跃入鬼界之中。 But Azure Lotus True Body, had some strange conditions! 青莲真身这边,发生了一些奇异的状况! Martial Dao main body wants to bring Azure Lotus True Body to leave, on Azure Lotus True Body bursts out intermittent mysterious dao law unexpectedly, prevents him. 武道本尊想要带着青莲真身离开,青莲真身上竟然迸发出一阵阵神秘道法,将他阻挡下来。 shortly afterwards, Azure Lotus True Body under the hauling of this dao law, unceasingly toward sky ascend. 紧接着,青莲真身在这种道法的牵引之下,不断朝着上空飞升 Martial Dao main body just about to makes a move to stop, actually in the heart moves. 武道本尊刚要出手阻拦,却心中一动。 The two great true bodies intention is interlinked, this situation, has not as if threatened to Azure Lotus True Body. 两大真身心意相通,这种情况,似乎对青莲真身没有威胁。 Four big Ghost Emperor see this, wants to intend to stop. 四大鬼帝看到这一幕,也想要出手阻拦。 But four big Ghost Emperor offensive, but also without arriving on the body of Azure Lotus True Body, was resisted by soul lantern golden halo. 但四大鬼帝的攻势,还没有降临在青莲真身的身上,就被魂灯金色光晕抵挡下来。 The Azure Lotus True Body ascend speed is extremely fast, in an instant, arrives above the vault of heaven. 青莲真身飞升的速度极快,转眼间,就来到苍穹之上。 shortly afterwards, under the gazes of innumerable vision, above the vault of heaven, splits a slit suddenly. 紧接着,在无数的目光的注视之下,苍穹之上,突然裂开一道缝隙。 The time that although this slit presents is quite short, but Martial Dao main body from feels wisp of Medium Thousandfold World aura. 虽然这道缝隙出现的时间极为短暂,但武道本尊还是从其中感受到一缕中千世界的气息。 Accurate, is the Emperor Tomb aura! 准确来说,是帝坟的气息! Martial Dao main body also wants to follow is entering together, but his divine consciousness, is unable to pass, probably hits on together the invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable barrier. 武道本尊也想要跟随着一道进入其中,但他的神识,都无法通过,好像撞在一道坚不可摧的壁垒上。 This......” “这……” Martial Dao main body at present one bright, responded is extremely quick, hastily Hell's Drizzling Springs that obtained from Concubine Yu there, sent in the hand of Azure Lotus True Body. 武道本尊眼前一亮,反应极快,连忙将从玉妃那里得到的地狱溟泉,送入青莲真身的手中。 Afterward, Azure Lotus True Body was entrained by this slit! 随后,青莲真身被这道缝隙拽了进去! Suddenly, Azure Lotus True Body vanishes does not see, this slit also closes up. 眨眼间,青莲真身消失不见,这道缝隙也随之合拢。 The relation between two great true bodies, shut off again. 两大真身之间的联系,再度被切断。 But Martial Dao main body is clear, the body of Azure Lotus True Body, is very likely to obtain another big chance! 武道本尊清楚,青莲真身的身上,极有可能得到另外一番大机缘! Knows Azure Lotus True Body to be well, Martial Dao main body also without hesitation, brings Void Yaksha, turns around to leap forward in six paths Ghost Realm. 得知青莲真身无恙,武道本尊也毫不犹豫,带着虚空夜叉,转身跃入六道鬼界之中。 Has the soul lantern protection, four big Ghost Emperor also take him not to have the means that can only gaze after him to be embezzled by the six paths vortex, vanishes does not see. 魂灯守护,四大鬼帝也拿他没办法,只能目送着他被六道旋涡吞没,消失不见。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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