ESK :: Volume #28

#2725: Ghost Emperor Yang Yun

In the meantime, Sacrificial Embrace Mountain Dongfang (east), wears variegated battle armor, the facial features are dignified, grasp the golden war halberd form with long hurried strides walks. 就在此时,抱犊山东方,一位身着斑斓战甲,面容威严,手持金色战戟的身影大步流星的走来。 With approaching of this person, a huge divine consciousness pressure comes, is not weak in Ghost Emperor Zhou Qi! 随着此人的临近,一股庞大的神识威压汹涌而至,丝毫不弱于周乞鬼帝 Dongfang (east) Peach Iris Mountain, Ghost Emperor Yu Lei! 东方桃芷山’,郁垒鬼帝 Another side, a man of middle-aged Confucian scholar appearance, is riding spiritual beasts, catches up slowly, the vision wisdom, is staring at the ancient bronzes lamp in Martial Dao main body hand, if there are if thinks. 另一边,一位中年儒士模样的男子,骑着一头灵兽,徐徐赶来,目光睿智,盯着武道本尊手中的古铜灯,若有若思。 West Burial Bo Mountain, Ghost Emperor Wen He! 西方‘嶓冢山’,文和鬼帝 At the same time, the three dao (path) form appears, figure expert, the complexion is dreary, the vision is vicious, like falcon. 同一时间,第三道身影浮现,身形高手,脸色阴郁,目光凶狠锐利,如同鹰隼。 South Luofu Mountain, Ghost Emperor Zi Ren! 南方‘罗浮山’,子仁鬼帝 Last coming coming from north side. 最后一位现身的来自北边。 This man has hair dishevelled, the clothing is sloppy, in the hand is carrying a liquor bottle gourd, the swayed line, is often on the rise to drink liquor, the vision is blurred. 这位男子披头散发,衣衫邋遢,手中拎着一个酒葫芦,摇摇晃晃的行来,不时抬头饮一口酒,目光迷离。 Several Ghost Emperor on the scene saw that this person comes, has not said anything, obviously tacitly approves the status of this person. 在场的几位鬼帝看到此人现身,都没有说什么,明显是默认此人的身份。 If this is not the case, very difficult this man and Northern Ghost Emperor links! 若非如此,很难将这位男子与北方鬼帝联系在一起! North Luofeng Mountain, Ghost Emperor Yang Yun! 北方‘罗酆山’,扬云鬼帝 The Void Yaksha secret heart is startled. 虚空夜叉暗暗心惊。 The sound made in a big way, Five Directions Ghost Emperors all came! 动静闹得太大了,五方鬼帝全部现身! Underworld does not compare Hell Realm. 地府可不比地狱界 Hell Realm Heaven and Earth was shattered, marches into Dharma Ending Epoch, does not have the Emperor expert birth. 地狱界天地破碎,步入末法纪元,始终没有帝君强者诞生。 But in Underworld, has had Ghost Emperor to assume personal command! 但在地府中,却一直都有鬼帝坐镇! But Five Directions Ghost Emperors, is most expert in Underworld all Ghost Emperor! 五方鬼帝,便是地府所有鬼帝中的最强者 After Five Directions Ghost Emperors arrives, four Ghost Emperor vision, all fall on Martial Dao main body soul lantern, in the eye pupil passed over gently and swiftly at first surprised, shocks. 五方鬼帝降临之后,有四位鬼帝的目光,全都落在武道本尊魂灯上,眼眸中最初都掠过一丝惊讶,一丝震撼。 But quick, on four Ghost Emperor faces, passed over gently and swiftly wipes the greedy color. 但很快,四位鬼帝脸上,都掠过一抹贪婪之色。 Only then northern Ghost Emperor Yang Yun looked at soul lantern to take back the vision at will, stood in the one side, still from attending to drinking wine. 只有北方扬云鬼帝随意的看了一眼魂灯就收回目光,站在一旁,仍是自顾饮酒。 As if soul lantern, in the liquor bottle gourd without his hand comes importantly. 似乎魂灯,也没有他手中的酒葫芦来得重要。 Unexpectedly is soul lantern!” “竟然是魂灯!” In the Ghost Emperor Zi Ren eye pupil is glittering the inexplicable ray, spooky saying. 子仁鬼帝眼眸中闪烁着莫名的光芒,幽幽的说道。 Ghost Emperor Wen He is also as if surprised, said: As far as I know, this soul lantern should be the thing of Mansion Lord, how in the hand of this person?” 文和鬼帝似乎也大感意外,道:“据我所知,这盏魂灯应该是府主之物,怎会在此人的手中?” Ghost Emperor Zhou Qi selects the eyebrow slightly, said: No matter what, must first take carry back this soul lantern, Mansion Lord emperor armament, how could falls outside in the person hand!” 周乞鬼帝微微挑眉,道:“不管怎样,总要先将这盏魂灯拿回来,府主帝兵,岂能落在外人手中!” indeed so.” 正是如此。” Ghost Emperor Yu Lei also buzz the sound said. 郁垒鬼帝也嗡声说道。 After four Ghost Emperor said that simultaneously looked around Ghost Emperor Yang Yun. 四位鬼帝说完之后,同时看了一眼旁边的扬云鬼帝 The latter was still drinking wine, seems not interested in this matter. 后者仍在饮酒,似乎对于此事不感兴趣。 Four big Ghost Emperor must make a move shortly, Void Yaksha said hastily loudly: Sir Ghost Emperor, this inside some misunderstanding.” 眼看着四大鬼帝就要出手,虚空夜叉连忙大声道:“诸位鬼帝大人,这里面有些误会。” This Lord of Hell that is Hell Realm just sealed, we this time arrive at Underworld, taking advantage of the say/way, does not have the hostility.” “这位乃是地狱界刚刚加封的地狱之主,我们此番来到地府,也只是借个道,并没有敌意。” Ghost Emperor Zhou Qi sneers slightly: Lord of Hell?” 周乞鬼帝微微冷笑:“地狱之主?” Other three Ghost Emperor, does not believe obviously. 其他的三位鬼帝,也明显不相信。 The Ghost Emperor Zi Ren corners of the mouth curl upwards, said: This words, deceive others , but also wants to get by under false pretences before us?” 子仁鬼帝嘴角微翘,道:“这种话,骗骗旁人也就罢了,还想在我们面前蒙混过关?” „Will Lord of Hell, look for Medium Thousandfold World Human Race to work as?” 地狱之主,会找一个中千世界人族来当?” This......” “这……” Void Yaksha is at a loss for words for a while. 虚空夜叉一时语塞。 Begins!” “动手!” Ghost Emperor Zhou Qi orders. 周乞鬼帝一声令下。 Four big Ghost Emperor make a move, the release the huge divine soul strength, comes toward the Martial Dao main body steamroll. 四大鬼帝纷纷出手,释放出庞大的神魂力量,朝着武道本尊碾压过来。 The Martial Dao main body look is invariable, holds up soul lantern, blows gently. 武道本尊神色不变,举起魂灯,轻轻一吹。 The lamp oil in lamp bowl splashes suddenly, brings several groups of golden sparks, flies toward four big Ghost Emperor. 灯盏中的灯油突然飞溅出去,带着几团金色火星,朝着四大鬼帝飞去。 Four big Ghost Emperor regarding the soul lantern strength, obviously dreaded, moves aside. 四大鬼帝对于魂灯的力量,明显有所忌惮,纷纷躲闪。 But their divine soul strengths arrive, is unable to break through soul lantern golden halo. 而他们的神魂力量降临下来,也始终无法冲破魂灯金色光晕 Just broke in the golden halo range, changed into the nihility, was built up the absorption by soul lantern! 刚刚冲入金色光晕的范围,就化为虚无,被魂灯炼化吸收! Four big Ghost Emperor look at each other one, releases the netherworld world that condenses respectively directly, inside ghost qi is dense, ghost flickering, suppresses again toward Martial Dao main body. 四大鬼帝对视一眼,直接释放出各自凝聚的阴间世界,里面鬼气森森,鬼影憧憧,再度朝着武道本尊镇压过来。 This is the Emperor Realm strength! 这是帝境的力量! Without soul lantern in hand, let alone is four big Ghost Emperor collaborates, casual Ghost Emperor, Martial Dao main body cannot resist. 若是没有魂灯在手,别说是四大鬼帝联手,随便一位鬼帝,武道本尊都抵挡不住。 Now, soul lantern under four big netherworld world's suppression, the flame also becomes flickers, possibly extinguishes momentarily. 如今,魂灯在四大阴间世界的镇压之下,火焰也变得忽明忽暗,随时都可能熄灭。 Once soul lantern extinguishes, Martial Dao main body will lose final taking advantage. 一旦魂灯熄灭,武道本尊将失去最后的依仗。 But in the meantime, the soul lantern sensation arrives at the surrounding pressure, as if receives some stimulation, suddenly works loose in the hand of Martial Dao main body, floats in the midair. 但就在此时,魂灯感知到周围的压力,似乎受到某种刺激,突然挣脱武道本尊的手中,漂浮在半空中。 In lamp bowl soul character, blooms brilliance, causes soul lantern flame greatly rises, spreads more powerful golden halo! 灯盏中的‘魂’字,绽放出一道道光华,使得魂灯的火焰大盛,蔓延出更加强盛的金色光晕 spiritual consciousness in soul lantern awakens, eruption counter-attack! 魂灯中的灵识觉醒,爆发反击! Four big Ghost Emperor complexions change, the netherworld world under the impact of soul lantern golden halo, starts to become on the verge of collapse. 四大鬼帝脸色一变,阴间世界在魂灯金色光晕的冲击之下,都开始变得摇摇欲坠 In fact, Martial Dao main body cultivation realm is limited. 实际上,武道本尊修为境界有限。 By his Fire of Martial Soul, lights soul lantern, is not enough to resist with four big Ghost Emperor. 以他的武魂之火,点燃魂灯,根本不足以与四大鬼帝对抗。 Just, Ghost Clan soul of soul lantern to Underworld, has the huge restraint role, can therefore form the present deadlock. 只不过,魂灯地府鬼族魂魄,有着巨大的克制作用,所以才能形成眼前的僵持局面。 Martial Dao main body and Azure Lotus True Body intention is interlinked. 武道本尊青莲真身心意相通。 So long as delays the moment again, Azure Lotus True Body comprehends the key in Six Paths of Reincarnation on the lead(er), sobers from the enlightenment condition! 只要再拖延片刻,青莲真身就领参悟中六道轮回中的关键,从顿悟状态中清醒过来! In the meantime, Ghost Emperor Zhou Qi looked to side still in drinking wine Ghost Emperor Yang Yun, the sinking sound said: Yang Yun , did you also stand at this time?” 就在此时,周乞鬼帝看向旁边仍在饮酒的扬云鬼帝,沉声说道:“扬云,都这个时候了,你还袖手旁观?” This person came from Medium Thousandfold World, how to allow him to act unruly in my Underworld at will!” “此人来自中千世界,岂容他在我地府随意撒野!” Ghost Emperor Yang Yun sighed, said: „The Mansion Lord emperor armament strength, your four cannot capture, how in addition my can?” 扬云鬼帝叹息一声,道:“府主帝兵的力量,你们四位都攻不下,加我一个又能怎样?” Ghost Emperor Wen He said: „ The Yang Yun brother, I and others were clear about your method, but also looks at you to act , helping me and other helping hand! „ 文和鬼帝道:“扬云兄,我等都清楚你的手段,还望你出手,助我等一臂之力!“ Ghost Emperor Yang Yun silent little, finally raised the head, looked that to by Martial Dao main body that four big Ghost Emperor besiege, in the look has one to pity. 扬云鬼帝沉默少许,终于抬起头来,看向被被四大鬼帝围攻的武道本尊,眼神中带着一丝怜悯。 Underworld solid non- good, you should not come.” 地府实非善地,你不该来。” Ghost Emperor Yang Yun shakes the head slightly, raises head to drink the next strong liquor, later spouts big liquor fog in the Martial Dao main body direction! 扬云鬼帝微微摇头,仰头饮下一口烈酒,随后朝着武道本尊的方向喷出一大口酒雾! This group of liquor fog are sending out the strong wine, moreover contains a powerful incomparable strength, covers toward the soul lantern flame. 这团酒雾散发着浓烈的酒香,而且蕴藏着一股强大无匹的力量,朝着魂灯的火焰笼罩过去。 Under covering of this mist, soul lantern as if cannot resist, the flame starts to reduce unceasingly, surrounding golden halo, contracts unceasingly. 在这片雾气的笼罩之下,魂灯似乎抵挡不住,火焰开始不断缩小,周围的金色光晕,也不断收缩。 In four big Ghost Emperor eyes is greatly bright, forces hastily, is getting more and more near from Martial Dao main body! 四大鬼帝眼中大亮,连忙逼迫上去,距离武道本尊越来越近! Martial Dao main body narrows the eye slightly, looks to Ghost Emperor Yang Yun of not far away. 武道本尊微微眯眼,看向不远处的扬云鬼帝 In Five Directions Ghost Emperors, cultivation base of this person is strongest, immeasurably deep! 五方鬼帝之中,这个人的修为最强,深不可测! Must solve this person, may break out of the present crisis! 必须要将此人解决掉,才有可能摆脱眼下的危机! In an instant hence, the Martial Dao main body sole stamps in void, bursts out a tyrannical incomparable strength, overruns horizontally, will tread directly void, the plow has a giant crack! 转眼至此,武道本尊脚掌跺在虚空中,迸发出一股强横无匹的力量,横冲过去,直接将虚空踏碎,犁出一条巨大的裂缝! One step, Martial Dao main body arrives at the Ghost Emperor Yang Yun front! 只是一步,武道本尊就来到扬云鬼帝的面前! Although facing Emperor expert, at other Paradise Level Martial Dao main body, was still sending out the dreadful imposing manner, the desire steps on Ghost Emperor in the under foot! 虽然面对帝君强者,处在洞天级别的武道本尊,仍散发着滔天气势,欲将鬼帝踩在脚下! Martial Dao main body holds up soul lantern, toward Ghost Emperor Yang Yun burning down in the past. 武道本尊举起魂灯,朝着扬云鬼帝焚烧过去。
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