ESK :: Volume #28

#2708: The prestige of purgatory

Nether Clan in Hell Realm, reason that can control all hell creatures, because of the Nether Clan special bloodlines. 冥族地狱界中,之所以可以统御所有的地狱生灵,就是因为冥族特殊的血脉。 But this bloodlines strength, came from Nine Springs of Hell! 而这种血脉力量,就是来自于地狱九泉 In the concepts of all hell creatures, bloodlines of Nether Clan, invincible. 在所有地狱生灵的观念里,冥族的血脉,不可战胜。 Only has the Nether Clan bloodlines, can defeat the Nether Clan bloodlines! 唯有冥族血脉,才能打败冥族血脉! The Nether Clan bloodlines of major Prison Lord are more powerful, is almost irresistible exist(ence). 各大狱主冥族血脉更加强大,几乎是无可抵挡的存在 But now, some unexpectedly people on bloodline phenomenon, suppress four big Prison Lord! 而如今,竟然有人在血脉异象上,将四大狱主压制下去! In fact, the news and situation that the cold springs palace fights, have passed to the ears of major Prison Lord. 实际上,寒泉宫一战的消息和情形,早就传到各大狱主的耳中。 They regarding Martial Dao main body battle strength, there is a general understanding. 他们对于武道本尊战力,也有了大概的了解。 At that time that war, Martial Dao main body can cut to kill Prison Lord of the Cold Springs, is completely because took the favorable position, with the aid of emperor armament Hell Suppressing Cauldron, completed this act. 当时那一战,武道本尊能斩杀寒泉狱主,完全是因为抢占先机,借助帝兵镇狱鼎,才完成此举。 In other words, this Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) battle strength, most and Prison Lord of the Cold Springs is impartial. 也就是说,这位荒武战力,最多与寒泉狱主持平。 Under this situation, four big Prison Lord collaborate, even if this Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) took out Hell Suppressing Cauldron, cannot block their murdering absolutely! 在这种情形之下,四大狱主联手,纵然这个荒武祭出镇狱鼎,也绝对挡不住他们的杀伐! But at present, making four big Prison Lord be startled. 但眼下一幕,让四大狱主大吃一惊。 This Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) battle strength, obviously compared with legend in wants powerful many! 这个荒武战力,明显比传说中的要强大的多! After Martial Dao main body steps into Martial Domain Realm, simply has not stopped, leaves to kill Prison of the Capital Springs directly, here hell creatures at all not clear this matter. 武道本尊踏入武域境之后,根本没有停顿,直接动身杀到酆泉狱,这边的地狱生灵根本不清楚此事。 Eight Great Prison Lords also has no response time, when they detect this matter, the war between both sides has broken out! 八大狱主也没有任何反应的时间,等他们察觉到此事,双方之间的大战已经爆发! Prison Lord of the Drizzling Springs first body falls. 溟泉狱主最先身陨。 Four big Prison Lord and Martial Dao main body wars, obviously fall leeward. 四大狱主武道本尊大战,明显落入下风。 Prison Lord of the Capital Springs that always stands by, Prison Lord of the Heavy Springs and Prison Lord of the Bitter Springs look at each other one mutually, the look are somewhat strange, has not chosen to go forward to assist. 始终作壁上观的酆泉狱主,重泉狱主苦泉狱主相互对视一眼,神色有些诡异,都没有选择上前相助。 The great strength of this Huang Wu (Desolate Martial), is truly more than they expected, is somewhat thorny, but has not been in the situation that is unable to control. 这个荒武的强大,确实超出他们三人的预计,有些棘手,但还没到无法掌控的地步。 If can draw support from the hand of Huang Wu (Desolate Martial), removes other four big Prison Lord, pours can also reduce many variables, avoid troubles. 若是可以借助荒武之手,除掉其他四大狱主,倒也能减少诸多变数,省得麻烦。 Four big hell's spring water bloodline phenomenon, possibly collapse shortly momentarily, four big Prison Lord do not dare to hesitate again, releases perfection paradise hastily. 眼看着四大地狱泉水血脉异象,随时都可能崩溃,四大狱主不敢再迟疑,连忙释放出圆满洞天 Four big Prison Lord collaborate, launches the offensive toward Martial Dao main body again! 四大狱主联手,再度朝着武道本尊发动攻势! As a result of Hell Realm Heaven and Earth was shattered, the principle is incomplete, four big Prison Lord cannot touch Emperor Realm. 由于地狱界天地破碎,法则残缺,四大狱主始终没能触碰到帝境 But they cultivation perfection paradise long time ago, this side paradise is saving the huge strength, surging forward, daring! 但他们早早就修炼出圆满洞天,这一方洞天积蓄着庞大的力量,汹涌澎湃,气吞山河! Martial Dao main body Furnace of Heaven and Earth, under the impacts of four great perfection paradise, was obviously suppressed. 武道本尊天地熔炉,在四大圆满洞天的冲击之下,也明显受到压制。 The furnace inside and outside flame, contract unceasingly, the light of fire twinkle, before being inferior, like that burning hot. 熔炉内外的火焰,不断收缩,火光闪烁,不如之前那般炙热。 The Martial Dao main body look is calm, the intention rotation, said in a soft voice: Purgatory of Martial Dao!” 武道本尊神色淡定,心念转动,轻声道:“武道炼狱!” ! 呼! In Martial Dao main body within the body, bursts out together scarlet-red light halo instantaneously, above is condensing innumerable mysterious runes, covers four big Prison Lord and their perfection paradise. 武道本尊的体内,瞬间迸发出一道赤红色光晕,上面凝聚着无数玄妙符文,将四大狱主和他们的圆满洞天笼罩进去。 This scarlet-red light halo blasts out loudly, forms one huge flame domains, inside is interweaving innumerable dao and law. 这道赤红色光晕轰然炸开,形成一片巨大的火焰领域,里面交织着无数道与法 Above the entire altar, turns into a sea of fire instantaneously! 整个祭坛之上,瞬间变成一片火海! In this piece of Purgatory of Martial Dao, there is Red Lotus Karmic Fire, Fire of Martial Soul, Tribulation Fire, Dragon-Phoenix's flame, Fire of Hell. 在这片武道炼狱之中,有红莲业火,武魂之火,劫火,龙凰之焰,还有地狱之火 Five supreme flame interweave, ultimately forms this stretch of terrifying domain. 五种至强火焰交织,最终形成这片恐怖领域。 The space of every inchs this stretch of domain, contains law of martial dao, will of martial dao! 这片领域的每一寸空间,都蕴藏着武道之法,武道意志 Four great perfection paradise were covered by this Purgatory of Martial Dao burning down, but insists the moment slightly, could not have supported! 大圆满洞天被这片武道炼狱焚烧笼罩,只是稍微坚持片刻,就已经支撑不住! Ka ka ka! 咔咔咔! Four great perfection paradise were burnt red, gloomy and cold in paradise has vanished does not see, inside even jumps out together the dao fire flame. 大圆满洞天被烧得通红,洞天内的阴冷早已消失不见,里面甚至窜出一道道火焰。 Inside and outside paradise appears the big piece fissure, innumerable say/way scarlet light of fire burst out! 洞天内外浮现出大片的裂痕,无数道赤红的火光迸发出来! Rumbling rumbling! 轰轰轰轰! Connects the four sounds loud sound, four great perfection paradise crash completely! 接连四声巨响,四大圆满洞天全部崩塌! Hissing!” “嘶嘶!” Prison Lord of the Lower Springs succeeds in giving up two halves the body, rolls in Purgatory of Martial Dao unceasingly, the wound place spout the flame, in the mouth is exuding a sad and shrill pitiful yell sound. 下泉狱主断成两半的身躯,不断在武道炼狱中滚动,伤口处都在喷涌着火焰,口中发出一阵凄厉惨叫声。 He just caused heavy losses to by Martial Dao main body, steps on explodes the body. 他刚刚就被武道本尊重创,踩爆身躯。 Now, was burnt down by Purgatory of Martial Dao, loses the protection of perfection paradise, cannot resist, in an instant did not have the sound, lies down in the ground motionless. 如今,又被武道炼狱焚烧,失去圆满洞天的守护,根本抵挡不住,转眼间就没了声息,躺在地面上一动不动。 The jet black ice-cold carapace, had been burnt red. 原本漆黑冰冷的甲壳,已经被烧得通红。 After more than ten breath, gradually melting. 十几个呼吸之后,渐渐融化。 The solemn Prison Lord of the Lower Springs fate, is so unexpectedly pitiful, finally body and soul entirely exterminated, the skeleton not saves! 堂堂下泉狱主的下场,竟如此凄惨,最终形神俱灭,尸骨无存! Remaining three big Prison Lord do not feel better. 剩下的三大狱主也并不好受。 The Prison Lord of the Yin Springs main body, hid in the hidden place, prepares to wait for the opportunity to act, looks for the opportunity to act. 阴泉狱主的本体,原本隐藏在暗处,准备伺机而动,寻找机会出手。 But didn’t expect, the Martial Dao main body domain releases, by the innumerable flame incinerators, he did not have to hide! 没想到,武道本尊的领域释放出来,被无数火焰焚烧,他也无所遁形! In four big Prison Lord, his bloodlines fleshly body, is relatively weak. 四大狱主之中,他的血脉肉身,相对较弱。 Even Prison Lord of the Lower Springs cannot resist Purgatory of Martial Dao, he is worse. 下泉狱主都抵挡不住武道炼狱,他更加不济。 Less than ten breath, were burnt by Purgatory of Martial Dao vanished in a puff of smoke! 不到十个呼吸,就被武道炼狱烧得灰飞烟灭! The leopard of Prison Lord of the Nether Springs incarnation spirit, does not beat shortly, has not collapsed while own paradise, wants first to run away. 幽泉狱主化身一只幽灵之豹,眼看着不敌,趁着自己的洞天还未崩溃,想要第一时间逃走。 Just, the domain dao law rule, lies in this piece of inside the domain, is not you wants to come to come, wants to walk walks! 只不过,领域的道法规则,就在于在这片领域之内,并非是你想来就来,想走就走! Prison Lord of the Nether Springs wants to flee Purgatory of Martial Dao, actually runs upon domain outside barrier, was stopped. 幽泉狱主想要逃离武道炼狱,却撞上领域外面的壁垒,被阻拦下来。 Prison Lord of the Nether Springs unceasing dashing, the release all cards in a hand, want to break open the barrier. 幽泉狱主不断的冲撞,释放出所有的底牌,想要破开壁垒。 But over time, his perfection paradise collapse, his strength also rapid failure. 但随着时间推移,他的圆满洞天崩溃,他的力量也迅速衰竭。 Finally, Prison Lord of the Nether Springs was burnt in the Purgatory of Martial Dao edge, at the point of death before, the both eyes circle stares, is looking at outside the altar, filling is fearing and unwilling. 最终,幽泉狱主被烧死在武道炼狱的边缘,临死前,双目圆瞪,望着祭坛外面,充满着恐惧和不甘。 Prison Lord of the Yellow Springs transforms dragon body, wanders above nearly dry yellow springs, supports for a long time. 黄泉狱主幻化出龙躯,游荡在近乎干涸的黄泉之上,支撑得最久。 May draw back shortly roadless, Prison Lord of the Yellow Springs erupts resounding dragon's roar, toward the Martial Dao main body rush in the past! 眼看着无路可退,黄泉狱主爆发出一声高亢的龙吟,朝着武道本尊冲杀过去! Since may draw back roadless, spells hardly! 既然无路可退,就只有硬拼到底! The Prison Lord of the Yellow Springs whole body braves the flame, rushes to the near, huge dragon head is slightly low, raises up pair of hard dragon horn, toward Martial Dao main body collision ruthlessly in the past! 黄泉狱主浑身冒着火焰,冲到近前,巨大的龙首微微低下,竖起一对儿坚硬龙角,朝着武道本尊狠狠的撞过去! dragon horn, is on dragon body the hardest spot. 龙角,乃是龙躯身上最坚硬的部位。 This, is Prison Lord of the Yellow Springs wrestles at risk of life, even paradise magical treasure, must be hit crushes. 这一下,乃是黄泉狱主的拼死一搏,即便洞天法宝,都要被撞得粉碎。 Under the gazes of numerous hell creatures, stands Martial Dao main body in altar, compared with Prison Lord of the Yellow Springs huge dragon head, tiny like ants! 在众多地狱生灵的注视之下,站在祭坛上的武道本尊,与黄泉狱主的巨大龙首相比,渺小如同蝼蚁! But in both collide in together, trim Heaven and Earth seems to be peaceful. 但就在两者碰撞在一起的时候,整片天地仿佛都安静下来。 Everyone stares the big eyes, unbelievable is looking at this. 所有人瞪大双眼,难以置信的望着这一幕。 Collision of no shaking the heavens and earth. 没有什么惊天动地的碰撞。 Prison Lord of the Yellow Springs to/clashes, sees only Martial Dao main body to lift the hand slowly, stretches out the palm, under glare of the public eye, grasps this only invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable dragon horn in the palm! 黄泉狱主冲过来,只见武道本尊缓缓抬手,伸出手掌,就在众目睽睽之下,将这只坚不可摧龙角抓在掌心中! The Prison Lord of the Yellow Springs huge body, such stop in the midair, is not then able to go forward half inch! 黄泉狱主庞大的身躯,便这样停顿在半空中,无法前进半寸! By flesh and blood, unarmed, then resists the potential of Prison Lord of the Yellow Springs so terrifying dashing, is this fearful strength? 以血肉之躯,赤手空拳,便将黄泉狱主如此恐怖的冲撞之势抵挡下来,这是怎样可怕的力量? Numerous hell creatures looks with amazement. 众多地狱生灵神色骇然。 Has not waited for the people to respond, sees only Martial Dao main body to lift the hand again, makes a fist, pounds ruthlessly! 还没等众人反应过来,只见武道本尊再度抬手,握拳,狠狠砸下去! Kā chā! 咔嚓 The Prison Lord of the Yellow Springs dragon's head, fought with the fists by Martial Dao main body is split up, primordial spirit dies out, the body dies at the scene! 黄泉狱主的龙头,被武道本尊一拳打得四分五裂,元神寂灭,身死当场! In an instant, four big Prison Lord all fall from the sky! 转眼之间,四大狱主全部陨落!
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