ESK :: Volume #25

#2436: The demon flame is dreadful!

The lords of five immortal cities have gone to its four, now is only left over Langfeng City City Lord Song Xuan one person. 五大仙城之主已去其四,如今就只剩下阆风城城主宋玄一人。 Who can think, just Lan Tian young master and the others, but also places the immortal city in the Lord position, the power and influence is dreadful, control ten thousand immortal, in an instant, has then dropped the shrine, horizontal corpse at the scene! 谁能想到,刚刚蓝田公子等人,还身处仙城之主的位置上,权势滔天,统御万仙,转眼间,便已跌落神坛,横尸当场! This, the impact on the people on the scene was too big. 这一幕,对在场众人的冲击实在太大了。 That several originally aloof and remote, need their respectful flattery True Immortal expert, even there is opportunity competition True Immortals List Heaven Chosen, now under the fist of this Demon Territory Huang Wu (Desolate Martial), seems the delicate mortal. 那几位原本高高在上,需要他们恭敬奉承的真仙强者,甚至有机会角逐真仙榜天骄,如今在这个魔域荒武的拳头下,好似弱不禁风的凡人。 Even if has nine tribulations pure yang spiritual treasure to resist, is three fists! 纵然有九劫纯阳灵宝抵挡,也不过就是三拳! In addition the lords of immortal city so, Demon Territory Huang Wu (Desolate Martial), if copes with them, feared that moves the finger, was run over and died to them! 仙城之主尚且如此,魔域荒武若是对付他们,怕是动一动手指,就给他们碾死了! In main hall, although several thousand True Immortal expert, but at this time, has been uninterested. 大殿中,虽然有数千位真仙强者,但此时,已经无心恋战。 The people look at that purple robe form in midair, in the eye pupil are being full of the endless fear, such as sees the ghosts and gods. 众人望着半空中的那位紫袍身影,眼眸中充满着无尽的恐惧,如见鬼神。 Day, originally these rumors...... real!” “天呐,原来那些传言……都是真的!” Crosses ten-layered Heavenly Tribulation, extinguishes 1 million demon army, cuts to kill Supreme True Demon, all rumors about Huang Wu (Desolate Martial), real!” “渡十重天劫,灭百万魔军,斩杀无上真魔,关于荒武的一切传言,都是真的!” Numerous True Immortal seem awakening from a dream. 众多真仙如梦方醒。 Although before they do not have sees thousand years, with own eyes Demon Territory all, the rumor that but now, the experience to the Martial Dao main body method, the people to once snorts at contemptuously, does not have the least bit suspicion again! 他们虽然没有亲眼见到千年魔域发生的一切,但如今,见识到武道本尊的手段,众人对曾经嗤之以鼻的传言,再无半点怀疑! Finally, has True Immortal unable to bear this pressure, escapes toward the main hall outside. 终于,有真仙承受不住这种压力,朝着大殿外面逃去。 Under this aspect, so long as there is a person to run away, will stir the enormous panic, thus creates retreating of True Immortal expert! 在这种局面之下,只要有一个人逃走,就会引发极大的恐慌,从而造成更多真仙强者的溃逃! In main hall, in great confusion. 大殿之中,乱成一团。 Even if there is True Immortal expert after the Lin Lei brother and sister's side, still no one acts to them. 就算有真仙强者经过林磊兄妹的身边,也没有人对他们出手。 No one dares to go to Tao Yao that side direction. 更没有人敢去桃夭那边的方向。 Song Xuan is looking at this, suppresses the innermost feelings diligently panic-stricken, cannot bear call loudly: Do not fluster, listens to my command!” 宋玄望着这一幕,努力压制住内心的惊恐,忍不住高声喊道:“诸位别慌,听我号令!” In the confusion, no one pays attention radically. 混乱之中,根本没有什么人理会。 Or even if some people hear the Song Xuan shout, still turns a deaf ear, pretends not to know. 或者说,就算有人听到宋玄的喊声,也充耳不闻,装作不知。 Song Xuan is looking at Martial Dao main body of not far away, feels pressure that one type is unable to explain, making him not gasp for breath! 宋玄望着不远处的武道本尊,感受到一种无法言喻的压力,令他喘不过气来! The lords of five immortal cities, only have him now. 五位仙城之主,如今就只剩下他一个人。 In the Song Xuan heart understands, Demon Territory Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) is intentional! 宋玄心中明白,魔域荒武是有意为之! Because Tao Yao is he grasps, Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) is the last him, making him withstand the fear that this type is gradually close, bears this tremendous pressure! 因为桃夭是他抓的,荒武就是要将他留在最后,让他承受这种逐渐接近的恐惧,承受这种巨大的压力! Song Xuan was also clear, by his strength, is unable to resist with Martial Dao main body. 宋玄也同时清楚,凭借他一人之力,根本无法与武道本尊对抗。 This time wants to win a slim chance of survival, only then unites completely this place remaining several thousand True Immortal, about the strength of people, shakes with it hardly! 这次想要博得一丝生机,只有将此地剩下的数千位真仙全部团结起来,合众人之力,与之硬撼! Even if cannot cut to kill Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) in this, may still delay the time, waits for the rescue of twelve palaces. 就算不能将荒武斩杀于此,也可拖延时间,等待十二宫的救援。 Normal, only if there is Immortal King to arrive, otherwise, twelve palaces major Palace Master, Immortal King expert, has been induced very much difficultly. 正常来说,除非有仙王降临,否则,十二宫的各大宫主,仙王强者,很难得到感应。 True Immortal that but if here falls from the sky are too many, the sound greatly is too noisily big, definitely some Immortal King will detect! 但若是这边陨落的真仙太多,动静闹大太大,也必然会有仙王察觉! When so long as Immortal King arrives, he can save the life. 只要等到仙王降临,他就能保住性命了。 Halts to me!” “都给我站住!” Song Xuan took a deep breath, shouts loudly: Disobeying orders, to seek counter great sin to punish, kill without mercy!” 宋玄深吸一口气,大声喊道:“违令者,以谋逆大罪论处,杀无赦!” This orders one, blows True Immortal expert of many retreating, looks toward Song Xuan. 这道命令一出,才将不少溃逃的真仙强者镇住,纷纷朝着宋玄望去。 Song Xuan loudly shouted: Gentlemen listen to my command, so long as I and other joint efforts, this war must win!” 宋玄大喝一声:“诸君听我号令,只要我等合力,此战必胜!” Good!” “不错!” Just got rid of the threat of Red Lotus Karmic Fire, was burnt bruised and lacerated, shouting that changing beyond all recognition Jiang Xuanyou clenched jaws: His Huang Wu (Desolate Martial), only then a person, I and others collaborated, must be able to put to death it!” 刚刚摆脱红莲业火的威胁,被烧得皮开肉绽,面目全非的江玄游咬牙切齿的喊道:“他荒武只有一个人,我等联手,必能将其诛杀!” No matter what if from this liao in my Jade Firmament Immortal Territory open slaughter, I and other next face countenance what save!” “若是任由此獠在我玉霄仙域大开杀戒,我等今后颜面何存!” Everyone joint effort, intended to kill him!” “大家合力,出手杀了他!” Numerous True Immortal under the Song Xuan command, reignition hot blooded, sends out one to shout intermittently. 众多真仙宋玄的号令之下,重燃热血,发出一阵阵呼喊。 Martial Dao main body is looking at Song Xuan, the eye pupil under silver mask, reveals to wipe the ridicule the look. 武道本尊望着宋玄,银色面具下的眼眸,流露出一抹嘲弄的眼神。 Kills to me!” “给我杀!” Song Xuan toward Martial Dao main body one finger/refers, shouts one. 宋玄朝着武道本尊一指,嘶吼一声。 Among instant, several thousand True Immortal expert make a move, said spirit communication magical treasure but innumerably air-splitting, interweaves a piece of airtight big net in the midair. 刹那间,数千位真仙强者出手,无数道通灵法宝破空而至,在半空中交织一片密不透风的大网。 Said divine abilities and secret techniques innumerably, as if gathered turbulent sea tide, was huge, swept across! 无数道神通秘法,仿佛汇聚成一片波涛汹涌的海潮,声势浩荡,席卷而来! Martial Dao main body treads the sky stands, motionless, the meaning of even not having dodged. 武道本尊踏空而立,一动不动,甚至没有躲闪的意思。 „Doesn't this walk?” “这都不走?” Lin Lei looks stares the big eyes. 林磊看得瞪大双眼。 What True Immortal can expert, resist such offensive? 什么真仙强者,能抵挡住这样的攻势? In Martial Dao main body both eyes, covers pitch darkness color suddenly, if carefully looked, then can distinguish, that is two groups of black flame, covers entirely the entire pupil. 武道本尊双眸之中,突然蒙上一抹黑色,若是仔细去看,便能分辨出来,那是两团黑色的火焰,布满整个瞳孔。 The aura big change of Martial Dao main body, is filling the meaning of gloomy terrifying! 武道本尊的气息大变,弥漫着阴森恐怖之意! These divine abilities and secret techniques, without arriving on the body of Martial Dao main body, exude black light of fire, burns. 这些神通秘法,才没有降临在武道本尊的身上,就泛起一道道黑色火光,燃烧起来。 Under foot of Martial Dao main body, gives birth to one group of black flame, rapid spreads toward all around, sweeps across all directions, forms one black seas of fire! 武道本尊的脚下,也生出一团黑色火焰,迅速的朝着四周蔓延,席卷八方,形成一片黑色火海! This black flame arrives, the temperature in main hall, does not have the least bit to be raised, instead in rapid drop. 这种黑色火焰降临,大殿中的温度,却没有半点提升,反而在迅速的下降。 Many cultivator simply have not responded, falls into the sea of fire. 许多修士根本没反应过来,就陷入火海之中。 „!!!” “啊!啊!啊!” These cultivator send out a sad and shrill pitiful yell, the facial features twist, the look struggles, seems experiencing not the unimaginable pain to suffer! 这些修士发出一阵凄厉的惨叫,五官扭曲,神色挣扎,仿佛正经历着无法想象的痛苦折磨! Some cultivator tear flesh crazily, but the severe pain on body, even is less than the black flame to take to him painful 1/10000! 有的修士疯狂撕扯身上的血肉,但身体上的剧痛,甚至不及黑色火焰带给他痛苦的万分之一! This is unable with the pain that the spoken language described! 这是无法用言语来形容的痛苦! Numerous True Immortal rather die, the soul flies away and scatters, is not always able to turn over/to stand up, is not willing to withstand the ignition of this type of flame! 众多真仙宁愿去死,魂飞魄散,永世无法翻身,也不愿承受这种火焰的灼烧! This black flame, without burning hot, instead gloomy piercing, can be in deep sorrow. 这种黑色火焰,没有炙热,反而阴森刺骨,可以让人痛不欲生。 The Lin Lei brother and sister are looking in the black sea of fire, these True Immortal expert pitiful conditions, feel absolutely terrified! 林磊兄妹两人望着黑色火海之中,那些真仙强者的惨状,都感觉到一阵毛骨悚然! This, what is this?” “这,这是什么?” Lin Luo cannot bear ask. 林落忍不住问道。 Lin Lei swallowed under the saliva, said slowly: Hearsay, in the Avici Hell deep place, exist(ence) one black flame, can take to the life the infinite pain.” 林磊咽了下口水,才缓缓说道:“传闻,在阿鼻地狱的深处,存在一种黑色火焰,可以带给生灵无尽的痛苦。” didn’t expect, this Demon Territory Huang Wu (Desolate Martial), has controlled this type of flame unexpectedly!” 没想到,这个魔域荒武,竟然已经掌控这种火焰!” Fire of Hell, condenses true meaning of pain of trillion lives. 地狱之火,凝聚亿万生灵的痛苦真意 In Avici Great Hell, Fire of Hell will never extinguish, will never be interrupted. 阿鼻大地狱之中,地狱之火永不熄灭,永不间断。 Sees only in the midair, Martial Dao main body treads the sky stands, the surrounding black flame is centered on him, will put in order main hall wrap up to get up, forms huge black fire lotus! 只见半空中,武道本尊踏空而立,周围的黑色火焰以他为中心,将整座大殿包裹起来,形成一朵巨大的黑色火莲 The person in this black fire lotus, no one can run away! 在这黑色火莲中的人,谁都逃不出去! Naturally, in black fire lotus, is the bodies of some True Immortal, had not been affected by Fire of Hell. 当然,在黑色火莲中,还是有一些真仙的身上,没有被地狱之火波及。 Even so, these True Immortal have also frightened the soul flies away and scatters, courage entirely cracks!! 即便如此,这些真仙也已经吓得魂飞魄散,肝胆俱裂!! Several thousand True Immortal expert, drew in the flame by Martial Dao main body, complete suppression! 数千位真仙强者,被武道本尊拖入火焰,全部镇压! In the midair, Martial Dao main body is at the black fire lotus center, both eyes flame combustion, body aura gloomy terrifying, just like wielding the Hell's gods, the demon flame is dreadful! 半空中,武道本尊置身于黑色火莲的中心,双眸火焰燃烧,身上气息阴森恐怖,宛如执掌地狱的神明,魔焰滔天!
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