ESK :: Volume #25

#2435: Dié Yue appears intermittently

Under the main hall central garden, Su Zimo just supported by the arm Tao Yao, felt that behind transmits a change. 大殿中央的庭院中,苏子墨刚刚将桃夭搀扶下来,就感觉到身后传来一阵异动。 Un?” “嗯?” The Su Zimo split vision sweeps, flies into a rage! 苏子墨余光一扫,不禁勃然大怒! At this time is everywhere chaotic, in the courtyard that Flat Peach Tree extends the innumerable twigs unexpectedly, toward him and Tao Yao direction, twines. 此时四处混乱,院落中那株蟠桃树竟然伸展出无数条枝杈,朝着他和桃夭的方向,缠绕过来。 This Flat Peach Tree, but also wants to absorb the blood of Tao Yao! 这株蟠桃树,还想吸收桃夭的鲜血! Su Zimo pinches sword technique, the backhand cuts. 苏子墨捏动剑诀,反手一斩。 Titter! 噗嗤! Dozens Peach Tree twigs, cut off. 数十根桃树枝杈,被从中斩断。 In these Peach Tree twigs, sprinkles the blood of scarlet-red unexpectedly! 这些桃树枝杈中,竟洒落出一道道赤红色的鲜血! This Flat Peach Tree within the body, spreads painful call that infiltrates the person, probably ghost wail. 这株蟠桃树的体内,传出一阵渗人的痛呼声,好像鬼怪哭嚎。 This Flat Peach Tree, under Tao Yao blood unceasing nourishing, cultivate and nourish has spiritual wisdom unexpectedly gradually. 这株蟠桃树,在桃夭鲜血不断的滋养之下,竟然也渐渐孕养灵智 Monster tree, you are wild!” “妖树,你还敢猖狂!” Su Zimo look ice-cold, prepares to go forward, eradicates this Flat Peach Tree. 苏子墨神色冰冷,准备上前,将这株蟠桃树连根拔起。 Originally in he bosom Tao Yao, actually entrained his sleeves gently, said in a low voice: young master, gives me.” 原本在他怀中的桃夭,却轻轻拽了一下他的衣袖,低声道:“公子,交给我吧。” You?” “你?” Su Zimo knits the brows slightly, looks at the Tao Yao weak condition, some worries. 苏子墨微微皱眉,看着桃夭虚弱的状态,有些担心。 Tao Yao did not answer, stood up reluctantly, extends both hands. 桃夭不答,勉强站起身来,伸出双手。 Sees only his ten fingers, suddenly transforms Peach Tree twigs, toward the Flat Peach Tree spread in the past, pricked within the body of opposite party instantaneously! 只见他的十指,突然幻化成一根根桃树枝杈,朝着蟠桃树蔓延过去,瞬间刺入对方的体内! Tao Yao closes the eyes, revolution dao law, softly muttered said: In recent years, you ate on me so many blood, was the time.” 桃夭闭上双眼,运转道法,轻喃道:“这些年来,你吃了我身上这么多的血,是时候还回来了。” He is plundering this Flat Peach Tree life primordial essence! 他在掠夺这株蟠桃树身上的生命精元 Wū wū! 呜呜呜! The Flat Peach Tree crazy swing, the body rocks, within the body spreads sound of the scream, seems struggling the resistance. 蟠桃树疯狂的摇摆,身躯晃动,体内传出一阵尖叫之声,似乎在挣扎抵抗。 With the lapse of time, the torso branch of Flat Peach Tree, becomes somewhat withered. 随着时间的推移,蟠桃树的躯干树枝,都变得有些干枯。 But Tao Yao condition, actually gradually restoration, flesh , becomes full, the complexion restores ruddily some. 桃夭的状态,却渐渐恢复,身上的血肉,也变得充盈起来,脸色恢复些许红润。 ! ! ! 噗!噗!噗! In the meantime, blood peach that on Flat Peach Tree congeals, the disruption, scatters piece of blood essence in abundance. 就在此时,蟠桃树上凝结出来的血桃,纷纷碎裂,散落一片精血 The Flat Peach Tree aura rises sharply, uses these blood essence to counter-attack unexpectedly, swallows Tao Yao bloodlines and life primordial essence in reverse! 蟠桃树的气息大涨,竟然利用这些精血想要反击,倒过来吞噬桃夭身上的血脉和生命精元 The Tao Yao figure rocked, almost throws down. 桃夭身形晃动了一下,差点摔倒。 His dao law revolution, the figure vanishes, in the original place appears a Peach Tree appearance, as if initially was the same in Pingyang Town that courtyard. 他身上的道法运转,身形消失,原地浮现出一株桃树的样子,仿佛当初在平阳镇的那个院落中一样。 In recent years, he was always imprisoned to fetter, the body condition was too bad. 这些年来,他始终被囚禁束缚,身体状态实在太差了。 Su Zimo knits the brows secretly, prepares to act momentarily, breaks this process. 苏子墨暗自皱眉,准备随时出手,打断这个过程。 At the worst, he destroys completely this Flat Peach Tree! 大不了,他就将这株蟠桃树灭掉! both sides refuse to budge suddenly. 双方一时间僵持不下。 Suddenly! 突然! Under the Peach Tree that in Tao Yao transforms, appears together fuzzy phantom, cannot see the facial features, can only identify this vaguely is a female, the body scarlet-red blood-color long gown, seems somewhat dazzling. 桃夭幻化成的这株桃树之下,浮现出一道模糊的虚影,看不到五官,只能依稀辨认出这是一位女子,身上赤红色的血色长袍,显得有些刺眼。 The Su Zimo whole body shakes. 苏子墨浑身一震。 Absent-minded, he returns to Heavenly Desolate Continent Pingyang Town that night probably, the moonlight like the water, the peach blossom falls in abundance, the female stands under Peach Tree, the body as if has clouds and mist to gather together lightly, such as the fairy maiden descends to earth. 恍惚之间,他好像回到天荒大陆平阳镇的那个夜晚,月光如水,桃花纷纷而落,女子站在桃树之下,身上仿佛有烟霞轻拢,如仙子下凡。 That night, under this female Peach Tree preach the Dao, leading him to step into cultivation. 正是那个夜晚,这位女子桃树传道,带着他踏入修行 Tao Yao results in the Dié Yue direction, can spiritual wisdom, the critical juncture, the dao law connection, appears have that night situation at this time unexpectedly! 桃夭蝶月指点,得以通灵,此时危急关头,道法交汇,竟显化出那一夜的情形! Although Dié Yue has not revealed genuine appearance, but is turning away from Flat Peach Tree of not far away, but this form appears, Flat Peach Tree dao law instantaneous collapse! 蝶月虽然没有露出真容,只是背对着不远处的蟠桃树,但这道身影浮现,蟠桃树身边的道法瞬间崩溃! Flat Peach Tree within the body, hears one to sob, then did not have the sound thoroughly, gives up resisting. 蟠桃树的体内,传来一声呜咽,便彻底没了声息,放弃抵抗。 ! 呼! Huge life primordial essence, continuous floods into Tao Yao within the body. 庞大的生命精元,源源不断的涌入桃夭的体内。 The Tao Yao aura, is increasing rapidly. 桃夭的气息,在迅速攀升。 But this Flat Peach Tree in rapid senility, leaf withered and yellow, falls gently in abundance, lifeless. 而这株蟠桃树在迅速的衰老,树叶枯黄,纷纷飘落,死气沉沉 In the battlefield in midair, Song Xuan induces to the main hall central sound, suddenly thinks oneself, a hostage in hand. 半空中的战场上,宋玄感应到大殿中央的动静,突然想到自己这边,还有一个人质在手。 Since Demon Territory Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) is willing to arrive at this place for the Tao Yao one person alone, obviously this dao child, is quite important to this person. 魔域荒武既然肯为了桃夭孤身来到此地,可见这个道童,对此人极为重要。 If grasps Tao Yao in the hand, is equal to grasping the soft rib of this person! 若是将桃夭抓在手中,就等于拿住此人的软肋! Just, now he and Lan Tian young master internal qi figure, had been locked by Martial Dao main body completely, let alone withdraws, diverts attention does not dare. 只不过,如今他和蓝田公子气机身形,已经完全被武道本尊锁定,别说脱身,连分心都不敢。 He can only order, directs others. 他只能下令,指挥旁人。 Jiang Xuanyou, you go quickly, holds that dao child!” 江玄游,你们快去,将那个道童抓住!” In Song Xuan mouth great shout, actually still looking at steadily is staring at Martial Dao main body, for fear that he launches the offensive to himself suddenly. 宋玄口中大声呼喊着,却仍是目不转睛的盯着武道本尊,生怕他对自己突然发动攻势。 Jiang Xuanyou and the others were understanding, turns around hastily, flushed toward Tao Yao. 江玄游等人会意,连忙转身,朝着桃夭这边冲了过来。 Snort!” “哼!” The Martial Dao main body vision sweeps, stimulates to movement primordial spirit, both hands magic arts fluctuates continuously. 武道本尊目光一扫,催动元神,双手法诀连续变幻。 Whistling! 呼呼! Jiang Xuanyou and other numerous True Immortal expert within the body, flees suddenly the scarlet-red flame, from inside to outside, sweeps across the whole body instantaneously. 江玄游等一众真仙强者的体内,突然窜起一道道赤红色的火焰,由内而外,瞬间席卷全身。 „!” “啊啊啊!” The people grab the body unceasingly, in the mouth send out a sad and shrill pitiful yell. 众人不断抓着身躯,口中发出一阵凄厉的惨叫。 Some people release divine abilities and secret techniques hastily. 有人连忙释放出神通秘法 But divine ability's power fills the air, instead encourages the flame, in his mouth, nose, eyes, both ears, in having the scarlet-red flame, unceasingly spout the combustion. 神通之力弥漫,反而助长火焰,在他的口中,鼻子,双眼,双耳,都在有赤红色的火焰,不断喷涌燃烧。 In an instant, in the main hall appears the human form fireballs! 转眼间,大殿中就浮现出一个个人形火球! During several breath, some people had been burnt only body and soul entirely exterminated, in the original place leave behind a strange scarlet-red lotus flower mark. 几个呼吸之间,就已经有人被烧得形神俱灭,原地只留下一朵诡异的赤红色莲花印记。 Red Lotus Karmic Fire!” 红莲业火!” Song Xuan saw that this dao imprint records, the complexion is ugly, calls out in alarm one. 宋玄看到这道印记,脸色难看,惊呼一声。 Naturally, many True Immortal expert, are relying on behind cultivation base, concise true essence, stimulates to movement Dao Fruit, can resist the impact of Red Lotus Karmic Fire. 当然,更多的真仙强者,凭借着身后的修为,凝练的真元,催动道果,还是能抵挡住红莲业火的冲击。 Just, the people cannot take care of oneself, no one pays attention to Tao Yao. 只不过,众人自顾不暇,就再也没人去理会桃夭 Gu Xiu looks in the main hall, a light of fire piece, skeleton scene everywhere, has frightened has to draw back intent. 孤岫看着大殿中,火光一片,尸骸遍地的景象,早已吓得心生退意。 This thought just raised, his eyelid jumps crazily, feels an intense sense of crisis! 这个念头刚刚升起,他眼皮狂跳,感觉到一阵强烈的危机感! „ It is not good! „ “不好!“ In the Gu Xiu heart thump, thinks without enough time much, he transfers Solitary Cloud Peak directly, resists before own. 孤岫心中咯噔一声,来不及多想,他直接调转孤云峰,抵挡在自己身前。 Sure enough, Martial Dao main body had flushed. 果不其然,武道本尊已经冲了过来。 Bang! 轰! Facing Solitary Cloud Peak, Martial Dao main body does not dodge does not evade, lifting the hand is a fist! 面对孤云峰,武道本尊不闪不避,抬手就是一拳! Although is away from Solitary Cloud Peak, but Gu Xiu can feel, vigorous heavy/thick heaven-shaking divine power that in Martial Dao main body this fist, erupts! 虽然隔着孤云峰,但孤岫还是能感受到,武道本尊这一拳中,爆发出来的雄浑厚重的惊天神力 Solitary Cloud Peak after all is pure yang spiritual treasure, reduces and solves Martial Dao main body this fist most strength. 孤云峰毕竟是纯阳灵宝,化解掉武道本尊这一拳大半的力量。 Even so, Gu Xiu was still the whole body shook, the both arms tingled with numbness, has passed out. 即便如此,孤岫仍是浑身一震,双臂发麻,已经失去知觉。 He is just about to run away, the second fist of Martial Dao main body arrives! 他正要逃走,武道本尊的第二拳降临! Bang! 轰! Gu Xiu is helpless, can only continue to support Solitary Cloud Peak, the anti- under this second wave of impact. 孤岫无奈,只能继续支撑着孤云峰,抗下这第二波冲击。 Bang! 轰! Martial Dao main body within the body qi and blood surges, rushes like the tide, acts again. 武道本尊体内气血涌动,澎湃如潮,再度出手。 The third fist arrives! 第三拳抵达! This fights with the fists on Solitary Cloud Peak, Martial Dao main body no longer stays, turns around to depart, even does not have to look at Gu Xiu one again. 这一拳打在孤云峰上,武道本尊就不再停留,转身离去,甚至没有再去看孤岫一眼。 Gu Xiu both hands are pushing Solitary Cloud Peak, stands rigidly in the midair, motionless. 孤岫双手推着孤云峰,僵立在半空中,一动不动。 A person of peak, as if static. 一人一峰,仿佛静止。 The next quarter, the Gu Xiu vision is dim, within the body life aura passes rapidly, the muscles and bones break in within the body, the internal organs have broken, the vitality has cut off, in sea of consciousness primordial spirit dies out, the body dies at the scene! 下一刻,孤岫目光黯淡,体内生命气息迅速流逝,体内的筋骨断裂,脏腑都已经破碎,生机已然断绝,识海元神寂灭,身死当场! A person of peak crashes. 一人一峰坠落下去。 Three fists! 三拳! Even if has nine tribulations pure yang spiritual treasure to resist, Gu Xiu cannot support three fists, is killed violently at the scene! 纵然有九劫纯阳灵宝抵挡,孤岫仍是没能撑过三拳,当场毙命!
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