ESK :: Volume #24

#2375: True Martial's Heavenly Tribulation

Martial Dao main body takes Hell Suppressing Cauldron, on the one hand is used to protect Yan Beichen and the others, on the one hand , is to make Hell Suppressing Cauldron experience the Heavenly Tribulation baptism to quenching. 武道本尊镇狱鼎拿出来,一方面用来保护燕北辰等人,一方面,也是让镇狱鼎经历天劫的洗礼淬炼。 After Hell Suppressing Cauldron caused heavy losses, realm drops. 镇狱鼎遭到重创之后,境界跌落。 Although swallows massive spiritual treasure, the fissure restore of cauldron body, but actually, Hell Suppressing Cauldron has not restored to become true spirit communication magical treasure. 虽然吞噬大量的灵宝,鼎身的裂痕修复,但其实,镇狱鼎始终没有恢复成为真正的通灵法宝 This Crossing Tribulation, is a best time that Hell Suppressing Cauldron restores! 这次渡劫,就是镇狱鼎恢复的一个最佳时机! Heavenly Tribulation arrives, Hell Suppressing Cauldron bathing thunder and lightning. 天劫降临,镇狱鼎沐浴雷电。 Four sides on the cauldron, because of a war, the strength loss was huge, has fallen into the deep sleep Four Great Saint Souls, revives, opens the eyes, becomes extremely excited! 四面鼎身上,原本因为一场大战,力量损失巨大,已经陷入沉睡的四大圣魂,又重新苏醒过来,睁开双眼,变得极为兴奋! Swallows spiritual treasure, they are unable to restore the peak. 只是吞噬灵宝,他们根本无法恢复到巅峰。 But present Heavenly Tribulation, is they strengthens the strength, restores the peak the key! 而如今的天劫,才是他们汲取力量,恢复巅峰的关键! Hell Suppressing Cauldron float in midair, power of heavenly tribulation that will crash absorbs all, the Four Great Saint Souls aura, is also increasing. 镇狱鼎悬浮在半空中,将坠落下来的天劫之力尽数吸收,四大圣魂的气息,也在随之攀升。 But Yan Beichen and the others hid under Hell Suppressing Cauldron, has not received a corrosion of thunder and lightning, returns safe and sound! 燕北辰等人躲在镇狱鼎下面,没有受到一点雷电的侵蚀,毫发无损! But now, situation outbreak transformation. 但如今,局势突然发生转变。 Martial Dao main body chases down Yan Zui and Fairy Zihe two people, remaining more than 300 True Demon expert, change the goal unexpectedly, rushed ahead toward Yan Beichen and the others! 武道本尊追杀阎罪紫河仙子两人,剩下的三百多位真魔强者,竟改变目标,朝着燕北辰等人冲杀过来! Death!” “死!” Startling Evil Spear in Feng Cantian hand one horizontal, selects, pierces a chest of True Demon instantaneously. 风残天手中的惊邪枪一横,一挑,瞬间将一位真魔的胸膛洞穿。 primordial spirit of this person, but also without fled, power of thunder and lightning that on Startling Evil Spear bursts out, destroys its sea of consciousness. 此人的元神,还没等逃离出来,惊邪枪上迸发出来的雷电之力,就将其识海摧毁。 This person of primordial spirit dies out, horizontal corpse at the scene! 此人元神寂灭,横尸当场! Feng Cantian is seriously injured, is the spent force, battle strength is not much left. 只是,风残天身受重伤,已是强弩之末,战力所剩无几。 He stands in the midair, clone is weak, is unable to prevent some residence True Demon expert. 他一人站在半空中,分身乏术,无法阻挡住所有的真魔强者 Some True Demon bypass his figure, flushes away toward Hell Suppressing Cauldron. 有些真魔绕过他的身形,朝着镇狱鼎冲去。 In an instant, before dozens True Demon expert arrive in Hell Suppressing Cauldron . 转眼间,有数十位真魔强者抵达镇狱鼎前。 Some people said with a smile ferociously: Several ants, pay with your life!” 有人狞笑道:“几个蝼蚁,纳命来!” ! 噗! This person finishes speaking, own head, fought with the fists crushes, falls from the sky at the scene! 此人话音刚落,自己的脑袋,就被一拳打得粉碎,当场陨落! Martial Dao main body has turned back! 武道本尊已经折返回来! Yan Zui and Fairy Zihe can temporarily give up, he cannot Yan Beichen and the others injured. 阎罪紫河仙子可以暂时放弃,他绝不能让燕北辰等人受到伤害。 After Martial Dao main body arrives, throws directly toward the crowd, left Tuyou rushes, battering, is completely ultimate weapon of human form! 武道本尊降临之后,直接朝着人群中扑去,左突右闯,横冲直撞,完全就是一件人形的大杀器 No True Demon, can prevent the Martial Dao main body footsteps. 根本没有任何一位真魔,能阻挡住武道本尊的脚步。 divine ability secret technique, is magical treasure talisman, cannot block a Martial Dao main body conveniently fist! 不论是神通秘术,还是法宝符箓,都挡不住武道本尊随手一拳! So long as Martial Dao main body acts, must have really demon body to fall! 武道本尊只要出手,必会有真魔身陨! Several the time of breath, dozens True Demon expert, were cut to kill by Martial Dao main body completely nearby Hell Suppressing Cauldron, no one runs away! 只是几个呼吸的时间,数十位真魔强者,全部被武道本尊斩杀于镇狱鼎附近,没有一个人逃走! The remaining these also with True Demon that Feng Cantian fights, frightens disperses instantly, hides in the distant place, does not dare to go forward. 剩下那些还在与风残天交手的真魔,也吓得一哄而散,躲到远处,不敢上前。 At this time, first round of Heavenly Tribulation, has come to an end. 此时,第一轮天劫,已经接近尾声。 From beginning to end, Martial Dao main body has not paid attention to Heavenly Tribulation on top of the head, is only to thunder and lightning, strokes on his body, True Martial Dao Body absorbs to withstand completely! 从始至终,武道本尊都没有理会过头顶上的天劫,只是任由一道道雷电,击打在他的身上,真武道体全部吸收承受下来! Feng Cantian is also so. 风残天也是如此。 Thunder that Heavenly Tribulation arrives, regarding others, the injury is enormous. 天劫降临下来的雷霆,对于旁人来说,伤害极大。 But to him, is actually the thing of big making up! 但对他而言,却是大补之物! First round of Heavenly Tribulation finished, the injury in his within the body, starts to change for the better unexpectedly. 第一轮天劫结束,他体内的伤势,竟然开始好转。 Martial Dao main body stands near Hell Suppressing Cauldron, is looking at distant place Yan Zui, Fairy Zihe and the others, has not initiatedded an attack. 武道本尊站在镇狱鼎附近,望着远处的阎罪紫河仙子等人,并未主动出击。 Actually, in his method, if no reserved, in moment that both sides put in an appearance, he has the possibility four big expert on True Demons List, cuts to kill completely! 其实,以他的手段,若是毫无保留之下,在双方照面的一刻,他就有可能将真魔榜上的四大强者,全部斩杀! karmic fire, Fire of Hell, bloodline phenomenon...... 业火,地狱之火,血脉异象…… If these cards in a hand release completely, several hundred True Demon on the scene, few can live departure, including Supreme True Demon Yan Zui! 这些底牌若全部释放出来,在场的数百位真魔,没几个能活着离开,包括无上真魔阎罪 Martial Dao main body does not have took out these methods, not desirably hidden. 武道本尊没有祭出这些手段,并非刻意隐藏。 Actually, to him, Supreme True Demon and the others, are not anything to threaten. 其实,对他而言,无上真魔等人,根本算不上什么威胁。 His real threat, is this time Heavenly Tribulation! 他真正的威胁,还是这次的天劫 His dao law, is not same as cultivation of Upper Realm all lives. 他的道法,与上界所有生灵的修行都不相同。 He founds own say/way, establishes True Martial Realm, molds True Martial Dao Body. 他开创出属于自己的道,创立真武境,塑造真武道体 Accurate, Heavenly Tribulation that he welcomed, was unprecedented, shaking the old and illuminating the new True Martial's Heavenly Tribulation! 准确来说,他迎来的天劫,乃是前所未有,旷古烁今真武天劫 No one knows, this Heavenly Tribulation, how will be the terrifying intensity. 谁都不知道,这次天劫,会达到怎样恐怖的强度。 Let alone, he Crossing Tribulation in 1 million demon army, causes this Crossing Tribulation, many one point of uncertain factor. 更何况,他还是在百万魔军中渡劫,使得这次渡劫,又多了一分不确定的因素。 The Heavenly Tribulation strength, came from in unknown of Heaven deep place. 天劫的力量,源自于上苍深处的未知。 May be Great Thousandfold World! 极有可能是大千世界 Regarding this unknown, Martial Dao main body does not dare to pull rank. 对于这种未知,武道本尊不敢托大。 Because deals with Yan Zui, Fairy Zihe and the others, releases his many cards in a hand, if then, really comes across what accident, he is unable to resist. 因为对付阎罪紫河仙子等人,就将他的诸多底牌释放出来,若是接下来,真遇到什么变故,他就无法抵挡了。 Martial Dao main body protection around Hell Suppressing Cauldron, Yan Zui, Fairy Zihe and other numerous True Demon, does not dare to go forward rashly. 武道本尊守护在镇狱鼎周围,阎罪紫河仙子等一众真魔,也不敢贸然上前。 But the people are not willing to depart. 但众人又不愿就此离去。 Many people have the similar thought that waited for Martial Dao main body Crossing Tribulation to finish! 不少人都有同样的念头,等武道本尊渡劫结束! Even can Crossing Tribulation succeed, this Heavenly Desolate Sect Sect Master still definitely extremely feeble, at that time, was the best time that they acted! 就算能渡劫成功,这位天荒宗宗主也必然会极度虚弱,那时候,就是他们出手的最佳时机! Quick, second round of Heavenly Tribulation arrives. 很快,第二轮天劫降临。 Yellow thunder and lightning, unceasing crash, numerous pounding in body of Martial Dao main body and Feng Cantian. 黄色的雷电,不断的坠落,重重的砸在武道本尊风残天的身上。 These two stand one's ground steadfastly, bathing thunder! 这两人都是岿然不动,沐浴雷霆! The Heavenly Tribulation color is getting more and more dark, to nine layers time, has transformed to become the golden yellow, is blooming ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden light, passes through Heaven and Earth, the momentum is scary! 天劫颜色越来越深,到第九重的时候,已经蜕变成为金黄色,绽放着万丈金光,贯穿天地,声势骇人! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! Even so, Martial Dao main body and Feng Cantian two people still have not regressed. 即便如此,武道本尊风残天两人依然没有退步。 Martial Dao main body directs Heavenly Tribulation to enter the body, expands Tribulation Fire, quenchings fleshly body, bloodlines, muscles and bones and internal organs, improves True Martial Dao Body. 武道本尊天劫入体,壮大劫火,淬炼肉身、血脉、筋骨、脏腑,完善真武道体 But Feng Cantian using power of thunder, restores injury, dao and law that also in the comprehension Heavenly Tribulation thunder contains. 风残天则利用雷霆之力,来修复伤势,同时感悟天劫雷霆之中蕴藏的道与法 This Heavenly Tribulation is not only important to Martial Dao main body, to him, is a giant chance! 这次天劫不但对武道本尊非常重要,对他而言,也是一场巨大的机缘! In the Feng Cantian heart moves, in the mind flashes through together the thought. 风残天心中一动,脑海中闪过一道念头。 This Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) arrives at this place Crossing Tribulation, perhaps not only to cope with 1 million demon army. 这位荒武来到此地渡劫,恐怕不仅仅是为了对付百万魔军。 In his method, does not draw support from power of heavenly tribulation even, the group demon on the scene, who is his opponent? 以他的手段,就算不借助天劫之力,在场的群魔,谁又是他的对手? By his battle strength, pushes horizontally, sweeps away all obstacles simply, is irresistible! 以他的战力,一路横推过去,简直是所向披靡,无可抵挡! This Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) comes this place Crossing Tribulation, possibly also to help his chance! 这位荒武来此地渡劫,可能也是为了成全他一番机缘! Feng Cantian looks at Hell Suppressing Cauldron of not far away, in the heart also has a huge suspicion, suddenly, does not have the opportunity to untie. 风残天望着不远处的镇狱鼎,心中还存有一个巨大的疑团,一时间,也没机会解开。 Properly speaking, this ancient should emperor armament, in the Divine Firmament Immortal Territory Su Zimo's hand, how in the hand of Huang Wu (Desolate Martial)? 按理来说,这尊古老帝兵,应该在神霄仙域苏子墨的手中,怎会在荒武的手里? Moreover, he recalls a matter. 而且,他回想起一件事。 Huang Wu (Desolate Martial) this name, seems like Su Zimo to raise one time in Ten Extremities Prison. 荒武这个名字,似乎是苏子墨十绝狱中提过一次。 Feng Cantian has even thought that present Huang Wu (Desolate Martial), whether is Su Zimo. 风残天甚至想过,眼前的荒武,是否就是苏子墨 But he changes mind thinks, denied this speculation quickly. 但他转念一想,很快否定这个推测。 First, two people methods, dao law, the makings...... all sorts of all, are very different. 一来,两人的手段,道法,气质……种种的一切,都相去甚远。 Secondly, when two people distinguished initially, Su Zimo just stepped into Earth Immortal. 二来,两人当初分别之时,苏子墨才刚刚踏入地仙 Counts the thousand years time, Su Zimo is impossible to cultivate this realm, situation that even can be on par with him! 千年时间,苏子墨不可能修炼到这个境界,甚至能与他比肩的地步! Hope cannot be Huang Wu (Desolate Martial), snatches Hell Suppressing Cauldron from the Su Zimo's hand......” “希望不会是荒武,从苏子墨的手中将镇狱鼎抢过来的……” In the Feng Cantian heart ponders secretly. 风残天心中暗忖。
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