ESK :: Volume #24

#2374: Irresistible

This fights with the fists, as if periphery all origin qi of Heaven and Earth, will pull out cleanly. 这一拳打过来,仿佛将周围所有的天地元气,都被抽得干干净净。 Li Potian space, was oppressed the pinnacle! 厉破天身边的空间,被压迫到极致! This fist is the front surface hits obviously, but he actually felt that oneself may draw back roadless, can only shake with it hardly! 明明这一拳是迎面打来,但他却感觉到自己无路可退,只能与之硬撼! Li Potian thinks without enough time, horizontal blade in chest front. 厉破天来不及多想,横刀于胸前。 Just completed this movement, the fist of Martial Dao main body arrives, hits above the demon blade! 刚刚做完这个动作,武道本尊的拳头降临,打在魔刀之上! Bang! 砰! A loud sound! 一声巨响! Even if was away from pure yang spiritual treasure, Li Potian can still feel on the demon blade, the terrifying power of transmitting, vigorous boundless, irresistible! 纵然隔着一件纯阳灵宝,厉破天仍能感受到魔刀上,传递过来的恐怖力量,雄浑磅礴,势不可挡! ! 噗! The Li Potian whole body big quake, spits the blood crazily, the vision is dim, within the body life aura quickly wanes! 厉破天浑身大震,狂吐鲜血,目光黯淡,体内生命气息骤减! The next quarter, in his body, transmits a crackle and rattle sound, all bones, were broken by a Martial Dao main body fist completely! 下一刻,他的身体内,传来一阵噼里啪啦的响动,所有的骨头,全部被武道本尊一拳震碎! His primordial spirit, does not have the opportunity to escape, is killed violently at the scene! 就连他的元神,都没机会逃出去,就当场毙命! Li Potian drops down face up, drops on the ground, falls one group of blood putties, did not have the human form! 厉破天仰面倒下,跌落在地上的时候,摔成一团血泥,没了人形! True Demons List seventh Li Potian, was separated being bewitched blade by Martial Dao main body, a fist is killed by shock, body dies and Dao disappears! 真魔榜第七的厉破天,被武道本尊隔着魔刀,一拳震死,身死道消 The group demon in an uproar, a face is panic-stricken! 群魔哗然,一脸惊骇! expert on True Demons List, cannot block this Heavenly Desolate Sect Sect Master fist, who also dares to go forward rashly? 真魔榜上的强者,也挡不住这个天荒宗宗主一拳,谁还敢贸然上前? Let alone is remaining more than 300 True Demon, is Yan Zui and in Fairy Zihe two people eyes, passed over gently and swiftly deep dreading, has to draw back intent. 别说是剩下的三百多位真魔,便是阎罪紫河仙子两人的眼中,都掠过深深的忌惮,心生退意。 But at this time, Dragon Demon also sees just now this. 而此时,龙魔也看到方才这一幕。 But before he has rushed to the Martial Dao main body body, close, wants to retrocede again, has been less! 但他已经冲到武道本尊身前,近在咫尺,再想要后退,已然不及! Kills!” “杀!” Dragon Demon lowers roars, clothing supports completely broken, reveals to cover entirely the body of golden scale, is glittering the cold cold light. 龙魔低吼一声,身上的衣衫全部撑碎,露出布满金色鳞片的身躯,闪烁着冷冽寒光。 Zheng clank! 铮铮铮! Both hands of Dragon Demon, the complete exuviate have turned into the claw of divine dragon, the joint bulge, strong powerful, sharp sharp dragon claw, as if can tear into shreds all things in the world! 龙魔的双手,已经完全蜕变成神龙之爪,骨节凸起,强劲有力,尖锐锋利的龙爪,仿佛能撕碎世间万物 This double fierce dragon claw, grasped toward Martial Dao main body! 这双狰狞的龙爪,朝着武道本尊抓了下去! Meanwhile, ascends in Dragon Demon qi and blood, in his behind, appears golden divine dragon, circles around his body. 与此同时,在龙魔气血升腾,在他的身后,浮现出一条金色神龙,盘旋在他的身体周围。 Huge dragon head raises high, occupies a commanding position, is overlooking below Martial Dao main body, the vision is dignified. 巨大的龙首高高昂起,居高临下,俯视着下方的武道本尊,目光威严。 But quick, this golden divine dragon as if on the body of Martial Dao main body, smells unusual aura, the dragon eye deep place, passed over gently and swiftly to dread and dread unexpectedly. 但很快,这条金色神龙似乎在武道本尊的身上,嗅到一丝不寻常的气息,龙眼深处,竟掠过一丝忌惮和畏惧。 bloodline phenomenon! 血脉异象 Dragon Demon is unretentive, erupts the complete strength! 龙魔毫无保留,爆发出全部的力量! The Martial Dao main body look is invariable, does not dodge does not evade, even has not used qi and blood, lifts a hand fist as before, the style is plain, simple direct, without the least bit is gaudy. 武道本尊神色不变,不闪不避,甚至没有动用气血,依旧抬手一拳,招式古朴,简单直接,没有半点花哨。 True Martial Dao Body, even does not use any martial skill, can still erupt heaven-shaking divine power. 只是真武道体,即便不动用任何武技,也能爆发出惊天神力 Let alone, Martial Dao main body his dao and law, blends unceasingly concise, simplifies, integrates in the Fist Arts, the graces, can burst out the Martial Dao supreme will! 更何况,武道本尊将他的道与法,不断融汇凝练,化繁为简,融入拳法之中,举手投足,都能迸发出武道无上意志! Bang! 砰! The fist claw collides, such as defeats the leather. 拳爪碰撞,如击败革。 Dragon Demon sharp dragon claw, was unable to grasp, feels the palm to transmit a piercing severe pain! 龙魔尖锐的龙爪,还没能抓下去,就感受到掌心传来一阵刺骨般的剧痛! „!” “嗷!” The Dragon Demon pain shouted one. 龙魔痛呼一声。 The terrifying strength, floods into following his palm, spreads to his arm above. 恐怖的力量,顺着他的掌心涌入,蔓延到他的手臂之上。 These golden dragon scale on his arm, raise up in abundance, by this abruptly arising enormous force, washed out falls off! 他手臂上的那些金色龙鳞,纷纷竖起,被这突如其来的巨大力量,冲刷得纷纷脱落! Without this dragon scale protects, bears the impact of this strength, his arm, will fight with the fists to explode by Martial Dao main body! 若是没有这层龙鳞保护,承受住这股力量的冲击,他这条手臂,都会被武道本尊一拳打爆! Kills!” “杀啊!” Dragon Demon angrily roars, crazy stimulation of movement behind bloodline phenomenon, wants to make golden divine dragon make a move, helping him cope with Martial Dao main body together. 龙魔怒吼,疯狂催动身后的血脉异象,想让金色神龙出手,帮他一起对付武道本尊 But why does not know, his bloodline phenomenon, unexpectedly some are uncontrolled. 但不知为何,这一次他的血脉异象,竟有些不受控制。 Golden divine dragon also sends out a low roar to Martial Dao main body, but the imposing manner is weak, is more like in wū wū randomly calls, does not dare to go forward. 金色神龙也冲着武道本尊发出一阵低吼,但气势微弱,更像是在呜呜乱叫,不敢上前。 Martial Dao main body once integrated in Dragon-Phoenix True Body martial dao's furnace, fuses with his flesh, shares everything. 武道本尊曾将龙凰真身融入到武道烘炉之中,与他的血肉融合,不分彼此。 His body, is lending the Taboo Dragon-Phoenix aura, this divine dragon phenomenon does not dare to offend! 他的身上,散发着禁忌龙凰的气息,这道神龙异象根本不敢冒犯! Boisterous!” “聒噪!” Martial Dao main body drinks one lightly, the second fist pounds to fall. 武道本尊轻喝一声,第二拳砸落下来。 Bang! 砰! Dragon Demon can only find out dragon claw to resist with it. 龙魔只能探出龙爪与之对抗。 Crash-bang! 哗啦! This time, Dragon Demon bloodline phenomenon, is defeated and dispersed instantaneously. 这一次,龙魔身上的血脉异象,瞬间溃散。 His within the body, was shaken qi and blood to fluctuate, the internal organs shift, whole body muscles and bones is sending out the sound, as if the next quarter will break! 他的体内,也被震得气血浮动,脏腑移位,浑身的筋骨都在发出吱吱嘎嘎的响动,仿佛下一刻就会散架! Has not waited for his breathing one breath, the third fist arrives. 没等他喘一口气,第三拳降临。 This fist comes breaking through the air, even is sending out a death aura that made the person palpitation. 这一拳破空而来,甚至散发着一种令人心悸的死亡气息。 Dragon Demon builds the both arms, keeps off before the body, at the same time, crazy stimulation of movement primordial spirit, erupts primordial spirit secret technique, starts the impact toward Martial Dao main body! 龙魔架起双臂,挡在身前,与此同时,疯狂的催动元神,爆发出元神秘术,朝着武道本尊发动冲击! He was compelled this situation by Martial Dao main body, has been ready for any sacrifice! 他被武道本尊逼到这个地步,已经豁出去了! Facing Dragon Demon primordial spirit secret technique, Martial Dao main body simply has not paid attention. 面对龙魔元神秘术,武道本尊根本没有理会。 On Moluo Mask, swings mighty waves, relaxed reduces and solves this primordial spirit secret technique, Martial Dao main body has not come under any influence. 摩罗面具上,荡起一道道波澜,就轻松将这道元神秘术化解,武道本尊没有受到任何影响。 The third fist arrives, eruption! 第三拳抵达,爆发! ! 噗! A Dragon Demon ten zhang (3.33 m) high huge body, was shaken by a fist is split up! 龙魔十丈高的庞大身躯,被一拳震得四分五裂! The jet black ray from the body of this disruption, flees together promptly, is Dragon Demon primordial spirit. 一道漆黑的光芒从这碎裂的身躯中,及时逃离出去,正是龙魔元神 Dragon Demon divine thought moves, wants rebirth from a drop of blood. 龙魔神念一动,想要滴血重生 But he stimulates to movement this peer­less di­vine abil­ity, actually no least bit response. 但他催动这道绝世神通,却没有半点反应。 His primordial spirit, then looked at one, the whole face is panic-stricken. 他的元神,回头看了一眼,满脸惊恐。 Other source this body, explodes is split up, scattered all flesh, no vitality fluctuates, lifeless! 他方才这具身躯,炸得四分五裂,散落的所有血肉,也没有一点生机波动,死气沉沉 The Martial Dao main body third fist, the vitality in his body, all destruction! 武道本尊第三拳,将他这具身躯中的生机,尽数毁灭! Kā chā! 咔嚓 scarlet-red thunderclap crashes together, happen to pounds on his primordial spirit. 一道赤红色惊雷坠落,正好砸在他的元神上。 The Dragon Demon primordial spirit whole body trembles, gradually becomes transparent, life aura failure. 龙魔元神浑身一颤,渐渐变得透明,生命气息衰竭。 Has the body protection, first round of Heavenly Tribulation, the nature has no threat to him. 有身躯保护,第一轮天劫,自然对他没有任何威胁。 But primordial spirit, where can contend with the Heavenly Tribulation thunder and lightning together, was divided the vitality to exterminate at the scene, the soul flies away and scatters! 但只是一道元神,哪能与天劫雷电抗衡,当场被劈得生机灭绝,魂飞魄散 Martial Dao main body acts one after another, in an instant, cuts to kill two big True Demon on True Demons List, irresistible! 武道本尊接连出手,转眼间,斩杀真魔榜上的两大真魔,势不可挡! But at this time, first round of Heavenly Tribulation, just arrived at fourth layer. 而此时,第一轮天劫,才刚刚降临第四重 True Oneness' Heavenly Tribulation, at least six rounds of nine layers, therefore is called as 6 x 9 Heavenly Tribulations. 真一天劫,最少有六轮九重,故而称作六九天劫 With each round increasing, the increasing of each single layer, the might will also naturally also increase. 随着每一轮的递增,每一重的递增,威力自然也会随之攀升。 First draws back, does not need eagerly for a while!” “先退,不必急于一时!” Yan Zui passes message said: „This person's Crossing Tribulation in 1 million demon army, the Heavenly Tribulation might rises suddenly, when his Crossing Tribulation finished, even if not die, should still cause heavy losses.” 阎罪传音说道:“此人在百万魔军中渡劫,天劫威力暴涨,等他渡劫结束,即便不死,也会遭到重创。” When the time comes, we kill him to be easy as pie!” “到时候,我们杀他易如反掌!” The Fairy Zihe secret nod, returns said: indeed so.” 紫河仙子暗暗点头,回道:“正是如此。” Two big really Demon God know during the exchanges, the figure retrocedes, the speed is extremely fast. 两大真魔神识交流之间,身形后退,速度极快。 Now, 1 million demon army had been divided vanished in a puff of smoke, tribulation clouds on Martial Dao main body top of the head, in the rapid reduction, restores the normal range. 如今,百万魔军已经被劈得灰飞烟灭,武道本尊头顶上的劫云,也在迅速的缩小,恢复正常的范围。 By Yan Zui and Fairy Zihe movement, quick is separated from the tribulation clouds covering range. 阎罪紫河仙子的身法,很快就脱离劫云的笼罩范围。 „To walk?” “想走?” Martial Dao main body sneers: Where is so easy!” 武道本尊冷笑:“哪有那么容易!” His figure moves, toward Yan Zui, Fairy Zihe two people rushes over, saying that coldly: Your two people remain, accompanies my together Crossing Tribulation.” 他身形一动,朝着阎罪,紫河仙子两人冲了过去,冷冷的说道:“你们两人留下来,陪我一起渡劫吧。” Yan Zui and Fairy Zihe two people naturally cannot be silly stop the footsteps. 阎罪紫河仙子两人自然不会傻得停下脚步。 Meanwhile, Yan Zui is passing on the sound said to another side more than 300 True Demon expert: You circle, quickly begins, Human Murdering under that bronze cauldron, seized that bronze cauldron!” 与此同时,阎罪对着另一边的三百多位真魔强者传音道:“你们绕过去,赶快动手,将那尊青铜方鼎下的人杀了,将那尊青铜鼎夺过来!”
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