ESK :: Volume #24

#2354: Whose grave protects?

„Does fellow daoist also prepare Avici Hell?” “道友也准备去阿鼻地狱?” A Heavenly King sinking sound said: If that is right, we might as well collaborate.” 一位天王沉声道:“若是如此,我们不妨联手。” Eight big Heavenly King cannot completely understand the Gravekeeper details, does not dare to act rashly, one of them wins over on own initiative. 八大天王看不透守墓人的底细,也不敢轻举妄动,其中一人主动拉拢。 Gravekeeper sighed gently: „The person who you die quickly, why struggles, looks for a spatial grave in the side, bes laid to rest.” 守墓人轻轻一叹:“你们都是快死的人,何必挣扎,就在身边找一座空坟,入土为安吧。” Un?” “嗯?” In the meantime, eight big Heavenly King look big changes! 就在此时,八大天王神色大变! When does not know, their sides, cover entirely the grave, the dense and numerous, chaotic arrangements, are stretching as far as eye can see. 不知何时,他们的身边,布满坟冢,密密麻麻,杂乱无章的排列着,一望无尽。 Great Iron Circle Mountain, Shura Temple seems to have vanished does not see. 大铁围山,修罗寺似乎都已经消失不见。 They as if place oneself in a limitless tomb, surroundings death qi fills the air, lethargic, ghost fire numerous, appalling! 他们仿佛置身在一处无边无际的墓地之中,周围死气弥漫,暮气沉沉,鬼火重重,令人毛骨悚然! This is......” “这是……” Illusion?” “幻觉?” formation?” 阵法?” Eight big Heavenly King looks are surprised. 八大天王神色惊疑不定。 Ka ka ka! 咔咔咔! In the meantime, eight big Heavenly King behind paradise, transmit an intermittent crack sound, starts rapid collapse collapsing! 就在此时,八大天王身后的洞天,传来一阵阵龟裂声响,开始迅速的崩溃坍塌! „!” “啊!” „It is not good, this is power of world!” “不好,这是世界之力!” I and others had fallen in his world!” “我等已落在他的世界之中!” Only then steps into Emperor Realm, paradise will transform to become side Heaven and Earth, may become a side world! 只有踏入帝境,洞天才会蜕变成为一方天地,也可成为一方世界 Bo Xun Great Demon Heaven, is a side world that he condenses. 波旬大魔天,就是他凝聚出来的一方世界 Emperor Realm and Paradise Realm, although only missed big realm, but has the disparity that is inconceivable! 帝境洞天境,虽然只差了一个大境界,但却有着难以想象的差距! Even if hundred Immortal King, thousand Immortal King, before the Emperor, cannot resist! 纵然有百位仙王,千位仙王,在帝君面前,也抵挡不住! The Emperor holding up world, all King Realm expert paradise, must collapse shatter! 帝君撑起世界,所有王境强者洞天,都要破碎坍塌! This is two strengths of ranks, just like cloud mud! 这是两种级别的力量,犹如云泥! This person is a Emperor!” “此人是帝君!” Eight big Heavenly King call out in alarm makes noise, thinks without enough time, erupts all methods, qi and blood ascends, life source magical treasure, various talisman, release altogether! 八大天王惊呼出声,来不及多想,爆发出所有的手段,气血升腾,本命法宝,各种符箓,一股脑的释放出来! Before the Emperor, eight big Heavenly King the courage of least bit resistance do not have, to scatter in all directions to run away. 在帝君面前,八大天王连半点抵抗的勇气都没有,四散逃窜。 Gravekeeper toward Heavenly King leisure walking, softly muttered said: Do not run, I come to gather up dead bodies to you.” 守墓人朝着一位天王慢悠悠的走去,轻喃道:“不要跑,我来给你收尸。” Finishes speaking, this Heavenly King figure, the whole body is stiff, will be will suffer any huge impact, the life aura in within the body, rapid weaken. 话音刚落,这位天王的身形一顿,浑身僵硬,将是遭受到什么巨大的冲击,体内的生命气息,迅速衰减。 This head/number of people one crooked, crashes from the midair. 此人头一歪,从半空中坠落下来。 Gravekeeper seems like the slow-moving, but just arrives at side this person, catches the body of this person, throws into a spatial grave conveniently. 守墓人看上去行动缓慢,但刚好来到此人身边,将此人的尸体接住,随手扔进一处空坟之中。 Gathers up dead bodies.” “收尸喽。” Gravekeeper turns around, is looking at another Heavenly King back, said in a soft voice. 守墓人转身,望着另外一位天王的背影,轻声说道。 This Heavenly King whole body trembles, in an instant, within the body death qi fills the air, body dies and Dao disappears, crashes, falls into the same place spatial grave. 这位天王浑身一颤,转眼间,体内死气弥漫,身死道消,坠落下来,掉进同一座空坟中。 Su Zimo, Mo Qing and Yun Zhu three people see this, is the whole face shocks. 苏子墨墨倾云竹三人看到这一幕,都是满脸震撼。 buddha sect(s) Heavenly King, almost stands in Upper Realm peak expert, before the body of this Gravekeeper, is ordinary like the ants! 佛门天王,几乎站在上界巅峰的强者,在这位守墓人的身前,如同蝼蚁一般! Gravekeeper simply has not acted. 守墓人根本没有出手。 Spoke a few words, Heavenly King falls from the sky. 只是说一句话,就有一位天王陨落。 You, you, actually you are who!” “你,你,你究竟是谁!” Heavenly King cannot withstand, the nervous breakdown, stops the figure, toward Gravekeeper severe howl one. 一位天王承受不住,精神崩溃,停下身形,朝着守墓人厉吼一声。 Gravekeeper turns the head to look at this Heavenly King, in the eye pupil is exuding dim light. 守墓人转头望着这位天王,眼眸中泛起一丝幽光。 The eyes of this Heavenly King, become the delay instantaneously, whole body weak falls down, falls in the spatial grave, body dies and Dao disappears! 这位天王的双眼,瞬间变得呆滞,浑身无力的栽倒下去,掉在空坟中,身死道消 A look, then has Heavenly King dead an untimely death! 只是一个眼神,便有天王横死! Hiss! 嘶! The Su Zimo three people only thought that all over the body lives coldly. 苏子墨三人只觉得遍体生寒。 What method is this? 这是什么手段? In an instant, eight Heavenly King only have three. 转眼间,八位天王就只剩下三位。 But this stretch of tomb is limitless, eight Heavenly King speed away full power, cannot run away. 但这片墓地无边无际,八位天王全力疾驰,也根本逃不出去。 Here is the Gravekeeper world. 这里是守墓人的世界。 Looked quickly, there has an exit|to speak!” “快看,那里有一个出口!” Heavenly King is pointing at the dark abyss of not far away, bellows. 一位天王指着不远处的幽暗深渊,大吼一声。 There is Avici Hell!” “那里是阿鼻地狱!” Another Heavenly King responded, hit to startle. 另一位天王反应过来,打了个激灵。 Gravekeeper world, although covering the sky and blocking the sun, covers this place, but is actually not able also to cover Avici Hell. 守墓人的世界,虽然遮天蔽日,将此地笼罩起来,但却无法将阿鼻地狱也笼罩进去。 Therefore, in this world, truly exit|to speak. 所以,在这片世界之中,确实有一个出口。 That is the Avici Hell entrance! 那就是阿鼻地狱的入口! Avici Hell how?” 阿鼻地狱又怎样?” Heavenly King looks deathly pale, clenches teeth saying: Runs into Avici Hell, a slim chance of survival, falls in this person of hand, we must die without doubt!” 一位天王脸色惨白,咬牙道:“逃入阿鼻地狱,还有一丝生机,落在这人手中,我们必死无疑!” Walks!” “走!” Three big Heavenly King without hesitation, leap forward in Avici Hell directly. 三大天王毫不犹豫,直接跃入阿鼻地狱之中。 Gravekeeper is looking at three people of backs, shakes the head slightly, sighs: Old, the leg and foot was not agile, pursues motionless.” 守墓人望着三人的背影,微微摇头,叹息一声:“老喽,腿脚不利索,追不动了。” Is saying, Gravekeeper while goes toward the distant place line, looked that has not looked at Su Zimo three people of one. 一边说着,守墓人一边朝着远处行去,看都没看苏子墨三人一眼。 When does not know, just now that gloomy terrifying tomb, has vanished does not see. 不知何时,方才那片阴森恐怖的墓地,已经消失不见。 The Su Zimo three people still stood in the Shura Temple ruins, the surroundings do not have a change, falling from the sky five buddha sect(s) Heavenly King, did not have the trail. 苏子墨三人仍站在修罗寺的废墟中,周围没有一点变化,陨落的五位佛门天王,也没了踪迹。 Many thanks senior......” “多谢前辈……” Yun Zhu first responded, wanted to express gratitude. 云竹最先反应过来,想要道谢。 But her words have not said, stopped. 但她话未说完,就停了下来。 Slightly has absent-minded instant in them, that long eyebrow old monk, has vanished does not see! 就在他们略有失神的刹那,那个长眉老僧,也已经消失不见! That probably just three people experienced, is only a dreamland, is only an misconception, the surroundings have not left any trace. 就好像刚刚三人经历的一幕,只是一场梦境,只是一个错觉,周围没有留下任何痕迹。 The corpse, the blood, fights, anything has not stayed behind. 尸体,鲜血,打斗,什么东西都没有留下。 But three people of clarity, were just not misconception! 但三人清楚,刚刚绝不是错觉! They really experience one interception from Heavenly King, lived. 他们是真的经历一场来自天王的截杀,又活了下来。 The Su Zimo three people look at each other one, has a being survivor of disaster feeling. 苏子墨三人对视一眼,都有种劫后余生之感。 Who is this senior?” “这位前辈是谁?” Mo Qing asked. 墨倾问道。 Su Zimo shakes the head slightly, said: I only know, he says Gravekeeper, actually does not know that he is what origin.” 苏子墨微微摇头,道:“我只知道,他自称守墓人,却不知道他是什么来历。” He had once speculated, this Gravekeeper is not very simple. 他曾推测过,这位守墓人很不简单。 But his didn’t expect, this Gravekeeper is unexpectedly strong to this situation, with the Emperor Bo Xun same rank! 但他没想到,这位守墓人竟然强到这个地步,与波旬帝君同一级别! Su Zimo and Mo Qing look simultaneously to Yun Zhu. 苏子墨墨倾同时看向云竹 Yun Zhu as book immortal, to Heavenly World and passing history, many expert had understood. 云竹身为书仙,对天界以及过往历史,诸多强者都有所了解。 Yun Zhu frowns Chen thought, the recollection for a long time, shakes the head, said: Does not have the impression, I have not listened to this senior.” 云竹蹙眉陈思,回忆许久,还是摇了摇头,道:“没印象,我也没听过这位前辈。” Gravekeeper......” 守墓人……” Su Zimo softly muttered, is looking at Iron Circle Mountain of distant place. 苏子墨轻喃一声,望着远处的铁围山 Actually, he had once thought a bold possibility! 其实,他曾想过一个大胆的可能! That is, big grave that this Gravekeeper protects, possibly is Emperor Bo Xun! 那就是,这位守墓人所守护的大墓,可能就是波旬帝君 Because, Emperor Bo Xun was infiltrated this place in the past, everyone thinks that he has been buried in this. 因为,当年波旬帝君就被打入此地,所有人都以为他已经葬身于此。 But Emperor Bo Xun has been living departure, this Gravekeeper also in this place? 波旬帝君早已活着离开,这个守墓人怎么还会在此地? Defends the grave, defends the grave......” “守墓,守墓……” In Su Zimo heart one startled, suddenly thinks of a more fearful guess! 苏子墨心中一惊,突然想到一个更加可怕的猜测! In some sense, Avici Hell can also be called is a tomb. 从某种意义上来说,阿鼻地狱也称得上是一处墓地。 Moreover, inside is burying shaking the old and illuminating the new peerless expert Seamless Great Emperor! 而且,里面埋葬着一位旷古烁今的绝世强者无间大帝 don’t tell me, what he protects is the Seamless Great Emperor grave! 难道,他守护的是无间大帝的墓! Seamless Great Emperor Gravekeeper! 无间大帝守墓人 This guess, is extremely terrifying, can be called is stones split and heavens quake! 这个猜测,太过恐怖,称得上是石破惊天 But during changing mind, Su Zimo also denied this thought. 但转念之间,苏子墨又否定了这个念头。 This is impossible. 这不可能。 Seamless Great Emperor falls from the sky for many years, has not known how many years, Longevity Great Emperor had even elapsed, what person can live now? 无间大帝陨落多年,距今不知过了多少岁月,连长生大帝都早已逝去,什么人能活到现在? Su Zimo shakes the head slightly, puts down these distracting thoughts gradually. 苏子墨微微摇头,渐渐将这些杂念放下。 No matter what, this Gravekeeper at least to their three people, as if no hostility. 不管怎样,这位守墓人至少对他们三人,似乎没有什么敌意。
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