EN :: Volume #19 复生

#2092: myriad evils palace

This continent, is the Perpetual Night World center, core is, named Perpetual Night continent. Said is continent, actually, inside anything has, the land, the mountains, swamp, the sea, mountain range wait/etc., all has, even, your basically doesn't can regard as Perpetual Night is barren bad world, Perpetual Night World, to plunder, other attack world, plunder other civilization to grow, hands down, from the beginning, Perpetual Night World, not powerful. In invasion plundering, captures other world resources, various heavenly material, earthly treasure, even is the race, finally, under the unceasing expansion, turns into present Perpetual Night World, stars is world, this piece of continent is also world. Gathers together, is true Perpetual Night World, naturally, final essence, is present Perpetual Night continent. Here was too big, even compares it Eternal World Throughout Time Continent, but also wants enormous. 这座大陆,就是永夜世界的中心,核心所在,名为永夜大陆。说是大陆,实则,里面什么都有,陆地,山川,沼泽,海洋,山脉等等,无一不有,甚至,你根本不能将永夜看成是一种贫瘠恶劣的世界,永夜世界,以掠夺,侵袭其他世界,掠夺其他文明而成长,相传,在一开始,永夜世界,并不强大。就是在一次次入侵掠夺中,夺取其他世界的资源,各种天材地宝,甚至是种族,最终,不断扩大下,就变成现在的永夜世界,星辰世界,这片大陆也是世界。汇聚在一起,才是真正的永夜世界,当然,最终的精华,就是现在的永夜大陆。这里太大了,就算是比之永恒世界亘古大陆,还要庞大 Here heavenly material, earthly treasure, is almost impossible to estimate, true inside information, to is unable to imagine abundantly. 这里的天材地宝,几乎无法估量,真正的底蕴,雄厚到无法想象。 In the past an era, even if captures Perpetual Night World, did not have to cause the damage of immense to Perpetual Night continent truly. Perpetual Night inside information is such powerful terrifying. 当年上一纪元,哪怕是攻入永夜世界,都没有真正对永夜大陆造成过巨大的损伤。永夜底蕴就是那么的强大恐怖 Sky over Perpetual Night continent, has 13 to turn immense blood moon, is shining entire continent, similarly, is shining entire Perpetual Night World. The greatness of blood moon, is almost without a doubt, true Perpetual Night core. 永夜大陆上空,拥有十三巨大血月,照耀着整个大陆,同样,照耀着整个永夜世界血月的伟岸,几乎是毋庸置疑的,真正永夜核心 Can see, in the sky 13 turns blood moon, the continuous release moonlight, this moonlight, is being the strength of desire, the strength of this desire, the strength of desire regarding the Perpetual Night major races, is almost the most powerful nourishment capital grain. Various cultivate divine ability, and even promote cultivation base, the strength of blood moon, is most perfect. 能看到,虚空中十三血月,都在源源不断的释放出月华,这种月华,就是欲望之力,这种欲望之力,欲望之力对于永夜各大种族来说,几乎就是一种最强大的养料资粮。修炼各种神通,乃至是增进修为,血月之力,都是最完美的。 13 turns blood moon, simply is most powerful Origin strength. Regarding the Perpetual Night importance. It can be imagined. 十三血月,简直就是最强大源泉力量。对于永夜的重要性。可想而知。 Completely is the core level. 完全就是核心级的。 Has position that cannot be shaken. 具有不可撼动的地位。 If there is what accident/surprise, entire Perpetual Night will be affected by immense. 若是出现什么意外,整个永夜都会受到巨大的影响。 Has the huge hidden danger. 产生天大的隐患。 Sky over Perpetual Night continent, and even is all around, is surrounding massive stars world. These stars, have the powerful races, every so often, is a strong clan occupies one directly and even is several stars world. As the place of own multiplication. 永夜大陆上空,乃至是四周,环绕着大量的星辰世界。这些星辰,存在着一个个强大种族,很多时候,都是一个强族直接占据一个乃至是几个星辰世界。作为自己的繁衍之地。 Such stars world, in Perpetual Night, countless. 这样的星辰世界,在永夜中,不计其数。 Not only plunders from the outside world (external), in Perpetual Night, has stars world born every time and collapse. 不仅是从外界掠夺,永夜中,也每时每刻都有星辰世界在诞生与破灭 A character, Perpetual Night World is big. 一个字,永夜世界就是大。 Arrived not unimaginable situation. 大到让人无法想象的地步。 But at this moment, in Perpetual Night in the sky, immense golden characters tower in optional flutters to roam through. This golden characters tower presents a jet black color all over the body, inexplicable evil qi, this golden characters tower has the concealment trail ability, in in the sky, even if in front, cannot see its form. Might be considered as strangely. 而此刻,在永夜虚空中,有一座巨大金字塔在随意的飘荡遨游。这座金字塔通体都呈现出一种漆黑之色,给人一种莫名的邪气,这座金字塔具有隐匿形迹的能力,在虚空中,哪怕是当着面,也看不到它的身影。堪称是诡异至极。 It is not other, is the myriad evils palace. 不是别的,正是万邪殿。 Now, the myriad evils palace in Perpetual Night World, might be considered as the reputation illustrious. 如今,万邪殿在永夜世界中,堪称是声名赫赫。 The evil spirit list resurrected powerhouse of Perpetual Night antiquity periods, resurrected all kinds of powerhouse, joined in the myriad evils palace, regarding the myriad evils palace, does not have any counter- resisting force, when resurrecting, left behind the indelible brand mark, that is, cannot rebel against the myriad evils palace, once rebelled, by the evil spirit list, can make them vanishes in a puff of smoke instantaneously. Falls from the sky at the scene. Moreover, true spirit integrates in the list, even if fell from the sky outside , can resurrect. 邪灵榜复活一名名永夜上古时期的强者,复活各种各样的强者,加入万邪殿中,对于万邪殿,没有任何反抗力,一个个在复活时,就留下了不可磨灭的烙印,那就是,不能反叛万邪殿,一旦反叛,凭借邪灵榜,瞬间就能让他们灰飞烟灭。当场陨落。而且,真灵融入榜单中,哪怕是在外面陨落了,也能重新复活。 This point, lets in the myriad evils palace person, is fierce does not fear simply. 这一点,让万邪殿中出去的人,简直就是悍不畏死。 No matter assassinates, is other execution quest, myriad evils palace that is becomes famous not awfully. In order to complete quest, even if dies, will not withdraw half step, to assassinate, even if wrestles by the fate, that is still most normal. 不管是刺杀,还是执行其他任务,万邪殿那都是出了名的不要命。为了完成任务,哪怕是死,都不会退后半步,为了刺杀,就算是以命相搏,那也是最正常不过。 By these, in short time, the myriad evils palace rushes out the big reputation in Perpetual Night thoroughly. 就是凭借这些,短短时间内,万邪殿彻底在永夜中闯出偌大名声。 The myriad evils palace receives quest, receives all kinds of quest, no matter assassinates, is the protection, is the treasure hunt, and even must gain certain precious treasure, can issue quest in the myriad evils palace, the transaction, the business, does not forbid. 万邪殿接取任务,接取各种各样的任务,不管是刺杀,还是保护,还是寻宝,乃至是要获取某些珍贵的宝物,都可以在万邪殿中发布任务,交易,买卖,一点都不禁止。 This approach, making the myriad evils palace might be considered as turns into a unique place. 这种做法,让万邪殿堪称是变成一处独特的地点。 Definitely can see. 完全能看到。 At this moment, in the myriad evils palace, immense space, in space, builds massive houses, the immense city, inside, all kinds of races come and go out unceasingly, blood demon race, insect race, blade demon clan, specter clan, balrog, charm demon wait/etc.. 此刻,在万邪殿内,有一处巨大空间,空间内,建立大量的房屋,巨大的城池,里面,各种各样的种族不断出入,血魔族,虫族,刀魔族,幽灵族,炎魔,魅魔等等。 The entire city is very lively. 整个城池很是热闹。 Has to set up a stall, has to open a shop, has tours in the city. 有摆摊的,有开店的,有在城中游逛的。 Can see, population that here has, not under on whatever happens|10 million. 能看出,这里所拥有的人口数量,不下于上千万 It can be imagined, this is prosperity how. 可想而知,这是多么的繁荣。 The communication, is powerhouse. 来往的,都是一名名强者 Even yes, Pride of Heaven in Perpetual Night World, here, finds at everywhere. 甚至是,永夜世界中的天骄,在这里,都是随处可见。 Because, in the myriad evils palace, the very|10 points security, here, forbidding to slaughter, no matter who, does not dare to begin here, once begins, that waiting, inevitably is death, will not have other results. Exactly, in Perpetual Night World, most deficient, is this security sense, in Perpetual Night, you sleeps even, that must open an eye. No one knows, oneself rests, but can also wake again. 因为,万邪殿内,十分安全,在这里,禁止一切杀戮,不管是谁,都不敢在这里动手,一旦动手,那等待的,必然是死亡,不会有其他的结果。恰恰,永夜世界中,最缺乏的,就是这种安全感,在永夜中,你就算是睡觉,那都要睁着一只眼睛。谁都不知道,自己睡下去,还能不能再醒过来。 Moreover, the myriad evils palace connects across Perpetual Night World, locates stars world respectively, even is the region that Perpetual Night continent is , the place that blood moon shines, the myriad evils palace, can connect, opens the contact the channel. 而且,万邪殿连通永夜世界各地,各处星辰世界,甚至是永夜大陆所在的区域,血月照耀到的地方,万邪殿,就能连通,打开往来的通道。 Here, not only can gain the information, issues quest, but can also gain all kinds of resources, heavenly material, earthly treasure, because of the distance, was hard treasure that gains, now in the myriad evils palace, can obtain through the transaction. 在这里,不仅可以获取情报,发布任务,还能获取到各种各样的资源,天材地宝,原先因为距离,难以获取的宝物,现在在万邪殿中,就能通过交易得到。 The most important thing is, in the myriad evils palace, special special product. 最重要的是,在万邪殿中,还有特殊的特产。 evil spirit blood crystal. 邪灵血晶 This evil spirit blood crystal, regarding cultivate of Perpetual Night major races, has the huge advantage simply, increases cultivation base, can expand bloodline, various advantage, simply are innumerable. Does not know many powerhouse for evil spirit blood crystal. 这种邪灵血晶,对于永夜各大种族的修炼,简直是有着天大的好处,增加修为,可以壮大自身血脉,各种好处,简直是数不胜数。不知道多少强者为了邪灵血晶而来。 Because of these, the myriad evils palace can in short time, the rapid development. Goes to an inconceivable situation. 正是因为这些,万邪殿才能在短短时间内,迅速发展。达到一种不可思议的地步。 Now, the myriad evils palace, has been in Perpetual Night World one of the top influences. 如今,万邪殿,已经位列永夜世界中顶尖势力之一。 Even becomes the object who many basically doesn't dare to provoke. 甚至成为很多人根本不敢招惹的对象。 Does not know many evil demon, heard that the name of myriad evils palace, must frighten trembles. Paleness that the fear complexion must change. 不知道多少邪魔,闻听万邪殿的名字,就要吓得瑟瑟发抖。害怕的脸色都要变的苍白。 It can be imagined, the deterrent force of myriad evils palace, goes to what situation now. 可想而知,万邪殿的威慑力,现在达到什么地步。 At this moment, in the myriad evils palace, in main shrine Evil Sovereign palace. 此刻,在万邪殿,主殿邪皇殿内。 Only sees, a black long gown, on the face always fills the a layer|one level black confusion fog form to sit well on throne. Lends wrapped in a shroud of obscurity aura all over the body, that aura, letting the person can feel indistinctly, has reached the Proving Dao Realm level. 只看到,一身黑色长袍,脸上始终弥漫着一层黑色迷雾的身影端坐在王座上。通体散发出一股神秘莫测的气息,那气息,让人能够隐约感觉到,已经达到证道境的层次。 As for achieves what realm specifically, no one may know. 至于具体达到什么境界,无人可知。 At this moment, in the main hall, the person of gathering may be many. Carefully looks, not under on 100 position. These people, what race has, only same, the air/Qi of evil spirit the body sends out, is as rich as the pinnacle, each in one's eyes vision, transmits the mood of ignoring all living things. 此刻,在大殿内,汇聚的人可不少。仔细看去,不下于上位。这些人,什么种族都有,唯一相同的,身上散发出的凶煞之气,都是浓郁到极致,每一个眼中的目光,都传递出一种漠视众生的情绪。 Obviously, crawls from corpse mountain blood sea. 显然,都是从尸山血海中爬出来的。 Even experience after life and death. 甚至历经过生死 When each, in looking to above, in eyes subconscious appears to wipe the color of awe. 可每一个,在看向上面时,眼眸中都下意识的浮现出一抹敬畏之色。 If there is powerhouse in Perpetual Night to appear at this moment here, only feared that will frighten to faint at the scene. 如果此刻有永夜中的强者出现在这里的话,只怕会当场吓晕过去。 undying Demon Venerate!! 不死魔尊!! Weeping blood cold Crow Sovereign!! 泣血寒鸦皇!! Bites soul demon sovereign!! 噬魂魔皇!! Scarlet queen!! 猩红女王!! 100 changes demon Monarch!! 变魔君!! Ten thousand Emperor blood demon!! 血魔帝!! Demon eye old ancestor!! 魔眼老祖!! .............. .............. These, in the main hall, no are cultivation base are lower than Proving Dao Realm, even several, internal qi, wants deep fearful many compared with Proving Dao Realm, making one take a quick look around, is afraid. These people are resurrect completely by the evil spirit list, falls from the sky top powerhouse in river of history, these on unruly powerhouse, gathers together now, has not actually appeared any offensive. 这些,在大殿中,没有一个是修为低于证道境的,甚至有几个,身上的气机,比证道境还要深沉可怕的多,让人一眼看去,不寒而栗。这些人全部都是由邪灵榜复活出来,陨落在历史长河中的顶尖强者,这些本身就桀骜不驯的强者,如今聚集在一起,却没有显得任何的唐突。 On 100 position Proving Dao Realm, can see, myriad evils palace present inside information fearful. 证道境,也能看出,万邪殿如今的底蕴到底有多可怕。 Method that this type can resurrect, simply is accumulates inside information not two artifact. 这种可以复活的手段,简直是积累底蕴的不二神器 everyone, how evil spirit blood crystal of our myriad evils palace comes, everyone should be very clear, must condense evil spirit blood crystal, not only needs huge volume resentment qi, fiend qi, Power of Seven Passions and Six Desires, but also needs the strength of large quantities of life essence and blood, recently essence and blood was insufficient. Needs to supplement. everyone has what view.” 诸位,我们万邪殿的邪灵血晶是如何来的,大家都应该很清楚,要凝聚邪灵血晶,不仅需要海量怨气,煞气,七情六欲之力,还需要大批的生灵精血之力,最近精血不足。需要补充补充。诸位有什么看法。” Yi Tianxie faint smile looks to the main hall, asks. 易天邪似笑非笑的看向大殿中,开口询问道。 Lacks essence and blood to fear anything, destroys several stars world to obtain. I know that nearby has several insect race resources world, the insect race quantity like the locust, extinguishes one batch, can quick be long, happen to makes them bring to make the contribution.” “缺少精血怕什么,摧毁几枚星辰世界就可以得到。我知道附近有几座虫族的资源世界,虫族数量如蝗虫,灭上一批,也能很快再长出来,正好让他们拿来做贡献。” undying Demon Venerate facial expression faint saying. 不死魔尊神情淡漠的说道。 In the voice, a mood fluctuates does not have. 话音中,一丝情绪波动都没有。 Good, the 1~2 place is insufficient, that destroyed the 10 place to be good.” “不错,一两座不够,那就摧毁座好了。” Bites the soul demon sovereign chuckle to say. These are the old demons, regarding Perpetual Night World, but no plan of showing mercy, they are selfish, for oneself, coming out that anything makes, slaughters stars world, to them, basic(ally) is not anything, such matter, before, done does not calculate that has been short. 噬魂魔皇轻笑着说道。这些都是老魔头,对于永夜世界,可没有什么手下留情的打算,他们自私自利,为了自己,什么都做的出来,屠戮一个个星辰世界,对于他们而言,根本就不算什么,这样的事情,在以前,做的就不算少过。 According to the news, went to Eternal World to assassinate the Great Yi Saint courtyard to advocate Yi Tianxing's quest to be defeated. How everyone sees.” “根据消息,前往永恒世界刺杀大易圣庭之主易天行的任务已经失败了。诸位怎么看。” Yi Tianxie said with a smile indifferently. 易天邪淡然一笑道。 „The reputation of my myriad evils palace is absolutely indestructible, quest had been met by our myriad evils palace, that must complete. Even if cannot complete, we must complete a 10 assassination, has been defeated one time, we should make a move again. Let alone, Eternal World is also our Perpetual Night sworn enemy, Eternal peerless monstrous talent, that is can put to death, puts to death. Once completes quest, but can also obtain astonishing posting a reward in Perpetual Night.” “我万邪殿的名声绝对不能破坏,任务已经被我们万邪殿接了,那就一定要完成。就算不能完成,我们也必须要完成次刺杀,已经失败一次,那我们理应再次出手。何况,永恒世界也是我们永夜的死对头,永恒的绝世妖孽,那是能诛杀,就诛杀。一旦完成任务,还能得到永夜中的惊人悬赏。” According to the custom under myriad evils palace formulation, in assassination quest that in the myriad evils palace issues, if receives, the myriad evils palace will act the 10 time, according to the situation, under a 10 assassination, is almost impossible the possibility that has to live. But really must live, that quest automatic abandonment, no longer the contract, connects 10 time to kill undying, that obvious , to continue , is not meaningful. 根据万邪殿制定下的规矩,在万邪殿中发布的刺杀任务,若是接下的话,万邪殿会出手次,按照情况而言,次刺杀下,几乎不可能有活下来的可能性。而真要活下来,那任务自动报废,不再承接,接连次都杀不死,那显然,继续下去,也没有任何意义。
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