EMS :: Volume #3

#268: The person of protection?

The person of Chapter 268 protection? 第268章守护之人? Furthermore, is Heavenly Capital Domain, once take action is certainly unscrupulous, will not look like this Ouyang Chen obviously to suppress Li Tianhuai not to have take action, because he must consider the Sect general situation, once has killed this Li Tianhuai, will certainly provoke the Sect war. Ha 再者,身为天都域一旦出手绝无顾忌,不会像这欧阳尘明明可以镇压李天淮却没有出手,因为他还得为宗门大局着想,一旦真将这李天淮杀了,必将会挑起门派大战。哈 The Sect war is not Ouyang Chen is willing to see obviously. 宗门大战显然不是欧阳尘愿意看到的。 But this Heavenly Capital Domain's Envoy is different, he is representing Heavenly Capital Domain, his take action who dares to resist? 可这天都域使不一样了,他代表着天都域,他出手谁敢抵挡? Once resists, brings in many Heavenly Capital Domain powerhouse, only feared that entire Southern Sea Sword Sect must annihilate. 一旦抵挡,引来更多的天都域强者,只怕整个南海剑派都要湮灭。 Therefore in the Li Tianhuai heart started to live to dread. 所以李天淮心中开始生起了忌惮。 If there is this matter, once he take action, but was really troublesome. 若真有此事,他一旦出手,可就真麻烦了。 Naturally has this matter.” Deacon Qin said that „this matter almost entire Wind Moon Kingdom big influence to know.” “自然有此事。”秦执事说道,“此事几乎整个风月国大的势力皆以知晓。” Entire did Wind Moon Kingdom know?” The Li Tianhuai look has changed countenance, looks at Deacon Qin this words not to counterfeit likely. “整个风月国都知晓了?”李天淮神色有所动容,瞧秦执事此话也不像是作假。 Does not believe you to ask Elder Qiu, I think that he is clearest.” A Deacon Qin pupil light revolution took a look to nearby Qiu Xuanji, felt regarding this person of him quite loathes, because this Qiu Xuanji advocated a moment ago repeatedly must hand over Xiao Yun to use one's office to redress personal grievances obviously. “不信你可以问邱长老,我想他最清楚不过了。”秦执事眸光一转瞅向了旁边的邱玄机,对于此人他感到颇为厌恶,因为刚才这邱玄机多次主张要交出萧云明显就是公报私仇。 „Can Elder Qiu have this matter?” Li Tianhuai asked to Qiu Xuanji. 邱长老可有此事?”李天淮问向邱玄机 Indeed has this matter.” The Qiu Xuanji pupil light twinkle, replied afterward. “的确有此事。”邱玄机眸光闪烁,随后答道。 Really has this matter?” A Li Tianhuai face is ugly, when pupil light takes a look to not far away Xiao Yun a face is unwilling. “确有此事?”李天淮一脸难看,眸光瞅向不远处的萧云时一脸不甘。 Has not thought that this boy also does have the chance?” This makes him feel surprised. “没有想到这小子还有着机缘?”这让他感到惊讶。 Heavenly Capital Domain's Envoy keeps aloof, the status is aloof, how to have a liking for a youth? 天都域使高高在上,地位超然,岂会看上一个少年? After remembering natural talent that Xiao Yun shows Li Tianhuai also feels relaxed, this matter perhaps really has the possibility. 只是想起萧云展现出来的天赋李天淮也就释然,此事或许真有可能。 Sometimes some Heavenly Capital Domain's Envoy will recommend in the middle of some talents of discovery the influence that into Heavenly Capital Domain each one is. 有时候一些天都域使甚至会将一些发现的天才举荐入天都域各自所处在的势力当中。 Once these talents grow, will be also many regarding them a road. 一旦这些天才成长起来,对于他们来说也将多了一条路。 Can make talent that Heavenly Capital Domain's Envoy settles on too few, ten years also rarely present one. 只是能让天都域使看中的天才太少了,十年也难得出现一个。 Sword Lord Li, the spiritual cultivation is difficult, unavoidably will present many accidents, for later generation juniors ruin the own future are not the wise actions, how could after all you can protect and sustain it at times to protect and sustain for a while, to grow to Peak all must depend on own.” Sees the Li Tianhuai expression changes, Ouyang Sect Master expression slightly was also gentle, if can not fight him not to stir up trouble. 李剑主,修道艰难,难免会出现诸多变故,为了一个后辈子弟断送自己的前程可不是明智之举,毕竟你能护持其一时又岂能时时护持,要想成长至巅峰一切还得靠自己。”见李天淮表情有变,欧阳宗主的语气也略显柔和了起来,若能不战他也不会挑事。 Such being the case, this matter relinquishes.” Li Tianhuai pupil light sinks, afterward big hand strokes, was involved in side that tower Li Jiansong and the others, Li said goodbye.” Sees only his golden light twinkle, then in light of this turns toward the distant place to escape to fly to go. “既然如此,此事作罢。”李天淮眸光一沉,随后大手一拂,将那楼台上的李剑嵩等人卷入身边,“李某告辞。”只见他脚下金光闪烁,便就此向着远处遁飞而去。 Does not deliver!” Ouyang Chen gazes after that golden light to go far away, lightly saying. “不送!”欧阳尘目送着那金光远去,淡淡的说道 Sees Li Tianhuai to depart, some side Heavenly Yuan Sect elder also relaxed. 李天淮离去,旁边有些天元宗长者也是松了口气。 This fellow left finally.” The Palace Lord Jiang brow stretches, this matter can so end is the best result. “这家伙总算离开了。”姜殿主眉头舒展,此事能如此结束已经算是最好的结果了。 A Ouyang Chen pupil light revolution, took a look to nearby Qiu Xuanji, within those eyes has some cold intent to reappear. 欧阳尘眸光一转,瞅向了旁边的邱玄机,那双眸中有着些许冷意浮现。 Sect Master, the old man never gets down has coped with the order of this Xiao Yun, all are the clansman behaviors!” The Qiu Xuanji heart sinks, does not wait for Ouyang Chen to ask, said hastily, from the pupil of this Sect Master he felt a disgruntledness obviously. 宗主,老夫可是从未下过对付这萧云的命令,一切都是族人所为啊!”邱玄机心头一沉,也不等欧阳尘开口询问,连忙说道,从这宗主的眸中他明显感觉到了一丝不悦。 Furthermore, after experiencing the Ouyang Chen strength Qiu Xuanji has also been full of the respect to this Sect Master. 再者,在见识到了欧阳尘的实力后着邱玄机对这位宗主也是充满了敬意。 Sect whether can the inheritance century not only need powerhouse keep watch, needs constantly to emerge the blood of fresh blood, if cannot protect and sustain including own the talent in gate, how can stabilize the will of the people, how can Sect long-time not fade?” The Ouyang Chen fierce [say / way], is Elder should have does not fear a war, pledges to fight to the death to defend the Sect dignity the consciousness, how could fraught with uncertainty?” “一个宗门是否能传承千秋不仅需要强者坐镇,也需要不断涌现出鲜血的血液,若是连自己的门中的天才都护持不住,如何能稳定人心,一个宗门如何能长久不衰?”欧阳尘厉声道,“身为长老更应该有着不惧一战,誓死扞卫宗门尊严的觉悟,岂能畏首畏尾?” Yes, yes!” Qiu Xuanji nods again and again, when the corner of the eye split vision takes a look to Xiao Yun truly has some cold intent to reappear. “是,是!”邱玄机连连点头,眼角余光瞅向萧云时确实有着些许冷意浮现。 This Qiu Xuanji has not thought that the youth who goes out of Wind Moon Kingdom that small County City will grow at this moment unexpectedly hence, including Heavenly Yuan Sect Sect Master for this youth scolds this solemn Elder, steps into Yuan Soul Realm Elder in Heavenly Yuan Sect, but is few! 邱玄机没有想到一个从风月国那个小小的郡城走出的少年此刻竟然会成长至此,连天元宗宗主都会为了这个少年来呵斥他这个堂堂的长老,在天元宗踏入元婴境长老可是屈指可数啊! Although in heart not indignation, but Qiu Xuanji does not dare to display. 虽然心中不忿,可邱玄机也不敢表现出来。 Was good, this matter, you depart.” Ouyang Chen beckoned with the hand saying that Palace Lord Jiang, Xiao Yun you stay behind.” “好了,此事已罢,你们离去吧。”欧阳尘摆了摆手道,“姜殿主,萧云你们留下。” Yes!” Nearby several Elder nod, afterward departs in light of this. “是!”旁边几位长老点头,随后就此离去。 Palace Lord Jiang and Xiao Yun remained. 姜殿主萧云却留了下来。 But at this time, that came from Core Palace Rising Stars Peak and Leaping Dragon Peak disciple also respectively departs. 而此时,那来自核心殿新秀峰跃龙峰弟子也是各自离去。 This piece of martial arts stage also in light of this restored tranquilly. 这片演武场也是就此恢复了宁静。 The Xiao Yun strength defeated matter of Chen Jian and Lu Yuan in a short time has actually spread over entire Heavenly Yuan Sect. 只是萧云力败陈剑陆元之事却是在极短的时间内传遍了整个天元宗 In this moment, almost all people were discussing this matter. 在这一刻,几乎所有的人都在谈论此事。 No matter these new basic disciple, these closed-door cultivation old disciple and elder after hearing this matter all shock. 不管是那些新入门的弟子,还是那些潜修的老弟子长者在听到此事后皆震撼不已。 Just basic disciple, really had such battle strength, sweeps away the Southern Sea Sword Sect two big talents. 一个刚入门的弟子罢了,竟然有如此战力,横扫南海剑派两大天才。 Must know, but that Chen Jian the successive defeats eight people, middle have two -and-a-half Yuan Core Realm cultivator. 要知道,那陈剑可是连败八人,当中还有两个半步元丹境修者 That Lu Yuan struck then routs comprehended Lei Tai of potential of wind and thunder, itself battle strength was quite astonishing. 陆元更是一击便击溃了领悟了一丝风雷之势的雷泰,本身战力极为惊人。 But was such character actually defeats in the Xiao Yun hand. 可就是这样的人物却都败在了萧云手中。 It is difficult to imagine, what monstrous talent this crosses the threshold a half year of disciple is, really has so fearful battle strength. 很难想象,这个才入门半年的弟子到底是什么样的妖孽,竟然有如此可怕的战力 Under the curtain of night, in that tower, Ouyang Chen sizes up front Xiao Yun up and down, in the pupil is having the appreciation that is hard to speak to reappear. 夜幕下,在那楼台中,欧阳尘上下打量着面前的萧云,眸中有着难以言说的赞赏浮现。 Good, good.” Ouyang Chen shows a smiling face, appears amiable, he takes a look to Xiao Yun said that I two months ago then once heard that Core Palace left natural talent good disciple, has not thought to see now, you must I imagine also outstanding.” “不错,不错。”欧阳尘脸露笑容,显得平易近人,他瞅向萧云道,“我两个月前便曾听说核心殿出了一个天赋不错的弟子,不曾想如今一见,你必我想象中还优秀。” The Ouyang Chen expression is light, appears affable, such as a gentle elder and younger generation speech. 欧阳尘语气平淡,显得和蔼可亲,就如一个慈祥的长辈和晚辈说话。 Many thanks Sect Master this take action shelters.” Xiao Yun also showed a faint smile, has harassed the head, said. “多谢宗主此次出手庇护。”萧云也是微微一笑,扰了扰头,说道。 Will not initially hesitate take action and Li Tianhuai regarding Ouyang Sect Master fights him is slightly is also accidental. 对于欧阳宗主当初会不惜出手李天淮一战他也是略敢意外。 However, was afterward careful thinks this in the reason. 不过,后来细细一想这在情理之中。 Although the words so, Xiao Yun as before has been full of the respect to Ouyang Chen. 只是话虽如此,萧云依旧对欧阳尘充满了敬意。 After all, if this Sect Master is the person who is afraid of getting into trouble short only feared that today's result was another situation. 毕竟,若是这位宗主是一个短小怕事的人只怕今天的结果就是另外一幅情况了。 Without Ouyang Chen take action, only feared that Heavenly Capital Domain's Envoy had said that must shelter Xiao Yun, is actually not necessarily able to frighten Li Tianhuai, after all the Heavenly Capital Domain Envoy whereabouts is faintly recognizable, who can want, for a deceased person did look for him? Who is willing not to hesitate to offend Li Tianhuai this Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse to look for that trail difficult homing Heavenly Capital Domain Envoy for Xiao Yun? 没有欧阳尘出手,只怕就算曾经那天都域使说过要庇护萧云,却也未必能震慑住李天淮,毕竟天都域使者行踪飘渺,谁又会愿意为了一个死人去找他了?谁又愿意为了萧云不惜得罪李天淮这个元婴境强者去找那个踪迹难寻的天都域使者了? Is a Sect's Master, shelters the disciple to do for me.” The smiling face on Ouyang Chen face restrains then to reappear several to segregate slightly heavily, he takes a look to Xiao Yun, said that wants to shelter the disciple, by no means so is easy, like today, you can me is disappointed?” “身为一宗之主,庇护门人为我应当做的。”欧阳尘脸上的笑容略微收敛转而浮现出几分凝重,他瞅向萧云,说道,“只是想要庇护门人,却也并非那么容易,便如今天,你可有对我失望?” You are in the inheritance restricted area, I actually send for inviting you.” “你身在传承禁地,我却派人去将你请来。” When said here, a Ouyang Chen face sobbed. 说道这里时,欧阳尘一脸唏嘘。 Sect Master is a Sect's Master, naturally must take the entire situation into account, this time can take action, Xiao Yun be deeply grateful at crucial moments.” Xiao Yun said that in his heart broadminded, does not have what complaint, after all the Southern Sea Sword Sect potential is big, Sword Lord of peak, has such battle strength, almost unusual person enemy, once makes war with this Southern Sea Sword Sect really can it be that an Ouyang Sect Master person of energy enemy? 宗主身为一宗之主,自然得顾全大局,此次能在危机时刻出手,萧云已经感激不尽。”萧云说道,他心中豁然,没有什么埋怨,毕竟南海剑派势大,一个峰的剑主罢了,却有如此战力,几乎少有人可敌,一旦真的与这南海剑派开战岂是欧阳宗主一人能敌? Also is the person of operating the rudder, nature many considerations and scruples. 既为掌舵之人,自然得有诸多考虑及顾忌。 After all what on his shoulder anti- is tens of thousands of individual lives and hopes, how could child's play? 毕竟在他的肩膀上抗的是成千上万个人的性命与希望,岂能儿戏? Your this time can preserve, totally depends on own.” A Ouyang Chen face stern stares at Xiao Yun saying that by your natural talent, may arrange in the middle of entire Heavenly Yuan Sect young disciple at first four, or the potential is bigger, can you be willing to be Sect the person of protection?” “你此次能得以保全,完全靠自己。”欧阳尘一脸正色凝视着萧云说道,“以你的天赋,在整个天元宗年轻弟子当中都可排在前四,或者潜力更大,你可愿意做宗门的守护之人?” Sect the person of protection?” Xiao Yun stares, pupil inquired the color. 宗门的守护之人?”萧云一愣,眸露询问之色。 Hehe, in my Heavenly Yuan Sect, Sect Master will accept several disciple key training generally, its one takes the Sect Master successor, its two are Sect Protector, if Sect Protector, then permanent will stay when Sect, in Sect comes across the crisis bravely steps forward.” Nearby Palace Lord Jiang said with a smile, actually, will train such disciple in each Sect specially.” 呵呵,在我天元宗,宗主一般会收下几名弟子重点培养,其一作为宗主继承人,其二便是宗门守护人,若为宗门守护人,便将永久呆在宗门,在宗门遇到危机时挺身而出。”旁边的姜殿主笑道,“其实,在每个门派都会专门培养这样的弟子。” Permanent stays in Sect?” Xiao Yun brows slightly wrinkle, resembled to understand Ouyang Sect Master implied meaning. “永久呆在宗门?”萧云眉头微微一皱,似明白了欧阳宗主言下之意。 What's wrong? The place of what can you have feeling embarrassed?” Ouyang Chen pupil light moves, asks. “怎么?你可有什么为难之处?”欧阳尘眸光一动,问道。 Returns to Sect Master, disciple has family member to fall into Heavenly Capital Domain, must go to seek, therefore disciple only feared that does not stay for a long time Southern Border.” Xiao Yun said that not only that his oneself also has the pursue to Martial Dao, since saw that Qin Chuan in the thunderstorms grasps principles, his heart also moves, has an inexplicable impulsion, thought that own should make such powerhouse. “回宗主,弟子有亲人身陷天都域,必须前去寻找,所以弟子只怕不久留南疆。”萧云说道,不仅如此,他自身对武道也有着追求,自从看到了那秦川在雷雨中悟道后,他的心也为之一动,有着一种莫名的冲动,觉得自己就应该做那样的强者 Fearless, unprecedented, dares fights in thunderstorms and world's prestige. 无所畏惧,一往无前,胆敢在雷雨中与天地之威争锋。 All these only to pursue the Martial Dao true meaning! 这一切只为了追求武道真意! But made the space that people grew too narrow in place of Southern Border this corner. 可是在南疆这片一隅之地让人成长的空间太狭窄了。 If a moment ago, the people also thought Li Tianhuai to be insufferably arrogant, for extremely powerhouse. 如刚才,众人还以为李天淮不可一世,为绝顶强者 But is so the character actually easily is defeated by Ouyang Chen. 可是就是如此人物却被欧阳尘轻易击败。 So fully explained that the spiritual cultivation will be forever without limits, even if you arrived at Peak, has the unknown region you to inquire about as before, if conservative and complacent, will only make own fall into that narrow and small world, makes own King, actually does not know one should always strive for better. 如此足以说明修道永无止境,哪怕你到达了一个巅峰,依旧有着未知的区域等你去探寻,若是固步自封,只会使自己陷入那狭小的世界,做自己王者,却不知天外有天。 Heavenly Capital Domain?” Ouyang Chen is startled slightly, at once smiles saying that I guess your heart should not in this Southern Border.” 天都域?”欧阳尘微微一怔,旋即莞尔一笑道,“我猜你的心也不应在这南疆。” No matter disciple is where, Sect Master the graciousness of asylum will certainly engrave on one's memory.” Xiao Yun said resolutely, he has the sentiment regarding Heavenly Yuan Sect, no matter here system, here person makes him somewhat change countenance, is impossible to forget. “不管弟子身在何处,宗主的庇护之恩必将铭记于心。”萧云正色道,对于天元宗他还是有感情的,不管是这里的制度,还是这里的人都让他有些动容,不可能忘记。 Then such as a moment ago, Fire Yuan Peak elder acted, wants to come this to support him. 便如刚才,火元峰诸位长者出面,都想来此支持他。 That Deacon Qin does not hesitate to contradict Li Tianhuai, touching Xiao Yun quite. 秦执事更是不惜顶撞李天淮,让萧云颇为感动。 If heartless, that Deacon Qin, these casual acquaintances elder why must for he does offend Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse? 若是无情,那秦执事,那些泛泛之交的长者何须为了他得罪一尊元婴境强者 You have this heart to be then good.” The Ouyang Chen slight bow, said afterward that is only you wants to step into Heavenly Capital Domain actually also to need to continue to try hard, this time from Profound Yuan Battlefield opens, but only then less than six months, if your cultivation level cannot go a step further, will be very difficult to walk to finally.” “你有此心便好。”欧阳尘微微点头,随后道,“只是你想踏入天都域却还得需要继续努力,此次距离玄元战场开启可是只有不到半年的时间了,若是你的修为不能在进一步,将很难走到最后。” Profound Yuan Battlefield, but not only has the talent collection of my Southern Border, there has the talents from major areas, innumerable, but also in also has the influence that stations to combine, will become the hindrance of entering inside smooth vanguard.” When spoke of Profound Yuan Battlefield, a Ouyang Chen face with deep veneration, as if there was a hell, has been full of the endless danger. 玄元战场,可是不仅仅有我南疆的天才汇集,那里有来自各大疆域的天才,数不胜数,而且里面还有一些驻留组合成的势力,也将成为进入里面顺利前行的阻碍。”说到玄元战场时,欧阳尘一脸肃然,似乎那里就是一个地狱,充满了无尽的危险。 I will try hard.” Xiao Yun face firm saying. “我会努力的。”萧云一脸坚定的说道。 No matter the road ahead is difficult the determination that cannot vacillate him to go forward. 不管前路多么困难都不能动摇他前进的决心。 If there is dreaded, how to be continue grow? 若是畏惧了,如何在继续成长? Since has chosen this road, lunch unprecedented walks! 既然选择了这条路,便当一往无前的走下去! ( ( …… ……
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