EMS :: Volume #3

#267: Asylum!

Chapter 267 shelters! 第267章庇护! Ouyang Sect Master sleeves sway, long river that the vast vastness changes into gives the package Li Tianhuai that peerless sword. 欧阳宗主衣袖拂动,浩瀚的汪洋化为的长河李天淮那绝世一剑给包裹。 Buzz! 嗡! long sword was submerged vastly, sword light dissipates, void slightly trembles, has not sent out that terror in imagination to fluctuate, all that tranquil, is tranquil somewhat inconceivable, the feeling such as dream is imaginary, should not so be. 长剑被汪洋淹没,剑光消散,虚空只是微微一颤,并没有发出想象中的那股恐怖波动,一切都那么的平静,平静得有些不可思议,感觉如梦似幻,不应该如此才是。 May in this tranquil, brings is actually incomparable shock. 可在这平静之下,所带来的却是无比的震撼。 Such easily has resisted?” Heavenly Yuan Sect many elder opened pupil, feels somewhat inconceivable. “就这么轻易的抵挡了下来?”天元宗许多的长者睁大了眸子,感到有些不可思议。 A moment ago Li Tianhuai that sword might was what kind powerful, how could such easily to be resisted? 刚才李天淮那一剑威力是何等的强悍,岂能这么轻易被抵挡下来? Properly speaking should have a heavens frightening showdown! 按理说应该有着一种惊天对决才是啊! But now all appear such serene. 可现在一切显得那么的风轻云淡 sword light dissipates, an invisible fluctuation shakes the Li Tianhuai personal appearance draws back, his double pupil is startled, a face dumbfounded. 剑光消散,一股无形的波动将李天淮身形震退,他双眸一怔,一脸愣神 That handle great sword aura breath is defeated and dispersed is similar to is blocked in a space, must lose with it relates. 那柄巨剑气息溃散如同被封锁在一个空间,要与之失去联系了。 „Is this Yuan Soul Realm cultivation level?” Li Tianhuai the eyes reveals surprised, in the heart has raised stormy sea (difficult situation). “这还是元婴境修为吗?”李天淮眸露惊讶,心中掀起了惊涛骇浪 Shout! 呼! Actually sees the Ouyang Chen palm to stroke, front void flood ripples, that vast vast dissipation, changes into a water dragon, wraps a handle great sword then to whisk off toward the front, great sword quite natural falling before the body of Li Tianhuai. 却见得欧阳尘手掌一拂,前方虚空泛起一阵涟漪,那浩瀚的汪洋消散,化为一条水龙,包裹着一柄巨剑便是向着前方拂去,巨剑颇为自然的落在了李天淮的身前。 practice path, will be forever without limits, who dares to dominate?” Ouyang Sect Master strokes the great sword the palm before the Li Tianhuai body moves, that dissipates vastly, changes into invisible, as if has not appeared, all appear naturally incomparably are having inexplicable Dao Rhyme. 修炼一道,永无止境,谁敢称雄?”欧阳宗主将巨剑拂在李天淮身前手掌一动,那汪洋消散,化为无形,似乎从来就没有出现过,一切都显得自然无比拥有着一股莫名的道韵 practice path, will be forever without limits, who dares to dominate?” The Li Tianhuai pupil twinkle, muttered, is considering these words, he took a look to the front, in the heart a face was unwilling, own has defeated unexpectedly, but also defeated that simply, although he did not have take action strongly, but this Ouyang Chen boundary has surpassed obviously him, in strongly fought is also in vain however. 修炼一道,永无止境,谁敢称雄?”李天淮眸子闪烁,喃喃自语,思量着这一句话,他瞅向前方,心中一脸不甘,自己竟然败了,还败得那么干脆,虽然他还没有竭力出手,可是这欧阳尘的境界明显就超出了他,就算在竭力一战也是枉然。 Has several points to sigh, his palm moves to absorb that great sword, changed into flake gold light to submerge in the middle of Dantian. 带着几分叹息,他手掌一动将那巨剑摄回,化为一片金光没入了丹田当中。 Void, the fluctuation of that terror dissipates gradually, two elder distant oppositions. 虚空中,那恐怖的波动逐渐消散,两个长者遥遥对立。 Under, in the disciple heart of Heavenly Yuan Sect feels as before surprised, some suddenly. 下方,天元宗弟子心中依旧感到惊讶,有些恍然。 A moment ago of Li Tianhuai sword potential, stirring, to profound impression that the people made. 刚才李天淮剑势之强,震撼人心,给众人留下的深刻的印象。 But such terrifying attack actually by so melting of serene, completely had been subverted the cognition and imagination of people. 可是就这样恐怖的攻击却被如此风轻云淡的化解,完全颠覆了众人的认知与想象。 „Did Grandfather defeat? How is this possible?” In the tower, Li Jiansong brows tightly frowns, shows the whole face incredible look. 爷爷败了?这怎么可能?”楼台上,李剑嵩眉头紧锁,露出满脸不可置信的神色。 practice path, will be forever without limits, who dares to dominate? Unsurpassed can't Sword Dao the male tyrant world?” Lu Yuan pupil dew doubt, Dao Heart started to present the doubts, did not have the beforehand self-confidence, this time he has lost to Xiao Yun first, now linked this formidable incomparable teacher also to defeat, making the person heart live the doubts, felt confused, the boundary consciousness did not start to draw back the revolutions. 修炼一道,永无止境,谁敢称雄?难道无上剑道也不能雄霸天下吗?”陆元眸露狐疑,道心开始出现了疑惑,没有了以前的自信,这次他先是败给了萧云,如今连他这强大无比的师尊也败了,让人心生疑惑,感到了迷茫,境界不知觉开始退转。 „It is not divided the height, only looked cultivator comprehends how many have?” Xiao Yun muttered, was considering Ouyang Sect Master words, that also deeply shocked him a moment ago, that simple struck, actually melted the Li Tianhuai shocking sword, was unexpected. “道不分高低,只看修者所领悟的有多少?”萧云喃喃自语,也在思量着欧阳宗主的话,刚才那一幕也深深震撼住了他,那简单的一击,却化解了李天淮惊世一剑,太出人预料了。 This boundary disparity.” Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow said that this Ouyang Chen boundary is extremely high, Dao Rhyme Tiancheng (as if made by heaven), has achieved has transformed castoffs into delicaties the boundary, naturally is not that Li Tianhuai may compare, what the sword breaks myriad laws, in the true powerhouse eye this comprehended some Sword Dao superficial knowledge / fur, he also can only lord it over in this Southern Border, must arrive at Heavenly Capital Domain, how many didn't such character know? Leaves several to be able casually crush he, but also wants to break Myriad Laws?” “这就境界的差距。”吞天雀说道,“这欧阳尘境界极高,道韵天成,已经达到了化腐朽为神奇的境界,自然不是那李天淮可比,什么一剑破万法,在真正的强者眼中他这不过只是领悟了一些剑道皮毛而已,他也只能在这南疆称王称霸,真要到了天都域,这样的人物不知有多少?随便出几个都可以碾压他,还想破万法?” A Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow face despises. 吞天雀一脸鄙夷。 „The [say / way] of practice will be forever without limits.” Xiao Yun muttered, this Fire Dao Inheritance Palace one line has stabilized a boundary, this thinks that has reached a very strong altitude to be hard to go a step further, but now looks like, own became aware insufficiently also by far. 修炼之道永无止境。”萧云喃喃自语,他这次火道传承殿一行稳定了道的境界,本以为已经达到了一个很强的高度难以在进一步,可现在看来,自己所悟还远远不够。 Just like Ouyang Sect Master said that practice path will be forever without limits. 正如欧阳宗主所言,修炼一道永无止境。 If you think own to be invincible, that is true regressing, is conservative and complacent. 若是你认为自己无敌,那才是真正的退步,固步自封。 Such person was very difficult in going a step further, because his line of sight and vision fell into during that limit completely. 这样的人很难在进一步了,因为他的视线及眼界完全陷入了那个局限当中。 Sect Master! Sect Master!” 宗主宗主!” Sect Master is invincible!” After a piece is surprised, field disciple in Heavenly Yuan Sect has exuded immediately then the cheers. 宗主无敌!”当一片惊讶过后,场中的天元宗弟子当即便是发出了欢呼声。 In the middle of the sound has filled rousing, joyful. 声音当中充满了振奋,欣喜。 These disciple feel within the body blood in boiling. 这些弟子一个个感到体内的血液似在沸腾 Li Tianhuai was initially aggressive, wants Heavenly Yuan Sect to hand over Xiao Yun, making these disciple feel aggrieved. 当初李天淮咄咄逼人,要天元宗交出萧云,让这些弟子感到憋屈。 At once Li Tianhuai also plans forcefully take action, must write off Xiao Yun, this was lets the Heavenly Yuan Sect disciple anger to the extreme, felt that the dignity was treadonned, the incomparable grief and indignation, one sent powerhouse actually to dare all alone individually in Heavenly Yuan Sect blatantly take action, without doubt was despising Heavenly Yuan Sect. 旋即李天淮还打算强行出手,要抹杀萧云,这更是让天元宗弟子愤怒到了极点,感觉到尊严被脚踏,无比的悲愤,一个别派强者却敢孤身一人在天元宗公然出手,无疑在蔑视天元宗 Now Sect Master powerful take action, but also so easily routs the opposite party shocking sword, obviously has given the strongest counter-attack, is defending the Heavenly Yuan Sect face, this made Heavenly Yuan Sect disciple see the hope, Heavenly Yuan Sect was not at will weak. 如今宗主强势出手,还如此轻易的将对方惊世一剑击溃,显然是给予了最强劲的反击,在维护天元宗的面子,这让天元宗弟子看到了希望,天元宗并不是随意可欺。 Ouyang Chen not from the beginning on strongly take action, has this intent. 欧阳尘没有一开始就竭力出手,也是有此意。 Since take action, must make the opposite party show the astonishing strength, in routing. 既然出手,就要让对方展现出惊人之力,在将之击溃。 Only then this can bring the confidence to disciple of hanger-on, can deter other people. 只有这样才能给门下的弟子带来信心,才可以震慑旁人。 Sword Lord Li, a moment ago Xiao Yun and a Lu Yuan war, he already won, I think that this matter should also come to the end.” Ouyang Sect Master both hands shoulder, that pair of profound pupil rays of light twinkle, several points swift and fierce that Li Tianhuai staring, lightly saying. 李剑主,刚才萧云陆元一战,他已然获胜,我想此事也该告一段落了。”欧阳宗主双手背负,那双深邃的眸子光芒闪烁,略带着几分凌厉将那李天淮给盯着,淡淡的说道 Has a flavor without a doubt in his words. 在他的话语当中有着一种毋庸置疑的味道。 Comes to the end?” The Li Tianhuai pupil light twinkle, has filled unwillingly. “告一段落?”李天淮眸光闪烁,充满了不甘。 When has he eaten such owing in Southern Border dozens years? 他在南疆数十年何时吃过这样的亏? Even if Ouyang Chen showed good cultivation level unable to make him swallow this tone as before. 就算欧阳尘展现出了不俗的修为依旧不能让他咽下这口气。 Furthermore, this matter biography is not good to the Southern Sea Sword Sect reputation. 再者,此事传出去对南海剑派名声也不好。 Since Li Tianhuai take action this is not simple personal grievances. 自从李天淮出手这已经不在是简单的私人恩怨 This matter already concerned two schools of reputations. 此事已然关乎了两派的名声。 „This Xiao Yun arm, this matter does not give up unceasingly.” The Li Tianhuai pupil dodges, expression firm saying. “不断这萧云一臂,此事绝不罢休。”李天淮眸子一闪,语气坚决的说道。 If retreats at this time, without doubt was represents him to admit defeat. 若是此时退却,无疑是代表他认输了。 Takes seriously?” Ouyang Chen pupil light also slightly appears ice-cold. “当真?”欧阳尘眸光也略显得冰冷。 Good.” Li Tianhuai said that Ouyang Sect Master your cultivation level is indeed uncommon, but my Southern Sea Sword Sect is abundance of capable people, only feared that can side by side have such several with your character, therefore you can win the old man, does not represent you to be invincible.” “不错。”李天淮说道,“欧阳宗主你的确修为不凡,可是我南海剑派人才济济,只怕能与你比肩的人物还是有那么几个,所以你能胜老夫,并不代表你就无敌。” The Ouyang Chen pupil light twinkle, he naturally knows that Southern Sea Sword Sect is uncommon. 欧阳尘眸光闪烁,他自然知道南海剑派不凡。 Also is so, he has borne patiently now, otherwise already take action this Li Tianhuai suppression in this. 也是如此,他才会一直隐忍到现在,不然早就出手将这李天淮镇压在此了。 How to speak a few words here? 岂会在这里多说一句话? Hehe, since Sword Lord Li must provoke two schools of wars, my Ouyang Chen does have what fears it?” Ouyang Sect Master face upwards says with a smile. 呵呵,既然李剑主真要挑起两派大战,我欧阳尘有何惧之?”欧阳宗主仰天一笑道。 A formidable imposing manner also bursts out from him. 一股强大的气势也是从他身上迸发而出。 Is how could a Sect's Master to lower the head? 身为一宗之主岂能低头? Good, you are waiting for my Southern Sea Sword Sect war notice.” Li Jian Huai pupil light ice-cold, the threat said. “好,那你等着我南海剑派战帖吧。”李剑淮眸光冰冷,威胁道。 Sect Master, this matter must discuss!” Not far away, Qiu Xuanji escapes, said. 宗主,此事尚需商议啊!”不远处,邱玄机遁来,说道。 Discussion?” Ouyang Chen pupil light concentrates saying that how also needs to discuss?” “商议?”欧阳尘眸光一凝道,“还需要怎么商议?” Ouyang Chen takes a look to Qiu Xuanji pupil light has several points to interrogate that obviously is somewhat discontented with this person. 欧阳尘瞅向邱玄机眸光当中有着几分质问,显然是对此人有些不满。 I looked that is breaks a that Xiao Yun arm not to have anything.” Qiu Xuanji said that Sect war, once raises will certainly damage my sect foundation, the consequence is dreadful, this is not the talent that has not grown can by far comparable with.” “我看便是断那萧云一臂也没有什么的。”邱玄机说道,“门派大战,一旦掀起必将损我宗根基,后果不堪设想,这远远不是一个没有成长起来的天才所能堪比的。” Great Elder escapes, a face hesitates. 大长老遁来,一脸沉吟。 „Are you also this meaning?” Ouyang Chen Lord pupil light one coldly, takes a look said to Great Elder. “你也是这意思?”欧阳尘眸光一冷,瞅向大长老道。 Heavenly Yuan Sect Yuan Soul Realm powerhouse are not many, if these two have the opposing opinion, once and Southern Sea Sword Sect battle situation will be disadvantageous. 天元宗元婴境强者不多,若是这两位都持反对意见,一旦与南海剑派开战局势将不利。 Hehe, Li Tianhuai, you because, if Xiao Yun this matter makes war with my Heavenly Yuan Sect, is going to have bad luck is not my Heavenly Yuan Sect, but is you and your Southern Sea Sword Sect, do you want to move him? Will only bring the endless disaster to you, that consequence is not you may be able to withstand.” At this time elder escaped, Yuan Core 9-layer boundary, but in the words has actually been full of an imposing manner without a doubt. 呵呵,李天淮,你若因为萧云此事与我天元宗开战,将要倒霉的不是我天元宗而是你及你南海剑派,你想动他?只会给你们带来无尽的灾难,那后果不是你可承受得起。”这时一个长者遁来,才元丹九重境而已,可是话语中却充满了一股毋庸置疑的气势。 This elder Deacon Qin. 长者正是秦执事 Will bring the endless disaster for me?” In the Li Tianhuai pupil sword light flashes, sneers saying that joke, my Southern Sea Sword Sect powerhouse like clouds, for your Heavenly Yuan Sect over two times, if must fight, you must defeat without doubt, does the old man what come the disaster?” “将为我带来无尽的灾难?”李天淮眸中剑光闪烁,冷笑道,“笑话,我南海剑派强者如云,为你天元宗的两倍以上,若真要一战,你们必败无疑,老夫何来灾难?” Your small Yuan Core Realm cultivator also dares to spout rhetoric in this, have you been able representative Heavenly Yuan Sect?” Li Tianhuai is overbearing, the body has an invisible sword potential to tilt toward Deacon Qin, that imposing manner shakes void trembles. “你一个小小元丹境修者也敢在此大放厥词,难道你已经可以代表天元宗了吗?”李天淮霸道无比,身上有着一股无形的剑势向着秦执事倾覆而下,那气势震得虚空一颤。 Thump! 咚咚! The Deacon Qin personal appearance trembles continually. 秦执事的身形连颤。 Li Tianhuai, cultivates hurriedly.” The Ouyang Chen sleeves sway, an invisible fluctuation sweeps across, but routs that sword potential. 李天淮,修得造次。”欧阳尘衣袖拂动,一股无形的波动席卷而出将那股剑势击溃。 If not does not want to provoke two wars, he already take action. 若非不想挑起两宗大战,他已然出手 Perhaps my Heavenly Yuan Sect is unable how your Southern Sea Sword Sect, but your Southern Sea Sword Sect also can only dominate in the place of Southern Border this corner, in front of Heavenly Capital Domain you are the ants, if you dare to move Xiao Yun, your Li Tianhuai will certainly die without the burial ground.” Deacon Qin stands firm the personal appearance, pupil light is swift and fierce, does not dread Li Tianhuai, his saying every single word or phrase. “或许我天元宗无法奈何你南海剑派,可是你南海剑派也只能在南疆这一隅之地称雄罢了,在天都域面前你们就是蝼蚁,你若敢动萧云,你李天淮必将死无葬身之地。”秦执事稳住身形,眸光凌厉,根本不畏惧李天淮,他一字一句的说道。 Heavenly Capital Domain?” hear speech/words, Li Tianhuai brow one curved, in the pupil slightly reveals dignifiedly, at once said that you think Heavenly Capital Domain can manage these minor matters?” 天都域?”闻言,李天淮眉头一弯,眸中略露凝重,旋即说道,“你认为天都域会管这些小事?” Naturally can.” Deacon Qin said. “当然会。”秦执事道。 Li Tianhuai pupil inquired that is waiting for this Deacon Qin as follows. 李天淮眸露询问,在等待着这秦执事的下文。 In involving the Heavenly Capital Domain situation he has to deal with discretely. 在涉及天都域的情况下就连他都不得不谨慎应付。 Once in Wind Moon Kingdom, my sect Manager once wanted to write off Xiao Yun strangling in the middle of the cradle, at that time almost must go well, may actually be rescued finally by Heavenly Capital Domain Envoy take action.” “曾在风月国,我宗一位管事曾欲抹杀萧云将之扼杀在摇篮当中,当时几乎要得手了,可最后却被天都域使者出手救下。” Deacon Qin said that this Heavenly Capital Domain Envoy also talked wildly to hope can Xiao Yun be able to enter Profound Yuan Battlefield, stepped into Heavenly Capital Domain by this, who dares to move strangles him, will certainly be punished, Heavenly Capital Domain had the command, forbidding the elder to meddle the matter of later generation, especially strangles the talent to will certainly be punished, now your this act has affronted this token without doubt, once that Heavenly Capital Domain Envoy knew this matter, I want to be his take action, copes with your entire Southern Sea Sword Sect Heavenly Capital Domain not to talk too much.” 秦执事说道,“这天都域使者还放言希望可以萧云能进入玄元战场,以此踏入天都域,谁敢动扼杀他,必将受到严惩,天都域本就有令,禁止长辈插手后辈的事情,特别是扼杀天才必将受到严惩,如今你此举无疑是冒犯了此令,那天都域使者一旦知道此事,我想就算是他出手,对付你整个南海剑派天都域也不会多言。” Has this matter really?” Hears here, Li Tianhuai brow tight wrinkle. “真有此事?”听到这里,李天淮眉头紧紧一皱。 Heavenly Capital Domain indeed has the custom, the elder cannot strangle the talent later generation, some grievances can only the later generation own solution. 天都域的确有规矩,长辈不可扼杀天才后辈,一些恩怨只能后辈自己解决。 These matters, few people will hold the Heavenly Capital Domain's Envoy side. 只是这些事情,很少有人会捅到天都域使身边去。 Many Heavenly Capital Domain's Envoy also being disinclined tube other people's business, therefore strangles matter many of talent to have occurrence. 许多天都域使也懒得管这闲事,所以扼杀天才的事情多少还是有发生。 But now this Xiao Yun, if obtains Heavenly Capital Domain's Envoy attention that not to be different. 可如今这萧云若真的得到了天都域使的关注那可不一样了。 Although his Li Tianhuai is strong, but faces that Heavenly Capital Domain's Envoy is somewhat weak. 李天淮虽强,可是面对那天都域使还是有些无力。 That character frightens Southern Border sufficiently. 那种人物足以震慑南疆 ( ( …… ……
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