EFK :: Volume #6

#17: Processing

This time duty was laborious.” “这次的任务辛苦了。” Office situated in Land of Demons military jurisdictional boundary, after listening to the Uchiha word narrated the blow-by-blow account of this duty, to its nodded, showed the satisfactory facial expression. 位于鬼之国军事管辖区的办公室中,在听完宇智波言叙述此次任务的详细经过后,对其点了点头,露出满意的神情来。 Four celestial phenomenon people are hostile to the radicals in great nation as artisan shinobi village, until now, is planning to overthrow the action of great nation rule in secret. 四天象人作为匠忍村敌视大国的激进分子,一直以来,都在暗中策划推翻大国统治的行动。 The stratagem seizes the huge Chakra energy, to use artisan shinobi village inheritance Ninja Tool, attempts to resurrect his initiator with Forbidden Technique, thus executes the revival of artisan shinobi village. 谋夺巨大的查克拉能量,以利用匠忍村的传承忍具,企图用禁术复活其创始者,从而施行匠忍村的复兴。 Although with the Shiraishi vision, such plan is not only full of loopholes, but also implements, rather extremely in fantasy story, is basically not very difficult goal that is possible to achieve. 虽然以白石的眼光来看,这样的计划不仅漏洞百出,而且实施起来,也未免太过于天方夜谭,是基本上不可能达成的高难度目的。 But the essence of this matter, is the issue left over by history. The serious contradiction between great nation and small country, which time is performing. 但这件事的本质,还是历史遗留问题。大国与小国间的尖锐矛盾,哪一个时代都在上演。 In the past existed, now exists, in the future also will be very perhaps difficult to change. 过去存在,现在存在,未来说不定也很难改变。 Actually if were not four celestial phenomenon people were attacking the Land of Demons respective mining area some time ago, plundered a lot of ore metals, created mines the worker casualties much, regarding this group of radical personnel, Shiraishi will also only turn a blind eye, after all can add to the chaos to other great nations, replaces the Land of Demons attraction firepower. 其实如果不是四天象人在不久前袭击了鬼之国所属的矿区,掠夺大量的矿石金属,造成不少挖矿工人伤亡,对于这群激进人员,白石也只会睁一只眼闭一只眼,毕竟能给其余大国添乱,也算是代替鬼之国吸引火力了。 When but this burning down own head, naturally must conduct serious processing. 可是当这把火烧到自己头上时,自然要进行严肃处理。 Where, in this duty, I basically have not actually applied, under the hand three boys, were very good to complete the duty.” “哪里,其实这次任务中,我基本上没有怎么派上用场,手底下的三个小子,就很好将任务完成了。” When Uchiha spoke here, cannot help but enjoyable smile. 宇智波言说到这里时,也不由得舒心的笑容。 Subordinates of some such a crowd of competent matters, oneself this boss usually can also save many strengths, little worries. 有这么一群能干事的手下,自己这个上司平时也可以省下不少力气,少操心一些。 shinobi that wants to become to assume sole responsibility for an important task, their crowd of brat have must walk a long time.” “想要成为独当一面的忍者,他们这群小鬼还有很长一段时间要走呢。” Shiraishi also smiles, but can look, his is very happy. 白石也笑了笑,但看得出来,他的心情十分不错。 Regarding color three people of performance in this duty, quite approves. 对于彩三人在本次任务中的表现,也是相当认可的。 Uchiha happily chatted not to speak. 宇智波言笑而不语。 Shiraishi subtext he is very clear, so-called assuming sole responsibility for an important task shinobi, does not refer to to become shinobi this matter, after all Genin and Chūnin are also shinobi, but assuming sole responsibility for an important task shinobi in Shiraishi mouth, refers to generation of Jōnin this classes shinobi. 白石的潜台词他很清楚,所谓的独当一面忍者,并不是指成为忍者这件事,毕竟下忍中忍也是忍者,但白石口中的独当一面忍者,是指代上忍这个阶层的忍者 Only then achieves shinobi of this social class, it can be said that true assuming sole responsibility for an important task. 只有达到这个阶级的忍者,才可以说是真正的独当一面。 Individual strength, the leadership, as well as regarding the situation judgment ability, regarding the responsible degree of squad member, is very important assessment criteria, indispensable. 个人实力,领导能力,以及对于局势的判断能力,对于小队成员的负责程度,都是非常重要的考核标准,缺一不可。 If only intertwines individual strength this point, Land of Demons part of strength prominent Chūnin, can with knowing one's place of Jōnin fight, but the synthesizing capacity, is actually not able the rating to be Jōnin. 如果只纠结个人实力这一点,鬼之国一部分实力突出的中忍,都可以和上忍战斗的不分上下,但综合能力,却无法评级为上忍 Gives does not belong to shinobi of this level, raises the duty and ability that they must fulfill forcefully, will make the entire army have the problem on management absolutely. 赋予不属于这个层次的忍者,强行抬高他们要承担的义务和能力,绝对会让整个部队出现管理上的问题。 In time of war, said that the sentence is not of pleasant to hear, will let the organization and mobilization capability of combatants drops, the enthusiasm is unable to transfer, thus causes a serious unfavorable situation of war. 在战争时期,说句不好听的,会让参战人员的组织和动员能力下降,以致于积极性无法调动起来,从而导致一场战争的严重失利。 Therefore, various countries' shinobi village regarding the Jōnin rating, is very strict. 因此,各国忍村对于上忍的评级,都十分严格。 This is the tearful lesson that all previous Ninja World war learns, being worth the person alerting. 这都是历次忍界大战总结出来的血泪教训,值得人警醒。 That, processes four celestial phenomenon people, can have the issue with the artisan shinobi village recent cooperation project?” “那么,处理掉四天象人,会与匠忍村最近的合作项目产生问题吗?” At this point, Uchiha word dignified gets up. 说到这里,宇智波言的神情凝重起来。 Processes four celestial phenomenon people, to Land of Demons, is not the difficult matter. 处理掉四天象人,对鬼之国而言,并不是什么难事。 More importantly processes four celestial phenomenon people, can create the contradiction on diplomacy with artisan shinobi village. 重要的是处理掉四天象人,会不会与匠忍村造成外交上的矛盾。 Although four celestial phenomenon people are the radicals in artisan shinobi village, but eventually is not Missing-nin (Rogue Ninja), in name, subordinates in artisan shinobi village. 尽管四天象人是匠忍村中的激进分子,但终究不是叛忍,名义上,还是隶属于匠忍村 Regarding the issue of Uchiha word, Shiraishi hesitated, replied: About this matter, I have negotiated with artisan shinobi village that side chancellor person, will not affect the collaborative project of following both sides.” 对于宇智波言的问题,白石沉吟了一下,回答道:“关于这件事,我已经和匠忍村那边的主事人交涉过了,不会影响到接下来双方的合作事项。” The essence of this event, Land of Demons received the unexpected misfortune completely. 本次事件的实质,鬼之国完全是受到了无妄之灾。 Artisan shinobi village turns into the present position, by once five great nation extrusions, with the Land of Demons not too big connection. 忍村变成如今的地位,遭到曾经的五大国挤压,和鬼之国没有太大的关联。 In addition four celestial phenomenon people in the attack mining area simultaneously, cause many worker casualties, 加上四天象人在袭击矿区同时,造成不少工人伤亡, This issue, must under the Land of Demons law, punish. Artisan shinobi village agreed to Land of Demons this approach, saved many times. 这个问题,必然要按照鬼之国法律,进行制裁。匠忍村同意了鬼之国这个做法,也省了不少功夫。 Otherwise he will not state in the duty, must grasp except for the principal offender, others regardless of the life and death, can execute. For this event, solves at the maximum speed, as soon as possible to the family member confession of that group of casualties workers. 否则他也不会在任务中声明,除了首犯必须抓回,其余人不论生死,可以就地处决了。为的就是将此次事件,以最快速度解决,尽早给那群伤亡工人的家属一个交代。 As the matter stands, wins over artisan shinobi village, basically was also the matter of being settled.” “这样一来,将匠忍村拉拢过来,基本上也是板上钉钉的事情了。” The Uchiha word somewhat sobbed. 宇智波言不免有些唏嘘。 As Konoha Shinobi one, he naturally was once clear, as artisan shinobi village of Ninja Tool supplier, what oppressions once encountered Konoha and other shinobi village. 曾经作为木叶忍者的一员,他自然清楚,作为忍具供应商的匠忍村,曾经遭到木叶忍村什么样的压迫。 But at that time handled this matter responsibly, Root organization headed by Danzō. 而当时负责处理这件事的,是以团藏为首的根部组织。 In the extreme approach of that organization, it can be imagined, from artisan shinobi village, received to blow many benefits. 以那个组织的极端做法,可想而知,从匠忍村身上,到底收刮了多少利益。 In addition, other four great nation shinobi village have to involve, to violate contract crime sanction artisan shinobi village, with compared with the price that the cost price must lower, purchases artisan shinobi village Ninja Tool wantonly, squeezes the labor force of artisan shinobi village artisan. 除此之外,其余四个大国忍村也有介入进来,以违反契约罪制裁匠忍村,用比成本价还要低的价格,大肆收购匠忍村忍具,压榨匠忍村工匠的劳动力。 This also directly causes many artisans to be forced to leave artisan shinobi village, in addition the war breaks out, can only flee to does not have the neutral state that the war has to seek asylum. 这也直接导致诸多工匠被迫离开匠忍村,加上战争爆发,只能逃往没有战争存在的中立国家避难。 But Land of Demons by the status in neutral country, took this opportunity at that time, successfully gathered massively the artisan who flees from calamity from artisan shinobi village, trains the technical personnel of Land of Demons military. Now the Land of Demons military many intermediate and senior mechanics, once were the artisan shinobi village elite artisans. 鬼之国当时以中立国的身份,利用好这个机会,成功招揽了大量从匠忍村中逃难的工匠,培养成鬼之国军方的技术人员。如今鬼之国军方不少中高级技工,都曾是匠忍村的精英工匠。 But this time processes four celestial phenomenon people, has not become the diplomatic event with artisan shinobi village noisily, instead very low key deals with, existence of this group of people is also very essential. 而这次处理四天象人,没有和匠忍村闹成外交事件,反而十分低调化进行处理,这群人的存在也十分关键。 Wants them to be able in the following time, protected to be OK. Great nation battlefield grain of ash, on shape with on a small country mountain......, even if mouth emaciated Land of Wind, is not the small country can revolt. Is involved in such battlefield, their sacrifices did not have the significance, but increased some magnificent and pitiful numbers for the war.” “只要他们能够在接下来的时间里,保护好自己就可以了。大国战场的一粒灰,就形同小国头上的一座山……哪怕是嘴孱弱的风之国,也远不是小国可以反抗的。卷入这样的战场,他们的牺牲毫无意义,只是为了战争增添一些华丽又可悲的数字。” In Shiraishi eye cool, from the beginning he had not counted on the small country that these win over, can in the following fight, play the decisive role. 白石眼中澹然,从一开始他就没有指望过这些拉拢过来的小国,可以在接下来的战斗中,起到决定性的作用。 Reason that gives them the technology and weapon, but has certain self-preservation ability for them, as far as possible in the data of war, few number. 之所以给予他们技术和武器,只是为了他们拥有一定的自保能力,尽可能在战争的数据上,少一笔数字。 Really must involve the battlefield of great nation, only by their strengths, but works as the car(riage) in the praying mantis arm. 真要介入大国的战场,仅凭他们的力量,只是在螳臂当车。 This sacrifice, was very inexpensive, did not have too many values. 这种牺牲,十分廉价,也没有太多的价值。 Different from country of emptying country that has the actual aggression and war ambition, artisan shinobi village is hostile to the great nation , because was squeezed was too frigid, has to the voice resistance. 不同于空之国这种具有实际侵略和战争野心的国家,匠忍村之所以敌视大国,是因为被压榨太惨烈了,不得不去发声反抗。 But this voice , can only in dark, in the unexposed drainage, sobs like the mouse. 但这种发声,也只能在黑暗,在不见光的水沟里,如同老鼠呜咽。 Once exposed, will draw on disaster hardship. 一旦见光,就会招来灾厄。 Land of Demons are many in the present time enemy, but the friend are also many, but these friends, mostly do not dare to make the sound, can only pay attention silently. 鬼之国在如今的时代敌人很多,但朋友也很多,只不过这些朋友,大多不敢发出声音,只能默默关注。 In other words, can the war come?” “也就是说,战争又要来了吗?” The Uchiha word sighed spookily. 宇智波言幽幽一叹。 In look dark peaceful, making him think of some not too wonderful recollection. 眼神中的暗澹,让他想到了一些不太美妙的回忆。 For this opportunity, you goes to the mainland to walk randomly, should also discover. Konoha invested into stationing shinobi of border, the quantity increased quietly much.” “借以这个机会,你去大陆中部游走,应该也发现了吧。木叶投入到边境的驻防忍者,数量悄然间增加了不少。” Shiraishi said meaningfully. 白石意味深长说道。 The Uchiha word nods silently. 宇智波言默然点头。 He indeed discovered this fact. 他的确发现了这一个事实。 He once was Konoha Jōnin, naturally understands that this action means anything, although Konoha said to the outside this was the military exercise, but genuine and fake issue, only then Konoha knew. 他曾是木叶上忍,自然明白这个举动意味着什么,虽然木叶对外称这是军事演习,但真假问题,也只有木叶自己知道了。 That, can we also strengthen the defensive strength of border?” “那么,我们也要增强一下边境的防守力量吗?” The Uchiha word asked. 宇智波言问道。 Does not use, Land of Fire in the mainland center, is away from several countries from here after all. So long as Hidden Sand and Hidden Rock do not use as an excuse by the military exercise, the strength of enhancement border Unit shinobi, here holds troops then.” “不用,火之国毕竟是在大陆中心,距离这边还隔着几个国家。只要砂隐岩隐不以军事演习作为借口,增强边境忍者的力量,这边按兵不动即可。” Because if the Konoha border stations the strength to strengthen, Land of Demons on the defensive strength of corresponding enhancement border, rather extremely desirably. 如果因为木叶的边境驻防力量增强,鬼之国就对应增强边境的防守力量,未免太过刻意。 «I Have One Volume of Ghosts and gods Records» 《我有一卷鬼神图录》 But cannot remove Hidden Sand and Hidden Rock will then deploy the army to arrive in the border in secret secretly, the issue in this aspect, you must pay attention especially.” “但是也不能排除砂隐岩隐接下来会在暗中偷偷派遣部队抵达边境,这方面的问题,你要格外注意。” Shiraishi continues to say. 白石继续说道。 Understood.” “明白。” The Uchiha word nods. 宇智波言点头。 Not only he color three people of leading Jōnin, the work of official duty, inspects the Land of Demons frontier security, the military movement of vigilant neighboring country. 他不只是彩三人的带队上忍,本职的工作,也是巡视鬼之国边境安全,警惕邻国的军事动向。 Therefore can carry out task the form, once for a while goes out, essence for the trend on -the-spot investigation various countries, rather than pure to carry out the task in surface. 因此会以执行任务的形式,时不时外出,本质是为了实地调查各国的动向,而不是单纯的为了执行表面上的任务。 Old man is very disappointed about your performance.” “老夫对你的表现很失望。” In the gloomy prison cell, is leaning on the walking stick, is situated in the prison cell center Danzō, with a gloomy solemn face, is facing single knee in oneself front Sai. 阴暗的牢房中,拄着拐杖,立于牢房中心的团藏,用一张阴沉的冷峻面孔,面对着单膝跪在自己面前的左井。 Kneels in Sai of ground, the complexion presents the weak paleness, and body many places, entangled the white medical bandage, to feeling that the person one type will pour momentarily. 跪在地上的左井,脸色呈现出虚弱的苍白,并且身上不少地方,都缠上了白色的医用绷带,给人一种随时会倒下去的感觉。 Perhaps received reproving of Danzō, Sai the pale complexion, became paler. 也许是受到了团藏的训斥,左井本就苍白的脸色,变得更加苍白了。 He deep, as if must bury to earth, even the breath is very painful, but still suppressed this pain, diligently tends to be steady by own breath, displays appearance calmly. 他将头深深底下,似乎要埋到土里似的,即使呼吸十分痛苦,但仍然将这种痛苦压制下来,努力让自己的呼吸趋于平稳,表现出若无其事的样子。 Very sorry, Danzō-sama.” “十分抱歉,团藏大人。” However facing Sai's apology, the Danzō complexion has not only changed for the better, instead seemed gloomier. 然而面对左井的致歉,团藏的脸色不仅没有好转,反而显得更加阴森了。 Jinchūriki is self-evident regarding the importance of village, such accident/surprise, the old man does not want to happen the second time. Consequence that is defeated again, you should be clear, you will be organized to abandon.” 人柱力对于村子的重要性不言而喻,这样的意外,老夫不希望发生第二次。再次失败的后果,你应该清楚的吧,你会被组织抛弃。” The ice-cold words, went into Sai's heart just like the sharp thorn, making him feel choked to death the illusion. 冰冷的话语,宛如尖刺扎进了左井的心脏,让他感到了窒息而死的幻觉。 Although called itself to not to have the sentimental machine orally, existence of official duty, to complete the task, all sentiments, was the burden......, but when facing abandonment such punishment, Sai was afraid inexplicable vacant and as before. 虽然口头上称呼自己为没有感情的机器,本职的存在,是为了完成任务,所有的感情,都是累赘……但是在面对‘抛弃’这样的处罚时,左井依旧感到了莫名的茫然和恐惧。 As from a young age on living of Root organization, by higher authority abandonment, was equal compared with the death also wants cruel sentencing. 作为自小就活在根部组织的自己而言,被上级‘抛弃’,等同于比死亡还要残忍的处刑。 The root is own family/home, is own home to return , is also own significance. 根是自己的家,是自己的归宿,也是自己存在的意义。 Once lost this home to return, this was similar to the fish to leave the water, can only wait for the death on the land slowly. 一旦失去了这个归宿,这就如同鱼儿离开了水,只能慢慢在陆地上等待死亡。 Therefore, even if facing for the first time Sai who the death will not have the dread, in the heart feels the frightened taste. 因此,哪怕是面对死亡都不会产生恐惧心理的左井,心中第一次感受到了恐惧的滋味。 But such fear, will engrave firmly in his gene, often follows the life. 而这样的恐惧,会牢牢刻印在他的基因中,往往伴随一生。 In the final analysis, oneself live the mouse in darkness, once lost Danzō this powerful darkness the asylum, in this world, does not have own foothold again. 说到底,自己只是活在黑暗中的老鼠,一旦失去了团藏这个最强大‘黑暗’的庇护,这个世界上,就再无自己的立足之地。 Yes, Danzō-sama!” “是,团藏大人!” Sai is constraining the fear of innermost feelings, bows the guarantee to Danzō, like this low level wrong, oneself will not offend again. 左井压抑着内心的恐惧,向团藏低头保证,这样的低级错误,自己不会再次触犯。 Without Danzō, without Root, oneself does not go on living, this is a swayed in the present bloody reality. 没有团藏,没有根部,自己活不下去,这是一个摆在眼前的血淋淋现实。 Even if understands that such decision, violates humanity, in people's eyes still is very it seems like laughable. 即使明白这样的决定,违反人道,在常人眼里看来也十分可笑。 But this is the significance that survive. 可这就是自己存活的意义。 Danzō, is in the heart supreme, sacred noble and pure god. 团藏,即是心中至高无上,神圣高洁的‘神’。 As god, in this village, his benefit priority must above Hokage, dominate in all rules, even is village's rule. 作为‘神’,在这个村子里,他的利益优先级要在火影之上,凌驾于一切的规则,甚至是村子本身的规则。 Oneself do not have the name, does not need the name. 自己没有名字,也不需要名字。 False code name that Sai also to complete the task plans to make. 左井也只是为了完成任务而拟造出来的虚假代号。 Oneself are only the root, is the hand and foot of Danzō, is the dark lackey. 自己只是根,是团藏的手足,是黑暗的爪牙。 No one is, is not oneself. 谁都不是,也不是自己。 Does not need the thought that does not need the self- consciousness. 不需要思想,不需要有自我的意识。 For the root, offers all for the Danzō ideal then. 为了根,为了团藏的理想奉献一切即可。 Thinks such matter essence, Sai innermost feelings scared stabilizes rapidly. 想到这样的事情本质,左井内心的恐慌迅速安定下来。 Right, walked to be OK in this dark path. 没错,在这条黑暗的道路走下去就可以了。 Gets down, in view of the fact that you currently have the wound, gives you three days of time to heal from a wound.” “下去吧,鉴于你现在身上有伤,给你三天时间养伤。” The Danzō low eyebrow looked at a Sai, puts out these words from the mouth. 团藏低眉看了一眼左井,从嘴里吐出这一句话。 Sai then silent standing up, like a working machine, obeys the incomparable departure prison cell. 左井便无声的站起,如同一台正在工作的机器,顺从无比的离开牢房。 After Sai leaves, Aburame Torune and Yamanaka wind two people go out, arrives at Danzō about from the shadow of prison cell. 在左井离开后,油女取根山中风两人从牢房的阴影中走出,来到团藏的左右。 As left and right hands who present Danzō most trusts now, is not only representative the loyalty, is representing their ability, must surpass overwhelming majority Root members. 作为如今团藏如今最信赖的左右手,不仅仅代表着忠诚度,也代表着他们二人的能力,要超过绝大部分的根部成员。 Sorry, Danzō-sama, this is my dereliction of duty, I should choose others to enter the seventh class, protects good Jinchūriki. clear(ly) knows that on him a duty failed, but also believes that his ability can make reparations the merit......” “抱歉,团藏大人,这是我的失职,我应该挑选别人去进入第七班,保护好人柱力的。明知道他上一个任务失败,还坚信他的能力能够将功赎罪……” Torune lowers the head to say. 取根低下头说道。 Now does not intertwine to the wrong issue, more importantly Jinchūriki security. The Land of Demons issue, must guard especially, but the organization of that concealed in gloom, cannot the careless general idea/careless. Moreover, this matter dereliction of duty, not only you, Anbu under Tsunade leadership. About this matter, I through the advisory group, will exert pressure on Tsunade, a Root squad, places in the vortex Naruto side. This squad, is led by Teraie. Teraie's ability is not weak in you, the Sai's guard as outwardly on then.” “现在不是纠结对错的问题,重要的是人柱力的安全。鬼之国的问题,要格外进行防范,但那个藏于阴暗中的组织,也不能够马虎大意。而且,这件事失职的不只是你们,还有纲手主导下的暗部。关于这件事,我会通过顾问团,向纲手施压的,将一支根部小队,安插在旋涡鸣人的身边。这个小队,就由寺井去带领的。寺井的能力不弱于你们,左井作为明面上的护卫即可。” Danzō pondered, replied. 团藏思考了一下,进行回答。 After all must say has the mistake, even his Root leader, needs to reconsider own mistake. 毕竟要说有过错,连他这个根部领导者,也需要反思自己的错误。 Teraie? By his ability is a little......” “寺井吗?以他的能力是不是有点……” A Yamanaka wind brow wrinkle. 山中风眉头一皱。 Teraie and they are the same , belonged to Root the outstanding cadre. 寺井和他们一样,也属于根部中优秀的干部了。 Strength very superior, by having qualifications, is their seniors. 本身的实力十分高强,论起资历来,还是属于他们的前辈。 Let such high-level cadre be the guard, rather a little uses a talented person in an insignificant position. 让这样的高层干部去担任护卫,未免有点大材小用。 The Root mass is huge, needs enough management to manage, distributes the duty. 况且,根部体量庞大,需要足够的管理层进行管理,分派任务。 Especially Danzō received the situation of limit now freely, the high-level administrators, seemed especially important. 尤其是团藏如今自由受到限制的情况下,中高层的管理人员,就显得尤为重要了。 Did that is good. Jinchūriki will grow sooner or later, when the time comes withdraws then.” “这么去做就好了。人柱力迟早会成长起来,到时候撤走即可。” The Danzō pupil glittering, does not know that is calculating anything. 团藏眸光闪烁,不知道在计算什么。 Torune and Yamanaka wind, although is surprised, but regarding the order of Danzō, has nothing to hesitate, then nods. 取根山中风虽然感到惊讶,但对于团藏的命令,也没有任何迟疑,便点头下来。 Said how making that duty of your secret execution?” “说起来,让你们秘密执行的那个任务进行如何了?” Danzō turns the head to ask. 团藏转头问道。 That duty...... is seeking at present cautiously, but , collected after numerous efforts finally. In addition, in seeking process, but also discovered the Orochimaru person, exterminated many Orochimaru lackeys.” “那个任务吗……目前正在小心翼翼寻找,不过,经过不懈努力,总算是收集了一些。除此之外,在寻找过程中,还发现了大蛇丸的人,剿灭了不少大蛇丸的爪牙。” Torune replied. 取根进行回答。 Although Orochimaru is powerful, shinobi that but he gives shelter, before Root Elite Shinobi, is not worth mentioning. 尽管大蛇丸本身强大,但他收留的忍者,在根部精锐忍者面前,根本不值得一提。 The result in the open country bumping into, in most situations, is a subordinate of Orochimaru side, by their Root elite wipes out, does not remain. 在野外碰到的结果,大多数情况下,都是大蛇丸一方的部下,被他们根部的精锐全部歼灭,一个不留。 Snort, to that rotten snake period of life time, when the time comes, gets rid of including Uchiha left Zhu again together!” “哼,再给那条烂蛇一段活命时间,到时候,连宇智波左助一起干掉!” In the Danzō eye flashes through together the color of ruthless burning. 团藏眼中闪过一道狠辣之色。 That, Uchiha Itachi that side......” “那么,宇智波鼬那边……” „After Uchiha left Zhu leaves, his standpoint is the variable......, but this type of variable, the best way, utterly destroys fundamentally.” 宇智波左助离开后,他的立场就已经是变数……而这种变数,最好的办法,就是从根本上斩尽杀绝。” If Konoha continues to control Uchiha left Zhu , Uchiha Itachi regarding Konoha, keeps the nature to have the huge value. 如果木叶继续掌控着宇智波左助,那么,宇智波鼬对于木叶而言,留下来自然存在巨大的价值。 After left Zhu knew truth leaves, the loyalty of that Uchiha Itachi, needs to get a question mark. 然而在左助得知真相后离开,那宇智波鼬的忠诚,就需要打上一个问号。 Spy who this type leaves undecided loyally, is similar to by the pharmacist who he abandons wild is the space, needs to clean up. 这种忠诚存疑的间谍,就如同过去被他抛弃掉的药师野乃宇,需要清理。 Present Uchiha Itachi, is the standpoint uncertain sharp blade, the thorn to the enemy, is the thorn to Konoha, has the possibility......, but Root does not need this indefinite possibility exactly. 现在的宇智波鼬,已经是立场不定的利刃,会刺向敌人,还是刺向木叶,都有可能……而根部恰恰不需要这种不确定的可能。 Is indefinite, is the hidden danger, needs to eliminate. 不确定,即是隐患,需要肃清。 Yes.” “是。” In the Torune heart sighed. 取根心中一叹。 Uchiha Itachi without doubt is one blade, gives up, rather pitifully. 宇智波鼬无疑是一把好刀,就这么放弃,未免可惜。 Can be very good to use his surplus value, shares Root without enough time processing the dirty matter. 可以很好利用他的剩余价值,分担一下根部来不及处理的肮脏事情。 But the order of Danzō needs resolutely to carry out, it seems like, with the information channel in that side, needs to shut off. 团藏的命令又需要坚决执行,看来,与那边的信息渠道,也需要切断了。 Later gains the information of that organization, can only start from Orochimaru, or from Jiraya there learning. 以后获取那个组织的情报,只能从大蛇丸这边入手,或者从自来也那里获知。 After all stares at that organization, not only Root, Jiraya Sannin, is paying attention using the Mount Myōboku information channel. 毕竟盯上那个组织,不只是根部,三忍之一的自来也,也利用妙木山的信息渠道关注着。 Moreover, Asami Masumi there does not need to investigate.” “另外,浅美真澄那里不需要去调查了。” End, Danzō made up these words. 末了,团藏补上了这一句话。 The Torune doubts look to Danzō. 取根疑惑看向团藏 Perhaps from the Hokage perspective, present Hospital Konoha vice-president Asami Masumi does not have the too major problem, but by result of Root investigation, how regardless to say that Asami Masumi back, has the indefinite hidden danger. 也许从火影的角度而言,如今的木叶副院长浅美真澄没有太大问题,但以根部调查的结果来看,无论怎么说,那个浅美真澄的背后,都存在着不确定的隐患。 But looks at the meaning of Danzō, as if the idea that the opposite party executes immediately secretly. 而看团藏的意思,似乎也没有要把对方立刻秘密处决掉的想法。 But, after investigation, her fiance Fujisaki martial......” “可是,经过调查,她的未婚夫藤崎武……” Fujisaki martial dies in the hand of old man.” “藤崎武是死在老夫的手里。” Danzō said this astonishing fact. 团藏说出了这一惊人事实。 „?” “?” Torune surprised looks to Danzō. 取根惊讶的看向团藏 On the face of Danzō also appeared color of the recalling. 团藏的脸上也浮现出了一丝追忆之色。 That is one outstanding, and inherited true Will of Fire shinobi, what a pity, the outstanding board game piece also eventually is a board game piece. When this board game piece knows are too many, darkness that’ involves, when goes far beyond the range that Hokage can process, Hokage will also become darkness harbor and accomplice. Then, waits for the board game piece destiny naturally was only left over one.” “那是一个优秀的,并且继承了真正火之意志忍者,可惜,再优秀的棋子也终究是棋子。当这颗棋子知道了太多,牵扯出来的‘黑暗’,也远远超过火影可以处理的范围时,火影也将成为‘黑暗’的包庇者与共犯。那么,等待棋子命运的自然只剩下一个了。” Was saying this does not know is the ridicule, is the sigh with emotion words, in the Danzō eye brings some regretting. 说着这一句不知是讥讽,还是感慨的话,团藏眼中带着某种惋惜。 Torune and Yamanaka wind is silent. 取根山中风沉默下来。 Danzō-sama, that Fujisaki martial was three generations of items placed in the past in the Root spy......” 团藏大人,那位藤崎武难道是三代目过去安插在根部的间谍……” Although is the question, but Torune and Yamanaka wind actually determined anything probably. 虽是疑问,但取根山中风却像是确定了什么。 According to the record in Root, past three generations of items to limit the development of Root, once was secret in own subordinate subordinate, the secret trains a group of spies, and instructed that they sneak Root, collects the Root information, monitors the Root trend, achieves to limit the Root goal by this. 根据根部中的记录,过去三代目为了限制根部的发展,曾秘密在自己的直属部下中,秘密训练一批间谍,并指示他们潜入根部,收集根部的情报,监视根部的动向,以此达到限制根部的目的。 However this is in the high levels, in power struggle that the silence produces, therefore on had not caused anything to affect at that time outwardly, even most Jōnin know nothing, has not disseminated in the people ear, after becoming the food, discussed. 不过这是属于高层间,在无声无息间产生的权力争斗,因此当时并未在明面上造成什么影响,甚至大部分的上忍都对此一无所知,也没有传播到民众耳中,成为饭后谈点。 In the record of Root, there is such a vacancy spy war history...... only to record these to submerge the sacrifice personnel number of Root spy, but its process, the name of fall guy, three generations of items whether eventually achieved own political objective, Root lost many, has not recorded completely. 根部的记录中,有那么一段空缺的间谍战历史……只记载了那些潜入根部间谍的牺牲人员数目,而其经过,牺牲者的名字,三代目最终是否达成了自己的政治目的,根部损失了多少,全部都没有记录。 Except that participated in the core Root member at that time actually, perhaps to that Root history, knows nothing. 除了当时实际参与其中的核心根部成员,恐怕都对那段根部的历史,都一无所知吧。 Danzō had not denied, has not approved, but stated with the extremely tranquil tone: 团藏对此没有否认,也没有认可,只是用极为平静的语气陈述: Old man is giving him as Konoha Shinobi, final dignity...... that is all.” “老夫是在给予他作为一名木叶忍者,最后的体面……仅此而已罢了。” Then, Danzō closed the eye, does not know that is thinking anything. 说完,团藏闭上了眼睛,不知道在想着什么。
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