Howevertothen the possiblefight, Temarialso the right handaccording to the followingthree starsfan, at any timestanding by.
但是为了接下来可能发生的战斗,手鞠也将右手按在了后面的三星扇,随时准备战斗。Even ifencounters the criticalsituation, Temari can still processself-confidently.
即使遇到危急的情况,手鞠也自信能够处理。According to the strength, shehas achieved the Chūninrank, even if the singleaction, shethinksin the examinee, stillfewindividualscanpose the threattooneself.
按照实力,她早已经达到了中忍级别,即使是单人行动,她认为考生之中,也没有几个人能够对自己造成威胁。Climbs upto the giantsandstoneblockpeak, revealshalfheadslightly, veryrelaxedoverlookedfrom the high place, sawbelowscene.
攀爬到巨大砂岩块的顶端,微微露出半个脑袋,很轻松的从高处俯视,看到了下方的场景。Sees onlythreeyoungmaleexaminees, correct useis pinchingownthroat, ingroundpainkunaicompared withswaying back and forth, along withintensechokes the waterto do, coughsunceasingly the salivafrom the mouth, sprinklesonnearbysand.
The sound of drowning, thensends outfromhere.
溺水的声音,便是从这里发出的。ThatisGenin of Hidden Cloudvillage. Temariseeshere, instantaneouslyfromtheirclothingandheadband, recognizingthesethreemaleexamineesisGenin of Hidden Cloudvillage.
那是云隐村的下忍。手鞠看到这里,瞬间从他们的服装和护额,认出这三名男性考生是云隐村的下忍。InthreeHidden CloudGeninnot far away, the eye-catchingthreateningformstands and waits for a long timetogether there.
在三名云隐下忍的不远处,一道夺目逼人的身影伫立在那里。Red and whitewitchclothing/taking, a pitch-blackbright and beautifullong hair, with the windhowevermoves.
红白的巫女服,还有一头乌黑亮丽的长发,随风而动。Twoarmsverynaturallets fall, inherright hand, takes a bamboo tube that turns on the plug.
两条手臂很是自然的垂落下来,在她的右手中,拿着一个打开塞子的竹筒。In the bamboo tube, pastedcompletely the incantationsymbol, surrounded the bamboo tube.
在竹筒上,贴满了咒符,将竹筒包围住。Conceivable, utensil that is not used to drink water, butissomespecialNinja Tool.
The opposite partyskinfaireven/includingasgirlTemarimustenvy, stance that both eyesclose, showing the stance of indifferent the dust, probablyinstorypicture book‚dayfemale’, unearthlygeneral.
对方皮肤白皙的连身为女生的手鞠都要嫉妒不已,双目闭紧的姿态,展现出一副淡然出尘的姿态,像是故事绘本中的‘天女’,不食人间烟火一般。SheisLand of DemonsGenin, isshedoes? Temarinarrows the eye, whydoes not know, whengazing atthisageyoung1 or 2-year-oldwitchyoung girl, alwaysonetypemadeherfeelfearful and apprehensive.
她是鬼之国的下忍,是她做的吗?手鞠眯起眼睛,不知道为什么,在注视这名年纪比自己小一两岁的巫女少女时,总有一种令她心惊肉跳的感觉。From the situation, thisLand of DemonsGenin, afterthreeGenin of Hidden Cloudvillageencounter, in the bewilderedmethodoverpoweredthreepeople.
从现场的局势来看,这名鬼之国的下忍,和云隐村的三名下忍遭遇后,以莫名其妙的手段制服了三人。At leastfrom the Temariperspective, shedoes not know that completelythisLand of DemonsGeninyoung girl, usedwhatmethod, makingthreeHidden CloudGeninvery painfulsway back and forthon the sand.
至少从手鞠的角度来看,她完全不知道这位鬼之国的下忍少女,用了什么手段,让三名云隐下忍痛苦不堪的在沙地上打滚。PonderedinTemari when the followingsituationreturnstowardwhichdirectiondevelops, suddenlythreeHidden CloudGeninexudeextremelyfrigidcalling outsound.
就在手鞠思考,接下来的局势回朝哪个方向发展时,忽然三名云隐下忍发出极为惨烈的嚎叫声。Has anything to fleeundertheirskins, makingtheirbodiesstartto present the strangedistortionstance, evenheard the appallingbonebreaksound.
The innumerablebloodsplatterfromthreeHidden CloudGeninbodyeachpore.
无数的鲜血从三名云隐下忍的身体各个毛孔中喷溅而出。Just like the innumerableblood-colorflowers, sprinklesfrom the sky, splutteredplace.
This incomparablybeautifulbloodyscene, letsTemarishockingstared wide-eyed.
这无比妖艳血腥的场景,让手鞠震惊的瞪大眼睛。What happened?
发生了什么事?Whywill turn intothisappearance?
为什么会变成这种样子?What did shemake?
她做了什么?In the Temarimindnon-stopflashing throughthesequestions.手鞠脑海里不停闪过这些疑问。Sprinklesa lot ofbloodonsand, startsto have the bulge of life, a little bitcleanwaterdropis separatedfrom the blood, a little bitgathers, laterprobably the water snake, such as the lightningin the midairspeeds along, charges into the witchyoung girl, entersinherright handto paste the fullspellin the bamboo tube.
Is thatalsoNinjutsu? Temarihas a not being able to saystrangefeeling.
The ability of thiswitch was really strange.
The water current that is separatedfrom the blood, the luster and ordinary waterhave no difference, butactuallyfloods very richblood smell.
Like her the sand of younger brotherGaaracontrol, insidefloods the revoltingbloodyflavor, covers entirely the fearsomemurderous intention.
就和她弟弟我爱罗控制的沙子一样,里面充斥令人作呕的血腥味道,布满可怖的杀机。Thisfellowis notIcancope, mustgo backto convergewiththem. InTemariheartsecretly thought.
这家伙不是我能对付的,必须回去和他们两个汇合。手鞠心中暗道。Here a personis treatingalone, does not have the security sense.
在这里一个人单独待着,丝毫没有安全感。Whenshehas the idea of evacuation, belowwitchyoung girldoes not know when vanished, onlystays behind the footprint there.
在她有撤离的想法时,下方的巫女少女不知什么时候消失了,只留下脚印在那里。Oh no! Seeshere, whichTemarihas not known that ownpositionhas exposed.
糟糕!看到这里,手鞠哪还不知道自己的位置已经暴露了。Extracts the backfanwithout hesitation, turns aroundtraversein the front.
A palmbeat severelyagainon the fan.
The Temaribodyshakes, the complexion is also pale, the back and hardsandstonehitruthlesslyin the same place, the mouthsend outslightlypainfullytogetherstuffy.手鞠身体一震,脸色也随之苍白,背部和坚硬的砂岩狠狠撞在一起,嘴里发出一道略微痛苦的闷哼。Shuts tightly the both eyeswitchyoung girlto appearbeforeherunemotional the face, as if the deceased person is the same, could not see that heranymoodchanges.
紧闭双目的巫女少女出现在她面前面无表情的脸孔,就仿佛死人一样,看不出她任何的情绪变化。Temaridoes not wantto sit waiting for death, makes an effortto launch the three starsfan on hand.手鞠不想要坐以待毙,用力展开手上的三星扇。
The witchyoung girlas ifdetected that anything, the bodyjumpedimmediatelybackward, spreads outwithTemari.
巫女少女似乎察觉到了什么,身体立马向后一跳,与手鞠拉开距离。„Do not wantto escape!”
The three starsfan that Temariwill launchmakes an effortto wieldtoward the front.手鞠将展开的三星扇向着前方用力一挥。„Fūton (Wind Style)sickleItachi!”
The strong windscurl up, the innumerablesandare involved in the storm, the dazzling whitesparkingairbladealsomixesto be one of them, goestoward the bodyattack of witchyoung girl.
The witchyoung girlis unhurriedly, tears off the bamboo tubeplug in hand, makes an effortto fling.
The gratingwailingsoundwreaks havoc.
刺耳的尖啸声肆虐而起。Is samefrom the bamboo tubelike the electric lightjust like the water current of water snake, the instantaneouslasinggoes out, changes into the visibleentity, will fire intoownairbladeto separatecompletely.
After separatingairblade, the water currenthas the lifeconsciousnessto be the same probably, regardinginall around of witchyoung girl, conducts the floatmovement, as ifonheronHagoromo of water.
弹开空气刀刃之后,水流像是具有生命意识一样,围绕在巫女少女的四周,进行浮游移动,仿佛在她身上着上一件水之羽衣。„Yourthisfellow, usedat all is notNinjutsu, butis the witch the witchcraft of meeting?”
“你这家伙,用的根本不是忍术,而是巫女才会的巫术吧?”Temariis flowing the cold sweatat this time, squeezes a smilefrom the facereluctantly, saidto the presentyoung girlinquiry.手鞠此时流着冷汗,从脸上勉强挤出一丝笑容,对眼前的少女询问道。Startsto escape latest chapteraddressfromKonoha: https://
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