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The rainstormis continuous.
暴雨连绵。tallTanei the atmosphereactuallyseemsverypeaceful.
高塔内的氛围却显得十分安静。On the corridorhears the dexterousactuallyveryclearsound of footsteps, before arriving at a roomgate, soundedthreein the gate, in the roomthenbroadcast a masculinesound:
走廊上传来轻巧却很清晰的脚步声,走到一个房间门前,在门上敲响了三下,屋内便传来了一道男性的声音:„IsKonan? Comes.”
“是小南吗?进来吧。”Obtainsin the roompermission of person, Konanthentwists the doorknob, the dooropens.
得到屋内之人的允许,小南这才拧动门把,将门打开。In the roomonly then a Nagatoperson, the opposite partyas ifjustended the midday nap, headhairstylesomewhatis slightly scattered in disorder, the bodyalsoonlywears the long-sleeved blouse and graytrousers, the uniform/subdue of dawnplacesonnearbyclothes rackat will, has not put on.
房间里面只有长门一人,对方似乎刚刚结束午睡,头上的发型微微有些散乱,身上也只穿着长袖衬衫和灰色长裤,晓的制服随意放在一旁的衣架上,没有穿着起来。„Youprobably very tiredappearance, was Nagato, the bodywas recently uncomfortable?”
“你最近好像很累的样子,长门,是身体不舒服吗?”Asking that Konancares about.小南关心的问道。As the Hidden Raincore, Nagatoanyissue, in the Konanheart, placesfirst, evencompares toownlife more important..
作为雨隐的核心,长门的任何问题,在小南心中,都是放在第一位,甚至比起自己的生命更为重要。。„Doesn't matter, was onlyrecentlybecause of the restoredemonresembles, in addition the cultivationis also too far, becomesneedsto rest. ThenIwill pay attention to the body.”
“没有关系,只是最近因为修复魔像,加上修炼也有点过头,才变得需要休息。接下来我会注意一下身体的。”Nagatoshakes the head, hintsKonannot to needforhimto be worried.长门摇了摇头,示意小南不用为他担心。PracticesYin-Yang Release, fusedbeginning of generation of HokageWood Stylecells, onlydepending on the bodyintensity, inNinja World, fewshinobicancompare favorablywith.
The exhaustion of thisdegree, rested to get back.
“不要勉强自己。”Konannodded, afterspeakingthese words, thenhas not pesteredin the topic, butreports an informationtoNagato:小南点了点头,在说完这句话后,便没有在话题上纠缠下去,而是向长门汇报一个信息:„ItachiandKisametheycame back.”
“鼬和鬼鲛他们两人回来了。”Nagatotakes up the movement of coatuniform/subdueto stopslightly, the deflectionis excessive, opens the mouthto ask:长门拿起外套制服的动作微微停顿下来,偏转过头,开口问道:„Four?”
“四尾呢?”„Actionis very successful, Four-Tailed Jinchūrikioldpurplebytheir two peoplewas brought, to imprisoninPainsmoothly‚’insidethatvacant room.”
“行动很成功,四尾人柱力老紫被他们二人顺利带回来了,正囚禁在‘佩恩’旁边的那间空房中。”Konanreplied.小南回答。„It seems likeDanzōthatfellowhas not added inflammatory detailsinthiscooperation, savedmanytroublesactually.”
“看来团藏那家伙没有在这次的合作中添油加醋,倒是省了不少麻烦。”Nagatorelaxesprobably.长门像是松了一口气。ThisAkatsukicatchesfour, has a DanzōRootmerit.
这次晓组织捕捉四尾,其中也有团藏根部的一份功劳。WithoutDanzōRootis the clueinformation that Akatsukiprovides, wantsto seizeoldbyFour-Tailed Jinchūriki that Hidden Rockmonitorspurple, perhapsonlysets out a member of group, isnot enough.
Before for several years , after Five-Tailed Jinchūrikiis missing, the Hidden RockvillagetoFour-Tailed Jinchūriki that in the villageonlysaves, improved the control management. Even ifNagatotwo peoplestrengths to ItachiandKisameis confident, but onlytwopeople, wantto conduct the upfrontconflictwithHidden Rockvillagehugeshinobi villageorganization, thatstillratherextremelylooks down on the background of thesegreat nations.
数年前五尾人柱力失踪之后,岩隐村就对村子里仅存的四尾人柱力,加强了控制管理。即使长门对鼬和鬼鲛两人的实力充满信心,但只有两个人,就想要和岩隐村这个庞大的忍村机构进行正面冲突,那也未免太过小瞧这些大国的底蕴。Indozensyears, Land of Rainhas sought livehoodin the crevices of fires, earthandwindthreegreat nationsdifficultly, Nagato is very clearthesegreat nationshinobi villagemilitary powers.
数十年里,雨之国一直在火、土、风三大国的夹缝之间艰难求生,长门很清楚这些大国忍村的军事力量。Is goodto unite the Chūnin Testmatter, involved the part of attention of Hidden Rockvillage, in additionRootin secretactive, providedabout the Four-Tailed Jinchūrikioldpurplereliableinformationclue, so long asDanzōdoes not use deceptioninthistransaction, AkatsukicatchesFour-Tailed Jinchūrikioldpurple is the matter of being settled.
好在联合中忍考试的事情,牵扯了岩隐村的一部分注意力,加上根部的暗中活跃,提供了关于四尾人柱力老紫可靠的情报线索,只要团藏不在这次的交易中弄虚作假,晓组织捕获四尾人柱力老紫便是板上钉钉的事情。„Danzōis conspiring the Fifth Hokageposition, hedoes not hope that caused complicationsatthis kind of time, hisagewas also big. Missesthistime, has not become the Hokageopportunityagain.”
“团藏正在密谋第五代火影的位置,他也不希望在这种时候节外生枝吧,况且他的年岁也不小了。错过这一次,就再也没有成为火影的机会。”„No matter howsaid,fourpresenthas succeeded in obtaining, thatsteps upsealto get up, thenlatecauses trouble.”
“不管怎么说,四尾现在已经到手了,那就加紧封印起来吧,迟则生变。”Nagatowore the coaton the body, saidtoKonan.长门将外套穿在了身上,对小南说道。„Yourbody......”
“你的身体……”„Don't worry, is onlysealBijuu (Tailed Beast), in less thanmymanyChakra, let alone, the help of othermembers. Gets upBijuu (Tailed Beast)sealas early as possible, here can also feel at easemuch.”
“不用担心,只是封印一头尾兽,用不了我多少查克拉,何况,还有其余成员的帮助。趁早将尾兽封印起来,我这里也能安心不少。”Nagatoreferred toownchest.长门指了指自己的心口。So long asBijuu (Tailed Beast)does not haveseal, inGedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path)thisinvessel that holdsBijuu (Tailed Beast), onedayhas the seizedrisk.
只要尾兽没有封印在外道魔像这个容纳尾兽的容器中,就一天存在被人夺走的风险。HoweveronceBijuu (Tailed Beast)enteredGedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path), thatentireNinja World, except forhavingRinneganhim, does not have the secondpersonto makeBijuu (Tailed Beast)be separatedagainfromGedō Mazō (Demonic Statue of the Outer Path), regains the freedom.
“我知道了。”„Thatthen the preparatory work, callsallmembers, sealBijuu (Tailed Beast).”
“那接下来就去准备工作吧,把所有成员召集回来,封印尾兽。”Konannods, will turn aroundto leave the room, suddenlyrememberedanything, saidtoNagato: „Right, Orochimaruthatfellowas ifranLand of Windto go, canalsocallhim?”小南点头,正要转身离开房间,忽然想起了什么,对长门说道:“对了,大蛇丸那家伙似乎跑风之国去了,要把他也叫回来吗?”„Land of Wind?”
A Nagatobrowwrinkle, the loosenlauncheslater.长门眉头一皱,随后松展开来。„The words that Ihave not remembered incorrectly, the news that according to the great nationreleases, Land of Windunites the Chūnin Testsecondtestlocation.”
“我没记错的话,根据大国放出来的消息,风之国是联合中忍考试的第二个考试场地。”„Yes, the testplaceisinLand of Windfamous‚the desert of demon’, it is saidthereoncewasbeing situatedplace of ancientcity, evennow, is still preserving the part of vestiges in ancientcity. Does Orochimaruwantto look forwhatthing there?”
“是的,考试地点是风之国境内有名的‘魔之沙漠’,据说那里曾经是一处古代城市的坐落地,即便是如今,也保留着古代城市的一部分遗迹。难道说,大蛇丸是想要在那里寻找什么东西吗?”Konanguessed.小南猜测道。Orochimaruiscravesin the self-interest, andshinobi that implementsthoroughlythisexplorationunknownpleasure, like‚the desert of demon’thisLand of Windvestige that has the long history, is very suitableto take the Orochimaruhuntinggoal.大蛇丸是个热衷于自我兴趣,并且把这种探索未知的乐趣彻底贯彻下去的忍者,像‘魔之沙漠’这种具有悠久历史的风之国遗迹,很适合作为大蛇丸的狩猎目标。„Youmade a mistake, Konan, Mr.Orochimaruis not interestedto the vestige in desert of demon, thatdefensive powerweakplace, it is estimated thathehas explored. Hepasses , because inexaminee, there is‚thing that’hewantsurgently.”
“东西?”Konanknits the brows.小南皱眉。„Mr.Orochimaruas iftodefeatingthismatteronItachi, harbors very deepobstruction. Histheseyears, althoughwallowsYu Changshengto study, butregarding the study of Sharingan, had not given up. Toidea that Itachirevenges, has becomeholdsto readhis.”
“大蛇丸先生似乎对败在鼬手上这件事,怀有很深的芥蒂。他这些年来虽然沉迷于长生研究,但对于写轮眼的钻研,也一直没有放弃。向鼬报仇的想法,已经成为了他内心的执念。”Especiallyafterknowingrelation between SharinganandRinnegan, Nagatoknows, the Orochimaruinnermost feelings, have had a more powerfulambition.
尤其是在知道了写轮眼和轮回眼之间的联系之后,长门知道,大蛇丸的内心,已经产生了更为强大的野心。Butthisambition, will urge the expansionaction that Orochimarucan not help.
而这种野心,会驱使大蛇丸情不自禁的展开行动。Therefore, looks likeinNagato, Orochimaruinthisspecial period, goes to the goal of desert of demonto only haveone-
因此,在长门看来,大蛇丸在这个特殊时期,前往魔之沙漠的目的只有一个-„Uchiha Sasuke! Mr.OrochimaruwantsUchiha SasukeSharingan, thenobtainsItachiSharingan, twopairs of the Sharinganfusion that has the blood relationto relate, forms a higherlevelSharingan.”
“宇智波佐助!大蛇丸先生想要得到宇智波佐助的写轮眼,然后再得到鼬的写轮眼,将两对有着血亲联系的写轮眼融合,形成更高层次的写轮眼。”Nagatolaid bareOrochimaruto go to the goal of desert of demon.长门一语道破大蛇丸前往魔之沙漠的目的。„Hedoesn't manageonsuchignores?”
“就这样放任他不管吗?”Konanasked.小南问道。Nagatoknows that worry of Konan, because of the pastYahikomatter, has joineddawnmattertoOrochimarusimultaneously, takes to heart.长门知道小南的担忧,同时因为过去弥彦的事情,一直对大蛇丸加入晓这件事,耿耿于怀。MustsayinAkatsuki, whoalertheartto the Orochimaruis heaviest, without doubtisKonan.
要说晓组织里面,谁对大蛇丸的戒备心最重,无疑是小南。„Along withhimgoes, thisisMr.Orochimaruindividualmatter, Iwill not goto interfere. Moreover, hisstrengthis stronger, to us is also a good deed. BecauseIdo not feelItachi, candefeatUchiha Ruri. Uchiha Ruri is not only Mangekyō Sharinganwielder, but also is skilled inSenjutsu. Defeats the spotbeginninggeneration of Hokage, will useSenjutsushinobi. Thatis an extremelyfearfulandmysteriousstrength, is differentfrom the conventionaltechnique.”
“随他去吧,这是大蛇丸先生个人的事情,我不会去进行干涉。而且,他的实力越强,对于我们来说也是一件好事。因为我不觉得鼬,可以打败宇智波琉璃。宇智波琉璃不仅是万花筒写轮眼的持有者,还精通仙术。击败斑的初代火影,也是会使用仙术的忍者。那是一种极为可怕而神秘的力量,不同于常规的术。”Nagatosaidownview.长门说出自己的看法。„This? However, thatneedUchiha SasukealsoawakenedMangekyō Sharingan, hasthispossibility.”
“这样吗?不过,那需要宇智波佐助也觉醒了万花筒写轮眼,才有这个可能吧。”„Howthatwaslooks atMr.Orochimaruownmethod, since here hehas not informed, representedhimnot to wantAkatsukito have a hand to meddle, thisishisprivatematter. IfImeddledin the past, ratheris not tactful.”
“那就是看大蛇丸先生自己的手段如何了,他既然没有通知这边,就代表他本人不希望晓组织插手进去,这是属于他的私人事情。要是我过去插手,就未免太不识趣了。”„Hopes that hedoes not be noisy the matterat the appointed time. Howeverhealso is really, goes toLand of Windinthistypeat crucial moment.”
“希望他到时别把事情闹大吧。不过他也真是的,偏偏在这种关键时候前往风之国。”KonanloathesOrochimaru, butalsohas toapprove, nowOrochimarucould nothaveanyaccident/surprise.小南厌恶大蛇丸,但也不得不认同,现在大蛇丸还不能出现任何意外。„Becausethisishecanonly the direct contactUchiha Sasukeopportunity, when the thirdtestopens, the examineesgo toLand of Demons, heagainnotto the opportunity that Uchiha Sasukestarted.”
“因为这是他唯一可以直接接触宇智波佐助的机会,等到第三场考试开幕,考生们前往鬼之国,他就再也没有对宇智波佐助下手的机会了。”Haslarge shortfallLand of FireandLand of Windto be different from the national defenseability, the Land of Demonsprotectionsystemis very powerful, Orochimarugoes tothere, without doubtis the extreme danger, withsuicidingdoes not have anydifference.
和国防能力存在巨大缺口的火之国、风之国不同,鬼之国的防备系统十分强大,大蛇丸前往那里,无疑是羊入虎口,和寻死没有任何区别。SneaksabilityextremelystrongWhite Zetsu, theseyearsdo not know that left behindmanyskeletonin the Land of Demonsplacebottom, cannot hitto the present1 : 00 water splash.
潜入能力极强的白绝,这些年来不知道在鬼之国的地底留下了多少具尸骨,到现在一点水花都打不出来。Gradually, NagatotopryingLand of Demonsinformationmatter, totallygave up.
久而久之,长门就对刺探鬼之国情报这件事,彻底放弃了。With the method of thistype of heresy, simplydoes not have the meansto vacillateinternalstability of Land of Demons, will only consumeownstrengthfor no reason, the gain does not equal the loss.
用这种旁门左道的手段,根本没办法动摇鬼之国的内部稳定,只会平白无故的消耗自身的力量,得不偿失。„It seems likeindeedisthis. Iarrange the seallocationnow, butyou, ifthought that the bodyextremely, postponestomorrow'ssealreluctantly.”
“看来的确是这样。那我现在就去布置封印场地了,但是你要是觉得身体太过勉强的话,推迟到明天封印也可以。”Konanspokethese words, not loathsomedepartureroom.小南说完这句话,就不拖泥带水的离开房间。AfterKonanwalks, NagatothoughtsalreadynotinOrochimaruthere.
在小南走后,长门的心思已经不在大蛇丸那里。To him, the Orochimarustrengthis enhanced, was far less than that his ownstrengthgrows strongerthismatter more important.
对于他来说,大蛇丸实力增强,远不如他自己实力变强这件事更加重要。Theseyear of Land of Raincompanionswith the innumerablesacrifices, awakened the truth in hisheartapproving, makinghimrealizetruly, the diplomacybetween countries, was a powerfulsideoccupies the leading powerforever.
这些年雨之国的同伴用无数的牺牲,唤醒了他心中所认可的真理,让他真正意识到,国与国之间的外交,永远都是强大的一方占据主导权。AlthoughhewithOrochimaruis a collaborator, buthewill not place the truehopeis noton the bystander of person on one's own side.
他虽然和大蛇丸是合作者,但他不会把真正的希望放在一个不是自己人的外人身上。Asking others for helpto might as wellaskoneself.
求人不如求己。Only thenoneselfgrow stronger, caninternationallywin the right to speak.
只有自己变强,才能在国际上获得话语权。IfOrochimaruthreatened the Land of Rainsecuritywhen the time comes, then, even the collaborator, hewill still be relentlessto act, conducted thoroughwriting off.
The Land of Rainpeace, can only seekwith the military force.雨之国的和平,只能用武力来求取。Anycompromiseandmaking concessions, will only encourage the rampant arrogance of enemy, lets the person on one's own sideby the oppression and humiliation.
任何的妥协和退让,都只会助长敌人的嚣张气焰,让自己人饱受压迫与欺凌。As for the so-calledworld peace, thatis the Land of Rainpeace, after the strengthen, matter that needsto consider.
至于所谓的世界和平,那是雨之国和平,变强之后才需要去考虑的事情。Thereforeto a certain extent, heapproves the approach of someman.
所以在某种程度上,他认同某个男人的做法。Is first powerfulitsstrength, after saving the sufficientstrength, thenconsiders the matter of other country.
先强大本国的实力,等到积蓄足够的力量后,再去考虑他国的事情。Thisis a methodicalprocess. Cannothaveanyinversion and mistakeabsolutely.
这是一个循序渐进的过程。绝对不能出现任何的颠倒与差错。Therefore, the peace that hewantsto establish, can only takeLand of Rainas the world peace of timecore. Rather thanbyLand of Fire, byLand of Earth, byLand of Lightningwait/etccountryleadership under peace.
因此,他想要建立的和平,只能是以雨之国为时代核心的世界和平。而非以火之国,以土之国,以雷之国等等国主导下的和平。Inclosesin the issue of countrylife and deathlike thislong-drawn-out, Nagatois unable againto becomebyoneselfnaive.
在这样悠关自己国家生死存亡的问题上,长门无法再让自己变得天真。„ChibaShiraishi...... andcompared withthesegreat nations, youandLand of DemonsareLand of Rain‚peace’onpath, most fearfulenemy!”
The Land of Demonspeace, is not the Land of Rainpeace.鬼之国的和平,并不是雨之国的和平。Similarly, peacetimecentered onLand of Rain, is not the peace that Land of Demonswants.
同样,以雨之国为核心的和平时代,也不是鬼之国想要的和平。Eachsovereignty, the benefit, mustachievenot to yield an inch every minute, fights to the last drop of blood.
The 2nd day.
第二日。Restedlateover a hundredexamineesin the desertfort, has adjustedbestowncondition, the physical strengthandChakraalsorestoreto the prosperouscondition.
在沙漠要塞中休息了一晚的上百名考生,已经将自己的状态调整到最佳,体力和查克拉也恢复到鼎盛状态。In the morninggets uptime, oneachfaceis brimming with the self-confidentlook.
早上起来的时候,各个脸上都洋溢着自信的神色。Fiveo'clockget out of bed, washingputting on clothes, as well asin the restaurantwith the breakfast, altogetherspends for a halfhour.
五点钟起床,洗漱穿衣,以及在餐厅里用早餐,一共花费半个小时时间。5 : 30 times, under the direction of JōninexaminerBaki, arrives at in sidefront door of desertfort.
五点半的时候,在上忍主考官马基的指挥下,来到沙漠要塞的里侧大门。Opensafter the fortblack ironcity gate in side, onlysaw that cannot look at the sidebigcity wall, encircles a giantcircularsand duneterritoryon the desert.
在里侧的要塞黑铁城门打开后,只看到一眼望不到边的高大城墙,在沙漠上围成一个巨大的圆形沙丘领地。Thissand duneterritory, topographyfluctuatingis uncertain, a lot ofsandstones of decency, withoutruleoptionalis scattered in disorder.
这块沙丘领地,地势起伏不定,风化的大量砂岩,没有规则的随意散乱开来。Indistant placedimsandstorm, but can also seeto be similar the Yucheng Townstyleindistinctly the ruinsshadow, thatwasverylong agoalready the ancientvestige that left uncultivated.
The desert of demon.
魔之沙漠。Is the name of thisstretch of area.
是这片地区的名字。Thisdesert landdegree of hazard, evenGenin of Hidden Sand village, will still feel afraid.
这处沙漠地带的危险程度,即便是砂隐村的下忍,也会感到不寒而栗。Wantswithout the woundthroughthisdangerousincomparablearea, it is saidChūnin is also very difficultto achieve.
想要无伤通过这种危险无比的地区,据说中忍也很难做到。Only thenJōnincantrulynot have the woundto crossinthisdangerousenvironment.
只有上忍才能真正无伤在这种危险的环境中横穿过去。Arrives on the sandstormintermittentsand, the skydawn, the weatheris dim, the temperature in airis not high, insteadsomewhatice-cold, but the examinees are very sufficiently energetic, no onereveals the drowsystance.
来到风沙阵阵的沙地上,天空蒙蒙亮,天色黯淡,空气中的温度并不高,反而有些冰冷,但考生们都很精神充足,没有一人露出自己昏昏欲睡的姿态。Early that the secondtest that in order togreetlaunchesthis morning, theyrestedlast night, raises the fullspirit.
为了迎接今天早上展开的第二场考试,昨晚他们都休息的很早,养足精神。Bakiand othernumerousgreat nationJōnin, stoodinfront of examinees, intheirfront, placedfurniture, on the tableis puttingto set pen to paperwithonegroup of copy clerks.马基等一众大国上忍,站在了考生们的前面,在他们前方,摆放着一副桌椅,桌子上放着笔和一堆文书。Bakiwent outfrom the Jōninformation, took a fast look aroundfull of vigorexamineesoneeyes, coughed, saidwith the resoundingsound: „Hereis the desert of demon, must conduct the secondtestlater the place. The four sides range of desert, takes the fenceas the boundary, if there is examineeactivitiesto surpass the city wallat the appointed time, deprives the testqualificationsimmediately.”马基从上忍的队列中走出,扫视了精神饱满的考生们一眼,才咳嗽一声,用响亮的声音说道:“这里是魔之沙漠,也是待会儿要进行第二场考试的地点。沙漠的范围,以四面的围墙为界限,如果到时有考生活动范围超过城墙,就立马取消考试资格。”
The examineeslookregardingagainliving in the circularbigfence of thisarid region, becausecannot lookside, thereforeis unable to estimate the range of desert of demonconcretelybig.
考生们再次看着围绕住这块沙漠地区的圆形高大围墙,因为一眼望不到边,所以也无法估测魔之沙漠的范围具体有多大。Asukalooked at the color, the coloris openingByakugan, is shaking the headtoAsuka, evenhisByakugan, is unable to peep the specific scope of desert of demon. Moreover, Byakugan the observedrange, likely is only the smallpart of desert of demon.飞鸟看了看彩,彩睁着白眼,对着飞鸟摇了摇头,即便是他的白眼,也无法全窥魔之沙漠的具体范围。而且,白眼所观测到的范围,很可能只是魔之沙漠的一小部分。Land of Windvast territory with a sparse population, even ifseveralyears ago cededlandtoLand of Demons, the land that butpreservesnow, the areain the great nation, can still arrangeto the front rowsimilarly.风之国地广人稀,即使几年前割让了一块土地给鬼之国,但现在保存的土地,面积在大国之中,也同样能排到前列。
The desert of demonis usedto test the Geninabilityas the Hidden Sand village the specialarea, the locationrange, will not compareForest of Death that Hidden Leaf Villageis famous to be small. Perhapsonitsarea, mustsurpassKonohaForest of Death.
魔之沙漠作为砂隐村用来考验下忍能力的特殊地区,场地范围,不会比木叶村著名的死亡森林要小。就其面积来看,恐怕还要超过木叶的死亡森林。But the Forest of Deathradiusistenkilometers, 20 km in diameter, if the desert of demonexceedsthisrange, do not say more than 100examinees, are many a time of examinee, has room forenoughdisplayinthisdesert.
而死亡森林半径有十公里,直径20公里,如果魔之沙漠超过这个范围的话,不要说一百多名考生,再多一倍的考生,在这块沙漠也有足够的发挥空间。„The rule of testis very simple, herehastwoscrolls, is divided into‚day’and‚’. Youraltogether46groups, 23group meetingminutes/sharesto the scroll of day, another23groups, candivideto arrive at the scroll of place. Youmustdoas the examinee, robs the scroll of opposite partygroup, the methoddoes not limit. So long assimultaneouslyhasday and the placetwoscrolls, thenarrives in the desert of demoncenter controltower, evenis qualified, attains the admission ticket that takes the thirdtest.”
The ruleis simple,
规则简单易懂,If the firsttest, the examination officialparticipates, then the secondtest, gives to issue toexaminee the displayspacecompletely.
如果说第一场考试,还有考官参与进来,那么第二场考试,是完全把发挥空间放给考生自己。Only if the peculiar circumstance, the examination officialswill not enter the stage the disturbancetest conducts.
除非是特殊情况,考官们则不会出场干扰考试的进行。Butway that the methoddoes not limit, means that thisis a verybrutalelimination series, along withdeath.
而手段不限的方式,也意味着这是一场十分残酷的淘汰赛,会伴随着死亡。Bakitakes the examiner, naturallyalsonoticedthis point.马基作为主考官,自然也注意到了这一点。„Becausehas the risk that was killed, thereforeyoumustsign an agreementhere , indicating that during testanyaccidental/surprisedcondition, is undertakenbyoneself, thenherewill distribute the scrollto giveyou. If not signthisagreement, youcannot needto take the secondtest, returned toownvillagedirectly.”
“因为存在丧命的风险,所以你们要在这里签一份协议书,表示考试期间的任何意外状况,都由自己承担,然后我们这里会分发卷轴给你们。如果不签这份协议书,你们就可以不用参加第二场考试,直接返回自己的村子了。”Bakisweptexamineesfast, saw that no onehas the questiontohiswords, no onesaid that is not willingto signthisagreement.马基快速扫了一眼考生们,看到没有一人对他的话产生质疑,也没有人表示不愿意签下这份协议书。Passed the firsttestwith great difficulty, even if the secondtesthad the risk of being killed, theyare still holding the attitude of trying.
, not onlyasthem of elite, the bodyis shoulderingowndestiny, is shouldering the future of nationalandvillage.
作为精英的他们,身上背负着的不只是自己的命运,也背负着国家与村子的未来。Herecannothaveanyflinching, even iffacingthreat of death, isso.
在这里不能够有任何的退缩,哪怕面对死亡的威胁,也是如此。„, ExaminerJōnin, does the secondtesthave the time limit?”
“请问一下,主考官上忍,第二场考试有时间限制吗?”WhatquestionisShikamaru, hewantsto gainmanyinformation, this is also the topic that manyexamineescare about.
问话的是鹿丸,他希望从中获取到更多的信息,这也是不少考生关心的话题。Bakilooked athisoneeyes, replied: „Has the time limit, the time of secondtest, altogetherhas72hours. Exceedsthis time, even ifcollected the scroll, goes to the central the control tower, stillcalculates the failure.”马基看了他一眼,回答道:“有时间限制,第二场考试的时间,一共有七十二个小时。超过这个时间,即使凑齐了卷轴,来到中心的控制塔,也算失败。”„That, foodandwater source?”
“那么,食物和水源呢?”Shikamaruaskedagain.鹿丸再次问道。Yesterday eveninghehas askedincafeteriathere, the examineesdid not permitfromcafeteriathere, obtainedunnecessaryfood and water.
昨天晚上他在食堂那里问过,考生们不准从食堂那里,获得多余的食物和水。Therefore, hehad the guess, food and waterdo not have the meansto prepareahead of time.
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