„Cannot accomplish, but the informationaboutopposite party, mealsounderstands very little. BecauseLand of Demonsis very strictregarding the information management of ownshinobi, likeourtheseforeignshinobi, is very difficultto gaintheirrestricted data. I can only tellyou, heisLand of Demonsmilitary affairsministerChibaShiraishi, with the Land of DemonsUchiha ClanPatriarchUchiha Rurison, this year is 15 years old. Abilityunknown, unknown, shinobipersonal historyunknown.”
“不是办不到,而是关于对方的情报,我这边也知之甚少。因为鬼之国对于自己忍者的信息管理十分严格,像我们这些外国忍者,是很难获取他们内部资料的。我只能告诉你,他是鬼之国军务大臣千叶白石,与鬼之国宇智波一族族长宇智波琉璃的儿子,今年十五岁。能力未知,性格未知,忍者履历未知。”„Doesn't thisonly know a name and status? Moreover, Uchiha Clan where Land of Demonscomes? Youdetermined that isn't jokingwithus?”
“这不就是只知道个名字和身份吗?而且,鬼之国哪里来的宇智波一族?你确定不是在跟我们开玩笑?”Inosomewhatsuspected that the pocketacquiredinformationis whether correct.
井野有些怀疑兜收集到的情报是否是正确的。„Opposite party here, is participating inChūnin Testwithus, youcanseekpersonally the answer, Ihave not deceivedmeaningabsolutely. Whywill haveUchiha Clan...... thismatter saying that as forLand of Demonsis a little complex, myunderstandingis not deep. Ialsolearnfromothersthere.”
The pocketpushed the eyeglasses on bridge of the nose, said with a smileslightly.
兜推了推鼻梁上的眼镜,微微笑道。Somethingshe, althoughunderstood, butcannotsayobviouslyfrankly and uprightly.
The content that after alloncesaid were too much, will touch the Konohabottom line, when the time comesAnbuwill askhimto drink teain the past.
毕竟一旦说出来的内容过多,就会触及木叶的底线,到时候暗部就会请他过去喝茶。After allmay be called the Konohashamesamehistory, howto cover upagain, is not overrated.
毕竟是堪称木叶耻辱一样的历史,再怎么遮掩起来,也不为过。„Such being the case, that...... careful!”
The Sasukewordshave not said, the person's shadowdashes about wildlytogether.佐助话还未说完,一道人影狂奔过来。
A fisthitstoward the face of pocket, Sasukeshoutsoneimmediately, making the pocketdodge.
The pocketas ifalsodetected that the danger, the bodyrearwardremovedslightly, causing the fist of raiderto wieldspatially.
A raiderredlong hair, isKarin.
袭击者一头红色长发,正是香燐。Shesees the pocketto move aside, was astonishedslightly, never expected thatthisseeminglydelicateeyeglassesmale, can actually evadeownattack.
她看到兜躲闪开来,微微讶异了一声,没想到这个看上去弱不禁风的眼镜男,竟然能够躲过自己的攻击。However, shedoes not have the planto stop there , to continue to utilizetaijutsu, towardsurrounding and seizing.
The redlong hairdances in the airin the midairdisorderly, suddenlyrushed to the front of pocketagain.
砰!Hidesnot to have the pocket that mayhide, has the doublearm supportin the front, to keep offKarinthisfist.
躲无可躲的兜,只好将双臂架在面前,挡下了香燐这一拳。Afterwardunder an function of greatstrength, the body of pocketflies upside downimmediately, hitson the wall surface, makingon the wall surfaceget downhollowly, reveals the dense and numerousfissures.
The pocketcoughed, the lens of eyeglasseska ka the smashing, collapsesto disperse.
兜咳嗽了一声,眼镜的镜片咔咔粉碎,崩散开来。Hescratches the blood that the corners of the mouthflowed, lookswith the dignifiedvisiontoKarin, at the same timecondensesonegroup of green lightson the palm, treatmentinjury.
他擦了擦嘴角流淌出来的鲜血,用凝重的目光看向香燐,一边在手掌上凝聚一团绿光,治疗身上的伤势。„Thiswomangoodviolence, is a troublesomefellow!”
“这女人好暴力啊,又是个麻烦的家伙!”Shikamarulooks at the miserabletype that the pocketis wounded, is determined to be far away from the young girl of thisredhairimmediately.鹿丸看着兜负伤的惨样,立马下定决心要远离这个红头发的少女。„Is more barbaric than Sakura!”
“比小樱还要野蛮!”Narutosaidlike this.鸣人这样说道。Without hesitation, Sakuraenjoyed a Narutoheadfist.
毫不犹豫,小樱赏了鸣人脑袋一记拳头。„What, looks atyourbeforehandappearance, someprobablyextraordinaryas, finallyonly thenthislevel? No wonder20 years old, but also is onlyGenin.”
“什么嘛,看你之前的样子,好像有多了不起似的,结果只有这点水平吗?难怪二十岁了,还只是下忍。”Karinthisimpolitesaying.香燐这样不客气的说道。„YouareLand of Demons......”
The pocketcontinuesto cough, stands upfrom the groundslowly.
兜继续咳嗽,从地上慢慢站起。„Priesothers'informationat will, gaveyou a smalllesson. Should younot have the words to say?”
“随意刺探别人的情报,就给你一个小小的教训好了。你应该没有话要说吧?”Heard the Karinthatquitebadwords, the pocketbrushed offdust, did not care about the surroundingpersonanddespises the visioncompletelytodespising that hedelivered.
听到香燐那相当恶劣的话语,兜只是掸了掸身上的灰尘,完全不在乎周围人对他投送的轻蔑和鄙视目光。Probablyeveryoneis thinking, likehesuchbigperson, cannot blockincluding a fist of little missunexpectedly, is the wasteis simply same. Even ifthesepeoplehad not said, the pocketstillknows the idea of surroundingperson.
大概所有人都在想着,像他这么大的人,竟然连一个小姑娘的一拳都拦不住,简直是废物一样。即使这些人没说,兜也知道周围人的想法。Mustsayloses face, his appearance, trulylost faceveryexcessively.
要说丢脸,他这个样子,确实十分丢脸过头了。Howeverdoes not have the means that thisis the settingasspy. The words of optionalchange, will annoyto trouble.
不过没办法,这是身为间谍的设定啊。随意更改的话,会惹来麻烦的。„Captures the school leader, are youall right?”
“兜学长,你没事吧?”Finally, Sakurawalks, the injury of inquirypockethow.
The pocketshakes the headto say with a smile: „Relax, Ihave been all right. No matter howsaid,I am also medicalshinobi, thissmallwoundis notanything.”
兜摇了摇头笑道:“放心,我已经没事了。不管怎么说,我也是一名医疗忍者,这点小伤不算什么。”Looks at the appearance of pocketindeedsafe/without matter, Sakuraalsofelt relieved.
看着兜的确无事的样子,小樱也放下心来。No matter howsaid,is a companion in village, Sakuradoes not have the meansto achieveto sit by and do nothing.
不管怎么说,都是一个村子的同伴,小樱没办法做到坐视不理。„Yourthesefellows, givemepeacefully!”
“你们这些家伙,都给我安静一点!”In the position of this timefrontblackboard, bang, is exploding the thicksmogsuddenly.
正在这时前方黑板的位置,忽然砰地一下,爆炸出浓浓的烟雾。Withthissound, bigpiece of shinobisuddenlyhas, the imposing manner of sending out, immediatelymakes the entireclassroomsilent.
伴随着这股动静,一大片的忍者突然出现,散发出来的气势,顿时让整个教室为之寂静下来。Isunites the Chūnin TestfirsttestexaminerMorino Ibiki.
为首正是联合中忍考试第一场考试的主考官森乃伊比喜。Hecoldlytook a fast look around the pocketandKarin, said: „The words that you two, fightagain, deprive the testqualificationsimmediately, heard?”
“是。”Pocketoverly cautious and prudentreply, withoutresistance.
兜老实巴交的回答,没有反抗。Karinwas onlysnort/humone, returned to ownteam, wastacitly approved.香燐只是哼了一声,回到自己的队伍之中,也算是默认了下来。Ebyhad not investigatedhappily, butputs out a list, took a fast look aroundallexamineeoneeyeswith the severevision, because the scabs on face, this momentlookseemed likeseemsfierce.
伊比喜没有追究,而是拿出一张名单,用严厉的目光扫视了所有考生一眼,因为脸上的伤疤,此刻神色看上去更显得狰狞了。„Iam the examiner of firsttest, KonohaSpecial JōninMorino Ibiki. The quickfirsttestwill start, before then, Irequestyouto submitnow the respectiverequisition, thenreceives the numberplate, according to the numbersitsto the correspondingseaton, conducts the written examinationexamination.”
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