EH :: Volume #9

#33: Material piece: Siti campaign

Himeko got drunk! 姬子喝醉了! Why Yae Ji is not the trivial 7-8 bottle red wine can take down A-Rank Valkyrie Himeko clearly, he suspected that Himeko is actually installs to be drunk, disrupts the atmosphere of banquet by this. 八重霁不是很明白为什么区区七八瓶红酒就能把A级女武神姬子放倒,以至于他怀疑姬子其实是装醉,以此扰乱宴会的氛围。 Himeko changed into the red wine the Theresa bitter melon juice secretly, Theresa drank one to spurt immediately! Happen to stuck an opposite Kiana face! 姬子偷偷把德丽莎的苦瓜汁换成了红酒,德丽莎喝了一口立马喷了出来!正好糊了对面的琪亚娜一脸! On the dining table to Kiana of superheating stage was being struck with duel of Kallen, rhythm one chaotic, the battlefield was successfully taken by Kallen. 正跟卡莲在饭桌上决斗到白热化阶段的琪亚娜受击,节奏一乱,战场成功被卡莲拿下。 Kiana is angry very much, just wants to manifest suddenly, the wing of the nose shrugged smelled the grape taste of red wine, the intoxicant fragrance brought back the glutton in Kiana stomach. 琪亚娜很生气,正想发作,鼻翼耸动间嗅到了红酒的葡萄味,醉人的香气勾起了琪亚娜胃中的馋虫。 While Kiana prepares to steal with one bottle of times, Theresa shook off the control of Himeko, starts to reprove Kiana as elder. 正当琪亚娜准备偷拿一瓶的时候,德丽莎摆脱了姬子的控制,开始以长辈的身份训斥起琪亚娜 In a while, legitimate loli Theresa got drunk, tasting that Kiana achieved wishes to red wine. 没过多久,合法萝莉德丽莎被灌醉,琪亚娜如愿以偿的品尝到了红酒。 First drinking Kiana quickly by alcohol paralysis nerve, in eye god glittering, in hehehe in the demonic nature smile looks for Mei. 第一次喝酒的琪亚娜很快被酒精麻痹神经,眼中神光闪烁,在“嘿嘿嘿”的魔性笑容中找上芽衣 Kallen and Yae Sakura slightly sip several, the good best friend of slightly drunk condition to sit together is speaking intimate conversation. 卡莲八重樱小抿几口,微醺状态的好闺蜜坐在一起说着悄悄话。 Rita that smiling expression, received people's performance in Yan. 丽塔还是那副笑眯眯的表情,将众人的表现收于眼中。 Bronya ate to the full before the middle place, at this time is playing the game in the building. 布洛妮娅早在中场之前就吃饱了,此时正在楼上打游戏。 Bianca is carrying staple food, flashes in the narrow and small space back and forth, avoids unidentified food that is flying once for a while, suddenly the Bianca figure in empty and solid between flashes, fully showed the S-Rank Valkyrie strength. 比安卡端着一份主食,在狭小的空间中来回闪动,躲避着时不时飞过来的不明食物,一时间比安卡的身形都在虚与实之间闪动,充分展示了S级女武神的实力。 Yae Ji looks at all with a laugh, he also had is not happy for a long time, after... coaxed the cherry to fall asleep Kallen to entrain him. 八重霁笑呵呵地看着一切,他也有好久没那么开心了,直到...哄樱睡着后的卡莲将他拽走。 Centralized sees this picture in Yae Ji and Bianca Rita most attention, hidden goes to the figure quietly. 把大部分注意力都集中在八重霁比安卡身上的丽塔看到这幅画面,悄然隐去身形。 Along dodging by Bianca to table lends money the meal to the original position, looked that to place and some room in villa that three buildings Rita vanishes, before some tart flies to pound, moves sideways to vanish again. 顺闪至餐桌旁的比安卡把餐盘放至原处,看向丽塔消失的地方与别墅三楼的某个房间,在某个蛋挞飞来砸中自己之前,再次闪身消失。 Did not have disturbance of Sakura-chan, Kallen to let loose thoroughly, was good is good because of the sound-insulated effect of villa, even if when scaling the heights of sharp whining noise, after sound-proof material, still very good in noisy cover by institute. 没了樱酱的打扰,卡莲彻底放开,好在别墅的隔音效果不错,即便是攀登高峰时的尖鸣声,透过隔音材料后,也很好的被院中的吵闹掩盖。 Two Lou Rooms, Bianca pushes the door to enter, discovered that Rita is sweeping clear industriously. 二楼某房间,比安卡推门而入,发现丽塔正在辛勤地清扫。 Durandal-sama.” Rita said a hello to Bianca. 幽兰黛尔大人。”丽塔比安卡打了一个招呼。 Bianca lifted on the pupil top board to take a look at one upwards, by her strength, wanted deliberately to enlarge the voice in building to accomplish with ease. 比安卡抬眸朝天花板上瞅了一眼,以她的实力,想要刻意放大楼上的声音还是能够轻松办到。 What do you make in this?” Bianca selects the eyebrow, probably discovered the interesting matter. “你在这做什么?”比安卡挑眉,像是发现了有意思的事情。 Tonight will have many people to stay in this.” Originally is long skirt maid attire Rita does not know when changed into the wild rose charm demon, lifts under the hand shop the clean bed sheet. “今夜会有很多人在这住下。”本是一身长裙女仆装丽塔不知何时换成了蔷薇魅魔,抬手铺下干净的床单。 Good.” Bianca narrows the eye, that you are busy.” “好吧。”比安卡微眯起眼睛,“那你忙。” Durandal-sama, your room has swept clear to complete.” Rita is smiling, in the words is actually urging Bianca to hurry to rest. 幽兰黛尔大人,您的房间已清扫完成。”丽塔微笑着,话语中其实是在劝比安卡赶紧回去休息。 Bianca that just wants to turn around to depart folded the body to come back , opened the mouth to ask: Rita, you think that extension of human life, is, is the base that it consciousness to expect because of the false appearance of survival manufacture?” 刚想转身离去的比安卡又折身回来,顿了顿,才开口问道:“丽塔,你认为人类生命的延续,是本身意识所期望的,还是基因为生存制造的假象?” ... 。。。 Does Bianca have the answer that she wants, Yae Ji does not know, he experienced the S-Rank Valkyrie strength once again. 比安卡有没有得到她想要的答案,八重霁不知道,他又一次体验了S级女武神的实力。 Finishes Yae Ji of strength of bloodlines to estimate, oneself can deal with two S-Rank Valkyrie, three somewhat are difficult, especially another two S-Rank Valkyrie are also Fusion Warriors time. 精修过血脉之力的八重霁估算过,自己能应付两名S级女武神,三名就有些困难,尤其另外两名S级女武神还都是融合战士的时候。 In the morning wakes up, in the villa is one is in chaotic situation, holds in maid strength in addition of Rita MAX rank, solves all perfectly. 早上醒来,别墅中又是一阵鸡飞狗跳,在丽塔MAX级别的女仆力加持下,完美解决一切。 Day return stock rail. 日子回归正轨。 Mei goes to work daily, but will carry over shopkeeper office the vision sometimes unintentionally. 芽衣日常上班,只是有时会有意无意地将目光移向“店长办公室”。 Possibly was the two days going Kiana sporty reason, missed the comment rate/lead to continue to decline. 可能是这两天外卖员琪亚娜活力十足的原因,差评率持续走低。 Bronya comes to the shop to rub every day unshakeably eats to rub drinks, waits for Kiana they to get off work. 布洛妮娅每日雷打不动地来店铺中蹭吃蹭喝,等待琪亚娜她们下班。 This auspicious day has not continued is too long, naturally, regarding Kiana. 这种好日子没持续太久,当然,是对于琪亚娜而言。 Originally wanted to be admitted to age's first Kiana confidently, 本来信心满满想要考取年纪第一的琪亚娜, Actually is existence that in this monthly examination in the class one by one does not only pass an examination. Saw Kiana is demoralized, Yae Sakura had a day of false to this pitiful little miss, turns around to give Kallen to put on a clothing, making her deliver to go. And expressed Kallen puts on this value not poor snow country elf clothing has the spirit very much, has the outside world to go the giant to roll the charm of beautiful work uniform/subdue. 却是这次月考中班级里唯一一个不及格的存在。看到琪亚娜的意志消沉,八重樱给这个可怜的小姑娘放了一天假,转身就给卡莲套上一身服装,让她去送外卖。并且表示卡莲穿上这一身价值不菲的“雪国精灵”服装很有精神,颇有外界外卖巨头团美工作制服的神韵。 With cold chatted after a period of time Yae Sakura to have the commercial mind initially, added to taking care of Kallen the advertisement that played No. 6 rainbow, and decided that the Kiana uniform/subdue must be like this custom-made. 和凛闲聊过一段时间的八重樱初具商业头脑,又给卡莲的服侍加了游戏六号彩虹的广告,并决定琪亚娜的制服也要这样定制。 Looks in the charming share, Kallen complied reluctantly. 看在帅气的份上,卡莲勉强答应了下来。 Another side, Himeko unprecedented going home has the dinner, the reason is the food that Bronya makes many of outside delicious. 另一边,姬子破天荒的回家吃晚饭,理由是布洛妮娅做的饭比外面好吃的多。 Knowing Kiana is the student who one by one does not only pass an examination, Teacher Himeko deeply thinks the shame, and decides the decision to the Kiana in addition teach at the scene, quite makes this fool successfully pass one week later make-up test. 知晓琪亚娜是唯一一个不及格的学生,姬子老师深以为耻,并当场拍板决定要给琪亚娜加训,好让这个笨蛋成功通过一个星期后的补考。 Finally Himeko turned around to forget this matter, outside Bronya of cold internal heat will actually bear in mind at this time. 结果姬子转身就把这事忘了,外冷内热的布洛妮娅却将此时记在心里。 Thanks to Kiana, she also made contact with the line of clearing weather boss, prepared to return to Kiana- help/gang she enrolled in supplementary lessons! 琪亚娜的福,她也算是搭上了霁老板的线,准备回报给琪亚娜-帮她补习! Late. 晚。 Bronya said goodbye with the friends at the game, wears unites the writer's or artist's signature the virtual reality boundary coupling to come to the Kiana bedroom with roar. 布洛妮娅在游戏跟朋友们告别,戴着与吼姆联名款的虚拟实境连接器来到琪亚娜的卧室。 ... 。。。 Considers for the Kiana result, Bronya invaded the Schicksal database, she can pledge, for Kiana, rather than she wants to look for some useful things in the database absolutely. 为了琪亚娜的成绩着想,布洛妮娅入侵了天命的数据库,她可以发誓,绝对是为了琪亚娜,而不是她想在数据库中找些有用的东西。 When Kiana recovers, discovered oneself are wearing the Saint school uniform to stand in a strange giant library. 等到琪亚娜回过神来时,发现自己正穿着圣芙蕾雅的校服站在一座陌生的巨型图书馆里。 When Kiana is surprised, the familiar sound hears from the sky biography together. 正当琪亚娜惊讶之时,一道熟悉的声音从上空传入耳中。 Confused young girl! Here is the Schicksal core database, recorded the most detailed Honkai history. I guide succuba Bronya, is guided you to move toward the road of truth by me.” “迷茫的少女啊!这里是天命的核心数据库,记录了最为详细的崩坏历史。我是引导魔女布洛妮娅,由我来引导你走向真理之路。” Kiana raised the head to see the dress little elf appearance Bronya, could not bear pull out the corners of the mouth, guided the succuba?” 琪亚娜抬头看到裙装小精灵模样的布洛妮娅,忍不住抽了抽嘴角,“引导魔女?” Bronya remains unmoved, takes out a book from the bookshelf, said: „From the initial Honkai history.” 布洛妮娅不为所动,从书架中抽出一本书,道:“就从最初的崩坏历史开始吧。” The books open, together light absorption Kiana and Bronya, what shows before two people is the complete simulation -type VR scene. 书籍打开,一道光吸收了琪亚娜布洛妮娅,展现在两人面前的是完全仿真式的虚拟场景。 And described the number in detail before the year before last, origin of Ji Xuanyuan and Honkai...... 其中详细描述了数前年前,姬轩辕与崩坏的起源...... The fight of Ji Xuanyuan and Honkai Beast looks at Kiana one's blood bubbles up to the brim, when prepares the to rub sleeve to come up the help, by Bronya is scolded one fool, and transmits to the next historical fragment. 姬轩辕与崩坏兽的战斗看得琪亚娜热血沸腾,正准备撸袖子上去帮忙时,被布洛妮娅骂了一声“笨蛋”,并传送至下一个历史片段。 In the 15 th century, in 1466, European, Schicksal Church jurisdiction district, Siti Region. 十五世纪,1466年,欧陆,天命教廷管辖区域,西蒂区 Bronya looked, explained to Kiana: This is the history of Siti campaign.” 布洛妮娅看了一圈,向琪亚娜解释道:“这是西蒂战役的历史。” ...... ...... https:// https:// Talent one second remembers the home station address:. Lamp pen novel net cell phone version reading website: 天才一秒记住本站地址:。灯笔小说网手机版阅读网址:
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