EB :: Volume #2

#22: Frog safety deposit box

The knowledge is expensive. 知识是昂贵的。 Related to the knowledge of strength is so. 涉及到力量的知识更是如此。 The people fell gently on the floor, Zong Ge opens the mouth: Then, is this person Mage?” 众人飘落到了地板上,鬃戈开口:“这么说来,这个人还是一位魔法师?” Specifically, should be dead spirit Mage.” The Cang Xu words attracted the attention of people immediately. “准确地说,应该是一位亡灵法师。”苍须的话立即吸引了众人的注意。 Cang Xu arrives by the ring-like desk. 苍须走到环形书桌旁。 Before him, is that giant magic book. 在他面前的,是那本巨大的魔法书。 In the book with bookshelf compares, this magic book has half person of high, at least the width of adult forearm. If opens, was naturally wider. 和书架中的书比起来,这本魔法书有半人高,至少成人前臂的宽度。如果打开来,自然更宽了。 Cang Xu just saw this magic book, his vision by its attraction. 苍须刚看到这本魔法书,他的目光就被其吸引。 The magic book has a thickness of fist fully, the seal is the paint black, however the book corner and book bone and page make with the bone. The bone is pale infiltrates the person. Puts in order this book to send out gloomy cold air. 魔法书足有一拳的厚度,封皮是漆黑色的,但是书的边角、书骨、书页都是用骨头所制。骨头惨白得渗人。整本书一直在散发着一股阴森的寒气。 The Cang Xu careful observation, peripheral paced in the magic book, after determining has no trap, this with the hand slowly caresses the book cover, then opens it slowly. 苍须仔细观察,在魔法书周边踱步了一阵,确定没有什么陷阱之后,这才用手缓缓抚上书皮,然后慢慢地打开它。 Although the magic book is very thick, but each page is made of the white bones, the page is also quite thick, therefore the number of pages true are not many. 魔法书虽然很厚,但每一张书页都是用白骨制成,书页也比较厚,所以页数真正算起来并不是很多。 Records dead spirit spell basically every pages. 每一页基本上都记录着一个亡灵法术 These dead spirit spell some indicated with the writing, some will have formation. The writing are many and varied, has the elf jade and dragon language, commonly used language, formation is also all kinds, there are five glow stars and six glow star, the shape of crescent moon and Sun...... 这些亡灵法术有的用文字表示,有的会有法阵。文字是多种多样的,有精灵玉、龙语、通用语等,法阵也五花八门,有五芒星、六芒星,弯月和太阳的形状…… Cang Xu deeply was attracted, suddenly breathed was slighter. 苍须不禁被深深吸引,一时间呼吸都轻微了许多。 The bonus is other three people are he have lived and died together the companion, at this moment looks at the appearance that he is crazy, some chill in the air production. 饶是其余三人是和他同生共死过的同伴,此刻看他着迷的样子,都有些寒意产生。 Although Cang Xu seems like the living person, but can also breathe, but in fact he does not need to breathe, but does not want to display exceptionally. 苍须虽然看起来是活人,还能呼吸,但实际上他并不需要呼吸,只是不想表现得异常罢了。 This is dead spirit Mage. 这就是亡灵法师 They play with the soul, played jokes upon life, the challenge death. 他们玩弄灵魂,戏耍生命,挑战死亡。 What kind of?” Knight youngster breaks silent. “怎么样?”骑士少年打破沉默。 Cang Xu awakens, his deeply read a magic book, then closes it, the tone is full of the feeling: Priceless!” 苍须惊醒过来,他深深地看了一眼魔法书,然后将其合上,语气饱含感慨:“价值连城!” This is a magic equipment of Silver Rank, inside recorded many spell. 这是一本白银级别魔法装备,里面记载了很多法术 So long as instills into enough magic, can display, omits Mage to construct the spell model with the spirit the step, very quickly convenient. 只要灌输足够的魔力,就能够施展出来,省去魔法师用精神构建法术模型的步骤,非常快捷方便。 Naturally, it needs protect. 当然,它需要维护 Excessively many are practical it, will let the page and even puts in order this book to break up. 过多的实用它,会让书页乃至整本书崩解。 In the producuction process of this book, mixed many materials. Usually with the aid of this magic book displays magic time, will consume inside material in secret. 这本书的制作过程中,掺和了许多施法材料。平时借助这本魔法书施展魔法的时候,暗中会消耗掉里面的施法材料。 Is only this book, ten silver grade lifting of embargo scrolls cannot trade!” Cang Xu drew an analogy. “只是这本书,十张白银品级的解禁卷轴都换不到!”苍须打了个比方。 Except for this magic book, on chaotic ring-like desk dazzling, many magic goods. 除了这本魔法书,乱糟糟的环形书桌上琳琅满目,还有许多魔法物品。 Among several people, only then Cang Xu is the magic book, has great learning, but he cannot appraise all goods temporarily. 几个人当中,只有苍须魔法书,学识渊博,但他暂时也不能鉴定所有的物品。 Counts sketchily, the goods value that the sole people identify at present, has been over value about ten times of lifting of embargo scroll. These have not calculated complete books that the black skin white bones magic book and post wall place. 粗略统计一下,单单众人目前辨认出来的物品价值,就已经超过解禁卷轴的价值十倍左右。这其中还不算黑皮白骨魔法书以及贴墙摆放的全部书籍。 Cang Xu takes out is inserting the skin volume from the pen container. 苍须从笔筒中取出一份插着的皮卷。 He spreads out all over on the desktop skin scroll, after examining several, joyful said/tunnel: This should be the nautical chart that we must find.” 他将皮卷在桌面上铺展开来,查看几眼后,欣喜地道:“这应该就是我们要找到的海图。” On the nautical chart the water spray, islands and ships are moving slowly. 海图上水浪、岛屿、船只都在缓缓活动着。 This moves the map. 这是活动地图。 Knight youngster has the happy expression: It seems like I did not need to purchase the recent activity map again, we have.” 骑士少年带着喜色:“看来我不用再购买新的活动地图了,我们已经有了。” Lan Zao actually shakes the head: Lord, this map was too small, the range of description and is inferior to the normal nautical chart.” 蓝藻却摇头:“大人,这个地图太小了,描绘的范围并不如正常海图。” Cang Xu smiled one: Then this?” 苍须笑了一声:“那么这样呢?” Finishes speaking, he transfers the spirit and magic, operates this activity nautical chart. 话音刚落,他就调动精神和魔力,操纵起这份活动海图。 The content on nautical chart reduces immediately, the sea area that the entire nautical chart demonstrates immediately becomes huge. 海图上的内容立即缩小,整个海图显示的海域顿时变得巨大起来。 Lan Zao calls out in alarm one: Entire night spirit sea area has, the value of this nautical chart is high!” 蓝藻惊呼一声:“整个夜灵海域都有,这份海图的价值非常高!” The night spirit sea area is the people at present the place of placing. 夜灵海域就是众人目前身处之地。 Cang Xu moves the map, enlarges quickly again: These places were labelled specially, should be the place that then we must explore. These places, likely have main temple of charm blue god.” 苍须拨动地图,很快再次放大:“这几个地方被特意标注了,应该就是接下来我们要去探索的地方。这几个地方,很可能就藏有魅蓝神的主神殿。” The people searched this, then got down the spiral steps, arrives at next. 众人将这一层搜索了个遍,然后下了螺旋阶梯,到达下一层。 Under one obviously is a storage room. 底下一层明显是一个储藏室。 Inside has three rows of shelves, above placed various types of commodities. most is material, there are various races skeletons, the seaweed that visible such as the person sends, has also in the eyeball of activity. 里面有三排货架,上面摆放了各种物资。绝大多数是施法材料,有各类种族的骷髅,有形如人发的海草,有还在活动的眼球。 The preservation of these material, obviously were also flower the thoughts. 这些施法材料的保存,显然也是花了心思的。 For example the eyeballs of these activities, on the bubble in the glass jar, immerse in the thick green liquid. 比如那些活动的眼珠子,就泡在玻璃缸中,沉浸在浓绿色的液体里。 Looked quickly, these perhaps are the valuables and money that the seabed salvages.” Lan Zao makes noise. “快看,这些恐怕都是海底打捞上来的财宝。”蓝藻出声。 On a shelf, placed one pile of buried treasures at will. A substantial amount of gold coins, silver coins and copper coin, silver jewelry, crystal cup wait/etc. 在一个货架上,随意摆放了一堆宝藏。大量的金币、银币、铜币,还有金银首饰,水晶杯等等。 Cang Xu guessed: This dead spirit Mage has the spirit to urge, they can explore in the seabed, discovered that the buried treasures of some sunken wrecks are not difficult.” 苍须猜测道:“这位亡灵法师有幽灵可以驱使,它们能够在海底探索,发现一些沉船的宝藏并不困难。” But, looks at like this, these buried treasures the master by this secret room had not been placed in the heart. Certainly also has a more valuable valuables and money!” “不过,看这样子,这些宝藏并没有被这座密室的主人放在心中。一定还有更具有价值的财宝!” The people continue to search, finally they discovered in the corner is squatting metal frog. 众人继续搜索,最后他们在角落里发现了一个蹲着的金属蛤蟆。 This is the frog safety deposit box!” Cang Xu gawked, at once says. “这是蛤蟆保险箱!”苍须愣了一下,旋即道。 This is one alchemy utensil, the space installment, inside puts the most valuable goods. aristocrat and big merchant will use it frequently. 这是一种炼金器物,空间装置,里面盛放最具价值的物品。贵族和大商人常常会用到它。 Opens it, probably needs the password?” Lan Zao has heard this thing. “开启它,好像是需要口令的吧?”蓝藻听说过这件东西。 Cang Xu shakes the head: Not only password, bloodline, sound, look, battle energy or magic wait/etc a series of distinguishable steps. Only then adopted all steps, the frog safety deposit box can open.” 苍须摇头:“不只是口令,还有血脉、声音、相貌、斗气或者魔力等等一系列的辨别步骤。只有通过了所有的步骤,蛤蟆保险箱才能开启。” This is the specification very high treasure box. Its not dying thing, in the process of manufacture has a material is the wisdom life soul! 这是规格很高的宝箱。它不是死物,制造的过程中有一项材料就是智慧生命的灵魂! Lan Zao harbors regret: „The most valuable treasure deposits certainly in this, what a pity, our lifting of embargo scrolls used up.” 蓝藻抱憾不已:“最值钱的宝物一定都存放在这里面,可惜,我们的解禁卷轴用光了。” Lifting of embargo scroll could not solve this difficult problem.” Zong Ge shakes the head, „after looking like can only , tried to find the solution.” “解禁卷轴是解决不了这个难题的。”鬃戈摇头,“看来只能以后想办法了。” Haha, is not this.” Cang Xu shakes the head to say with a smile, do not forget us to have this.” “哈哈,不是这样的。”苍须摇头笑道,“别忘了我们有这个啊。” He pulled out a pearl from the bosom. 他从怀中掏出了一颗珍珠。 This naturally is not the ordinary pearl, this is the pearl bubble! Strange goods that the fairy tale of divine artifact mermaid produces. 这当然不是普通的珍珠,这是珍珠泡沫!神器美人鱼的童话所产生的奇异物品。 Each member who escapes from Monster Bewildering Island, the body prepared at least one pearl bubble, supplemented momentarily, to guard happened accidentally/surprisingly. 迷怪岛逃生出来的每个成员,身上都备了至少一颗珍珠泡沫,随时补充,以防意外发生。 Cang Xu just wanted the crumb it, but stopped this action. He turns the head to look to Knight youngster: My captain, you come.” 苍须刚想要捏碎它,但又停止了这个举动。他转头看向骑士少年:“我的船长,还是你来吧。” Knight youngster shrugs, he is actually indifferent, words that but Cang Xu avoids suspicion on own initiative, if he refused this good intention is not more inappropriate. 骑士少年耸了耸肩,他倒是无所谓,但苍须主动避嫌的话,他如果拒绝了这份好意更不妥当。 Immediately, he arrives at the front of frog safety deposit box, oneself pearl bubble crumb, will use on oneself. 当即,他走到蛤蟆保险箱的面前,将自己身上的珍珠泡沫捏碎,用在自己身上。 Then, he instills into battle energy to half person of high metal frog. 然后,他将斗气灌输到半人高的金属蛤蟆当中。 The metal frog lived, it opens the eyes of ballooning, projects two brilliance from the eye. 金属蛤蟆活了,它睁开鼓胀的双眼,从眼中射出两道光辉。 The brilliance shines on the body of Knight youngster, scanned back and forth two. 光辉照射在骑士少年的身上,来回扫描了两遍。 Then the metal frog stretches out the tongue, on the tongue has a sharp thorn. 然后金属蛤蟆伸出舌头,舌头上有个尖刺。 Knight youngster will point at to touch this point to puncture gently, makes the wound, the trickling blood. 骑士少年将手指轻轻碰触到这根尖刺上,制造出伤口,滴下鲜血。 The frog extends the tongue, closes the mouth, closed the eyes. 蛤蟆伸回舌头,闭上嘴巴,同时也闭上了双眼。 After it top-notch two, at once opens the eyes. But this time, its eyeball has not shone again. 它呱呱叫了两声后,旋即又睁开双眼。但这一次,它的眼珠子没有再发光。 Password.” It opens the mouth to say. “口令。”它开口道。 The password is anything, Knight youngster knows nothing. 口令是什么,骑士少年一无所知。 He shrugs, opens the mouth to say at will: You have the frog.” 他耸了耸肩,随意开口道:“你是只好蛤蟆。” Under the camouflage of pearl bubble, the metal frog heard the correct password: Welcome you to use again, master.” 在珍珠泡沫的伪装下,金属蛤蟆听到了正确的口令:“欢迎您再次使用,主人。” It relaxed all limits, in a flash, has spiritual link Knight youngster to be clear all things that immediately in put. 它放开了所有限制,一瞬间,有着精神链接的骑士少年顿时清楚里面盛放的所有东西。 Inside treasure are many. 里面的宝物并不少。 White bones Magic Staff, probably one meter four length, Silver Rank equipment. 有一根白骨法杖,大概一米四的长度,白银级装备。 A magic long gown, although is having the patch, the grey has turned white now, but was still Silver Rank magic robe. 还有一件魔法长袍,虽然打着补丁,原本灰色现在已经发白,但仍旧是白银级法袍 Rich. 有钱。 But is not the gold coin, but is the amethyst coin. 但已经不是金币,而是紫晶币。 The purple gold coin that this slightly holds, enough buys three youngster scheduled sea boats! 这一小捧的紫金币,足够买下三艘少年预定的海船! Largest is not the amethyst coin, but is a black crystal. 数量最多的不是紫晶币,而是一种黑色的水晶。 These crystals have the length to have short, varying, is the long strip. It is all over the body deep and quiet, is sending out the inexplicable chill in the air, aura is inconsistent. From Bronze and Blackiron to silver. 这些水晶有长有短,有大有小,都是长条状。它通体深幽,散发着莫名的寒意,气息并不一致。从青铜黑铁白银不等。 What thing is this?” The Knight youngster doubts, his thought moves, the frog put out a black crystal likely. “这是什么东西?”骑士少年疑惑,他念头一动,蛤蟆像就吐出了一块黑色水晶。 Soul crystal!!” Cang Xu the body and mind shakes immediately, blurted out. “魂晶!!”苍须顿时身心一震,脱口而出。 Other three people change colors immediately. 其余三人顿时失色。 The cruel hearsay of related soul crystal, they have heard. 有关魂晶的残忍传闻,他们都听闻过。 Here soul crystal at least has over a thousand.” Knight youngster complexion slightly white. “这里的魂晶至少有上千块。”骑士少年脸色微白。 This on behalf of the underground secret room main criminal absolutely is being an executioner, violated the huge killing evil. Because the soul crystal makes with the soul. 这代表着地下密室的主人犯绝对是一个刽子手,犯下了巨大的杀孽。因为魂晶是用灵魂制造出来的。 Cang Xu actually frowns: So many soul crystals?” 苍须却是皱起眉头:“这么多魂晶?” He felt the fishy. 他感到了蹊跷。 Has a look quickly, what scroll does inside have or the books?” The old scholar tone trembles, the vision is urgent, immediately closely examines. “快看看,里面有没有什么卷轴或者书本?”老学者语气微颤,目光迫切,立即追问。 Indeed has two books. 的确有两本书。 Knight youngster takes out it. 骑士少年都将其取出。 First is the diary, inside has plenty of study contents, a few are individual life experience. 第一本是日记,里面有大量的研究内容,少数是个人的生活体验。 The second itself/Ben is the alchemy note, inside records the method and experience of manufacture soul crystal in detail. 第二本则是炼金笔记,里面详细记录着制造魂晶的方法和经验。 We really sent!!” Cang Xu both hands closely are gripping this alchemy note, the bonus is he usually calm incomparable, at this moment is also excited is hard to control self. “我们真的发了!!”苍须双手紧紧地攥着这份炼金笔记,饶是他平时冷静无比,此刻也激动得难以自禁。
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