In the sunset glowpeak, the Sunset Valleydisciplesstandthere, looks atthatlong and narrowdeep valley, does not know that manydisciplesalsoturn very quiet, waits forinlong and narrowdeep valleyLi Qiye to walk.
The sunset glowgoddessandQinBaifengtheyalsoturned very quiet, calmlylooks at, pair of pair of beautiful eyesis staring atlong and narrowdeep valley, theywere also anxious, becauseLi Qiyewent was too long, stilldoes not have anysound, theyworried,Li Qiyecanhave anything ininside.
晚霞神女、秦百凤她们也不由屏住呼吸,也都静静地看着,一双双秀目盯着狭长的幽谷,她们也不由紧张起来,因为李七夜进去太久了,依然没有任何动静,她们都担心,李七夜在里面会出什么事情。In fact, theyregardinginsidesituation, knows nothing, theydo not know that whatimmortalmysteriousthat means that becausesincehas sweptrosy cloudFairyto result inimmortalmysterious, even if immortalmysteriousinSunset Valleyinheritance of billion years, but, never hasanybody[comprehend/comprehension], does not know that what the ultimatemystery of immortalmysteriousis?
事实上,她们对于里面的情况,也是一无所知,她们也不知道仙奥那是意味着什么,因为自从扫霞仙子得仙奥以来,哪怕是仙奥在晚霞谷传承了千百万年之久,但是,都从来没有任何人参悟过,也不知道仙奥的终极奥妙是什么?Today, Li Qiyeenteredinlong and narrowdeep valley, perhapshad comprehendedimmortalmysterious, mightvanishinforever.
今日,李七夜进入了狭长幽谷之中,或许已经领悟了仙奥,也有可能永远消失在了其中。Alsohas not knownhow long, suddenly, inlong and narrowdeep valley, presented a form, as if, the formis flashing, has probably whatthingto be the same is drifting.
也不知道过了多久,突然之间,在狭长幽谷之中,出现了一个身影,似乎,身影在闪动着,好像是有什么东西一样在飘浮着。„Came out, came out.”Saw that inlong and narrowdeep valleyhas the formflashes, the Sunset Valleydiscipleis also excited, saidloudly.
“出来了,出来了。”看到狭长的幽谷之中有身影闪动的时候,晚霞谷的弟子也都不由为之激动起来,都不由大声地说道。Inthis moment, fromlong and narrowdeep valley, Li Qiyewalkedfinally.
就在这一刻,从狭长幽谷之中,李七夜终于走了出来。„Finallycame out.”Saw that Li Qiyewalksafterinsidecame out, the Sunset Valleydisciplealsorelaxes, cheersloudly.
“终于出来了。”看到李七夜从里面走了出来之后,晚霞谷的弟子也都不由松了一口气,大声欢呼起来。Recoveringtime, seesLi Qiye, inthis moment, saw that sideLi Qiyeis driftingwhite clouds, pure whiteclouds, suchwhite clouds, making one lookwantsto lie downinitsabove, itseems likethatpure white, seems likethatsoft, lies down above, thatcertainlyverycomfortable, canallow the personto fall asleepto be the sameall of a sudden.
回过神来的时候,看到李七夜,在这一刻,才看到李七夜身边飘浮着一朵白云,一朵洁白的云朵,这样的一朵白云,让人看得都想躺在它的上面,它似乎是那么的洁白,又似乎是那么的柔软,躺在上面,那一定是十分的舒服,能让人一下子进入梦乡一般。„Youwere all right.” After seeingLi Qiyecomes out, the sunset glowgoddessis wild with joy, threwall of a sudden, jumped into the Li Qiyebosom, could not bearenclaspLi Qiye, sherelaxes, a hangingheartput downfinally.
“你没事了。”看到李七夜出来之后,晚霞神女不由为之狂喜,一下子扑了过去,扑入了李七夜怀中,都忍不住抱紧了李七夜,她不由松了一口气,一颗高悬的芳心终于放下了。„Iknow that youwill not have the matter.”Sunset glowgoddesslooks atLi Qiye, almostcriedface up, Li Qiyewent is so long, sheworried that Li Qiyewentnot to come backagain.
“我就知道你不会有事的。”晚霞神女仰面看着李七夜,都差点哭出来了,李七夜进去那么久,她都担心李七夜一去再也回不来了。„Canhave anything.”Li Qiyelooks atpresentperson, shotherforeheadgently, the undulatingsmiled.
The sunset glowgoddesslongimplored the one breath, recovers, pink blushing face, but, is somewhat feeling pleased, blinks, smilestenderly, said: „Youstay here.”
晚霞神女不由长长地吁了一口气,回过神来,粉脸一红,但是,又有些喜滋滋,眨了眨眼睛,娇笑,说道:“那你就留在这里。”Regardingsunset glowgoddesssuchwords, Li Qiye was also the undulatingsmiledonemerely.
” Iknow. ” The smile of Li Qiyethisundulating, the sunset glowgoddessactuallycomprehendedall of a sudden, nod, saidgently: „Ioverreached oneself.”
”我知道。”李七夜这澹澹的笑容,晚霞神女却一下子领悟了,轻轻点头,说道:“我不自量力了。”However, the sunset glowgoddesshas not given up, is supine the face, visionlooks atLi Qiye that flashes, welcomed the Li Qiye'svision, said: „Does thatkeepseveraldays?”
但是,晚霞神女没有放弃,仰着脸,扑闪扑闪的目光看着李七夜,迎上李七夜的目光,说道:“那留几天?”Li Qiyealsosmiles.李七夜也不由莞尔一笑。„In the same place, in the same place, in the same place, mustin the same place.”Atthis time, the Sunset Valleydisciplealsocheeredone, created a disturbanceloudly, shoutedloudly.
The Sunset Valleydisciplesocreates a disturbanceloudly, letssunset glowgoddesspink blushing face.晚霞谷的弟子如此大声起哄的时候,让晚霞神女都不由粉脸一红。
The Li Qiyeundulatingsmiles, kissedherforeheadgently, saidslowly: „silly girl, youdo not understand.”李七夜不由澹澹地一笑,轻轻地吻了一下她的额头,徐徐地说道:“傻丫头,你不懂。”
The wordsfall, Li Qiyeputs out a handpick, takes outthatwisp of immortal lightfrom the valley, gently a point.
话一落下,李七夜伸手一撷,从谷中取出那一缕仙光,轻轻地一点。Hears„buzz”a resonate sound, thisimmortal lightinsunset glowgoddess the place of between the eyebrows, in an instant, the place of between the eyebrowsshonetogetherall of a sudden, got downimmortal lightinplace of brand markherbetween the eyebrowsall of a sudden, as if, inthisin an instant, immortal lighthas ironedintoherbetween the eyebrows.
听到“嗡”的一声响起,这一道仙光点在了晚霞神女的眉心之处,刹那之间,眉心之处一下子亮了起来,在她眉心之处一下子烙印下了仙光,似乎,在这刹那之间,仙光已经烙入了她的眉心。Inthis„buzz”, timelikestoppingbeing same, everyone'smovement, everyone'sexpression, istiny particlecomplete(ly)present, as if, allare good to be reversedgeneral, allkarmacanbe been ordinaryby the good fortune.
就在这“嗡”的一声之中,时光如同停止了一样,所有人的动作,所有人的表情,都是纤毫毕现,似乎,一切都好可以被逆转一般,一切因果都可以被造化一般。In„buzz” when falls, all between world, returned tonormal.
在“嗡”的一声落下之时,天地间的一切,都恢复了正常。„In the same place, in the same place, in the same place.” The Sunset Valleydiscipleis still shouting loudlyis creating a disturbance, when sawimmortal lightin the sunset glowgoddessbetween the eyebrowsplace, alldisciplesall of a suddenwere also silent, everyonelooks atpresent, looks atsunset glowgoddess.
“在一起,在一起,在一起。”晚霞谷的弟子还在高呼起哄着,但是,当看到仙光点在了晚霞神女眉心处的时候,所有弟子也都一下子寂静起来,大家都看着眼前的这一幕,看着晚霞神女。Inthisin an instant, probablyallchanged, regarding the Sunset Valleydisciple, the presentsunset glowgoddessseemed likechanged, but, actuallyhowchanged, the Sunset Valleydisciple could also not say, as if, shehadbracelethuman worldto be commonprobably, there is one typenot to eat the human worldsignal flareaurato be the same.
在这刹那之间,好像一切都变了,对于晚霞谷的弟子而言,眼前的晚霞神女似乎是变了,但是,究竟是怎么样变了,晚霞谷的弟子又说不出来,似乎,她好像是有一种跳脱人世间一般,有一种不食人间烟火的气息一样。„human world, is worthyearning, is worthguarding, when has a look atthishuman worldwell, the return, is still the newborn babychildlike innocence.”Li Qiyesaidto the sunset glowgoddessgently.
“人世间,值得去留恋,值得去驻守,好好去看看这人世间,归来之时,依然是赤子童心。”李七夜轻轻地对晚霞神女说道。„When return, is still the newborn babychildlike innocence.”Sunset glowgoddessgentlymurmuredLi Qiyethese words.
“归来之时,依然是赤子童心。”晚霞神女轻轻地昵喃着李七夜这一句话。ButSunset Valleyalldisciples, looks atthistime, as if, allthatbeautiful, such asis the story in legend is the same, perhaps, thisis a love story.
而晚霞谷的所有弟子,看着这一幕的时候,似乎,一切都是那么的美丽,如是传说中的故事一样,或许,这就是一种爱情故事。„Oh, whererangoes?”Abovethatland, Niu Fenlooking aroundfour directions, even ifheexhaustsGrand Dao, is unable to discover where Li Qiyewent, cannotgoto regardtraces.
“唉,跑哪里去了呢?”在那大地之上,牛奋张望四方,哪怕他穷尽大道,也无法去发现李七夜去了哪里,都不能去完视其中的蛛丝马迹。„Wherecanrungoes?”Atthis time, an easesoundresounded, Li Qiyehas stoodinhisbehind . Moreover, byLi Qiye's, pure whitewhite cloudsis fluttering
“能跑哪里去?”在这个时候,一个悠然的声音响起,李七夜已经站在他的身后了,而且,在李七夜的旁边,还有一朵洁白的白云在飘动着„Un, Young Mastercame back.”SeesLi Qiye, Niu Fenis happy, hehesmiles.
“嗯,少爷可是回来了。”看到李七夜,牛奋不由开心,嘿嘿地一笑。Sawthiswhite clouds, Niu Fenwas not feeling well, stared the bigbigeye, said: „Is your boy, abandonedmea moment ago, looked that yourGrandpa Niutidies upyouwell.”
一看到这朵白云,牛奋就不爽了,瞪大一双大眼睛,说道:“就是你这个小子,刚才把我撇下了,看你牛爷是不是好好收拾你。”Butatthis time, thiswhite cloudsas ifcould not understandNiu Fento sayanything, thatmanner, openedinnocenteyelooks atNiu Fento be the same probably, as ifprobably an ignorantignorantchild, thatcute, wassuchsprouting/moe.
而在这个时候,这朵白云似乎听不懂牛奋说什么,那神态,就好像是睁大一双无辜的眼睛看着牛奋一样,似乎像是一个懵懂无知的小孩,是那么的可爱,又是那么的萌。Niu Fenis staring, said: „Whatlooks atto look,hasn't looked atyourNiu Fensuchskirtheaven-shatteringman? Youlookedagain,Grandpa Niuthrows into you morass, steps onseveralfeetagainruthlessly, knows that does not have.”牛奋瞪着眼睛,说道:“看什么看,没看过你牛奋这样屌炸天的男人?你再看,牛爷把你扔入泥坑之中,再狠狠踩上几脚,知道没有。”However, thiswhite cloudswill not speak, onlymeetslooks atNiu Fen, is still the appearance that moeverydull, seems like, has not thoughtNiu Fengets angry.
” Againlook, has a lookagain. „Niu Fenmuststandto push up the sleevesprobably, said: „ Againlook, Niu Fenbeats to deathyou.”
”再看,再看看。“牛奋就好像要站起来捋衣袖,说道:“再看,牛奋就揍死你。”However, thiswhite cloudsmoelooks atNiu Fendull, probably the Niu Fenthisveryominouswords, itsounds likethatcute, orthatgenial.
但是,这朵白云就是那么的呆萌看着牛奋,好像牛奋这很凶的话,它都听起来是那么的可爱,又或者是那么的和善。„Ok, ok, lost toyou.”Undermanner that inthiswhite cloudsthatcuteandmoedull, Niu Fenhad not folded, hasto surrender, said: „Ok, ok, yourGrandpa Niu, isonegeneration of unrivaledDao Monarch, Eternalis invincible, in the bellycanpole a boat, does not haggle overwithyougenerally.”
“好了,好了,败给你了。”在这朵白云那可爱又呆萌的神态之下,牛奋也没折了,只好投降,说道:“算了,算了,你牛爷,乃是一代举世无双的道君,万古无敌,肚子里能撑船,不与你一般计较。”Thiswhite cloudsdoes not seem to understandwords that Niu Fenthisblows own horn, looks atNiu Fen, thenlooks atLi Qiye.
这朵白云似乎不理解牛奋这自吹自擂的话,看着牛奋,然后又看着李七夜。„Doesn't understand?”Niu Fensaidgrinningly: „Come, Itoldyou, yourGrandpa Niu, wasEternalfirstDao Monarch, Whole Worldis invincible, so long asyourGrandpa Niuentered the stage, otherwhatDao Monarch, otherwhatSovereign, whatGreat Emperor and Immortal Monarch, mustGrandpa Niustandentirelytoyouone side, your Grandpa Niudisplay, various Emperors and Deities, thattrembled.”
“不懂吗?”牛奋笑嘻嘻地说道:“来,我告诉你,你牛爷,就是万古第一道君,举世无敌,只要你牛爷一出场,什么其他的道君,什么其他的帝君,什么大帝仙王,都得给你牛爷统统站到一边去,你牛爷一发挥,诸帝众神,那都是瑟瑟发抖。”HearsNiu Fensuchwords, thiswhite cloudsunderstoodprobably was the same, as ifselectednod.
听到牛奋这样的话,这朵白云好像是听懂了一样,似乎点了点头。„Youlook, youlike thissmallcute, a pointunderstands, Innate Talentdifferentreported,is a promising young man.”Niu Fenpatted the head of thiswhite cloudsgrinningly, saideasely: „Another day, yourGrandpa Niuwas happy, passes onyouto press the bottomto the handwordscertainly, enablingyouto be ablefully the running amuckworld, is domineering and tyrannical. It is not right, youdo not use the unique skill, onlyneedsin the reportyourGrandpa Niuname, not some people of make things difficult foryour.”
“你看,你这样的小可爱,一点就懂,天赋异禀,孺子可教也。”牛奋笑嘻嘻的拍了拍这朵白云的脑袋,悠然地说道:“他日,你牛爷心情好了,传你给手压箱底的绝话,让你足可以横行天下,横行霸道。不对,你不用绝活,只需要报上你牛爷的名字,都不会有人为难你的。”„Ok, do not boast there.”Li Qiyesatin conducting the back, shakes the headwith a smile, said: „Yourthat18solutions, initseye, seem like the gadget of child.”
“好了,不要在那里吹牛了。”李七夜坐在了背上,笑着摇了摇头,说道:“你那十八解,在它眼中,就好像是小孩子的玩意儿。”„Really?”Niu Fenonehear of suchwords, do not believe.
The Li Qiyeundulatingsmiled, said: „Youteachitwell, when the time comes, youunderstood.”李七夜不由澹澹地笑了一下,说道:“那你就好好教它吧,到时候,你就明白了。”„Hey, Young Mastersaidlike this that did not have the problem.”Niu Fenwas grinning, pats the racketto followinwhite clouds, said: „Hearsnot to have, Young Masterhad spoken, later, yourGrandpa Niudirectsyourhalf a loaf of Kung-fu, makingyouprofityour entire lifeinfinitely.”
“嘿,少爷这样说,那就没有毛病了。”牛奋笑嘻嘻,拍了拍跟在身边的这朵白云,说道:“听到没有,少爷已经发话了,以后,有空,你牛爷指点你一招半式,让你一生受益无穷。”Thiswhite cloudsas ifunderstood the Niu Fenwords, selectednod, probablyabsolutelydoes not have the issue.
这朵白云似乎听懂了牛奋的话,点了点头,好像完全没有问题。As forLi Qiye, smilesactually, many had not explained.
至于李七夜,倒是莞尔一笑,没有过多去说明。„Young Master, does thistiny tot, wherecome?”Niu Fenboastedto turn over to boast, that was just bored, killed the time, hewas not a fool, hisonegeneration of Wushuang/matchlessDao Monarch, thatwascracked a jokea moment agomerely.
“少爷,这个小不点,是从哪里来的?”牛奋吹牛归吹牛,那只不过是无聊,打发时间罢了,他又不是傻子,他一代无双道君,刚才那仅仅是开玩笑罢了。„Place that shouldcome.” The Li Qiyeundulatingsmiled, saidslowly: „Place that going to go.”
“该来的地方。”李七夜澹澹地笑了一下,徐徐地说道:“去该去的地方。”„Saidtohad not said is the same.”Niu Fendroppedgu.
“说了跟没说一样。”牛奋不由滴咕了一声。Li Qiyepattedhiscarapace, the undulatingsaid: „Opportunityis rare, thatexchangeswithitwell, youteachitshalf a loaf of Kung-fu.”李七夜拍了一下他的背甲,澹澹地说道:“机会难得,那就和它好好交流,你传授它一招半式也可以的。”„Young Mastersaidlike this,Iremembered certainly.”Niu Fensaidhappily.
“少爷这样说,我一定记住了。”牛奋高兴地说道。Niu Fendoes not think that owncanteachthiswhite cloudshalf a loaf of Kung-fu, but, Li Qiyeremindedhimlike this, thathad certainly the reason, howhewill misssuchopportunity.牛奋也不认为自己能教这朵白云一招半式,但是,李七夜这样提醒他,那一定是有原因的,他又怎么会错过这样的机会呢。„Young Master, where do wego to?”Atthis time, Niu Fenopenedfully the strength of legs.
“少爷,我们去哪里?”在这个时候,牛奋开足了脚力了。„Goes to the battlefield, purifieswell.”Li Qiyeraise one's headlooked around, looked atone.
“去一下战场吧,净化一下也好。”李七夜抬头张望,看了一眼。„Good, knows,goes tocitythere.”Niu Fenlaughs, dashes about wildly.
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