ED :: Volume #56

#5522: By heaven and earth and my conscience

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The Li Qiye's words, making this sound silent, crossed for a long time, said finally: You think that chicken, is chicken? Is the character, then the character?” 李七夜的话,让这个声音沉默着,过了许久,最终说道:“那你认为呢,鸡子,就是鸡子吗?字,便是字吗?” Li Qiye smiled, said slowly: Perhaps, chicken is chicken, the character is the character.” 李七夜不由笑了一下,徐徐地说道:“或许,鸡子就是鸡子,字便是字。” Chicken and character, are the paragenesis.” This sound as if all of a sudden becomes very definite. “鸡子与字,乃是共生。”这个声音似乎一下子变得很确定。 Li Qiye smiles easely, said: „If the paragenesis, you can here? Also if or paragenesis, that several other characters?” 李七夜悠然一笑,不由说道:“如果是共生,你会在这里吗?又或者说,如果共生,那其他的几个字呢?” This-- this sound hesitated a while, finally said: Syngenesis, simultaneous/uniform health/life, the source lives.” “这——”这个声音不由沉吟了一会儿,最后说道:“同生,齐生,源生。” Ok.” Li Qiye shrugs, the undulating smiled, said slowly: Has thought that an issue of source.” “都行吧。”李七夜耸了耸肩,澹澹地笑了一下,徐徐地说道:“有没有想过,一个更本源的问题。” What?” This sound very succinct, as if, in this in an instant, has understood. “何?”这个声音十分的简洁,似乎,在这刹那之间,已经通达了。 By heaven and earth and my conscience.” Li Qiye ejected this words, throwing of this words in an instant, seems like the unequalled vibration, seems like blasts out instantaneously is the same, in an instant attacked to the unequalled endless territory, as if, that was the infinite world, or, was not the world, thought saved. “天地良心。”李七夜抛出了这个话,这个话的抛出来的刹那之间,似乎是无与伦比的震动,就好像是瞬间炸开一样,刹那之间冲击向了无与伦比的无尽之域,似乎,那是无穷的世界,又或者,根本就不是世界,一念而存罢了。 By heaven and earth and my conscience.” This sound seems like thinking deeply about this issue, crossed for a long time, this sound seemed like dives was very deep, seems peeping at all ages, finally, said: This is Acquired.” “天地良心。”这个声音似乎是在思索着这个问题,过了许久,这个声音似乎是下潜了很深,似乎又是窥视着万世,最终,说道:“此乃是后天。” Why must say that Innate or is Acquired?” The Li Qiye undulating said: I am also Acquired, could it be that want Innate.” “为什么一定要说先天或者是后天?”李七夜澹澹地说道:“我也是后天,难道非要先天。” Chicken is Innate.” This sound said. “鸡子是先天。”这个声音说道。 Li Qiye showed the smile, said: That, my Acquired, how also to become chicken?” 李七夜不由露出了浓浓的笑容,说道:“那么呢,我这个后天,又如何成为鸡子呢?” You can become Innate.” This sound definitely said. “你能成为先天。”这个声音十分肯定地说道。 Li Qiye smiled, shakes the head gently, said: Innate and Acquired, distinguish between my there's nothing, I then am I, Dao Heart, True Self turns over, this is I.” 李七夜笑了一下,轻轻摇了摇头,说道:“先天后天,于我没有什么区别,我便是我,道心在,真我归,这便是我呀。” By heaven and earth and my conscience?” This sound is indefinite, said: It not necessarily has it.” “天地良心呢?”这个声音并不确定,说道:“它未见得有之。” But, chicken does, have it obviously?” Li Qiye said with a smile: Since chicken does not have, by heaven and earth and my conscience does not have, then, why why not?” “但,鸡子,可见有之?”李七夜不由笑着说道:“既然鸡子没有,天地良心也没有,那么,为何又有何不可?” Li Qiye such words, at once, making this sound hesitate. 李七夜这样的话,一时之间,让这个声音不由沉吟起来。 You said, is not human world.” Finally, the Li Qiye undulating smiled, said slowly: Institute , is human world, I, am chicken, reaches to human world, but you said, also has what concern with human world? Therefore, you could not give to answer the tuart.” “你是道,不是人世间。”最后,李七夜澹澹地笑了一下,徐徐地说道:“所及也,皆是人世间,不论是我,还是鸡子,都是及于人世间,而你是道,与人世间又有何关?所以,你给不了答桉。” Yes.” This point, this sound approves, also replied confidently, said: You are chicken.” “是。”这一点,这个声音是十分认同,也是坦然去回答,说道:“你是鸡子。” Should say, I can become chicken.” Li Qiye smiles, shakes the head gently, said: But, I will not become chicken, does not need to become chicken, I then am I.” “应该说,我能成为鸡子。”李七夜不由笑了笑,轻轻摇头,说道:“但是,我不会成为鸡子,没有必要成为鸡子,我便是我。” This sound is also silent before dawn, as if, acknowledged Li Qiye such words, but, regarding another issue, it did not approve, said: By heaven and earth and my conscience, is uncertain.” 这个声凌晨也不由为之沉默,似乎,也承认李七夜这样的话,但是,对于另一个问题,它并不怎么认同,说道:“天地良心,不一定。” Li Qiye smiles, said slowly: This issue, between you and me, is unable to go to the judgment, did not discuss.” 李七夜笑了笑,徐徐地说道:“这个问题,你我之间,无法去论断,不谈也。” At this point, Li Qiye, said slowly: Perhaps, we should chat other.” 说到这里,李七夜顿了一下,徐徐地说道:“或许,我们应该谈谈其他的。” What?” Why this sound does not know, regarding a Li Qiye always alert, or has a protection regarding Li Qiye. “什么?”这个声音不知道为何,对于李七夜总是有一种戒备,或者是对于李七夜有一种防备。 Li Qiye smiled, said: I there's nothing am also malicious, I hug am coming sincerely, you said that does not need so to guard, my honest and good-natured person, kind.” 李七夜不由笑了一下,说道:“我又没有什么恶意,我是抱着真诚而来,你说是吧,不需要如此的提防着,我这个老实人,宅心仁厚。” You are chicken.” This sound actually does not believe like this, said: You can become chicken.” “你是鸡子。”这个声音却不这样认为,说道:“你能成为鸡子。” „A your such saying, I was good, helpless.” Li Qiye smiles, shakes the head gently, said: Your this called the guilty deduction, I now still am I, was not chicken.” “你这样一说,我就好无奈了。”李七夜笑了笑,轻轻地摇了摇头,说道:“你这叫有罪推论,我现在依然是我,不是什么鸡子。” But, you can become chicken.” This sound approves this point, how in any event Li Qiye said, regarding this point, is unequalled confidence. “但,你还是能成为鸡子。”这个声音是十分认同这一点的,不论如何李七夜怎么样说,对于这一点,是无与伦比的确信。 I will not become chicken.” Li Qiye also believes firmly that very said: This point, my own is very clear, Dao Heart, stems from this, finally this, if I will become chicken, that is my Dao Heart vacillates, therefore, my Dao Heart vacillates, how also to become chicken? Isn't this paradox?” “我不会成为鸡子。”李七夜也是十分确信地说道:“这一点,我自己很清楚,道心,源于此,也将会终于此,若是我会成为鸡子,那就是我道心动摇,所以,我道心动摇,又怎么会成为鸡子?这不就是悖论吗?” This-- Li Qiye such words, making this sound ponder, as if he underwent the innumerable deductions, underwent the innumerable evolutions, finally drew a conclusion, said: You are chicken.” “这——李七夜这样的话,让这个声音都不由为之沉思,似乎他经过了无数的推演,经过了无数的演化,最后还是得出了一个结论,说道:“你是鸡子。” Good, good, good, I am chicken.” Li Qiye smiled, somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry, finally, said: „, Chicken on chicken, we said, said the 3 stone head.” “好,好,好,我是鸡子。”李七夜都不由笑了起来,有些哭笑不得,最后,说道:“那么,鸡子就鸡子了,那我们说说,说说三块石头。” Predestined relationship.” Li Qiye raises the stone, this sound never imagined, blurted out, the one who knew Li Qiye to say was what thing. “三生石。”李七夜一提石头,这个声音想都没有想,脱口而出,知道李七夜所说的是什么东西 Right, predestined relationship.” Li Qiye selected nod. “对,三生石。”李七夜点了点头 This sound said: You are chicken, can not discuss the predestined relationship, is unimportant.” 这个声音说道:“你是鸡子,可以不谈三生石,并不重要。” If I amn't chicken?” The Li Qiye undulating smiled, said: If, again three live for the stone, life another stone, how can also?” “如果我不是鸡子呢?”李七夜澹澹地笑了一下,说道:“再如果说,三生为石,一生又一石,又将会如何?” Three live for the stone, life another stone.” Li Qiye such words, making this sound as if concentrate. “三生为石,一生又一石。”李七夜这样的话,让这个声音似乎为之一凝。 Therefore, their births, is a possibility, or is three possibilities.” Li Qiye said easely. “所以,它们的诞生,就是一个可能,或者是三个可能。”李七夜悠然地说道。 This sound is silent, as if it conducted the deduction, as if evolved its Jiujiang in the infinite mystery, evolved its mystery. 这个声音沉默起来,似乎它又进行了推演,似乎在无穷的玄妙之中演化出了它的奥九江,演化出了它的神奇。 Predestined relationship, all may for three live, may for the life.” This sound said finally, obtained answered the tuart, said: In the past, stems from the present, will guard the future.” “三生石,皆可为三生,也可为一生。”这个声音最终说道,得出了答桉,说道:“过去,源于现在,驻守未来。” In the future?” Li Qiye said slowly. “未来呢?”李七夜徐徐地说道。 In the future-- this sound as if will hesitate , conducted a deduction, said: In the future, in the future or in the past, or is sparkling the present.” “未来——”这个声音似乎又沉吟了一下,又进行了一次推演,说道:“未来,未来或者就在过去,又或者闪耀着现在。” Li Qiye shakes the head gently, said: This a little paradox.” 李七夜不由轻轻地摇了摇头,说道:“这就有点悖论了。” This is also in the future.” This sound as if affirmed all of a sudden. “这也就是未来。”这个声音似乎一下子十分肯定。 Good, now?” The Li Qiye vision concentrates, said slowly: Now, this is the key.” “那好,现在呢?”李七夜不由目光一凝,徐徐地说道:“现在,这才是关键。” Now-- this sound conducted deduced again, the infinite deduction, after the deduction did not have, was indefinite, as if, is thinking. “现在——”这个声音似进行了再一次推演,无穷的推演,推演无了之后,又不确定了,似乎,是在思索着。 Now is now.” This sound drew the conclusion finally, said: It.” “现在就是现在。”这个声音最后得出了结论,说道:“它就在。” It not only at the present, not only.” Li Qiye definitely said: It must be a key point.” “它不仅是在现在,也不仅仅就在。”李七夜肯定地说道:“它必须是一个关键点。” „The present will be in the future, was in the past.” Finally, this sound can only say like this, this also can only be its deduction. “现在是未来,也是过去。”最终,这个声音只能这样说道,这也只能是它的推演。 Li Qiye shakes the head, said slowly: That is not right, if so, then, predestined relationship , has not distinguished, they are lifetime, three will not live.” 李七夜不由摇了摇头,徐徐地说道:“那就不对了,如果是这样的话,那么,三生石,彼此之间,并没有区别,它们就是一生,不会有三生。” Three live, the life also the stone, a stone also has lifetime.” This sound definitely said. “是有三生,一生又有一石,一石又有一生。”这个声音十分肯定地说道。 The Li Qiye undulating smiled, said slowly: „A derivation city, does the inscription in a book , from this perspective, how look at the predestined relationship?” 李七夜澹澹地笑了一下,徐徐地说道:“衍生道城,铭于一书,那么,从这个角度来看,如何去看三生石?” At this time, this sound was also silent, as if, is deducing all, as if regarded mystery with own unique perspective. 这个时候,这个声音又沉默了,似乎,又是在推演着其中的一切,似乎用自己的独一无二角度去看待其中的玄妙。 Character.” Finally this sound drew such a conclusion before dawn. “字在。”最后这个声凌晨得出了这样的一个结论。 The Li Qiye manner concentrates, is very grave, said slowly: „Do you determine? If character, not necessarily so?” 李七夜神态一凝,十分庄重,徐徐地说道:“你确定吗?若是字在,不见得如此?” Character, definitely.” This sound definitely said. “字,肯定在。”这个声音十分肯定地说道。 The Li Qiye undulating smiles, said: Character, if , can also for three live? Also can have the life? You whether?” 李七夜澹澹一笑,说道:“字,若在,又可为三生?又可有生命?你可否也?” This-- Li Qiye such words, stumped this sound. “这——李七夜这样的话,问住了这个声音了。 This sound flashes the evolution again, as if advanced infinitely all, during this is infinite finds to answer the tuart, as if, seeks for the traces. 这个声音再一闪演化,似乎把一切都推到了无穷,在这无穷之中去觅得答桉,似乎,在这其中寻找蛛丝马迹。 Character.” Finally, this sound obtained very affirmative answering tuart, moreover affirmed very, will not have any mistake possibility, said: Character must.” “字在。”最后,这个声音得出了十分肯定的答桉,而且是十分肯定,不会有任何差错的可能,说道:“字必在。” That felt strange.” Li Qiye touches the chin, said slowly: If, you and Immortal Dao City in, as one, how can also?” “那就奇怪了。”李七夜不由摸了摸下巴,徐徐地说道:“如果说,你与仙道城同在,为一体的话,又会如何?” Is impossible.” Li Qiye such supposition, was overruled by this sound all of a sudden, said: This is a home to return, I for home to return.” “不可能。”李七夜这样的假设,一下子就被这个声音否决,说道:“这是归宿,我为归宿。” That and that's the end.” The Li Qiye undulating smiled, said: You are not only a home to return , is also the origin. Origin and home to return, originally a body , does how to need want external matter?” “那就是了。”李七夜澹澹地笑了一下,说道:“你不仅仅是归宿,也是起源。起源与归宿,本就一体,又何需外物呢?” Li Qiye smiled, said slowly: If, such inference, uses above the predestined relationship, same is feasible.” 李七夜笑了一下,徐徐地说道:“如果说,这样的推断,用在三生石之上,也一样是可行的。” But, it.” This sound definitely said. “但,它在。”这个声音十分肯定地说道。 Why can that so?” Li Qiye touches the chin, said slowly: At the present, has a stone entire life, three stones are not one, therefore, it not.” “那为什么会如此呢?”李七夜不由摸了摸下巴,徐徐地说道:“以现在而言,一生有一石,三石不为一,既是如此,它不在。” It actually.” This sound still affirmed. “它却在。”这个声音依然是十分肯定。 Li Qiye smiled, said slowly: Perhaps, has problems.” 李七夜笑了一下,徐徐地说道:“或许,这其中出了问题。” Is impossible to have problems.” This sound said that but, speaking of behind, did not affirm. “不可能出问题。”这个声音一口说道,但是,说到后面,也不是十分肯定了。 Li Qiye smiled, said slowly: That and that's the end, you did not affirm, communicates, asks.” 李七夜笑了一下,徐徐地说道:“那就是了,你也不肯定,或者,沟通一下,问一问。” If this sound this time stands in front of Li Qiye, that can certainly see that it is shaking the head, said: Is impossible, which does not know , will also not reply.” 这个声音如果此时站在李七夜面前,那一定能看到它在摇头,说道:“不可能,不知道在哪,也不会回复。” This was very interesting.” Li Qiye smiled, said slowly: That other? Other characters?” “这就是很有意思了。”李七夜不由笑了一下,徐徐地说道:“那其他呢?其他的字呢?” Does not know.” This sound replied Li Qiye's like this. “不知道。”这个声音是这样回答李七夜的 The Li Qiye undulating smiled, said slowly: Does not know, doesn't want to say?” 李七夜不由澹澹地笑了一下,徐徐地说道:“是不知道,还是不想说呢?”
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