ED :: Volume #53

#5275: Disappearing

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Chapter 5297 disappears 第5297章不见了 Is satiated with food and wine, suns, comfortable satisfied, but also there is what ratio well, at this time, lay down under the sunlight, the life and death was not that important, if after dying, but can also sun like this, that was good, if, such death, living is better. 吃饱喝足,晒晒太阳,舒服惬意,还有什么比这个更好的呢,在这个时候,躺在阳光之下,生死并不是那么重要了,若是死了之后,还能这样晒着太阳,那就是再好不过了,若者,这样的死亡,比活着更好。 Li Qiye is also lying down with everyone like this, comfortable, is sunning, is narrowing the eye, at this time, forgot own came to here to do , the person arrived here, why as for is not here unimportant. 李七夜也与大家这样躺着,舒舒服服,晒着太阳,眯着眼睛,在这个时候,都忘记了自己来这里干什么了,或者,人都到了这里了,至于在这里干什么已经不重要了。 Also has not known how long, in the remote place, transmitted sob one after another faintly, probably the sob of little girl, the wail of this faint biography, actually the biography hears very clearly, as if, anybody can hear to be the same. 也不知道过了多久,在遥远之处,隐隐传来一声又一声的哭泣,像是小女孩的哭泣,这隐隐传的哭泣声,却十分清晰地传入耳中,似乎,任何人都能听得到一样。 Such wail, the biography hears time, unavoidably makes the will of the people pity, makes the will of the people have the pity. 这样的哭泣声,传入耳中的时候,不免让人心有怜悯,不由让人心有恻隐。 Has the girl to cry, probably little girl.” At this time, hearing clear Li Zhitian somewhat unable to calm down, stood. “有女孩子在哭,好像是小女孩。”在这个时候,听得一清二楚的李止天有些沉不住气了,不由站了起来。 Little grandson, do not go, where do not go.” When the Li Zhitian stand, the scarlet clothes man called one lazily. “小孙子,别去,哪里都别去。”在李止天站了起来的时候,赤衣汉子懒洋洋地叫了一声。 eh-- was also called one little grandson, Li Zhitian smiled bitterly, but, is obedient, sat cross-legged to sit. ——”又是被叫了一声“小孙子”,李止天不由苦笑了一下,但,也是听话,盘腿坐下来了。 However, this time, the weeping sound of little girl is still transmitting faintly, who can hear clear. 但是,在这个时候,小女孩的哭声依然是隐隐地传来,不论是谁都能听得一清二楚。 Constructs the slave to cock the ears to listen, to hear to be very careful, listens to be very detailed, does not seem to let off each detail, as if, the wail that hears from this little girl faintly listens to some clue. 建奴侧耳而听,听得很仔细,听很详细,似乎不愿意放过每一个细节,似乎,从这个小女孩隐隐传来的哭泣声听出一些端倪来。 Li Qiye smiles, the wail that has not gone to pay attention to this little girl, lies down with everyone in the open area sunbathes, languid. 李七夜笑了笑,没有去理会这个小女孩的哭泣声,和大家躺在空地上晒太阳,懒洋洋的。 Then, Li Qiye is lying down lazily sunning, might fall asleep was the same. 就这样,李七夜懒洋洋地躺着晒太阳,好像是都要睡着了一样。 I must expose to the sun.” That indistinct sound resounds, probably he is also satiated with food and wine to be the same, but, he has not walked, own curls and shrinks in some corner, is sunning. “我也要晒一下。”那个幽幽的声音响起,好像他也吃饱喝足一样,不过,他并没有走过来,自己卷缩在某一个角落,独自一人晒着太阳。 Sun very warm, sprinkles on the body, making people unable to dismiss from mind forever warm like this how comfortable, as if, under such Sun, human world did not have any worry, can expose to the sun, has exposed to the sun until the end of time, human world all are unimportant. 太阳十分的温暖,洒在身上的时候,让人永远无法忘怀这样的温暖是多么的舒服,似乎,在这样的太阳底下,人世间没有了任何的烦恼,可以一直晒下去,一直晒到天荒地老,人世间的一切都已经不重要了。 You once thought the own heaviest person and matter, as if, when you lie down here, when you can sun here , these are then unimportant. 你曾以为自己最重的人与事,似乎,当你躺在这里的时候,当你能在这里晒着太阳之时,那么,这些都已经不重要。 Here lies down sunbathes, is the life and death is unimportant, the death was also completely acceptable, then, human world other things, was considered as anything. 躺在这里晒太阳的时候,已经是连生与死都不重要,死亡也是完全可以接受的,那么,人世间的其他事情,又算得了什么呢。 Everyone is sunning, probably steals rarely floats the fresh half day to be idle, scarlet clothes man, told fortunes Old Man, or was the young man wait/etc, all people, were under warm Sun, probably fell asleep slowly. 大家都在晒着太阳,好像是都难得偷得浮生半日闲一样,不论是赤衣汉子,还是算命老人,又或者是年轻男子等等,所有的人,都是暖洋洋的太阳下,好像慢慢睡着了。 Also has not known how long, Li Qiye then stood slowly, silent general, everyone is very tranquil, is very composed, as if, in this moment, entire ancient city seemed like the deep sleep to be the same , or, entire ancient city in this moment, is enjoying the hard-won quietness and peace very rarely, at this moment, nothing troubled, the world was peaceful. 也不知道过了多久,李七夜这才慢慢站了起来,无声无息一般,大家都很宁静,都很安祥,似乎,在这一刻,整个古城就好像是已经沉睡了一样,又或者,整个古城在这一刻,都十分难得地享受着来之不易的清静与安宁,在此时此刻,没有任何纷扰,天地安宁。 The Li Qiye stand, looks at everyone, then left gently, constructs the slave, Li Zhitian, True Bear one after another follows Li Qiye to leave. 李七夜站了起来,看着大家,然后轻轻离开,建奴,李止天,真熊纷纷跟着李七夜离开。 The Li Qiye's footsteps are very light, construct the slave they also to walk very lightly, feared that disturbs everyone's quietness to be the same. 李七夜的脚步很轻,建奴他们也走得很轻,怕打扰所有人的清静一样。 Walks in this ancient city, at this moment, entire ancient city appears peaceful, during entire ancient city seemed like falls into was tranquil, entire ancient city all creature, fell asleep probably was the same. 走在这古城之中的时候,在此时此刻,整个古城显得好安宁,整个古城似乎是陷入了宁静之中,整个古城的一切生灵,就好像是睡着了一样。 At this time, Li Qiye brought Li Zhitian, to construct, True Bear they to have ancient city, walked in desert. 在这个时候,李七夜带着李止天、建奴、真熊他们出了古城,行走在了沙漠之中。 Beside ancient city, desert is limitless, seeming like cannot see the end to be the same, the wind has blown, the yellow sand is billowing, under the billowing yellow sand, the faintly visible great bone, this white great bone, what shape has, some are the bones of arm, some are also the bones of head, some are the rib...... 古城之外,沙漠无边无际,似乎是看不到尽头一样,风吹过,黄沙滚滚,滚滚黄沙之下,隐隐可见巨骨,这白森森的巨骨,什么样的形态都有,有的乃是手臂之骨,有的也是头颅之骨,也有的是肋骨…… The yellow sand tumbles, reveals an corner/horn occasionally time, is conceivable, these great bones how huge, is conceivable, under this yellow sand, buried the innumerable great bones, then, actually here had the astonishing campaign, in such a campaign, actually dead a tragic death many creature. 黄沙翻滚,偶露一角的时候,就可以想象,这一具具巨骨是多么的巨大,也可以想象,在这黄沙之下,埋葬了无数的巨骨,那么,这里究竟是发生了何等惊人战役,在这样的一场战役之中,究竟是惨死了多少生灵 Compared with the ancient city Sun, Sun in this yellow sand, seems somewhat different, the ancient city Sun exposes to the sun, lets the person feeling is the whole body is languid, drowsy, under such sunlight, will make entire ancient city very tranquil. 古城的太阳相比起来,在这黄沙之中的太阳,又显得有些不一样,古城的太阳晒起来,让人感觉是全身懒洋洋的,让人昏昏欲睡,在这样的阳光之下,会使得整个古城变得十分的宁静。 However, walks in the yellow sand, sees only Sun to hang in everyone's top of the head high, burning, exposes to the sun the person to send to hurt, might expose to the sun faints in the yellow sand general. 但是,行走在黄沙之中,只见太阳高高地挂在大家的头顶上,火辣辣的,晒得人都要发疼,好像是要把人晒得晕倒在黄沙之中一般。 Li Zhitian they follow Li Qiye they to walk into the yellow sand, possibly has not walked several, but, looks back again, without ancient city, they walked a moment ago obviously from ancient city , looks back now, ancient city vanish into thin air, big ancient city, has seemed like this to vanish baseless general. 李止天他们跟着李七夜他们行走入黄沙之中,可能也没有走几步,但是,再回首的时候,没有古城,刚才他们明明从古城之中走出来,但是,现在回首之时,古城已经消失得无影无踪了,偌大的古城,就好像是这样凭空消失一般。 Disappears.” Li Zhitian looks back to look behind, yellow sand all over the sky, where also had anything a moment ago the ancient city shadow. “不见了。”李止天回首看身后,身后还是黄沙满天,哪里还有什么刚才古城的影子。 Li Zhitian also said surprised: ancient city vanished, disappears completely.” 李止天也不由吃惊地说道:“古城消失了,全部都不见了。” Entire ancient city , then vanishes into thin air suddenly, if they see ancient city merely, then vanished, that did not have such being startled, most makes people think that own is just the vertigo, but, Li Qiye they have entered the ancient city person, when has with the ancient city people mutual moves. 整个古城,眨眼之间,便是烟消云散,若是他们仅仅是看到一座古城,然后消失了,那还没有那么的吃惊,最多让人觉得自己只不过是眼花罢了,但是,李七夜他们都是进入过古城的人,也与古城的人都有相互动之时。 Now, had/left ancient city, looks back looked, ancient city disappears, this regarding Li Zhitian them, indeed is a shocking matter. 现在,出了古城,回首一看,古城不见了,这对于李止天他们来说,也的确是一件震撼的事情。 Not exist(ence), disappears certainly.” Li Qiye has not turned head, is not surprised, but said lightly. “不存在,当然就不见了。”李七夜没有回头,并不吃惊,只是淡淡地说道。 Li Zhitian is startled, said: Not exist(ence), that we, us saw with one's own eyes a moment ago.” 李止天不由吃惊,说道:“不存在,那刚才我们都在呀,我们都亲眼看到了呀。” Saw, not necessarily is.” Li Qiye said lightly, continues. “看到了,不一定就是。”李七夜淡淡地说道,继续前行。 Li Zhitian hears such words, in the heart for it big change, even if in the heart has prepared, is still shakes for it mind, in fact, in ancient city, his own also anticipated something faintly, but, result / to bear fruit was really such that such as own thought that this still indeed was lets in the will of the people for it big change. 李止天听到这样的话,心里面不由为之剧震,哪怕心里面有所准备,依然是不由为之心神一震,事实上,在古城的时候,他自己也隐隐意料到一些事情了,但是,结果真的是如自己所想的那样,这依然的的确确是让人心里面为之剧震 Damn.” Li Zhitian muttered said. “见鬼了。”李止天不由喃喃地说道。 Li Qiye smiles, said lightly: This is a matter that in the you life most is worth tasting, can make you go to understand many things.” 李七夜笑了笑,淡淡地说道:“这是伱人生中最值得你去回味的一件事情,也能让你去想明白很多很多的事情。” Most is worth ruminating.” Li Qiye such words, making Li Zhitian mutter. “最值得回味。”李七夜这样的话,让李止天不由喃喃自语。 Thinks all sorts of odd matters that today sees, making one think, is absolutely terrified, if thinks again carefully , everyone, each matter, is worth reconsidering, is worth trying to find out. 想想今日所见到的种种离谱之事,让人一想,都不由为之毛骨悚然,若是再仔细去想,在这其中,每一个人,每一件事,都是值得去反思,都是值得去摸索。 Person died, has mystical powers?” Constructs the slave to say finally gently. “人死了,有灵吗?”建奴最后轻轻地说道。 The cherish words such as gold constructing slave, such asked, making Li Zhitian immediately absolutely terrified, had a shiver. 惜字如金的建奴,这样一问,让李止天顿时不由为之毛骨悚然,不由为之打了一个冷颤。 Uncle, was said absolutely terrifiedly by you.” Li Zhitian smiles bitterly was saying. “叔,被你说得毛骨悚然。”李止天都不由苦笑着说道。 Li Qiye is light smiles, said leisurely: When dead person pile, without seeing you are afraid, now ringing the universe, what do you have to be good to be afraid?” 李七夜不由淡淡一笑,悠悠地说道:“在死人堆的时候,也没有见你害怕,现在朗朗乾坤,你有什么好害怕的?” A Li Qiye such saying, let Li Zhitian stare blankly immediately, at once, he could not really have replied. 李七夜这样一说,顿时让李止天不由呆了一下,一时之间,他也还真的回答不上来。 In a moment ago, to him, all that real, even if his Heavenly Eye opens greatly, cannot see any clue. 在刚才的时候,对于他而言,一切都是那么的真实,就算是天眼大开,也看不出任何端倪来。 He is Dragon Monarch that has the 12 Supreme Saint fruit, but, in such place, all that real, he cannot peep at slightly is illusory. 他可是一位拥有十二无上圣果的龙君,但是,在这样的地方,一切都是那么的真实,他窥视不出丝毫的虚幻来。 When Li Qiye they go out of ancient city, walks , in yellow sand, sound that girl sobs, wants the location to transmit faintly, spread to Li Qiye their ears clearly. 李七夜他们走出古城,行走在黄沙之中的时候,那个女孩子哭泣的声音,还是隐隐欲现地传来,清清晰晰地传入了李七夜他们的耳中。 „Did you hear the wail?” At this time, Li Zhitian was worried that own was the auditory hallucination, was only then own can hear such wail. “那你们听到了哭泣声没有?”在这个时候,李止天都担心自己是不是幻听了,是不是只有自己才能听到这样的哭泣声。 Heard.” Constructs the slave to reply truthfully. “听到了。”建奴如实回答。 That has living is the person crying?” Saw is not the own auditory hallucination, Li Zhitian relaxed, asked curiously. “那是有活着的人在哭吗?”一见不是自己幻听,李止天就松了一口气了,不由好奇地问道。 Li Qiye smiles lightly, said: In such place, where has anything living the person.” 李七夜淡淡一笑,说道:“在这样的地方,哪里有什么活着的人。” „It is not living person, what thing is that? What is crying?” Li Zhitian by a Li Qiye such saying, especially Li Qiye that meaningful vision looked like, he fearful and apprehensive feelings, have a feeling of unease, probably had what thing to stare at own to be the same all of a sudden. “不是活着的人,那是什么东西?什么在哭?”李止天李七夜这样一说,特别是李七夜那意味深长的目光看来的时候,他都有一种心惊肉跳的感觉,有着一种不安的感觉,好像是有什么东西一下子盯上自己一样。 Here cries.” Li Qiye smiled lightly, said: Can have what good deed.” “在这里哭。”李七夜不由淡淡笑了一下,说道:“能有什么好事。” A Li Qiye such saying, Li Zhitian thinks carefully, probably is also reasonable, here yellow sand, the habitation, was all over the sky impossible to have anybody to pass by such place, why, such habitation not to the place, will have the wail, moreover was clear incomparable spread to their ears. 李七夜这样一说,李止天仔细一想,好像也是有道理,这里黄沙满天,人烟不至,根本就不可能有任何人路过这样的地方,为什么,这样人烟不至的地方,会有哭泣声呢,而且是清晰无比的传入他们的耳中。 Li Qiye they continue, but, the sound of this sob, is still one transmits intermittently, as if, no matter you walk far, this weeping sound the meaning that does not seem to stop, the sound of such sob, as if it can follow about you, has reverberated in your ear. 李七夜他们继续前行,但是,这哭泣之声,依然是一阵阵传来,似乎,不管你走多远,这哭声都好像没有停下的意思,这样的哭泣之声,似乎它能一直伴随着你左右,一直在你耳中回荡。 We must have a look are anything.” Was heard by sound of biography this sob by fits and starts, making Li Zhitian somewhat unable to bear, such wail one transmits intermittently, if he does not have a look, in the conscience will be very uncomfortable, therefore, to him, in any event, wants to have a look. “我们要不要去看看是什么。”被这样一阵又一阵的哭泣之声传入耳中,让李止天有些受不了,这样的哭泣声一阵阵传来,如果他不去看看,良心上会很难受,所以,对于他来说,不论如何,都想去看看。 Even if clearly knows hears such wail in this safranin, the itself/Ben is a ten discrete spectrum matter. 哪怕明知道在这沙黄中听到这样的哭泣声,本就是一件十分离谱的事情。
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