Chapter 5296indistinctsound
第5296章幽幽的声音At once, yougrasp a straw paper, hegraspsseveralstraw papers, 3355, treasure boxinsidestraw paperis completely sufficient, everyonetakeshas more than enough to spare.
一时之间,你抓一把草纸,他抓几张草纸,三三五五,宝箱里面的草纸完全够用,大家都拿是绰绰有余。„I, my?”Atthis time, suddenly, emittedOld Manto come, thisOld Manbravedsuddenly, has a scareeveryone.
“我,我的呢?”就在这个时候,突然之间,冒出一个老人来,这个老人突然冒了出来,把所有人吓了一大跳。OnthisOld Manwearsgrayclothes, in the clothesashfloodwhite, canlook atsuchclothesOld Manto washwashed. Although the clothesoftenwash, year after year, seemsworn-out, accumulates the dirt.
这个老人身上穿着一身灰色的衣裳,衣裳灰中泛白,可以看得出来这样的一身衣裳老人洗了又洗。衣裳虽然常洗,长年累月,也显得破旧,积有污垢。Even ifthisclothesoftenwash, butis not very clean, moreoverOld Mancultivatesin the place, moistens the soildirt.
就算这衣裳常洗,但并不是很干净,而且老人在地里耕作,沾有泥土污渍。OnthisOld Manface the wrinkleis notmany, but the complexionwax yellow, the flesh of both handsseemsdark, canlook atOld Manincessantlyis the food and lodgingis not good, moreoverall the year round the practical training, obviouslyis the malnutrition.
The hair of old manis grayish white, is somewhat scattered, althoughhealsocombsevery dayneatly, howevernonchalantalsomakessomewhatchaoticitin the practical training.老头的头发灰白,有些稀落,虽然他每天也是梳得整齐,但是在劳作之间不经意也把它弄得有些乱槽槽的。SometimeswhenOld Manopens mouth, will discover that a tooth of hismouthremainingare not many, the scatteredseveralteethalsogrow there, even if is only left oversuchseveralteeth, butstillblackyellowblackyellow, but the oldtoothhad presented the worm channel.
当老人有时候张嘴的时候,会发现他一口嘴的牙齿已经剩下不多,稀稀落落的几颗牙齿还生长在那里,就算只剩下那么几颗的牙齿,但也黑黄黑黄,而老牙已经出现了蛀眼。„Cut--”to seethisOld Man, those presentdispersedall of a sudden, no oneis willingwithhimto stay together, wasconstructs, Li Zhitian, True Beartheyalsoto be sudden the feelingis the unbearable stink, turned aroundthento walk, left the smallwineshop.
“切——”一看到这个老人,在场的人都一下子散了,没有人愿意与他呆在一起,就是建奴、李止天、真熊他们也突然感受是臭不可闻,转身便走,离开了小酒肆。OnlyhasLi Qiyeto standthere, Old Mancollected, said: „still more?”
唯有李七夜站在那里,老人凑了过来,说道:“还有吗?”„Also.”Li Qiyesaidwith a smile: „Wantsmany.”
“还有。”李七夜笑着说道:“要多少。”„Wanted.” The Old Manopens the mouthrevealedthatscattereddental cavity, soonfell, saying, hegaveto shoulderdirectlytreasure box.
The back that Li Qiyelooks atheleaves, showed the lightsmile, feeling, saidgently: „Has not wanted, at leastcurrentlyhas.”李七夜看着他离开的背影,不由露出了淡淡的笑容,也不由十分的感慨,轻轻地说道:“生前没有想要的,至少现在有。”
After recovering, Li Qiyelooked atthissmallwineshop, goes out of the entrance, at this time, sees onlyin the open area outside smallwineshop, 3355are lying downonegroup of people.
The dragon-slayingscarletclothesperson, told fortunesOld Man, the lightimmortal capable of flight, collected the protection money, the young man...... theylay downon the ground, is sunninglazily.屠龙的赤衣人,算命老人,光羽人,收保护费的,年轻男子……他们都躺在地上,懒洋洋地晒着太阳了。Li Qiyealsowalks, satsimply, is smilinglooks atthey, saideasely: „Doesn't work?”李七夜也走过去,索性坐了下来,笑着看着他们,悠然地说道:“不干活了吗?”„Oh, the lifecannotworkdaily.”Collects the protection moneymiddle aged manto shake the head, said: „Receives a sum of moneywith great difficulty, naturallyenjoys the lifewell.”
“唉,人生总不能天天干活。”收保护费的中年汉子摇头,说道:“好不容易收到一笔钱,当然好好享受一下人生。”„Right, right.” The lightimmortal capable of flightas if is also a eating to the heart's contentappearance, hit a belch, said: „Thismatter, non-saidCelestial Courtfine......”
“没错,没错。”光羽人似乎也是一副饭饱酒足的模样,打了一个嗝,说道:“这事呀,非要得说天庭……”Thisfellow, threehavetwonot to leave„Celestial Court”, everyoneis taking a look athim, ondifferencenotwithcrossbow, the appearance that but, everyonejustate to the fullluckily, has not taken the crossbowfirst.
这家伙,三句有两句不离“天庭”,大家瞅着他,就差没有拿弹弓了,只不过,幸好大家刚吃饱的样子,都没有拿弹弓先。„Shootsmenot, shootsmenot.” The lightimmortal capable of flightsaid: „Ifirstsaid that Celestial Courtmalicious remarks, oh, works, wehit the worker, sold the lifeeven, is, wantsusto make the cowto make the horse, thiswas excessive, therefore, justate to the full, whomwedo not giveto work, putstoownslightlyfalse, wellrest, rest.”
“莫弹我,莫弹我。”光羽人说道:“我先说说天庭的坏话,唉,打工嘛,我们都是打工人,把命卖了就算了,是不是嘛,非要我们做牛做马,这就过份了,所以,刚吃饱,我们不给谁打工,给自己放个小假,好好休息,休息。”Hears the lightimmortal capable of flightsuchwords, everyonethenlets offhim, no onepulled out the crossbow, no onetidied uphim.
听到光羽人这样的话,大家这才放过他,没有人掏弹弓了,也没有人收拾他了。„Stealingfloats the freshhalf dayto be idle.”dragon-slayingscarletclothespersonlong roar said that verysatisfiedappearance.
“偷得浮生半日闲。”屠龙的赤衣人长吟地说道,十分惬意的模样。„Idlesis idlingis hurtingon the egg.”big accomplishmentTrue Dragon is also oneeatsfullappearance very much, hit a belch, then„pū”a resonate sound, putdragonfart.
“闲着闲着就蛋疼。”大成真龙也是一副吃得很饱的样子,打了一个嗝,然后“噗”的一声响起,放了一个龙屁。„Youquitedisgusting......”otherpersonone after anothershut outhim, butbig accomplishmentTrue Dragonis righteous, said: „Haswhatnausea, youate to the full, is notsametalks nonsense, but, youputsecretly, mybodywas big, places the bigfartto havewhatissue.”
“你好恶心……”其他人都纷纷嫌弃他,而大成真龙却理直气壮,说道:“有什么恶心,你们吃饱了,不也是一样放屁,只不过,伱们偷偷放罢了,我身体大,放在大屁有什么问题了。”„Unbearable stink, unbearable stink.”Told fortunesOld Manto assume an air of self approbation, saidwith a smile.
“臭不可闻,臭不可闻。”算命老人摇头晃脑,笑着说道。„Is smelly, is smellier.” The young manblurtsto say.
“论臭,还有更臭的。”年轻男子脱口说道。Young manwhichpotdoes not raise, actuallyraisesthispot, everyonelookedtohim, the visionwas all of a sudden bad.
The young manshrank the neckimmediately, hollow laugh, said: „Whenmyanythinghad not said that whenIhad not said.”
年轻男子立即缩了缩脖子,干笑一声,说道:“当我什么都没说,当我没说。”Atthis time, in some veryfarcorner, a indistinctsoundresoundedvery much, said: „Can Isit?”
就在这个时候,在很远很远的某一个角落,一个幽幽的声音响起,说道:“那我可以坐过去吗?”Thissound, isthatshoulderstreasure boxOld Manfinally, at this moment, himis lying downin some distantcorner, ownis eating a feelinggreatly.
这个声音,就是那个最后扛走宝箱的老人,在此时此刻,他正躺在远远的某一个角落,自己在大吃一顿的感觉。„Cannot......”everyonesayas if by prior agreement, suchas if by prior agreement, before then, everyonepulls out the crossbowto come the radiationimmortal capable of flightto be the same probably, everyonethis timewas coming to a consensus..
“不可以……”所有人都不约而同地说道,这样的不约而同,就好像在此之前,大家掏出弹弓来射光羽人一样,所有人都在这个时候达成了默契。。„Good.”ThisOld Mancomplied withoneinremotecornerindistinct, but, does not affecthimto eat to the heart's content.
“好哟。”这个老人在遥远的角落幽幽应了一声,但是,并不影响着他大快朵颐。Li Qiyelooks atsuch, shows the lightsmileat present, lay down, is sunning.李七夜看着眼前这样的一幕,不由露出了淡淡的笑容,也躺了下来,晒着太阳。„Ialsothink, ifone day, Idied, canbe lively, the people in villagecometo eat meal, that is also a good deed.”Li Qiyeis lying down, saideasely.
“我也想,如果有一天,我死了,能热热闹闹,村里的人都上门来吃饭,那也算是一件好事。”李七夜躺着,悠然地说道。„, Thatis not good.” The dragon-slayingscarletclothespersonsaid: „Youdied, who can also onyour familyeat meal, everyonedied, was only left over the ghost, everyonebecame the ghost, the food before oneselfgatecould not eat, wherealsohad free timeonyour familyto go.”
“切,那不行。”屠龙赤衣人就说:“你死了,谁还能上你家吃饭,大家都死光了,只剩下鬼了,大家都成鬼,自家门前的饭都吃不过来,哪里还有空上你家去。”„This, youcannotdie, otherwise, wherealsohave ghost/has plotcrowdedplace.”Told fortunesOld Manalsoto agree.
“这个是哦,你是千万不能死,不然,哪里还有鬼挤的地方。”算命老人也同意。„The worldpersonallmaydie, youmay not onlydie.” The young manassumes an air of self approbation, said: „Youdie, everyonehas not resulted inplays.”
“天下人皆可死,唯你不可死。”年轻男子摇头晃脑,说道:“你一死,大家都没得玩了。”„Youdied, wheneveryone the ghosts can not loaf.”Collects the protection moneymiddle aged manalsoto sayimmediately: „Youare livingwell, so as to avoid, when the ghostshave a headache.”
“你死了,大家当鬼都不得偷闲。”收保护费的中年汉子也立即说道:“你还是好好活着吧,免得谁当鬼都头痛。”By their saying, Li Qiyewas smiled, said: „Nowadays, doesindividualdifficultly, is a ghost, is more difficult, isn't my a person of non-person, the ghostis not clever? Lived the personto dislike, dies the ghostto abandon, sadAh!.”
“像我这样吗?”那个幽幽的声音又在那遥远的角落传来了。„Cuts--”everyoneas if by prior agreement, shuts out, said: „human world, yourenough, should not be many.”
“切——”大家不约而同,嫌弃,说道:“人世间,你一个就够了,不要再多了。”„Good.” The indistinctsound seems to be suffering, did not speak, seemed likeinlowers the headto eat to the heart's content.
“好哟。”幽幽的声音似乎委屈,不吭声了,又似乎是在去低着头大快朵颐。„Death.”Li Qiyeis lying down, ease, the Sun on looks atsky, said: „Be carefulinsidenotgreedytime, allwereconfident, death, is not fearful.”
“死亡呀。”李七夜躺着,悠然,看着天空上的太阳,说道:“当心里面没有贪婪的时候,一切都是坦然了,死亡,也就不可怕了。”„Works as the person, hascorruptreading, when the ghostwill have.”Told fortunesOld Manto say.
“当人的时候,都有贪念,当鬼也会有的。”算命老人不由说道。„Ghostsworked as, readcorruptly can also disappear.” The scarletclothesmansaid: „Puts down, allRuyan/such as smoke.”
“鬼都当了,贪念也可以消的。”赤衣汉子说道:“放下,就一切如烟了。”„WhenLittle Ghostwas best.”ElfLittle Ghostcrawls, looked ateveryone, said: „In any caseagaincorrupt, Ismallbody, corruptyou.”
“当小鬼最好了。”精灵小鬼爬起来,看了看大家,说道:“反正再贪,我小小的身体,也贪不过你们呀。”„Cut--”young mandisdainto look atElfLittle Ghostone, said: „Is corrupt, no onecomparedto result inyou, bodysmallcorruptbig. Before deathwithoutseeing you are so corrupt, died, is a greedyghost.”
“切——”年轻男子不屑地看了精灵小鬼一眼,说道:“论贪,没有人比得过你了,身小贪大。生前没见你这么贪,死了,就是一个贪心鬼。”„No, not.”ElfLittle Ghostassumes an air of self approbation, said: „Whodoes not wantto covet, thiscould not realize, everyonebulliesmyyoungvillain, what can Ialsocovet?”
“非也,非也。”精灵小鬼摇头晃脑,说道:“谁不想贪,这不是实现不了嘛,大家都是欺负我一个小小人,我还能贪什么呢?”„Wordscannotspeak irresponsibly, thing can also eatrandomly.”Told fortunesOld Manto shake the head saying: „Butno onebulliesyou.”
“话不可乱说,东西还可以乱吃。”算命老人摇头说道:“可没有人欺负你。”„Icantake responsibility.” The scarletclothesmanalsoshakes the headwith a smile, said: „Iabsolutelydo not have, others, Ido not know.”
“我可以作主。”赤衣汉子也笑着摇头,说道:“我绝对没有,其他人,我也不知道了。”„Bang--”a resonate sound, received the middle aged manbigpalm of the hand of protection moneyto paton the shoulder of ElfLittle Ghost, saidwith a smile: „Mentionedquicklylistens, whobulliedyou. Next timeyourbeing on good termsprotection money, Iam coveringyou, no onedaresto bullyyou.”
“砰——”的一声响起,收保护费的中年汉子一大巴掌拍在了精灵小鬼的肩膀上,笑着说道:“快说来听听,谁欺负你。下次你交好保护费,我罩着你,谁都不敢欺负你。”„, Ok, I make one bully.”Proposition of ElfLittle Ghosttoreceivingprotection moneyman's, an interestdoes not have.
“切,算了,我还是让人欺负一下吧。”精灵小鬼对收保护费汉子的提议,一点兴趣都没有。„Lightshinescreature, all living thingsare all equal.” The asceticssaid.
“光明普照生灵,众生皆平等。”苦行者说道。„Ok, ok, ok.” The scarletclothesmandoes not believeasceticset, said: „Finallyyourowndoes not believebrightly, youleft the full mouthlight.”
“算了,算了,算了。”赤衣汉子不信苦行者这一套,说道:“最后你自己都不信光明,你就别满口光明了。”„Hey, hey, hey, thisIcantestify.” The man who collects the protection moneytakes pleasure in others' misfortunes, saidwith a smile: „Firstdegenerates, was your light.”
“嘿,嘿,嘿,这个我可以作证。”收保护费的汉子幸灾乐祸,笑着说道:“最先堕落的,就是你这个光明了。”„No, not.” The asceticsare serious, the righteousnessexpression, said: „Mythis does not callto degenerateintodark(ness), non-abandons the light, butcrosses the tribulationby the body, the bodyrubsdark(ness)......”
“非也,非也。”苦行者一本正经,义正言辞,说道:“我此乃不叫堕落入黑暗,更非是背弃光明,只是以身渡劫,身磨黑暗……”„Yo, yo, yo......”young manshuts outto saywith a smile: „Saidalsoof pleasant to hearcomparesto sing, behindmostmeetingholds the knife, wasyou, the bodyrubbeddark(ness), Ithoughtyou, the handwith the dark(ness)sharp blade, firstcame a bladetoeach of us.”
“哟,哟,哟……”年轻男子笑着嫌弃说道:“说得比唱得还好听哦,最会背后捅刀子的,就是你了,身磨黑暗,我看你呀,手拿黑暗利刃吧,先给我们每人来一刀。”„Crime, crime.” The asceticssaid: „Ibyall agesnotSamsara, toredeempassingdark(ness).”
“罪过,罪过。”苦行者说道:“我以万世不轮回,以赎过往的黑暗。”„Wheelanythingreturns.” The scarletclothesmansaid: „Nowis good, does Samsarado, suffers hardships and calamitiesto suffer hardship, a meaningdoes not have.”
“轮什么回。”赤衣汉子说道:“现在就蛮好的,轮回干什么,受苦受难受罪,一点意思都没有。”„Iapprove.”Told fortunesOld Manalsonod, said: „Six DaomynotSamsara, is most wonderful.”
“我赞同。”算命老人也点头,说道:“六道我不轮回,此间最妙。”„Oh, is uncertain.” The young mansaid: „If by some chanceSamsara, livesin the officialsaristocratic family, Iwantto makeoneto defeattwogenerations. All dayis idle, idles about, sexually harasses the gentlewoman, thesethings, shouldbemyline of business, oldtrade.”
“唉,也不一定。”年轻男子说道:“万一轮回,生在官宦世家呢,我还是很想做一个败二代的。整天无所事事,游手好闲,调戏调戏良家妇女,这些事情,该是我的本行,老行当也。”„crack, your familygovernmentfailure, entire familyheadfalls to the ground.”ElfLittle Ghostthrowshiscold water.
The young manstaredhisoneeyes, said: „Youare the dogmouthcannot put out the ivory.”
年轻男子瞪了他一眼,说道:“你是狗嘴吐不出象牙来的。”„Everyoneislike this.”ElfLittle Ghostsaid: „Ialsothink the lifeon the heighteightzhang (3.33 m), inborngreat.”
“大家都是这样子嘛。”精灵小鬼说道:“我还想一生来就身高八丈,天生伟岸呢。”„Is the inborndisaster.”Thatindistinctsoundconveysfrom the corner of distant place.
“是天生祸害吧。”那个幽幽的声音又从远处的角落传来。„Disasterdamaged, in any case not deadthis poor Daoist, deadFellow Daoist.”ElfLittle Ghostalsohas no opinion, hehesmiles.
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